/* * Copyright (C) 2000, Matias Atria * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <config.h> #include <string.h> #include "common.h" #include "mdvi.h" #include "private.h" static const DviPaperSpec papers[] = { {"ISO", 0, 0}, {"4A0", "1682mm", "2378mm"}, {"2A0", "1189mm", "1682mm"}, {"A0", "841mm", "1189mm"}, {"A1", "594mm", "841mm"}, {"A2", "420mm", "594mm"}, {"A3", "297mm", "420mm"}, {"A4", "210mm", "297mm"}, {"A5", "148mm", "210mm"}, {"A6", "105mm", "148mm"}, {"A7", "74mm", "105mm"}, {"A8", "52mm", "74mm"}, {"A9", "37mm", "52mm"}, {"A10", "26mm", "37mm"}, {"B0", "1000mm", "1414mm"}, {"B1", "707mm", "1000mm"}, {"B2", "500mm", "707mm"}, {"B3", "353mm", "500mm"}, {"B4", "250mm", "353mm"}, {"B5", "176mm", "250mm"}, {"B6", "125mm", "176mm"}, {"B7", "88mm", "125mm"}, {"B8", "62mm", "88mm"}, {"B9", "44mm", "62mm"}, {"B10", "31mm", "44mm"}, {"C0", "917mm", "1297mm"}, {"C1", "648mm", "917mm"}, {"C2", "458mm", "648mm"}, {"C3", "324mm", "458mm"}, {"C4", "229mm", "324mm"}, {"C5", "162mm", "229mm"}, {"C6", "114mm", "162mm"}, {"C7", "81mm", "114mm"}, {"C8", "57mm", "81mm"}, {"C9", "40mm", "57mm"}, {"C10", "28mm", "40mm"}, {"US", 0, 0}, {"archA", "9in", "12in"}, {"archB", "12in", "18in"}, {"archC", "18in", "24in"}, {"archD", "24in", "36in"}, {"archE", "36in", "48in"}, {"executive", "7.5in", "10in"}, {"flsa", "8.5in", "13in"}, {"flse", "8.5in", "13in"}, {"halfletter", "5.5in", "8.5in"}, {"letter", "8.5in", "11in"}, {"legal", "8.5in", "14in"}, {"ledger", "17in", "11in"}, {"note", "7.5in", "10in"}, {"tabloid", "11in", "17in"}, {"statement", "5.5in", "8.5in"}, {0, 0, 0} }; static DviPaperClass str2class(const char *name) { if(STRCEQ(name, "ISO")) return MDVI_PAPER_CLASS_ISO; else if(STRCEQ(name, "US")) return MDVI_PAPER_CLASS_US; return MDVI_PAPER_CLASS_CUSTOM; } int mdvi_get_paper_size(const char *name, DviPaper *paper) { const DviPaperSpec *sp; double a, b; char c, d, e, f; char buf[32]; paper->pclass = MDVI_PAPER_CLASS_CUSTOM; if(sscanf(name, "%lfx%lf%c%c", &a, &b, &c, &d) == 4) { sprintf(buf, "%12.16f%c%c", a, c, d); paper->inches_wide = unit2pix_factor(buf); sprintf(buf, "%12.16f%c%c", b, c, d); paper->inches_tall = unit2pix_factor(buf); paper->name = _("custom"); return 0; } else if(sscanf(name, "%lf%c%c,%lf%c%c", &a, &c, &d, &b, &e, &f) == 6) { sprintf(buf, "%12.16f%c%c", a, c, d); paper->inches_wide = unit2pix_factor(buf); sprintf(buf, "%12.16f%c%c", b, e, f); paper->inches_tall = unit2pix_factor(buf); paper->name = _("custom"); return 0; } for(sp = &papers[0]; sp->name; sp++) { if(!sp->width || !sp->height) { paper->pclass = str2class(sp->name); continue; } if(strcasecmp(sp->name, name) == 0) { paper->inches_wide = unit2pix_factor(sp->width); paper->inches_tall = unit2pix_factor(sp->height); paper->name = sp->name; return 0; } } return -1; } DviPaperSpec *mdvi_get_paper_specs(DviPaperClass pclass) { int i; int first, count; DviPaperSpec *spec, *ptr; first = -1; count = 0; if(pclass == MDVI_PAPER_CLASS_ANY || pclass == MDVI_PAPER_CLASS_CUSTOM) { first = 0; count = (sizeof(papers) / sizeof(papers[0])) - 3; } else for(i = 0; papers[i].name; i++) { if(papers[i].width == NULL) { if(str2class(papers[i].name) == pclass) first = i; else if(first >= 0) break; } else if(first >= 0) count++; } ptr = spec = xnalloc(DviPaperSpec, count + 1); for(i = first; papers[i].name&& count > 0; i++) { if(papers[i].width) { ptr->name = papers[i].name; ptr->width = papers[i].width; ptr->height = papers[i].height; ptr++; count--; } } ptr->name = NULL; ptr->width = NULL; ptr->height = NULL; return spec; } void mdvi_free_paper_specs(DviPaperSpec *spec) { mdvi_free(spec); }