/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; tab-width: 8 -*- */
/* mate-icon-container-private.h

   Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Free Software Foundation
   Copyright (C) 2000 Eazel, Inc.

   The Mate Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
   License, or (at your option) any later version.

   The Mate Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
   License along with the Mate Library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not,
   write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

   Author: Ettore Perazzoli <ettore@gnu.org>


#include <eel/eel-glib-extensions.h>
#include <libcaja-private/caja-icon-canvas-item.h>
#include <libcaja-private/caja-icon-container.h>
#include <libcaja-private/caja-icon-dnd.h>

/* An Icon. */

typedef struct
    /* Object represented by this icon. */
    CajaIconData *data;

    /* Canvas item for the icon. */
    CajaIconCanvasItem *item;

    /* X/Y coordinates. */
    double x, y;

     * In RTL mode x is RTL x position, we use saved_ltr_x for
     * keeping track of x value before it gets converted into
     * RTL value, this is used for saving the icon position
     * to the caja metafile.
    double saved_ltr_x;

    /* Scale factor (stretches icon). */
    double scale;

    /* Whether this item is selected. */
    eel_boolean_bit is_selected : 1;

    /* Whether this item was selected before rubberbanding. */
    eel_boolean_bit was_selected_before_rubberband : 1;

    /* Whether this item is visible in the view. */
    eel_boolean_bit is_visible : 1;

    /* Whether a monitor was set on this icon. */
    eel_boolean_bit is_monitored : 1;

    eel_boolean_bit has_lazy_position : 1;
} CajaIcon;

/* Private CajaIconContainer members. */

typedef struct
    gboolean active;

    double start_x, start_y;

    EelCanvasItem *selection_rectangle;

    guint timer_id;

    guint prev_x, prev_y;
    EelDRect prev_rect;
    int last_adj_x;
    int last_adj_y;
} CajaIconRubberbandInfo;

typedef enum
} DragState;

typedef struct
    /* Pointer position in canvas coordinates. */
    int pointer_x, pointer_y;

    /* Icon top, left, and size in canvas coordinates. */
    int icon_x, icon_y;
    guint icon_size;
} StretchState;

typedef enum
} Axis;


struct CajaIconContainerDetails
    /* List of icons. */
    GList *icons;
    GList *new_icons;
    GHashTable *icon_set;

    /* Current icon for keyboard navigation. */
    CajaIcon *keyboard_focus;
    CajaIcon *keyboard_rubberband_start;

    /* Current icon with stretch handles, so we have only one. */
    CajaIcon *stretch_icon;
    double stretch_initial_x, stretch_initial_y;
    guint stretch_initial_size;

    /* Last highlighted drop target. */
    CajaIcon *drop_target;

    /* Rubberbanding status. */
    CajaIconRubberbandInfo rubberband_info;

    /* Timeout used to make a selected icon fully visible after a short
     * period of time. (The timeout is needed to make sure
     * double-clicking still works.)
    guint keyboard_icon_reveal_timer_id;
    CajaIcon *keyboard_icon_to_reveal;

    /* Used to coalesce selection changed signals in some cases */
    guint selection_changed_id;

    /* If a request is made to reveal an unpositioned icon we remember
     * it and reveal it once it gets positioned (in relayout).
    CajaIcon *pending_icon_to_reveal;

    /* If a request is made to rename an unpositioned icon we remember
     * it and start renaming it once it gets positioned (in relayout).
    CajaIcon *pending_icon_to_rename;

    /* Remembered information about the start of the current event. */
    guint32 button_down_time;

    /* Drag state. Valid only if drag_button is non-zero. */
    guint drag_button;
    CajaIcon *drag_icon;
    int drag_x, drag_y;
    DragState drag_state;
    gboolean drag_started;
    StretchState stretch_start;
    gboolean drag_allow_moves;

    gboolean icon_selected_on_button_down;
    CajaIcon *double_click_icon[2]; /* Both clicks in a double click need to be on the same icon */
    guint double_click_button[2];

    CajaIcon *range_selection_base_icon;

    /* Renaming Details */
    gboolean renaming;
    GtkWidget *rename_widget;	/* Editable text item */
    char *original_text;			/* Copy of editable text for later compare */

    /* Idle ID. */
    guint idle_id;

    /* Idle handler for stretch code */
    guint stretch_idle_id;

    /* Align idle id */
    guint align_idle_id;

    /* DnD info. */
    CajaIconDndInfo *dnd_info;

    /* zoom level */
    int zoom_level;

    /* specific fonts used to draw labels */
    char *font;

    /* font sizes used to draw labels */
    int font_size_table[CAJA_ZOOM_LEVEL_LARGEST + 1];

    /* pixbuf and color for label highlighting */
    guint32    highlight_color_rgba;
    guint32    active_color_rgba;
    guint32    normal_color_rgba;
    guint32    prelight_color_rgba;
    guint32    prelight_icon_color_rgba;
    guint32    normal_icon_color_rgba;

    /* colors for text labels */
    GdkColor label_colors [LAST_LABEL_COLOR];

    /* State used so arrow keys don't wander if icons aren't lined up.
    int arrow_key_start_x;
    int arrow_key_start_y;
    GtkDirectionType arrow_key_direction;

    /* Mode settings. */
    gboolean single_click_mode;
    gboolean auto_layout;
    gboolean tighter_layout;

    /* Whether for the vertical layout, all columns are supposed to
     * have the same width. */
    gboolean all_columns_same_width;

    /* Layout mode */
    CajaIconLayoutMode layout_mode;

    /* Label position */
    CajaIconLabelPosition label_position;

    /* Forced icon size, iff greater than 0 */
    int forced_icon_size;

    /* Should the container keep icons aligned to a grid */
    gboolean keep_aligned;

    /* Set to TRUE after first allocation has been done */
    gboolean has_been_allocated;

    int size_allocation_count;
    guint size_allocation_count_id;

    /* Is the container fixed or resizable */
    gboolean is_fixed_size;

    /* Is the container for a desktop window */
    gboolean is_desktop;

    /* Ignore the visible area the next time the scroll region is recomputed */
    gboolean reset_scroll_region_trigger;

    /* The position we are scaling to on stretch */
    double world_x;
    double world_y;

    /* margins to follow, used for the desktop panel avoidance */
    int left_margin;
    int right_margin;
    int top_margin;
    int bottom_margin;

    /* Whether we should use drop shadows for the icon labels or not */
    gboolean use_drop_shadows;
    gboolean drop_shadows_requested;

    /* a11y items used by canvas items */
    guint a11y_item_action_idle_handler;
    GQueue* a11y_item_action_queue;

    eel_boolean_bit is_loading : 1;

    eel_boolean_bit store_layout_timestamps : 1;
    eel_boolean_bit store_layout_timestamps_when_finishing_new_icons : 1;
    time_t layout_timestamp;

    /* interactive search */
    gboolean disable_popdown;
    gboolean imcontext_changed;
    int selected_iter;
    GtkWidget *search_window;
    GtkWidget *search_entry;
    guint search_entry_changed_id;
    guint typeselect_flush_timeout;

/* Private functions shared by mutiple files. */
CajaIcon *caja_icon_container_get_icon_by_uri             (CajaIconContainer *container,
        const char            *uri);
void          caja_icon_container_move_icon                   (CajaIconContainer *container,
        CajaIcon          *icon,
        int                    x,
        int                    y,
        double                 scale,
        gboolean               raise,
        gboolean               snap,
        gboolean		  update_position);
void          caja_icon_container_select_list_unselect_others (CajaIconContainer *container,
        GList                 *icons);
char *        caja_icon_container_get_icon_uri                (CajaIconContainer *container,
        CajaIcon          *icon);
char *        caja_icon_container_get_icon_drop_target_uri    (CajaIconContainer *container,
        CajaIcon          *icon);
void          caja_icon_container_update_icon                 (CajaIconContainer *container,
        CajaIcon          *icon);
gboolean      caja_icon_container_has_stored_icon_positions   (CajaIconContainer *container);
gboolean      caja_icon_container_emit_preview_signal         (CajaIconContainer *view,
        CajaIcon          *icon,
        gboolean               start_flag);
gboolean      caja_icon_container_scroll                      (CajaIconContainer *container,
        int                    delta_x,
        int                    delta_y);
void          caja_icon_container_update_scroll_region        (CajaIconContainer *container);

/* label color for items */
void          caja_icon_container_get_label_color             (CajaIconContainer *container,
        GdkColor             **color,
        gboolean               first_line,
        gboolean               needs_highlight,
        gboolean	       is_prelit);