/schemas/apps/cpufreq-applet/prefs/cpu cpufreq-applet int 0 CPU to Monitor Set the CPU to monitor. In a single processor system you don't have to change it. /schemas/apps/cpufreq-applet/prefs/show_mode cpufreq-applet int 2 Mode to show cpu usage A 0 value means to show the applet in graphic mode (pixmap only), 1 to show the applet in text mode (not to show the pixmap) and 2 to show the applet in graphic and text mode. /schemas/apps/cpufreq-applet/prefs/show_text_mode cpufreq-applet int 1 The type of text to display (if the text is enabled). A 0 value means to show cpu frequency, 1 to show frequency and units, and 2 to show percentage instead of frequency.