/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* * Engrampa * * Copyright (C) 2001 The Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <glib.h> #include "file-data.h" #include "file-utils.h" #include "glib-utils.h" #include "fr-command.h" #include "fr-command-lha.h" static void fr_command_lha_class_init (FrCommandLhaClass *class); static void fr_command_lha_init (FrCommand *afile); static void fr_command_lha_finalize (GObject *object); /* Parent Class */ static FrCommandClass *parent_class = NULL; /* -- list -- */ static time_t mktime_from_string (char *month, char *mday, char *time_or_year) { static const char *months[] = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; struct tm tm = {0, }; char **fields; tm.tm_isdst = -1; /* date */ if (month != NULL) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) if (strcmp (months[i], month) == 0) { tm.tm_mon = i; break; } } tm.tm_mday = atoi (mday); if (strchr (time_or_year, ':') == NULL) tm.tm_year = atoi (time_or_year) - 1900; else { time_t now; struct tm *tm_now; now = time (NULL); tm_now = localtime (&now); if (tm_now != NULL) tm.tm_year = tm_now->tm_year; /* time */ fields = g_strsplit (time_or_year, ":", 2); if (fields[0] != NULL) { tm.tm_hour = atoi (fields[0]); if (fields[1] != NULL) tm.tm_min = atoi (fields[1]); } g_strfreev (fields); } return mktime (&tm); } static char ** split_line_lha (char *line) { char **fields; int n_fields = 7; const char *scan, *field_end; int i; fields = g_new0 (char *, n_fields + 1); fields[n_fields] = NULL; i = 0; if (strncmp (line, "[MS-DOS]", 8) == 0) { fields[i++] = g_strdup (""); fields[i++] = g_strdup (""); line += strlen ("[MS-DOS]"); } else if (strncmp (line, "[generic]", 9) == 0) { fields[i++] = g_strdup (""); fields[i++] = g_strdup (""); line += strlen ("[generic]"); } else if (strncmp (line, "[unknown]", 9) == 0) { fields[i++] = g_strdup (""); fields[i++] = g_strdup (""); line += strlen ("[unknown]"); } else if (strncmp (line, "[Amiga]", 7) == 0) { fields[i++] = g_strdup (""); fields[i++] = g_strdup (""); line += strlen ("[Amiga]"); } scan = eat_spaces (line); for (; i < n_fields; i++) { field_end = strchr (scan, ' '); if (field_end != NULL) { fields[i] = g_strndup (scan, field_end - scan); scan = eat_spaces (field_end); } } return fields; } static const char * get_last_field_lha (char *line) { int i; const char *field; int n = 7; if (strncmp (line, "[MS-DOS]", 8) == 0) n--; if (strncmp (line, "[generic]", 9) == 0) n--; if (strncmp (line, "[unknown]", 9) == 0) n--; if (strncmp (line, "[Amiga]", 7) == 0) n--; field = eat_spaces (line); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { field = strchr (field, ' '); field = eat_spaces (field); } return field; } static void process_line (char *line, gpointer data) { FileData *fdata; FrCommand *comm = FR_COMMAND (data); char **fields; const char *name_field; g_return_if_fail (line != NULL); fdata = file_data_new (); fields = split_line_lha (line); fdata->size = g_ascii_strtoull (fields[2], NULL, 10); fdata->modified = mktime_from_string (fields[4], fields[5], fields[6]); g_strfreev (fields); /* Full path */ name_field = get_last_field_lha (line); if (name_field && *name_field == '/') { fdata->full_path = g_strdup (name_field); fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path; } else { fdata->full_path = g_strconcat ("/", name_field, NULL); fdata->original_path = fdata->full_path + 1; } fdata->link = NULL; fdata->dir = line[0] == 'd'; if (fdata->dir) fdata->name = dir_name_from_path (fdata->full_path); else fdata->name = g_strdup (file_name_from_path (fdata->full_path)); fdata->path = remove_level_from_path (fdata->full_path); if (*fdata->name == 0) file_data_free (fdata); else fr_command_add_file (comm, fdata); } static void fr_command_lha_list (FrCommand *comm) { fr_process_set_out_line_func (comm->process, process_line, comm); fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "lha"); fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "lq"); fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, comm->filename); fr_process_end_command (comm->process); fr_process_start (comm->process); } static void fr_command_lha_add (FrCommand *comm, const char *from_file, GList *file_list, const char *base_dir, gboolean update, gboolean recursive) { GList *scan; fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "lha"); if (base_dir != NULL) fr_process_set_working_dir (comm->process, base_dir); if (update) fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "u"); else fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "a"); fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, comm->filename); for (scan = file_list; scan; scan = scan->next) fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, scan->data); fr_process_end_command (comm->process); } static void fr_command_lha_delete (FrCommand *comm, const char *from_file, GList *file_list) { GList *scan; fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "lha"); fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "d"); fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, comm->filename); for (scan = file_list; scan; scan = scan->next) fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, scan->data); fr_process_end_command (comm->process); } static void fr_command_lha_extract (FrCommand *comm, const char *from_file, GList *file_list, const char *dest_dir, gboolean overwrite, gboolean skip_older, gboolean junk_paths) { GList *scan; char options[5]; int i = 0; fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "lha"); if (dest_dir != NULL) fr_process_set_working_dir (comm->process, dest_dir); options[i++] = 'x'; options[i++] = 'f'; /* Always overwrite. * The overwrite option is handled in * fr_archive_extract, * this is because lha asks the user whether he * wants to overwrite a file. */ if (junk_paths) options[i++] = 'i'; options[i++] = 0; fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, options); fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, comm->filename); for (scan = file_list; scan; scan = scan->next) fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, scan->data); fr_process_end_command (comm->process); } static void fr_command_lha_test (FrCommand *comm) { fr_process_begin_command (comm->process, "lha"); fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, "t"); fr_process_add_arg (comm->process, comm->filename); fr_process_end_command (comm->process); } const char *lha_mime_type[] = { "application/x-lzh-compressed", "application/x-lha", NULL }; static const char ** fr_command_lha_get_mime_types (FrCommand *comm) { return lha_mime_type; } static FrCommandCap fr_command_lha_get_capabilities (FrCommand *comm, const char *mime_type, gboolean check_command) { FrCommandCap capabilities; capabilities = FR_COMMAND_CAN_ARCHIVE_MANY_FILES; if (is_program_available ("lha", check_command)) capabilities |= FR_COMMAND_CAN_READ_WRITE; return capabilities; } static const char * fr_command_lha_get_packages (FrCommand *comm, const char *mime_type) { return PACKAGES ("lha"); } static void fr_command_lha_class_init (FrCommandLhaClass *class) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); FrCommandClass *afc; parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (class); afc = (FrCommandClass*) class; gobject_class->finalize = fr_command_lha_finalize; afc->list = fr_command_lha_list; afc->add = fr_command_lha_add; afc->delete = fr_command_lha_delete; afc->extract = fr_command_lha_extract; afc->test = fr_command_lha_test; afc->get_mime_types = fr_command_lha_get_mime_types; afc->get_capabilities = fr_command_lha_get_capabilities; afc->get_packages = fr_command_lha_get_packages; } static void fr_command_lha_init (FrCommand *comm) { comm->propAddCanUpdate = TRUE; comm->propAddCanReplace = TRUE; comm->propAddCanStoreFolders = TRUE; comm->propExtractCanAvoidOverwrite = FALSE; comm->propExtractCanSkipOlder = FALSE; comm->propExtractCanJunkPaths = TRUE; comm->propPassword = FALSE; comm->propTest = TRUE; } static void fr_command_lha_finalize (GObject *object) { g_return_if_fail (object != NULL); g_return_if_fail (FR_IS_COMMAND_LHA (object)); /* Chain up */ if (G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize) G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } GType fr_command_lha_get_type () { static GType type = 0; if (! type) { GTypeInfo type_info = { sizeof (FrCommandLhaClass), NULL, NULL, (GClassInitFunc) fr_command_lha_class_init, NULL, NULL, sizeof (FrCommandLha), 0, (GInstanceInitFunc) fr_command_lha_init, NULL }; type = g_type_register_static (FR_TYPE_COMMAND, "FRCommandLha", &type_info, 0); } return type; }