The author may have put printing restrictions on the document. Phil Bull

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I can't print a document
Possible reasons for printing failure

A document might not print because of:

Printer problems or,

PDF printing restrictions.

Printer problems

There are many reasons why your printer might not be working. For example, it could be out of paper or ink, or unplugged or damaged.

You might want to check your printer configuration in the Control Centre.

PDF printing restrictions

Some PDF documents have a setting which prevents you from printing them. Authors can set this printing restriction when they write a document. Atril overrides this restriction by default, but you may want to check that it hasn't been disabled:

You need to have dconf Editor installed on your computer to change this setting.

Open dconf Editor.

Browse to /org/mate/atril.

Make sure that the override-restrictions option is checked.

Go back toAtril and try to print the document again.