#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define GKSU_TYPE_CONTEXT_MENU (gksu_context_menu_get_type ()) typedef struct { GObject parent; } GksuContextMenu; typedef struct { GObjectClass parent_class; } GksuContextMenuClass; static GType gksucm_type = 0; static GObjectClass *parent_class = NULL; static void gksu_context_menu_init (GksuContextMenu *self); static void gksu_context_menu_class_init (GksuContextMenuClass *class); static void menu_provider_iface_init (CajaMenuProviderIface *iface); static GList* gksu_context_menu_get_file_items (CajaMenuProvider *provider, GtkWidget *window, GList *files); static void gksu_context_menu_activate (CajaMenuItem *item, CajaFileInfo *file); static GType gksu_context_menu_get_type (void) { return gksucm_type; } static void gksu_context_menu_register_type (GTypeModule *module) { static const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof (GksuContextMenuClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) gksu_context_menu_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof (GksuContextMenu), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) gksu_context_menu_init, NULL }; static const GInterfaceInfo menu_provider_iface_info = { (GInterfaceInitFunc)menu_provider_iface_init, NULL, NULL }; gksucm_type = g_type_module_register_type (module, G_TYPE_OBJECT, "GksuContextMenu", &info, 0); g_type_module_add_interface (module, gksucm_type, CAJA_TYPE_MENU_PROVIDER, &menu_provider_iface_info); } static void gksu_context_menu_class_init (GksuContextMenuClass *class) { parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (class); } static void menu_provider_iface_init (CajaMenuProviderIface *iface) { iface->get_file_items = gksu_context_menu_get_file_items; } static void gksu_context_menu_init (GksuContextMenu *self) { g_message ("Initializing gksu extension..."); } static GList * gksu_context_menu_get_file_items (CajaMenuProvider *provider, GtkWidget *window, GList *files) { GList *items = NULL; CajaFileInfo *file; CajaMenuItem *item; /* if we're already root, really or effectively, do not add the menu item */ if (geteuid () == 0) return NULL; /* only add a menu item if a single file is selected ... */ if (files == NULL || files->next != NULL) return NULL; file = files->data; /* ... and if it is not a caja special item */ { gchar *uri_scheme = NULL; uri_scheme = caja_file_info_get_uri_scheme (file); if (!strncmp (uri_scheme, "x-caja-desktop", 18)) { g_free (uri_scheme); return NULL; } g_free (uri_scheme); } /* create the context menu item */ item = caja_menu_item_new ("Gksu::open_as_root", _("Open as administrator"), _("Opens the file with administrator privileges"), NULL); g_signal_connect_object (item, "activate", G_CALLBACK (gksu_context_menu_activate), file, 0); items = g_list_prepend (items, item); return items; } static void gksu_context_menu_activate (CajaMenuItem *item, CajaFileInfo *file) { gchar *exec_path; gchar *uri = NULL; gchar *mime_type = NULL; gchar *cmd = NULL; gchar *full_cmd = NULL; gchar *tmp = NULL; gboolean is_desktop = FALSE; uri = caja_file_info_get_uri (file); mime_type = caja_file_info_get_mime_type (file); if (!strcmp (mime_type, "application/x-desktop")) { /* we're handling a .desktop file */ GKeyFile *key_file = g_key_file_new (); gint retval = 0; is_desktop = TRUE; gchar *file_path = g_filename_from_uri (uri, NULL, NULL); retval = g_key_file_load_from_file (key_file, file_path, 0, NULL); g_free (file_path); if (retval) cmd = g_key_file_get_string (key_file, "Desktop Entry", "Exec", NULL); g_key_file_free (key_file); } else { GAppInfo *app_info = g_app_info_get_default_for_type (mime_type, strncmp (uri, "file://", 7)); if (app_info) { cmd = g_strdup (g_app_info_get_executable (app_info)); g_object_unref (app_info); } } if (cmd == NULL) { GtkWidget *dialog; dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new_with_markup (NULL, 0, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE, _("" "Unable to determine the program to run." "\n\n" "The item you selected cannot be open with " "administrator powers because the correct " "application cannot be determined.")); gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG(dialog)); gtk_widget_destroy (dialog); return; } /* * FIXME: remove any FreeDesktop substitution variable for now; we * need to process them! */ tmp = strstr (cmd, "%"); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (is_desktop) full_cmd = cmd; else { full_cmd = g_strdup_printf ("%s '%s'", cmd, uri); g_free (cmd); } if ((exec_path = g_find_program_in_path ("gksu")) == NULL) { if ((exec_path = g_find_program_in_path ("beesu")) == NULL) { GtkWidget *dialog; dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new_with_markup (NULL, 0, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE, _("" "Unable to determine the graphical wrapper for su" "\n\n" "The item you selected cannot be open with " "administrator powers because the graphical wrapper " "for su cannot be determined, such as gtksu or beesu.")); gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)); gtk_widget_destroy (dialog); } } if (exec_path != NULL) { GError *error = NULL; gchar **argv = (gchar**) g_malloc (sizeof (gchar*) * 3); argv[0] = exec_path; argv[1] = full_cmd; argv[2] = NULL; if (!g_spawn_async (NULL, argv, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, NULL, &error)) { GtkWidget *dialog; dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new (NULL, 0, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR, GTK_BUTTONS_CLOSE, _("Error: %s"), error->message); gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)); gtk_widget_destroy (dialog); g_error_free (error); } g_strfreev (argv); } else { g_free (full_cmd); } g_free (uri); g_free (mime_type); } /* --- extension interface --- */ void caja_module_initialize (GTypeModule *module) { g_print ("Initializing caja-gksu extension\n"); gksu_context_menu_register_type (module); } void caja_module_shutdown (void) { g_print ("Shutting down caja-gksu extension\n"); } void caja_module_list_types (const GType **types, int *num_types) { static GType type_list[1]; type_list[0] = GKSU_TYPE_CONTEXT_MENU; *types = type_list; *num_types = G_N_ELEMENTS (type_list); }