/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; tab-width: 8 -*- */ /* * Copyright (C) 2005 Novell, Inc. * * Caja is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Caja is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public * License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, * write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * Author: Anders Carlsson <andersca@imendio.com> * */ #include <config.h> #include <gmodule.h> #include "../eel/eel-gtk-macros.h" #include "caja-search-engine-beagle.h" typedef struct _BeagleHit BeagleHit; typedef struct _BeagleQuery BeagleQuery; typedef struct _BeagleClient BeagleClient; typedef struct _BeagleRequest BeagleRequest; typedef struct _BeagleFinishedResponse BeagleFinishedResponse; typedef struct _BeagleHitsAddedResponse BeagleHitsAddedResponse; typedef struct _BeagleQueryPartProperty BeagleQueryPartProperty; typedef struct _BeagleQueryPart BeagleQueryPart; typedef struct _BeagleHitsSubtractedResponse BeagleHitsSubtractedResponse; struct CajaSearchEngineBeagleDetails { BeagleClient *client; CajaQuery *query; BeagleQuery *current_query; char *current_query_uri_prefix; gboolean query_finished; }; /* We dlopen() all the following from libbeagle at runtime */ #define BEAGLE_HIT(x) ((BeagleHit *)(x)) #define BEAGLE_REQUEST(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), beagle_request_get_type(), BeagleRequest)) #define BEAGLE_QUERY_PART(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), beagle_query_part_get_type(), BeagleQueryPart)) typedef enum { BEAGLE_QUERY_PART_LOGIC_REQUIRED = 1, BEAGLE_QUERY_PART_LOGIC_PROHIBITED = 2 } BeagleQueryPartLogic; typedef enum { BEAGLE_PROPERTY_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0, BEAGLE_PROPERTY_TYPE_TEXT = 1, BEAGLE_PROPERTY_TYPE_KEYWORD = 2, BEAGLE_PROPERTY_TYPE_DATE = 3, BEAGLE_PROPERTY_TYPE_LAST = 4 } BeaglePropertyType; /* *static* wrapper function pointers */ static gboolean (*beagle_client_send_request_async) (BeagleClient *client, BeagleRequest *request, GError **err) = NULL; static const char* (*beagle_hit_get_uri)(BeagleHit* hit) = NULL; static GSList *(*beagle_hits_added_response_get_hits) (BeagleHitsAddedResponse *response) = NULL; static BeagleQuery *(*beagle_query_new) (void) = NULL; static void (*beagle_query_add_text) (BeagleQuery *query, const char *str) = NULL; static BeagleQueryPartProperty *(*beagle_query_part_property_new) (void) = NULL; static void (*beagle_query_part_set_logic) (BeagleQueryPart *part, BeagleQueryPartLogic logic) = NULL; static void (*beagle_query_part_property_set_key) (BeagleQueryPartProperty *part, const char *key) = NULL; static void (*beagle_query_part_property_set_value) (BeagleQueryPartProperty *part, const char * value) = NULL; static void (*beagle_query_part_property_set_property_type) (BeagleQueryPartProperty *part, BeaglePropertyType prop_type) = NULL; static void (*beagle_query_add_part) (BeagleQuery *query, BeagleQueryPart *part) = NULL; static GType (*beagle_request_get_type) (void) = NULL; static GType (*beagle_query_part_get_type) (void) = NULL; static gboolean (*beagle_util_daemon_is_running) (void) = NULL; static BeagleClient *(*beagle_client_new_real) (const char *client_name) = NULL; static void (*beagle_query_set_max_hits) (BeagleQuery *query, int max_hits) = NULL; static GSList *(*beagle_hits_subtracted_response_get_uris) (BeagleHitsSubtractedResponse *response) = NULL; static struct BeagleDlMapping { const char *fn_name; gpointer *fn_ptr_ref; } beagle_dl_mapping[] = { #define MAP(a) { #a, (gpointer *)&a } MAP (beagle_client_send_request_async), MAP (beagle_hit_get_uri), MAP (beagle_hits_added_response_get_hits), MAP (beagle_query_new), MAP (beagle_query_add_text), MAP (beagle_query_part_property_new), MAP (beagle_query_part_set_logic), MAP (beagle_query_part_property_set_key), MAP (beagle_query_part_property_set_value), MAP (beagle_query_part_property_set_property_type), MAP (beagle_query_add_part), MAP (beagle_request_get_type), MAP (beagle_query_part_get_type), MAP (beagle_util_daemon_is_running), MAP (beagle_query_set_max_hits), MAP (beagle_hits_subtracted_response_get_uris), #undef MAP { "beagle_client_new", (gpointer *)&beagle_client_new_real }, }; static void open_libbeagle (void) { static gboolean done = FALSE; if (!done) { int i; GModule *beagle; done = TRUE; beagle = g_module_open ("libbeagle.so.1", G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY | G_MODULE_BIND_LOCAL); if (!beagle) return; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (beagle_dl_mapping); i++) { if (!g_module_symbol (beagle, beagle_dl_mapping[i].fn_name, beagle_dl_mapping[i].fn_ptr_ref)) { g_warning ("Missing symbol '%s' in libbeagle\n", beagle_dl_mapping[i].fn_name); g_module_close (beagle); for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (beagle_dl_mapping); i++) beagle_dl_mapping[i].fn_ptr_ref = NULL; return; } } } } static BeagleClient * beagle_client_new (const char *client_name) { if (beagle_client_new_real) return beagle_client_new_real (client_name); return NULL; } G_DEFINE_TYPE (CajaSearchEngineBeagle, caja_search_engine_beagle, CAJA_TYPE_SEARCH_ENGINE); static CajaSearchEngineClass *parent_class = NULL; static void finalize (GObject *object) { CajaSearchEngineBeagle *beagle; beagle = CAJA_SEARCH_ENGINE_BEAGLE (object); if (beagle->details->current_query) { g_object_unref (beagle->details->current_query); beagle->details->current_query = NULL; g_free (beagle->details->current_query_uri_prefix); beagle->details->current_query_uri_prefix = NULL; } if (beagle->details->query) { g_object_unref (beagle->details->query); beagle->details->query = NULL; } if (beagle->details->client) { g_object_unref (beagle->details->client); beagle->details->client = NULL; } g_free (beagle->details); EEL_CALL_PARENT (G_OBJECT_CLASS, finalize, (object)); } static void beagle_hits_added (BeagleQuery *query, BeagleHitsAddedResponse *response, CajaSearchEngineBeagle *engine) { GSList *hits, *list; GList *hit_uris; hit_uris = NULL; hits = beagle_hits_added_response_get_hits (response); for (list = hits; list != NULL; list = list->next) { const char *uri; BeagleHit *hit = BEAGLE_HIT (list->data); uri = beagle_hit_get_uri (hit); if (engine->details->current_query_uri_prefix && !g_str_has_prefix (uri, engine->details->current_query_uri_prefix)) { continue; } hit_uris = g_list_prepend (hit_uris, (char *)uri); } caja_search_engine_hits_added (CAJA_SEARCH_ENGINE (engine), hit_uris); g_list_free (hit_uris); } static void beagle_hits_subtracted (BeagleQuery *query, BeagleHitsSubtractedResponse *response, CajaSearchEngineBeagle *engine) { GSList *uris, *list; GList *hit_uris; hit_uris = NULL; uris = beagle_hits_subtracted_response_get_uris (response); for (list = uris; list != NULL; list = list->next) { hit_uris = g_list_prepend (hit_uris, (char *)list->data); } caja_search_engine_hits_subtracted (CAJA_SEARCH_ENGINE (engine), hit_uris); g_list_free (hit_uris); } static void beagle_finished (BeagleQuery *query, BeagleFinishedResponse *response, CajaSearchEngineBeagle *engine) { /* For some reason we keep getting finished events, * only emit finished once */ if (engine->details->query_finished) { return; } engine->details->query_finished = TRUE; caja_search_engine_finished (CAJA_SEARCH_ENGINE (engine)); } static void beagle_error (BeagleQuery *query, GError *error, CajaSearchEngineBeagle *engine) { caja_search_engine_error (CAJA_SEARCH_ENGINE (engine), error->message); } static void caja_search_engine_beagle_start (CajaSearchEngine *engine) { CajaSearchEngineBeagle *beagle; GError *error; GList *mimetypes, *l; char *text; error = NULL; beagle = CAJA_SEARCH_ENGINE_BEAGLE (engine); if (beagle->details->current_query) { return; } beagle->details->query_finished = FALSE; beagle->details->current_query = beagle_query_new (); g_signal_connect (beagle->details->current_query, "hits-added", G_CALLBACK (beagle_hits_added), engine); g_signal_connect (beagle->details->current_query, "hits-subtracted", G_CALLBACK (beagle_hits_subtracted), engine); g_signal_connect (beagle->details->current_query, "finished", G_CALLBACK (beagle_finished), engine); g_signal_connect (beagle->details->current_query, "error", G_CALLBACK (beagle_error), engine); /* We only want files */ beagle_query_add_text (beagle->details->current_query," type:File"); beagle_query_set_max_hits (beagle->details->current_query, 1000); text = caja_query_get_text (beagle->details->query); beagle_query_add_text (beagle->details->current_query, text); mimetypes = caja_query_get_mime_types (beagle->details->query); for (l = mimetypes; l != NULL; l = l->next) { char* temp; char *mimetype; mimetype = l->data; temp = g_strconcat (" mimetype:", mimetype, NULL); beagle_query_add_text (beagle->details->current_query,temp); g_free (temp); } beagle->details->current_query_uri_prefix = caja_query_get_location (beagle->details->query); if (!beagle_client_send_request_async (beagle->details->client, BEAGLE_REQUEST (beagle->details->current_query), &error)) { caja_search_engine_error (engine, error->message); g_error_free (error); } /* These must live during the lifetime of the query */ g_free (text); g_list_free_full (mimetypes, g_free); } static void caja_search_engine_beagle_stop (CajaSearchEngine *engine) { CajaSearchEngineBeagle *beagle; beagle = CAJA_SEARCH_ENGINE_BEAGLE (engine); if (beagle->details->current_query) { g_object_unref (beagle->details->current_query); beagle->details->current_query = NULL; g_free (beagle->details->current_query_uri_prefix); beagle->details->current_query_uri_prefix = NULL; } } static gboolean caja_search_engine_beagle_is_indexed (CajaSearchEngine *engine) { return TRUE; } static void caja_search_engine_beagle_set_query (CajaSearchEngine *engine, CajaQuery *query) { CajaSearchEngineBeagle *beagle; beagle = CAJA_SEARCH_ENGINE_BEAGLE (engine); if (query) { g_object_ref (query); } if (beagle->details->query) { g_object_unref (beagle->details->query); } beagle->details->query = query; } static void caja_search_engine_beagle_class_init (CajaSearchEngineBeagleClass *class) { GObjectClass *gobject_class; CajaSearchEngineClass *engine_class; parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (class); gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); gobject_class->finalize = finalize; engine_class = CAJA_SEARCH_ENGINE_CLASS (class); engine_class->set_query = caja_search_engine_beagle_set_query; engine_class->start = caja_search_engine_beagle_start; engine_class->stop = caja_search_engine_beagle_stop; engine_class->is_indexed = caja_search_engine_beagle_is_indexed; } static void caja_search_engine_beagle_init (CajaSearchEngineBeagle *engine) { engine->details = g_new0 (CajaSearchEngineBeagleDetails, 1); } CajaSearchEngine * caja_search_engine_beagle_new (void) { CajaSearchEngineBeagle *engine; BeagleClient *client; open_libbeagle (); if (beagle_util_daemon_is_running == NULL || !beagle_util_daemon_is_running ()) { /* check whether daemon is running as beagle_client_new * doesn't fail when a stale socket file exists */ return NULL; } client = beagle_client_new (NULL); if (client == NULL) { return NULL; } engine = g_object_new (CAJA_TYPE_SEARCH_ENGINE_BEAGLE, NULL); engine->details->client = client; return CAJA_SEARCH_ENGINE (engine); }