'launcher' Panel object type The type of this panel object. '' Toplevel panel containing object The identifier of the toplevel panel which contains this object. 0 Object's position on the panel The position of this panel object. The position is specified by the number of pixels from the left (or top if vertical) panel edge. false Interpret position relative to bottom/right edge (DEPRECATED) If true, the position of the object is interpreted relative to the right (or bottom if vertical) edge of the panel. This key is provided only for backward compatibility with old panel layouts; please set the "relative-to-edge" property instead. 'start' Whether to interpret the value of the "position" key relative to the start, center or end of the panel The position of the object is interpreted relative to one edge of the panel. The value of this key determines whether the object is positioned relative to the start (left/top edge), center, or end (right/bottom edge) of the panel. Valid values for this key are 'start', 'center', and 'end'. false Lock the object to the panel If true, the user may not move the applet without first unlocking the object using the "Unlock" menuitem. '' Applet IID The implementation ID of the applet - e.g. "ClockAppletFactory::ClockApplet". This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "external-applet" (or the deprecated "matecomponent-applet"). '' Panel attached to drawer The identifier of the panel attached to this drawer. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "drawer-object". '' Tooltip displayed for drawer or menu The text to display in a tooltip for this drawer or this menu. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "drawer-object" or "menu-object". false Use custom icon for object's button If true, the custom_icon key is used as a custom icon for the button. If false, the custom_icon key is ignored. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "menu-object" or "drawer-object". '' Icon used for object's button The location of the image file used as the icon for the object's button. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "drawer-object" or "menu-object" and the use_custom_icon key is true. false Use custom path for menu contents If true, the menu_path key is used as the path from which the menu contents should be constructed. If false, the menu_path key is ignored. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "menu-object". 'applications:/' Menu content path The path from which the menu contents is contructed. This key is only relevant if the use_menu_path key is true and the object_type key is "menu-object". true Draw arrow in menu button If true, an arrow is drawn over the menu button icon. If false, menu button has only the icon. '' Launcher location The location of the .desktop file describing the launcher. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "launcher-object". 'none' Action button type The action type this button represents. Possible values are "lock", "logout", "run", "search" and "screenshot". This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "action-applet".