/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; c-indent-level: 8 -*- */ /* this file is part of atril, a mate document viewer * * Copyright (C) 2009, Juanjo MarĂn <juanj.marin@juntadeandalucia.es> * Copyright (C) 2004, Red Hat, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <poppler.h> #include <poppler-document.h> #include <poppler-page.h> #ifdef HAVE_CAIRO_PDF #include <cairo-pdf.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_CAIRO_PS #include <cairo-ps.h> #endif #include <glib/gi18n-lib.h> #include "ev-poppler.h" #include "ev-file-exporter.h" #include "ev-document-find.h" #include "ev-document-misc.h" #include "ev-document-links.h" #include "ev-document-images.h" #include "ev-document-fonts.h" #include "ev-document-security.h" #include "ev-document-thumbnails.h" #include "ev-document-transition.h" #include "ev-document-forms.h" #include "ev-document-layers.h" #include "ev-document-print.h" #include "ev-document-annotations.h" #include "ev-document-attachments.h" #include "ev-document-text.h" #include "ev-selection.h" #include "ev-transition-effect.h" #include "ev-attachment.h" #include "ev-image.h" #include <libxml/tree.h> #include <libxml/parser.h> #include <libxml/xpath.h> #include <libxml/xpathInternals.h> #if (defined (HAVE_CAIRO_PDF) || defined (HAVE_CAIRO_PS)) #define HAVE_CAIRO_PRINT #endif /* fields from the XMP Rights Management Schema, XMP Specification Sept 2005, pag. 45 */ #define LICENSE_MARKED "/x:xmpmeta/rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/xmpRights:Marked" #define LICENSE_TEXT "/x:xmpmeta/rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/dc:rights/rdf:Alt/rdf:li[lang('%s')]" #define LICENSE_WEB_STATEMENT "/x:xmpmeta/rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/xmpRights:WebStatement" /* license field from Creative Commons schema, http://creativecommons.org/ns */ #define LICENSE_URI "/x:xmpmeta/rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/cc:license/@rdf:resource" typedef struct { EvFileExporterFormat format; /* Pages per sheet */ gint pages_per_sheet; gint pages_printed; gint pages_x; gint pages_y; gdouble paper_width; gdouble paper_height; #ifdef HAVE_CAIRO_PRINT cairo_t *cr; #else PopplerPSFile *ps_file; #endif } PdfPrintContext; struct _PdfDocumentClass { EvDocumentClass parent_class; }; struct _PdfDocument { EvDocument parent_instance; PopplerDocument *document; gchar *password; gboolean forms_modified; gboolean annots_modified; PopplerFontInfo *font_info; PopplerFontsIter *fonts_iter; int fonts_scanned_pages; PdfPrintContext *print_ctx; GHashTable *annots; }; static void pdf_document_security_iface_init (EvDocumentSecurityInterface *iface); static void pdf_document_document_thumbnails_iface_init (EvDocumentThumbnailsInterface *iface); static void pdf_document_document_links_iface_init (EvDocumentLinksInterface *iface); static void pdf_document_document_images_iface_init (EvDocumentImagesInterface *iface); static void pdf_document_document_forms_iface_init (EvDocumentFormsInterface *iface); static void pdf_document_document_fonts_iface_init (EvDocumentFontsInterface *iface); static void pdf_document_document_layers_iface_init (EvDocumentLayersInterface *iface); static void pdf_document_document_print_iface_init (EvDocumentPrintInterface *iface); static void pdf_document_document_annotations_iface_init (EvDocumentAnnotationsInterface *iface); static void pdf_document_document_attachments_iface_init (EvDocumentAttachmentsInterface *iface); static void pdf_document_find_iface_init (EvDocumentFindInterface *iface); static void pdf_document_file_exporter_iface_init (EvFileExporterInterface *iface); static void pdf_selection_iface_init (EvSelectionInterface *iface); static void pdf_document_page_transition_iface_init (EvDocumentTransitionInterface *iface); static void pdf_document_text_iface_init (EvDocumentTextInterface *iface); static void pdf_document_thumbnails_get_dimensions (EvDocumentThumbnails *document_thumbnails, EvRenderContext *rc, gint *width, gint *height); static int pdf_document_get_n_pages (EvDocument *document); static EvLinkDest *ev_link_dest_from_dest (PdfDocument *pdf_document, PopplerDest *dest); static EvLink *ev_link_from_action (PdfDocument *pdf_document, PopplerAction *action); static void pdf_print_context_free (PdfPrintContext *ctx); static gboolean attachment_save_to_buffer (PopplerAttachment *attachment, gchar **buffer, gsize *buffer_size, GError **error); EV_BACKEND_REGISTER_WITH_CODE (PdfDocument, pdf_document, { EV_BACKEND_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_DOCUMENT_SECURITY, pdf_document_security_iface_init); EV_BACKEND_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_DOCUMENT_THUMBNAILS, pdf_document_document_thumbnails_iface_init); EV_BACKEND_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_DOCUMENT_LINKS, pdf_document_document_links_iface_init); EV_BACKEND_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_DOCUMENT_IMAGES, pdf_document_document_images_iface_init); EV_BACKEND_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_DOCUMENT_FORMS, pdf_document_document_forms_iface_init); EV_BACKEND_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_DOCUMENT_FONTS, pdf_document_document_fonts_iface_init); EV_BACKEND_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_DOCUMENT_LAYERS, pdf_document_document_layers_iface_init); EV_BACKEND_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_DOCUMENT_PRINT, pdf_document_document_print_iface_init); EV_BACKEND_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_DOCUMENT_ANNOTATIONS, pdf_document_document_annotations_iface_init); EV_BACKEND_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_DOCUMENT_ATTACHMENTS, pdf_document_document_attachments_iface_init); EV_BACKEND_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_DOCUMENT_FIND, pdf_document_find_iface_init); EV_BACKEND_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_FILE_EXPORTER, pdf_document_file_exporter_iface_init); EV_BACKEND_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_SELECTION, pdf_selection_iface_init); EV_BACKEND_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_DOCUMENT_TRANSITION, pdf_document_page_transition_iface_init); EV_BACKEND_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (EV_TYPE_DOCUMENT_TEXT, pdf_document_text_iface_init); }); static void pdf_document_dispose (GObject *object) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT(object); if (pdf_document->print_ctx) { pdf_print_context_free (pdf_document->print_ctx); pdf_document->print_ctx = NULL; } if (pdf_document->annots) { g_hash_table_destroy (pdf_document->annots); pdf_document->annots = NULL; } if (pdf_document->document) { g_object_unref (pdf_document->document); } if (pdf_document->font_info) { poppler_font_info_free (pdf_document->font_info); } if (pdf_document->fonts_iter) { poppler_fonts_iter_free (pdf_document->fonts_iter); } G_OBJECT_CLASS (pdf_document_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void pdf_document_init (PdfDocument *pdf_document) { pdf_document->password = NULL; } static void convert_error (GError *poppler_error, GError **error) { if (poppler_error == NULL) return; if (poppler_error->domain == POPPLER_ERROR) { /* convert poppler errors into EvDocument errors */ gint code = EV_DOCUMENT_ERROR_INVALID; if (poppler_error->code == POPPLER_ERROR_INVALID) code = EV_DOCUMENT_ERROR_INVALID; else if (poppler_error->code == POPPLER_ERROR_ENCRYPTED) code = EV_DOCUMENT_ERROR_ENCRYPTED; g_set_error_literal (error, EV_DOCUMENT_ERROR, code, poppler_error->message); g_error_free (poppler_error); } else { g_propagate_error (error, poppler_error); } } /* EvDocument */ static gboolean pdf_document_save (EvDocument *document, const char *uri, GError **error) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document); gboolean retval; GError *poppler_error = NULL; if (pdf_document->forms_modified || pdf_document->annots_modified) { retval = poppler_document_save (pdf_document->document, uri, &poppler_error); if (retval) { pdf_document->forms_modified = FALSE; pdf_document->annots_modified = FALSE; } } else { retval = poppler_document_save_a_copy (pdf_document->document, uri, &poppler_error); } if (! retval) convert_error (poppler_error, error); return retval; } static gboolean pdf_document_load (EvDocument *document, const char *uri, GError **error) { GError *poppler_error = NULL; PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document); pdf_document->document = poppler_document_new_from_file (uri, pdf_document->password, &poppler_error); if (pdf_document->document == NULL) { convert_error (poppler_error, error); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static int pdf_document_get_n_pages (EvDocument *document) { return poppler_document_get_n_pages (PDF_DOCUMENT (document)->document); } static EvPage * pdf_document_get_page (EvDocument *document, gint index) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document); PopplerPage *poppler_page; EvPage *page; poppler_page = poppler_document_get_page (pdf_document->document, index); page = ev_page_new (index); page->backend_page = (EvBackendPage)g_object_ref (poppler_page); page->backend_destroy_func = (EvBackendPageDestroyFunc)g_object_unref; g_object_unref (poppler_page); return page; } static void pdf_document_get_page_size (EvDocument *document, EvPage *page, double *width, double *height) { g_return_if_fail (POPPLER_IS_PAGE (page->backend_page)); poppler_page_get_size (POPPLER_PAGE (page->backend_page), width, height); } static char * pdf_document_get_page_label (EvDocument *document, EvPage *page) { char *label = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (POPPLER_IS_PAGE (page->backend_page), NULL); g_object_get (G_OBJECT (page->backend_page), "label", &label, NULL); return label; } static cairo_surface_t * pdf_page_render (PopplerPage *page, gint width, gint height, EvRenderContext *rc) { cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_t *cr; surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height); cr = cairo_create (surface); switch (rc->rotation) { case 90: cairo_translate (cr, width, 0); break; case 180: cairo_translate (cr, width, height); break; case 270: cairo_translate (cr, 0, height); break; default: cairo_translate (cr, 0, 0); } cairo_scale (cr, rc->scale, rc->scale); cairo_rotate (cr, rc->rotation * G_PI / 180.0); poppler_page_render (page, cr); cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_OVER); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1., 1., 1.); cairo_paint (cr); cairo_destroy (cr); return surface; } static cairo_surface_t * pdf_document_render (EvDocument *document, EvRenderContext *rc) { PopplerPage *poppler_page; double width_points, height_points; gint width, height; poppler_page = POPPLER_PAGE (rc->page->backend_page); poppler_page_get_size (poppler_page, &width_points, &height_points); if (rc->rotation == 90 || rc->rotation == 270) { width = (int) ((height_points * rc->scale) + 0.5); height = (int) ((width_points * rc->scale) + 0.5); } else { width = (int) ((width_points * rc->scale) + 0.5); height = (int) ((height_points * rc->scale) + 0.5); } return pdf_page_render (poppler_page, width, height, rc); } /* reference: http://www.pdfa.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?id=pdfa%3Aen%3Atechdoc&cache=cache&media=pdfa:techdoc:tn0001_pdfa-1_and_namespaces_2008-03-18.pdf */ static char * pdf_document_get_format_from_metadata (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx) { xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj; xmlChar *part = NULL; xmlChar *conf = NULL; char *result = NULL; int i; /* add pdf/a namespaces */ xmlXPathRegisterNs (xpathCtx, BAD_CAST "x", BAD_CAST "adobe:ns:meta/"); xmlXPathRegisterNs (xpathCtx, BAD_CAST "rdf", BAD_CAST "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"); xmlXPathRegisterNs (xpathCtx, BAD_CAST "pdfaid", BAD_CAST "http://www.aiim.org/pdfa/ns/id/"); /* reads pdf/a part */ /* first syntax: child node */ xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression (BAD_CAST "/x:xmpmeta/rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/pdfaid:part", xpathCtx); if (xpathObj != NULL) { if (xpathObj->nodesetval != NULL && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr != 0) part = xmlNodeGetContent (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); xmlXPathFreeObject (xpathObj); } if (part == NULL) { /* second syntax: attribute */ xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression (BAD_CAST "/x:xmpmeta/rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/@pdfaid:part", xpathCtx); if (xpathObj != NULL) { if (xpathObj->nodesetval != NULL && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr != 0) part = xmlNodeGetContent (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); xmlXPathFreeObject (xpathObj); } } /* reads pdf/a conformance */ /* first syntax: child node */ xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression (BAD_CAST "/x:xmpmeta/rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/pdfaid:conformance", xpathCtx); if (xpathObj != NULL) { if (xpathObj->nodesetval != NULL && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr != 0) conf = xmlNodeGetContent (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); xmlXPathFreeObject (xpathObj); } if (conf == NULL) { /* second syntax: attribute */ xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression (BAD_CAST "/x:xmpmeta/rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/@pdfaid:conformance", xpathCtx); if (xpathObj != NULL) { if (xpathObj->nodesetval != NULL && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr != 0) conf = xmlNodeGetContent (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); xmlXPathFreeObject (xpathObj); } } if (part != NULL && conf != NULL) { /* makes conf lowercase */ for (i = 0; conf[i]; i++) conf[i] = g_ascii_tolower (conf[i]); /* return buffer */ result = g_strdup_printf ("PDF/A - %s%s", part, conf); } /* Cleanup */ xmlFree (part); xmlFree (conf); return result; } static EvDocumentLicense * pdf_document_get_license_from_metadata (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx) { xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj; xmlChar *marked = NULL; const char *language_string; char *aux; gchar **tags; gchar *tag, *tag_aux; int i, j; EvDocumentLicense *license; /* register namespaces */ xmlXPathRegisterNs (xpathCtx, BAD_CAST "x", BAD_CAST "adobe:ns:meta/"); xmlXPathRegisterNs (xpathCtx, BAD_CAST "rdf", BAD_CAST "http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"); xmlXPathRegisterNs (xpathCtx, BAD_CAST "dc", BAD_CAST "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"); /* XMP Rights Management Schema */ xmlXPathRegisterNs (xpathCtx, BAD_CAST "xmpRights", BAD_CAST "http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/rights/"); /* Creative Commons Schema */ xmlXPathRegisterNs (xpathCtx, BAD_CAST "cc", BAD_CAST "http://creativecommons.org/ns#"); /* checking if the document has been marked as defined on the XMP Rights * Management Schema */ xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression (BAD_CAST LICENSE_MARKED, xpathCtx); if (xpathObj != NULL) { if (xpathObj->nodesetval != NULL && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr != 0) marked = xmlNodeGetContent (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); xmlXPathFreeObject (xpathObj); } /* a) Not marked => No XMP Rights information */ if (!marked) { xmlFree (marked); return NULL; } license = ev_document_license_new (); /* b) Marked False => Public Domain, no copyrighted material and no * license needed */ if (g_strrstr ((char *) marked, "False") != NULL) { license->text = g_strdup (_("This work is in the Public Domain")); /* c) Marked True => Copyrighted material */ } else { /* Checking usage terms as defined by the XMP Rights Management * Schema. This field is recomended to be checked by Creative * Commons */ /* 1) checking for a suitable localized string */ language_string = pango_language_to_string (gtk_get_default_language ()); tags = g_strsplit (language_string, "-", -1); i = g_strv_length (tags); while (i-- && !license->text) { tag = g_strdup (tags[0]); for (j = 1; j <= i; j++) { tag_aux = g_strdup_printf ("%s-%s", tag, tags[j]); g_free (tag); tag = tag_aux; } aux = g_strdup_printf (LICENSE_TEXT, tag); xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression (BAD_CAST aux, xpathCtx); if (xpathObj != NULL) { if (xpathObj->nodesetval != NULL && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr != 0) license->text = (gchar *)xmlNodeGetContent (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); xmlXPathFreeObject (xpathObj); } g_free (tag); g_free (aux); } g_strfreev(tags); /* 2) if not, use the default string */ if (!license->text) { aux = g_strdup_printf (LICENSE_TEXT, "x-default"); xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression (BAD_CAST aux, xpathCtx); if (xpathObj != NULL) { if (xpathObj->nodesetval != NULL && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr != 0) license->text = (gchar *)xmlNodeGetContent (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); xmlXPathFreeObject (xpathObj); } g_free (aux); } /* Checking the license URI as defined by the Creative Commons * Schema. This field is recomended to be checked by Creative * Commons */ xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression (BAD_CAST LICENSE_URI, xpathCtx); if (xpathObj != NULL) { if (xpathObj->nodesetval != NULL && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr != 0) license->uri = (gchar *)xmlNodeGetContent (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); xmlXPathFreeObject (xpathObj); } /* Checking the web statement as defined by the XMP Rights * Management Schema. Checking it out is a sort of above-and-beyond * the basic recommendations by Creative Commons. It can be * considered as a "reinforcement" approach to add certainty. */ xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression (BAD_CAST LICENSE_WEB_STATEMENT, xpathCtx); if (xpathObj != NULL) { if (xpathObj->nodesetval != NULL && xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeNr != 0) license->web_statement = (gchar *)xmlNodeGetContent (xpathObj->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]); xmlXPathFreeObject (xpathObj); } } xmlFree (marked); if (!license->text && !license->uri && !license->web_statement) { ev_document_license_free (license); return NULL; } return license; } static void pdf_document_parse_metadata (const gchar *metadata, EvDocumentInfo *info) { xmlDocPtr doc; xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx; gchar *fmt; doc = xmlParseMemory (metadata, strlen (metadata)); if (doc == NULL) return; /* invalid xml metadata */ xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext (doc); if (xpathCtx == NULL) { xmlFreeDoc (doc); return; /* invalid xpath context */ } fmt = pdf_document_get_format_from_metadata (doc, xpathCtx); if (fmt != NULL) { g_free (info->format); info->format = fmt; } info->license = pdf_document_get_license_from_metadata (doc, xpathCtx); xmlXPathFreeContext (xpathCtx); xmlFreeDoc (doc); } static EvDocumentInfo * pdf_document_get_info (EvDocument *document) { EvDocumentInfo *info; PopplerPageLayout layout; PopplerPageMode mode; PopplerViewerPreferences view_prefs; PopplerPermissions permissions; char *metadata; gboolean linearized; info = g_new0 (EvDocumentInfo, 1); info->fields_mask = EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_TITLE | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_FORMAT | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_AUTHOR | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_SUBJECT | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_KEYWORDS | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_LAYOUT | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_START_MODE | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_PERMISSIONS | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_UI_HINTS | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_CREATOR | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_PRODUCER | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_CREATION_DATE | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_MOD_DATE | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_LINEARIZED | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_N_PAGES | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_SECURITY | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_PAPER_SIZE | EV_DOCUMENT_INFO_LICENSE; g_object_get (PDF_DOCUMENT (document)->document, "title", &(info->title), "format", &(info->format), "author", &(info->author), "subject", &(info->subject), "keywords", &(info->keywords), "page-mode", &mode, "page-layout", &layout, "viewer-preferences", &view_prefs, "permissions", &permissions, "creator", &(info->creator), "producer", &(info->producer), "creation-date", &(info->creation_date), "mod-date", &(info->modified_date), "linearized", &linearized, "metadata", &metadata, NULL); if (metadata != NULL) { pdf_document_parse_metadata (metadata, info); g_free (metadata); } info->n_pages = ev_document_get_n_pages (document); if (info->n_pages > 0) { ev_document_get_page_size (document, 0, &(info->paper_width), &(info->paper_height)); // Convert to mm. info->paper_width = info->paper_width / 72.0f * 25.4f; info->paper_height = info->paper_height / 72.0f * 25.4f; } switch (layout) { case POPPLER_PAGE_LAYOUT_SINGLE_PAGE: info->layout = EV_DOCUMENT_LAYOUT_SINGLE_PAGE; break; case POPPLER_PAGE_LAYOUT_ONE_COLUMN: info->layout = EV_DOCUMENT_LAYOUT_ONE_COLUMN; break; case POPPLER_PAGE_LAYOUT_TWO_COLUMN_LEFT: info->layout = EV_DOCUMENT_LAYOUT_TWO_COLUMN_LEFT; break; case POPPLER_PAGE_LAYOUT_TWO_COLUMN_RIGHT: info->layout = EV_DOCUMENT_LAYOUT_TWO_COLUMN_RIGHT; case POPPLER_PAGE_LAYOUT_TWO_PAGE_LEFT: info->layout = EV_DOCUMENT_LAYOUT_TWO_PAGE_LEFT; break; case POPPLER_PAGE_LAYOUT_TWO_PAGE_RIGHT: info->layout = EV_DOCUMENT_LAYOUT_TWO_PAGE_RIGHT; break; default: break; } switch (mode) { case POPPLER_PAGE_MODE_NONE: info->mode = EV_DOCUMENT_MODE_NONE; break; case POPPLER_PAGE_MODE_USE_THUMBS: info->mode = EV_DOCUMENT_MODE_USE_THUMBS; break; case POPPLER_PAGE_MODE_USE_OC: info->mode = EV_DOCUMENT_MODE_USE_OC; break; case POPPLER_PAGE_MODE_FULL_SCREEN: info->mode = EV_DOCUMENT_MODE_FULL_SCREEN; break; case POPPLER_PAGE_MODE_USE_ATTACHMENTS: info->mode = EV_DOCUMENT_MODE_USE_ATTACHMENTS; default: break; } info->ui_hints = 0; if (view_prefs & POPPLER_VIEWER_PREFERENCES_HIDE_TOOLBAR) { info->ui_hints |= EV_DOCUMENT_UI_HINT_HIDE_TOOLBAR; } if (view_prefs & POPPLER_VIEWER_PREFERENCES_HIDE_MENUBAR) { info->ui_hints |= EV_DOCUMENT_UI_HINT_HIDE_MENUBAR; } if (view_prefs & POPPLER_VIEWER_PREFERENCES_HIDE_WINDOWUI) { info->ui_hints |= EV_DOCUMENT_UI_HINT_HIDE_WINDOWUI; } if (view_prefs & POPPLER_VIEWER_PREFERENCES_FIT_WINDOW) { info->ui_hints |= EV_DOCUMENT_UI_HINT_FIT_WINDOW; } if (view_prefs & POPPLER_VIEWER_PREFERENCES_CENTER_WINDOW) { info->ui_hints |= EV_DOCUMENT_UI_HINT_CENTER_WINDOW; } if (view_prefs & POPPLER_VIEWER_PREFERENCES_DISPLAY_DOC_TITLE) { info->ui_hints |= EV_DOCUMENT_UI_HINT_DISPLAY_DOC_TITLE; } if (view_prefs & POPPLER_VIEWER_PREFERENCES_DIRECTION_RTL) { info->ui_hints |= EV_DOCUMENT_UI_HINT_DIRECTION_RTL; } info->permissions = 0; if (permissions & POPPLER_PERMISSIONS_OK_TO_PRINT) { info->permissions |= EV_DOCUMENT_PERMISSIONS_OK_TO_PRINT; } if (permissions & POPPLER_PERMISSIONS_OK_TO_MODIFY) { info->permissions |= EV_DOCUMENT_PERMISSIONS_OK_TO_MODIFY; } if (permissions & POPPLER_PERMISSIONS_OK_TO_COPY) { info->permissions |= EV_DOCUMENT_PERMISSIONS_OK_TO_COPY; } if (permissions & POPPLER_PERMISSIONS_OK_TO_ADD_NOTES) { info->permissions |= EV_DOCUMENT_PERMISSIONS_OK_TO_ADD_NOTES; } if (ev_document_security_has_document_security (EV_DOCUMENT_SECURITY (document))) { /* translators: this is the document security state */ info->security = g_strdup (_("Yes")); } else { /* translators: this is the document security state */ info->security = g_strdup (_("No")); } info->linearized = linearized ? g_strdup (_("Yes")) : g_strdup (_("No")); return info; } static gboolean pdf_document_get_backend_info (EvDocument *document, EvDocumentBackendInfo *info) { PopplerBackend backend; backend = poppler_get_backend (); switch (backend) { case POPPLER_BACKEND_CAIRO: info->name = "poppler/cairo"; break; case POPPLER_BACKEND_SPLASH: info->name = "poppler/splash"; break; default: info->name = "poppler/unknown"; break; } info->version = poppler_get_version (); return TRUE; } static gboolean pdf_document_support_synctex (EvDocument *document) { return TRUE; } static void pdf_document_class_init (PdfDocumentClass *klass) { GObjectClass *g_object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); EvDocumentClass *ev_document_class = EV_DOCUMENT_CLASS (klass); g_object_class->dispose = pdf_document_dispose; ev_document_class->save = pdf_document_save; ev_document_class->load = pdf_document_load; ev_document_class->get_n_pages = pdf_document_get_n_pages; ev_document_class->get_page = pdf_document_get_page; ev_document_class->get_page_size = pdf_document_get_page_size; ev_document_class->get_page_label = pdf_document_get_page_label; ev_document_class->render = pdf_document_render; ev_document_class->get_info = pdf_document_get_info; ev_document_class->get_backend_info = pdf_document_get_backend_info; ev_document_class->support_synctex = pdf_document_support_synctex; } /* EvDocumentSecurity */ static gboolean pdf_document_has_document_security (EvDocumentSecurity *document_security) { /* FIXME: do we really need to have this? */ return FALSE; } static void pdf_document_set_password (EvDocumentSecurity *document_security, const char *password) { PdfDocument *document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document_security); if (document->password) g_free (document->password); document->password = g_strdup (password); } static void pdf_document_security_iface_init (EvDocumentSecurityInterface *iface) { iface->has_document_security = pdf_document_has_document_security; iface->set_password = pdf_document_set_password; } static gdouble pdf_document_fonts_get_progress (EvDocumentFonts *document_fonts) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document_fonts); int n_pages; n_pages = pdf_document_get_n_pages (EV_DOCUMENT (pdf_document)); return (double)pdf_document->fonts_scanned_pages / (double)n_pages; } static gboolean pdf_document_fonts_scan (EvDocumentFonts *document_fonts, int n_pages) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document_fonts); gboolean result; g_return_val_if_fail (PDF_IS_DOCUMENT (document_fonts), FALSE); if (pdf_document->font_info == NULL) { pdf_document->font_info = poppler_font_info_new (pdf_document->document); } if (pdf_document->fonts_iter) { poppler_fonts_iter_free (pdf_document->fonts_iter); } pdf_document->fonts_scanned_pages += n_pages; result = poppler_font_info_scan (pdf_document->font_info, n_pages, &pdf_document->fonts_iter); if (!result) { pdf_document->fonts_scanned_pages = 0; poppler_font_info_free (pdf_document->font_info); pdf_document->font_info = NULL; } return result; } static const char * font_type_to_string (PopplerFontType type) { switch (type) { case POPPLER_FONT_TYPE_TYPE1: return _("Type 1"); case POPPLER_FONT_TYPE_TYPE1C: return _("Type 1C"); case POPPLER_FONT_TYPE_TYPE3: return _("Type 3"); case POPPLER_FONT_TYPE_TRUETYPE: return _("TrueType"); case POPPLER_FONT_TYPE_CID_TYPE0: return _("Type 1 (CID)"); case POPPLER_FONT_TYPE_CID_TYPE0C: return _("Type 1C (CID)"); case POPPLER_FONT_TYPE_CID_TYPE2: return _("TrueType (CID)"); default: return _("Unknown font type"); } } static void pdf_document_fonts_fill_model (EvDocumentFonts *document_fonts, GtkTreeModel *model) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document_fonts); PopplerFontsIter *iter = pdf_document->fonts_iter; g_return_if_fail (PDF_IS_DOCUMENT (document_fonts)); if (!iter) return; do { GtkTreeIter list_iter; const char *name; const char *type; const char *embedded; char *details; name = poppler_fonts_iter_get_name (iter); if (name == NULL) { name = _("No name"); } type = font_type_to_string ( poppler_fonts_iter_get_font_type (iter)); if (poppler_fonts_iter_is_embedded (iter)) { if (poppler_fonts_iter_is_subset (iter)) embedded = _("Embedded subset"); else embedded = _("Embedded"); } else { embedded = _("Not embedded"); } details = g_markup_printf_escaped ("%s\n%s", type, embedded); gtk_list_store_append (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &list_iter); gtk_list_store_set (GTK_LIST_STORE (model), &list_iter, EV_DOCUMENT_FONTS_COLUMN_NAME, name, EV_DOCUMENT_FONTS_COLUMN_DETAILS, details, -1); g_free (details); } while (poppler_fonts_iter_next (iter)); } static void pdf_document_document_fonts_iface_init (EvDocumentFontsInterface *iface) { iface->fill_model = pdf_document_fonts_fill_model; iface->scan = pdf_document_fonts_scan; iface->get_progress = pdf_document_fonts_get_progress; } static gboolean pdf_document_links_has_document_links (EvDocumentLinks *document_links) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document_links); PopplerIndexIter *iter; g_return_val_if_fail (PDF_IS_DOCUMENT (document_links), FALSE); iter = poppler_index_iter_new (pdf_document->document); if (iter == NULL) return FALSE; poppler_index_iter_free (iter); return TRUE; } static EvLinkDest * ev_link_dest_from_dest (PdfDocument *pdf_document, PopplerDest *dest) { EvLinkDest *ev_dest = NULL; const char *unimplemented_dest = NULL; g_assert (dest != NULL); switch (dest->type) { case POPPLER_DEST_XYZ: { PopplerPage *poppler_page; double height; poppler_page = poppler_document_get_page (pdf_document->document, MAX (0, dest->page_num - 1)); poppler_page_get_size (poppler_page, NULL, &height); ev_dest = ev_link_dest_new_xyz (dest->page_num - 1, dest->left, height - MIN (height, dest->top), dest->zoom, dest->change_left, dest->change_top, dest->change_zoom); g_object_unref (poppler_page); } break; case POPPLER_DEST_FITB: case POPPLER_DEST_FIT: ev_dest = ev_link_dest_new_fit (dest->page_num - 1); break; case POPPLER_DEST_FITBH: case POPPLER_DEST_FITH: { PopplerPage *poppler_page; double height; poppler_page = poppler_document_get_page (pdf_document->document, MAX (0, dest->page_num - 1)); poppler_page_get_size (poppler_page, NULL, &height); ev_dest = ev_link_dest_new_fith (dest->page_num - 1, height - MIN (height, dest->top), dest->change_top); g_object_unref (poppler_page); } break; case POPPLER_DEST_FITBV: case POPPLER_DEST_FITV: ev_dest = ev_link_dest_new_fitv (dest->page_num - 1, dest->left, dest->change_left); break; case POPPLER_DEST_FITR: { PopplerPage *poppler_page; double height; poppler_page = poppler_document_get_page (pdf_document->document, MAX (0, dest->page_num - 1)); poppler_page_get_size (poppler_page, NULL, &height); ev_dest = ev_link_dest_new_fitr (dest->page_num - 1, dest->left, height - MIN (height, dest->bottom), dest->right, height - MIN (height, dest->top)); g_object_unref (poppler_page); } break; case POPPLER_DEST_NAMED: ev_dest = ev_link_dest_new_named (dest->named_dest); break; case POPPLER_DEST_UNKNOWN: unimplemented_dest = "POPPLER_DEST_UNKNOWN"; break; } if (unimplemented_dest) { g_warning ("Unimplemented destination: %s, please post a " "bug report on Atril bug tracker " "(https://github.com/mate-desktop/atril/issues) with a testcase.", unimplemented_dest); } if (!ev_dest) ev_dest = ev_link_dest_new_page (dest->page_num - 1); return ev_dest; } static EvLink * ev_link_from_action (PdfDocument *pdf_document, PopplerAction *action) { EvLink *link = NULL; EvLinkAction *ev_action = NULL; const char *unimplemented_action = NULL; switch (action->type) { case POPPLER_ACTION_NONE: break; case POPPLER_ACTION_GOTO_DEST: { EvLinkDest *dest; dest = ev_link_dest_from_dest (pdf_document, action->goto_dest.dest); ev_action = ev_link_action_new_dest (dest); } break; case POPPLER_ACTION_GOTO_REMOTE: { EvLinkDest *dest; dest = ev_link_dest_from_dest (pdf_document, action->goto_remote.dest); ev_action = ev_link_action_new_remote (dest, action->goto_remote.file_name); } break; case POPPLER_ACTION_LAUNCH: ev_action = ev_link_action_new_launch (action->launch.file_name, action->launch.params); break; case POPPLER_ACTION_URI: ev_action = ev_link_action_new_external_uri (action->uri.uri); break; case POPPLER_ACTION_NAMED: ev_action = ev_link_action_new_named (action->named.named_dest); break; case POPPLER_ACTION_MOVIE: unimplemented_action = "POPPLER_ACTION_MOVIE"; break; case POPPLER_ACTION_RENDITION: unimplemented_action = "POPPLER_ACTION_RENDITION"; break; case POPPLER_ACTION_OCG_STATE: { GList *on_list = NULL; GList *off_list = NULL; GList *toggle_list = NULL; GList *l, *m; for (l = action->ocg_state.state_list; l; l = g_list_next (l)) { PopplerActionLayer *action_layer = (PopplerActionLayer *)l->data; for (m = action_layer->layers; m; m = g_list_next (m)) { PopplerLayer *layer = (PopplerLayer *)m->data; EvLayer *ev_layer; ev_layer = ev_layer_new (poppler_layer_is_parent (layer), poppler_layer_get_radio_button_group_id (layer)); g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (ev_layer), "poppler-layer", g_object_ref (layer), (GDestroyNotify)g_object_unref); switch (action_layer->action) { case POPPLER_ACTION_LAYER_ON: on_list = g_list_prepend (on_list, ev_layer); break; case POPPLER_ACTION_LAYER_OFF: off_list = g_list_prepend (off_list, ev_layer); break; case POPPLER_ACTION_LAYER_TOGGLE: toggle_list = g_list_prepend (toggle_list, ev_layer); break; } } } /* The action takes the ownership of the lists */ ev_action = ev_link_action_new_layers_state (g_list_reverse (on_list), g_list_reverse (off_list), g_list_reverse (toggle_list)); } break; case POPPLER_ACTION_JAVASCRIPT: unimplemented_action = "POPPLER_ACTION_JAVASCRIPT"; break; case POPPLER_ACTION_UNKNOWN: unimplemented_action = "POPPLER_ACTION_UNKNOWN"; } if (unimplemented_action) { g_warning ("Unimplemented action: %s, please post a bug report " "on Atril bug tracker (https://github.com/mate-desktop/atril/issues) " "with a testcase.", unimplemented_action); } link = ev_link_new (action->any.title, ev_action); return link; } static void build_tree (PdfDocument *pdf_document, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *parent, PopplerIndexIter *iter) { do { GtkTreeIter tree_iter; PopplerIndexIter *child; PopplerAction *action; EvLink *link = NULL; gboolean expand; char *title_markup; action = poppler_index_iter_get_action (iter); expand = poppler_index_iter_is_open (iter); if (!action) continue; link = ev_link_from_action (pdf_document, action); if (!link || strlen (ev_link_get_title (link)) <= 0) { poppler_action_free (action); if (link) g_object_unref (link); continue; } gtk_tree_store_append (GTK_TREE_STORE (model), &tree_iter, parent); title_markup = g_markup_escape_text (ev_link_get_title (link), -1); gtk_tree_store_set (GTK_TREE_STORE (model), &tree_iter, EV_DOCUMENT_LINKS_COLUMN_MARKUP, title_markup, EV_DOCUMENT_LINKS_COLUMN_LINK, link, EV_DOCUMENT_LINKS_COLUMN_EXPAND, expand, -1); g_free (title_markup); g_object_unref (link); child = poppler_index_iter_get_child (iter); if (child) build_tree (pdf_document, model, &tree_iter, child); poppler_index_iter_free (child); poppler_action_free (action); } while (poppler_index_iter_next (iter)); } static GtkTreeModel * pdf_document_links_get_links_model (EvDocumentLinks *document_links) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document_links); GtkTreeModel *model = NULL; PopplerIndexIter *iter; g_return_val_if_fail (PDF_IS_DOCUMENT (document_links), NULL); iter = poppler_index_iter_new (pdf_document->document); /* Create the model if we have items*/ if (iter != NULL) { model = (GtkTreeModel *) gtk_tree_store_new (EV_DOCUMENT_LINKS_COLUMN_NUM_COLUMNS, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, G_TYPE_STRING); build_tree (pdf_document, model, NULL, iter); poppler_index_iter_free (iter); } return model; } static EvMappingList * pdf_document_links_get_links (EvDocumentLinks *document_links, EvPage *page) { PdfDocument *pdf_document; PopplerPage *poppler_page; GList *retval = NULL; GList *mapping_list; GList *list; double height; pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document_links); poppler_page = POPPLER_PAGE (page->backend_page); mapping_list = poppler_page_get_link_mapping (poppler_page); poppler_page_get_size (poppler_page, NULL, &height); for (list = mapping_list; list; list = list->next) { PopplerLinkMapping *link_mapping; EvMapping *ev_link_mapping; link_mapping = (PopplerLinkMapping *)list->data; ev_link_mapping = g_new (EvMapping, 1); ev_link_mapping->data = ev_link_from_action (pdf_document, link_mapping->action); ev_link_mapping->area.x1 = link_mapping->area.x1; ev_link_mapping->area.x2 = link_mapping->area.x2; /* Invert this for X-style coordinates */ ev_link_mapping->area.y1 = height - link_mapping->area.y2; ev_link_mapping->area.y2 = height - link_mapping->area.y1; retval = g_list_prepend (retval, ev_link_mapping); } poppler_page_free_link_mapping (mapping_list); return ev_mapping_list_new (page->index, g_list_reverse (retval), (GDestroyNotify)g_object_unref); } static EvLinkDest * pdf_document_links_find_link_dest (EvDocumentLinks *document_links, const gchar *link_name) { PdfDocument *pdf_document; PopplerDest *dest; EvLinkDest *ev_dest = NULL; pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document_links); dest = poppler_document_find_dest (pdf_document->document, link_name); if (dest) { ev_dest = ev_link_dest_from_dest (pdf_document, dest); poppler_dest_free (dest); } return ev_dest; } static gint pdf_document_links_find_link_page (EvDocumentLinks *document_links, const gchar *link_name) { PdfDocument *pdf_document; PopplerDest *dest; gint retval = -1; pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document_links); dest = poppler_document_find_dest (pdf_document->document, link_name); if (dest) { retval = dest->page_num - 1; poppler_dest_free (dest); } return retval; } static void pdf_document_document_links_iface_init (EvDocumentLinksInterface *iface) { iface->has_document_links = pdf_document_links_has_document_links; iface->get_links_model = pdf_document_links_get_links_model; iface->get_links = pdf_document_links_get_links; iface->find_link_dest = pdf_document_links_find_link_dest; iface->find_link_page = pdf_document_links_find_link_page; } static EvMappingList * pdf_document_images_get_image_mapping (EvDocumentImages *document_images, EvPage *page) { GList *retval = NULL; PopplerPage *poppler_page; GList *mapping_list; GList *list; poppler_page = POPPLER_PAGE (page->backend_page); mapping_list = poppler_page_get_image_mapping (poppler_page); for (list = mapping_list; list; list = list->next) { PopplerImageMapping *image_mapping; EvMapping *ev_image_mapping; image_mapping = (PopplerImageMapping *)list->data; ev_image_mapping = g_new (EvMapping, 1); ev_image_mapping->data = ev_image_new (page->index, image_mapping->image_id); ev_image_mapping->area.x1 = image_mapping->area.x1; ev_image_mapping->area.y1 = image_mapping->area.y1; ev_image_mapping->area.x2 = image_mapping->area.x2; ev_image_mapping->area.y2 = image_mapping->area.y2; retval = g_list_prepend (retval, ev_image_mapping); } poppler_page_free_image_mapping (mapping_list); return ev_mapping_list_new (page->index, g_list_reverse (retval), (GDestroyNotify)g_object_unref); } GdkPixbuf * pdf_document_images_get_image (EvDocumentImages *document_images, EvImage *image) { GdkPixbuf *retval = NULL; PdfDocument *pdf_document; PopplerPage *poppler_page; cairo_surface_t *surface; pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document_images); poppler_page = poppler_document_get_page (pdf_document->document, ev_image_get_page (image)); surface = poppler_page_get_image (poppler_page, ev_image_get_id (image)); if (surface) { retval = ev_document_misc_pixbuf_from_surface (surface); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); } g_object_unref (poppler_page); return retval; } static void pdf_document_document_images_iface_init (EvDocumentImagesInterface *iface) { iface->get_image_mapping = pdf_document_images_get_image_mapping; iface->get_image = pdf_document_images_get_image; } static GdkPixbuf * make_thumbnail_for_page (PopplerPage *poppler_page, EvRenderContext *rc, gint width, gint height) { GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; cairo_surface_t *surface; ev_document_fc_mutex_lock (); surface = pdf_page_render (poppler_page, width, height, rc); ev_document_fc_mutex_unlock (); pixbuf = ev_document_misc_pixbuf_from_surface (surface); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); return pixbuf; } static GdkPixbuf * pdf_document_thumbnails_get_thumbnail (EvDocumentThumbnails *document_thumbnails, EvRenderContext *rc, gboolean border) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document_thumbnails); PopplerPage *poppler_page; cairo_surface_t *surface; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL; GdkPixbuf *border_pixbuf; gint width, height; poppler_page = POPPLER_PAGE (rc->page->backend_page); pdf_document_thumbnails_get_dimensions (EV_DOCUMENT_THUMBNAILS (pdf_document), rc, &width, &height); surface = poppler_page_get_thumbnail (poppler_page); if (surface) { pixbuf = ev_document_misc_pixbuf_from_surface (surface); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); } if (pixbuf != NULL) { int thumb_width = (rc->rotation == 90 || rc->rotation == 270) ? gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf) : gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf); if (thumb_width == width) { GdkPixbuf *rotated_pixbuf; rotated_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_rotate_simple (pixbuf, (GdkPixbufRotation) (360 - rc->rotation)); g_object_unref (pixbuf); pixbuf = rotated_pixbuf; } else { /* The provided thumbnail has a different size */ g_object_unref (pixbuf); pixbuf = make_thumbnail_for_page (poppler_page, rc, width, height); } } else { /* There is no provided thumbnail. We need to make one. */ pixbuf = make_thumbnail_for_page (poppler_page, rc, width, height); } if (border && pixbuf) { border_pixbuf = ev_document_misc_get_thumbnail_frame (-1, -1, pixbuf); g_object_unref (pixbuf); pixbuf = border_pixbuf; } return pixbuf; } static void pdf_document_thumbnails_get_dimensions (EvDocumentThumbnails *document_thumbnails, EvRenderContext *rc, gint *width, gint *height) { double page_width, page_height; poppler_page_get_size (POPPLER_PAGE (rc->page->backend_page), &page_width, &page_height); *width = MAX ((gint)(page_width * rc->scale + 0.5), 1); *height = MAX ((gint)(page_height * rc->scale + 0.5), 1); if (rc->rotation == 90 || rc->rotation == 270) { gint temp; temp = *width; *width = *height; *height = temp; } } static void pdf_document_document_thumbnails_iface_init (EvDocumentThumbnailsInterface *iface) { iface->get_thumbnail = pdf_document_thumbnails_get_thumbnail; iface->get_dimensions = pdf_document_thumbnails_get_dimensions; } static GList * pdf_document_find_find_text (EvDocumentFind *document_find, EvPage *page, const gchar *text, gboolean case_sensitive) { GList *matches, *l; PopplerPage *poppler_page; gdouble height; GList *retval = NULL; PopplerFindFlags options = POPPLER_FIND_DEFAULT; g_return_val_if_fail (POPPLER_IS_PAGE (page->backend_page), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (text != NULL, NULL); poppler_page = POPPLER_PAGE (page->backend_page); if (case_sensitive) options = POPPLER_FIND_CASE_SENSITIVE; matches = poppler_page_find_text_with_options (poppler_page, text, options); if (!matches) return NULL; poppler_page_get_size (poppler_page, NULL, &height); for (l = matches; l && l->data; l = g_list_next (l)) { PopplerRectangle *rect = (PopplerRectangle *)l->data; EvRectangle *ev_rect; ev_rect = ev_rectangle_new (); ev_rect->x1 = rect->x1; ev_rect->x2 = rect->x2; /* Invert this for X-style coordinates */ ev_rect->y1 = height - rect->y2; ev_rect->y2 = height - rect->y1; retval = g_list_prepend (retval, ev_rect); } g_list_foreach (matches, (GFunc)poppler_rectangle_free, NULL); g_list_free (matches); return g_list_reverse (retval); } static void pdf_document_find_iface_init (EvDocumentFindInterface *iface) { iface->find_text = pdf_document_find_find_text; } static void pdf_print_context_free (PdfPrintContext *ctx) { if (!ctx) return; #ifdef HAVE_CAIRO_PRINT if (ctx->cr) { cairo_destroy (ctx->cr); ctx->cr = NULL; } #else if (ctx->ps_file) { poppler_ps_file_free (ctx->ps_file); ctx->ps_file = NULL; } #endif g_free (ctx); } static void pdf_document_file_exporter_begin (EvFileExporter *exporter, EvFileExporterContext *fc) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (exporter); PdfPrintContext *ctx; #ifdef HAVE_CAIRO_PRINT cairo_surface_t *surface = NULL; #endif if (pdf_document->print_ctx) pdf_print_context_free (pdf_document->print_ctx); pdf_document->print_ctx = g_new0 (PdfPrintContext, 1); ctx = pdf_document->print_ctx; ctx->format = fc->format; #ifdef HAVE_CAIRO_PRINT ctx->pages_per_sheet = CLAMP (fc->pages_per_sheet, 1, 16); ctx->paper_width = fc->paper_width; ctx->paper_height = fc->paper_height; switch (fc->pages_per_sheet) { default: case 1: ctx->pages_x = 1; ctx->pages_y = 1; break; case 2: ctx->pages_x = 1; ctx->pages_y = 2; break; case 4: ctx->pages_x = 2; ctx->pages_y = 2; break; case 6: ctx->pages_x = 2; ctx->pages_y = 3; break; case 9: ctx->pages_x = 3; ctx->pages_y = 3; break; case 16: ctx->pages_x = 4; ctx->pages_y = 4; break; } ctx->pages_printed = 0; switch (fc->format) { case EV_FILE_FORMAT_PS: #ifdef HAVE_CAIRO_PS surface = cairo_ps_surface_create (fc->filename, fc->paper_width, fc->paper_height); #endif break; case EV_FILE_FORMAT_PDF: #ifdef HAVE_CAIRO_PDF surface = cairo_pdf_surface_create (fc->filename, fc->paper_width, fc->paper_height); #endif break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } ctx->cr = cairo_create (surface); cairo_surface_destroy (surface); #else /* HAVE_CAIRO_PRINT */ if (ctx->format == EV_FILE_FORMAT_PS) { ctx->ps_file = poppler_ps_file_new (pdf_document->document, fc->filename, fc->first_page, fc->last_page - fc->first_page + 1); poppler_ps_file_set_paper_size (ctx->ps_file, fc->paper_width, fc->paper_height); poppler_ps_file_set_duplex (ctx->ps_file, fc->duplex); } #endif /* HAVE_CAIRO_PRINT */ } static void pdf_document_file_exporter_begin_page (EvFileExporter *exporter) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (exporter); PdfPrintContext *ctx = pdf_document->print_ctx; g_return_if_fail (pdf_document->print_ctx != NULL); ctx->pages_printed = 0; #ifdef HAVE_CAIRO_PRINT if (ctx->paper_width > ctx->paper_height) { if (ctx->format == EV_FILE_FORMAT_PS) { cairo_ps_surface_set_size (cairo_get_target (ctx->cr), ctx->paper_height, ctx->paper_width); } else if (ctx->format == EV_FILE_FORMAT_PDF) { cairo_pdf_surface_set_size (cairo_get_target (ctx->cr), ctx->paper_height, ctx->paper_width); } } #endif /* HAVE_CAIRO_PRINT */ } static void pdf_document_file_exporter_do_page (EvFileExporter *exporter, EvRenderContext *rc) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (exporter); PdfPrintContext *ctx = pdf_document->print_ctx; PopplerPage *poppler_page; #ifdef HAVE_CAIRO_PRINT gdouble page_width, page_height; gint x, y; gboolean rotate; gdouble width, height; gdouble pwidth, pheight; gdouble xscale, yscale; #endif g_return_if_fail (pdf_document->print_ctx != NULL); poppler_page = POPPLER_PAGE (rc->page->backend_page); #ifdef HAVE_CAIRO_PRINT x = (ctx->pages_printed % ctx->pages_per_sheet) % ctx->pages_x; y = (ctx->pages_printed % ctx->pages_per_sheet) / ctx->pages_x; poppler_page_get_size (poppler_page, &page_width, &page_height); if (page_width > page_height && page_width > ctx->paper_width) { rotate = TRUE; } else { rotate = FALSE; } /* Use always portrait mode and rotate when necessary */ if (ctx->paper_width > ctx->paper_height) { width = ctx->paper_height; height = ctx->paper_width; rotate = !rotate; } else { width = ctx->paper_width; height = ctx->paper_height; } if (ctx->pages_per_sheet == 2 || ctx->pages_per_sheet == 6) { rotate = !rotate; } if (rotate) { gint tmp1; gdouble tmp2; tmp1 = x; x = y; y = tmp1; tmp2 = page_width; page_width = page_height; page_height = tmp2; } pwidth = width / ctx->pages_x; pheight = height / ctx->pages_y; if ((page_width > pwidth || page_height > pheight) || (page_width < pwidth && page_height < pheight)) { xscale = pwidth / page_width; yscale = pheight / page_height; if (yscale < xscale) { xscale = yscale; } else { yscale = xscale; } } else { xscale = yscale = 1; } /* TODO: center */ cairo_save (ctx->cr); if (rotate) { cairo_matrix_t matrix; cairo_translate (ctx->cr, (2 * y + 1) * pwidth, 0); cairo_matrix_init (&matrix, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0); cairo_transform (ctx->cr, &matrix); } cairo_translate (ctx->cr, x * (rotate ? pheight : pwidth), y * (rotate ? pwidth : pheight)); cairo_scale (ctx->cr, xscale, yscale); poppler_page_render_for_printing (poppler_page, ctx->cr); ctx->pages_printed++; cairo_restore (ctx->cr); #else /* HAVE_CAIRO_PRINT */ if (ctx->format == EV_FILE_FORMAT_PS) poppler_page_render_to_ps (poppler_page, ctx->ps_file); #endif /* HAVE_CAIRO_PRINT */ } static void pdf_document_file_exporter_end_page (EvFileExporter *exporter) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (exporter); PdfPrintContext *ctx = pdf_document->print_ctx; g_return_if_fail (pdf_document->print_ctx != NULL); #ifdef HAVE_CAIRO_PRINT cairo_show_page (ctx->cr); #endif } static void pdf_document_file_exporter_end (EvFileExporter *exporter) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (exporter); pdf_print_context_free (pdf_document->print_ctx); pdf_document->print_ctx = NULL; } static EvFileExporterCapabilities pdf_document_file_exporter_get_capabilities (EvFileExporter *exporter) { return (EvFileExporterCapabilities) ( EV_FILE_EXPORTER_CAN_PAGE_SET | EV_FILE_EXPORTER_CAN_COPIES | EV_FILE_EXPORTER_CAN_COLLATE | EV_FILE_EXPORTER_CAN_REVERSE | EV_FILE_EXPORTER_CAN_SCALE | #ifdef HAVE_CAIRO_PRINT EV_FILE_EXPORTER_CAN_NUMBER_UP | #endif #ifdef HAVE_CAIRO_PDF EV_FILE_EXPORTER_CAN_GENERATE_PDF | #endif EV_FILE_EXPORTER_CAN_GENERATE_PS); } static void pdf_document_file_exporter_iface_init (EvFileExporterInterface *iface) { iface->begin = pdf_document_file_exporter_begin; iface->begin_page = pdf_document_file_exporter_begin_page; iface->do_page = pdf_document_file_exporter_do_page; iface->end_page = pdf_document_file_exporter_end_page; iface->end = pdf_document_file_exporter_end; iface->get_capabilities = pdf_document_file_exporter_get_capabilities; } /* EvDocumentPrint */ static void pdf_document_print_print_page (EvDocumentPrint *document, EvPage *page, cairo_t *cr) { poppler_page_render_for_printing (POPPLER_PAGE (page->backend_page), cr); } static void pdf_document_document_print_iface_init (EvDocumentPrintInterface *iface) { iface->print_page = pdf_document_print_print_page; } static void pdf_selection_render_selection (EvSelection *selection, EvRenderContext *rc, cairo_surface_t **surface, EvRectangle *points, EvRectangle *old_points, EvSelectionStyle style, GdkColor *text, GdkColor *base) { PopplerPage *poppler_page; cairo_t *cr; PopplerColor text_color, base_color; double width_points, height_points; gint width, height; poppler_page = POPPLER_PAGE (rc->page->backend_page); poppler_page_get_size (poppler_page, &width_points, &height_points); width = (int) ((width_points * rc->scale) + 0.5); height = (int) ((height_points * rc->scale) + 0.5); text_color.red = text->red; text_color.green = text->green; text_color.blue = text->blue; base_color.red = base->red; base_color.green = base->green; base_color.blue = base->blue; if (*surface == NULL) { *surface = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height); } cr = cairo_create (*surface); cairo_scale (cr, rc->scale, rc->scale); cairo_surface_set_device_offset (*surface, 0, 0); memset (cairo_image_surface_get_data (*surface), 0x00, cairo_image_surface_get_height (*surface) * cairo_image_surface_get_stride (*surface)); poppler_page_render_selection (poppler_page, cr, (PopplerRectangle *)points, (PopplerRectangle *)old_points, (PopplerSelectionStyle)style, &text_color, &base_color); cairo_destroy (cr); } static gchar * pdf_selection_get_selected_text (EvSelection *selection, EvPage *page, EvSelectionStyle style, EvRectangle *points) { g_return_val_if_fail (POPPLER_IS_PAGE (page->backend_page), NULL); return poppler_page_get_selected_text (POPPLER_PAGE (page->backend_page), (PopplerSelectionStyle)style, (PopplerRectangle *)points); } static cairo_region_t * create_region_from_poppler_region (GList *region, gdouble scale) { GList *l; cairo_region_t *retval; retval = cairo_region_create (); for (l = region; l; l = g_list_next (l)) { PopplerRectangle *rectangle; cairo_rectangle_int_t rect; rectangle = (PopplerRectangle *)l->data; rect.x = (gint) ((rectangle->x1 * scale) + 0.5); rect.y = (gint) ((rectangle->y1 * scale) + 0.5); rect.width = (gint) (((rectangle->x2 - rectangle->x1) * scale) + 0.5); rect.height = (gint) (((rectangle->y2 - rectangle->y1) * scale) + 0.5); cairo_region_union_rectangle (retval, &rect); poppler_rectangle_free (rectangle); } return retval; } static cairo_region_t * pdf_selection_get_selection_region (EvSelection *selection, EvRenderContext *rc, EvSelectionStyle style, EvRectangle *points) { PopplerPage *poppler_page; cairo_region_t *retval; GList *region; poppler_page = POPPLER_PAGE (rc->page->backend_page); region = poppler_page_get_selection_region (poppler_page, 1.0, (PopplerSelectionStyle)style, (PopplerRectangle *) points); retval = create_region_from_poppler_region (region, rc->scale); g_list_free (region); return retval; } static void pdf_selection_iface_init (EvSelectionInterface *iface) { iface->render_selection = pdf_selection_render_selection; iface->get_selected_text = pdf_selection_get_selected_text; iface->get_selection_region = pdf_selection_get_selection_region; } /* EvDocumentText */ static cairo_region_t * pdf_document_text_get_text_mapping (EvDocumentText *document_text, EvPage *page) { PopplerPage *poppler_page; PopplerRectangle points; GList *region; cairo_region_t *retval; g_return_val_if_fail (POPPLER_IS_PAGE (page->backend_page), NULL); poppler_page = POPPLER_PAGE (page->backend_page); points.x1 = 0.0; points.y1 = 0.0; poppler_page_get_size (poppler_page, &(points.x2), &(points.y2)); region = poppler_page_get_selection_region (poppler_page, 1.0, POPPLER_SELECTION_GLYPH, &points); retval = create_region_from_poppler_region (region, 1.0); g_list_free (region); return retval; } static gchar * pdf_document_text_get_text (EvDocumentText *selection, EvPage *page) { g_return_val_if_fail (POPPLER_IS_PAGE (page->backend_page), NULL); return poppler_page_get_text (POPPLER_PAGE (page->backend_page)); } static gboolean pdf_document_text_get_text_layout (EvDocumentText *selection, EvPage *page, EvRectangle **areas, guint *n_areas) { g_return_val_if_fail (POPPLER_IS_PAGE (page->backend_page), FALSE); return poppler_page_get_text_layout (POPPLER_PAGE (page->backend_page), (PopplerRectangle **)areas, n_areas); } static void pdf_document_text_iface_init (EvDocumentTextInterface *iface) { iface->get_text_mapping = pdf_document_text_get_text_mapping; iface->get_text = pdf_document_text_get_text; iface->get_text_layout = pdf_document_text_get_text_layout; } /* Page Transitions */ static gdouble pdf_document_get_page_duration (EvDocumentTransition *trans, gint page) { PdfDocument *pdf_document; PopplerPage *poppler_page; gdouble duration = -1; pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (trans); poppler_page = poppler_document_get_page (pdf_document->document, page); if (!poppler_page) return -1; duration = poppler_page_get_duration (poppler_page); g_object_unref (poppler_page); return duration; } static EvTransitionEffect * pdf_document_get_effect (EvDocumentTransition *trans, gint page) { PdfDocument *pdf_document; PopplerPage *poppler_page; PopplerPageTransition *page_transition; EvTransitionEffect *effect; pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (trans); poppler_page = poppler_document_get_page (pdf_document->document, page); if (!poppler_page) return NULL; page_transition = poppler_page_get_transition (poppler_page); if (!page_transition) { g_object_unref (poppler_page); return NULL; } /* enums in PopplerPageTransition match the EvTransitionEffect ones */ effect = ev_transition_effect_new ((EvTransitionEffectType) page_transition->type, "alignment", page_transition->alignment, "direction", page_transition->direction, "duration", page_transition->duration, "angle", page_transition->angle, "scale", page_transition->scale, "rectangular", page_transition->rectangular, NULL); poppler_page_transition_free (page_transition); g_object_unref (poppler_page); return effect; } static void pdf_document_page_transition_iface_init (EvDocumentTransitionInterface *iface) { iface->get_page_duration = pdf_document_get_page_duration; iface->get_effect = pdf_document_get_effect; } /* Forms */ #if 0 static void pdf_document_get_crop_box (EvDocument *document, int page, EvRectangle *rect) { PdfDocument *pdf_document; PopplerPage *poppler_page; PopplerRectangle poppler_rect; pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document); poppler_page = poppler_document_get_page (pdf_document->document, page); poppler_page_get_crop_box (poppler_page, &poppler_rect); rect->x1 = poppler_rect.x1; rect->x2 = poppler_rect.x2; rect->y1 = poppler_rect.y1; rect->y2 = poppler_rect.y2; } #endif static EvFormField * ev_form_field_from_poppler_field (PopplerFormField *poppler_field) { EvFormField *ev_field = NULL; gint id; gdouble font_size; gboolean is_read_only; id = poppler_form_field_get_id (poppler_field); font_size = poppler_form_field_get_font_size (poppler_field); is_read_only = poppler_form_field_is_read_only (poppler_field); switch (poppler_form_field_get_field_type (poppler_field)) { case POPPLER_FORM_FIELD_TEXT: { EvFormFieldText *field_text; EvFormFieldTextType ev_text_type = EV_FORM_FIELD_TEXT_NORMAL; switch (poppler_form_field_text_get_text_type (poppler_field)) { case POPPLER_FORM_TEXT_NORMAL: ev_text_type = EV_FORM_FIELD_TEXT_NORMAL; break; case POPPLER_FORM_TEXT_MULTILINE: ev_text_type = EV_FORM_FIELD_TEXT_MULTILINE; break; case POPPLER_FORM_TEXT_FILE_SELECT: ev_text_type = EV_FORM_FIELD_TEXT_FILE_SELECT; break; } ev_field = ev_form_field_text_new (id, ev_text_type); field_text = EV_FORM_FIELD_TEXT (ev_field); field_text->do_spell_check = poppler_form_field_text_do_spell_check (poppler_field); field_text->do_scroll = poppler_form_field_text_do_scroll (poppler_field); field_text->is_rich_text = poppler_form_field_text_is_rich_text (poppler_field); field_text->is_password = poppler_form_field_text_is_password (poppler_field); field_text->max_len = poppler_form_field_text_get_max_len (poppler_field); field_text->text = poppler_form_field_text_get_text (poppler_field); } break; case POPPLER_FORM_FIELD_BUTTON: { EvFormFieldButton *field_button; EvFormFieldButtonType ev_button_type = EV_FORM_FIELD_BUTTON_PUSH; switch (poppler_form_field_button_get_button_type (poppler_field)) { case POPPLER_FORM_BUTTON_PUSH: ev_button_type = EV_FORM_FIELD_BUTTON_PUSH; break; case POPPLER_FORM_BUTTON_CHECK: ev_button_type = EV_FORM_FIELD_BUTTON_CHECK; break; case POPPLER_FORM_BUTTON_RADIO: ev_button_type = EV_FORM_FIELD_BUTTON_RADIO; break; } ev_field = ev_form_field_button_new (id, ev_button_type); field_button = EV_FORM_FIELD_BUTTON (ev_field); field_button->state = poppler_form_field_button_get_state (poppler_field); } break; case POPPLER_FORM_FIELD_CHOICE: { EvFormFieldChoice *field_choice; EvFormFieldChoiceType ev_choice_type = EV_FORM_FIELD_CHOICE_COMBO; switch (poppler_form_field_choice_get_choice_type (poppler_field)) { case POPPLER_FORM_CHOICE_COMBO: ev_choice_type = EV_FORM_FIELD_CHOICE_COMBO; break; case EV_FORM_FIELD_CHOICE_LIST: ev_choice_type = EV_FORM_FIELD_CHOICE_LIST; break; } ev_field = ev_form_field_choice_new (id, ev_choice_type); field_choice = EV_FORM_FIELD_CHOICE (ev_field); field_choice->is_editable = poppler_form_field_choice_is_editable (poppler_field); field_choice->multi_select = poppler_form_field_choice_can_select_multiple (poppler_field); field_choice->do_spell_check = poppler_form_field_choice_do_spell_check (poppler_field); field_choice->commit_on_sel_change = poppler_form_field_choice_commit_on_change (poppler_field); /* TODO: we need poppler_form_field_choice_get_selected_items in poppler field_choice->selected_items = poppler_form_field_choice_get_selected_items (poppler_field);*/ if (field_choice->is_editable) field_choice->text = poppler_form_field_choice_get_text (poppler_field); } break; case POPPLER_FORM_FIELD_SIGNATURE: /* TODO */ ev_field = ev_form_field_signature_new (id); break; case POPPLER_FORM_FIELD_UNKNOWN: return NULL; } ev_field->font_size = font_size; ev_field->is_read_only = is_read_only; return ev_field; } static EvMappingList * pdf_document_forms_get_form_fields (EvDocumentForms *document, EvPage *page) { PopplerPage *poppler_page; GList *retval = NULL; GList *fields; GList *list; double height; g_return_val_if_fail (POPPLER_IS_PAGE (page->backend_page), NULL); poppler_page = POPPLER_PAGE (page->backend_page); fields = poppler_page_get_form_field_mapping (poppler_page); poppler_page_get_size (poppler_page, NULL, &height); for (list = fields; list; list = list->next) { PopplerFormFieldMapping *mapping; EvMapping *field_mapping; EvFormField *ev_field; mapping = (PopplerFormFieldMapping *)list->data; ev_field = ev_form_field_from_poppler_field (mapping->field); if (!ev_field) continue; field_mapping = g_new0 (EvMapping, 1); field_mapping->area.x1 = mapping->area.x1; field_mapping->area.x2 = mapping->area.x2; field_mapping->area.y1 = height - mapping->area.y2; field_mapping->area.y2 = height - mapping->area.y1; field_mapping->data = ev_field; ev_field->page = EV_PAGE (g_object_ref (page)); g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (ev_field), "poppler-field", g_object_ref (mapping->field), (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref); retval = g_list_prepend (retval, field_mapping); } poppler_page_free_form_field_mapping (fields); return retval ? ev_mapping_list_new (page->index, g_list_reverse (retval), (GDestroyNotify)g_object_unref) : NULL; } static gboolean pdf_document_forms_document_is_modified (EvDocumentForms *document) { return PDF_DOCUMENT (document)->forms_modified; } static gchar * pdf_document_forms_form_field_text_get_text (EvDocumentForms *document, EvFormField *field) { PopplerFormField *poppler_field; gchar *text; poppler_field = POPPLER_FORM_FIELD (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (field), "poppler-field")); if (!poppler_field) return NULL; text = poppler_form_field_text_get_text (poppler_field); return text; } static void pdf_document_forms_form_field_text_set_text (EvDocumentForms *document, EvFormField *field, const gchar *text) { PopplerFormField *poppler_field; poppler_field = POPPLER_FORM_FIELD (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (field), "poppler-field")); if (!poppler_field) return; poppler_form_field_text_set_text (poppler_field, text); PDF_DOCUMENT (document)->forms_modified = TRUE; } static void pdf_document_forms_form_field_button_set_state (EvDocumentForms *document, EvFormField *field, gboolean state) { PopplerFormField *poppler_field; poppler_field = POPPLER_FORM_FIELD (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (field), "poppler-field")); if (!poppler_field) return; poppler_form_field_button_set_state (poppler_field, state); PDF_DOCUMENT (document)->forms_modified = TRUE; } static gboolean pdf_document_forms_form_field_button_get_state (EvDocumentForms *document, EvFormField *field) { PopplerFormField *poppler_field; gboolean state; poppler_field = POPPLER_FORM_FIELD (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (field), "poppler-field")); if (!poppler_field) return FALSE; state = poppler_form_field_button_get_state (poppler_field); return state; } static gchar * pdf_document_forms_form_field_choice_get_item (EvDocumentForms *document, EvFormField *field, gint index) { PopplerFormField *poppler_field; gchar *text; poppler_field = POPPLER_FORM_FIELD (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (field), "poppler-field")); if (!poppler_field) return NULL; text = poppler_form_field_choice_get_item (poppler_field, index); return text; } static int pdf_document_forms_form_field_choice_get_n_items (EvDocumentForms *document, EvFormField *field) { PopplerFormField *poppler_field; gint n_items; poppler_field = POPPLER_FORM_FIELD (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (field), "poppler-field")); if (!poppler_field) return -1; n_items = poppler_form_field_choice_get_n_items (poppler_field); return n_items; } static gboolean pdf_document_forms_form_field_choice_is_item_selected (EvDocumentForms *document, EvFormField *field, gint index) { PopplerFormField *poppler_field; gboolean selected; poppler_field = POPPLER_FORM_FIELD (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (field), "poppler-field")); if (!poppler_field) return FALSE; selected = poppler_form_field_choice_is_item_selected (poppler_field, index); return selected; } static void pdf_document_forms_form_field_choice_select_item (EvDocumentForms *document, EvFormField *field, gint index) { PopplerFormField *poppler_field; poppler_field = POPPLER_FORM_FIELD (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (field), "poppler-field")); if (!poppler_field) return; poppler_form_field_choice_select_item (poppler_field, index); PDF_DOCUMENT (document)->forms_modified = TRUE; } static void pdf_document_forms_form_field_choice_toggle_item (EvDocumentForms *document, EvFormField *field, gint index) { PopplerFormField *poppler_field; poppler_field = POPPLER_FORM_FIELD (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (field), "poppler-field")); if (!poppler_field) return; poppler_form_field_choice_toggle_item (poppler_field, index); PDF_DOCUMENT (document)->forms_modified = TRUE; } static void pdf_document_forms_form_field_choice_unselect_all (EvDocumentForms *document, EvFormField *field) { PopplerFormField *poppler_field; poppler_field = POPPLER_FORM_FIELD (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (field), "poppler-field")); if (!poppler_field) return; poppler_form_field_choice_unselect_all (poppler_field); PDF_DOCUMENT (document)->forms_modified = TRUE; } static void pdf_document_forms_form_field_choice_set_text (EvDocumentForms *document, EvFormField *field, const gchar *text) { PopplerFormField *poppler_field; poppler_field = POPPLER_FORM_FIELD (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (field), "poppler-field")); if (!poppler_field) return; poppler_form_field_choice_set_text (poppler_field, text); PDF_DOCUMENT (document)->forms_modified = TRUE; } static gchar * pdf_document_forms_form_field_choice_get_text (EvDocumentForms *document, EvFormField *field) { PopplerFormField *poppler_field; gchar *text; poppler_field = POPPLER_FORM_FIELD (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (field), "poppler-field")); if (!poppler_field) return NULL; text = poppler_form_field_choice_get_text (poppler_field); return text; } static void pdf_document_document_forms_iface_init (EvDocumentFormsInterface *iface) { iface->get_form_fields = pdf_document_forms_get_form_fields; iface->document_is_modified = pdf_document_forms_document_is_modified; iface->form_field_text_get_text = pdf_document_forms_form_field_text_get_text; iface->form_field_text_set_text = pdf_document_forms_form_field_text_set_text; iface->form_field_button_set_state = pdf_document_forms_form_field_button_set_state; iface->form_field_button_get_state = pdf_document_forms_form_field_button_get_state; iface->form_field_choice_get_item = pdf_document_forms_form_field_choice_get_item; iface->form_field_choice_get_n_items = pdf_document_forms_form_field_choice_get_n_items; iface->form_field_choice_is_item_selected = pdf_document_forms_form_field_choice_is_item_selected; iface->form_field_choice_select_item = pdf_document_forms_form_field_choice_select_item; iface->form_field_choice_toggle_item = pdf_document_forms_form_field_choice_toggle_item; iface->form_field_choice_unselect_all = pdf_document_forms_form_field_choice_unselect_all; iface->form_field_choice_set_text = pdf_document_forms_form_field_choice_set_text; iface->form_field_choice_get_text = pdf_document_forms_form_field_choice_get_text; } /* Annotations */ static void poppler_annot_color_to_gdk_color (PopplerAnnot *poppler_annot, GdkColor *color) { PopplerColor *poppler_color; poppler_color = poppler_annot_get_color (poppler_annot); if (poppler_color) { color->red = poppler_color->red; color->green = poppler_color->green; color->blue = poppler_color->blue; g_free (poppler_color); } /* TODO: else use a default color */ } static EvAnnotationTextIcon get_annot_text_icon (PopplerAnnotText *poppler_annot) { gchar *icon = poppler_annot_text_get_icon (poppler_annot); EvAnnotationTextIcon retval; if (!icon) return EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_UNKNOWN; if (strcmp (icon, POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_NOTE) == 0) retval = EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_NOTE; else if (strcmp (icon, POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_COMMENT) == 0) retval = EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_COMMENT; else if (strcmp (icon, POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_KEY) == 0) retval = EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_KEY; else if (strcmp (icon, POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_HELP) == 0) retval = EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_HELP; else if (strcmp (icon, POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_NEW_PARAGRAPH) == 0) retval = EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_NEW_PARAGRAPH; else if (strcmp (icon, POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_PARAGRAPH) == 0) retval = EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_PARAGRAPH; else if (strcmp (icon, POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_INSERT) == 0) retval = EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_INSERT; else if (strcmp (icon, POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_CROSS) == 0) retval = EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_CROSS; else if (strcmp (icon, POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_CIRCLE) == 0) retval = EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_CIRCLE; else retval = EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_UNKNOWN; g_free (icon); return retval; } static const gchar * get_poppler_annot_text_icon (EvAnnotationTextIcon icon) { switch (icon) { case EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_NOTE: return POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_NOTE; case EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_COMMENT: return POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_COMMENT; case EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_KEY: return POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_KEY; case EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_HELP: return POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_HELP; case EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_NEW_PARAGRAPH: return POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_NEW_PARAGRAPH; case EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_PARAGRAPH: return POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_PARAGRAPH; case EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_INSERT: return POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_INSERT; case EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_CROSS: return POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_CROSS; case EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_CIRCLE: return POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_CIRCLE; case EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_UNKNOWN: default: return POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT_ICON_NOTE; } } static EvAnnotation * ev_annot_from_poppler_annot (PopplerAnnot *poppler_annot, EvPage *page) { EvAnnotation *ev_annot = NULL; const gchar *unimplemented_annot = NULL; switch (poppler_annot_get_annot_type (poppler_annot)) { case POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT: { PopplerAnnotText *poppler_text; EvAnnotationText *ev_annot_text; poppler_text = POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT (poppler_annot); ev_annot = ev_annotation_text_new (page); ev_annot_text = EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT (ev_annot); ev_annotation_text_set_is_open (ev_annot_text, poppler_annot_text_get_is_open (poppler_text)); ev_annotation_text_set_icon (ev_annot_text, get_annot_text_icon (poppler_text)); } break; case POPPLER_ANNOT_FILE_ATTACHMENT: { PopplerAnnotFileAttachment *poppler_annot_attachment; PopplerAttachment *poppler_attachment; gchar *data = NULL; gsize size; GError *error = NULL; poppler_annot_attachment = POPPLER_ANNOT_FILE_ATTACHMENT (poppler_annot); poppler_attachment = poppler_annot_file_attachment_get_attachment (poppler_annot_attachment); if (poppler_attachment && attachment_save_to_buffer (poppler_attachment, &data, &size, &error)) { EvAttachment *ev_attachment; ev_attachment = ev_attachment_new (poppler_attachment->name, poppler_attachment->description, poppler_attachment->mtime, poppler_attachment->ctime, size, data); ev_annot = ev_annotation_attachment_new (page, ev_attachment); g_object_unref (ev_attachment); } else if (error) { g_warning ("%s", error->message); g_error_free (error); } if (poppler_attachment) g_object_unref (poppler_attachment); } break; case POPPLER_ANNOT_LINK: case POPPLER_ANNOT_WIDGET: /* Ignore link and widgets annots since they are already handled */ break; default: { GEnumValue *enum_value; enum_value = g_enum_get_value ((GEnumClass *) g_type_class_ref (POPPLER_TYPE_ANNOT_TYPE), poppler_annot_get_annot_type (poppler_annot)); unimplemented_annot = enum_value ? enum_value->value_name : "Unknown annotation"; } } if (unimplemented_annot) { g_warning ("Unimplemented annotation: %s, please post a " "bug report on Atril bug tracker " "(https://github.com/mate-desktop/atril/issues) with a testcase.", unimplemented_annot); } if (ev_annot) { time_t utime; gchar *modified; gchar *contents; gchar *name; GdkColor color; contents = poppler_annot_get_contents (poppler_annot); if (contents) { ev_annotation_set_contents (ev_annot, contents); g_free (contents); } name = poppler_annot_get_name (poppler_annot); if (name) { ev_annotation_set_name (ev_annot, name); g_free (name); } modified = poppler_annot_get_modified (poppler_annot); if (poppler_date_parse (modified, &utime)) { ev_annotation_set_modified_from_time (ev_annot, utime); } else { ev_annotation_set_modified (ev_annot, modified); } g_free (modified); poppler_annot_color_to_gdk_color (poppler_annot, &color); ev_annotation_set_color (ev_annot, &color); if (POPPLER_IS_ANNOT_MARKUP (poppler_annot)) { PopplerAnnotMarkup *markup; gchar *label; gdouble opacity; PopplerRectangle poppler_rect; markup = POPPLER_ANNOT_MARKUP (poppler_annot); if (poppler_annot_markup_get_popup_rectangle (markup, &poppler_rect)) { EvRectangle ev_rect; gboolean is_open; gdouble height; poppler_page_get_size (POPPLER_PAGE (page->backend_page), NULL, &height); ev_rect.x1 = poppler_rect.x1; ev_rect.x2 = poppler_rect.x2; ev_rect.y1 = height - poppler_rect.y2; ev_rect.y2 = height - poppler_rect.y1; is_open = poppler_annot_markup_get_popup_is_open (markup); g_object_set (ev_annot, "rectangle", &ev_rect, "popup_is_open", is_open, "has_popup", TRUE, NULL); } else { g_object_set (ev_annot, "has_popup", FALSE, NULL); } label = poppler_annot_markup_get_label (markup); opacity = poppler_annot_markup_get_opacity (markup); g_object_set (ev_annot, "label", label, "opacity", opacity, NULL); g_free (label); } } return ev_annot; } static EvMappingList * pdf_document_annotations_get_annotations (EvDocumentAnnotations *document_annotations, EvPage *page) { GList *retval = NULL; PdfDocument *pdf_document; PopplerPage *poppler_page; EvMappingList *mapping_list; GList *annots; GList *list; gdouble height; gint i = 0; pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document_annotations); poppler_page = POPPLER_PAGE (page->backend_page); if (pdf_document->annots) { mapping_list = (EvMappingList *)g_hash_table_lookup (pdf_document->annots, GINT_TO_POINTER (page->index)); if (mapping_list) return ev_mapping_list_ref (mapping_list); } annots = poppler_page_get_annot_mapping (poppler_page); poppler_page_get_size (poppler_page, NULL, &height); for (list = annots; list; list = list->next) { PopplerAnnotMapping *mapping; EvMapping *annot_mapping; EvAnnotation *ev_annot; mapping = (PopplerAnnotMapping *)list->data; ev_annot = ev_annot_from_poppler_annot (mapping->annot, page); if (!ev_annot) continue; i++; /* Make sure annot has a unique name */ if (!ev_annotation_get_name (ev_annot)) { gchar *name = g_strdup_printf ("annot-%d-%d", page->index, i); ev_annotation_set_name (ev_annot, name); g_free (name); } annot_mapping = g_new (EvMapping, 1); annot_mapping->area.x1 = mapping->area.x1; annot_mapping->area.x2 = mapping->area.x2; annot_mapping->area.y1 = height - mapping->area.y2; annot_mapping->area.y2 = height - mapping->area.y1; annot_mapping->data = ev_annot; g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (ev_annot), "poppler-annot", g_object_ref (mapping->annot), (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref); retval = g_list_prepend (retval, annot_mapping); } poppler_page_free_annot_mapping (annots); if (!retval) return NULL; if (!pdf_document->annots) { pdf_document->annots = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, (GDestroyNotify)NULL, (GDestroyNotify)ev_mapping_list_unref); } mapping_list = ev_mapping_list_new (page->index, g_list_reverse (retval), (GDestroyNotify)g_object_unref); g_hash_table_insert (pdf_document->annots, GINT_TO_POINTER (page->index), ev_mapping_list_ref (mapping_list)); return mapping_list; } static gboolean pdf_document_annotations_document_is_modified (EvDocumentAnnotations *document_annotations) { return PDF_DOCUMENT (document_annotations)->annots_modified; } static void pdf_document_annotations_add_annotation (EvDocumentAnnotations *document_annotations, EvAnnotation *annot, EvRectangle *rect) { PopplerAnnot *poppler_annot; PdfDocument *pdf_document; EvPage *page; PopplerPage *poppler_page; GList *list = NULL; EvMappingList *mapping_list; EvMapping *annot_mapping; PopplerRectangle poppler_rect; gdouble height; PopplerColor poppler_color; GdkColor color; gchar *name; pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document_annotations); page = ev_annotation_get_page (annot); poppler_page = POPPLER_PAGE (page->backend_page); poppler_page_get_size (poppler_page, NULL, &height); poppler_rect.x1 = rect->x1; poppler_rect.x2 = rect->x2; poppler_rect.y1 = height - rect->y2; poppler_rect.y2 = height - rect->y1; poppler_annot = poppler_annot_text_new (pdf_document->document, &poppler_rect); ev_annotation_get_color (annot, &color); poppler_color.red = color.red; poppler_color.green = color.green; poppler_color.blue = color.blue; poppler_annot_set_color (poppler_annot, &poppler_color); if (EV_IS_ANNOTATION_MARKUP (annot)) { EvAnnotationMarkup *markup = EV_ANNOTATION_MARKUP (annot); const gchar *label; if (ev_annotation_markup_has_popup (markup)) { EvRectangle popup_rect; ev_annotation_markup_get_rectangle (markup, &popup_rect); poppler_rect.x1 = popup_rect.x1; poppler_rect.x2 = popup_rect.x2; poppler_rect.y1 = height - popup_rect.y2; poppler_rect.y2 = height - popup_rect.y1; poppler_annot_markup_set_popup (POPPLER_ANNOT_MARKUP (poppler_annot), &poppler_rect); poppler_annot_markup_set_popup_is_open (POPPLER_ANNOT_MARKUP (poppler_annot), ev_annotation_markup_get_popup_is_open (markup)); } label = ev_annotation_markup_get_label (markup); if (label) poppler_annot_markup_set_label (POPPLER_ANNOT_MARKUP (poppler_annot), label); } if (EV_IS_ANNOTATION_TEXT (annot)) { EvAnnotationText *text = EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT (annot); EvAnnotationTextIcon icon; icon = ev_annotation_text_get_icon (text); poppler_annot_text_set_icon (POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT (poppler_annot), get_poppler_annot_text_icon (icon)); } poppler_page_add_annot (poppler_page, poppler_annot); annot_mapping = g_new (EvMapping, 1); annot_mapping->area = *rect; annot_mapping->data = annot; g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (annot), "poppler-annot", g_object_ref (poppler_annot), (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref); if (pdf_document->annots) { mapping_list = (EvMappingList *)g_hash_table_lookup (pdf_document->annots, GINT_TO_POINTER (page->index)); } else { pdf_document->annots = g_hash_table_new_full (g_direct_hash, g_direct_equal, (GDestroyNotify)NULL, (GDestroyNotify)ev_mapping_list_unref); mapping_list = NULL; } if (mapping_list) { list = ev_mapping_list_get_list (mapping_list); name = g_strdup_printf ("annot-%d-%d", page->index, g_list_length (list) + 1); ev_annotation_set_name (annot, name); g_free (name); list = g_list_append (list, annot_mapping); } else { name = g_strdup_printf ("annot-%d-0", page->index); ev_annotation_set_name (annot, name); g_free (name); list = g_list_append (list, annot_mapping); mapping_list = ev_mapping_list_new (page->index, list, (GDestroyNotify)g_object_unref); g_hash_table_insert (pdf_document->annots, GINT_TO_POINTER (page->index), ev_mapping_list_ref (mapping_list)); } pdf_document->annots_modified = TRUE; } static void pdf_document_annotations_save_annotation (EvDocumentAnnotations *document_annotations, EvAnnotation *annot, EvAnnotationsSaveMask mask) { PopplerAnnot *poppler_annot; poppler_annot = POPPLER_ANNOT (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (annot), "poppler-annot")); if (!poppler_annot) return; if (mask & EV_ANNOTATIONS_SAVE_CONTENTS) poppler_annot_set_contents (poppler_annot, ev_annotation_get_contents (annot)); if (mask & EV_ANNOTATIONS_SAVE_COLOR) { PopplerColor color; GdkColor ev_color; ev_annotation_get_color (annot, &ev_color); color.red = ev_color.red; color.green = ev_color.green; color.blue = ev_color.blue; poppler_annot_set_color (poppler_annot, &color); } if (EV_IS_ANNOTATION_MARKUP (annot)) { EvAnnotationMarkup *ev_markup = EV_ANNOTATION_MARKUP (annot); PopplerAnnotMarkup *markup = POPPLER_ANNOT_MARKUP (poppler_annot); if (mask & EV_ANNOTATIONS_SAVE_LABEL) poppler_annot_markup_set_label (markup, ev_annotation_markup_get_label (ev_markup)); if (mask & EV_ANNOTATIONS_SAVE_OPACITY) poppler_annot_markup_set_opacity (markup, ev_annotation_markup_get_opacity (ev_markup)); if (mask & EV_ANNOTATIONS_SAVE_POPUP_IS_OPEN) poppler_annot_markup_set_popup_is_open (markup, ev_annotation_markup_get_popup_is_open (ev_markup)); } if (EV_IS_ANNOTATION_TEXT (annot)) { EvAnnotationText *ev_text = EV_ANNOTATION_TEXT (annot); PopplerAnnotText *text = POPPLER_ANNOT_TEXT (poppler_annot); if (mask & EV_ANNOTATIONS_SAVE_TEXT_IS_OPEN) { poppler_annot_text_set_is_open (text, ev_annotation_text_get_is_open (ev_text)); } if (mask & EV_ANNOTATIONS_SAVE_TEXT_ICON) { EvAnnotationTextIcon icon; icon = ev_annotation_text_get_icon (ev_text); poppler_annot_text_set_icon (text, get_poppler_annot_text_icon (icon)); } } PDF_DOCUMENT (document_annotations)->annots_modified = TRUE; } static void pdf_document_document_annotations_iface_init (EvDocumentAnnotationsInterface *iface) { iface->get_annotations = pdf_document_annotations_get_annotations; iface->document_is_modified = pdf_document_annotations_document_is_modified; iface->add_annotation = pdf_document_annotations_add_annotation; iface->save_annotation = pdf_document_annotations_save_annotation; } /* Attachments */ struct SaveToBufferData { gchar *buffer; gsize len, max; }; static gboolean attachment_save_to_buffer_callback (const gchar *buf, gsize count, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { struct SaveToBufferData *sdata = (SaveToBufferData *)user_data; gchar *new_buffer; gsize new_max; if (sdata->len + count > sdata->max) { new_max = MAX (sdata->max * 2, sdata->len + count); new_buffer = (gchar *)g_realloc (sdata->buffer, new_max); sdata->buffer = new_buffer; sdata->max = new_max; } memcpy (sdata->buffer + sdata->len, buf, count); sdata->len += count; return TRUE; } static gboolean attachment_save_to_buffer (PopplerAttachment *attachment, gchar **buffer, gsize *buffer_size, GError **error) { static const gint initial_max = 1024; struct SaveToBufferData sdata; *buffer = NULL; *buffer_size = 0; sdata.buffer = (gchar *) g_malloc (initial_max); sdata.max = initial_max; sdata.len = 0; if (! poppler_attachment_save_to_callback (attachment, attachment_save_to_buffer_callback, &sdata, error)) { g_free (sdata.buffer); return FALSE; } *buffer = sdata.buffer; *buffer_size = sdata.len; return TRUE; } static GList * pdf_document_attachments_get_attachments (EvDocumentAttachments *document) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document); GList *attachments; GList *list; GList *retval = NULL; attachments = poppler_document_get_attachments (pdf_document->document); for (list = attachments; list; list = list->next) { PopplerAttachment *attachment; EvAttachment *ev_attachment; gchar *data = NULL; gsize size; GError *error = NULL; attachment = (PopplerAttachment *) list->data; if (attachment_save_to_buffer (attachment, &data, &size, &error)) { ev_attachment = ev_attachment_new (attachment->name, attachment->description, attachment->mtime, attachment->ctime, size, data); retval = g_list_prepend (retval, ev_attachment); } else { if (error) { g_warning ("%s", error->message); g_error_free (error); g_free (data); } } g_object_unref (attachment); } return g_list_reverse (retval); } static gboolean pdf_document_attachments_has_attachments (EvDocumentAttachments *document) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document); return poppler_document_has_attachments (pdf_document->document); } static void pdf_document_document_attachments_iface_init (EvDocumentAttachmentsInterface *iface) { iface->has_attachments = pdf_document_attachments_has_attachments; iface->get_attachments = pdf_document_attachments_get_attachments; } /* Layers */ static gboolean pdf_document_layers_has_layers (EvDocumentLayers *document) { PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document); PopplerLayersIter *iter; iter = poppler_layers_iter_new (pdf_document->document); if (!iter) return FALSE; poppler_layers_iter_free (iter); return TRUE; } static void build_layers_tree (PdfDocument *pdf_document, GtkTreeModel *model, GtkTreeIter *parent, PopplerLayersIter *iter) { do { GtkTreeIter tree_iter; PopplerLayersIter *child; PopplerLayer *layer; EvLayer *ev_layer = NULL; gboolean visible; gchar *markup; gint rb_group = 0; layer = poppler_layers_iter_get_layer (iter); if (layer) { markup = g_markup_escape_text (poppler_layer_get_title (layer), -1); visible = poppler_layer_is_visible (layer); rb_group = poppler_layer_get_radio_button_group_id (layer); ev_layer = ev_layer_new (poppler_layer_is_parent (layer), rb_group); g_object_set_data_full (G_OBJECT (ev_layer), "poppler-layer", g_object_ref (layer), (GDestroyNotify) g_object_unref); } else { gchar *title; title = poppler_layers_iter_get_title (iter); markup = g_markup_escape_text (title, -1); g_free (title); visible = FALSE; layer = NULL; } gtk_tree_store_append (GTK_TREE_STORE (model), &tree_iter, parent); gtk_tree_store_set (GTK_TREE_STORE (model), &tree_iter, EV_DOCUMENT_LAYERS_COLUMN_TITLE, markup, EV_DOCUMENT_LAYERS_COLUMN_VISIBLE, visible, EV_DOCUMENT_LAYERS_COLUMN_ENABLED, TRUE, /* FIXME */ EV_DOCUMENT_LAYERS_COLUMN_SHOWTOGGLE, (layer != NULL), EV_DOCUMENT_LAYERS_COLUMN_RBGROUP, rb_group, EV_DOCUMENT_LAYERS_COLUMN_LAYER, ev_layer, -1); if (ev_layer) g_object_unref (ev_layer); g_free (markup); child = poppler_layers_iter_get_child (iter); if (child) build_layers_tree (pdf_document, model, &tree_iter, child); poppler_layers_iter_free (child); } while (poppler_layers_iter_next (iter)); } static GtkTreeModel * pdf_document_layers_get_layers (EvDocumentLayers *document) { GtkTreeModel *model = NULL; PdfDocument *pdf_document = PDF_DOCUMENT (document); PopplerLayersIter *iter; iter = poppler_layers_iter_new (pdf_document->document); if (iter) { model = (GtkTreeModel *) gtk_tree_store_new (EV_DOCUMENT_LAYERS_N_COLUMNS, G_TYPE_STRING, /* TITLE */ G_TYPE_OBJECT, /* LAYER */ G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* VISIBLE */ G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* ENABLED */ G_TYPE_BOOLEAN, /* SHOWTOGGLE */ G_TYPE_INT); /* RBGROUP */ build_layers_tree (pdf_document, model, NULL, iter); poppler_layers_iter_free (iter); } return model; } static void pdf_document_layers_show_layer (EvDocumentLayers *document, EvLayer *layer) { PopplerLayer *poppler_layer; poppler_layer = POPPLER_LAYER (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (layer), "poppler-layer")); poppler_layer_show (poppler_layer); } static void pdf_document_layers_hide_layer (EvDocumentLayers *document, EvLayer *layer) { PopplerLayer *poppler_layer; poppler_layer = POPPLER_LAYER (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (layer), "poppler-layer")); poppler_layer_hide (poppler_layer); } static gboolean pdf_document_layers_layer_is_visible (EvDocumentLayers *document, EvLayer *layer) { PopplerLayer *poppler_layer; poppler_layer = POPPLER_LAYER (g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (layer), "poppler-layer")); return poppler_layer_is_visible (poppler_layer); } static void pdf_document_document_layers_iface_init (EvDocumentLayersInterface *iface) { iface->has_layers = pdf_document_layers_has_layers; iface->get_layers = pdf_document_layers_get_layers; iface->show_layer = pdf_document_layers_show_layer; iface->hide_layer = pdf_document_layers_hide_layer; iface->layer_is_visible = pdf_document_layers_layer_is_visible; }