/* Marco X display handler */

 * Copyright (C) 2001 Havoc Pennington
 * Copyright (C) 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Rob Adams
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Elijah Newren
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
 * 02111-1307, USA.


#ifndef PACKAGE
	#error "config.h not included"

#include <glib.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include "eventqueue.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "boxes.h"
#include "display.h"

	#include <libsn/sn.h>

	#include <X11/extensions/sync.h>

typedef struct _MetaKeyBinding MetaKeyBinding;
typedef struct _MetaStack      MetaStack;
typedef struct _MetaUISlave    MetaUISlave;
typedef struct _MetaWorkspace  MetaWorkspace;

typedef struct _MetaGroupPropHooks  MetaGroupPropHooks;

typedef struct MetaEdgeResistanceData MetaEdgeResistanceData;

typedef void (*MetaWindowPingFunc) (MetaDisplay* display, Window xwindow, guint32 timestamp, gpointer user_data);

#define _NET_WM_STATE_REMOVE        0    /* remove/unset property */
#define _NET_WM_STATE_ADD           1    /* add/set property */
#define _NET_WM_STATE_TOGGLE        2    /* toggle property  */

/* This is basically a bogus number, just has to be large enough
 * to handle the expected case of the alt+tab operation, where
 * we want to ignore serials from UnmapNotify on the tab popup,
 * and the LeaveNotify/EnterNotify from the pointer ungrab
#define N_IGNORED_SERIALS           4

struct _MetaDisplay {
	char* name;
	Display* xdisplay;

	Window leader_window;
	Window timestamp_pinging_window;

	/* Pull in all the names of atoms as fields; we will intern them when the
	 * class is constructed.
	#define item(x)  Atom atom_##x;
		#include "atomnames.h"
	#undef item

	/* This is the actual window from focus events,
	 * not the one we last set
	MetaWindow* focus_window;

	/* window we are expecting a FocusIn event for or the current focus
	 * window if we are not expecting any FocusIn/FocusOut events; not
	 * perfect because applications can call XSetInputFocus directly.
	 * (It could also be messed up if a timestamp later than current
	 * time is sent to meta_display_set_input_focus_window, though that
	 * would be a programming error).  See bug 154598 for more info.
	MetaWindow* expected_focus_window;

	/* last timestamp passed to XSetInputFocus */
	guint32 last_focus_time;

	/* last user interaction time in any app */
	guint32 last_user_time;

	/* whether we're using mousenav (only relevant for sloppy&mouse focus modes;
	 * !mouse_mode means "keynav mode")
	guint mouse_mode: 1;

	/* Helper var used when focus_new_windows setting is 'strict'; only
	 * relevant in 'strict' mode and if the focus window is a terminal.
	 * In that case, we don't allow new windows to take focus away from
	 * a terminal, but if the user explicitly did something that should
	 * allow a different window to gain focus (e.g. global keybinding or
	 * clicking on a dock), then we will allow the transfer.
	guint allow_terminal_deactivation: 1;

	guint static_gravity_works: 1;

	/*< private-ish >*/
	guint error_trap_synced_at_last_pop: 1;
	MetaEventQueue* events;
	GSList* screens;
	MetaScreen* active_screen;
	GHashTable* window_ids;
	int error_traps;
	int (*error_trap_handler) (Display* display, XErrorEvent* error);  
	int server_grab_count;

	/* serials of leave/unmap events that may
	 * correspond to an enter event we should
	 * ignore
	unsigned long ignored_serials[N_IGNORED_SERIALS];
	Window ungrab_should_not_cause_focus_window;
	guint32 current_time;

	/* Pings which we're waiting for a reply from */
	GSList* pending_pings;

	/* Pending autoraise */
	guint       autoraise_timeout_id;
	MetaWindow* autoraise_window;

	/* Alt+click button grabs */
	unsigned int window_grab_modifiers;

	/* current window operation */
	MetaGrabOp  grab_op;
	MetaScreen* grab_screen;
	MetaWindow* grab_window;
	Window      grab_xwindow;
	int         grab_button;
	int         grab_anchor_root_x;
	int         grab_anchor_root_y;
	MetaRectangle grab_anchor_window_pos;
	int         grab_latest_motion_x;
	int         grab_latest_motion_y;
	gulong      grab_mask;
	guint       grab_have_pointer : 1;
	guint       grab_have_keyboard : 1;
	guint       grab_wireframe_active : 1;
	guint       grab_was_cancelled : 1;    /* Only used in wireframe mode */
	guint       grab_frame_action : 1;
	MetaRectangle grab_wireframe_rect;
	MetaRectangle grab_wireframe_last_xor_rect;
	MetaRectangle grab_initial_window_pos;
	int         grab_initial_x, grab_initial_y;  /* These are only relevant for */
	gboolean    grab_threshold_movement_reached; /* raise_on_click == FALSE.    */
	MetaResizePopup* grab_resize_popup;
	GTimeVal    grab_last_moveresize_time;
	guint32     grab_motion_notify_time;
	int         grab_wireframe_last_display_width;
	int         grab_wireframe_last_display_height;
	GList*      grab_old_window_stacking;
	MetaEdgeResistanceData* grab_edge_resistance_data;
	unsigned int grab_last_user_action_was_snap;

	/* we use property updates as sentinels for certain window focus events
	 * to avoid some race conditions on EnterNotify events
	int         sentinel_counter;

	#ifdef HAVE_XKB
		int         xkb_base_event_type;
		guint32     last_bell_time;
	#ifdef HAVE_XSYNC
		/* alarm monitoring client's _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST_COUNTER */
		XSyncAlarm  grab_sync_request_alarm;
	int       grab_resize_timeout_id;

	/* Keybindings stuff */
	MetaKeyBinding* key_bindings;
	int             n_key_bindings;
	int             min_keycode;
	int             max_keycode;
	KeySym* keymap;
	int keysyms_per_keycode;
	XModifierKeymap* modmap;
	unsigned int ignored_modifier_mask;
	unsigned int num_lock_mask;
	unsigned int scroll_lock_mask;
	unsigned int hyper_mask;
	unsigned int super_mask;
	unsigned int meta_mask;

	/* Xinerama cache */
	unsigned int xinerama_cache_invalidated: 1;

	/* Opening the display */
	unsigned int display_opening: 1;

	/* Closing down the display */
	int closing;

	/* To detect double clicks
	 * https://github.com/stefano-k/Mate-Desktop-Environment/commit/b0e5fb03eb21dae8f02692f11ef391bfc5ccba33
	guint button_click_number;
	Window button_click_window;
	int button_click_x;
	int button_click_y;
	guint32 button_click_time;

	/* Managed by group.c */
	GHashTable* groups_by_leader;

	/* currently-active window menu if any */
	MetaWindowMenu* window_menu;
	MetaWindow* window_with_menu;

	/* Managed by window-props.c */
	gpointer* prop_hooks_table;
	GHashTable* prop_hooks;

	/* Managed by group-props.c */
	MetaGroupPropHooks* group_prop_hooks;

	/* Managed by compositor.c */
	MetaCompositor* compositor;
		SnDisplay* sn_display;
	#ifdef HAVE_XSYNC
		int xsync_event_base;
		int xsync_error_base;
	#ifdef HAVE_SHAPE
		int shape_event_base;
		int shape_error_base;
		int render_event_base;
		int render_error_base;
		int composite_event_base;
		int composite_error_base;
		int composite_major_version;
		int composite_minor_version;
		int damage_event_base;
		int damage_error_base;
		int xfixes_event_base;
		int xfixes_error_base;
	#ifdef HAVE_XSYNC
		unsigned int have_xsync : 1;
		#define META_DISPLAY_HAS_XSYNC(display) ((display)->have_xsync)
	#ifdef HAVE_SHAPE
		unsigned int have_shape : 1;
		#define META_DISPLAY_HAS_SHAPE(display) ((display)->have_shape)
		unsigned int have_render : 1;
		#define META_DISPLAY_HAS_RENDER(display) ((display)->have_render)
		unsigned int have_composite : 1;
		unsigned int have_damage : 1;
		unsigned int have_xfixes : 1;
		#define META_DISPLAY_HAS_COMPOSITE(display) ((display)->have_composite)
		#define META_DISPLAY_HAS_DAMAGE(display) ((display)->have_damage)
		#define META_DISPLAY_HAS_XFIXES(display) ((display)->have_xfixes)

/* Xserver time can wraparound, thus comparing two timestamps needs to take
 * this into account.  Here's a little macro to help out.  If no wraparound
 * has occurred, this is equivalent to
 *   time1 < time2
 * Of course, the rest of the ugliness of this macro comes from accounting
 * for the fact that wraparound can occur and the fact that a timestamp of
 * 0 must be special-cased since it means older than anything else. 
 * Note that this is NOT an equivalent for time1 <= time2; if that's what
 * you need then you'll need to swap the order of the arguments and negate
 * the result.
	( (( (time1) < (time2) ) && ( (time2) - (time1) < ((guint32)-1)/2 )) || \
		(( (time1) > (time2) ) && ( (time1) - (time2) > ((guint32)-1)/2 )) \
#define XSERVER_TIME_IS_BEFORE(time1, time2) \
	( (time1) == 0 || \
		(time2) != 0) \

gboolean      meta_display_open                (void);
void          meta_display_close               (MetaDisplay *display,
                                                guint32      timestamp);
MetaScreen*   meta_display_screen_for_x_screen (MetaDisplay *display,
                                                Screen      *screen);
MetaScreen*   meta_display_screen_for_xwindow  (MetaDisplay *display,
                                                Window       xindow);
void          meta_display_grab                (MetaDisplay *display);
void          meta_display_ungrab              (MetaDisplay *display);

void          meta_display_unmanage_screen     (MetaDisplay **display,
                                                MetaScreen  *screen,
                                                guint32      timestamp);

void          meta_display_unmanage_windows_for_screen (MetaDisplay *display,
                                                        MetaScreen  *screen,
                                                        guint32      timestamp);

/* Utility function to compare the stacking of two windows */
int           meta_display_stack_cmp           (const void *a,
                                                const void *b);

/* A given MetaWindow may have various X windows that "belong"
 * to it, such as the frame window.
MetaWindow* meta_display_lookup_x_window     (MetaDisplay *display,
                                              Window       xwindow);
void        meta_display_register_x_window   (MetaDisplay *display,
                                              Window      *xwindowp,
                                              MetaWindow  *window);
void        meta_display_unregister_x_window (MetaDisplay *display,
                                              Window       xwindow);
/* Return whether the xwindow is a no focus window for any of the screens */
gboolean    meta_display_xwindow_is_a_no_focus_window (MetaDisplay *display,
                                                       Window xwindow);

GSList*     meta_display_list_windows        (MetaDisplay *display);

MetaDisplay* meta_display_for_x_display  (Display     *xdisplay);
MetaDisplay* meta_get_display            (void);

Cursor         meta_display_create_x_cursor (MetaDisplay *display,
                                             MetaCursor   cursor);

void     meta_display_set_grab_op_cursor (MetaDisplay *display,
                                          MetaScreen  *screen,
                                          MetaGrabOp   op,
                                          gboolean     change_pointer,
                                          Window       grab_xwindow,
                                          guint32      timestamp);

gboolean meta_display_begin_grab_op (MetaDisplay *display,
                                     MetaScreen  *screen,
                                     MetaWindow  *window,
                                     MetaGrabOp   op,
                                     gboolean     pointer_already_grabbed,
                                     gboolean     frame_action,
                                     int          button,
                                     gulong       modmask,
                                     guint32      timestamp,
                                     int          root_x,
                                     int          root_y);
void     meta_display_end_grab_op   (MetaDisplay *display,
                                     guint32      timestamp);

void    meta_display_check_threshold_reached (MetaDisplay *display,
                                              int          x,
                                              int          y);
void     meta_display_grab_window_buttons    (MetaDisplay *display,
                                              Window       xwindow);
void     meta_display_ungrab_window_buttons  (MetaDisplay *display,
                                              Window       xwindow);

void meta_display_grab_focus_window_button   (MetaDisplay *display,
                                              MetaWindow  *window);
void meta_display_ungrab_focus_window_button (MetaDisplay *display,
                                              MetaWindow  *window);

/* Next two functions are defined in edge-resistance.c */
void meta_display_compute_resistance_and_snapping_edges (MetaDisplay *display);
void meta_display_cleanup_edges                         (MetaDisplay *display);

/* make a request to ensure the event serial has changed */
void     meta_display_increment_event_serial (MetaDisplay *display);

void     meta_display_update_active_window_hint (MetaDisplay *display);

guint32  meta_display_get_current_time           (MetaDisplay *display);
guint32  meta_display_get_current_time_roundtrip (MetaDisplay *display);

/* utility goo */
const char* meta_event_mode_to_string   (int m);
const char* meta_event_detail_to_string (int d);

void meta_display_queue_retheme_all_windows (MetaDisplay *display);
void meta_display_retheme_all (void);

void meta_display_set_cursor_theme (const char *theme, 
				    int         size);

void meta_display_ping_window      (MetaDisplay        *display,
                                    MetaWindow         *window,
                                    guint32             timestamp,
                                    MetaWindowPingFunc  ping_reply_func,
                                    MetaWindowPingFunc  ping_timeout_func,
                                    void               *user_data);
gboolean meta_display_window_has_pending_pings (MetaDisplay        *display,
						MetaWindow         *window);

typedef enum
} MetaTabList;

typedef enum
  META_TAB_SHOW_ICON,      /* Alt-Tab mode */
  META_TAB_SHOW_INSTANTLY  /* Alt-Esc mode */
} MetaTabShowType;

GList* meta_display_get_tab_list (MetaDisplay   *display,
                                  MetaTabList    type,
                                  MetaScreen    *screen,
                                  MetaWorkspace *workspace);

MetaWindow* meta_display_get_tab_next (MetaDisplay   *display,
                                       MetaTabList    type,
				       MetaScreen    *screen,
                                       MetaWorkspace *workspace,
                                       MetaWindow    *window,
                                       gboolean       backward);

MetaWindow* meta_display_get_tab_current (MetaDisplay   *display,
                                          MetaTabList    type,
                                          MetaScreen    *screen,
                                          MetaWorkspace *workspace);

int meta_resize_gravity_from_grab_op (MetaGrabOp op);

gboolean meta_grab_op_is_moving   (MetaGrabOp op);
gboolean meta_grab_op_is_resizing (MetaGrabOp op);

void meta_display_devirtualize_modifiers (MetaDisplay        *display,
                                          MetaVirtualModifier modifiers,
                                          unsigned int       *mask);

void meta_display_increment_focus_sentinel (MetaDisplay *display);
void meta_display_decrement_focus_sentinel (MetaDisplay *display);
gboolean meta_display_focus_sentinel_clear (MetaDisplay *display);

/* meta_display_set_input_focus_window is like XSetInputFocus, except
 * that (a) it can't detect timestamps later than the current time,
 * since Marco isn't part of the XServer, and thus gives erroneous
 * behavior in this circumstance (so don't do it), (b) it uses
 * display->last_focus_time since we don't have access to the true
 * Xserver one, (c) it makes use of display->user_time since checking
 * whether a window should be allowed to be focused should depend
 * on user_time events (see bug 167358, comment 15 in particular)
void meta_display_set_input_focus_window   (MetaDisplay *display, 
                                            MetaWindow  *window,
                                            gboolean     focus_frame,
                                            guint32      timestamp);

/* meta_display_focus_the_no_focus_window is called when the
 * designated no_focus_window should be focused, but is otherwise the
 * same as meta_display_set_input_focus_window
void meta_display_focus_the_no_focus_window (MetaDisplay *display, 
                                             MetaScreen  *screen,
                                             guint32      timestamp);

void meta_display_queue_autoraise_callback  (MetaDisplay *display,
                                             MetaWindow  *window);
void meta_display_remove_autoraise_callback (MetaDisplay *display);