Make sure you save the form, otherwise all of the information you entered will be lost. Tiffany Antopolski Anna Philips

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0

Saving a form

After you have filled it out, you may wish to save your form in one of two ways:

To save a copy that can be edited in the future (form remains interactive):

Go to File Print and select Save As… or press CtrlS on your keyboard.

Choose a name and folder to save the file in, then click Save. The PDF will be saved in the folder you chose.

To save a copy that can no longer be edited (for example, to e-mail the form or submit it on-line):

Go to File Print and select Print or press CtrlP on your keyboard.

Select Print to File and choose PDF as the Output format.

Choose a name and folder to save the file in, then click Print. The PDF will be saved in the folder you chose.

Copies of encrypted files can't be saved or printed.