/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; tab-width: 8 -*- */ /* eel-labeled-image.c - A labeled image. Copyright (C) 2000 Eazel, Inc. The Mate Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Mate Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with the Mate Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Authors: Ramiro Estrugo <ramiro@eazel.com> */ #include <config.h> #include "eel-labeled-image.h" #include "eel-art-extensions.h" #include "eel-art-gtk-extensions.h" #include "eel-gtk-container.h" #include "eel-gtk-extensions.h" #include "eel-accessibility.h" #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <gtk/gtk-a11y.h> #include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h> #include <atk/atkimage.h> #define DEFAULT_SPACING 0 #define DEFAULT_X_PADDING 0 #define DEFAULT_Y_PADDING 0 #define DEFAULT_X_ALIGNMENT 0.5 #define DEFAULT_Y_ALIGNMENT 0.5 /* Signals */ enum { ACTIVATE, LAST_SIGNAL }; /* Arguments */ enum { PROP_0, PROP_FILL, PROP_LABEL, PROP_LABEL_POSITION, PROP_PIXBUF, PROP_SHOW_IMAGE, PROP_SHOW_LABEL, PROP_SPACING, PROP_X_ALIGNMENT, PROP_X_PADDING, PROP_Y_ALIGNMENT, PROP_Y_PADDING }; /* Detail member struct */ struct EelLabeledImageDetails { GtkWidget *image; GtkWidget *label; GtkPositionType label_position; gboolean show_label; gboolean show_image; guint spacing; float x_alignment; float y_alignment; int x_padding; int y_padding; int fixed_image_height; gboolean fill; }; /* derived types so we can add our accessibility interfaces */ static GType eel_labeled_image_button_get_type (void); static GType eel_labeled_image_check_button_get_type (void); static GType eel_labeled_image_radio_button_get_type (void); static GType eel_labeled_image_toggle_button_get_type (void); /* GtkWidgetClass methods */ static GType eel_labeled_image_accessible_get_type (void); /* Private EelLabeledImage methods */ static EelDimensions labeled_image_get_image_dimensions (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image); static EelDimensions labeled_image_get_label_dimensions (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image); static void labeled_image_ensure_label (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image); static void labeled_image_ensure_image (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image); static EelIRect labeled_image_get_content_bounds (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image); static EelDimensions labeled_image_get_content_dimensions (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image); static void labeled_image_update_alignments (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image); static gboolean labeled_image_show_label (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image); static gboolean labeled_image_show_image (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image); static guint labeled_image_signals[LAST_SIGNAL] = { 0 }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (EelLabeledImage, eel_labeled_image, GTK_TYPE_CONTAINER) static void eel_labeled_image_init (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { gtk_widget_set_has_window (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image), FALSE); labeled_image->details = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (labeled_image, EEL_TYPE_LABELED_IMAGE, EelLabeledImageDetails); labeled_image->details->show_label = TRUE; labeled_image->details->show_image = TRUE; labeled_image->details->label_position = GTK_POS_BOTTOM; labeled_image->details->spacing = DEFAULT_SPACING; labeled_image->details->x_padding = DEFAULT_X_PADDING; labeled_image->details->y_padding = DEFAULT_Y_PADDING; labeled_image->details->x_alignment = DEFAULT_X_ALIGNMENT; labeled_image->details->y_alignment = DEFAULT_Y_ALIGNMENT; labeled_image->details->fixed_image_height = 0; eel_labeled_image_set_fill (labeled_image, FALSE); } static void eel_labeled_image_destroy (GtkWidget *object) { EelLabeledImage *labeled_image; labeled_image = EEL_LABELED_IMAGE (object); if (labeled_image->details->image != NULL) { gtk_widget_destroy (labeled_image->details->image); } if (labeled_image->details->label != NULL) { gtk_widget_destroy (labeled_image->details->label); } GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (eel_labeled_image_parent_class)->destroy (object); } /* GObjectClass methods */ static void eel_labeled_image_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { EelLabeledImage *labeled_image; g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (object)); labeled_image = EEL_LABELED_IMAGE (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_PIXBUF: eel_labeled_image_set_pixbuf (labeled_image, g_value_get_object (value)); break; case PROP_LABEL: eel_labeled_image_set_text (labeled_image, g_value_get_string (value)); break; case PROP_LABEL_POSITION: eel_labeled_image_set_label_position (labeled_image, g_value_get_enum (value)); break; case PROP_SHOW_LABEL: eel_labeled_image_set_show_label (labeled_image, g_value_get_boolean (value)); break; case PROP_SHOW_IMAGE: eel_labeled_image_set_show_image (labeled_image, g_value_get_boolean (value)); break; case PROP_SPACING: eel_labeled_image_set_spacing (labeled_image, g_value_get_uint (value)); break; case PROP_X_PADDING: eel_labeled_image_set_x_padding (labeled_image, g_value_get_int (value)); break; case PROP_Y_PADDING: eel_labeled_image_set_y_padding (labeled_image, g_value_get_int (value)); break; case PROP_X_ALIGNMENT: eel_labeled_image_set_x_alignment (labeled_image, g_value_get_float (value)); break; case PROP_Y_ALIGNMENT: eel_labeled_image_set_y_alignment (labeled_image, g_value_get_float (value)); break; case PROP_FILL: eel_labeled_image_set_fill (labeled_image, g_value_get_boolean (value)); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } static void eel_labeled_image_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { EelLabeledImage *labeled_image; g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (object)); labeled_image = EEL_LABELED_IMAGE (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_LABEL: if (labeled_image->details->label == NULL) { g_value_set_string (value, NULL); } else { g_value_set_string (value, gtk_label_get_text (GTK_LABEL ( labeled_image->details->label))); } break; case PROP_LABEL_POSITION: g_value_set_enum (value, eel_labeled_image_get_label_position (labeled_image)); break; case PROP_SHOW_LABEL: g_value_set_boolean (value, eel_labeled_image_get_show_label (labeled_image)); break; case PROP_SHOW_IMAGE: g_value_set_boolean (value, eel_labeled_image_get_show_image (labeled_image)); break; case PROP_SPACING: g_value_set_uint (value, eel_labeled_image_get_spacing (labeled_image)); break; case PROP_X_PADDING: g_value_set_int (value, eel_labeled_image_get_x_padding (labeled_image)); break; case PROP_Y_PADDING: g_value_set_int (value, eel_labeled_image_get_y_padding (labeled_image)); break; case PROP_X_ALIGNMENT: g_value_set_float (value, eel_labeled_image_get_x_alignment (labeled_image)); break; case PROP_Y_ALIGNMENT: g_value_set_float (value, eel_labeled_image_get_y_alignment (labeled_image)); break; case PROP_FILL: g_value_set_boolean (value, eel_labeled_image_get_fill (labeled_image)); break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } /* GtkWidgetClass methods */ static void eel_labeled_image_size_request (GtkWidget *widget, GtkRequisition *requisition) { EelLabeledImage *labeled_image; EelDimensions content_dimensions; g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (widget)); g_assert (requisition != NULL); labeled_image = EEL_LABELED_IMAGE (widget); content_dimensions = labeled_image_get_content_dimensions (labeled_image); requisition->width = MAX (1, content_dimensions.width) + 2 * labeled_image->details->x_padding; requisition->height = MAX (1, content_dimensions.height) + 2 * labeled_image->details->y_padding; } static void eel_labeled_image_get_preferred_width (GtkWidget *widget, gint *minimum_width, gint *natural_width) { GtkRequisition req; eel_labeled_image_size_request (widget, &req); *minimum_width = *natural_width = req.width; } static void eel_labeled_image_get_preferred_height (GtkWidget *widget, gint *minimum_height, gint *natural_height) { GtkRequisition req; eel_labeled_image_size_request (widget, &req); *minimum_height = *natural_height = req.height; } static void eel_labeled_image_size_allocate (GtkWidget *widget, GtkAllocation *allocation) { EelLabeledImage *labeled_image; EelIRect image_bounds; EelIRect label_bounds; g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (widget)); g_assert (allocation != NULL); labeled_image = EEL_LABELED_IMAGE (widget); gtk_widget_set_allocation (widget, allocation); label_bounds = eel_labeled_image_get_label_bounds (labeled_image); eel_gtk_container_child_size_allocate (GTK_CONTAINER (widget), labeled_image->details->label, label_bounds); image_bounds = eel_labeled_image_get_image_bounds (labeled_image); eel_gtk_container_child_size_allocate (GTK_CONTAINER (widget), labeled_image->details->image, image_bounds); } static int eel_labeled_image_draw (GtkWidget *widget, cairo_t *cr) { EelLabeledImage *labeled_image; EelIRect label_bounds; GtkStyleContext *context; GdkWindow *window; g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (widget)); g_assert (gtk_widget_get_realized (widget)); labeled_image = EEL_LABELED_IMAGE (widget); context = gtk_widget_get_style_context (widget); gtk_style_context_save (context); window = gtk_widget_get_window (widget); if (gtk_widget_get_state_flags (widget) == GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED || gtk_widget_get_state_flags (widget) == GTK_STATE_FLAG_ACTIVE) { label_bounds = eel_labeled_image_get_label_bounds (EEL_LABELED_IMAGE (widget)); gtk_widget_get_state_flags (widget); gtk_render_background (context, cr, label_bounds.x0, label_bounds.y0, label_bounds.x1 - label_bounds.x0, label_bounds.y1 - label_bounds.y0); gtk_render_frame (context, cr, label_bounds.x0, label_bounds.y0, label_bounds.x1 - label_bounds.x0, label_bounds.y1 - label_bounds.y0); } if (labeled_image_show_label (labeled_image)) { eel_gtk_container_child_expose_event (GTK_CONTAINER (widget), labeled_image->details->label, cr); } if (labeled_image_show_image (labeled_image)) { eel_gtk_container_child_expose_event (GTK_CONTAINER (widget), labeled_image->details->image, cr); } if (gtk_widget_has_focus (widget)) { label_bounds = eel_labeled_image_get_image_bounds (EEL_LABELED_IMAGE (widget)); gtk_widget_set_state_flags (widget, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, TRUE); gtk_render_focus (context, cr, label_bounds.x0, label_bounds.y0, label_bounds.x1 - label_bounds.x0, label_bounds.y1 - label_bounds.y0); } gtk_style_context_restore (context); return FALSE; } static void eel_labeled_image_map (GtkWidget *widget) { EelLabeledImage *labeled_image; g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (widget)); labeled_image = EEL_LABELED_IMAGE (widget); gtk_widget_set_mapped (widget, TRUE); if (labeled_image_show_label (labeled_image)) { eel_gtk_container_child_map (GTK_CONTAINER (widget), labeled_image->details->label); } if (labeled_image_show_image (labeled_image)) { eel_gtk_container_child_map (GTK_CONTAINER (widget), labeled_image->details->image); } } static void eel_labeled_image_unmap (GtkWidget *widget) { EelLabeledImage *labeled_image; g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (widget)); labeled_image = EEL_LABELED_IMAGE (widget); gtk_widget_set_mapped (widget, FALSE); eel_gtk_container_child_unmap (GTK_CONTAINER (widget), labeled_image->details->label); eel_gtk_container_child_unmap (GTK_CONTAINER (widget), labeled_image->details->image); } /* GtkContainerClass methods */ static void eel_labeled_image_add (GtkContainer *container, GtkWidget *child) { g_assert (GTK_IS_LABEL (child) || GTK_IS_IMAGE (child)); eel_gtk_container_child_add (container, child); } static void eel_labeled_image_remove (GtkContainer *container, GtkWidget *child) { EelLabeledImage *labeled_image; g_assert (GTK_IS_LABEL (child) || GTK_IS_IMAGE (child)); labeled_image = EEL_LABELED_IMAGE (container);; g_assert (child == labeled_image->details->image || child == labeled_image->details->label); eel_gtk_container_child_remove (container, child); if (labeled_image->details->image == child) { labeled_image->details->image = NULL; } if (labeled_image->details->label == child) { labeled_image->details->label = NULL; } } static void eel_labeled_image_forall (GtkContainer *container, gboolean include_internals, GtkCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) { EelLabeledImage *labeled_image; g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (container)); g_assert (callback != NULL); labeled_image = EEL_LABELED_IMAGE (container); if (include_internals) { if (labeled_image->details->image != NULL) { (* callback) (labeled_image->details->image, callback_data); } if (labeled_image->details->label != NULL) { (* callback) (labeled_image->details->label, callback_data); } } } /* Class init methods */ static void eel_labeled_image_class_init (EelLabeledImageClass *labeled_image_class) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (labeled_image_class); GtkWidgetClass *widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (labeled_image_class); GtkContainerClass *container_class = GTK_CONTAINER_CLASS (labeled_image_class); GtkBindingSet *binding_set; /* GObjectClass */ gobject_class->set_property = eel_labeled_image_set_property; gobject_class->get_property = eel_labeled_image_get_property; widget_class->destroy = eel_labeled_image_destroy; /* GtkWidgetClass */ widget_class->size_allocate = eel_labeled_image_size_allocate; widget_class->get_preferred_width = eel_labeled_image_get_preferred_width; widget_class->get_preferred_height = eel_labeled_image_get_preferred_height; widget_class->draw = eel_labeled_image_draw; widget_class->map = eel_labeled_image_map; widget_class->unmap = eel_labeled_image_unmap; gtk_widget_class_set_accessible_type (widget_class, eel_labeled_image_accessible_get_type ()); /* GtkContainerClass */ container_class->add = eel_labeled_image_add; container_class->remove = eel_labeled_image_remove; container_class->forall = eel_labeled_image_forall; labeled_image_signals[ACTIVATE] = g_signal_new ("activate", G_TYPE_FROM_CLASS (labeled_image_class), G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST | G_SIGNAL_ACTION, G_STRUCT_OFFSET (EelLabeledImageClass, activate), NULL, NULL, g_cclosure_marshal_VOID__VOID, G_TYPE_NONE, 0); widget_class->activate_signal = labeled_image_signals[ACTIVATE]; binding_set = gtk_binding_set_by_class (gobject_class); gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set, GDK_KEY_Return, 0, "activate", 0); gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set, GDK_KEY_KP_Enter, 0, "activate", 0); gtk_binding_entry_add_signal (binding_set, GDK_KEY_space, 0, "activate", 0); /* Properties */ g_object_class_install_property ( gobject_class, PROP_PIXBUF, g_param_spec_object ("pixbuf", NULL, NULL, GDK_TYPE_PIXBUF, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property ( gobject_class, PROP_LABEL, g_param_spec_string ("label", NULL, NULL, "", G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property ( gobject_class, PROP_LABEL_POSITION, g_param_spec_enum ("label_position", NULL, NULL, GTK_TYPE_POSITION_TYPE, GTK_POS_BOTTOM, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property ( gobject_class, PROP_SHOW_LABEL, g_param_spec_boolean ("show_label", NULL, NULL, TRUE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property ( gobject_class, PROP_SHOW_IMAGE, g_param_spec_boolean ("show_image", NULL, NULL, TRUE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property ( gobject_class, PROP_SPACING, g_param_spec_uint ("spacing", NULL, NULL, 0, G_MAXINT, DEFAULT_SPACING, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property ( gobject_class, PROP_X_PADDING, g_param_spec_int ("x_padding", NULL, NULL, 0, G_MAXINT, DEFAULT_X_PADDING, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property ( gobject_class, PROP_Y_PADDING, g_param_spec_int ("y_padding", NULL, NULL, 0, G_MAXINT, DEFAULT_Y_PADDING, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property ( gobject_class, PROP_X_ALIGNMENT, g_param_spec_float ("x_alignment", NULL, NULL, 0.0, 1.0, DEFAULT_X_ALIGNMENT, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property ( gobject_class, PROP_Y_ALIGNMENT, g_param_spec_float ("y_alignment", NULL, NULL, 0.0, 1.0, DEFAULT_Y_ALIGNMENT, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_object_class_install_property ( gobject_class, PROP_FILL, g_param_spec_boolean ("fill", NULL, NULL, FALSE, G_PARAM_READWRITE)); g_type_class_add_private (labeled_image_class, sizeof (EelLabeledImageDetails)); } /* Private EelLabeledImage methods */ static gboolean is_fixed_height (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { return labeled_image->details->fixed_image_height > 0; } static EelDimensions labeled_image_get_image_dimensions (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { EelDimensions image_dimensions; GtkRequisition image_requisition; g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); if (!labeled_image_show_image (labeled_image)) { return eel_dimensions_empty; } gtk_widget_get_preferred_size (labeled_image->details->image, &image_requisition, NULL); image_dimensions.width = (int) image_requisition.width; image_dimensions.height = (int) image_requisition.height; if (is_fixed_height (labeled_image)) { image_dimensions.height = labeled_image->details->fixed_image_height; } return image_dimensions; } static EelDimensions labeled_image_get_label_dimensions (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { EelDimensions label_dimensions; GtkRequisition label_requisition; g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); if (!labeled_image_show_label (labeled_image)) { return eel_dimensions_empty; } gtk_widget_get_preferred_size (labeled_image->details->label, &label_requisition, NULL); label_dimensions.width = (int) label_requisition.width; label_dimensions.height = (int) label_requisition.height; return label_dimensions; } static EelIRect labeled_image_get_image_bounds_fill (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { EelIRect image_bounds; EelDimensions image_dimensions; EelIRect content_bounds; EelIRect bounds; g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); image_dimensions = labeled_image_get_image_dimensions (labeled_image); if (eel_dimensions_are_empty (image_dimensions)) { return eel_irect_empty; } content_bounds = labeled_image_get_content_bounds (labeled_image); bounds = eel_gtk_widget_get_bounds (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image)); if (!labeled_image_show_label (labeled_image)) { image_bounds = bounds; } else { switch (labeled_image->details->label_position) { case GTK_POS_LEFT: image_bounds.y0 = bounds.y0; image_bounds.x0 = content_bounds.x1 - image_dimensions.width; image_bounds.y1 = bounds.y1; image_bounds.x1 = bounds.x1; break; case GTK_POS_RIGHT: image_bounds.y0 = bounds.y0; image_bounds.x0 = bounds.x0; image_bounds.y1 = bounds.y1; image_bounds.x1 = content_bounds.x0 + image_dimensions.width; break; case GTK_POS_TOP: image_bounds.x0 = bounds.x0; image_bounds.y0 = content_bounds.y1 - image_dimensions.height; image_bounds.x1 = bounds.x1; image_bounds.y1 = bounds.y1; break; case GTK_POS_BOTTOM: image_bounds.x0 = bounds.x0; image_bounds.y0 = bounds.y0; image_bounds.x1 = bounds.x1; image_bounds.y1 = content_bounds.y0 + image_dimensions.height; break; default: image_bounds.x0 = 0; image_bounds.y0 = 0; image_bounds.x1 = 0; image_bounds.y1 = 0; g_assert_not_reached (); } } return image_bounds; } EelIRect eel_labeled_image_get_image_bounds (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { EelDimensions image_dimensions; EelDimensions label_dimensions; GtkRequisition image_requisition; EelIRect image_bounds; EelIRect content_bounds; g_return_val_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image), eel_irect_empty); if (labeled_image->details->fill) { return labeled_image_get_image_bounds_fill (labeled_image); } /* get true real dimensions if we're in fixed height mode */ if (is_fixed_height (labeled_image) && labeled_image_show_image (labeled_image)) { gtk_widget_get_preferred_size (labeled_image->details->image, &image_requisition, NULL); image_dimensions.width = (int) image_requisition.width; image_dimensions.height = (int) image_requisition.height; } else { image_dimensions = labeled_image_get_image_dimensions (labeled_image); } label_dimensions = labeled_image_get_label_dimensions (labeled_image); if (eel_dimensions_are_empty (image_dimensions)) { return eel_irect_empty; } content_bounds = labeled_image_get_content_bounds (labeled_image); if (!labeled_image_show_label (labeled_image)) { image_bounds.x0 = content_bounds.x0 + (eel_irect_get_width (content_bounds) - image_dimensions.width) / 2; image_bounds.y0 = content_bounds.y0 + (eel_irect_get_height (content_bounds) - image_dimensions.height) / 2; } else { switch (labeled_image->details->label_position) { case GTK_POS_LEFT: image_bounds.x0 = content_bounds.x1 - image_dimensions.width; image_bounds.y0 = content_bounds.y0 + (eel_irect_get_height (content_bounds) - image_dimensions.height) / 2; break; case GTK_POS_RIGHT: image_bounds.x0 = content_bounds.x0; image_bounds.y0 = content_bounds.y0 + (eel_irect_get_height (content_bounds) - image_dimensions.height) / 2; break; case GTK_POS_TOP: image_bounds.x0 = content_bounds.x0 + (eel_irect_get_width (content_bounds) - image_dimensions.width) / 2; image_bounds.y0 = content_bounds.y1 - image_dimensions.height; break; case GTK_POS_BOTTOM: image_bounds.x0 = content_bounds.x0 + (eel_irect_get_width (content_bounds) - image_dimensions.width) / 2; if (is_fixed_height (labeled_image)) { image_bounds.y0 = content_bounds.y0 + eel_irect_get_height (content_bounds) - image_dimensions.height - label_dimensions.height - labeled_image->details->spacing; } else { image_bounds.y0 = content_bounds.y0; } break; default: image_bounds.x0 = 0; image_bounds.y0 = 0; g_assert_not_reached (); } } image_bounds.x1 = image_bounds.x0 + image_dimensions.width; image_bounds.y1 = image_bounds.y0 + image_dimensions.height; return image_bounds; } static EelIRect labeled_image_get_label_bounds_fill (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { EelIRect label_bounds; EelDimensions label_dimensions; EelIRect content_bounds; EelIRect bounds; g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); label_dimensions = labeled_image_get_label_dimensions (labeled_image); if (eel_dimensions_are_empty (label_dimensions)) { return eel_irect_empty; } content_bounds = labeled_image_get_content_bounds (labeled_image); bounds = eel_gtk_widget_get_bounds (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image)); /* Only the label is shown */ if (!labeled_image_show_image (labeled_image)) { label_bounds = bounds; /* Both label and image are shown */ } else { switch (labeled_image->details->label_position) { case GTK_POS_LEFT: label_bounds.y0 = bounds.y0; label_bounds.x0 = bounds.x0; label_bounds.y1 = bounds.y1; label_bounds.x1 = content_bounds.x0 + label_dimensions.width; break; case GTK_POS_RIGHT: label_bounds.y0 = bounds.y0; label_bounds.x0 = content_bounds.x1 - label_dimensions.width; label_bounds.y1 = bounds.y1; label_bounds.x1 = bounds.x1; break; case GTK_POS_TOP: label_bounds.x0 = bounds.x0; label_bounds.y0 = bounds.y0; label_bounds.x1 = bounds.x1; label_bounds.y1 = content_bounds.y0 + label_dimensions.height; break; case GTK_POS_BOTTOM: label_bounds.x0 = bounds.x0; label_bounds.y0 = content_bounds.y1 - label_dimensions.height; label_bounds.x1 = bounds.x1; label_bounds.y1 = bounds.y1; break; default: label_bounds.x0 = 0; label_bounds.y0 = 0; label_bounds.x1 = 0; label_bounds.y1 = 0; g_assert_not_reached (); } } return label_bounds; } EelIRect eel_labeled_image_get_label_bounds (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { EelIRect label_bounds; EelDimensions label_dimensions; EelIRect content_bounds; g_return_val_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image), eel_irect_empty); if (labeled_image->details->fill) { return labeled_image_get_label_bounds_fill (labeled_image); } label_dimensions = labeled_image_get_label_dimensions (labeled_image); if (eel_dimensions_are_empty (label_dimensions)) { return eel_irect_empty; } content_bounds = labeled_image_get_content_bounds (labeled_image); /* Only the label is shown */ if (!labeled_image_show_image (labeled_image)) { label_bounds.x0 = content_bounds.x0 + (eel_irect_get_width (content_bounds) - label_dimensions.width) / 2; label_bounds.y0 = content_bounds.y0 + (eel_irect_get_height (content_bounds) - label_dimensions.height) / 2; /* Both label and image are shown */ } else { switch (labeled_image->details->label_position) { case GTK_POS_LEFT: label_bounds.x0 = content_bounds.x0; label_bounds.y0 = content_bounds.y0 + (eel_irect_get_height (content_bounds) - label_dimensions.height) / 2; break; case GTK_POS_RIGHT: label_bounds.x0 = content_bounds.x1 - label_dimensions.width; label_bounds.y0 = content_bounds.y0 + (eel_irect_get_height (content_bounds) - label_dimensions.height) / 2; break; case GTK_POS_TOP: label_bounds.x0 = content_bounds.x0 + (eel_irect_get_width (content_bounds) - label_dimensions.width) / 2; label_bounds.y0 = content_bounds.y0; break; case GTK_POS_BOTTOM: label_bounds.x0 = content_bounds.x0 + (eel_irect_get_width (content_bounds) - label_dimensions.width) / 2; label_bounds.y0 = content_bounds.y1 - label_dimensions.height; break; default: label_bounds.x0 = 0; label_bounds.y0 = 0; g_assert_not_reached (); } } label_bounds.x1 = label_bounds.x0 + label_dimensions.width; label_bounds.y1 = label_bounds.y0 + label_dimensions.height; return label_bounds; } static void labeled_image_update_alignments (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); if (labeled_image->details->label != NULL) { float x_alignment; float y_alignment; if (labeled_image->details->fill) { #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 16, 0) x_alignment = gtk_label_get_xalign (GTK_LABEL (labeled_image->details->label)); y_alignment = gtk_label_get_yalign (GTK_LABEL (labeled_image->details->label)); #else gtk_misc_get_alignment (GTK_MISC (labeled_image->details->label), &x_alignment, &y_alignment); #endif /* Only the label is shown */ if (!labeled_image_show_image (labeled_image)) { x_alignment = 0.5; y_alignment = 0.5; /* Both label and image are shown */ } else { switch (labeled_image->details->label_position) { case GTK_POS_LEFT: x_alignment = 1.0; y_alignment = 0.5; break; case GTK_POS_RIGHT: x_alignment = 0.0; y_alignment = 0.5; break; case GTK_POS_TOP: x_alignment = 0.5; y_alignment = 1.0; break; case GTK_POS_BOTTOM: x_alignment = 0.5; y_alignment = 0.0; break; } } #if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 16, 0) gtk_label_set_xalign (GTK_LABEL (labeled_image->details->label), x_alignment); gtk_label_set_yalign (GTK_LABEL (labeled_image->details->label), y_alignment); #else gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (labeled_image->details->label), x_alignment, y_alignment); #endif } } if (labeled_image->details->image != NULL) { float x_alignment; float y_alignment; if (labeled_image->details->fill) { x_alignment = gtk_widget_get_halign (labeled_image->details->image); y_alignment = gtk_widget_get_valign (labeled_image->details->image); /* Only the image is shown */ if (!labeled_image_show_label (labeled_image)) { x_alignment = 0.5; y_alignment = 0.5; /* Both label and image are shown */ } else { switch (labeled_image->details->label_position) { case GTK_POS_LEFT: x_alignment = 0.0; y_alignment = 0.5; break; case GTK_POS_RIGHT: x_alignment = 1.0; y_alignment = 0.5; break; case GTK_POS_TOP: x_alignment = 0.5; y_alignment = 0.0; break; case GTK_POS_BOTTOM: x_alignment = 0.5; y_alignment = 1.0; break; } } gtk_widget_set_halign (labeled_image->details->image, x_alignment); gtk_widget_set_valign (labeled_image->details->image, y_alignment); } } } static EelDimensions labeled_image_get_content_dimensions (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { EelDimensions image_dimensions; EelDimensions label_dimensions; EelDimensions content_dimensions; g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); image_dimensions = labeled_image_get_image_dimensions (labeled_image); label_dimensions = labeled_image_get_label_dimensions (labeled_image); content_dimensions = eel_dimensions_empty; /* Both shown */ if (!eel_dimensions_are_empty (image_dimensions) && !eel_dimensions_are_empty (label_dimensions)) { content_dimensions.width = image_dimensions.width + labeled_image->details->spacing + label_dimensions.width; switch (labeled_image->details->label_position) { case GTK_POS_LEFT: case GTK_POS_RIGHT: content_dimensions.width = image_dimensions.width + labeled_image->details->spacing + label_dimensions.width; content_dimensions.height = MAX (image_dimensions.height, label_dimensions.height); break; case GTK_POS_TOP: case GTK_POS_BOTTOM: content_dimensions.width = MAX (image_dimensions.width, label_dimensions.width); content_dimensions.height = image_dimensions.height + labeled_image->details->spacing + label_dimensions.height; break; } /* Only image shown */ } else if (!eel_dimensions_are_empty (image_dimensions)) { content_dimensions.width = image_dimensions.width; content_dimensions.height = image_dimensions.height; /* Only label shown */ } else { content_dimensions.width = label_dimensions.width; content_dimensions.height = label_dimensions.height; } return content_dimensions; } static EelIRect labeled_image_get_content_bounds (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { EelDimensions content_dimensions; EelIRect content_bounds; EelIRect bounds; g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); bounds = eel_gtk_widget_get_bounds (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image)); content_dimensions = labeled_image_get_content_dimensions (labeled_image); content_bounds = eel_irect_align (bounds, content_dimensions.width, content_dimensions.height, labeled_image->details->x_alignment, labeled_image->details->y_alignment); return content_bounds; } static void labeled_image_ensure_label (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); if (labeled_image->details->label != NULL) { return; } labeled_image->details->label = gtk_label_new (NULL); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (labeled_image), labeled_image->details->label); gtk_widget_show (labeled_image->details->label); } static void labeled_image_ensure_image (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); if (labeled_image->details->image != NULL) { return; } labeled_image->details->image = gtk_image_new (); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (labeled_image), labeled_image->details->image); gtk_widget_show (labeled_image->details->image); } static gboolean labeled_image_show_image (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); return labeled_image->details->image != NULL && labeled_image->details->show_image; } static gboolean labeled_image_show_label (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); return labeled_image->details->label != NULL && labeled_image->details->show_label; } /** * eel_labeled_image_new: * @text: Text to use for label or NULL. * @pixbuf: Pixbuf to use for image or NULL. * * Returns A newly allocated EelLabeledImage. If the &text parameter is not * NULL then the LabeledImage will show a label. If the &pixbuf parameter is not * NULL then the LabeledImage will show a pixbuf. Either of these can be NULL at * creation time. * * Later in the lifetime of the widget you can invoke methods that affect the * label and/or the image. If at creation time these were NULL, then they will * be created as neeeded. * * Thus, using this widget in place of EelImage or EelLabel is "free" with * only the GtkWidget and function call overhead. * */ GtkWidget* eel_labeled_image_new (const char *text, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf) { EelLabeledImage *labeled_image; labeled_image = EEL_LABELED_IMAGE (gtk_widget_new (eel_labeled_image_get_type (), NULL)); if (text != NULL) { eel_labeled_image_set_text (labeled_image, text); } if (pixbuf != NULL) { eel_labeled_image_set_pixbuf (labeled_image, pixbuf); } labeled_image_update_alignments (labeled_image); return GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image); } /** * eel_labeled_image_new_from_file_name: * @text: Text to use for label or NULL. * @file_name: File name of picture to use for pixbuf. Cannot be NULL. * * Returns A newly allocated EelLabeledImage. If the &text parameter is not * NULL then the LabeledImage will show a label. * */ GtkWidget* eel_labeled_image_new_from_file_name (const char *text, const char *pixbuf_file_name) { EelLabeledImage *labeled_image; g_return_val_if_fail (pixbuf_file_name != NULL, NULL); labeled_image = EEL_LABELED_IMAGE (eel_labeled_image_new (text, NULL)); eel_labeled_image_set_pixbuf_from_file_name (labeled_image, pixbuf_file_name); return GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image); } /** * eel_labeled_image_set_label_position: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * @label_position: The position of the label with respect to the image. * * Set the position of the label with respect to the image as follows: * * GTK_POS_LEFT: * [ <label> <image> ] * * GTK_POS_RIGHT: * [ <image> <label> ] * * GTK_POS_TOP: * [ <label> ] * [ <image> ] * * GTK_POS_BOTTOM: * [ <image> ] * [ <label> ] * */ void eel_labeled_image_set_label_position (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image, GtkPositionType label_position) { g_return_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); g_return_if_fail (label_position >= GTK_POS_LEFT); g_return_if_fail (label_position <= GTK_POS_BOTTOM); if (labeled_image->details->label_position == label_position) { return; } labeled_image->details->label_position = label_position; labeled_image_update_alignments (labeled_image); gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image)); } /** * eel_labeled_image_get_label_postiion: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * * Returns an enumeration indicating the position of the label with respect to the image. */ GtkPositionType eel_labeled_image_get_label_position (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { g_return_val_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image), 0); return labeled_image->details->label_position; } /** * eel_labeled_image_set_show_label: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * @show_image: A boolean value indicating whether the label should be shown. * * Update the labeled image to either show or hide the internal label widget. * This function doesnt have any effect if the LabeledImage doesnt already * contain an label. */ void eel_labeled_image_set_show_label (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image, gboolean show_label) { g_return_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); if (labeled_image->details->show_label == show_label) { return; } labeled_image->details->show_label = show_label; if (labeled_image->details->label != NULL) { if (labeled_image->details->show_label) { gtk_widget_show (labeled_image->details->label); } else { gtk_widget_hide (labeled_image->details->label); } } labeled_image_update_alignments (labeled_image); gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image)); } /** * eel_labeled_image_get_show_label: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the internal label is shown. */ gboolean eel_labeled_image_get_show_label (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { g_return_val_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image), 0); return labeled_image->details->show_label; } /** * eel_labeled_image_set_show_image: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * @show_image: A boolean value indicating whether the image should be shown. * * Update the labeled image to either show or hide the internal image widget. * This function doesnt have any effect if the LabeledImage doesnt already * contain an image. */ void eel_labeled_image_set_show_image (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image, gboolean show_image) { g_return_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); if (labeled_image->details->show_image == show_image) { return; } labeled_image->details->show_image = show_image; if (labeled_image->details->image != NULL) { if (labeled_image->details->show_image) { gtk_widget_show (labeled_image->details->image); } else { gtk_widget_hide (labeled_image->details->image); } } labeled_image_update_alignments (labeled_image); gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image)); } /** * eel_labeled_image_get_show_image: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * * Returns a boolean value indicating whether the internal image is shown. */ gboolean eel_labeled_image_get_show_image (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { g_return_val_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image), 0); return labeled_image->details->show_image; } /** * eel_labeled_image_set_fixed_image_height: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * @fixed_image_height: The new fixed image height. * * Normally, we measure the height of images, but it's sometimes useful * to use a fixed height for all the images. This routine sets the * image height to the passed in value * */ void eel_labeled_image_set_fixed_image_height (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image, int new_height) { g_return_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); if (labeled_image->details->fixed_image_height == new_height) { return; } labeled_image->details->fixed_image_height = new_height; labeled_image_update_alignments (labeled_image); gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image)); } /** * eel_labeled_image_set_selected: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * @selected: A boolean value indicating whether the labeled image * should be selected. * * Selects or deselects the labeled image. * */ void eel_labeled_image_set_selected (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image, gboolean selected) { GtkStateType state; g_return_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); state = selected ? GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED : GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL; gtk_widget_set_state_flags (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image), state, TRUE); gtk_widget_set_state_flags (labeled_image->details->image, state, TRUE); gtk_widget_set_state_flags (labeled_image->details->label, state, TRUE); } /** * eel_labeled_image_get_selected: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * * Returns the selected state of the labeled image. * */ gboolean eel_labeled_image_get_selected (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { g_return_val_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image), FALSE); return gtk_widget_get_state_flags (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image)) == GTK_STATE_FLAG_SELECTED; } /** * eel_labeled_image_set_spacing: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * @spacing: The new spacing between label and image. * * Set the spacing between label and image. This will only affect * the geometry of the widget if both a label and image are currently * visible. * */ void eel_labeled_image_set_spacing (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image, guint spacing) { g_return_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); if (labeled_image->details->spacing == spacing) { return; } labeled_image->details->spacing = spacing; labeled_image_update_alignments (labeled_image); gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image)); } /** * eel_labeled_image_get_spacing: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * * Returns: The spacing between the label and image. */ guint eel_labeled_image_get_spacing (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { g_return_val_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image), 0); return labeled_image->details->spacing; } /** * eel_labeled_image_set_x_padding: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * @x_padding: The new horizontal padding. * * Set horizontal padding for the EelLabeledImage. The padding * attribute work just like that in GtkMisc. */ void eel_labeled_image_set_x_padding (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image, int x_padding) { g_return_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); x_padding = MAX (0, x_padding); if (labeled_image->details->x_padding == x_padding) { return; } labeled_image->details->x_padding = x_padding; labeled_image_update_alignments (labeled_image); gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image)); } /** * eel_labeled_image_get_x_padding: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * * Returns: The horizontal padding for the LabeledImage's content. */ int eel_labeled_image_get_x_padding (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { g_return_val_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image), 0); return labeled_image->details->x_padding; } /** * eel_labeled_image_set_y_padding: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * @x_padding: The new vertical padding. * * Set vertical padding for the EelLabeledImage. The padding * attribute work just like that in GtkMisc. */ void eel_labeled_image_set_y_padding (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image, int y_padding) { g_return_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); y_padding = MAX (0, y_padding); if (labeled_image->details->y_padding == y_padding) { return; } labeled_image->details->y_padding = y_padding; labeled_image_update_alignments (labeled_image); gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image)); } /** * eel_labeled_image_get_x_padding: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * * Returns: The vertical padding for the LabeledImage's content. */ int eel_labeled_image_get_y_padding (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { g_return_val_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image), 0); return labeled_image->details->y_padding; } /** * eel_labeled_image_set_x_alignment: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * @x_alignment: The new horizontal alignment. * * Set horizontal alignment for the EelLabeledImage's content. * The 'content' is the union of the image and label. The alignment * attribute work just like that in GtkMisc. */ void eel_labeled_image_set_x_alignment (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image, float x_alignment) { g_return_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); x_alignment = MAX (0, x_alignment); x_alignment = MIN (1.0, x_alignment); if (labeled_image->details->x_alignment == x_alignment) { return; } labeled_image->details->x_alignment = x_alignment; gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image)); } /** * eel_labeled_image_get_x_alignment: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * * Returns: The horizontal alignment for the LabeledImage's content. */ float eel_labeled_image_get_x_alignment (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { g_return_val_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image), 0); return labeled_image->details->x_alignment; } /** * eel_labeled_image_set_y_alignment: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * @y_alignment: The new vertical alignment. * * Set vertical alignment for the EelLabeledImage's content. * The 'content' is the union of the image and label. The alignment * attribute work just like that in GtkMisc. */ void eel_labeled_image_set_y_alignment (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image, float y_alignment) { g_return_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); y_alignment = MAX (0, y_alignment); y_alignment = MIN (1.0, y_alignment); if (labeled_image->details->y_alignment == y_alignment) { return; } labeled_image->details->y_alignment = y_alignment; gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image)); } /** * eel_labeled_image_get_y_alignment: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * * Returns: The vertical alignment for the LabeledImage's content. */ float eel_labeled_image_get_y_alignment (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { g_return_val_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image), 0); return labeled_image->details->y_alignment; } /** * eel_labeled_image_set_fill: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * @fill: A boolean value indicating whether the internal image and label * widgets should fill all the available allocation. * * By default the internal image and label wigets are sized to their natural * preferred geometry. You can use the 'fill' attribute of LabeledImage * to have the internal widgets fill as much of the LabeledImage allocation * as is available. */ void eel_labeled_image_set_fill (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image, gboolean fill) { g_return_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); if (labeled_image->details->fill == fill) { return; } labeled_image->details->fill = fill; labeled_image_update_alignments (labeled_image); gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image)); } /** * eel_labeled_image_get_fill: * @labeled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * * Retruns a boolean value indicating whether the internal widgets fill * all the available allocation. */ gboolean eel_labeled_image_get_fill (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { g_return_val_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image), 0); return labeled_image->details->fill; } static void eel_labled_set_mnemonic_widget (GtkWidget *image_widget, GtkWidget *mnemonic_widget) { EelLabeledImage *image; g_assert (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (image_widget)); image = EEL_LABELED_IMAGE (image_widget); if (image->details->label) gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (GTK_LABEL (image->details->label), mnemonic_widget); } /** * eel_labeled_image_button_new: * @text: Text to use for label or NULL. * @pixbuf: Pixbuf to use for image or NULL. * * Create a stock GtkButton with a EelLabeledImage child. * */ GtkWidget * eel_labeled_image_button_new (const char *text, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf) { GtkWidget *button; GtkWidget *labeled_image; button = g_object_new (eel_labeled_image_button_get_type (), NULL); labeled_image = eel_labeled_image_new (text, pixbuf); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (button), labeled_image); eel_labled_set_mnemonic_widget (labeled_image, button); gtk_widget_show (labeled_image); return button; } /** * eel_labeled_image_button_new_from_file_name: * @text: Text to use for label or NULL. * @pixbuf_file_name: Name of pixbuf to use for image. Cannot be NULL. * * Create a stock GtkToggleButton with a EelLabeledImage child. * */ GtkWidget * eel_labeled_image_button_new_from_file_name (const char *text, const char *pixbuf_file_name) { GtkWidget *button; GtkWidget *labeled_image; g_return_val_if_fail (pixbuf_file_name != NULL, NULL); button = g_object_new (eel_labeled_image_button_get_type (), NULL); labeled_image = eel_labeled_image_new_from_file_name (text, pixbuf_file_name); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (button), labeled_image); eel_labled_set_mnemonic_widget (labeled_image, button); gtk_widget_show (labeled_image); return button; } /** * eel_labeled_image_toggle_button_new: * @text: Text to use for label or NULL. * @pixbuf: Pixbuf to use for image or NULL. * * Create a stock GtkToggleButton with a EelLabeledImage child. * */ GtkWidget * eel_labeled_image_toggle_button_new (const char *text, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf) { GtkWidget *toggle_button; GtkWidget *labeled_image; toggle_button = g_object_new (eel_labeled_image_toggle_button_get_type (), NULL); labeled_image = eel_labeled_image_new (text, pixbuf); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (toggle_button), labeled_image); eel_labled_set_mnemonic_widget (labeled_image, toggle_button); gtk_widget_show (labeled_image); return toggle_button; } /** * eel_labeled_image_toggle_button_new_from_file_name: * @text: Text to use for label or NULL. * @pixbuf_file_name: Name of pixbuf to use for image. Cannot be NULL. * * Create a stock GtkToggleButton with a EelLabeledImage child. * */ GtkWidget * eel_labeled_image_toggle_button_new_from_file_name (const char *text, const char *pixbuf_file_name) { GtkWidget *toggle_button; GtkWidget *labeled_image; g_return_val_if_fail (pixbuf_file_name != NULL, NULL); toggle_button = g_object_new (eel_labeled_image_toggle_button_get_type (), NULL); labeled_image = eel_labeled_image_new_from_file_name (text, pixbuf_file_name); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (toggle_button), labeled_image); eel_labled_set_mnemonic_widget (labeled_image, toggle_button); gtk_widget_show (labeled_image); return toggle_button; } /** * eel_labeled_image_toggle_button_new: * @text: Text to use for label or NULL. * @pixbuf: Pixbuf to use for image or NULL. * * Create a stock GtkToggleButton with a EelLabeledImage child. * * Returns: the new radio button. */ GtkWidget * eel_labeled_image_radio_button_new (const char *text, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf) { GtkWidget *radio_button; GtkWidget *labeled_image; radio_button = g_object_new (eel_labeled_image_radio_button_get_type (), NULL); labeled_image = eel_labeled_image_new (text, pixbuf); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (radio_button), labeled_image); eel_labled_set_mnemonic_widget (labeled_image, radio_button); gtk_widget_show (labeled_image); return radio_button; } /** * eel_labeled_image_radio_button_new_from_file_name: * @text: Text to use for label or NULL. * @pixbuf_file_name: Name of pixbuf to use for image. Cannot be NULL. * * Create a stock GtkRadioButton with a EelLabeledImage child. * * Returns: the new radio button. */ GtkWidget * eel_labeled_image_radio_button_new_from_file_name (const char *text, const char *pixbuf_file_name) { GtkWidget *radio_button; GtkWidget *labeled_image; g_return_val_if_fail (pixbuf_file_name != NULL, NULL); radio_button = g_object_new (eel_labeled_image_radio_button_get_type (), NULL); labeled_image = eel_labeled_image_new_from_file_name (text, pixbuf_file_name); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (radio_button), labeled_image); eel_labled_set_mnemonic_widget (labeled_image, radio_button); gtk_widget_show (labeled_image); return radio_button; } /* * Workaround some bugs in GtkCheckButton where the widget * does not redraw properly after leave or focus out events * * The workaround is to draw a little bit more than the * widget itself - 4 pixels worth. For some reason the * widget does not properly redraw its edges. */ static void button_leave_callback (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer callback_data) { g_assert (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)); if (gtk_widget_is_drawable (widget)) { const int fudge = 4; EelIRect bounds; bounds = eel_gtk_widget_get_bounds (widget); bounds.x0 -= fudge; bounds.y0 -= fudge; bounds.x1 += fudge; bounds.y1 += fudge; gtk_widget_queue_draw_area (gtk_widget_get_parent (widget), bounds.x0, bounds.y0, eel_irect_get_width (bounds), eel_irect_get_height (bounds)); } } static gint button_focus_out_event_callback (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventFocus *event, gpointer callback_data) { g_assert (GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)); button_leave_callback (widget, callback_data); return FALSE; } /** * eel_labeled_image_check_button_new: * @text: Text to use for label or NULL. * @pixbuf: Pixbuf to use for image or NULL. * * Create a stock GtkCheckButton with a EelLabeledImage child. * */ GtkWidget * eel_labeled_image_check_button_new (const char *text, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf) { GtkWidget *check_button; GtkWidget *labeled_image; check_button = g_object_new (eel_labeled_image_check_button_get_type (), NULL); labeled_image = eel_labeled_image_new (text, pixbuf); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (check_button), labeled_image); eel_labled_set_mnemonic_widget (labeled_image, check_button); gtk_widget_show (labeled_image); /* * Workaround some bugs in GtkCheckButton where the widget * does not redraw properly after leave or focus out events */ g_signal_connect (check_button, "leave", G_CALLBACK (button_leave_callback), NULL); g_signal_connect (check_button, "focus_out_event", G_CALLBACK (button_focus_out_event_callback), NULL); return check_button; } /** * eel_labeled_image_check_button_new_from_file_name: * @text: Text to use for label or NULL. * @pixbuf_file_name: Name of pixbuf to use for image. Cannot be NULL. * * Create a stock GtkCheckButton with a EelLabeledImage child. * */ GtkWidget * eel_labeled_image_check_button_new_from_file_name (const char *text, const char *pixbuf_file_name) { GtkWidget *check_button; GtkWidget *labeled_image; g_return_val_if_fail (pixbuf_file_name != NULL, NULL); check_button = g_object_new (eel_labeled_image_check_button_get_type (), NULL); labeled_image = eel_labeled_image_new_from_file_name (text, pixbuf_file_name); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (check_button), labeled_image); eel_labled_set_mnemonic_widget (labeled_image, check_button); gtk_widget_show (labeled_image); return check_button; } /* * The rest of the methods are proxies for those in EelImage and * EelLabel. We have all these so that we dont have to expose * our internal widgets at all. Probably more of these will be added * as they are needed. */ /** * eel_labeled_image_set_pixbuf: * @labaled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * @pixbuf: New pixbuf to use or NULL. * * Change the pixbuf displayed by the LabeledImage. Note that the widget display * is only updated if the show_image attribute is TRUE. * * If no internal image widget exists as of yet, a new one will be created. * * A NULL &pixbuf will cause the internal image widget (if alive) to be destroyed. */ void eel_labeled_image_set_pixbuf (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf) { g_return_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); if (pixbuf == NULL) { if (labeled_image->details->image != NULL) { gtk_widget_destroy (labeled_image->details->image); labeled_image->details->image = NULL; } gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image)); } else { labeled_image_ensure_image (labeled_image); gtk_image_set_from_pixbuf (GTK_IMAGE (labeled_image->details->image), pixbuf); } } void eel_labeled_image_set_pixbuf_from_file_name (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image, const char *pixbuf_file_name) { g_return_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); labeled_image_ensure_image (labeled_image); gtk_image_set_from_file (GTK_IMAGE (labeled_image->details->image), pixbuf_file_name); } /** * eel_labeled_image_set_text: * @labaled_image: A EelLabeledImage. * @text: New text (with mnemnonic) to use or NULL. * * Change the text displayed by the LabeledImage. Note that the widget display * is only updated if the show_label attribute is TRUE. * * If no internal label widget exists as of yet, a new one will be created. * * A NULL &text will cause the internal label widget (if alive) to be destroyed. */ void eel_labeled_image_set_text (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image, const char *text) { g_return_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image)); if (text == NULL) { if (labeled_image->details->label) { gtk_widget_destroy (labeled_image->details->label); labeled_image->details->label = NULL; } gtk_widget_queue_resize (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image)); } else { labeled_image_ensure_label (labeled_image); gtk_label_set_text_with_mnemonic (GTK_LABEL (labeled_image->details->label), text); } } char * eel_labeled_image_get_text (const EelLabeledImage *labeled_image) { g_return_val_if_fail (EEL_IS_LABELED_IMAGE (labeled_image), NULL); if (labeled_image->details->label == NULL) { return NULL; } return g_strdup (gtk_label_get_text (GTK_LABEL (labeled_image->details->label))); } void eel_labeled_image_set_can_focus (EelLabeledImage *labeled_image, gboolean can_focus) { gtk_widget_set_can_focus (GTK_WIDGET (labeled_image), can_focus); } static AtkObjectClass *a11y_parent_class = NULL; static void eel_labeled_image_accessible_initialize (AtkObject *accessible, gpointer widget) { a11y_parent_class->initialize (accessible, widget); atk_object_set_role (accessible, ATK_ROLE_IMAGE); } static EelLabeledImage * get_image (gpointer object) { GtkWidget *widget; if (!(widget = gtk_accessible_get_widget (GTK_ACCESSIBLE (object)))) { return NULL; } if (GTK_IS_BUTTON (widget)) widget = gtk_bin_get_child (GTK_BIN (widget)); return EEL_LABELED_IMAGE (widget); } static const gchar* eel_labeled_image_accessible_get_name(AtkObject* accessible) { EelLabeledImage* labeled_image; labeled_image = get_image(accessible); if (labeled_image && labeled_image->details && labeled_image->details->label) { return gtk_label_get_text(GTK_LABEL(labeled_image->details->label)); } g_warning("no label on '%p'", labeled_image); return NULL; } static void eel_labeled_image_accessible_image_get_size (AtkImage *image, gint *width, gint *height) { EelLabeledImage *labeled_image; GtkAllocation allocation; labeled_image = get_image (image); if (!labeled_image || !labeled_image->details->image) { *width = *height = 0; return; } gtk_widget_get_allocation (labeled_image->details->image, &allocation); *width = allocation.width; *height = allocation.height; } static void eel_labeled_image_accessible_image_interface_init (AtkImageIface *iface) { iface->get_image_size = eel_labeled_image_accessible_image_get_size; } typedef struct _EelLabeledImageAccessible EelLabeledImageAccessible; typedef struct _EelLabeledImageAccessibleClass EelLabeledImageAccessibleClass; struct _EelLabeledImageAccessible { GtkContainerAccessible parent; }; struct _EelLabeledImageAccessibleClass { GtkContainerAccessibleClass parent_class; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (EelLabeledImageAccessible, eel_labeled_image_accessible, GTK_TYPE_CONTAINER_ACCESSIBLE, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (ATK_TYPE_IMAGE, eel_labeled_image_accessible_image_interface_init)); static void eel_labeled_image_accessible_class_init (EelLabeledImageAccessibleClass *klass) { AtkObjectClass *atk_class = ATK_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); a11y_parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); atk_class->get_name = eel_labeled_image_accessible_get_name; atk_class->initialize = eel_labeled_image_accessible_initialize; } static void eel_labeled_image_accessible_init (EelLabeledImageAccessible *accessible) { } static void eel_labeled_image_button_class_init (GtkWidgetClass *klass) { } static GType eel_labeled_image_button_get_type (void) { static GType type = 0; if (!type) { GTypeInfo info = { sizeof (GtkButtonClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) eel_labeled_image_button_class_init, NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (GtkButton), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) NULL }; type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_BUTTON, "EelLabeledImageButton", &info, 0); } return type; } static GType eel_labeled_image_check_button_get_type (void) { static GType type = 0; if (!type) { GTypeInfo info = { sizeof (GtkCheckButtonClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) eel_labeled_image_button_class_init, NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (GtkCheckButton), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) NULL }; type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_CHECK_BUTTON, "EelLabeledImageCheckButton", &info, 0); } return type; } static GType eel_labeled_image_toggle_button_get_type (void) { static GType type = 0; if (!type) { GTypeInfo info = { sizeof (GtkToggleButtonClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) eel_labeled_image_button_class_init, NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (GtkToggleButton), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) NULL }; type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_TOGGLE_BUTTON, "EelLabeledImageToggleButton", &info, 0); } return type; } static GType eel_labeled_image_radio_button_get_type (void) { static GType type = 0; if (!type) { GTypeInfo info = { sizeof (GtkRadioButtonClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) eel_labeled_image_button_class_init, NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (GtkRadioButton), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) NULL }; type = g_type_register_static (GTK_TYPE_RADIO_BUTTON, "EelLabeledImageRadioButton", &info, 0); } return type; }