*Translations Translations can be updated without asking, just remember to add an entry in po/ChangeLog *Patches Send patches to the maintainer (file-roller-maint@gnome.org) and get approval before committing. Patches must contain a ChangeLog entry. You have to follow the style of the rest of the code even if you don't like it. The code style is K&R with 8 space tabs. *Roadmap *) src/fr-process.c : A class that lets you execute commands in sequence. You can define a command as sticky if you want that it must be executed even if a previous command has failed. *) src/fr-command.c : An abstract class used as base to define archiving utilities interfaces. For example fr-command-tar.c implements an interface for the tar command. FRCommands use a FRProcess object to execute commands. *) src/fr-archive.c : A class that implements the archive concept. An FRArchive object can load any archive type of which there is a corrisponding FRCommand interface. It adds high level operations as add_with_wildcard, add_directory, and implements options not supported by the archiving utility. For example, you can extract files from a tar archive without recreating the path even if the tar command does not support this feature. If an option is supported natively the command line option is used. *) src/window.c : Implements the window object. *) src/dlg-*.c : All files starting with dlg- implement a dialog.