/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* * Engrampa * * Copyright (C) 2006 The Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <config.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <glib.h> #include "java-utils.h" /* * The following code conforms to the JVM specification.(Java 2 Platform) * For further changes to the classfile structure, please update the * following macros. */ /* Tags that identify structures */ #define CONST_CLASS 7 #define CONST_FIELDREF 9 #define CONST_METHODREF 10 #define CONST_INTERFACEMETHODREF 11 #define CONST_STRING 8 #define CONST_INTEGER 3 #define CONST_FLOAT 4 #define CONST_LONG 5 #define CONST_DOUBLE 6 #define CONST_NAMEANDTYPE 12 #define CONST_UTF8 1 /* Sizes of structures */ #define CONST_CLASS_INFO 2 #define CONST_FIELDREF_INFO 4 #define CONST_METHODREF_INFO 4 #define CONST_INTERFACEMETHODREF_INFO 4 #define CONST_STRING_INFO 2 #define CONST_INTEGER_INFO 4 #define CONST_FLOAT_INFO 4 #define CONST_LONG_INFO 8 #define CONST_DOUBLE_INFO 8 #define CONST_NAMEANDTYPE_INFO 4 /* represents the utf8 strings in class file */ struct utf_string { guint16 index; guint16 length; char *str; }; /* structure that holds class information in a class file */ struct class_info { guint16 index; guint16 name_index; /* index into the utf_strings */ }; typedef struct { int fd; guint32 magic_no; /* 0xCAFEBABE (JVM Specification) :) */ guint16 major; /* versions */ guint16 minor; guint16 const_pool_count; GSList *const_pool_class; /* (const_pool_count - 1) elements of tye 'CONST_class_info' */ GSList *const_pool_utf; /* (const_pool_count - 1) elements of type 'utf_strings' */ guint16 access_flags; guint16 this_class; /* the index of the class the file is named after. */ #if 0 /* not needed */ guint16 super_class; guint16 interfaces_count; guint16 *interfaces; guint16 fields_count; field_info *fields; guint16 methods_count; method_info *methods; guint16 attributes_count; attribute_info *attributes; #endif } JavaClassFile; static JavaClassFile* java_class_file_new (void) { JavaClassFile *cfile; cfile = g_new0 (JavaClassFile, 1); cfile->fd = -1; return cfile; } static void java_class_file_free (JavaClassFile *cfile) { GSList *scan; if (cfile->const_pool_class != NULL) g_slist_free_full (cfile->const_pool_class, g_free); for (scan = cfile->const_pool_utf; scan ; scan = scan->next) { struct utf_string *string = scan->data; g_free (string->str); } if (cfile->const_pool_utf != NULL) g_slist_free_full (cfile->const_pool_utf, g_free); if (cfile->fd != -1) close (cfile->fd); g_free (cfile); } /* The following function loads the utf8 strings and class structures from the * class file. */ static void load_constant_pool_utfs (JavaClassFile *cfile) { guint8 tag; guint16 i = 0; /* should be comparable with const_pool_count */ while ((i < cfile->const_pool_count - 1) && (read (cfile->fd, &tag, 1) != -1)) { struct utf_string *txt = NULL; struct class_info *class = NULL; switch (tag) { case CONST_CLASS: class = g_new0 (struct class_info, 1); class->index = i + 1; if (read (cfile->fd, &class->name_index, 2) != 2) { g_free (class); return; /* error reading */ } class->name_index = GUINT16_FROM_BE (class->name_index); cfile->const_pool_class = g_slist_append (cfile->const_pool_class, class); break; case CONST_FIELDREF: lseek (cfile->fd, CONST_FIELDREF_INFO, SEEK_CUR); break; case CONST_METHODREF: lseek (cfile->fd, CONST_METHODREF_INFO, SEEK_CUR); break; case CONST_INTERFACEMETHODREF: lseek (cfile->fd, CONST_INTERFACEMETHODREF_INFO, SEEK_CUR); break; case CONST_STRING: lseek (cfile->fd, CONST_STRING_INFO, SEEK_CUR); break; case CONST_INTEGER: lseek (cfile->fd, CONST_INTEGER_INFO, SEEK_CUR); break; case CONST_FLOAT: lseek (cfile->fd, CONST_FLOAT_INFO, SEEK_CUR); break; case CONST_LONG: lseek (cfile->fd, CONST_LONG_INFO, SEEK_CUR); break; case CONST_DOUBLE: lseek (cfile->fd, CONST_DOUBLE_INFO, SEEK_CUR); break; case CONST_NAMEANDTYPE: lseek (cfile->fd, CONST_NAMEANDTYPE_INFO, SEEK_CUR); break; case CONST_UTF8: txt = g_new0 (struct utf_string, 1); txt->index = i + 1; if (read (cfile->fd, &(txt->length), 2) == -1) { g_free (txt); return; /* error while reading */ } txt->length = GUINT16_FROM_BE (txt->length); txt->str = g_new0 (char, txt->length); if (read (cfile->fd, txt->str, txt->length) == -1) { g_free (txt); return; /* error while reading */ } cfile->const_pool_utf = g_slist_append (cfile->const_pool_utf, txt); break; default: return; /* error - unknown tag in class file */ break; } i++; } #ifdef MATE_ENABLE_DEBUG g_print( "Number of Entries: %d\n", i ); #endif } static char* close_and_exit (JavaClassFile *cfile) { java_class_file_free (cfile); return NULL; } /* This function extracts the package name from a class file */ char* get_package_name_from_class_file (char *fname) { char *package = NULL; JavaClassFile *cfile; guint16 length = 0, end = 0, utf_index = 0; guint32 magic; guint16 major, minor, count; guint i = 0; if (! g_file_test (fname, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) return NULL; cfile = java_class_file_new (); cfile->fd = open (fname, O_RDONLY); if (cfile->fd == -1) return close_and_exit (cfile); if ((i = read (cfile->fd, &magic, 4)) != 4) return close_and_exit (cfile); cfile->magic_no = GUINT32_FROM_BE (magic); if (read (cfile->fd, &major, 2 ) != 2) return close_and_exit (cfile); cfile->major = GUINT16_FROM_BE (major); if (read (cfile->fd, &minor, 2) != 2) return close_and_exit (cfile); cfile->minor = GUINT16_FROM_BE (minor); if (read (cfile->fd, &count, 2) != 2) return close_and_exit (cfile); cfile->const_pool_count = GUINT16_FROM_BE(count); load_constant_pool_utfs (cfile); if (read (cfile->fd, &cfile->access_flags, 2) != 2) return close_and_exit (cfile); cfile->access_flags = GUINT16_FROM_BE (cfile->access_flags); if (read (cfile->fd, &cfile->this_class, 2) != 2) return close_and_exit (cfile); cfile->this_class = GUINT16_FROM_BE(cfile->this_class); /* now search for the class structure with index = cfile->this_class */ for (i = 0; (i < g_slist_length (cfile->const_pool_class)) && (utf_index == 0); i++ ) { struct class_info *class = g_slist_nth_data (cfile->const_pool_class, i); if (class->index == cfile->this_class) utf_index = class->name_index; /* terminates loop */ } /* now search for the utf8 string with index = utf_index */ for (i = 0; i < g_slist_length (cfile->const_pool_utf); i++) { struct utf_string *data = g_slist_nth_data (cfile->const_pool_utf, i); if (data->index == utf_index) { package = g_strndup (data->str, data->length); length = data->length; break; } } if (package != NULL) { int j; for (j = length; (j >= 0) && (end == 0); j--) if (package[j] == '/') end = j; package = g_strndup (package, end); } java_class_file_free (cfile); return package; } /* This function consumes a comment from the java file * multiline = TRUE implies that comment is multiline */ static void consume_comment (int fdesc, gboolean multiline) { gboolean escaped = FALSE; gboolean star = FALSE; char ch; while (read (fdesc, &ch, 1) == 1) { switch (ch) { case '/': if (escaped) break; else if (star) return; break; case '\n': if (! multiline) return; break; case '*': escaped = FALSE; star = TRUE; break; case '\\': escaped = ! escaped; break; default: escaped = FALSE; star = FALSE; break; } } } /* This function extracts package name from a java file */ char* get_package_name_from_java_file (char *fname) { char *package = NULL; JavaClassFile *cfile; gboolean prev_char_is_bslash = FALSE; gboolean valid_char_found = FALSE; char ch; if (! g_file_test (fname, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) return NULL; cfile = java_class_file_new (); cfile->fd = open (fname, O_RDONLY); if (cfile->fd == -1) return close_and_exit (cfile); while (! valid_char_found && (read (cfile->fd, &ch, 1) == 1)) { switch (ch) { case '/': if (prev_char_is_bslash == TRUE) { consume_comment (cfile->fd, FALSE); prev_char_is_bslash = FALSE; } else prev_char_is_bslash = TRUE; break; case '*': if (prev_char_is_bslash == TRUE) consume_comment (cfile->fd, TRUE); prev_char_is_bslash = FALSE; break; case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': prev_char_is_bslash = FALSE; break; default: prev_char_is_bslash = FALSE; valid_char_found = TRUE; break; } } if (ch == 'p') { char first_valid_word[8] = ""; first_valid_word[0] = 'p'; if (read (cfile->fd, &first_valid_word[1], 6) != 6) return close_and_exit (cfile); first_valid_word[7] = 0; if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (first_valid_word, "package") == 0) { char buffer[500]; int index = 0; while (read (cfile->fd, &ch, 1) == 1) { if ((ch != ' ') && (ch != '\t')) break; } do { if (ch == ';') break; if (ch == '.') { buffer[index++] = '/'; } else if (isalnum (ch) != 0) { buffer[index++] = ch; } else if ((ch == '_') || (ch == '$')) { buffer[index++] = ch; } else { index = 0; break; } } while (read (cfile->fd, &ch, 1) == 1); buffer[index] = 0; package = g_strdup (buffer); } } java_class_file_free (cfile); return package; }