/* * Copyright (C) 2007 Novell, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* EggSMClientOSX * * For details on the OS X logout process, see: * http://developer.apple.com/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPSystemStartup/Articles/BootProcess.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/20002130-114618 * * EggSMClientOSX registers for the kAEQuitApplication AppleEvent; the * handler we register (quit_requested()) will be invoked from inside * the quartz event-handling code (specifically, from inside * [NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask]) when an AppleEvent arrives. * We use AESuspendTheCurrentEvent() and AEResumeTheCurrentEvent() to * allow asynchronous / non-main-loop-reentering processing of the * quit request. (These are part of the Carbon framework; it doesn't * seem to be possible to handle AppleEvents asynchronously from * Cocoa.) */ #include "config.h" #include "eggsmclient-private.h" #include <gdk/gdkquartz.h> #include <Carbon/Carbon.h> #include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h> #define EGG_TYPE_SM_CLIENT_OSX (egg_sm_client_osx_get_type ()) #define EGG_SM_CLIENT_OSX(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), EGG_TYPE_SM_CLIENT_OSX, EggSMClientOSX)) #define EGG_SM_CLIENT_OSX_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), EGG_TYPE_SM_CLIENT_OSX, EggSMClientOSXClass)) #define EGG_IS_SM_CLIENT_OSX(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), EGG_TYPE_SM_CLIENT_OSX)) #define EGG_IS_SM_CLIENT_OSX_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), EGG_TYPE_SM_CLIENT_OSX)) #define EGG_SM_CLIENT_OSX_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), EGG_TYPE_SM_CLIENT_OSX, EggSMClientOSXClass)) typedef struct _EggSMClientOSX EggSMClientOSX; typedef struct _EggSMClientOSXClass EggSMClientOSXClass; struct _EggSMClientOSX { EggSMClient parent; AppleEvent quit_event, quit_reply; gboolean quit_requested, quitting; }; struct _EggSMClientOSXClass { EggSMClientClass parent_class; }; static void sm_client_osx_startup (EggSMClient *client, const char *client_id); static void sm_client_osx_will_quit (EggSMClient *client, gboolean will_quit); static gboolean sm_client_osx_end_session (EggSMClient *client, EggSMClientEndStyle style, gboolean request_confirmation); static pascal OSErr quit_requested (const AppleEvent *, AppleEvent *, long); G_DEFINE_TYPE (EggSMClientOSX, egg_sm_client_osx, EGG_TYPE_SM_CLIENT) static void egg_sm_client_osx_init (EggSMClientOSX *osx) { ; } static void egg_sm_client_osx_class_init (EggSMClientOSXClass *klass) { EggSMClientClass *sm_client_class = EGG_SM_CLIENT_CLASS (klass); sm_client_class->startup = sm_client_osx_startup; sm_client_class->will_quit = sm_client_osx_will_quit; sm_client_class->end_session = sm_client_osx_end_session; } EggSMClient * egg_sm_client_osx_new (void) { return g_object_new (EGG_TYPE_SM_CLIENT_OSX, NULL); } static void sm_client_osx_startup (EggSMClient *client, const char *client_id) { AEInstallEventHandler (kCoreEventClass, kAEQuitApplication, NewAEEventHandlerUPP (quit_requested), (long)GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (client), false); } static gboolean idle_quit_requested (gpointer client) { egg_sm_client_quit_requested (client); return FALSE; } static pascal OSErr quit_requested (const AppleEvent *aevt, AppleEvent *reply, long refcon) { EggSMClient *client = GSIZE_TO_POINTER ((gsize)refcon); EggSMClientOSX *osx = GSIZE_TO_POINTER ((gsize)refcon); g_return_val_if_fail (!osx->quit_requested, userCanceledErr); /* FIXME AEInteractWithUser? */ osx->quit_requested = TRUE; AEDuplicateDesc (aevt, &osx->quit_event); AEDuplicateDesc (reply, &osx->quit_reply); AESuspendTheCurrentEvent (aevt); /* Don't emit the "quit_requested" signal immediately, since we're * called from a weird point in the guts of gdkeventloop-quartz.c */ g_idle_add (idle_quit_requested, client); return noErr; } static pascal OSErr quit_requested_resumed (const AppleEvent *aevt, AppleEvent *reply, long refcon) { EggSMClientOSX *osx = GSIZE_TO_POINTER ((gsize)refcon); osx->quit_requested = FALSE; return osx->quitting ? noErr : userCanceledErr; } static gboolean idle_will_quit (gpointer client) { EggSMClientOSX *osx = (EggSMClientOSX *)client; /* Resume the event with a new handler that will return a value to * the system. */ AEResumeTheCurrentEvent (&osx->quit_event, &osx->quit_reply, NewAEEventHandlerUPP (quit_requested_resumed), (long)GPOINTER_TO_SIZE (client)); AEDisposeDesc (&osx->quit_event); AEDisposeDesc (&osx->quit_reply); if (osx->quitting) egg_sm_client_quit (client); return FALSE; } static void sm_client_osx_will_quit (EggSMClient *client, gboolean will_quit) { EggSMClientOSX *osx = (EggSMClientOSX *)client; g_return_if_fail (osx->quit_requested); osx->quitting = will_quit; /* Finish in an idle handler since the caller might have called * egg_sm_client_will_quit() from inside the "quit_requested" signal * handler, but may not expect the "quit" signal to arrive during * the _will_quit() call. */ g_idle_add (idle_will_quit, client); } static gboolean sm_client_osx_end_session (EggSMClient *client, EggSMClientEndStyle style, gboolean request_confirmation) { static const ProcessSerialNumber loginwindow_psn = { 0, kSystemProcess }; AppleEvent event = { typeNull, NULL }, reply = { typeNull, NULL }; AEAddressDesc target; AEEventID id; OSErr err; switch (style) { case EGG_SM_CLIENT_END_SESSION_DEFAULT: case EGG_SM_CLIENT_LOGOUT: id = request_confirmation ? kAELogOut : kAEReallyLogOut; break; case EGG_SM_CLIENT_REBOOT: id = request_confirmation ? kAEShowRestartDialog : kAERestart; break; case EGG_SM_CLIENT_SHUTDOWN: id = request_confirmation ? kAEShowShutdownDialog : kAEShutDown; break; } err = AECreateDesc (typeProcessSerialNumber, &loginwindow_psn, sizeof (loginwindow_psn), &target); if (err != noErr) { g_warning ("Could not create descriptor for loginwindow: %d", err); return FALSE; } err = AECreateAppleEvent (kCoreEventClass, id, &target, kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, &event); AEDisposeDesc (&target); if (err != noErr) { g_warning ("Could not create logout AppleEvent: %d", err); return FALSE; } err = AESend (&event, &reply, kAENoReply, kAENormalPriority, kAEDefaultTimeout, NULL, NULL); AEDisposeDesc (&event); if (err == noErr) AEDisposeDesc (&reply); return err == noErr; }