/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; tab-width: 8 -*- caja-vfs-file.c: Subclass of CajaFile to help implement the virtual trash directory. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 Eazel, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Author: Darin Adler <darin@bentspoon.com> */ #include <config.h> #include <glib/gi18n.h> #include "../eel/eel-gtk-macros.h" #include "caja-vfs-file.h" #include "caja-directory-notify.h" #include "caja-directory-private.h" #include "caja-file-private.h" #include "caja-autorun.h" static void caja_vfs_file_init (gpointer object, gpointer klass); static void caja_vfs_file_class_init (gpointer klass); EEL_CLASS_BOILERPLATE (CajaVFSFile, caja_vfs_file, CAJA_TYPE_FILE) static void vfs_file_monitor_add (CajaFile *file, gconstpointer client, CajaFileAttributes attributes) { caja_directory_monitor_add_internal (file->details->directory, file, client, TRUE, attributes, NULL, NULL); } static void vfs_file_monitor_remove (CajaFile *file, gconstpointer client) { caja_directory_monitor_remove_internal (file->details->directory, file, client); } static void vfs_file_call_when_ready (CajaFile *file, CajaFileAttributes file_attributes, CajaFileCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) { caja_directory_call_when_ready_internal (file->details->directory, file, file_attributes, FALSE, NULL, callback, callback_data); } static void vfs_file_cancel_call_when_ready (CajaFile *file, CajaFileCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) { caja_directory_cancel_callback_internal (file->details->directory, file, NULL, callback, callback_data); } static gboolean vfs_file_check_if_ready (CajaFile *file, CajaFileAttributes file_attributes) { return caja_directory_check_if_ready_internal (file->details->directory, file, file_attributes); } static void set_metadata_get_info_callback (GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer callback_data) { CajaFile *file; GFileInfo *new_info; GError *error; file = callback_data; error = NULL; new_info = g_file_query_info_finish (G_FILE (source_object), res, &error); if (new_info != NULL) { if (caja_file_update_info (file, new_info)) { caja_file_changed (file); } g_object_unref (new_info); } caja_file_unref (file); if (error) { g_error_free (error); } } static void set_metadata_callback (GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *result, gpointer callback_data) { CajaFile *file; GError *error; gboolean res; file = callback_data; error = NULL; res = g_file_set_attributes_finish (G_FILE (source_object), result, NULL, &error); if (res) { g_file_query_info_async (G_FILE (source_object), CAJA_FILE_DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTES, 0, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, NULL, set_metadata_get_info_callback, file); } else { caja_file_unref (file); g_error_free (error); } } static void vfs_file_set_metadata (CajaFile *file, const char *key, const char *value) { GFileInfo *info; GFile *location; char *gio_key; info = g_file_info_new (); gio_key = g_strconcat ("metadata::", key, NULL); if (value != NULL) { g_file_info_set_attribute_string (info, gio_key, value); } else { /* Unset the key */ g_file_info_set_attribute (info, gio_key, G_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID, NULL); } g_free (gio_key); location = caja_file_get_location (file); g_file_set_attributes_async (location, info, 0, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, NULL, set_metadata_callback, caja_file_ref (file)); g_object_unref (location); g_object_unref (info); } static void vfs_file_set_metadata_as_list (CajaFile *file, const char *key, char **value) { GFile *location; GFileInfo *info; char *gio_key; info = g_file_info_new (); gio_key = g_strconcat ("metadata::", key, NULL); g_file_info_set_attribute_stringv (info, gio_key, value); g_free (gio_key); location = caja_file_get_location (file); g_file_set_attributes_async (location, info, 0, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, NULL, set_metadata_callback, caja_file_ref (file)); g_object_unref (info); g_object_unref (location); } static gboolean vfs_file_get_item_count (CajaFile *file, guint *count, gboolean *count_unreadable) { if (count_unreadable != NULL) { *count_unreadable = file->details->directory_count_failed; } if (!file->details->got_directory_count) { if (count != NULL) { *count = 0; } return FALSE; } if (count != NULL) { *count = file->details->directory_count; } return TRUE; } static CajaRequestStatus vfs_file_get_deep_counts (CajaFile *file, guint *directory_count, guint *file_count, guint *unreadable_directory_count, goffset *total_size, goffset *total_size_on_disk) { GFileType type; if (directory_count != NULL) { *directory_count = 0; } if (file_count != NULL) { *file_count = 0; } if (unreadable_directory_count != NULL) { *unreadable_directory_count = 0; } if (total_size != NULL) { *total_size = 0; } if (total_size_on_disk != NULL) { *total_size_on_disk = 0; } if (!caja_file_is_directory (file)) { return CAJA_REQUEST_DONE; } if (file->details->deep_counts_status != CAJA_REQUEST_NOT_STARTED) { if (directory_count != NULL) { *directory_count = file->details->deep_directory_count; } if (file_count != NULL) { *file_count = file->details->deep_file_count; } if (unreadable_directory_count != NULL) { *unreadable_directory_count = file->details->deep_unreadable_count; } if (total_size != NULL) { *total_size = file->details->deep_size; } if (total_size_on_disk != NULL) { *total_size_on_disk = file->details->deep_size_on_disk; } return file->details->deep_counts_status; } /* For directories, or before we know the type, we haven't started. */ type = caja_file_get_file_type (file); if (type == G_FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN || type == G_FILE_TYPE_DIRECTORY) { return CAJA_REQUEST_NOT_STARTED; } /* For other types, we are done, and the zeros are permanent. */ return CAJA_REQUEST_DONE; } static gboolean vfs_file_get_date (CajaFile *file, CajaDateType date_type, time_t *date) { switch (date_type) { case CAJA_DATE_TYPE_CHANGED: /* Before we have info on a file, the date is unknown. */ if (file->details->ctime == 0) { return FALSE; } if (date != NULL) { *date = file->details->ctime; } return TRUE; case CAJA_DATE_TYPE_ACCESSED: /* Before we have info on a file, the date is unknown. */ if (file->details->atime == 0) { return FALSE; } if (date != NULL) { *date = file->details->atime; } return TRUE; case CAJA_DATE_TYPE_MODIFIED: /* Before we have info on a file, the date is unknown. */ if (file->details->mtime == 0) { return FALSE; } if (date != NULL) { *date = file->details->mtime; } return TRUE; case CAJA_DATE_TYPE_CREATED: /* Before we have info on a file, the date is unknown. */ if (file->details->btime == 0) { return FALSE; } if (date != NULL) { *date = file->details->btime; } return TRUE; case CAJA_DATE_TYPE_TRASHED: /* Before we have info on a file, the date is unknown. */ if (file->details->trash_time == 0) { return FALSE; } if (date != NULL) { *date = file->details->trash_time; } return TRUE; case CAJA_DATE_TYPE_PERMISSIONS_CHANGED: /* Before we have info on a file, the date is unknown. */ if (file->details->mtime == 0 || file->details->ctime == 0) { return FALSE; } /* mtime is when the contents changed; ctime is when the * contents or the permissions (inc. owner/group) changed. * So we can only know when the permissions changed if mtime * and ctime are different. */ if (file->details->mtime == file->details->ctime) { return FALSE; } if (date != NULL) { *date = file->details->ctime; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } static char * vfs_file_get_where_string (CajaFile *file) { return caja_file_get_parent_uri_for_display (file); } static void vfs_file_mount_callback (GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer callback_data) { CajaFileOperation *op; GFile *mounted_on; GError *error; op = callback_data; error = NULL; mounted_on = g_file_mount_mountable_finish (G_FILE (source_object), res, &error); caja_file_operation_complete (op, mounted_on, error); if (mounted_on) { g_object_unref (mounted_on); } if (error) { g_error_free (error); } } static void vfs_file_mount (CajaFile *file, GMountOperation *mount_op, GCancellable *cancellable, CajaFileOperationCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) { CajaFileOperation *op; GError *error; GFile *location; if (file->details->type != G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) { if (callback) { error = NULL; g_set_error_literal (&error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, _("This file cannot be mounted")); callback (file, NULL, error, callback_data); g_error_free (error); } return; } op = caja_file_operation_new (file, callback, callback_data); if (cancellable) { g_object_unref (op->cancellable); op->cancellable = g_object_ref (cancellable); } location = caja_file_get_location (file); g_file_mount_mountable (location, 0, mount_op, op->cancellable, vfs_file_mount_callback, op); g_object_unref (location); } static void vfs_file_unmount_callback (GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer callback_data) { CajaFileOperation *op; gboolean unmounted; GError *error; op = callback_data; error = NULL; unmounted = g_file_unmount_mountable_with_operation_finish (G_FILE (source_object), res, &error); if (!unmounted && error->domain == G_IO_ERROR && (error->code == G_IO_ERROR_FAILED_HANDLED || error->code == G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) { g_error_free (error); error = NULL; } caja_file_operation_complete (op, G_FILE (source_object), error); if (error) { g_error_free (error); } } static void vfs_file_unmount (CajaFile *file, GMountOperation *mount_op, GCancellable *cancellable, CajaFileOperationCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) { CajaFileOperation *op; GFile *location; op = caja_file_operation_new (file, callback, callback_data); if (cancellable) { g_object_unref (op->cancellable); op->cancellable = g_object_ref (cancellable); } location = caja_file_get_location (file); g_file_unmount_mountable_with_operation (location, G_MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE, mount_op, op->cancellable, vfs_file_unmount_callback, op); g_object_unref (location); } static void vfs_file_eject_callback (GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer callback_data) { CajaFileOperation *op; gboolean ejected; GError *error; op = callback_data; error = NULL; ejected = g_file_eject_mountable_with_operation_finish (G_FILE (source_object), res, &error); if (!ejected && error->domain == G_IO_ERROR && (error->code == G_IO_ERROR_FAILED_HANDLED || error->code == G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) { g_error_free (error); error = NULL; } caja_file_operation_complete (op, G_FILE (source_object), error); if (error) { g_error_free (error); } } static void vfs_file_eject (CajaFile *file, GMountOperation *mount_op, GCancellable *cancellable, CajaFileOperationCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) { CajaFileOperation *op; GFile *location; op = caja_file_operation_new (file, callback, callback_data); if (cancellable) { g_object_unref (op->cancellable); op->cancellable = g_object_ref (cancellable); } location = caja_file_get_location (file); g_file_eject_mountable_with_operation (location, G_MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE, mount_op, op->cancellable, vfs_file_eject_callback, op); g_object_unref (location); } static void vfs_file_start_callback (GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer callback_data) { CajaFileOperation *op; gboolean started; GError *error; op = callback_data; error = NULL; started = g_file_start_mountable_finish (G_FILE (source_object), res, &error); if (!started && error->domain == G_IO_ERROR && (error->code == G_IO_ERROR_FAILED_HANDLED || error->code == G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) { g_error_free (error); error = NULL; } caja_file_operation_complete (op, G_FILE (source_object), error); if (error) { g_error_free (error); } } static void vfs_file_start (CajaFile *file, GMountOperation *mount_op, GCancellable *cancellable, CajaFileOperationCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) { CajaFileOperation *op; GError *error; GFile *location; if (file->details->type != G_FILE_TYPE_MOUNTABLE) { if (callback) { error = NULL; g_set_error_literal (&error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, _("This file cannot be started")); callback (file, NULL, error, callback_data); g_error_free (error); } return; } op = caja_file_operation_new (file, callback, callback_data); if (cancellable) { g_object_unref (op->cancellable); op->cancellable = g_object_ref (cancellable); } location = caja_file_get_location (file); g_file_start_mountable (location, 0, mount_op, op->cancellable, vfs_file_start_callback, op); g_object_unref (location); } static void vfs_file_stop_callback (GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer callback_data) { CajaFileOperation *op; gboolean stopped; GError *error; op = callback_data; error = NULL; stopped = g_file_stop_mountable_finish (G_FILE (source_object), res, &error); if (!stopped && error->domain == G_IO_ERROR && (error->code == G_IO_ERROR_FAILED_HANDLED || error->code == G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) { g_error_free (error); error = NULL; } caja_file_operation_complete (op, G_FILE (source_object), error); if (error) { g_error_free (error); } } static void vfs_file_stop (CajaFile *file, GMountOperation *mount_op, GCancellable *cancellable, CajaFileOperationCallback callback, gpointer callback_data) { CajaFileOperation *op; GFile *location; op = caja_file_operation_new (file, callback, callback_data); if (cancellable) { g_object_unref (op->cancellable); op->cancellable = g_object_ref (cancellable); } location = caja_file_get_location (file); g_file_stop_mountable (location, G_MOUNT_UNMOUNT_NONE, mount_op, op->cancellable, vfs_file_stop_callback, op); g_object_unref (location); } static void vfs_file_poll_callback (GObject *source_object, GAsyncResult *res, gpointer callback_data) { CajaFileOperation *op; gboolean stopped; GError *error; op = callback_data; error = NULL; stopped = g_file_poll_mountable_finish (G_FILE (source_object), res, &error); if (!stopped && error->domain == G_IO_ERROR && (error->code == G_IO_ERROR_FAILED_HANDLED || error->code == G_IO_ERROR_CANCELLED)) { g_error_free (error); error = NULL; } caja_file_operation_complete (op, G_FILE (source_object), error); if (error) { g_error_free (error); } } static void vfs_file_poll_for_media (CajaFile *file) { CajaFileOperation *op; GFile *location; op = caja_file_operation_new (file, NULL, NULL); location = caja_file_get_location (file); g_file_poll_mountable (location, op->cancellable, vfs_file_poll_callback, op); g_object_unref (location); } static void caja_vfs_file_init (gpointer object, gpointer klass) { } static void caja_vfs_file_class_init (gpointer klass) { CajaFileClass *file_class; file_class = CAJA_FILE_CLASS (klass); file_class->monitor_add = vfs_file_monitor_add; file_class->monitor_remove = vfs_file_monitor_remove; file_class->call_when_ready = vfs_file_call_when_ready; file_class->cancel_call_when_ready = vfs_file_cancel_call_when_ready; file_class->check_if_ready = vfs_file_check_if_ready; file_class->get_item_count = vfs_file_get_item_count; file_class->get_deep_counts = vfs_file_get_deep_counts; file_class->get_date = vfs_file_get_date; file_class->get_where_string = vfs_file_get_where_string; file_class->set_metadata = vfs_file_set_metadata; file_class->set_metadata_as_list = vfs_file_set_metadata_as_list; file_class->mount = vfs_file_mount; file_class->unmount = vfs_file_unmount; file_class->eject = vfs_file_eject; file_class->start = vfs_file_start; file_class->stop = vfs_file_stop; file_class->poll_for_media = vfs_file_poll_for_media; }