/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */

 *  Engrampa
 *  Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#ifndef FILE_UTILS_H
#define FILE_UTILS_H

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <gio/gio.h>

#define MIME_TYPE_DIRECTORY "folder"
#define MIME_TYPE_ARCHIVE "application/x-archive"

#define get_home_relative_path(x)        \
	g_strconcat (g_get_home_dir (), \
		     "/",               \
		     (x),               \

gboolean            uri_exists                   (const char  *uri);
gboolean            uri_is_file                  (const char  *uri);
gboolean            uri_is_dir                   (const char  *uri);
gboolean            path_is_dir                  (const char  *path);
gboolean            uri_is_local                 (const char  *uri);
char *              get_dir_content_if_unique    (const char  *uri);
gboolean            path_in_path                 (const char  *path_src,
						  const char  *path_dest);
goffset             get_file_size                (const char  *uri);
goffset             get_file_size_for_path       (const char  *path);
time_t              get_file_mtime               (const char  *uri);
time_t              get_file_mtime_for_path      (const char  *path);
gboolean            make_directory_tree          (GFile       *dir,
		     				  mode_t       mode,
		     				  GError     **error);
gboolean            ensure_dir_exists            (const char  *uri,
						  mode_t       mode,
						  GError     **error);
gboolean            make_directory_tree_from_path (const char  *path,
		   	                           mode_t       mode,
		   	                           GError     **error);
const char* file_name_from_path(const char* path);
char *              dir_name_from_path           (const char  *path);
char *              remove_level_from_path       (const char  *path);
char *              remove_ending_separator      (const char  *path);
char *              build_uri                    (const char  *base, ...);
char *              remove_extension_from_path   (const char  *path);
const char *        get_file_extension           (const char  *filename);
gboolean            file_extension_is            (const char  *filename,
						  const char  *ext);
gboolean            is_mime_type                 (const char  *type,
						  const char  *pattern);
const char*         get_file_mime_type           (const char  *uri,
                    				  gboolean     fast_file_type);
const char*         get_file_mime_type_for_path  (const char  *filename,
                    				  gboolean     fast_file_type);
guint64             get_dest_free_space          (const char  *path);
gboolean            remove_directory             (const char  *uri);
gboolean            remove_local_directory       (const char  *directory);
char *              get_temp_work_dir            (const char  *parent_folder);
gboolean            is_temp_work_dir             (const char *dir);
gboolean            is_temp_dir                  (const char *dir);

/* misc functions used to parse a command output lines. */

gboolean            file_list__match_pattern     (const char *line,
						  const char *pattern);
int                 file_list__get_index_from_pattern (const char *line,
						       const char *pattern);
char*               file_list__get_prev_field    (const char *line,
						  int         start_from,
						  int         field_n);
gboolean            check_permissions            (const char *path,
						  int         mode);
gboolean            check_file_permissions       (GFile      *file,
						  int         mode);
gboolean 	    is_program_in_path		 (const char *filename);
gboolean 	    is_program_available	 (const char *filename,
						  gboolean    check);

/* URI utils */

const char *        get_home_uri                 (void);
GFile *             get_user_config_subdirectory (const char *child_name,
						  gboolean    create_);
int                 uricmp                       (const char *uri1,
						  const char *uri2);
char *              get_alternative_uri          (const char *folder,
	     					  const char *name);
char *              get_alternative_uri_for_uri  (const char *uri);

void                path_list_free               (GList       *path_list);
GList *             path_list_dup                (GList       *path_list);

GList *             gio_file_list_dup               (GList *l);
void                gio_file_list_free              (GList *l);
void                g_key_file_save                 (GKeyFile *key_file,
						     GFile    *file);

#endif /* FILE_UTILS_H */