This file isn't a real ChangeLog, we use our code commits for details on technical changes. This changelog is a list of logical changes and bug fixes. Version 0.7.1 (11/11/11): ------------------------ * Use the correct location for the dropbox.desktop file * Cleanup better on uninstall * Support Fedora 16 Version 0.7.0 (10/19/11): ------------------------ * Verify signature of downloaded tarballs * Fix version conflict with rst2man during build * Add lansync CLI command to disable LAN sync (Requires Dropbox version 1.2.45 or later) * Add support for oneiric * Add support for Debian Version 0.6.9 (08/12/11): ------------------------ * Fix inconsistency in licensing Version 0.6.8 (09/06/11): ------------------------ * Supports Fedora 15 * Added a 256x256 dropbox icon Version 0.6.7 (11/04/10): ------------------------ * Support Fedora 14 * Fix stop command never exiting * Fix help text for autostart command * Fix support for displaying or passing in unicode file/dir names in filestatus command Version 0.6.6 (10/25/10): ------------------------ * Fix slowdown with certain commands (ls, exclude). Version 0.6.5 (10/25/10): ------------------------ * Detect older clients in selective sync CLI commands. Version 0.6.4 (10/25/10): ------------------------ * Support Selective sync in the CLI. (Requires Dropbox version 0.8.109 or later) Version 0.6.3 (6/14/10): ----------------------- * Add support for get_emblems and get_emblems path so client can tell us what to use. * Remove useless notify dependency. * Remove nautilus dependency so that it's easier to install. * Start using instead of Version 0.6.2 (3/16/10): ----------------------- * Fix segfault when cut and pasting files to a network directory. * Fix missing emblems when filenames have quotes. * Fix infinite loop on non decodable filenames. * License for images changed to Creative Commons. Version 0.3.0 (7/17/08): ----------------------- * Removed some bugs based on incorrect assertion usage * Notifications when browser or nautilus fails to open * Now affected file opens when you get a notification. Version 0.2.0 (7/9/08): ----------------------- * Fixed slow startup time due to handle_shell_touch being O(n) operation it's now an O(1) operation on average. * Fixed issue where auto download of dropbox would "fail" sometimes. * Dragging and dropping now works (no outdated dropbox status). * Tray icon is now more accurate regarding the current state of Dropbox. * Folder tags (Photos/Public/Shared) are now implemented. * Used nautilus workaround to always show dropbox status emblems. Version 0.1.0 (7/3/08): ----------------------- * Initial Release!