/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* Marco box operation testing program */ /* * Copyright (C) 2005 Elijah Newren * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "boxes.h" #include <glib.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> /* Just for the definition of the various gravities */ #include <time.h> /* To initialize random seed */ #define NUM_RANDOM_RUNS 10000 static void init_random_ness () { srand(time(NULL)); } static void get_random_rect (MetaRectangle *rect) { rect->x = rand () % 1600; rect->y = rand () % 1200; rect->width = rand () % 1600 + 1; rect->height = rand () % 1200 + 1; } static MetaRectangle* new_meta_rect (int x, int y, int width, int height) { MetaRectangle* temporary; temporary = g_new (MetaRectangle, 1); temporary->x = x; temporary->y = y; temporary->width = width; temporary->height = height; return temporary; } static MetaStrut* new_meta_strut (int x, int y, int width, int height, int side) { MetaStrut* temporary; temporary = g_new (MetaStrut, 1); temporary->rect = meta_rect(x, y, width, height); temporary->side = side; return temporary; } static MetaEdge* new_screen_edge (int x, int y, int width, int height, int side_type) { MetaEdge* temporary; temporary = g_new (MetaEdge, 1); temporary->rect.x = x; temporary->rect.y = y; temporary->rect.width = width; temporary->rect.height = height; temporary->side_type = side_type; temporary->edge_type = META_EDGE_SCREEN; return temporary; } static MetaEdge* new_xinerama_edge (int x, int y, int width, int height, int side_type) { MetaEdge* temporary; temporary = g_new (MetaEdge, 1); temporary->rect.x = x; temporary->rect.y = y; temporary->rect.width = width; temporary->rect.height = height; temporary->side_type = side_type; temporary->edge_type = META_EDGE_XINERAMA; return temporary; } static void test_area () { MetaRectangle temp; int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_RANDOM_RUNS; i++) { get_random_rect (&temp); g_assert (meta_rectangle_area (&temp) == temp.width * temp.height); } temp = meta_rect (0, 0, 5, 7); g_assert (meta_rectangle_area (&temp) == 35); printf ("%s passed.\n", G_STRFUNC); } static void test_intersect () { MetaRectangle a = {100, 200, 50, 40}; MetaRectangle b = { 0, 50, 110, 152}; MetaRectangle c = { 0, 0, 10, 10}; MetaRectangle d = {100, 100, 50, 50}; MetaRectangle b_intersect_d = {100, 100, 10, 50}; MetaRectangle temp; MetaRectangle temp2; meta_rectangle_intersect (&a, &b, &temp); temp2 = meta_rect (100, 200, 10, 2); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&temp, &temp2)); g_assert (meta_rectangle_area (&temp) == 20); meta_rectangle_intersect (&a, &c, &temp); g_assert (meta_rectangle_area (&temp) == 0); meta_rectangle_intersect (&a, &d, &temp); g_assert (meta_rectangle_area (&temp) == 0); meta_rectangle_intersect (&b, &d, &b); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&b, &b_intersect_d)); printf ("%s passed.\n", G_STRFUNC); } static void test_equal () { MetaRectangle a = {10, 12, 4, 18}; MetaRectangle b = a; MetaRectangle c = {10, 12, 4, 19}; MetaRectangle d = {10, 12, 7, 18}; MetaRectangle e = {10, 62, 4, 18}; MetaRectangle f = {27, 12, 4, 18}; g_assert ( meta_rectangle_equal (&a, &b)); g_assert (!meta_rectangle_equal (&a, &c)); g_assert (!meta_rectangle_equal (&a, &d)); g_assert (!meta_rectangle_equal (&a, &e)); g_assert (!meta_rectangle_equal (&a, &f)); printf ("%s passed.\n", G_STRFUNC); } static void test_overlap_funcs () { MetaRectangle temp1, temp2; int i; for (i = 0; i < NUM_RANDOM_RUNS; i++) { get_random_rect (&temp1); get_random_rect (&temp2); g_assert (meta_rectangle_overlap (&temp1, &temp2) == (meta_rectangle_horiz_overlap (&temp1, &temp2) && meta_rectangle_vert_overlap (&temp1, &temp2))); } temp1 = meta_rect ( 0, 0, 10, 10); temp2 = meta_rect (20, 0, 10, 5); g_assert (!meta_rectangle_overlap (&temp1, &temp2)); g_assert (!meta_rectangle_horiz_overlap (&temp1, &temp2)); g_assert ( meta_rectangle_vert_overlap (&temp1, &temp2)); printf ("%s passed.\n", G_STRFUNC); } static void test_basic_fitting () { MetaRectangle temp1, temp2, temp3; int i; /* Four cases: * case temp1 fits temp2 temp1 could fit temp2 * 1 Y Y * 2 N Y * 3 Y N * 4 N N * Of the four cases, case 3 is impossible. An alternate way of looking * at this table is that either the middle column must be no, or the last * column must be yes. So we test that. Also, we can repeat the test * reversing temp1 and temp2. */ for (i = 0; i < NUM_RANDOM_RUNS; i++) { get_random_rect (&temp1); get_random_rect (&temp2); g_assert (meta_rectangle_contains_rect (&temp1, &temp2) == FALSE || meta_rectangle_could_fit_rect (&temp1, &temp2) == TRUE); g_assert (meta_rectangle_contains_rect (&temp2, &temp1) == FALSE || meta_rectangle_could_fit_rect (&temp2, &temp1) == TRUE); } temp1 = meta_rect ( 0, 0, 10, 10); temp2 = meta_rect ( 5, 5, 5, 5); temp3 = meta_rect ( 8, 2, 3, 7); g_assert ( meta_rectangle_contains_rect (&temp1, &temp2)); g_assert (!meta_rectangle_contains_rect (&temp2, &temp1)); g_assert (!meta_rectangle_contains_rect (&temp1, &temp3)); g_assert ( meta_rectangle_could_fit_rect (&temp1, &temp3)); g_assert (!meta_rectangle_could_fit_rect (&temp3, &temp2)); printf ("%s passed.\n", G_STRFUNC); } static void free_strut_list (GSList *struts) { GSList *tmp = struts; while (tmp) { g_free (tmp->data); tmp = tmp->next; } g_slist_free (struts); } static GSList* get_strut_list (int which) { GSList *ans; MetaDirection wc = 0; /* wc == who cares? ;-) */ ans = NULL; g_assert (which >=0 && which <= 6); switch (which) { case 0: break; case 1: ans = g_slist_prepend (ans, new_meta_strut ( 0, 0, 1600, 20, wc)); ans = g_slist_prepend (ans, new_meta_strut ( 400, 1160, 1600, 40, wc)); break; case 2: ans = g_slist_prepend (ans, new_meta_strut ( 0, 0, 1600, 20, wc)); ans = g_slist_prepend (ans, new_meta_strut ( 800, 1100, 400, 100, wc)); ans = g_slist_prepend (ans, new_meta_strut ( 300, 1150, 150, 50, wc)); break; case 3: ans = g_slist_prepend (ans, new_meta_strut ( 0, 0, 1600, 20, wc)); ans = g_slist_prepend (ans, new_meta_strut ( 800, 1100, 400, 100, wc)); ans = g_slist_prepend (ans, new_meta_strut ( 300, 1150, 80, 50, wc)); ans = g_slist_prepend (ans, new_meta_strut ( 700, 525, 200, 150, wc)); break; case 4: ans = g_slist_prepend (ans, new_meta_strut ( 0, 0, 800, 1200, wc)); ans = g_slist_prepend (ans, new_meta_strut ( 800, 0, 1600, 20, wc)); break; case 5: ans = g_slist_prepend (ans, new_meta_strut ( 800, 0, 1600, 20, wc)); ans = g_slist_prepend (ans, new_meta_strut ( 0, 0, 800, 1200, wc)); ans = g_slist_prepend (ans, new_meta_strut ( 800, 10, 800, 1200, wc)); break; case 6: ans = g_slist_prepend (ans, new_meta_strut ( 0, 0, 1600, 40, wc)); ans = g_slist_prepend (ans, new_meta_strut ( 0, 0, 1600, 20, wc)); break; } return ans; } static GList* get_screen_region (int which) { GList *ret; GSList *struts; MetaRectangle basic_rect; basic_rect = meta_rect (0, 0, 1600, 1200); ret = NULL; struts = get_strut_list (which); ret = meta_rectangle_get_minimal_spanning_set_for_region (&basic_rect, struts); free_strut_list (struts); return ret; } static GList* get_screen_edges (int which) { GList *ret; GSList *struts; MetaRectangle basic_rect; basic_rect = meta_rect (0, 0, 1600, 1200); ret = NULL; struts = get_strut_list (which); ret = meta_rectangle_find_onscreen_edges (&basic_rect, struts); free_strut_list (struts); return ret; } static GList* get_xinerama_edges (int which_xinerama_set, int which_strut_set) { GList *ret; GSList *struts; GList *xins; xins = NULL; g_assert (which_xinerama_set >=0 && which_xinerama_set <= 3); switch (which_xinerama_set) { case 0: xins = g_list_prepend (xins, new_meta_rect ( 0, 0, 1600, 1200)); break; case 1: xins = g_list_prepend (xins, new_meta_rect ( 0, 0, 800, 1200)); xins = g_list_prepend (xins, new_meta_rect (800, 0, 800, 1200)); break; case 2: xins = g_list_prepend (xins, new_meta_rect ( 0, 0, 1600, 600)); xins = g_list_prepend (xins, new_meta_rect ( 0, 600, 1600, 600)); break; case 3: xins = g_list_prepend (xins, new_meta_rect ( 0, 0, 1600, 600)); xins = g_list_prepend (xins, new_meta_rect ( 0, 600, 800, 600)); xins = g_list_prepend (xins, new_meta_rect (800, 600, 800, 600)); break; } ret = NULL; MetaRectangle screenrect; screenrect.x = 0; screenrect.y = 0; screenrect.width = 1600; screenrect.height = 1200; struts = get_strut_list (which_strut_set); ret = meta_rectangle_find_nonintersected_xinerama_edges (&screenrect, xins, struts); free_strut_list (struts); g_list_free_full (xins, g_free); return ret; } #if 0 static void test_merge_regions () { /* logarithmically distributed random number of struts (range?) * logarithmically distributed random size of struts (up to screen size???) * uniformly distributed location of center of struts (within screen) * merge all regions that are possible * print stats on problem setup * number of (non-completely-occluded?) struts * percentage of screen covered * length of resulting non-minimal spanning set * length of resulting minimal spanning set * print stats on merged regions: * number boxes merged * number of those merges that were of the form A contains B * number of those merges that were of the form A partially contains B * number of those merges that were of the form A is adjacent to B */ GList* region; GList* compare; int num_contains, num_merged, num_part_contains, num_adjacent; num_contains = num_merged = num_part_contains = num_adjacent = 0; compare = region = get_screen_region (2); g_assert (region); printf ("Merging stats:\n"); printf (" Length of initial list: %d\n", g_list_length (region)); #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG char rect1[RECT_LENGTH], rect2[RECT_LENGTH]; char region_list[(RECT_LENGTH + 2) * g_list_length (region)]; meta_rectangle_region_to_string (region, ", ", region_list); printf (" Initial rectangles: %s\n", region_list); #endif while (compare && compare->next) { MetaRectangle *a = compare->data; GList *other = compare->next; g_assert (a->width > 0 && a->height > 0); while (other) { MetaRectangle *b = other->data; GList *delete_me = NULL; g_assert (b->width > 0 && b->height > 0); #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG printf (" -- Comparing %s to %s --\n", meta_rectangle_to_string (a, rect1), meta_rectangle_to_string (b, rect2)); #endif /* If a contains b, just remove b */ if (meta_rectangle_contains_rect (a, b)) { delete_me = other; num_contains++; num_merged++; } /* If b contains a, just remove a */ else if (meta_rectangle_contains_rect (a, b)) { delete_me = compare; num_contains++; num_merged++; } /* If a and b might be mergeable horizontally */ else if (a->y == b->y && a->height == b->height) { /* If a and b overlap */ if (meta_rectangle_overlap (a, b)) { int new_x = MIN (a->x, b->x); a->width = MAX (a->x + a->width, b->x + b->width) - new_x; a->x = new_x; delete_me = other; num_part_contains++; num_merged++; } /* If a and b are adjacent */ else if (a->x + a->width == b->x || a->x == b->x + b->width) { int new_x = MIN (a->x, b->x); a->width = MAX (a->x + a->width, b->x + b->width) - new_x; a->x = new_x; delete_me = other; num_adjacent++; num_merged++; } } /* If a and b might be mergeable vertically */ else if (a->x == b->x && a->width == b->width) { /* If a and b overlap */ if (meta_rectangle_overlap (a, b)) { int new_y = MIN (a->y, b->y); a->height = MAX (a->y + a->height, b->y + b->height) - new_y; a->y = new_y; delete_me = other; num_part_contains++; num_merged++; } /* If a and b are adjacent */ else if (a->y + a->height == b->y || a->y == b->y + b->height) { int new_y = MIN (a->y, b->y); a->height = MAX (a->y + a->height, b->y + b->height) - new_y; a->y = new_y; delete_me = other; num_adjacent++; num_merged++; } } other = other->next; /* Delete any rectangle in the list that is no longer wanted */ if (delete_me != NULL) { #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG MetaRectangle *bla = delete_me->data; printf (" Deleting rect %s\n", meta_rectangle_to_string (bla, rect1)); #endif /* Deleting the rect we're compare others to is a little tricker */ if (compare == delete_me) { compare = compare->next; other = compare->next; a = compare->data; } /* Okay, we can free it now */ g_free (delete_me->data); region = g_list_delete_link (region, delete_me); } #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG char region_list[(RECT_LENGTH + 2) * g_list_length (region)]; meta_rectangle_region_to_string (region, ", ", region_list); printf (" After comparison, new list is: %s\n", region_list); #endif } compare = compare->next; } printf (" Num rectangles contained in others : %d\n", num_contains); printf (" Num rectangles partially contained in others: %d\n", num_part_contains); printf (" Num rectangles adjacent to others : %d\n", num_adjacent); printf (" Num rectangles merged with others : %d\n", num_merged); #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG char region_list2[(RECT_LENGTH + 2) * g_list_length (region)]; meta_rectangle_region_to_string (region, ", ", region_list2); printf (" Final rectangles: %s\n", region_list2); #endif meta_rectangle_free_spanning_set (region); region = NULL; printf ("%s passed.\n", G_STRFUNC); } #endif static void verify_lists_are_equal (GList *code, GList *answer) { int which = 0; while (code && answer) { MetaRectangle *a = code->data; MetaRectangle *b = answer->data; if (a->x != b->x || a->y != b->y || a->width != b->width || a->height != b->height) { g_error ("%dth item in code answer answer lists do not match; " "code rect: %d,%d + %d,%d; answer rect: %d,%d + %d,%d\n", which, a->x, a->y, a->width, a->height, b->x, b->y, b->width, b->height); } code = code->next; answer = answer->next; which++; } /* Ought to be at the end of both lists; check if we aren't */ if (code) { MetaRectangle *tmp = code->data; g_error ("code list longer than answer list by %d items; " "first extra item: %d,%d +%d,%d\n", g_list_length (code), tmp->x, tmp->y, tmp->width, tmp->height); } if (answer) { MetaRectangle *tmp = answer->data; g_error ("answer list longer than code list by %d items; " "first extra item: %d,%d +%d,%d\n", g_list_length (answer), tmp->x, tmp->y, tmp->width, tmp->height); } } static void test_regions_okay () { GList* region; GList* tmp; /*************************************************************/ /* Make sure test region 0 has the right spanning rectangles */ /*************************************************************/ region = get_screen_region (0); tmp = NULL; tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect (0, 0, 1600, 1200)); verify_lists_are_equal (region, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (region, g_free); /*************************************************************/ /* Make sure test region 1 has the right spanning rectangles */ /*************************************************************/ region = get_screen_region (1); tmp = NULL; tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect (0, 20, 400, 1180)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect (0, 20, 1600, 1140)); verify_lists_are_equal (region, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (region, g_free); /*************************************************************/ /* Make sure test region 2 has the right spanning rectangles */ /*************************************************************/ region = get_screen_region (2); tmp = NULL; tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect ( 0, 20, 300, 1180)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect ( 450, 20, 350, 1180)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect (1200, 20, 400, 1180)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect ( 0, 20, 800, 1130)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect ( 0, 20, 1600, 1080)); verify_lists_are_equal (region, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (region, g_free); /*************************************************************/ /* Make sure test region 3 has the right spanning rectangles */ /*************************************************************/ region = get_screen_region (3); tmp = NULL; tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect ( 380, 675, 420, 525)); /* 220500 */ tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect ( 0, 20, 300, 1180)); /* 354000 */ tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect ( 380, 20, 320, 1180)); /* 377600 */ tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect ( 0, 675, 800, 475)); /* 380000 */ tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect (1200, 20, 400, 1180)); /* 472000 */ tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect ( 0, 675, 1600, 425)); /* 680000 */ tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect ( 900, 20, 700, 1080)); /* 756000 */ tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect ( 0, 20, 700, 1130)); /* 791000 */ tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect ( 0, 20, 1600, 505)); /* 808000 */ #if 0 printf ("Got to here...\n"); char region_list[(RECT_LENGTH+2) * g_list_length (region)]; char tmp_list[ (RECT_LENGTH+2) * g_list_length (tmp)]; meta_rectangle_region_to_string (region, ", ", region_list); meta_rectangle_region_to_string (region, ", ", tmp_list); printf ("%s vs. %s\n", region_list, tmp_list); #endif verify_lists_are_equal (region, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (region, g_free); /*************************************************************/ /* Make sure test region 4 has the right spanning rectangles */ /*************************************************************/ region = get_screen_region (4); tmp = NULL; tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_meta_rect ( 800, 20, 800, 1180)); verify_lists_are_equal (region, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (region, g_free); /*************************************************************/ /* Make sure test region 5 has the right spanning rectangles */ /*************************************************************/ printf ("The next test intentionally causes a warning, " "but it can be ignored.\n"); region = get_screen_region (5); verify_lists_are_equal (region, NULL); /* FIXME: Still to do: * - Create random struts and check the regions somehow */ printf ("%s passed.\n", G_STRFUNC); } static void test_region_fitting () { GList* region; MetaRectangle rect; /* See test_basic_fitting() for how/why these automated random tests work */ int i; region = get_screen_region (3); for (i = 0; i < NUM_RANDOM_RUNS; i++) { get_random_rect (&rect); g_assert (meta_rectangle_contained_in_region (region, &rect) == FALSE || meta_rectangle_could_fit_in_region (region, &rect) == TRUE); } g_list_free_full (region, g_free); /* Do some manual tests too */ region = get_screen_region (1); rect = meta_rect (50, 50, 400, 400); g_assert (meta_rectangle_could_fit_in_region (region, &rect)); g_assert (meta_rectangle_contained_in_region (region, &rect)); rect = meta_rect (250, 0, 500, 1150); g_assert (!meta_rectangle_could_fit_in_region (region, &rect)); g_assert (!meta_rectangle_contained_in_region (region, &rect)); rect = meta_rect (250, 0, 400, 400); g_assert (meta_rectangle_could_fit_in_region (region, &rect)); g_assert (!meta_rectangle_contained_in_region (region, &rect)); g_list_free_full (region, g_free); region = get_screen_region (2); rect = meta_rect (1000, 50, 600, 1100); g_assert (meta_rectangle_could_fit_in_region (region, &rect)); g_assert (!meta_rectangle_contained_in_region (region, &rect)); g_list_free_full (region, g_free); printf ("%s passed.\n", G_STRFUNC); } static void test_clamping_to_region () { GList* region; MetaRectangle rect; MetaRectangle min_size; FixedDirections fixed_directions; int i; min_size.height = min_size.width = 1; fixed_directions = 0; region = get_screen_region (3); for (i = 0; i < NUM_RANDOM_RUNS; i++) { MetaRectangle temp; get_random_rect (&rect); temp = rect; meta_rectangle_clamp_to_fit_into_region (region, fixed_directions, &rect, &min_size); g_assert (meta_rectangle_could_fit_in_region (region, &rect) == TRUE); g_assert (rect.x == temp.x && rect.y == temp.y); } g_list_free_full (region, g_free); /* Do some manual tests too */ region = get_screen_region (1); rect = meta_rect (50, 50, 10000, 10000); meta_rectangle_clamp_to_fit_into_region (region, fixed_directions, &rect, &min_size); g_assert (rect.width == 1600 && rect.height == 1140); rect = meta_rect (275, -50, 410, 10000); meta_rectangle_clamp_to_fit_into_region (region, fixed_directions, &rect, &min_size); g_assert (rect.width == 400 && rect.height == 1180); rect = meta_rect (50, 50, 10000, 10000); min_size.height = 1170; meta_rectangle_clamp_to_fit_into_region (region, fixed_directions, &rect, &min_size); g_assert (rect.width == 400 && rect.height == 1180); printf ("The next test intentionally causes a warning, " "but it can be ignored.\n"); rect = meta_rect (50, 50, 10000, 10000); min_size.width = 600; min_size.height = 1170; meta_rectangle_clamp_to_fit_into_region (region, fixed_directions, &rect, &min_size); g_assert (rect.width == 600 && rect.height == 1170); rect = meta_rect (350, 50, 100, 1100); min_size.width = 1; min_size.height = 1; fixed_directions = FIXED_DIRECTION_X; meta_rectangle_clamp_to_fit_into_region (region, fixed_directions, &rect, &min_size); g_assert (rect.width == 100 && rect.height == 1100); rect = meta_rect (300, 70, 500, 1100); min_size.width = 1; min_size.height = 1; fixed_directions = FIXED_DIRECTION_Y; meta_rectangle_clamp_to_fit_into_region (region, fixed_directions, &rect, &min_size); g_assert (rect.width == 400 && rect.height == 1100); printf ("The next test intentionally causes a warning, " "but it can be ignored.\n"); rect = meta_rect (300, 70, 999999, 999999); min_size.width = 100; min_size.height = 200; fixed_directions = FIXED_DIRECTION_Y; meta_rectangle_clamp_to_fit_into_region (region, fixed_directions, &rect, &min_size); g_assert (rect.width == 100 && rect.height == 999999); g_list_free_full (region, g_free); printf ("%s passed.\n", G_STRFUNC); } static gboolean rect_overlaps_region (const GList *spanning_rects, const MetaRectangle *rect) { /* FIXME: Should I move this to boxes.[ch]? */ const GList *temp; gboolean overlaps; temp = spanning_rects; overlaps = FALSE; while (!overlaps && temp != NULL) { overlaps = overlaps || meta_rectangle_overlap (temp->data, rect); temp = temp->next; } return overlaps; } gboolean time_to_print = FALSE; static void test_clipping_to_region () { GList* region; MetaRectangle rect, temp; FixedDirections fixed_directions = 0; int i; region = get_screen_region (3); for (i = 0; i < NUM_RANDOM_RUNS; i++) { get_random_rect (&rect); if (rect_overlaps_region (region, &rect)) { meta_rectangle_clip_to_region (region, 0, &rect); g_assert (meta_rectangle_contained_in_region (region, &rect) == TRUE); } } g_list_free_full (region, g_free); /* Do some manual tests too */ region = get_screen_region (2); rect = meta_rect (-50, -10, 10000, 10000); meta_rectangle_clip_to_region (region, fixed_directions, &rect); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (region->data, &rect)); rect = meta_rect (300, 1000, 400, 200); temp = meta_rect (300, 1000, 400, 150); meta_rectangle_clip_to_region (region, fixed_directions, &rect); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect (400, 1000, 300, 200); temp = meta_rect (450, 1000, 250, 200); meta_rectangle_clip_to_region (region, fixed_directions, &rect); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect (400, 1000, 300, 200); temp = meta_rect (400, 1000, 300, 150); meta_rectangle_clip_to_region (region, FIXED_DIRECTION_X, &rect); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect (400, 1000, 300, 200); temp = meta_rect (400, 1000, 300, 150); meta_rectangle_clip_to_region (region, FIXED_DIRECTION_X, &rect); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); g_list_free_full (region, g_free); printf ("%s passed.\n", G_STRFUNC); } static void test_shoving_into_region () { GList* region; MetaRectangle rect, temp; FixedDirections fixed_directions = 0; int i; region = get_screen_region (3); for (i = 0; i < NUM_RANDOM_RUNS; i++) { get_random_rect (&rect); if (meta_rectangle_could_fit_in_region (region, &rect)) { meta_rectangle_shove_into_region (region, 0, &rect); g_assert (meta_rectangle_contained_in_region (region, &rect)); } } g_list_free_full (region, g_free); /* Do some manual tests too */ region = get_screen_region (2); rect = meta_rect (300, 1000, 400, 200); temp = meta_rect (300, 950, 400, 200); meta_rectangle_shove_into_region (region, fixed_directions, &rect); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect (425, 1000, 300, 200); temp = meta_rect (450, 1000, 300, 200); meta_rectangle_shove_into_region (region, fixed_directions, &rect); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect (425, 1000, 300, 200); temp = meta_rect (425, 950, 300, 200); meta_rectangle_shove_into_region (region, FIXED_DIRECTION_X, &rect); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect ( 300, 1000, 400, 200); temp = meta_rect (1200, 1000, 400, 200); meta_rectangle_shove_into_region (region, FIXED_DIRECTION_Y, &rect); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect ( 800, 1150, 400, 50); /* Completely "offscreen" :) */ temp = meta_rect ( 800, 1050, 400, 50); meta_rectangle_shove_into_region (region, 0, &rect); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect (-1000, 0, 400, 150); /* Offscreen in 2 directions */ temp = meta_rect ( 0, 20, 400, 150); meta_rectangle_shove_into_region (region, 0, &rect); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); g_list_free_full (region, g_free); printf ("%s passed.\n", G_STRFUNC); } static void verify_edge_lists_are_equal (GList *code, GList *answer) { int which = 0; while (code && answer) { MetaEdge *a = code->data; MetaEdge *b = answer->data; if (!meta_rectangle_equal (&a->rect, &b->rect) || a->side_type != b->side_type || a->edge_type != b->edge_type) { g_error ("%dth item in code answer answer lists do not match; " "code rect: %d,%d + %d,%d; answer rect: %d,%d + %d,%d\n", which, a->rect.x, a->rect.y, a->rect.width, a->rect.height, b->rect.x, b->rect.y, b->rect.width, b->rect.height); } code = code->next; answer = answer->next; which++; } /* Ought to be at the end of both lists; check if we aren't */ if (code) { MetaEdge *tmp = code->data; g_error ("code list longer than answer list by %d items; " "first extra item rect: %d,%d +%d,%d\n", g_list_length (code), tmp->rect.x, tmp->rect.y, tmp->rect.width, tmp->rect.height); } if (answer) { MetaEdge *tmp = answer->data; g_error ("answer list longer than code list by %d items; " "first extra item rect: %d,%d +%d,%d\n", g_list_length (answer), tmp->rect.x, tmp->rect.y, tmp->rect.width, tmp->rect.height); } } static void test_find_onscreen_edges () { GList* edges; GList* tmp; int left = META_DIRECTION_LEFT; int right = META_DIRECTION_RIGHT; int top = META_DIRECTION_TOP; int bottom = META_DIRECTION_BOTTOM; /*************************************************/ /* Make sure test region 0 has the correct edges */ /*************************************************/ edges = get_screen_edges (0); tmp = NULL; tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 0, 1200, 1600, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 0, 0, 1600, 0, top)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge (1600, 0, 0, 1200, right)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 0, 0, 0, 1200, left)); verify_edge_lists_are_equal (edges, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (edges, g_free); /*************************************************/ /* Make sure test region 1 has the correct edges */ /*************************************************/ edges = get_screen_edges (1); tmp = NULL; tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 0, 1200, 400, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 400, 1160, 1200, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 0, 20, 1600, 0, top)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge (1600, 20, 0, 1140, right)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 400, 1160, 0, 40, right)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 0, 20, 0, 1180, left)); verify_edge_lists_are_equal (edges, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (edges, g_free); /*************************************************/ /* Make sure test region 2 has the correct edges */ /*************************************************/ edges = get_screen_edges (2); tmp = NULL; tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge (1200, 1200, 400, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 450, 1200, 350, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 0, 1200, 300, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 300, 1150, 150, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 800, 1100, 400, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 0, 20, 1600, 0, top)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge (1600, 20, 0, 1180, right)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 800, 1100, 0, 100, right)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 300, 1150, 0, 50, right)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge (1200, 1100, 0, 100, left)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 450, 1150, 0, 50, left)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 0, 20, 0, 1180, left)); verify_edge_lists_are_equal (edges, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (edges, g_free); /*************************************************/ /* Make sure test region 3 has the correct edges */ /*************************************************/ edges = get_screen_edges (3); tmp = NULL; tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge (1200, 1200, 400, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 380, 1200, 420, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 0, 1200, 300, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 300, 1150, 80, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 800, 1100, 400, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 700, 525, 200, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 700, 675, 200, 0, top)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 0, 20, 1600, 0, top)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge (1600, 20, 0, 1180, right)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 800, 1100, 0, 100, right)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 700, 525, 0, 150, right)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 300, 1150, 0, 50, right)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge (1200, 1100, 0, 100, left)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 900, 525, 0, 150, left)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 380, 1150, 0, 50, left)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 0, 20, 0, 1180, left)); #if 0 #define FUDGE 50 /* number of edges */ char big_buffer1[(EDGE_LENGTH+2)*FUDGE], big_buffer2[(EDGE_LENGTH+2)*FUDGE]; meta_rectangle_edge_list_to_string (edges, "\n ", big_buffer1); meta_rectangle_edge_list_to_string (tmp, "\n ", big_buffer2); printf("Generated edge list:\n %s\nComparison edges list:\n %s\n", big_buffer1, big_buffer2); #endif verify_edge_lists_are_equal (edges, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (edges, g_free); /*************************************************/ /* Make sure test region 4 has the correct edges */ /*************************************************/ edges = get_screen_edges (4); tmp = NULL; tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 800, 1200, 800, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 800, 20, 800, 0, top)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge (1600, 20, 0, 1180, right)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 800, 20, 0, 1180, left)); verify_edge_lists_are_equal (edges, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (edges, g_free); /*************************************************/ /* Make sure test region 5 has the correct edges */ /*************************************************/ edges = get_screen_edges (5); tmp = NULL; verify_edge_lists_are_equal (edges, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (edges, g_free); /*************************************************/ /* Make sure test region 6 has the correct edges */ /*************************************************/ edges = get_screen_edges (6); tmp = NULL; tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 0, 1200, 1600, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 0, 40, 1600, 0, top)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge (1600, 40, 0, 1160, right)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_screen_edge ( 0, 40, 0, 1160, left)); verify_edge_lists_are_equal (edges, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (edges, g_free); printf ("%s passed.\n", G_STRFUNC); } static void test_find_nonintersected_xinerama_edges () { GList* edges; GList* tmp; int left = META_DIRECTION_LEFT; int right = META_DIRECTION_RIGHT; int top = META_DIRECTION_TOP; int bottom = META_DIRECTION_BOTTOM; /*************************************************************************/ /* Make sure test xinerama set 0 for with region 0 has the correct edges */ /*************************************************************************/ edges = get_xinerama_edges (0, 0); tmp = NULL; verify_edge_lists_are_equal (edges, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (edges, g_free); /*************************************************************************/ /* Make sure test xinerama set 2 for with region 1 has the correct edges */ /*************************************************************************/ edges = get_xinerama_edges (2, 1); tmp = NULL; tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_xinerama_edge ( 0, 600, 1600, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_xinerama_edge ( 0, 600, 1600, 0, top)); verify_edge_lists_are_equal (edges, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (edges, g_free); /*************************************************************************/ /* Make sure test xinerama set 1 for with region 2 has the correct edges */ /*************************************************************************/ edges = get_xinerama_edges (1, 2); tmp = NULL; tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_xinerama_edge ( 800, 20, 0, 1080, right)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_xinerama_edge ( 800, 20, 0, 1180, left)); #if 0 #define FUDGE 50 char big_buffer1[(EDGE_LENGTH+2)*FUDGE], big_buffer2[(EDGE_LENGTH+2)*FUDGE]; meta_rectangle_edge_list_to_string (edges, "\n ", big_buffer1); meta_rectangle_edge_list_to_string (tmp, "\n ", big_buffer2); printf("Generated edge list:\n %s\nComparison edges list:\n %s\n", big_buffer1, big_buffer2); #endif verify_edge_lists_are_equal (edges, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (edges, g_free); /*************************************************************************/ /* Make sure test xinerama set 3 for with region 3 has the correct edges */ /*************************************************************************/ edges = get_xinerama_edges (3, 3); tmp = NULL; tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_xinerama_edge ( 900, 600, 700, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_xinerama_edge ( 0, 600, 700, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_xinerama_edge ( 900, 600, 700, 0, top)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_xinerama_edge ( 0, 600, 700, 0, top)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_xinerama_edge ( 800, 675, 0, 425, right)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_xinerama_edge ( 800, 675, 0, 525, left)); verify_edge_lists_are_equal (edges, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (edges, g_free); /*************************************************************************/ /* Make sure test xinerama set 3 for with region 4 has the correct edges */ /*************************************************************************/ edges = get_xinerama_edges (3, 4); tmp = NULL; tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_xinerama_edge ( 800, 600, 800, 0, bottom)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_xinerama_edge ( 800, 600, 800, 0, top)); tmp = g_list_prepend (tmp, new_xinerama_edge ( 800, 600, 0, 600, right)); verify_edge_lists_are_equal (edges, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (edges, g_free); /*************************************************************************/ /* Make sure test xinerama set 3 for with region 5has the correct edges */ /*************************************************************************/ edges = get_xinerama_edges (3, 5); tmp = NULL; verify_edge_lists_are_equal (edges, tmp); g_list_free_full (tmp, g_free); g_list_free_full (edges, g_free); printf ("%s passed.\n", G_STRFUNC); } static void test_gravity_resize () { MetaRectangle oldrect, rect, temp; rect.x = -500; /* Some random amount not equal to oldrect.x to ensure that * the resize is done with respect to oldrect instead of rect */ oldrect = meta_rect ( 50, 300, 250, 400); temp = meta_rect ( 50, 300, 20, 5); meta_rectangle_resize_with_gravity (&oldrect, &rect, NorthWestGravity, 20, 5); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect ( 50, 300, 250, 400); temp = meta_rect (165, 300, 20, 5); meta_rectangle_resize_with_gravity (&rect, &rect, NorthGravity, 20, 5); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect ( 50, 300, 250, 400); temp = meta_rect (280, 300, 20, 5); meta_rectangle_resize_with_gravity (&rect, &rect, NorthEastGravity, 20, 5); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect ( 50, 300, 250, 400); temp = meta_rect ( 50, 695, 50, 5); meta_rectangle_resize_with_gravity (&rect, &rect, SouthWestGravity, 50, 5); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect ( 50, 300, 250, 400); temp = meta_rect (150, 695, 50, 5); meta_rectangle_resize_with_gravity (&rect, &rect, SouthGravity, 50, 5); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect ( 50, 300, 250, 400); temp = meta_rect (250, 695, 50, 5); meta_rectangle_resize_with_gravity (&rect, &rect, SouthEastGravity, 50, 5); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect (167, 738, 237, 843); temp = meta_rect (167, 1113, 832, 93); meta_rectangle_resize_with_gravity (&rect, &rect, WestGravity, 832, 93); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect ( 167, 738, 237, 843); temp = meta_rect (-131, 1113, 833, 93); meta_rectangle_resize_with_gravity (&rect, &rect, CenterGravity, 832, 93); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect (300, 1000, 400, 200); temp = meta_rect (270, 994, 430, 212); meta_rectangle_resize_with_gravity (&rect, &rect, EastGravity, 430, 211); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); rect = meta_rect (300, 1000, 400, 200); temp = meta_rect (300, 1000, 430, 211); meta_rectangle_resize_with_gravity (&rect, &rect, StaticGravity, 430, 211); g_assert (meta_rectangle_equal (&rect, &temp)); printf ("%s passed.\n", G_STRFUNC); } static void test_find_closest_point_to_line () { double x1, y1, x2, y2, px, py, rx, ry; double answer_x, answer_y; x1 = 3.0; y1 = 49.0; x2 = 2.0; y2 = - 1.0; px = -2.6; py = 19.1; answer_x = 2.4; answer_y = 19; meta_rectangle_find_linepoint_closest_to_point (x1, y1, x2, y2, px, py, &rx, &ry); g_assert (rx == answer_x && ry == answer_y); /* Special test for x1 == x2, so that slop of line is infinite */ x1 = 3.0; y1 = 49.0; x2 = 3.0; y2 = - 1.0; px = -2.6; py = 19.1; answer_x = 3.0; answer_y = 19.1; meta_rectangle_find_linepoint_closest_to_point (x1, y1, x2, y2, px, py, &rx, &ry); g_assert (rx == answer_x && ry == answer_y); /* Special test for y1 == y2, so perp line has slope of infinity */ x1 = 3.14; y1 = 7.0; x2 = 2.718; y2 = 7.0; px = -2.6; py = 19.1; answer_x = -2.6; answer_y = 7; meta_rectangle_find_linepoint_closest_to_point (x1, y1, x2, y2, px, py, &rx, &ry); g_assert (rx == answer_x && ry == answer_y); /* Test when we the point we want to be closest to is actually on the line */ x1 = 3.0; y1 = 49.0; x2 = 2.0; y2 = - 1.0; px = 2.4; py = 19.0; answer_x = 2.4; answer_y = 19; meta_rectangle_find_linepoint_closest_to_point (x1, y1, x2, y2, px, py, &rx, &ry); g_assert (rx == answer_x && ry == answer_y); printf ("%s passed.\n", G_STRFUNC); } int main() { init_random_ness (); test_area (); test_intersect (); test_equal (); test_overlap_funcs (); test_basic_fitting (); test_regions_okay (); test_region_fitting (); test_clamping_to_region (); test_clipping_to_region (); test_shoving_into_region (); /* And now the functions dealing with edges more than boxes */ test_find_onscreen_edges (); test_find_nonintersected_xinerama_edges (); /* And now the misfit functions that don't quite fit in anywhere else... */ test_gravity_resize (); test_find_closest_point_to_line (); printf ("All tests passed.\n"); return 0; }