/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* * Engrampa * * Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Street #330, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <config.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <signal.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <gio/gio.h> #include "file-utils.h" #include "glib-utils.h" #include "fr-command.h" #include "fr-command-ace.h" #include "fr-command-alz.h" #include "fr-command-ar.h" #include "fr-command-arj.h" #include "fr-command-cfile.h" #include "fr-command-cpio.h" #include "fr-command-dpkg.h" #include "fr-command-iso.h" #include "fr-command-jar.h" #include "fr-command-lha.h" #include "fr-command-rar.h" #include "fr-command-rpm.h" #include "fr-command-tar.h" #if HAVE_JSON_GLIB #include "fr-command-unarchiver.h" #endif #include "fr-command-unstuff.h" #include "fr-command-zip.h" #include "fr-command-zoo.h" #include "fr-command-7z.h" #include "fr-command-lrzip.h" #include "fr-process.h" #include "fr-stock.h" #include "fr-window.h" #include "typedefs.h" #include "preferences.h" #include "file-data.h" #include "main.h" #include "eggsmclient.h" static void prepare_app (void); static void initialize_data (void); static void release_data (void); GList *WindowList = NULL; GList *CommandList = NULL; gint ForceDirectoryCreation; GHashTable *ProgramsCache = NULL; GPtrArray *Registered_Commands = NULL; static char **remaining_args; static char *add_to = NULL; static int add; static char *extract_to = NULL; static int extract; static int extract_here; static char *default_url = NULL; /* The capabilities are computed automatically in * compute_supported_archive_types() so it's correct to initialize to 0 here. */ FrMimeTypeDescription mime_type_desc[] = { { "application/x-7z-compressed", ".7z", N_("7-Zip (.7z)"), 0 }, { "application/x-7z-compressed-tar", ".tar.7z", N_("Tar compressed with 7z (.tar.7z)"), 0 }, { "application/x-ace", ".ace", N_("Ace (.ace)"), 0 }, { "application/x-alz", ".alz", NULL, 0 }, { "application/x-ar", ".ar", N_("Ar (.ar)"), 0 }, { "application/x-arj", ".arj", N_("Arj (.arj)"), 0 }, { "application/x-bzip", ".bz2", NULL, 0 }, { "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar", ".tar.bz2", N_("Tar compressed with bzip2 (.tar.bz2)"), 0 }, { "application/x-bzip1", ".bz", NULL, 0 }, { "application/x-bzip1-compressed-tar", ".tar.bz", N_("Tar compressed with bzip (.tar.bz)"), 0 }, { "application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed", ".cab", N_("Cabinet (.cab)"), 0 }, { "application/x-cbr", ".cbr", N_("Rar Archived Comic Book (.cbr)"), 0 }, { "application/x-cbz", ".cbz", N_("Zip Archived Comic Book (.cbz)"), 0 }, { "application/x-cd-image", ".iso", NULL, 0 }, { "application/x-compress", ".Z", NULL, 0 }, { "application/x-compressed-tar", ".tar.gz", N_("Tar compressed with gzip (.tar.gz)"), 0 }, { "application/x-cpio", ".cpio", NULL, 0 }, { "application/x-deb", ".deb", NULL, 0 }, { "application/x-ear", ".ear", N_("Ear (.ear)"), 0 }, { "application/x-ms-dos-executable", ".exe", N_("Self-extracting zip (.exe)"), 0 }, { "application/x-gzip", ".gz", NULL, 0 }, { "application/x-java-archive", ".jar", N_("Jar (.jar)"), 0 }, { "application/x-lha", ".lzh", N_("Lha (.lzh)"), 0 }, { "application/x-lrzip", ".lrz", N_("Lrzip (.lrz)"), 0}, { "application/x-lrzip-compressed-tar", ".tar.lrz", N_("Tar compressed with lrzip (.tar.lrz)"), 0 }, { "application/x-lzip", ".lz", NULL, 0 }, { "application/x-lzip-compressed-tar", ".tar.lz", N_("Tar compressed with lzip (.tar.lz)"), 0 }, { "application/x-lzma", ".lzma", NULL, 0 }, { "application/x-lzma-compressed-tar", ".tar.lzma", N_("Tar compressed with lzma (.tar.lzma)"), 0 }, { "application/x-lzop", ".lzo", NULL, 0 }, { "application/x-lzop-compressed-tar", ".tar.lzo", N_("Tar compressed with lzop (.tar.lzo)"), 0 }, { "application/x-ms-wim", ".wim", N_("Windows Imaging Format (.wim)"), 0 }, { "application/x-rar", ".rar", N_("Rar (.rar)"), 0 }, { "application/x-rpm", ".rpm", NULL, 0 }, { "application/x-rzip", ".rz", NULL, 0 }, { "application/x-tar", ".tar", N_("Tar uncompressed (.tar)"), 0 }, { "application/x-tarz", ".tar.Z", N_("Tar compressed with compress (.tar.Z)"), 0 }, { "application/x-stuffit", ".sit", NULL, 0 }, { "application/x-war", ".war", N_("War (.war)"), 0 }, { "application/x-xz", ".xz", N_("Xz (.xz)"), 0 }, { "application/x-xz-compressed-tar", ".tar.xz", N_("Tar compressed with xz (.tar.xz)"), 0 }, { "application/x-zoo", ".zoo", N_("Zoo (.zoo)"), 0 }, { "application/zip", ".zip", N_("Zip (.zip)"), 0 }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 } }; FrExtensionType file_ext_type[] = { { ".7z", "application/x-7z-compressed" }, { ".ace", "application/x-ace" }, { ".alz", "application/x-alz" }, { ".ar", "application/x-ar" }, { ".arj", "application/x-arj" }, { ".bin", "application/x-stuffit" }, { ".bz", "application/x-bzip" }, { ".bz2", "application/x-bzip" }, { ".cab", "application/vnd.ms-cab-compressed" }, { ".cbr", "application/x-cbr" }, { ".cbz", "application/x-cbz" }, { ".cpio", "application/x-cpio" }, { ".deb", "application/x-deb" }, { ".ear", "application/x-ear" }, { ".exe", "application/x-ms-dos-executable" }, { ".gz", "application/x-gzip" }, { ".iso", "application/x-cd-image" }, { ".jar", "application/x-java-archive" }, { ".lha", "application/x-lha" }, { ".lrz", "application/x-lrzip" }, { ".lzh", "application/x-lha" }, { ".lz", "application/x-lzip" }, { ".lzma", "application/x-lzma" }, { ".lzo", "application/x-lzop" }, { ".rar", "application/x-rar" }, { ".rpm", "application/x-rpm" }, { ".rz", "application/x-rzip" }, { ".sit", "application/x-stuffit" }, { ".swm", "application/x-ms-wim" }, { ".tar", "application/x-tar" }, { ".tar.bz", "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" }, { ".tar.bz2", "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" }, { ".tar.gz", "application/x-compressed-tar" }, { ".tar.lrz", "application/x-lrzip-compressed-tar" }, { ".tar.lz", "application/x-lzip-compressed-tar" }, { ".tar.lzma", "application/x-lzma-compressed-tar" }, { ".tar.lzo", "application/x-lzop-compressed-tar" }, { ".tar.7z", "application/x-7z-compressed-tar" }, { ".tar.xz", "application/x-xz-compressed-tar" }, { ".tar.Z", "application/x-tarz" }, { ".taz", "application/x-tarz" }, { ".tbz", "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" }, { ".tbz2", "application/x-bzip-compressed-tar" }, { ".tgz", "application/x-compressed-tar" }, { ".txz", "application/x-xz-compressed-tar" }, { ".tlz", "application/x-lzip-compressed-tar" }, { ".tzma", "application/x-lzma-compressed-tar" }, { ".tzo", "application/x-lzop-compressed-tar" }, { ".war", "application/x-war" }, { ".wim", "application/x-ms-wim" }, { ".xz", "application/x-xz" }, { ".z", "application/x-gzip" }, { ".Z", "application/x-compress" }, { ".zip", "application/zip" }, { ".zoo", "application/x-zoo" }, { NULL, NULL } }; int single_file_save_type[64]; int save_type[64]; int open_type[64]; int create_type[64]; static const GOptionEntry options[] = { { "add-to", 'a', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &add_to, N_("Add files to the specified archive and quit the program"), N_("ARCHIVE") }, { "add", 'd', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &add, N_("Add files asking the name of the archive and quit the program"), NULL }, { "extract-to", 'e', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &extract_to, N_("Extract archives to the specified folder and quit the program"), N_("FOLDER") }, { "extract", 'f', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &extract, N_("Extract archives asking the destination folder and quit the program"), NULL }, { "extract-here", 'h', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &extract_here, N_("Extract the contents of the archives in the archive folder and quit the program"), NULL }, { "default-dir", '\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &default_url, N_("Default folder to use for the '--add' and '--extract' commands"), N_("FOLDER") }, { "force", '\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &ForceDirectoryCreation, N_("Create destination folder without asking confirmation"), NULL }, { G_OPTION_REMAINING, 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING_ARRAY, &remaining_args, NULL, NULL }, { NULL } }; /* -- Main -- */ static guint startup_id = 0; /* argv[0] from main(); used as the command to restart the program */ static const char *program_argv0 = NULL; static gboolean startup_cb (gpointer data) { g_source_remove (startup_id); startup_id = 0; initialize_data (); prepare_app (); return FALSE; } static void fr_save_state (EggSMClient *client, GKeyFile *state, gpointer user_data) { /* discard command is automatically set by EggSMClient */ GList *window; const char *argv[2] = { NULL }; guint i; /* restart command */ argv[0] = program_argv0; argv[1] = NULL; egg_sm_client_set_restart_command (client, 1, argv); /* state */ for (window = WindowList, i = 0; window; window = window->next, i++) { FrWindow *session = window->data; gchar *key; key = g_strdup_printf ("archive%d", i); if ((session->archive == NULL) || (session->archive->file == NULL)) { g_key_file_set_string (state, "Session", key, ""); } else { gchar *uri; uri = g_file_get_uri (session->archive->file); g_key_file_set_string (state, "Session", key, uri); g_free (uri); } g_free (key); } g_key_file_set_integer (state, "Session", "archives", i); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { GError *error = NULL; EggSMClient *client = NULL; GOptionContext *context = NULL; program_argv0 = argv[0]; bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE); context = g_option_context_new (N_("- Create and modify an archive")); g_option_context_set_translation_domain (context, GETTEXT_PACKAGE); g_option_context_add_main_entries (context, options, GETTEXT_PACKAGE); g_option_context_add_group (context, gtk_get_option_group (TRUE)); g_option_context_add_group (context, egg_sm_client_get_option_group ()); if (! g_option_context_parse (context, &argc, &argv, &error)) { g_critical ("Failed to parse arguments: %s", error->message); g_error_free (error); g_option_context_free (context); return EXIT_FAILURE; } g_option_context_free (context); g_set_application_name (_("Engrampa")); gtk_window_set_default_icon_name ("engrampa"); client = egg_sm_client_get (); g_signal_connect (client, "save-state", G_CALLBACK (fr_save_state), NULL); gtk_icon_theme_append_search_path (gtk_icon_theme_get_default (), PKG_DATA_DIR G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "icons"); fr_stock_init (); /* init_session (argv); */ startup_id = g_idle_add (startup_cb, NULL); gtk_main (); release_data (); return 0; } /* Initialize application data. */ static void initialize_data (void) { ProgramsCache = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL); } /* Free application data. */ void command_done (CommandData *cdata) { if (cdata == NULL) return; if ((cdata->temp_dir != NULL) && path_is_dir (cdata->temp_dir)) { char *argv[4]; argv[0] = "rm"; argv[1] = "-rf"; argv[2] = cdata->temp_dir; argv[3] = NULL; g_spawn_sync (g_get_tmp_dir (), argv, NULL, G_SPAWN_SEARCH_PATH, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); } g_free (cdata->command); if (cdata->app != NULL) g_object_unref (cdata->app); path_list_free (cdata->file_list); g_free (cdata->temp_dir); if (cdata->process != NULL) g_object_unref (cdata->process); CommandList = g_list_remove (CommandList, cdata); g_free (cdata); } static void release_data () { g_hash_table_destroy (ProgramsCache); while (CommandList != NULL) { CommandData *cdata = CommandList->data; command_done (cdata); } } /* -- FrRegisteredCommand -- */ FrRegisteredCommand * fr_registered_command_new (GType command_type) { FrRegisteredCommand *reg_com; FrCommand *command; const char **mime_types; int i; reg_com = g_new0 (FrRegisteredCommand, 1); reg_com->ref = 1; reg_com->type = command_type; reg_com->caps = g_ptr_array_new (); reg_com->packages = g_ptr_array_new (); command = (FrCommand*) g_object_new (reg_com->type, NULL); mime_types = fr_command_get_mime_types (command); for (i = 0; mime_types[i] != NULL; i++) { const char *mime_type; FrMimeTypeCap *cap; FrMimeTypePackages *packages; mime_type = get_static_string (mime_types[i]); cap = g_new0 (FrMimeTypeCap, 1); cap->mime_type = mime_type; cap->current_capabilities = fr_command_get_capabilities (command, mime_type, TRUE); cap->potential_capabilities = fr_command_get_capabilities (command, mime_type, FALSE); g_ptr_array_add (reg_com->caps, cap); packages = g_new0 (FrMimeTypePackages, 1); packages->mime_type = mime_type; packages->packages = fr_command_get_packages (command, mime_type); g_ptr_array_add (reg_com->packages, packages); } g_object_unref (command); return reg_com; } void fr_registered_command_ref (FrRegisteredCommand *reg_com) { reg_com->ref++; } void fr_registered_command_unref (FrRegisteredCommand *reg_com) { if (--(reg_com->ref) != 0) return; g_ptr_array_foreach (reg_com->caps, (GFunc) g_free, NULL); g_ptr_array_free (reg_com->caps, TRUE); g_free (reg_com); } FrCommandCaps fr_registered_command_get_capabilities (FrRegisteredCommand *reg_com, const char *mime_type) { int i; for (i = 0; i < reg_com->caps->len; i++) { FrMimeTypeCap *cap; cap = g_ptr_array_index (reg_com->caps, i); if (strcmp (mime_type, cap->mime_type) == 0) return cap->current_capabilities; } return FR_COMMAND_CAN_DO_NOTHING; } FrCommandCaps fr_registered_command_get_potential_capabilities (FrRegisteredCommand *reg_com, const char *mime_type) { int i; if (mime_type == NULL) return FR_COMMAND_CAN_DO_NOTHING; for (i = 0; i < reg_com->caps->len; i++) { FrMimeTypeCap *cap; cap = g_ptr_array_index (reg_com->caps, i); if ((cap->mime_type != NULL) && (strcmp (mime_type, cap->mime_type) == 0)) return cap->potential_capabilities; } return FR_COMMAND_CAN_DO_NOTHING; } void register_command (GType command_type) { if (Registered_Commands == NULL) Registered_Commands = g_ptr_array_sized_new (5); g_ptr_array_add (Registered_Commands, fr_registered_command_new (command_type)); } gboolean unregister_command (GType command_type) { int i; for (i = 0; i < Registered_Commands->len; i++) { FrRegisteredCommand *command; command = g_ptr_array_index (Registered_Commands, i); if (command->type == command_type) { g_ptr_array_remove_index (Registered_Commands, i); fr_registered_command_unref (command); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } static void register_commands (void) { /* The order here is important. Commands registered earlier have higher * priority. However commands that can read and write a file format * have higher priority over commands that can only read the same * format, regardless of the registration order. */ register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_TAR); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_CFILE); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_7Z); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_DPKG); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_ACE); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_ALZ); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_AR); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_ARJ); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_CPIO); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_ISO); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_JAR); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_LHA); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_RAR); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_RPM); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_UNSTUFF); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_ZIP); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_LRZIP); register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_ZOO); #if HAVE_JSON_GLIB register_command (FR_TYPE_COMMAND_UNARCHIVER); #endif } GType get_command_type_from_mime_type (const char *mime_type, FrCommandCaps requested_capabilities) { int i; if (mime_type == NULL) return 0; for (i = 0; i < Registered_Commands->len; i++) { FrRegisteredCommand *command; FrCommandCaps capabilities; command = g_ptr_array_index (Registered_Commands, i); capabilities = fr_registered_command_get_capabilities (command, mime_type); /* the command must support all the requested capabilities */ if (((capabilities ^ requested_capabilities) & requested_capabilities) == 0) return command->type; } return 0; } GType get_preferred_command_for_mime_type (const char *mime_type, FrCommandCaps requested_capabilities) { int i; for (i = 0; i < Registered_Commands->len; i++) { FrRegisteredCommand *command; FrCommandCaps capabilities; command = g_ptr_array_index (Registered_Commands, i); capabilities = fr_registered_command_get_potential_capabilities (command, mime_type); /* the command must support all the requested capabilities */ if (((capabilities ^ requested_capabilities) & requested_capabilities) == 0) return command->type; } return 0; } void update_registered_commands_capabilities (void) { int i; g_hash_table_remove_all (ProgramsCache); for (i = 0; i < Registered_Commands->len; i++) { FrRegisteredCommand *reg_com; FrCommand *command; int j; reg_com = g_ptr_array_index (Registered_Commands, i); command = (FrCommand*) g_object_new (reg_com->type, NULL); for (j = 0; j < reg_com->caps->len; j++) { FrMimeTypeCap *cap = g_ptr_array_index (reg_com->caps, j); cap->current_capabilities = fr_command_get_capabilities (command, cap->mime_type, TRUE); cap->potential_capabilities = fr_command_get_capabilities (command, cap->mime_type, FALSE); } g_object_unref (command); } } const char * get_mime_type_from_extension (const char *ext) { int i; if (ext == NULL) return NULL; for (i = G_N_ELEMENTS (file_ext_type) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (file_ext_type[i].ext == NULL) continue; if (strcasecmp (ext, file_ext_type[i].ext) == 0) return get_static_string (file_ext_type[i].mime_type); } return NULL; } const char * get_archive_filename_extension (const char *filename) { const char *ext; int i; if (filename == NULL) return NULL; ext = get_file_extension (filename); if (ext == NULL) return NULL; for (i = G_N_ELEMENTS (file_ext_type) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (file_ext_type[i].ext == NULL) continue; if (strcasecmp (ext, file_ext_type[i].ext) == 0) return ext; } return NULL; } int get_mime_type_index (const char *mime_type) { int i; for (i = 0; mime_type_desc[i].mime_type != NULL; i++) if (strcmp (mime_type_desc[i].mime_type, mime_type) == 0) return i; return -1; } static void add_if_non_present (int *a, int *n, int o) { int i; for (i = 0; i < *n; i++) { if (a[i] == o) return; } a[*n] = o; *n = *n + 1; } static int cmp_mime_type_by_extension (const void *p1, const void *p2) { int i1 = * (int*) p1; int i2 = * (int*) p2; return strcmp (mime_type_desc[i1].default_ext, mime_type_desc[i2].default_ext); } static int cmp_mime_type_by_description (const void *p1, const void *p2) { int i1 = * (int*) p1; int i2 = * (int*) p2; return g_utf8_collate (_(mime_type_desc[i1].name), _(mime_type_desc[i2].name)); } static void sort_mime_types (int *a, int(*compar)(const void *, const void *)) { int n = 0; while (a[n] != -1) n++; qsort (a, n, sizeof (int), compar); } void sort_mime_types_by_extension (int *a) { sort_mime_types (a, cmp_mime_type_by_extension); } void sort_mime_types_by_description (int *a) { sort_mime_types (a, cmp_mime_type_by_description); } static void compute_supported_archive_types (void) { int sf_i = 0, s_i = 0, o_i = 0, c_i = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < Registered_Commands->len; i++) { FrRegisteredCommand *reg_com; int j; reg_com = g_ptr_array_index (Registered_Commands, i); for (j = 0; j < reg_com->caps->len; j++) { FrMimeTypeCap *cap; int idx; cap = g_ptr_array_index (reg_com->caps, j); idx = get_mime_type_index (cap->mime_type); if (idx < 0) { g_warning ("mime type not recognized: %s", cap->mime_type); continue; } mime_type_desc[idx].capabilities |= cap->current_capabilities; if (cap->current_capabilities & FR_COMMAND_CAN_READ) add_if_non_present (open_type, &o_i, idx); if (cap->current_capabilities & FR_COMMAND_CAN_WRITE) { if (cap->current_capabilities & FR_COMMAND_CAN_ARCHIVE_MANY_FILES) { add_if_non_present (save_type, &s_i, idx); if (cap->current_capabilities & FR_COMMAND_CAN_WRITE) add_if_non_present (create_type, &c_i, idx); } add_if_non_present (single_file_save_type, &sf_i, idx); } } } open_type[o_i] = -1; save_type[s_i] = -1; single_file_save_type[sf_i] = -1; create_type[c_i] = -1; } static char * get_uri_from_command_line (const char *path) { GFile *file; char *uri; file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (path); uri = g_file_get_uri (file); g_object_unref (file); return uri; } static void fr_restore_session (EggSMClient *client) { GKeyFile *state = NULL; guint i; state = egg_sm_client_get_state_file (client); i = g_key_file_get_integer (state, "Session", "archives", NULL); for (; i > 0; i--) { GtkWidget *window; gchar *key, *archive; key = g_strdup_printf ("archive%d", i); archive = g_key_file_get_string (state, "Session", key, NULL); g_free (key); window = fr_window_new (); gtk_widget_show (window); if (strlen (archive)) fr_window_archive_open (FR_WINDOW (window), archive, GTK_WINDOW (window)); g_free (archive); } } static void migrate_options_directory (void) { char *old_directory_path; GFile *old_directory; GFile *new_directory; old_directory_path = get_home_relative_path (".config/mate/engrampa/options"); old_directory = g_file_new_for_path (old_directory_path); new_directory = get_user_config_subdirectory (ADD_FOLDER_OPTIONS_DIR, FALSE); if (g_file_query_exists (old_directory, NULL) && ! g_file_query_exists (new_directory, NULL)) { GFile *parent; parent = g_file_get_parent (new_directory); if (make_directory_tree (parent, 0700, NULL)) g_file_move (old_directory, new_directory, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); g_object_unref (parent); } g_object_unref (new_directory); g_object_unref (old_directory); g_free (old_directory_path); } static void prepare_app (void) { char *extract_to_uri = NULL; char *add_to_uri = NULL; EggSMClient *client = NULL; migrate_options_directory (); register_commands (); compute_supported_archive_types (); client = egg_sm_client_get (); if (egg_sm_client_is_resumed (client)) { fr_restore_session (client); return; } /**/ if (remaining_args == NULL) { /* No archive specified. */ gtk_widget_show (fr_window_new ()); return; } if (extract_to != NULL) extract_to_uri = get_uri_from_command_line (extract_to); if (add_to != NULL) add_to_uri = get_uri_from_command_line (add_to); if ((add_to != NULL) || (add == 1)) { /* Add files to an archive */ GtkWidget *window; GList *file_list = NULL; const char *filename; int i = 0; window = fr_window_new (); if (default_url != NULL) fr_window_set_default_dir (FR_WINDOW (window), default_url, TRUE); while ((filename = remaining_args[i++]) != NULL) file_list = g_list_prepend (file_list, get_uri_from_command_line (filename)); file_list = g_list_reverse (file_list); fr_window_new_batch (FR_WINDOW (window)); fr_window_set_batch__add (FR_WINDOW (window), add_to_uri, file_list); fr_window_append_batch_action (FR_WINDOW (window), FR_BATCH_ACTION_QUIT, NULL, NULL); fr_window_start_batch (FR_WINDOW (window)); } else if ((extract_to != NULL) || (extract == 1) || (extract_here == 1)) { /* Extract all archives. */ GtkWidget *window; const char *archive; int i = 0; window = fr_window_new (); if (default_url != NULL) fr_window_set_default_dir (FR_WINDOW (window), default_url, TRUE); fr_window_new_batch (FR_WINDOW (window)); while ((archive = remaining_args[i++]) != NULL) { char *archive_uri; archive_uri = get_uri_from_command_line (archive); if (extract_here == 1) fr_window_set_batch__extract_here (FR_WINDOW (window), archive_uri); else fr_window_set_batch__extract (FR_WINDOW (window), archive_uri, extract_to_uri); g_free (archive_uri); } fr_window_append_batch_action (FR_WINDOW (window), FR_BATCH_ACTION_QUIT, NULL, NULL); fr_window_start_batch (FR_WINDOW (window)); } else { /* Open each archive in a window */ const char *filename = NULL; int i = 0; while ((filename = remaining_args[i++]) != NULL) { GtkWidget *window; GFile *file; char *uri; window = fr_window_new (); gtk_widget_show (window); file = g_file_new_for_commandline_arg (filename); uri = g_file_get_uri (file); fr_window_archive_open (FR_WINDOW (window), uri, GTK_WINDOW (window)); g_free (uri); g_object_unref (file); } } g_free (add_to_uri); g_free (extract_to_uri); }