True False document-new True False document-open True False document-open True False document-open True False document-open True False gtk-open True False document-save-as True False extract-archive True False extract-archive True False extract-archive True False extract-archive True False document-properties True False window-close True False edit-copy True False edit-copy True False edit-copy True False edit-copy True False edit-cut True False edit-cut True False edit-cut True False edit-cut True False edit-paste True False edit-paste True False edit-paste True False edit-paste True False edit-delete True False edit-delete True False edit-delete True False edit-delete True False edit-select-all True False edit-find True False add-files-to-archive True False add-folder-to-archive True False process-stop True False view-refresh True False help-browser True False help-about 1 The menubar 1 _Archive 1 1 New… Create a new archive 1 menu_icon_new win.New 1 Open… Open archive 1 menu_icon_open win.Open 1 Open _Recent Open a recently used archive 1 menu_icon_open_recent 1 Save As… Save the current archive with a different name 1 menu_icon_save_as win.SaveAs 1 1 _Extract… Extract files from the archive 1 menu_icon_extract win.Extract 1 _Test Integrity Test whether the archive contains errors 1 win.TestArchive 1 1 _Properties Show archive properties 1 menu_icon_properties win.Properties 1 1 _Close Close the current archive 1 menu_icon_close win.Close 1 _Edit 1 1 _Copy Copy the selection 1 menu_icon_copy win.Copy 1 Cu_t Cut the selection 1 menu_icon_cut win.Cut 1 _Paste Paste the clipboard 1 menu_icon_paste win.Paste 1 _Rename… Rename the selection 1 win.Rename 1 _Delete Delete the selection from the archive 1 menu_icon_delete win.Delete 1 1 Select _All Select all files 1 menu_icon_select_all win.SelectAll 1 Dese_lect All Deselect all files 1 win.DeselectAll 1 1 Find… 1 menu_icon_find win.Find 1 1 _Add Files… Add files to the archive 1 menu_icon_add_files win.AddFiles 1 Add a _Folder… Add a folder to the archive 1 menu_icon_add_folder win.AddFolder 1 1 Pass_word… Specify a password for this archive 1 win.Password 1 _View 1 1 _Toolbar View the main toolbar 1 win.ViewToolbar 1 Stat_usbar View the statusbar 1 win.ViewStatusbar 1 _Folders View the folders pane 1 win.ViewFolders 1 0 1 View All _Files True 1 win.ViewAllFiles 'files' 1 View as a F_older 1 view_all_files_item True win.ViewAllFiles 'folder' 1 0 1 _Last Output View the output produced by the last executed command 1 win.LastOutput 1 0 1 _Stop Stop current operation 1 menu_icon_stop win.Stop 1 _Refresh Reload current archive 1 menu_icon_reload win.Reload 1 _Help 1 1 Contents Dis_Archiveplay the Engrampa Manual 1 menu_icon_help win.Contents 1 _About Information about the program 1 menu_icon_about win.About 1 The Toolbar 1 document-new win.New 1 Open document-open 1 Open a recently used archive win.OpenRecent_Toolbar 1 1 Extract extract-archive Extract files from the archive win.ExtractToolbar 1 1 add-files-to-archive Add files to the archive win.AddFilesToolbar 1 add-folder-to-archive Add a folder to the archive win.AddFolderToolbar 1 1 process-stop Stop current operation win.Stop 1 The Location Toolbar 1 go-previous Go to the previous visited location win.GoBack 1 go-next Go to the next visited location win.GoForward 1 go-up Go up one level win.GoUp 1 go-home Go to the home location win.GoHome 1 1 _Open Open the selected file 1 menu_icon_open1 1 _Open With… Open selected files with an application 1 1 1 _Extract… Extract files from the archive 1 menu_icon_extract1 1 1 Cu_t Cut the selection 1 menu_icon_cut1 1 _Copy Copy the selection 1 menu_icon_copy1 1 _Paste Paste the clipboard 1 menu_icon_paste1 1 _Rename… Rename the selection 1 1 _Delete Delete the selection from the archive 1 menu_icon_delete1 1 1 _Open Open the selected folder 1 menu_icon_open2 1 1 _Extract… Extract folder from the archive 1 menu_icon_extract2 1 1 Cu_t Cut the selection 1 menu_icon_cut2 1 _Copy Copy the selection 1 menu_icon_copy2 1 _Paste Paste the clipboard 1 menu_icon_paste2 1 _Rename… Rename the selection 1 1 _Delete Delete the selection from the archive 1 menu_icon_delete2 1 1 _Open Open the selected folder 1 menu_icon_open3 1 1 _Extract… Extract folder from the archive 1 menu_icon_extract3 1 1 Cu_t Cut the selection 1 menu_icon_cut3 1 _Copy Copy the selection 1 menu_icon_copy3 1 _Paste Paste the clipboard 1 menu_icon_paste3 1 _Rename… Rename the selection 1 1 _Delete Delete the selection from the archive 1 menu_icon_delete3