/* -*- mode: C; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*- */ /* Marco theme parsing */ /* * Copyright (C) 2001 Havoc Pennington * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <config.h> #include "theme-parser.h" #include "util.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* We were intending to put the version number * in the subdirectory name, but we ended up * using the filename instead. The "-1" survives * as a fossil. */ #define THEME_SUBDIR "metacity-1" /* Highest version of the theme format to * look out for. */ #define THEME_MAJOR_VERSION 3 #define THEME_MINOR_VERSION 5 #define THEME_VERSION (1000 * THEME_MAJOR_VERSION + THEME_MINOR_VERSION) #define MARCO_THEME_FILENAME_FORMAT "metacity-theme-%d.xml" typedef enum { STATE_START, STATE_THEME, /* info section */ STATE_INFO, STATE_NAME, STATE_AUTHOR, STATE_COPYRIGHT, STATE_DATE, STATE_DESCRIPTION, /* constants */ STATE_CONSTANT, /* geometry */ STATE_FRAME_GEOMETRY, STATE_DISTANCE, STATE_BORDER, STATE_ASPECT_RATIO, /* draw ops */ STATE_DRAW_OPS, STATE_LINE, STATE_RECTANGLE, STATE_ARC, STATE_CLIP, STATE_TINT, STATE_GRADIENT, STATE_IMAGE, STATE_GTK_ARROW, STATE_GTK_BOX, STATE_GTK_VLINE, STATE_ICON, STATE_TITLE, STATE_INCLUDE, /* include another draw op list */ STATE_TILE, /* tile another draw op list */ /* sub-parts of gradient */ STATE_COLOR, /* frame style */ STATE_FRAME_STYLE, STATE_PIECE, STATE_BUTTON, STATE_SHADOW, STATE_PADDING, /* style set */ STATE_FRAME_STYLE_SET, STATE_FRAME, /* assigning style sets to windows */ STATE_WINDOW, /* things we don't use any more but we can still parse: */ STATE_MENU_ICON, STATE_FALLBACK } ParseState; typedef struct { /* This two lists contain stacks of state and required version * (cast to pointers.) There is one list item for each currently * open element. */ GSList *states; GSList *required_versions; const char *theme_name; /* name of theme (directory it's in) */ const char *theme_file; /* theme filename */ const char *theme_dir; /* dir the theme is inside */ MetaTheme *theme; /* theme being parsed */ guint format_version; /* version of format of theme file */ char *name; /* name of named thing being parsed */ MetaFrameLayout *layout; /* layout being parsed if any */ MetaDrawOpList *op_list; /* op list being parsed if any */ MetaDrawOp *op; /* op being parsed if any */ MetaFrameStyle *style; /* frame style being parsed if any */ MetaFrameStyleSet *style_set; /* frame style set being parsed if any */ MetaFramePiece piece; /* position of piece being parsed */ MetaButtonType button_type; /* type of button/menuitem being parsed */ MetaButtonState button_state; /* state of button being parsed */ int skip_level; /* depth of elements that we're ignoring */ } ParseInfo; typedef enum { THEME_PARSE_ERROR_TOO_OLD, THEME_PARSE_ERROR_TOO_FAILED } ThemeParseError; static GQuark theme_parse_error_quark (void) { return g_quark_from_static_string ("theme-parse-error-quark"); } #define THEME_PARSE_ERROR (theme_parse_error_quark ()) static void set_error (GError **err, GMarkupParseContext *context, int error_domain, int error_code, const char *format, ...) G_GNUC_PRINTF (5, 6); static void add_context_to_error (GError **err, GMarkupParseContext *context); static void parse_info_init (ParseInfo *info); static void parse_info_free (ParseInfo *info); static void push_state (ParseInfo *info, ParseState state); static void pop_state (ParseInfo *info); static ParseState peek_state (ParseInfo *info); static void parse_toplevel_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error); static void parse_info_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error); static void parse_geometry_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error); static void parse_draw_op_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error); static void parse_gradient_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error); static void parse_style_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error); static void parse_style_set_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error); static void parse_piece_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error); static void parse_button_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error); static void parse_shadow_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error); static void parse_padding_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error); static void parse_menu_icon_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error); static void start_element_handler (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, gpointer user_data, GError **error); static void end_element_handler (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, gpointer user_data, GError **error); static void text_handler (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *text, gsize text_len, gpointer user_data, GError **error); /* Translators: This means that an attribute which should have been found * on an XML element was not in fact found. */ #define ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND _("No \"%s\" attribute on element <%s>") static GMarkupParser marco_theme_parser = { start_element_handler, end_element_handler, text_handler, NULL, NULL }; static void set_error (GError **err, GMarkupParseContext *context, int error_domain, int error_code, const char *format, ...) { int line, ch; va_list args; char *str; g_markup_parse_context_get_position (context, &line, &ch); va_start (args, format); str = g_strdup_vprintf (format, args); va_end (args); g_set_error (err, error_domain, error_code, _("Line %d character %d: %s"), line, ch, str); g_free (str); } static void add_context_to_error (GError **err, GMarkupParseContext *context) { int line, ch; char *str; if (err == NULL || *err == NULL) return; g_markup_parse_context_get_position (context, &line, &ch); str = g_strdup_printf (_("Line %d character %d: %s"), line, ch, (*err)->message); g_free ((*err)->message); (*err)->message = str; } static void parse_info_init (ParseInfo *info) { info->theme_file = NULL; info->states = g_slist_prepend (NULL, GINT_TO_POINTER (STATE_START)); info->required_versions = NULL; info->theme = NULL; info->name = NULL; info->layout = NULL; info->op_list = NULL; info->op = NULL; info->style = NULL; info->style_set = NULL; info->piece = META_FRAME_PIECE_LAST; info->button_type = META_BUTTON_TYPE_LAST; info->button_state = META_BUTTON_STATE_LAST; info->skip_level = 0; } static void parse_info_free (ParseInfo *info) { g_slist_free (info->states); g_slist_free (info->required_versions); if (info->theme) meta_theme_free (info->theme); if (info->layout) meta_frame_layout_unref (info->layout); if (info->op_list) meta_draw_op_list_unref (info->op_list); if (info->op) meta_draw_op_free (info->op); if (info->style) meta_frame_style_unref (info->style); if (info->style_set) meta_frame_style_set_unref (info->style_set); } static void push_state (ParseInfo *info, ParseState state) { info->states = g_slist_prepend (info->states, GINT_TO_POINTER (state)); } static void pop_state (ParseInfo *info) { g_return_if_fail (info->states != NULL); info->states = g_slist_remove (info->states, info->states->data); } static ParseState peek_state (ParseInfo *info) { g_return_val_if_fail (info->states != NULL, STATE_START); return GPOINTER_TO_INT (info->states->data); } static void push_required_version (ParseInfo *info, int version) { info->required_versions = g_slist_prepend (info->required_versions, GINT_TO_POINTER (version)); } static void pop_required_version (ParseInfo *info) { g_return_if_fail (info->required_versions != NULL); info->required_versions = g_slist_delete_link (info->required_versions, info->required_versions); } static int peek_required_version (ParseInfo *info) { if (info->required_versions) return GPOINTER_TO_INT (info->required_versions->data); else return info->format_version; } #define ELEMENT_IS(name) (strcmp (element_name, (name)) == 0) typedef struct { const char *name; const char **retloc; gboolean required; } LocateAttr; /* Attribute names can have a leading '!' to indicate that they are * required. */ static gboolean locate_attributes (GMarkupParseContext *context, const char *element_name, const char **attribute_names, const char **attribute_values, GError **error, const char *first_attribute_name, const char **first_attribute_retloc, ...) { va_list args; const char *name; const char **retloc; int n_attrs; #define MAX_ATTRS 24 LocateAttr attrs[MAX_ATTRS]; gboolean retval; int i; g_return_val_if_fail (first_attribute_name != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (first_attribute_retloc != NULL, FALSE); retval = TRUE; /* FIXME: duplicated code; refactor loop */ n_attrs = 1; attrs[0].name = first_attribute_name; attrs[0].retloc = first_attribute_retloc; attrs[0].required = attrs[0].name[0]=='!'; if (attrs[0].required) attrs[0].name++; /* skip past it */ *first_attribute_retloc = NULL; va_start (args, first_attribute_retloc); name = va_arg (args, const char*); retloc = va_arg (args, const char**); while (name != NULL) { if (retloc == NULL) { retval = FALSE; goto out; } g_assert (n_attrs < MAX_ATTRS); attrs[n_attrs].name = name; attrs[n_attrs].retloc = retloc; attrs[n_attrs].required = attrs[n_attrs].name[0]=='!'; if (attrs[n_attrs].required) attrs[n_attrs].name++; /* skip past it */ n_attrs += 1; *retloc = NULL; name = va_arg (args, const char*); retloc = va_arg (args, const char**); } va_end (args); i = 0; while (attribute_names[i]) { int j; gboolean found; /* Can be present anywhere */ if (strcmp (attribute_names[i], "version") == 0) { ++i; continue; } found = FALSE; j = 0; while (j < n_attrs) { if (strcmp (attrs[j].name, attribute_names[i]) == 0) { retloc = attrs[j].retloc; if (*retloc != NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Attribute \"%s\" repeated twice on the same <%s> element"), attrs[j].name, element_name); retval = FALSE; goto out; } *retloc = attribute_values[i]; found = TRUE; } ++j; } if (!found) { j = 0; while (j < n_attrs) { g_warning ("It could have been %s.\n", attrs[j++].name); } set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Attribute \"%s\" is invalid on <%s> element in this context"), attribute_names[i], element_name); retval = FALSE; goto out; } ++i; } /* Did we catch them all? */ i = 0; while (i < n_attrs) { if (attrs[i].required && *(attrs[i].retloc)==NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND, attrs[i].name, element_name); retval = FALSE; goto out; } ++i; } out: return retval; } static gboolean check_no_attributes (GMarkupParseContext *context, const char *element_name, const char **attribute_names, const char **attribute_values, GError **error) { int i = 0; /* Can be present anywhere */ if (attribute_names[0] && strcmp (attribute_names[i], "version") == 0) i++; if (attribute_names[i] != NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Attribute \"%s\" is invalid on <%s> element in this context"), attribute_names[0], element_name); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #define MAX_REASONABLE 4096 static gboolean parse_positive_integer (const char *str, int *val, GMarkupParseContext *context, MetaTheme *theme, GError **error) { char *end; long l; int j; *val = 0; end = NULL; /* Is str a constant? */ if (META_THEME_ALLOWS (theme, META_THEME_UBIQUITOUS_CONSTANTS) && meta_theme_lookup_int_constant (theme, str, &j)) { /* Yes. */ l = j; } else { /* No. Let's try parsing it instead. */ l = strtol (str, &end, 10); if (end == NULL || end == str) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Could not parse \"%s\" as an integer"), str); return FALSE; } if (*end != '\0') { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Did not understand trailing characters \"%s\" in string \"%s\""), end, str); return FALSE; } } if (l < 0) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Integer %ld must be positive"), l); return FALSE; } if (l > MAX_REASONABLE) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Integer %ld is too large, current max is %d"), l, MAX_REASONABLE); return FALSE; } *val = (int) l; return TRUE; } static gboolean parse_double (const char *str, double *val, GMarkupParseContext *context, GError **error) { char *end; *val = 0; end = NULL; *val = g_ascii_strtod (str, &end); if (end == NULL || end == str) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Could not parse \"%s\" as a floating point number"), str); return FALSE; } if (*end != '\0') { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Did not understand trailing characters \"%s\" in string \"%s\""), end, str); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean parse_boolean (const char *str, gboolean *val, GMarkupParseContext *context, GError **error) { if (strcmp ("true", str) == 0) *val = TRUE; else if (strcmp ("false", str) == 0) *val = FALSE; else { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Boolean values must be \"true\" or \"false\" not \"%s\""), str); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean parse_rounding (const char *str, guint *val, GMarkupParseContext *context, MetaTheme *theme, GError **error) { if (strcmp ("true", str) == 0) *val = 5; /* historical "true" value */ else if (strcmp ("false", str) == 0) *val = 0; else { int tmp; gboolean result; if (!META_THEME_ALLOWS (theme, META_THEME_VARIED_ROUND_CORNERS)) { /* Not known in this version, so bail. */ set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Boolean values must be \"true\" or \"false\" not \"%s\""), str); return FALSE; } result = parse_positive_integer (str, &tmp, context, theme, error); *val = tmp; return result; } return TRUE; } static gboolean parse_angle (const char *str, double *val, GMarkupParseContext *context, GError **error) { if (!parse_double (str, val, context, error)) return FALSE; if (*val < (0.0 - 1e6) || *val > (360.0 + 1e6)) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Angle must be between 0.0 and 360.0, was %g\n"), *val); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean parse_alpha (const char *str, MetaAlphaGradientSpec **spec_ret, GMarkupParseContext *context, GError **error) { char **split; int i; int n_alphas; MetaAlphaGradientSpec *spec; *spec_ret = NULL; split = g_strsplit (str, ":", -1); i = 0; while (split[i]) ++i; if (i == 0) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Could not parse \"%s\" as a floating point number"), str); g_strfreev (split); return FALSE; } n_alphas = i; /* FIXME allow specifying horizontal/vertical/diagonal in theme format, * once we implement vertical/diagonal in gradient.c */ spec = meta_alpha_gradient_spec_new (META_GRADIENT_HORIZONTAL, n_alphas); i = 0; while (i < n_alphas) { double v; if (!parse_double (split[i], &v, context, error)) { /* clear up, but don't set error: it was set by parse_double */ g_strfreev (split); meta_alpha_gradient_spec_free (spec); return FALSE; } if (v < (0.0 - 1e-6) || v > (1.0 + 1e-6)) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Alpha must be between 0.0 (invisible) and 1.0 (fully opaque), was %g\n"), v); g_strfreev (split); meta_alpha_gradient_spec_free (spec); return FALSE; } spec->alphas[i] = (unsigned char) (v * 255); ++i; } g_strfreev (split); *spec_ret = spec; return TRUE; } static MetaColorSpec* parse_color (MetaTheme *theme, const char *str, GError **err) { char* referent; if (META_THEME_ALLOWS (theme, META_THEME_COLOR_CONSTANTS) && meta_theme_lookup_color_constant (theme, str, &referent)) { if (referent) return meta_color_spec_new_from_string (referent, err); /* no need to free referent: it's a pointer into the actual hash table */ } return meta_color_spec_new_from_string (str, err); } static gboolean parse_title_scale (const char *str, double *val, GMarkupParseContext *context, GError **error) { double factor; if (strcmp (str, "xx-small") == 0) factor = PANGO_SCALE_XX_SMALL; else if (strcmp (str, "x-small") == 0) factor = PANGO_SCALE_X_SMALL; else if (strcmp (str, "small") == 0) factor = PANGO_SCALE_SMALL; else if (strcmp (str, "medium") == 0) factor = PANGO_SCALE_MEDIUM; else if (strcmp (str, "large") == 0) factor = PANGO_SCALE_LARGE; else if (strcmp (str, "x-large") == 0) factor = PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE; else if (strcmp (str, "xx-large") == 0) factor = PANGO_SCALE_XX_LARGE; else { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Invalid title scale \"%s\" (must be one of xx-small,x-small,small,medium,large,x-large,xx-large)\n"), str); return FALSE; } *val = factor; return TRUE; } static void parse_toplevel_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error) { g_return_if_fail (peek_state (info) == STATE_THEME); if (ELEMENT_IS ("info")) { if (!check_no_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error)) return; push_state (info, STATE_INFO); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("constant")) { const char *name; const char *value; int ival = 0; double dval = 0.0; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!name", &name, "!value", &value, NULL)) return; /* We don't know how a a constant is going to be used, so we have guess its * type from its contents: * * - Starts like a number and contains a '.': float constant * - Starts like a number and doesn't contain a '.': int constant * - Starts with anything else: a color constant. * (colors always start with # or a letter) */ if (value[0] == '.' || value[0] == '+' || value[0] == '-' || (value[0] >= '0' && value[0] <= '9')) { if (strchr (value, '.')) { if (!parse_double (value, &dval, context, error)) return; if (!meta_theme_define_float_constant (info->theme, name, dval, error)) { add_context_to_error (error, context); return; } } else { if (!parse_positive_integer (value, &ival, context, info->theme, error)) return; if (!meta_theme_define_int_constant (info->theme, name, ival, error)) { add_context_to_error (error, context); return; } } } else { if (!meta_theme_define_color_constant (info->theme, name, value, error)) { add_context_to_error (error, context); return; } } push_state (info, STATE_CONSTANT); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("frame_geometry")) { const char *name = NULL; const char *parent = NULL; const char *has_title = NULL; const char *title_scale = NULL; const char *rounded_top_left = NULL; const char *rounded_top_right = NULL; const char *rounded_bottom_left = NULL; const char *rounded_bottom_right = NULL; const char *hide_buttons = NULL; gboolean has_title_val; guint rounded_top_left_val; guint rounded_top_right_val; guint rounded_bottom_left_val; guint rounded_bottom_right_val; gboolean hide_buttons_val; double title_scale_val; MetaFrameLayout *parent_layout; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!name", &name, "parent", &parent, "has_title", &has_title, "title_scale", &title_scale, "rounded_top_left", &rounded_top_left, "rounded_top_right", &rounded_top_right, "rounded_bottom_left", &rounded_bottom_left, "rounded_bottom_right", &rounded_bottom_right, "hide_buttons", &hide_buttons, NULL)) return; has_title_val = TRUE; if (has_title && !parse_boolean (has_title, &has_title_val, context, error)) return; hide_buttons_val = FALSE; if (hide_buttons && !parse_boolean (hide_buttons, &hide_buttons_val, context, error)) return; rounded_top_left_val = 0; rounded_top_right_val = 0; rounded_bottom_left_val = 0; rounded_bottom_right_val = 0; if (rounded_top_left && !parse_rounding (rounded_top_left, &rounded_top_left_val, context, info->theme, error)) return; if (rounded_top_right && !parse_rounding (rounded_top_right, &rounded_top_right_val, context, info->theme, error)) return; if (rounded_bottom_left && !parse_rounding (rounded_bottom_left, &rounded_bottom_left_val, context, info->theme, error)) return; if (rounded_bottom_right && !parse_rounding (rounded_bottom_right, &rounded_bottom_right_val, context, info->theme, error)) return; title_scale_val = 1.0; if (title_scale && !parse_title_scale (title_scale, &title_scale_val, context, error)) return; if (meta_theme_lookup_layout (info->theme, name)) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("<%s> name \"%s\" used a second time"), element_name, name); return; } parent_layout = NULL; if (parent) { parent_layout = meta_theme_lookup_layout (info->theme, parent); if (parent_layout == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("<%s> parent \"%s\" has not been defined"), element_name, parent); return; } } g_assert (info->layout == NULL); if (parent_layout) info->layout = meta_frame_layout_copy (parent_layout); else info->layout = meta_frame_layout_new (); if (has_title) /* only if explicit, otherwise inherit */ info->layout->has_title = has_title_val; if (META_THEME_ALLOWS (info->theme, META_THEME_HIDDEN_BUTTONS) && hide_buttons_val) info->layout->hide_buttons = hide_buttons_val; if (title_scale) info->layout->title_scale = title_scale_val; if (rounded_top_left) info->layout->top_left_corner_rounded_radius = rounded_top_left_val; if (rounded_top_right) info->layout->top_right_corner_rounded_radius = rounded_top_right_val; if (rounded_bottom_left) info->layout->bottom_left_corner_rounded_radius = rounded_bottom_left_val; if (rounded_bottom_right) info->layout->bottom_right_corner_rounded_radius = rounded_bottom_right_val; meta_theme_insert_layout (info->theme, name, info->layout); push_state (info, STATE_FRAME_GEOMETRY); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("draw_ops")) { const char *name = NULL; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!name", &name, NULL)) return; if (meta_theme_lookup_draw_op_list (info->theme, name)) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("<%s> name \"%s\" used a second time"), element_name, name); return; } g_assert (info->op_list == NULL); info->op_list = meta_draw_op_list_new (2); meta_theme_insert_draw_op_list (info->theme, name, info->op_list); push_state (info, STATE_DRAW_OPS); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("frame_style")) { const char *name = NULL; const char *parent = NULL; const char *geometry = NULL; const char *background = NULL; const char *alpha = NULL; MetaFrameStyle *parent_style; MetaFrameLayout *layout; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!name", &name, "parent", &parent, "geometry", &geometry, "background", &background, "alpha", &alpha, NULL)) return; if (meta_theme_lookup_style (info->theme, name)) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("<%s> name \"%s\" used a second time"), element_name, name); return; } parent_style = NULL; if (parent) { parent_style = meta_theme_lookup_style (info->theme, parent); if (parent_style == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("<%s> parent \"%s\" has not been defined"), element_name, parent); return; } } layout = NULL; if (geometry) { layout = meta_theme_lookup_layout (info->theme, geometry); if (layout == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("<%s> geometry \"%s\" has not been defined"), element_name, geometry); return; } } else if (parent_style) { layout = parent_style->layout; } if (layout == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("<%s> must specify either a geometry or a parent that has a geometry"), element_name); return; } g_assert (info->style == NULL); info->style = meta_frame_style_new (parent_style); g_assert (info->style->layout == NULL); meta_frame_layout_ref (layout); info->style->layout = layout; if (background != NULL && META_THEME_ALLOWS (info->theme, META_THEME_FRAME_BACKGROUNDS)) { info->style->window_background_color = meta_color_spec_new_from_string (background, error); if (!info->style->window_background_color) return; if (alpha != NULL) { gboolean success; MetaAlphaGradientSpec *alpha_vector; g_clear_error (error); /* fortunately, we already have a routine to parse alpha values, * though it produces a vector of them, which is a superset of * what we want. */ success = parse_alpha (alpha, &alpha_vector, context, error); if (!success) return; /* alpha_vector->alphas must contain at least one element */ info->style->window_background_alpha = alpha_vector->alphas[0]; meta_alpha_gradient_spec_free (alpha_vector); } } else if (alpha != NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("You must specify a background for an alpha value to be meaningful")); return; } meta_theme_insert_style (info->theme, name, info->style); push_state (info, STATE_FRAME_STYLE); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("frame_style_set")) { const char *name = NULL; const char *parent = NULL; MetaFrameStyleSet *parent_set; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!name", &name, "parent", &parent, NULL)) return; if (meta_theme_lookup_style_set (info->theme, name)) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("<%s> name \"%s\" used a second time"), element_name, name); return; } parent_set = NULL; if (parent) { parent_set = meta_theme_lookup_style_set (info->theme, parent); if (parent_set == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("<%s> parent \"%s\" has not been defined"), element_name, parent); return; } } g_assert (info->style_set == NULL); info->style_set = meta_frame_style_set_new (parent_set); meta_theme_insert_style_set (info->theme, name, info->style_set); push_state (info, STATE_FRAME_STYLE_SET); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("window")) { const char *type_name = NULL; const char *style_set_name = NULL; MetaFrameStyleSet *style_set; MetaFrameType type; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!type", &type_name, "!style_set", &style_set_name, NULL)) return; type = meta_frame_type_from_string (type_name); if (type == META_FRAME_TYPE_LAST || (type == META_FRAME_TYPE_ATTACHED && peek_required_version (info) < 3002)) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Unknown type \"%s\" on <%s> element"), type_name, element_name); return; } style_set = meta_theme_lookup_style_set (info->theme, style_set_name); if (style_set == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Unknown style_set \"%s\" on <%s> element"), style_set_name, element_name); return; } if (info->theme->style_sets_by_type[type] != NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Window type \"%s\" has already been assigned a style set"), type_name); return; } meta_frame_style_set_ref (style_set); info->theme->style_sets_by_type[type] = style_set; push_state (info, STATE_WINDOW); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("menu_icon")) { /* Not supported any more, but we have to parse it if they include it, * for backwards compatibility. */ g_assert (info->op_list == NULL); push_state (info, STATE_MENU_ICON); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("fallback")) { /* Not supported any more, but we have to parse it if they include it, * for backwards compatibility. */ push_state (info, STATE_FALLBACK); } else { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"), element_name, "metacity_theme"); } } static void parse_info_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error) { g_return_if_fail (peek_state (info) == STATE_INFO); if (ELEMENT_IS ("name")) { if (!check_no_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error)) return; push_state (info, STATE_NAME); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("author")) { if (!check_no_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error)) return; push_state (info, STATE_AUTHOR); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("copyright")) { if (!check_no_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error)) return; push_state (info, STATE_COPYRIGHT); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("description")) { if (!check_no_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error)) return; push_state (info, STATE_DESCRIPTION); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("date")) { if (!check_no_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error)) return; push_state (info, STATE_DATE); } else { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"), element_name, "info"); } } static void parse_distance (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error) { const char *name; const char *value; int val; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!name", &name, "!value", &value, NULL)) return; val = 0; if (!parse_positive_integer (value, &val, context, info->theme, error)) return; g_assert (val >= 0); /* yeah, "non-negative" not "positive" get over it */ g_assert (info->layout); if (strcmp (name, "left_width") == 0) info->layout->left_width = val; else if (strcmp (name, "right_width") == 0) info->layout->right_width = val; else if (strcmp (name, "bottom_height") == 0) info->layout->bottom_height = val; else if (strcmp (name, "title_vertical_pad") == 0) info->layout->title_vertical_pad = val; else if (strcmp (name, "right_titlebar_edge") == 0) info->layout->right_titlebar_edge = val; else if (strcmp (name, "left_titlebar_edge") == 0) info->layout->left_titlebar_edge = val; else if (strcmp (name, "button_width") == 0) { info->layout->button_width = val; if (!(info->layout->button_sizing == META_BUTTON_SIZING_LAST || info->layout->button_sizing == META_BUTTON_SIZING_FIXED)) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Cannot specify both \"button_width\"/\"button_height\" and \"aspect_ratio\" for buttons")); return; } info->layout->button_sizing = META_BUTTON_SIZING_FIXED; } else if (strcmp (name, "button_height") == 0) { info->layout->button_height = val; if (!(info->layout->button_sizing == META_BUTTON_SIZING_LAST || info->layout->button_sizing == META_BUTTON_SIZING_FIXED)) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Cannot specify both \"button_width\"/\"button_height\" and \"aspect_ratio\" for buttons")); return; } info->layout->button_sizing = META_BUTTON_SIZING_FIXED; } else { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Distance \"%s\" is unknown"), name); return; } } static void parse_aspect_ratio (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error) { const char *name; const char *value; double val; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!name", &name, "!value", &value, NULL)) return; val = 0; if (!parse_double (value, &val, context, error)) return; g_assert (info->layout); if (strcmp (name, "button") == 0) { info->layout->button_aspect = val; if (info->layout->button_sizing != META_BUTTON_SIZING_LAST) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Cannot specify both \"button_width\"/\"button_height\" and \"aspect_ratio\" for buttons")); return; } info->layout->button_sizing = META_BUTTON_SIZING_ASPECT; } else { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Aspect ratio \"%s\" is unknown"), name); return; } } static void parse_border (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error) { const char *name; const char *top; const char *bottom; const char *left; const char *right; int top_val; int bottom_val; int left_val; int right_val; GtkBorder *border; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!name", &name, "!top", &top, "!bottom", &bottom, "!left", &left, "!right", &right, NULL)) return; top_val = 0; if (!parse_positive_integer (top, &top_val, context, info->theme, error)) return; bottom_val = 0; if (!parse_positive_integer (bottom, &bottom_val, context, info->theme, error)) return; left_val = 0; if (!parse_positive_integer (left, &left_val, context, info->theme, error)) return; right_val = 0; if (!parse_positive_integer (right, &right_val, context, info->theme, error)) return; g_assert (info->layout); border = NULL; if (strcmp (name, "title_border") == 0) border = &info->layout->title_border; else if (strcmp (name, "button_border") == 0) border = &info->layout->button_border; if (border == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Border \"%s\" is unknown"), name); return; } border->top = top_val; border->bottom = bottom_val; border->left = left_val; border->right = right_val; } static void parse_geometry_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error) { g_return_if_fail (peek_state (info) == STATE_FRAME_GEOMETRY); if (ELEMENT_IS ("distance")) { parse_distance (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, info, error); push_state (info, STATE_DISTANCE); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("border")) { parse_border (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, info, error); push_state (info, STATE_BORDER); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("aspect_ratio")) { parse_aspect_ratio (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, info, error); push_state (info, STATE_ASPECT_RATIO); } else { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"), element_name, "frame_geometry"); } } #if 0 static gboolean check_expression (PosToken *tokens, int n_tokens, gboolean has_object, MetaTheme *theme, GMarkupParseContext *context, GError **error) { MetaPositionExprEnv env; int x, y; /* We set it all to 0 to try and catch divide-by-zero screwups. * it's possible we should instead guarantee that widths and heights * are at least 1. */ env.rect = meta_rect (0, 0, 0, 0); if (has_object) { env.object_width = 0; env.object_height = 0; } else { env.object_width = -1; env.object_height = -1; } env.left_width = 0; env.right_width = 0; env.top_height = 0; env.bottom_height = 0; env.title_width = 0; env.title_height = 0; env.icon_width = 0; env.icon_height = 0; env.mini_icon_width = 0; env.mini_icon_height = 0; env.theme = theme; if (!meta_parse_position_expression (tokens, n_tokens, &env, &x, &y, error)) { add_context_to_error (error, context); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #endif static void parse_draw_op_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error) { g_return_if_fail (peek_state (info) == STATE_DRAW_OPS); if (ELEMENT_IS ("line")) { MetaDrawOp *op; const char *color; const char *x1; const char *y1; const char *x2; const char *y2; const char *dash_on_length; const char *dash_off_length; const char *width; MetaColorSpec *color_spec; int dash_on_val; int dash_off_val; int width_val; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!color", &color, "!x1", &x1, "!y1", &y1, "!x2", &x2, "!y2", &y2, "dash_on_length", &dash_on_length, "dash_off_length", &dash_off_length, "width", &width, NULL)) return; #if 0 if (!check_expression (x1, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (y1, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (x2, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (y2, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; #endif dash_on_val = 0; if (dash_on_length && !parse_positive_integer (dash_on_length, &dash_on_val, context, info->theme, error)) return; dash_off_val = 0; if (dash_off_length && !parse_positive_integer (dash_off_length, &dash_off_val, context, info->theme, error)) return; width_val = 0; if (width && !parse_positive_integer (width, &width_val, context, info->theme, error)) return; /* Check last so we don't have to free it when other * stuff fails */ color_spec = parse_color (info->theme, color, error); if (color_spec == NULL) { add_context_to_error (error, context); return; } op = meta_draw_op_new (META_DRAW_LINE); op->data.line.color_spec = color_spec; op->data.line.x1 = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, x1, NULL); op->data.line.y1 = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, y1, NULL); if (strcmp(x1, x2)==0) op->data.line.x2 = NULL; else op->data.line.x2 = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, x2, NULL); if (strcmp(y1, y2)==0) op->data.line.y2 = NULL; else op->data.line.y2 = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, y2, NULL); op->data.line.width = width_val; op->data.line.dash_on_length = dash_on_val; op->data.line.dash_off_length = dash_off_val; g_assert (info->op_list); meta_draw_op_list_append (info->op_list, op); push_state (info, STATE_LINE); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("rectangle")) { MetaDrawOp *op; const char *color; const char *x; const char *y; const char *width; const char *height; const char *filled; gboolean filled_val; MetaColorSpec *color_spec; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!color", &color, "!x", &x, "!y", &y, "!width", &width, "!height", &height, "filled", &filled, NULL)) return; #if 0 if (!check_expression (x, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (y, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (width, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (height, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; #endif filled_val = FALSE; if (filled && !parse_boolean (filled, &filled_val, context, error)) return; /* Check last so we don't have to free it when other * stuff fails */ color_spec = parse_color (info->theme, color, error); if (color_spec == NULL) { add_context_to_error (error, context); return; } op = meta_draw_op_new (META_DRAW_RECTANGLE); op->data.rectangle.color_spec = color_spec; op->data.rectangle.x = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, x, NULL); op->data.rectangle.y = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, y, NULL); op->data.rectangle.width = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, width, NULL); op->data.rectangle.height = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, height, NULL); op->data.rectangle.filled = filled_val; g_assert (info->op_list); meta_draw_op_list_append (info->op_list, op); push_state (info, STATE_RECTANGLE); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("arc")) { MetaDrawOp *op; const char *color; const char *x; const char *y; const char *width; const char *height; const char *filled; const char *start_angle; const char *extent_angle; const char *from; const char *to; gboolean filled_val; double start_angle_val; double extent_angle_val; MetaColorSpec *color_spec; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!color", &color, "!x", &x, "!y", &y, "!width", &width, "!height", &height, "filled", &filled, "start_angle", &start_angle, "extent_angle", &extent_angle, "from", &from, "to", &to, NULL)) return; if (META_THEME_ALLOWS (info->theme, META_THEME_DEGREES_IN_ARCS) ) { if (start_angle == NULL && from == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("No \"start_angle\" or \"from\" attribute on element <%s>"), element_name); return; } if (extent_angle == NULL && to == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("No \"extent_angle\" or \"to\" attribute on element <%s>"), element_name); return; } } else { if (start_angle == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND, "start_angle", element_name); return; } if (extent_angle == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND, "extent_angle", element_name); return; } } #if 0 if (!check_expression (x, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (y, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (width, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (height, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; #endif if (start_angle == NULL) { if (!parse_angle (from, &start_angle_val, context, error)) return; start_angle_val = (180-start_angle_val)/360.0; } else { if (!parse_angle (start_angle, &start_angle_val, context, error)) return; } if (extent_angle == NULL) { if (!parse_angle (to, &extent_angle_val, context, error)) return; extent_angle_val = ((180-extent_angle_val)/360.0) - start_angle_val; } else { if (!parse_angle (extent_angle, &extent_angle_val, context, error)) return; } filled_val = FALSE; if (filled && !parse_boolean (filled, &filled_val, context, error)) return; /* Check last so we don't have to free it when other * stuff fails */ color_spec = parse_color (info->theme, color, error); if (color_spec == NULL) { add_context_to_error (error, context); return; } op = meta_draw_op_new (META_DRAW_ARC); op->data.arc.color_spec = color_spec; op->data.arc.x = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, x, NULL); op->data.arc.y = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, y, NULL); op->data.arc.width = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, width, NULL); op->data.arc.height = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, height, NULL); op->data.arc.filled = filled_val; op->data.arc.start_angle = start_angle_val; op->data.arc.extent_angle = extent_angle_val; g_assert (info->op_list); meta_draw_op_list_append (info->op_list, op); push_state (info, STATE_ARC); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("clip")) { MetaDrawOp *op; const char *x; const char *y; const char *width; const char *height; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!x", &x, "!y", &y, "!width", &width, "!height", &height, NULL)) return; #if 0 if (!check_expression (x, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (y, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (width, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (height, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; #endif op = meta_draw_op_new (META_DRAW_CLIP); op->data.clip.x = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, x, NULL); op->data.clip.y = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, y, NULL); op->data.clip.width = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, width, NULL); op->data.clip.height = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, height, NULL); g_assert (info->op_list); meta_draw_op_list_append (info->op_list, op); push_state (info, STATE_CLIP); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("tint")) { MetaDrawOp *op; const char *color; const char *x; const char *y; const char *width; const char *height; const char *alpha; MetaAlphaGradientSpec *alpha_spec; MetaColorSpec *color_spec; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!color", &color, "!x", &x, "!y", &y, "!width", &width, "!height", &height, "!alpha", &alpha, NULL)) return; #if 0 if (!check_expression (x, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (y, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (width, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (height, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; #endif alpha_spec = NULL; if (!parse_alpha (alpha, &alpha_spec, context, error)) return; /* Check last so we don't have to free it when other * stuff fails */ color_spec = parse_color (info->theme, color, error); if (color_spec == NULL) { if (alpha_spec) meta_alpha_gradient_spec_free (alpha_spec); add_context_to_error (error, context); return; } op = meta_draw_op_new (META_DRAW_TINT); op->data.tint.color_spec = color_spec; op->data.tint.alpha_spec = alpha_spec; op->data.tint.x = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, x, NULL); op->data.tint.y = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, y, NULL); op->data.tint.width = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, width, NULL); op->data.tint.height = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, height, NULL); g_assert (info->op_list); meta_draw_op_list_append (info->op_list, op); push_state (info, STATE_TINT); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("gradient")) { const char *x; const char *y; const char *width; const char *height; const char *type; const char *alpha; MetaAlphaGradientSpec *alpha_spec; MetaGradientType type_val; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!type", &type, "!x", &x, "!y", &y, "!width", &width, "!height", &height, "alpha", &alpha, NULL)) return; #if 0 if (!check_expression (x, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (y, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (width, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (height, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; #endif type_val = meta_gradient_type_from_string (type); if (type_val == META_GRADIENT_LAST) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Did not understand value \"%s\" for type of gradient"), type); return; } alpha_spec = NULL; if (alpha && !parse_alpha (alpha, &alpha_spec, context, error)) return; g_assert (info->op == NULL); info->op = meta_draw_op_new (META_DRAW_GRADIENT); info->op->data.gradient.x = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, x, NULL); info->op->data.gradient.y = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, y, NULL); info->op->data.gradient.width = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, width, NULL); info->op->data.gradient.height = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, height, NULL); info->op->data.gradient.gradient_spec = meta_gradient_spec_new (type_val); info->op->data.gradient.alpha_spec = alpha_spec; push_state (info, STATE_GRADIENT); /* op gets appended on close tag */ } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("image")) { MetaDrawOp *op; const char *filename; const char *x; const char *y; const char *width; const char *height; const char *alpha; const char *colorize; const char *fill_type; MetaAlphaGradientSpec *alpha_spec; GdkPixbuf *pixbuf; MetaColorSpec *colorize_spec = NULL; MetaImageFillType fill_type_val; int h, w, c; int pixbuf_width, pixbuf_height, pixbuf_n_channels, pixbuf_rowstride; guchar *pixbuf_pixels; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!x", &x, "!y", &y, "!width", &width, "!height", &height, "alpha", &alpha, "!filename", &filename, "colorize", &colorize, "fill_type", &fill_type, NULL)) return; #if 0 if (!check_expression (x, TRUE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (y, TRUE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (width, TRUE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (height, TRUE, info->theme, context, error)) return; #endif fill_type_val = META_IMAGE_FILL_SCALE; if (fill_type) { fill_type_val = meta_image_fill_type_from_string (fill_type); if (((int) fill_type_val) == -1) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Did not understand fill type \"%s\" for <%s> element"), fill_type, element_name); } } /* Check last so we don't have to free it when other * stuff fails. * * If it's a theme image, ask for it at 64px, which is * the largest possible. We scale it anyway. */ pixbuf = meta_theme_load_image (info->theme, filename, 64, error); if (pixbuf == NULL) { add_context_to_error (error, context); return; } if (colorize) { colorize_spec = parse_color (info->theme, colorize, error); if (colorize_spec == NULL) { add_context_to_error (error, context); g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (pixbuf)); return; } } alpha_spec = NULL; if (alpha && !parse_alpha (alpha, &alpha_spec, context, error)) { g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (pixbuf)); return; } op = meta_draw_op_new (META_DRAW_IMAGE); op->data.image.pixbuf = pixbuf; op->data.image.colorize_spec = colorize_spec; op->data.image.x = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, x, NULL); op->data.image.y = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, y, NULL); op->data.image.width = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, width, NULL); op->data.image.height = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, height, NULL); op->data.image.alpha_spec = alpha_spec; op->data.image.fill_type = fill_type_val; /* Check for vertical & horizontal stripes */ pixbuf_n_channels = gdk_pixbuf_get_n_channels(pixbuf); pixbuf_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(pixbuf); pixbuf_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height(pixbuf); pixbuf_rowstride = gdk_pixbuf_get_rowstride(pixbuf); pixbuf_pixels = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(pixbuf); /* Check for horizontal stripes */ for (h = 0; h < pixbuf_height; h++) { for (w = 1; w < pixbuf_width; w++) { for (c = 0; c < pixbuf_n_channels; c++) { if (pixbuf_pixels[(h * pixbuf_rowstride) + c] != pixbuf_pixels[(h * pixbuf_rowstride) + w + c]) break; } if (c < pixbuf_n_channels) break; } if (w < pixbuf_width) break; } if (h >= pixbuf_height) { op->data.image.horizontal_stripes = TRUE; } else { op->data.image.horizontal_stripes = FALSE; } /* Check for vertical stripes */ for (w = 0; w < pixbuf_width; w++) { for (h = 1; h < pixbuf_height; h++) { for (c = 0; c < pixbuf_n_channels; c++) { if (pixbuf_pixels[w + c] != pixbuf_pixels[(h * pixbuf_rowstride) + w + c]) break; } if (c < pixbuf_n_channels) break; } if (h < pixbuf_height) break; } if (w >= pixbuf_width) { op->data.image.vertical_stripes = TRUE; } else { op->data.image.vertical_stripes = FALSE; } g_assert (info->op_list); meta_draw_op_list_append (info->op_list, op); push_state (info, STATE_IMAGE); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("gtk_arrow")) { MetaDrawOp *op; const char *state; const char *shadow; const char *arrow; const char *x; const char *y; const char *width; const char *height; const char *filled; gboolean filled_val; GtkStateFlags state_val; GtkShadowType shadow_val; GtkArrowType arrow_val; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!state", &state, "!shadow", &shadow, "!arrow", &arrow, "!x", &x, "!y", &y, "!width", &width, "!height", &height, "filled", &filled, NULL)) return; #if 0 if (!check_expression (x, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (y, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (width, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (height, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; #endif filled_val = TRUE; if (filled && !parse_boolean (filled, &filled_val, context, error)) return; state_val = meta_gtk_state_from_string (state); if (((int) state_val) == -1) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Did not understand state \"%s\" for <%s> element"), state, element_name); return; } shadow_val = meta_gtk_shadow_from_string (shadow); if (((int) shadow_val) == -1) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Did not understand shadow \"%s\" for <%s> element"), shadow, element_name); return; } arrow_val = meta_gtk_arrow_from_string (arrow); if (((int) arrow_val) == -1) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Did not understand arrow \"%s\" for <%s> element"), arrow, element_name); return; } op = meta_draw_op_new (META_DRAW_GTK_ARROW); op->data.gtk_arrow.x = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, x, NULL); op->data.gtk_arrow.y = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, y, NULL); op->data.gtk_arrow.width = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, width, NULL); op->data.gtk_arrow.height = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, height, NULL); op->data.gtk_arrow.filled = filled_val; op->data.gtk_arrow.state = state_val; op->data.gtk_arrow.shadow = shadow_val; op->data.gtk_arrow.arrow = arrow_val; g_assert (info->op_list); meta_draw_op_list_append (info->op_list, op); push_state (info, STATE_GTK_ARROW); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("gtk_box")) { MetaDrawOp *op; const char *state; const char *shadow; const char *x; const char *y; const char *width; const char *height; GtkStateFlags state_val; GtkShadowType shadow_val; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!state", &state, "!shadow", &shadow, "!x", &x, "!y", &y, "!width", &width, "!height", &height, NULL)) return; #if 0 if (!check_expression (x, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (y, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (width, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (height, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; #endif state_val = meta_gtk_state_from_string (state); if (((int) state_val) == -1) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Did not understand state \"%s\" for <%s> element"), state, element_name); return; } shadow_val = meta_gtk_shadow_from_string (shadow); if (((int) shadow_val) == -1) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Did not understand shadow \"%s\" for <%s> element"), shadow, element_name); return; } op = meta_draw_op_new (META_DRAW_GTK_BOX); op->data.gtk_box.x = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, x, NULL); op->data.gtk_box.y = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, y, NULL); op->data.gtk_box.width = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, width, NULL); op->data.gtk_box.height = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, height, NULL); op->data.gtk_box.state = state_val; op->data.gtk_box.shadow = shadow_val; g_assert (info->op_list); meta_draw_op_list_append (info->op_list, op); push_state (info, STATE_GTK_BOX); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("gtk_vline")) { MetaDrawOp *op; const char *state; const char *x; const char *y1; const char *y2; GtkStateFlags state_val; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!state", &state, "!x", &x, "!y1", &y1, "!y2", &y2, NULL)) return; #if 0 if (!check_expression (x, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (y1, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (y2, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; #endif state_val = meta_gtk_state_from_string (state); if (((int) state_val) == -1) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Did not understand state \"%s\" for <%s> element"), state, element_name); return; } op = meta_draw_op_new (META_DRAW_GTK_VLINE); op->data.gtk_vline.x = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, x, NULL); op->data.gtk_vline.y1 = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, y1, NULL); op->data.gtk_vline.y2 = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, y2, NULL); op->data.gtk_vline.state = state_val; g_assert (info->op_list); meta_draw_op_list_append (info->op_list, op); push_state (info, STATE_GTK_VLINE); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("icon")) { MetaDrawOp *op; const char *x; const char *y; const char *width; const char *height; const char *alpha; const char *fill_type; MetaAlphaGradientSpec *alpha_spec; MetaImageFillType fill_type_val; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!x", &x, "!y", &y, "!width", &width, "!height", &height, "alpha", &alpha, "fill_type", &fill_type, NULL)) return; #if 0 if (!check_expression (x, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (y, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (width, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (height, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; #endif fill_type_val = META_IMAGE_FILL_SCALE; if (fill_type) { fill_type_val = meta_image_fill_type_from_string (fill_type); if (((int) fill_type_val) == -1) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Did not understand fill type \"%s\" for <%s> element"), fill_type, element_name); } } alpha_spec = NULL; if (alpha && !parse_alpha (alpha, &alpha_spec, context, error)) return; op = meta_draw_op_new (META_DRAW_ICON); op->data.icon.x = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, x, NULL); op->data.icon.y = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, y, NULL); op->data.icon.width = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, width, NULL); op->data.icon.height = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, height, NULL); op->data.icon.alpha_spec = alpha_spec; op->data.icon.fill_type = fill_type_val; g_assert (info->op_list); meta_draw_op_list_append (info->op_list, op); push_state (info, STATE_ICON); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("title")) { MetaDrawOp *op; const char *color; const char *x; const char *y; const char *ellipsize_width; MetaColorSpec *color_spec; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!color", &color, "!x", &x, "!y", &y, "ellipsize_width", &ellipsize_width, NULL)) return; #if 0 if (!check_expression (x, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (y, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (ellipsize_width, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; #endif if (ellipsize_width && peek_required_version (info) < 3001) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND, "ellipsize_width", element_name); return; } /* Check last so we don't have to free it when other * stuff fails */ color_spec = parse_color (info->theme, color, error); if (color_spec == NULL) { add_context_to_error (error, context); return; } op = meta_draw_op_new (META_DRAW_TITLE); op->data.title.color_spec = color_spec; op->data.title.x = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, x, NULL); op->data.title.y = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, y, NULL); if (ellipsize_width) op->data.title.ellipsize_width = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, ellipsize_width, NULL); g_assert (info->op_list); meta_draw_op_list_append (info->op_list, op); push_state (info, STATE_TITLE); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("include")) { MetaDrawOp *op; const char *name; const char *x; const char *y; const char *width; const char *height; MetaDrawOpList *op_list; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "x", &x, "y", &y, "width", &width, "height", &height, "!name", &name, NULL)) return; /* x/y/width/height default to 0,0,width,height - should * probably do this for all the draw ops */ #if 0 if (x && !check_expression (x, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (y && !check_expression (y, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (width && !check_expression (width, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (height && !check_expression (height, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; #endif op_list = meta_theme_lookup_draw_op_list (info->theme, name); if (op_list == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("No <draw_ops> called \"%s\" has been defined"), name); return; } g_assert (info->op_list); if (op_list == info->op_list || meta_draw_op_list_contains (op_list, info->op_list)) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Including draw_ops \"%s\" here would create a circular reference"), name); return; } op = meta_draw_op_new (META_DRAW_OP_LIST); meta_draw_op_list_ref (op_list); op->data.op_list.op_list = op_list; op->data.op_list.x = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, x ? x : "0", NULL); op->data.op_list.y = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, y ? y : "0", NULL); op->data.op_list.width = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, width ? width : "width", NULL); op->data.op_list.height = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, height ? height : "height", NULL); meta_draw_op_list_append (info->op_list, op); push_state (info, STATE_INCLUDE); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("tile")) { MetaDrawOp *op; const char *name; const char *x; const char *y; const char *width; const char *height; const char *tile_xoffset; const char *tile_yoffset; const char *tile_width; const char *tile_height; MetaDrawOpList *op_list; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "x", &x, "y", &y, "width", &width, "height", &height, "!name", &name, "tile_xoffset", &tile_xoffset, "tile_yoffset", &tile_yoffset, "!tile_width", &tile_width, "!tile_height", &tile_height, NULL)) return; /* These default to 0 */ #if 0 if (tile_xoffset && !check_expression (tile_xoffset, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (tile_yoffset && !check_expression (tile_yoffset, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; /* x/y/width/height default to 0,0,width,height - should * probably do this for all the draw ops */ if (x && !check_expression (x, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (y && !check_expression (y, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (width && !check_expression (width, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (height && !check_expression (height, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (tile_width, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; if (!check_expression (tile_height, FALSE, info->theme, context, error)) return; #endif op_list = meta_theme_lookup_draw_op_list (info->theme, name); if (op_list == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("No <draw_ops> called \"%s\" has been defined"), name); return; } g_assert (info->op_list); if (op_list == info->op_list || meta_draw_op_list_contains (op_list, info->op_list)) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Including draw_ops \"%s\" here would create a circular reference"), name); return; } op = meta_draw_op_new (META_DRAW_TILE); meta_draw_op_list_ref (op_list); op->data.tile.x = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, x ? x : "0", NULL); op->data.tile.y = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, y ? y : "0", NULL); op->data.tile.width = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, width ? width : "width", NULL); op->data.tile.height = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, height ? height : "height", NULL); op->data.tile.tile_xoffset = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, tile_xoffset ? tile_xoffset : "0", NULL); op->data.tile.tile_yoffset = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, tile_yoffset ? tile_yoffset : "0", NULL); op->data.tile.tile_width = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, tile_width, NULL); op->data.tile.tile_height = meta_draw_spec_new (info->theme, tile_height, NULL); op->data.tile.op_list = op_list; meta_draw_op_list_append (info->op_list, op); push_state (info, STATE_TILE); } else { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"), element_name, "draw_ops"); } } static void parse_gradient_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error) { g_return_if_fail (peek_state (info) == STATE_GRADIENT); if (ELEMENT_IS ("color")) { const char *value = NULL; MetaColorSpec *color_spec; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!value", &value, NULL)) return; color_spec = parse_color (info->theme, value, error); if (color_spec == NULL) { add_context_to_error (error, context); return; } g_assert (info->op); g_assert (info->op->type == META_DRAW_GRADIENT); g_assert (info->op->data.gradient.gradient_spec != NULL); info->op->data.gradient.gradient_spec->color_specs = g_slist_append (info->op->data.gradient.gradient_spec->color_specs, color_spec); push_state (info, STATE_COLOR); } else { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"), element_name, "gradient"); } } static void parse_style_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error) { g_return_if_fail (peek_state (info) == STATE_FRAME_STYLE); g_assert (info->style); if (ELEMENT_IS ("piece")) { const char *position = NULL; const char *draw_ops = NULL; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!position", &position, "draw_ops", &draw_ops, NULL)) return; info->piece = meta_frame_piece_from_string (position); if (info->piece == META_FRAME_PIECE_LAST) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Unknown position \"%s\" for frame piece"), position); return; } if (info->style->pieces[info->piece] != NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Frame style already has a piece at position %s"), position); return; } g_assert (info->op_list == NULL); if (draw_ops) { MetaDrawOpList *op_list; op_list = meta_theme_lookup_draw_op_list (info->theme, draw_ops); if (op_list == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("No <draw_ops> with the name \"%s\" has been defined"), draw_ops); return; } meta_draw_op_list_ref (op_list); info->op_list = op_list; } push_state (info, STATE_PIECE); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("button")) { const char *function = NULL; const char *state = NULL; const char *draw_ops = NULL; gint required_version; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!function", &function, "!state", &state, "draw_ops", &draw_ops, NULL)) return; info->button_type = meta_button_type_from_string (function, info->theme); if (info->button_type == META_BUTTON_TYPE_LAST) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Unknown function \"%s\" for button"), function); return; } required_version = peek_required_version (info); if (meta_theme_earliest_version_with_button (info->button_type) > (guint)required_version) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Button function \"%s\" does not exist in this version (%d, need %d)"), function, required_version, meta_theme_earliest_version_with_button (info->button_type) ); return; } info->button_state = meta_button_state_from_string (state); if (info->button_state == META_BUTTON_STATE_LAST) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Unknown state \"%s\" for button"), state); return; } if (info->style->buttons[info->button_type][info->button_state] != NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Frame style already has a button for function %s state %s"), function, state); return; } g_assert (info->op_list == NULL); if (draw_ops) { MetaDrawOpList *op_list; op_list = meta_theme_lookup_draw_op_list (info->theme, draw_ops); if (op_list == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("No <draw_ops> with the name \"%s\" has been defined"), draw_ops); return; } meta_draw_op_list_ref (op_list); info->op_list = op_list; } push_state (info, STATE_BUTTON); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("shadow")) { push_state (info, STATE_SHADOW); } else if (ELEMENT_IS ("padding")) { push_state (info, STATE_PADDING); } else { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"), element_name, "frame_style"); } } static void parse_style_set_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error) { g_return_if_fail (peek_state (info) == STATE_FRAME_STYLE_SET); if (ELEMENT_IS ("frame")) { const char *focus = NULL; const char *state = NULL; const char *resize = NULL; const char *style = NULL; MetaFrameFocus frame_focus; MetaFrameState frame_state; MetaFrameResize frame_resize; MetaFrameStyle *frame_style; if (!locate_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error, "!focus", &focus, "!state", &state, "resize", &resize, "!style", &style, NULL)) return; frame_focus = meta_frame_focus_from_string (focus); if (frame_focus == META_FRAME_FOCUS_LAST) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("\"%s\" is not a valid value for focus attribute"), focus); return; } frame_state = meta_frame_state_from_string (state); if (frame_state == META_FRAME_STATE_LAST) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("\"%s\" is not a valid value for state attribute"), focus); return; } frame_style = meta_theme_lookup_style (info->theme, style); if (frame_style == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("A style called \"%s\" has not been defined"), style); return; } switch (frame_state) { case META_FRAME_STATE_NORMAL: if (resize == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND, "resize", element_name); return; } frame_resize = meta_frame_resize_from_string (resize); if (frame_resize == META_FRAME_RESIZE_LAST) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("\"%s\" is not a valid value for resize attribute"), focus); return; } break; case META_FRAME_STATE_SHADED: if (META_THEME_ALLOWS (info->theme, META_THEME_UNRESIZABLE_SHADED_STYLES)) { if (resize == NULL) /* In state="normal" we would complain here. But instead we accept * not having a resize attribute and default to resize="both", since * that most closely mimics what we did in v1, and thus people can * upgrade a theme to v2 without as much hassle. */ frame_resize = META_FRAME_RESIZE_BOTH; else { frame_resize = meta_frame_resize_from_string (resize); if (frame_resize == META_FRAME_RESIZE_LAST) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("\"%s\" is not a valid value for resize attribute"), focus); return; } } } else /* v1 theme */ { if (resize != NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Should not have \"resize\" attribute on <%s> element for maximized/shaded states"), element_name); return; } /* resize="both" is equivalent to the old behaviour */ frame_resize = META_FRAME_RESIZE_BOTH; } break; default: if (resize != NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Should not have \"resize\" attribute on <%s> element for maximized states"), element_name); return; } frame_resize = META_FRAME_RESIZE_LAST; } switch (frame_state) { case META_FRAME_STATE_NORMAL: if (info->style_set->normal_styles[frame_resize][frame_focus]) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Style has already been specified for state %s resize %s focus %s"), state, resize, focus); return; } meta_frame_style_ref (frame_style); info->style_set->normal_styles[frame_resize][frame_focus] = frame_style; break; case META_FRAME_STATE_MAXIMIZED: if (info->style_set->maximized_styles[frame_focus]) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Style has already been specified for state %s focus %s"), state, focus); return; } meta_frame_style_ref (frame_style); info->style_set->maximized_styles[frame_focus] = frame_style; break; case META_FRAME_STATE_TILED_LEFT: if (info->style_set->tiled_left_styles[frame_focus]) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Style has already been specified for state %s focus %s"), state, focus); return; } meta_frame_style_ref (frame_style); info->style_set->tiled_left_styles[frame_focus] = frame_style; break; case META_FRAME_STATE_TILED_RIGHT: if (info->style_set->tiled_right_styles[frame_focus]) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Style has already been specified for state %s focus %s"), state, focus); return; } meta_frame_style_ref (frame_style); info->style_set->tiled_right_styles[frame_focus] = frame_style; break; case META_FRAME_STATE_SHADED: if (info->style_set->shaded_styles[frame_resize][frame_focus]) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Style has already been specified for state %s resize %s focus %s"), state, resize, focus); return; } meta_frame_style_ref (frame_style); info->style_set->shaded_styles[frame_resize][frame_focus] = frame_style; break; case META_FRAME_STATE_MAXIMIZED_AND_SHADED: if (info->style_set->maximized_and_shaded_styles[frame_focus]) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Style has already been specified for state %s focus %s"), state, focus); return; } meta_frame_style_ref (frame_style); info->style_set->maximized_and_shaded_styles[frame_focus] = frame_style; break; case META_FRAME_STATE_TILED_LEFT_AND_SHADED: if (info->style_set->tiled_left_and_shaded_styles[frame_focus]) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Style has already been specified for state %s focus %s"), state, focus); return; } meta_frame_style_ref (frame_style); info->style_set->tiled_left_and_shaded_styles[frame_focus] = frame_style; break; case META_FRAME_STATE_TILED_RIGHT_AND_SHADED: if (info->style_set->tiled_right_and_shaded_styles[frame_focus]) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Style has already been specified for state %s focus %s"), state, focus); return; } meta_frame_style_ref (frame_style); info->style_set->tiled_right_and_shaded_styles[frame_focus] = frame_style; break; case META_FRAME_STATE_LAST: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } push_state (info, STATE_FRAME); } else { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"), element_name, "frame_style_set"); } } static void parse_piece_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error) { g_return_if_fail (peek_state (info) == STATE_PIECE); if (ELEMENT_IS ("draw_ops")) { if (info->op_list) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Can't have a two draw_ops for a <piece> element (theme specified a draw_ops attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)")); return; } if (!check_no_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error)) return; g_assert (info->op_list == NULL); info->op_list = meta_draw_op_list_new (2); push_state (info, STATE_DRAW_OPS); } else { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"), element_name, "piece"); } } static void parse_button_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error) { g_return_if_fail (peek_state (info) == STATE_BUTTON); if (ELEMENT_IS ("draw_ops")) { if (info->op_list) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Can't have a two draw_ops for a <button> element (theme specified a draw_ops attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)")); return; } if (!check_no_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error)) return; g_assert (info->op_list == NULL); info->op_list = meta_draw_op_list_new (2); push_state (info, STATE_DRAW_OPS); } else { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"), element_name, "button"); } } static void parse_shadow_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error) { g_return_if_fail (peek_state (info) == STATE_SHADOW); set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"), element_name, "shadow"); } static void parse_padding_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error) { g_return_if_fail (peek_state (info) == STATE_PADDING); set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"), element_name, "padding"); } static void parse_menu_icon_element (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, ParseInfo *info, GError **error) { g_return_if_fail (peek_state (info) == STATE_MENU_ICON); if (ELEMENT_IS ("draw_ops")) { if (info->op_list) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Can't have a two draw_ops for a <menu_icon> element (theme specified a draw_ops attribute and also a <draw_ops> element, or specified two elements)")); return; } if (!check_no_attributes (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, error)) return; g_assert (info->op_list == NULL); info->op_list = meta_draw_op_list_new (2); push_state (info, STATE_DRAW_OPS); } else { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed below <%s>"), element_name, "menu_icon"); } } static const char * find_version (const char **attribute_names, const char **attribute_values) { int i; for (i = 0; attribute_names[i]; i++) { if (strcmp (attribute_names[i], "version") == 0) return attribute_values[i]; } return NULL; } /* Returns whether the version element was successfully parsed. * If successfully parsed, then two additional items are returned: * * satisfied: whether this version of Marco meets the version check * minimum_required: minimum version of theme format required by version check */ static gboolean check_version (GMarkupParseContext *context, const char *version_str, gboolean *satisfied, guint *minimum_required, GError **error) { static GRegex *version_regex; GMatchInfo *info; char *comparison_str, *major_str, *minor_str; guint version; *minimum_required = 0; if (!version_regex) version_regex = g_regex_new ("^\\s*([<>]=?)\\s*(\\d+)(\\.\\d+)?\\s*$", 0, 0, NULL); if (!g_regex_match (version_regex, version_str, 0, &info)) { g_match_info_free (info); set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Bad version specification '%s'"), version_str); return FALSE; } comparison_str = g_match_info_fetch (info, 1); major_str = g_match_info_fetch (info, 2); minor_str = g_match_info_fetch (info, 3); version = 1000 * atoi (major_str); /* might get NULL, see: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/review?bug=588217 */ if (minor_str && minor_str[0]) version += atoi (minor_str + 1); if (comparison_str[0] == '<') { if (comparison_str[1] == '=') *satisfied = THEME_VERSION <= version; else *satisfied = THEME_VERSION < version; } else { if (comparison_str[1] == '=') { *satisfied = THEME_VERSION >= version; *minimum_required = version; } else { *satisfied = THEME_VERSION > version; *minimum_required = version + 1; } } g_free (comparison_str); g_free (major_str); g_free (minor_str); g_match_info_free (info); return TRUE; } static void start_element_handler (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, const gchar **attribute_names, const gchar **attribute_values, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { ParseInfo *info = user_data; const char *version; guint required_version = 0; if (info->skip_level > 0) { info->skip_level++; return; } required_version = peek_required_version (info); version = find_version (attribute_names, attribute_values); if (version != NULL) { gboolean satisfied; guint element_required; if (required_version < 3000) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("\"version\" attribute cannot be used in metacity-theme-1.xml or metacity-theme-2.xml")); return; } if (!check_version (context, version, &satisfied, &element_required, error)) return; /* Two different ways of handling an unsatisfied version check: * for the toplevel element of a file, we throw an error back so * that the controlling code can go ahead and look for an * alternate metacity-theme-1.xml or metacity-theme-2.xml; for * other elements we just silently skip the element and children. */ if (peek_state (info) == STATE_START) { if (satisfied) { if (element_required > info->format_version) info->format_version = element_required; } else { set_error (error, context, THEME_PARSE_ERROR, THEME_PARSE_ERROR_TOO_OLD, _("Theme requires version %s but latest supported theme version is %d.%d"), version, THEME_VERSION, THEME_MINOR_VERSION); return; } } else if (!satisfied) { info->skip_level = 1; return; } if (element_required > required_version) required_version = element_required; } push_required_version (info, required_version); switch (peek_state (info)) { case STATE_START: if (strcmp (element_name, "metacity_theme") == 0) { info->theme = meta_theme_new (); info->theme->name = g_strdup (info->theme_name); info->theme->filename = g_strdup (info->theme_file); info->theme->dirname = g_strdup (info->theme_dir); info->theme->format_version = info->format_version; push_state (info, STATE_THEME); } else set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Outermost element in theme must be <metacity_theme> not <%s>"), element_name); break; case STATE_THEME: parse_toplevel_element (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, info, error); break; case STATE_INFO: parse_info_element (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, info, error); break; case STATE_NAME: case STATE_AUTHOR: case STATE_COPYRIGHT: case STATE_DATE: case STATE_DESCRIPTION: set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed inside a name/author/date/description element"), element_name); break; case STATE_CONSTANT: set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed inside a <constant> element"), element_name); break; case STATE_FRAME_GEOMETRY: parse_geometry_element (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, info, error); break; case STATE_DISTANCE: case STATE_BORDER: case STATE_ASPECT_RATIO: set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed inside a distance/border/aspect_ratio element"), element_name); break; case STATE_DRAW_OPS: parse_draw_op_element (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, info, error); break; case STATE_LINE: case STATE_RECTANGLE: case STATE_ARC: case STATE_CLIP: case STATE_TINT: case STATE_IMAGE: case STATE_GTK_ARROW: case STATE_GTK_BOX: case STATE_GTK_VLINE: case STATE_ICON: case STATE_TITLE: case STATE_INCLUDE: case STATE_TILE: set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed inside a draw operation element"), element_name); break; case STATE_GRADIENT: parse_gradient_element (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, info, error); break; case STATE_COLOR: set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed inside a <%s> element"), element_name, "color"); break; case STATE_FRAME_STYLE: parse_style_element (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, info, error); break; case STATE_PIECE: parse_piece_element (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, info, error); break; case STATE_BUTTON: parse_button_element (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, info, error); break; case STATE_SHADOW: parse_shadow_element (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, info, error); break; case STATE_PADDING: parse_padding_element (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, info, error); break; case STATE_MENU_ICON: parse_menu_icon_element (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, info, error); break; case STATE_FRAME_STYLE_SET: parse_style_set_element (context, element_name, attribute_names, attribute_values, info, error); break; case STATE_FRAME: set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed inside a <%s> element"), element_name, "frame"); break; case STATE_WINDOW: set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed inside a <%s> element"), element_name, "window"); break; case STATE_FALLBACK: set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("Element <%s> is not allowed inside a <%s> element"), element_name, "fallback"); break; } } static void end_element_handler (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *element_name, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { ParseInfo *info = user_data; if (info->skip_level > 0) { info->skip_level--; return; } switch (peek_state (info)) { case STATE_START: break; case STATE_THEME: g_assert (info->theme); if (!meta_theme_validate (info->theme, error)) { add_context_to_error (error, context); meta_theme_free (info->theme); info->theme = NULL; } pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_START); break; case STATE_INFO: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_THEME); break; case STATE_NAME: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_INFO); break; case STATE_AUTHOR: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_INFO); break; case STATE_COPYRIGHT: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_INFO); break; case STATE_DATE: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_INFO); break; case STATE_DESCRIPTION: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_INFO); break; case STATE_CONSTANT: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_THEME); break; case STATE_FRAME_GEOMETRY: g_assert (info->layout); if (!meta_frame_layout_validate (info->layout, error)) { add_context_to_error (error, context); } /* layout will already be stored in the theme under * its name */ meta_frame_layout_unref (info->layout); info->layout = NULL; pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_THEME); break; case STATE_DISTANCE: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_FRAME_GEOMETRY); break; case STATE_BORDER: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_FRAME_GEOMETRY); break; case STATE_ASPECT_RATIO: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_FRAME_GEOMETRY); break; case STATE_DRAW_OPS: { g_assert (info->op_list); if (!meta_draw_op_list_validate (info->op_list, error)) { add_context_to_error (error, context); meta_draw_op_list_unref (info->op_list); info->op_list = NULL; } pop_state (info); switch (peek_state (info)) { case STATE_BUTTON: case STATE_PIECE: case STATE_MENU_ICON: /* Leave info->op_list to be picked up * when these elements are closed */ g_assert (info->op_list); break; case STATE_THEME: g_assert (info->op_list); meta_draw_op_list_unref (info->op_list); info->op_list = NULL; break; default: /* Op list can't occur in other contexts */ g_assert_not_reached (); break; } } break; case STATE_LINE: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_DRAW_OPS); break; case STATE_RECTANGLE: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_DRAW_OPS); break; case STATE_ARC: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_DRAW_OPS); break; case STATE_CLIP: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_DRAW_OPS); break; case STATE_TINT: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_DRAW_OPS); break; case STATE_GRADIENT: g_assert (info->op); g_assert (info->op->type == META_DRAW_GRADIENT); if (!meta_gradient_spec_validate (info->op->data.gradient.gradient_spec, error)) { add_context_to_error (error, context); meta_draw_op_free (info->op); info->op = NULL; } else { g_assert (info->op_list); meta_draw_op_list_append (info->op_list, info->op); info->op = NULL; } pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_DRAW_OPS); break; case STATE_IMAGE: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_DRAW_OPS); break; case STATE_GTK_ARROW: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_DRAW_OPS); break; case STATE_GTK_BOX: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_DRAW_OPS); break; case STATE_GTK_VLINE: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_DRAW_OPS); break; case STATE_ICON: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_DRAW_OPS); break; case STATE_TITLE: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_DRAW_OPS); break; case STATE_INCLUDE: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_DRAW_OPS); break; case STATE_TILE: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_DRAW_OPS); break; case STATE_COLOR: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_GRADIENT); break; case STATE_FRAME_STYLE: g_assert (info->style); if (!meta_frame_style_validate (info->style, peek_required_version (info), error)) { add_context_to_error (error, context); } /* Frame style is in the theme hash table and a ref * is held there */ meta_frame_style_unref (info->style); info->style = NULL; pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_THEME); break; case STATE_PIECE: g_assert (info->style); if (info->op_list == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("No draw_ops provided for frame piece")); } else { info->style->pieces[info->piece] = info->op_list; info->op_list = NULL; } pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_FRAME_STYLE); break; case STATE_BUTTON: g_assert (info->style); if (info->op_list == NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("No draw_ops provided for button")); } else { info->style->buttons[info->button_type][info->button_state] = info->op_list; info->op_list = NULL; } pop_state (info); break; case STATE_SHADOW: g_assert (info->style); pop_state (info); break; case STATE_PADDING: g_assert (info->style); pop_state (info); break; case STATE_MENU_ICON: g_assert (info->theme); if (info->op_list != NULL) { meta_draw_op_list_unref (info->op_list); info->op_list = NULL; } pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_THEME); break; case STATE_FRAME_STYLE_SET: g_assert (info->style_set); if (!meta_frame_style_set_validate (info->style_set, error)) { add_context_to_error (error, context); } /* Style set is in the theme hash table and a reference * is held there. */ meta_frame_style_set_unref (info->style_set); info->style_set = NULL; pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_THEME); break; case STATE_FRAME: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_FRAME_STYLE_SET); break; case STATE_WINDOW: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_THEME); break; case STATE_FALLBACK: pop_state (info); g_assert (peek_state (info) == STATE_THEME); break; } pop_required_version (info); } #define NO_TEXT(element_name) set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("No text is allowed inside element <%s>"), element_name) static gboolean all_whitespace (const char *text, int text_len) { const char *p; const char *end; p = text; end = text + text_len; while (p != end) { if (!g_ascii_isspace (*p)) return FALSE; p = g_utf8_next_char (p); } return TRUE; } static void text_handler (GMarkupParseContext *context, const gchar *text, gsize text_len, gpointer user_data, GError **error) { ParseInfo *info = user_data; if (info->skip_level > 0) return; if (all_whitespace (text, text_len)) return; /* FIXME http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70448 would * allow a nice cleanup here. */ switch (peek_state (info)) { case STATE_START: g_assert_not_reached (); /* gmarkup shouldn't do this */ break; case STATE_THEME: NO_TEXT ("metacity_theme"); break; case STATE_INFO: NO_TEXT ("info"); break; case STATE_NAME: if (info->theme->readable_name != NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("<%s> specified twice for this theme"), "name"); return; } info->theme->readable_name = g_strndup (text, text_len); break; case STATE_AUTHOR: if (info->theme->author != NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("<%s> specified twice for this theme"), "author"); return; } info->theme->author = g_strndup (text, text_len); break; case STATE_COPYRIGHT: if (info->theme->copyright != NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("<%s> specified twice for this theme"), "copyright"); return; } info->theme->copyright = g_strndup (text, text_len); break; case STATE_DATE: if (info->theme->date != NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("<%s> specified twice for this theme"), "date"); return; } info->theme->date = g_strndup (text, text_len); break; case STATE_DESCRIPTION: if (info->theme->description != NULL) { set_error (error, context, G_MARKUP_ERROR, G_MARKUP_ERROR_PARSE, _("<%s> specified twice for this theme"), "description"); return; } info->theme->description = g_strndup (text, text_len); break; case STATE_CONSTANT: NO_TEXT ("constant"); break; case STATE_FRAME_GEOMETRY: NO_TEXT ("frame_geometry"); break; case STATE_DISTANCE: NO_TEXT ("distance"); break; case STATE_BORDER: NO_TEXT ("border"); break; case STATE_ASPECT_RATIO: NO_TEXT ("aspect_ratio"); break; case STATE_DRAW_OPS: NO_TEXT ("draw_ops"); break; case STATE_LINE: NO_TEXT ("line"); break; case STATE_RECTANGLE: NO_TEXT ("rectangle"); break; case STATE_ARC: NO_TEXT ("arc"); break; case STATE_CLIP: NO_TEXT ("clip"); break; case STATE_TINT: NO_TEXT ("tint"); break; case STATE_GRADIENT: NO_TEXT ("gradient"); break; case STATE_IMAGE: NO_TEXT ("image"); break; case STATE_GTK_ARROW: NO_TEXT ("gtk_arrow"); break; case STATE_GTK_BOX: NO_TEXT ("gtk_box"); break; case STATE_GTK_VLINE: NO_TEXT ("gtk_vline"); break; case STATE_ICON: NO_TEXT ("icon"); break; case STATE_TITLE: NO_TEXT ("title"); break; case STATE_INCLUDE: NO_TEXT ("include"); break; case STATE_TILE: NO_TEXT ("tile"); break; case STATE_COLOR: NO_TEXT ("color"); break; case STATE_FRAME_STYLE: NO_TEXT ("frame_style"); break; case STATE_PIECE: NO_TEXT ("piece"); break; case STATE_BUTTON: NO_TEXT ("button"); break; case STATE_SHADOW: NO_TEXT ("shadow"); break; case STATE_PADDING: NO_TEXT ("padding"); break; case STATE_MENU_ICON: NO_TEXT ("menu_icon"); break; case STATE_FRAME_STYLE_SET: NO_TEXT ("frame_style_set"); break; case STATE_FRAME: NO_TEXT ("frame"); break; case STATE_WINDOW: NO_TEXT ("window"); break; case STATE_FALLBACK: NO_TEXT ("fallback"); break; } } /* If the theme is not-corrupt, keep looking for alternate versions * in other locations we might be compatible with */ static gboolean theme_error_is_fatal (GError *error) { return !(error->domain == G_FILE_ERROR || (error->domain == THEME_PARSE_ERROR && error->code == THEME_PARSE_ERROR_TOO_OLD)); } static MetaTheme* load_theme (const char *theme_dir, const char *theme_name, guint major_version, GError **error) { GMarkupParseContext *context; ParseInfo info; char *text; gsize length; char *theme_filename; char *theme_file; MetaTheme *retval; g_return_val_if_fail (error && *error == NULL, NULL); text = NULL; retval = NULL; context = NULL; theme_filename = g_strdup_printf (MARCO_THEME_FILENAME_FORMAT, major_version); theme_file = g_build_filename (theme_dir, theme_filename, NULL); if (!g_file_get_contents (theme_file, &text, &length, error)) goto out; meta_topic (META_DEBUG_THEMES, "Parsing theme file %s\n", theme_file); parse_info_init (&info); info.theme_name = theme_name; info.theme_file = theme_file; info.theme_dir = theme_dir; info.format_version = 1000 * major_version; context = g_markup_parse_context_new (&marco_theme_parser, 0, &info, NULL); if (!g_markup_parse_context_parse (context, text, length, error)) goto out; if (!g_markup_parse_context_end_parse (context, error)) goto out; retval = info.theme; info.theme = NULL; out: if (*error && !theme_error_is_fatal (*error)) meta_topic (META_DEBUG_THEMES, "Failed to read theme from file %s: %s\n", theme_file, (*error)->message); g_free (theme_filename); g_free (theme_file); g_free (text); if (context) { g_markup_parse_context_free (context); parse_info_free (&info); } return retval; } static gboolean keep_trying (GError **error) { if (*error && !theme_error_is_fatal (*error)) { g_clear_error (error); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } MetaTheme* meta_theme_load (const char *theme_name, GError **err) { GError *error = NULL; char *theme_dir; MetaTheme *retval; const gchar* const* xdg_data_dirs; int major_version; int i; retval = NULL; if (meta_is_debugging ()) { /* We try all supported major versions from current to oldest */ for (major_version = THEME_MAJOR_VERSION; (major_version > 0); major_version--) { theme_dir = g_build_filename ("./themes", theme_name, NULL); retval = load_theme (theme_dir, theme_name, major_version, &error); if (!keep_trying (&error)) goto out; } } /* We try all supported major versions from current to oldest */ for (major_version = THEME_MAJOR_VERSION; (major_version > 0); major_version--) { /* We try first in home dir, XDG_USER_DATA_DIR, XDG_DATA_DIRS, * then system dir for themes */ /* Try home dir for themes */ theme_dir = g_build_filename (g_get_home_dir (), ".themes", theme_name, THEME_SUBDIR, NULL); retval = load_theme (theme_dir, theme_name, major_version, &error); g_free (theme_dir); if (!keep_trying (&error)) goto out; /* Try XDG_USER_DATA_DIR second */ theme_dir = g_build_filename (g_get_user_data_dir(), "themes", theme_name, THEME_SUBDIR, NULL); retval = load_theme (theme_dir, theme_name, major_version, &error); g_free (theme_dir); if (!keep_trying (&error)) goto out; /* Try each XDG_DATA_DIRS for theme */ xdg_data_dirs = g_get_system_data_dirs(); for(i = 0; xdg_data_dirs[i] != NULL; i++) { theme_dir = g_build_filename (xdg_data_dirs[i], "themes", theme_name, THEME_SUBDIR, NULL); retval = load_theme (theme_dir, theme_name, major_version, &error); g_free (theme_dir); if (!keep_trying (&error)) goto out; } /* Look for themes in MARCO_DATADIR */ theme_dir = g_build_filename (MARCO_DATADIR, "themes", theme_name, THEME_SUBDIR, NULL); retval = load_theme (theme_dir, theme_name, major_version, &error); g_free (theme_dir); if (!keep_trying (&error)) goto out; } out: if (!error && !retval) g_set_error (&error, META_THEME_ERROR, META_THEME_ERROR_FAILED, _("Failed to find a valid file for theme %s\n"), theme_name); if (error) { g_propagate_error (err, error); } return retval; }