/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8 -*- */ /* * Engrampa * * Copyright (C) 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef UI_H #define UI_H #include "actions.h" static GtkActionEntry action_entries[] = { { "FileMenu", NULL, N_("_Archive"), NULL, NULL, NULL }, { "EditMenu", NULL, N_("_Edit"), NULL, NULL, NULL }, { "ViewMenu", NULL, N_("_View"), NULL, NULL, NULL }, { "HelpMenu", NULL, N_("_Help"), NULL, NULL, NULL }, { "ArrangeFilesMenu", NULL, N_("_Arrange Files"), NULL, NULL, NULL }, { "About", "help-about", N_("_About"), NULL, N_("Information about the program"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_about) }, { "AddFiles", "add-files-to-archive", N_("_Add Files…"), NULL, N_("Add files to the archive"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_add_files) }, { "AddFiles_Toolbar", "add-files-to-archive", N_("Add Files"), NULL, N_("Add files to the archive"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_add_files) }, { "AddFolder", "add-folder-to-archive", N_("Add a _Folder…"), NULL, N_("Add a folder to the archive"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_add_folder) }, { "AddFolder_Toolbar", "add-folder-to-archive", N_("Add Folder"), NULL, N_("Add a folder to the archive"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_add_folder) }, { "Close", "window-close", N_("_Close"), "<control>W", N_("Close the current archive"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_close) }, { "Contents", "help-browser", N_("Contents"), "F1", N_("Display the Engrampa Manual"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_manual) }, { "Copy", "edit-copy", N_("_Copy"), "<control>C", N_("Copy the selection"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_copy) }, { "Cut", "edit-cut", N_("Cu_t"), "<control>X", N_("Cut the selection"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_cut) }, { "Paste", "edit-paste", N_("_Paste"), "<control>V", N_("Paste the clipboard"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_paste) }, { "Rename", NULL, N_("_Rename…"), "F2", N_("Rename the selection"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_rename) }, { "Delete", "edit-delete", N_("_Delete"), "Delete", N_("Delete the selection from the archive"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_delete) }, { "CopyFolderFromSidebar", "edit-copy", N_("_Copy"), "<control>C", N_("Copy the selection"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_copy_folder_from_sidebar) }, { "CutFolderFromSidebar", "edit-cut", N_("Cu_t"), "<control>X", N_("Cut the selection"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_cut_folder_from_sidebar) }, { "PasteFolderFromSidebar", "edit-paste", N_("_Paste"), "<control>V", N_("Paste the clipboard"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_paste_folder_from_sidebar) }, { "RenameFolderFromSidebar", NULL, N_("_Rename…"), "F2", N_("Rename the selection"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_rename_folder_from_sidebar) }, { "DeleteFolderFromSidebar", "edit-delete", N_("_Delete"), "Delete", N_("Delete the selection from the archive"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_delete_folder_from_sidebar) }, { "DeselectAll", NULL, N_("Dese_lect All"), "<shift><control>A", N_("Deselect all files"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_deselect_all) }, { "Extract", "extract-archive", N_("_Extract…"), "<control>E", N_("Extract files from the archive"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_extract) }, { "ExtractFolderFromSidebar", "extract-archive", N_("_Extract…"), NULL, N_("Extract files from the archive"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_extract_folder_from_sidebar) }, { "Extract_Toolbar", "extract-archive", N_("Extract"), NULL, N_("Extract files from the archive"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_extract) }, { "Find", "edit-find", N_("Find…"), "<control>F", NULL, G_CALLBACK (activate_action_find) }, { "LastOutput", NULL, N_("_Last Output"), NULL, N_("View the output produced by the last executed command"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_last_output) }, { "New", "document-new", N_("New…"), "<control>N", N_("Create a new archive"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_new) }, { "Open", "document-open", N_("Open…"), "<control>O", N_("Open archive"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_open) }, { "Open_Toolbar", "document-open", N_("_Open"), "<control>O", N_("Open archive"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_open) }, { "OpenSelection", NULL, N_("_Open With…"), NULL, N_("Open selected files with an application"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_open_with) }, { "Password", NULL, N_("Pass_word…"), NULL, N_("Specify a password for this archive"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_password) }, { "Properties", "document-properties", N_("_Properties"), "<alt>Return", N_("Show archive properties"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_properties) }, { "Reload", "view-refresh", N_("_Refresh"), "<control>R", N_("Reload current archive"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_reload) }, { "SaveAs", "document-save-as", N_("Save As…"), NULL, N_("Save the current archive with a different name"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_save_as) }, { "SelectAll", "edit-select-all", N_("Select _All"), "<control>A", N_("Select all files"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_select_all) }, { "Stop", "process-stop", N_("_Stop"), "Escape", N_("Stop current operation"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_stop) }, { "TestArchive", NULL, N_("_Test Integrity"), NULL, N_("Test whether the archive contains errors"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_test_archive) }, { "ViewSelection", "document-open", N_("_Open"), "<control>O", N_("Open the selected file"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_view_or_open) }, { "ViewSelection_Toolbar", "document-open", N_("_Open"), "<control>O", N_("Open the selected file"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_view_or_open) }, { "OpenFolder", "document-open", N_("_Open"), "<control>O", N_("Open the selected folder"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_open_folder) }, { "OpenFolderFromSidebar", "document-open", N_("_Open"), "<control>O", N_("Open the selected folder"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_open_folder_from_sidebar) }, { "GoBack", "go-previous", NULL, NULL, N_("Go to the previous visited location"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_go_back) }, { "GoForward", "go-next", NULL, NULL, N_("Go to the next visited location"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_go_forward) }, { "GoUp", "go-up", NULL, NULL, N_("Go up one level"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_go_up) }, { "GoHome", "go-home", NULL, NULL, /* Translators: the home location is the home folder. */ N_("Go to the home location"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_go_home) }, }; static guint n_action_entries = G_N_ELEMENTS (action_entries); static GtkToggleActionEntry action_toggle_entries[] = { { "ViewToolbar", NULL, N_("_Toolbar"), NULL, N_("View the main toolbar"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_view_toolbar), TRUE }, { "ViewStatusbar", NULL, N_("Stat_usbar"), NULL, N_("View the statusbar"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_view_statusbar), TRUE }, { "SortReverseOrder", NULL, N_("_Reversed Order"), NULL, N_("Reverse the list order"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_sort_reverse_order), FALSE }, { "ViewFolders", NULL, N_("_Folders"), "F9", N_("View the folders pane"), G_CALLBACK (activate_action_view_folders), FALSE }, }; static guint n_action_toggle_entries = G_N_ELEMENTS (action_toggle_entries); static GtkRadioActionEntry view_as_entries[] = { { "ViewAllFiles", NULL, N_("View All _Files"), "<control>1", " ", FR_WINDOW_LIST_MODE_FLAT }, { "ViewAsFolder", NULL, N_("View as a F_older"), "<control>2", " ", FR_WINDOW_LIST_MODE_AS_DIR }, }; static guint n_view_as_entries = G_N_ELEMENTS (view_as_entries); static GtkRadioActionEntry sort_by_entries[] = { { "SortByName", NULL, N_("by _Name"), NULL, N_("Sort file list by name"), FR_WINDOW_SORT_BY_NAME }, { "SortBySize", NULL, N_("by _Size"), NULL, N_("Sort file list by file size"), FR_WINDOW_SORT_BY_SIZE }, { "SortByType", NULL, N_("by T_ype"), NULL, N_("Sort file list by type"), FR_WINDOW_SORT_BY_TYPE }, { "SortByDate", NULL, N_("by _Date Modified"), NULL, N_("Sort file list by modification time"), FR_WINDOW_SORT_BY_TIME }, { "SortByLocation", NULL, /* Translators: this is the "sort by file location" menu item */ N_("by _Location"), NULL, /* Translators: location is the file location */ N_("Sort file list by location"), FR_WINDOW_SORT_BY_PATH }, }; static guint n_sort_by_entries = G_N_ELEMENTS (sort_by_entries); #endif /* UI_H */