/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; tab-width: 8 -*- eel-self-checks.c: The self-check framework. Copyright (C) 1999 Eazel, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Author: Darin Adler <darin@eazel.com> */ #include <config.h> #if ! defined (EEL_OMIT_SELF_CHECK) #include "eel-self-checks.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> static gboolean failed; static const char *current_expression; static const char *current_file_name; static int current_line_number; void eel_exit_if_self_checks_failed (void) { if (!failed) { return; } printf ("\n"); exit (EXIT_FAILURE); } void eel_report_check_failure (char *result, char *expected) { if (!failed) { fprintf (stderr, "\n"); } fprintf (stderr, "FAIL: check failed in %s, line %d\n", current_file_name, current_line_number); fprintf (stderr, " evaluated: %s\n", current_expression); fprintf (stderr, " expected: %s\n", expected == NULL ? "NULL" : expected); fprintf (stderr, " got: %s\n", result == NULL ? "NULL" : result); failed = TRUE; g_free (result); g_free (expected); } static char * eel_strdup_boolean (gboolean boolean) { if (boolean == FALSE) { return g_strdup ("FALSE"); } if (boolean == TRUE) { return g_strdup ("TRUE"); } return g_strdup_printf ("gboolean(%d)", boolean); } void eel_before_check (const char *expression, const char *file_name, int line_number) { current_expression = expression; current_file_name = file_name; current_line_number = line_number; } void eel_after_check (void) { /* It would be good to check here if there was a memory leak. */ } void eel_check_boolean_result (gboolean result, gboolean expected) { if (result != expected) { eel_report_check_failure (eel_strdup_boolean (result), eel_strdup_boolean (expected)); } eel_after_check (); } void eel_check_rectangle_result (EelIRect result, int expected_x0, int expected_y0, int expected_x1, int expected_y1) { if (result.x0 != expected_x0 || result.y0 != expected_y0 || result.x1 != expected_x1 || result.y1 != expected_y1) { eel_report_check_failure (g_strdup_printf ("x0=%d, y0=%d, x1=%d, y1=%d", result.x0, result.y0, result.x1, result.y1), g_strdup_printf ("x0=%d, y0=%d, x1=%d, y1=%d", expected_x0, expected_y0, expected_x1, expected_y1)); } eel_after_check (); } void eel_check_dimensions_result (EelDimensions result, int expected_width, int expected_height) { if (result.width != expected_width || result.height != expected_height) { eel_report_check_failure (g_strdup_printf ("width=%d, height=%d", result.width, result.height), g_strdup_printf ("width=%d, height=%d", expected_width, expected_height)); } eel_after_check (); } void eel_check_point_result (EelIPoint result, int expected_x, int expected_y) { if (result.x != expected_x || result.y != expected_y) { eel_report_check_failure (g_strdup_printf ("x=%d, y=%d", result.x, result.y), g_strdup_printf ("x=%d, y=%d", expected_x, expected_y)); } eel_after_check (); } void eel_check_integer_result (long result, long expected) { if (result != expected) { eel_report_check_failure (g_strdup_printf ("%ld", result), g_strdup_printf ("%ld", expected)); } eel_after_check (); } void eel_check_double_result (double result, double expected) { if (result != expected) { eel_report_check_failure (g_strdup_printf ("%f", result), g_strdup_printf ("%f", expected)); } eel_after_check (); } void eel_check_string_result (char *result, const char *expected) { gboolean match; /* Stricter than eel_strcmp. * NULL does not match "" in this test. */ if (expected == NULL) { match = result == NULL; } else { match = result != NULL && strcmp (result, expected) == 0; } if (!match) { eel_report_check_failure (result, g_strdup (expected)); } else { g_free (result); } eel_after_check (); } void eel_before_check_function (const char *name) { fprintf (stderr, "running %s\n", name); } void eel_after_check_function (void) { } #endif /* ! EEL_OMIT_SELF_CHECK */