
        <locale name="C">
          <short>Red value level</short>
          <long>The battery level below which the battery is displayed as red. Also the value at which the low battery warning is displayed.</long>
	<locale name="C">
	  <short>Warn on low time rather than low percentage</short>
	  <long>Use the value defined in red_value as a time remaining to show the warning dialog rather than a percentage.</long>

        <locale name="C">
	  <short>Low Battery Notification</short>
          <long>Notify user when the battery is low.</long>

        <locale name="C">
	  <short>Full Battery Notification</short>
          <long>Notify user when the battery is full.</long>

        <locale name="C">
	  <short>Beep for warnings</short>
          <long>Beep when displaying a warning.</long>
        <locale name="C">
	  <short>Drain from top</short>
          <long>Show the battery meter draining from the top of the battery. Only implemented for traditional battery view.</long>

        <locale name="C">
	  <short>Upright (small) battery</short>
          <long>Show the upright, smaller battery on the panel.</long>

        <locale name="C">
	  <short>Show the horizontal battery</short>
          <long>Show the traditional, horizontal battery on the panel.</long>

        <locale name="C">
	  <short>Show the time/percent label</short>
          <long>0 for no label, 1 for percentage and 2 for time remaining.</long>
