/* this file is part of atril, a mate document viewer
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 Red Hat, Inc
 * Atril is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Atril is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#if !defined (__EV_ATRIL_VIEW_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (ATRIL_COMPILATION)
#error "Only <atril-view.h> can be included directly."

#ifndef __EV_VIEW_H__
#define __EV_VIEW_H__

#include <gtk/gtk.h>

#include <atril-document.h>

#include "ev-document-model.h"
#include "ev-jobs.h"


#define EV_TYPE_VIEW            (ev_view_get_type ())
#define EV_VIEW(obj)            (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), EV_TYPE_VIEW, EvView))
#define EV_IS_VIEW(obj)         (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), EV_TYPE_VIEW))

typedef struct _EvView       EvView;
typedef struct _EvViewClass  EvViewClass;

GType		ev_view_get_type	    (void) G_GNUC_CONST;

GtkWidget*	ev_view_new		    (void);
void		ev_view_set_model	    (EvView          *view,
					     EvDocumentModel *model);
void 		ev_view_set_loading         (EvView 	     *view,
					     gboolean         loading);
void            ev_view_reload              (EvView          *view);
void            ev_view_set_page_cache_size (EvView          *view,
					     gsize            cache_size);

/* Clipboard */
void		ev_view_copy		  (EvView         *view);
void            ev_view_copy_link_address (EvView         *view,
					   EvLinkAction   *action);
void		ev_view_select_all	  (EvView         *view);
gboolean        ev_view_get_has_selection (EvView         *view);

/* Page size */
gboolean	ev_view_can_zoom_in       (EvView         *view);
void		ev_view_zoom_in		  (EvView         *view);
gboolean        ev_view_can_zoom_out      (EvView         *view);
void		ev_view_zoom_out	  (EvView         *view);
void		ev_view_zoom		  (EvView         *view,
		                           gdouble       factor);

/* Find */
void            ev_view_find_next                 (EvView         *view);
void            ev_view_find_previous             (EvView         *view);
void            ev_view_find_search_changed       (EvView         *view);
void     	ev_view_find_set_highlight_search (EvView         *view,
						   gboolean        value);
void            ev_view_find_changed              (EvView         *view,
						   GList         **results,
						   gint            page);
void            ev_view_find_cancel               (EvView         *view);

/* Synctex */
void            ev_view_highlight_forward_search (EvView       *view,
						  EvSourceLink *link);

/* Cursor */
void           ev_view_hide_cursor        (EvView         *view);
void           ev_view_show_cursor        (EvView         *view);

/* Navigation */
void	       ev_view_scroll             (EvView         *view,
	                                   GtkScrollType   scroll,
					   gboolean        horizontal);
void	       ev_view_handle_link        (EvView         *view,
					   EvLink         *link);
gboolean       ev_view_next_page	  (EvView         *view);
gboolean       ev_view_previous_page	  (EvView         *view);

void	       ev_view_autoscroll_start   (EvView *view);
void           ev_view_autoscroll_stop    (EvView *view);

gboolean       ev_view_get_page_extents   (EvView       *view,
                                           gint          page,
                                           GdkRectangle *page_area,
                                           GtkBorder    *border);
/* Annotations */
void           ev_view_focus_annotation      (EvView          *view,
					      EvMapping       *annot_mapping);
void           ev_view_begin_add_annotation  (EvView          *view,
					      EvAnnotationType annot_type);
void           ev_view_cancel_add_annotation (EvView          *view);
void           ev_view_remove_annotation     (EvView          *view,
                                              EvAnnotation    *annot);

/*For epub*/
void           ev_view_disconnect_handlers   (EvView          *view);

/* Caret navigation */
gboolean       ev_view_supports_caret_navigation    (EvView  *view);
gboolean       ev_view_is_caret_navigation_enabled  (EvView  *view);
void           ev_view_set_caret_navigation_enabled (EvView  *view,
                                                     gboolean enabled);
void           ev_view_set_caret_cursor_position    (EvView  *view,
                                                     guint    page,
                                                     guint    offset);

#endif /* __EV_VIEW_H__ */