Image Viewer Manual2019MATE Documentation Project20062007GNOME Documentation Project200220032004Sun Microsystems2000Eliot Landrum2000The Free Software Foundation MATE Documentation Project GNOME Documentation Project MATE Documentation ProjectMATE DesktopJensFinkeGNOME Documentation ProjectAngelaBoyleGNOME Documentation ProjectStuartEllisGNOME Documentation ProjectSunGNOME Documentation TeamSun MicrosystemsEliotLandrumGNOME Documentation ProjectFedericoMena QuinteroGNOME Documentation Project2.9July 2015MATE Documentation ProjectMATE Documentation Project2.8February 2007GNOME Documentation ProjectGNOME Documentation Project2.7February 2004Sun GNOME Documentation TeamGNOME Documentation Project2.6November 2003Sun GNOME Documentation TeamGNOME Documentation Project2.5September 2003Sun GNOME Documentation TeamGNOME Documentation Project2.4January 2003Sun GNOME Documentation TeamGNOME Documentation Project2.3October 2002Sun GNOME Documentation TeamGNOME Documentation Project2.2August 2002Sun GNOME Documentation TeamGNOME Documentation Project2.1July 2002Sun GNOME Documentation TeamGNOME Documentation Project2.0May 2002Sun GNOME Documentation TeamGNOME Documentation Project1.02000Eliot Landrum
eliot@landrum.cxFederico Mena Quintero
federico@gnu.orgGNOME Documentation ProjectThis manual describes version 1.10.2 of Image Viewer.
Eye of MATEIntroductionThe Eye of MATE Image Viewer
application enables you to view single image files, as well as large image collections.
Starting Image ViewerYou can start Image Viewer in the following ways:Open an image file in Caja.Choose GraphicsImage Viewer
from the Applications menu.Run eom at the prompt in a terminal
such as mate-terminal, or from the
Run Application dialog.Closing Image ViewerTo close the current Image Viewer window choose ImageClose, or press
CtrlW.Supported File TypesImage Viewer supports a variety of image file formats. The following image formats can be opened:ANI - AnimationBMP - Windows BitmapGIF - Graphics Interchange FormatICO - Windows IconJPEG - Joint Photographic Experts GroupPCX - PC Paintbrush PNG - Portable Network Graphics PNM - Portable Anymap from the PPM ToolkitRAS - Sun Raster SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics TGA - TargaTIFF - Tagged Image File FormatWBMP - Wireless BitmapXBM - X BitmapXPM - X PixmapImage Viewer supports the following formats for saving:BMP - Windows BitmapICO - Windows IconJPEG - Joint Photographic Experts GroupPNG - Portable Network Graphics Image Viewer may be able to open and save other image formats, depending on your system configuration and other installed software.Image Viewer FeaturesImage Viewer has a variety of features to help you view your images.
You can zoom in and out or view the image full screen. Regardless of
your zoom level, Image Viewer uses a low amount of memory. You can also
rotate and flip the image you are viewing.The collection view allows the viewing and editing of large
image collections. In this view image operations can be applied
to all selected images at once. Image Viewer has special support for digital camera pictures and
displays EXIF metadata recorded with the image. This feature
requires libexif to be
installed on your system. All modifications made in JPEG images
are lossless. That is, saving rotated and flipped JPEG images
will not recompress the image. Beside this all available metadata
(like EXIF) will be preserved and updated accordingly. Getting StartedWhen you start Image Viewer, the following window is displayed:Image Viewer Start Up WindowShows Image Viewer main window. Contains titlebar, menubar, toolbar, and display area. Menubar contains File, Edit, View, and Help menus.The Image Viewer window contains the following elements:MenubarThe menus on the menubar contain all the commands that you need to work with images in Image Viewer.ToolbarThe toolbar contains a subset of the commands that you can access from the menubar. To show or hide the toolbar, choose ViewToolbar.Display areaThe display area shows the image file.StatusbarThe statusbar provides information about the image. To show or hide the statusbar, choose ViewStatusbar.Image CollectionThe image collection shows you all supported images in the current working directory. It shows up once an image has been loaded. To show or hide the collection, choose ViewImage Collection or press F9.Image Information PaneThe image information pane provides further information about the current image, for example EXIF metadata (if available). It shows up after an image has been loaded. To show or hide the image information pane, choose ViewImage Information or press CtrlI.Most actions in Image Viewer can be performed several ways. For example,
you can open a file in the following ways:Drag an image file into the Image Viewer window from another
application or window.Double-click on an image file in the file manager
or other application.Choose ImageOpen and select an image file
in the Load Image dialog.Press CtrlO and select an image file in the Load
Image dialog.Viewing ImagesOpening an ImageTo open an image, perform the following steps:
Choose ImageOpen, or press CtrlO.
In the Open Image dialog, select the file you want to open.
Click Open. Image Viewer displays the name of the image file in the titlebar of the window.
To open another image, choose ImageOpen again. Image Viewer opens each image in a new window.
Viewing the Images in a FolderTo view all images in a folder, perform the following steps:
Open one of the images in the folder (see ).
Open the image collection by choosing ViewImage Collection or pressing F9.
The collection shows thumbnails of all supported images in the folder. You can browse the images by clicking on an image in the collection, by choosing the appropriate option in the Go menu or by pressing AltLeft or AltRight.To view all the directory images in fullscreen, choose ViewFull Screen or press F11. To view them as a slide show, choose ViewSlideshow or press F5. To return to the collection view, press the Esc key, or CtrlW. For more information about how to customize the slide show, see .
Scrolling an ImageTo scroll around an image that is larger than the image window or full screen view, you can use the following methods:Use the arrow keys on the keyboard.Drag the image to move it in the window. (This means you drag the image in the opposite direction you want to scroll in: to scroll down the image, drag it upwards in the window.)Use the scrollbars on the window.ZoomingYou can zoom in or out of the image in the following ways:Use the scroll wheel on your mouse. Scrolling down zooms out; scrolling up zooms in.Choose ViewZoom In or ViewZoom Out.
To restore the image to its original size, choose ViewNormal Size.
To make the image fit in the window, choose ViewBest Fit.Use the zoom buttons in the toolbar.
Normal will restore the picture to its original unscaled size.
Fit will resize the image so it will fit in the window if it is too large.Use the keyboard. To zoom in, Ctrl+ or +. To zoom out, Ctrl- or -. To go back to the normal size, Ctrl0 or 1. To scale the image to fit the window, press F.When an image is zoomed to fit the window, resizing the window will also change the zoom level, so the image still fits the window.Viewing an Image Full Screen/SlideshowTo show the image using the entire screen, choose ViewFull Screen.No panels, window frames, or menubars are visible when an image is shown like this. To return to the normal view, press Esc, or F11, or CtrlW.You can zoom or scroll around the image in the same way as when it is shown in a window, using the mouse or the keyboard.If you have multiple images in your collection you can press Space or use the right/down cursor keys to advance to the next image. The previous image can be reached by pressing Backspace or using the left/up cursor keys.In this case you can also use the slideshow mode, where Image Viewer automatically switches to the next image in your collection. You can start a slideshow by choosing ViewSlideshow or by pressing F5. The slideshow can be paused/continued by pressing P. To stop the slideshow, press the Esc or F5 key, or CtrlW. For more information about how to customize the slide show, see . Manipulating ImagesAll image manipulations apply to all selected images at once. The modifications are done
in memory and alter the original files on disk only when the images are saved with the save function (see ).
Flipping an ImageTo flip an image along the horizontal axis of the image, choose
EditFlip Horizontal.To flip an image along the vertical axis of the image, choose
EditFlip Vertical.Rotating an ImageTo rotate an image 90 degrees in a clockwise direction, choose
EditRotate Clockwise.To rotate an image 90 degrees in an anticlockwise direction, choose
EditRotate Counterclockwise.Undoing an ActionTo undo a flip or rotate action, choose
EditUndo or press
.Deleting an ImageTo move an image to the Trash, choose
EditMove to Trash.
This moves the file to the Trash folder. Multiple images can also be moved to the trash in the same way: select them all first.To restore an image from the Trash, open the Trash folder in Caja file manager and move the image file to another folder. To delete the image permanently, empty the Trash. To find out more about using the Trash, see the Desktop User Guide.You can also use the Del key to move an image to the Trash, in which case you will be asked for confirmation.Saving ImagesImage Viewer always tries to choose the save method with the least impact to the image data. For example, if an otherwise unmodified image is saved under a different name in the same format, the file is simply copied. If libjpeg is available on the system all JPEG image modifications are done without loss of image information.
Saving an ImageTo save an image, choose
The image will be saved under the same name and file type. Therefore, unmodified images needn't be saved.Saving an Image under a Different NameTo save an image under a different name, or convert it to a different file type, choose
ImageSave As.Specify the filename in the Name field in the Save Image dialog, then click Save. The file is saved in the current folder by default. Image Viewer tries to determine the file type from the given filename suffix. If the image should be saved in another folder or the file type detection failed, expand the dialog by clicking on Browse for other folders. This allows further folder navigation and the specification of the file type from the drop down box.You can save multiple images at once: see the next section.Saving Multiple ImagesSaving multiple images at once allows you to convert several images to a different format, or give them similar filenames.To save multiple images, select the images and choose
ImageSave As.
The following window is displayed:Save As dialog for multiple imagesShows Eye of MATE Save As dialog when saving multiple images.The folder in which the images will be saved is specified by the Destination folder drop-down box. Initially the folder is set to the current folder. Select Other... from the drop-down list to open a standard open folder dialog for browsing the filesystem. The resulting filename for each image is specified by Filename format. The filename schema is constructed by simple
characters and special tags. The following special tags are available: Filename (%f) - Original filename without the fileformat suffix.Counter (%n) - Auto-incremented number (starts at specified counter start).Everything but these special tags are considered normal text.The image format is determined by the drop-down box after the schema definition. Select a specific image format or use the
as is option to state that the same format as the original file should be used.The Options section allows to remove all space characters by underscores in the resulting filename if Replace spaces with underscores is checked. The Start counter at spin box determines at which number the counter starts if you use the %n tag for the file format specification.The File Name Preview section of the dialog shows the resulting file name according to the above settings for an example filename from the selected images.
Printing ImagesSetting your Page SettingsBefore printing you need to set the page settings you would like to use. To do that choose ImagePage Setup.In the Page Setup dialog you can now choose paper size and orientation. If possible, configure your printer to have the page borders set correctly.Printing an ImageTo print an image, perform the following steps:Select ImagePrintIn the Print dialog, select the printer you want to use from the list.Click Print. Image Viewer starts printing now.Images that are too large for the page are automatically scaled down to fit the page. Images that are smaller than the page are centered on it.Please note that Image Viewer is currently lacking progress reporting while printing. During that time the user interface might become unresponsive for a short time.Arranging an Image on the PageMaybe you don't want your image centered or want it scaled down even further. To do that you need to open the Print dialog (see ) and then select the Image Settings tab which offers you the following options:The options in the Position section allow you to change the images position on the page.It is also possible to position the image on the page by dragging it around in the Preview field.The options in the Size section allow you to scale your image to your liking. Scaling is limited by either the image size or by the page size, depending on what condition is met first.The Unit option allows you to change the metric unit which is used by the options on the Image Settings tab. When you change this option the other fields values are converted accordingly.Personalizing The ToolbarImage Viewer's default toolbar contains only a basic set of items to keep it simple. But you can modify the toolbar if you prefer a different set.Modifying the ToolbarIf you want to modify the toolbar you need to open the toolbar editor by going to EditToolbar. The following window will pop up:The toolbar editor windowShows Eye of MATE toolbar editor window.It contains the items that are not in the toolbar and the separator item. You can now edit the toolbar:To add new items to the toolbar, drag them from the toolbar editor to the toolbar.To remove items from the toolbar, drag them from the toolbar to the toolbar editor.To rearrange items on the toolbar, drag them to their new position on the toolbar.When you have finished editing the toolbar, click the Close button in the toolbar editor window. This will close the toolbar editor and make your modified toolbar active.Resetting the ToolbarTo revert your changes to the toolbar and return to the default layout, perform the following steps:Open the toolbar editor (see ).Click the Reset to Default button.Click the Close button to close the toolbar editor. The toolbar has been reset to the default layout now.PreferencesPreferences can be changed by going to EditPreferences. You will be able to change the options for image viewing and slide shows. The changes apply to all open windows instantly.Image ViewImage EnhancementsSelect the Smooth images when zoomed option to enable image smoothing when you change the image's zoom factor. If you select this option, your images will be smoothed to improve their display quality while viewing them with Image Viewer.If you select the Automatic orientation option, your images will be rotated on loading according to their metadata. For example portraits are automatically rotated upright. Note that this function requires a correctly set orientation tag in the image's metadata and thus does not work with all images. The rotation is not saved until you save the rotated image (see ).Transparent PartsSelect one of the following options to determine how Image Viewer displays transparent parts of an image:As check patternDisplays any transparent parts of the image in a check pattern.As custom colorDisplays any transparent parts of the image in a solid color that you specify. Click on the color selector button to select a color. As backgroundDisplays any transparent parts of the image in the background color of the Image Viewer application. SlideshowImage ZoomSelect the Expand images to fit screen option to enlarge images to fit the screen during the slide show. If you do not select this option, images that are smaller than the screen size are not resized to fit the screen.SequenceSelect the Loop sequence option to cycle endlessly through the list of images during the slide show. If you do not select this option, the slide show returns to the collection view after the last image is displayed.
Use the Switch image after ... seconds spin box to specify how long each image is displayed during the slide show. If you set this value to zero, the auto advance function is disabled and only manual browsing is available (see ).