/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; tab-width: 8 -*- caja-window-pane.c: Caja window pane Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Author: Holger Berndt <berndth@gmx.de> */ #include "../eel/eel-gtk-macros.h" #include "caja-window-pane.h" #include "caja-window-private.h" #include "caja-navigation-window-pane.h" #include "caja-window-manage-views.h" static void caja_window_pane_dispose (GObject *object); G_DEFINE_TYPE (CajaWindowPane, caja_window_pane, G_TYPE_OBJECT) #define parent_class caja_window_pane_parent_class static inline CajaWindowSlot * get_first_inactive_slot (CajaWindowPane *pane) { GList *l; CajaWindowSlot *slot = NULL; for (l = pane->slots; l != NULL; l = l->next) { slot = CAJA_WINDOW_SLOT (l->data); if (slot != pane->active_slot) { return slot; } } return NULL; } void caja_window_pane_show (CajaWindowPane *pane) { pane->visible = TRUE; EEL_CALL_METHOD (CAJA_WINDOW_PANE_CLASS, pane, show, (pane)); } void caja_window_pane_zoom_in (CajaWindowPane *pane) { CajaWindowSlot *slot; g_assert (pane != NULL); caja_window_set_active_pane (pane->window, pane); slot = pane->active_slot; if (slot->content_view != NULL) { caja_view_bump_zoom_level (slot->content_view, 1); } } void caja_window_pane_zoom_to_level (CajaWindowPane *pane, CajaZoomLevel level) { CajaWindowSlot *slot; g_assert (pane != NULL); caja_window_set_active_pane (pane->window, pane); slot = pane->active_slot; if (slot->content_view != NULL) { caja_view_zoom_to_level (slot->content_view, level); } } void caja_window_pane_zoom_out (CajaWindowPane *pane) { CajaWindowSlot *slot; g_assert (pane != NULL); caja_window_set_active_pane (pane->window, pane); slot = pane->active_slot; if (slot->content_view != NULL) { caja_view_bump_zoom_level (slot->content_view, -1); } } void caja_window_pane_zoom_to_default (CajaWindowPane *pane) { CajaWindowSlot *slot; g_assert (pane != NULL); caja_window_set_active_pane (pane->window, pane); slot = pane->active_slot; if (slot->content_view != NULL) { caja_view_restore_default_zoom_level (slot->content_view); } } void caja_window_pane_slot_close (CajaWindowPane *pane, CajaWindowSlot *slot) { if (pane->window) { CajaWindow *window; window = pane->window; if (pane->active_slot == slot) { g_assert (pane->active_slots != NULL); g_assert (pane->active_slots->data == slot); CajaWindowSlot *next_slot; next_slot = NULL; if (pane->active_slots->next != NULL) { next_slot = CAJA_WINDOW_SLOT (pane->active_slots->next->data); } if (next_slot == NULL) { next_slot = get_first_inactive_slot (CAJA_WINDOW_PANE (pane)); } caja_window_set_active_slot (window, next_slot); } caja_window_close_slot (slot); /* If that was the last slot in the active pane, close the pane or even the whole window. */ if (window->details->active_pane->slots == NULL) { CajaWindowPane *next_pane; next_pane = caja_window_get_next_pane (window); /* If next_pane is non-NULL, we have more than one pane available. In this * case, close the current pane and switch to the next one. If there is * no next pane, close the window. */ if(next_pane) { caja_window_close_pane (pane); caja_window_pane_switch_to (next_pane); if (CAJA_IS_NAVIGATION_WINDOW (window)) { caja_navigation_window_update_show_hide_menu_items (CAJA_NAVIGATION_WINDOW (window)); } } else { caja_window_close (window); } } } } static void real_sync_location_widgets (CajaWindowPane *pane) { CajaWindowSlot *slot; /* TODO: Would be nice with a real subclass for spatial panes */ g_assert (CAJA_IS_SPATIAL_WINDOW (pane->window)); slot = pane->active_slot; /* Change the location button to match the current location. */ caja_spatial_window_set_location_button (CAJA_SPATIAL_WINDOW (pane->window), slot->location); } void caja_window_pane_sync_location_widgets (CajaWindowPane *pane) { EEL_CALL_METHOD (CAJA_WINDOW_PANE_CLASS, pane, sync_location_widgets, (pane)); } void caja_window_pane_sync_search_widgets (CajaWindowPane *pane) { g_assert (CAJA_IS_WINDOW_PANE (pane)); EEL_CALL_METHOD (CAJA_WINDOW_PANE_CLASS, pane, sync_search_widgets, (pane)); } void caja_window_pane_grab_focus (CajaWindowPane *pane) { if (CAJA_IS_WINDOW_PANE (pane) && pane->active_slot) { caja_view_grab_focus (pane->active_slot->content_view); } } void caja_window_pane_switch_to (CajaWindowPane *pane) { caja_window_pane_grab_focus (pane); } static void caja_window_pane_init (CajaWindowPane *pane) { pane->slots = NULL; pane->active_slots = NULL; pane->active_slot = NULL; pane->is_active = FALSE; } void caja_window_pane_set_active (CajaWindowPane *pane, gboolean is_active) { if (is_active == pane->is_active) { return; } pane->is_active = is_active; /* notify the current slot about its activity state (so that it can e.g. modify the bg color) */ caja_window_slot_is_in_active_pane (pane->active_slot, is_active); EEL_CALL_METHOD (CAJA_WINDOW_PANE_CLASS, pane, set_active, (pane, is_active)); } static void caja_window_pane_class_init (CajaWindowPaneClass *class) { G_OBJECT_CLASS (class)->dispose = caja_window_pane_dispose; CAJA_WINDOW_PANE_CLASS (class)->sync_location_widgets = real_sync_location_widgets; } static void caja_window_pane_dispose (GObject *object) { CajaWindowPane *pane = CAJA_WINDOW_PANE (object); g_assert (pane->slots == NULL); pane->window = NULL; G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->dispose (object); } CajaWindowPane * caja_window_pane_new (CajaWindow *window) { CajaWindowPane *pane; pane = g_object_new (CAJA_TYPE_WINDOW_PANE, NULL); pane->window = window; return pane; } CajaWindowSlot * caja_window_pane_get_slot_for_content_box (CajaWindowPane *pane, GtkWidget *content_box) { GList *l; CajaWindowSlot *slot = NULL; for (l = pane->slots; l != NULL; l = l->next) { slot = CAJA_WINDOW_SLOT (l->data); if (slot->content_box == content_box) { return slot; } } return NULL; }