The format of Locations.xml[.in] is something like this: <mateweather format="1.0"> <region> <_name>North America</_name> <country> <_name>United States</_name> <iso-code>US</iso-code> <state> <_name>Alabama</_name> <tz-hint>America/Chicago</tz-hint> <location> <!-- Translators: This is in Alabama in the United States. --> <_name>Alabaster</_name> <code>KEET</code> <zone>ALZ019</zone> <radar>bhm</radar> <coordinates>33-10-42N 086-46-54W</coordinates> </location> <city> <!-- Translators: This is in Alabama in the United States. --> <_name>Mobile</_name> <location> <!-- Translators: This is in Mobile, Alabama in the United States. --> <_name>Mobile Downtown Airport</_name> <code>KBFM</code> <zone>ALZ061</zone> <radar>bix</radar> <coordinates>30-36-50N 088-03-48W</coordinates> </location> </city> ... Most of the data in the file appears inside <location> entries. However, various larger geographic divisions exist to make things easier for both users and maintainers. At the top level are <region>s. These mostly correspond to continents, but not entirely. They are arbitrary, and could be changed in the future if we wanted. Each <region> is divided into <country>s. Every internationally- recognized country for which at least one <location> is defined should have its own <country>. For the most part, "dependencies", "territories", "protectorates" and the like are listed as <location>s within their ruling country if they are in the same <region>, but separately if they are in a different <region>. This is not followed 100% consistently. Every <country> must have an <iso-code> tag giving its ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code. Sub-country <location>s can also specify their own <iso-code> if they have one. A <country> MAY specify a <tz-hint>, giving the default time zone name for the country. Countries that only have one timezone (or where the majority of the country is covered by a single timezone) should list it at the <country> level. Countries with multiple timezones and no obvious "default" should not list anything here. (See README.timezones for more information about timezones in Locations.xml.) A <country> can contain <city>s and <location>s directly, or can be split into <state>s which contain <city>s and <location>s. The name "state" comes from the US states, but it can be used to represent any sort of well-defined sub-country region that has a name which will be familiar to local users. A <state> may specify a <tz-hint> which will override the <country>'s <tz-hint> for <location>s within the state. <city> is an optional element used to group together multiple <location>s within the same city. Finally, a <location> represents a location for which weather data can be retrieved. Its fields are: <_name> - required, the name of the location <iso-code> - optional, the ISO 3166 code of the location, if not the same as its parent <country> <tz-hint> - optional, the timezone of the location, if not the same as its parent <state> or <country> <code> - required, the METAR code identifying this location <zone> - optional, secondary weather source information: US: the NOAA IWIN zone UK: the Met Office region name, prefixed with ":" AU: the BOM forecast name, prefixed with "@" <radar> - optional, the radar map name for the location (North America only) <coordinates> - optional, the latitude and longitude of the location, as "[-]ddd.dddddd [-]ddd.dddddd" Positive values are North and East respectively, negative values are South and West.