! ! This is an `xmodmap' input file for Apple Extended II (MkLinux; German) keyboards. ! Automatically generated on Mon Oct 19 17:28:33 1998 by root with ! XKeyCaps 2.37; Copyright (c) 1997 Jamie Zawinski . ! http://home.netscape.com/people/jwz/xkeycaps/ ! ! Edited by Bernard Piller ! http://www.bmpsystems.com ! ! This file makes the following changes: ! ! The "Syst.Anfr. F14" key generates Scroll_Lock, and the Mod5 modifier ! The "Pause F15" key generates Pause ! The "" 2" key generates 2 and quotedbl ! The "§ 3" key generates 3 and at ! The "& 6" key generates 6 and ampersand ! The "/ 7" key generates 7 and slash ! The "( 8" key generates 8 and parenleft ! The ") 9" key generates 9 and parenright ! The "= 0" key generates 0 and equal ! The "? ß" key generates asciitilde and question ! The "` '" key generates apostrophe and grave ! The "NumLock" key generates Num_Lock, and the Mod4 modifier ! The "Z" key generates z ! The "Ü" key generates bar and backslash ! The "* +" key generates plus and asterisk ! The "Ö" key generates braceleft and bracketleft ! The "Ä '" key generates braceright and bracketright ! The "' #" key generates numbersign and asciicircum ! The "> <" key generates less and greater ! The "Y" key generates y ! The "; ," key generates comma and semicolon ! The ": ." key generates period and colon ! The "_ -" key generates minus and underscore ! The "Shift" key generates Shift_L, and has no modifiers ! The "Ctrl" key generates Shift_R, and the Shift/Control modifiers ! The "alt" key generates Mode_switch, and the Mod2 modifier ! The "%" key generates Meta_L, and has no modifiers ! The "%" key generates Meta_L, and has no modifiers ! The "alt gr" key generates Mode_switch ! The "Ctrl" key generates Shift_R, and has no modifiers keycode 0x3D = Escape keycode 0x82 = F1 keycode 0x80 = F2 keycode 0x6B = F3 keycode 0x7E = F4 keycode 0x68 = F5 keycode 0x69 = F6 keycode 0x6A = F7 keycode 0x6C = F8 keycode 0x6D = F9 keycode 0x75 = F10 keycode 0x6F = F11 keycode 0x77 = F12 keycode 0x71 = F1 keycode 0x73 = Scroll_Lock keycode 0x79 = Pause keycode 0x12 = NoSymbol keycode 0x1A = 1 exclam keycode 0x1B = 2 quotedbl keycode 0x1C = 3 at keycode 0x1D = 4 dollar keycode 0x1F = 5 percent keycode 0x1E = 6 ampersand keycode 0x22 = 7 slash keycode 0x24 = 8 parenleft keycode 0x21 = 9 parenright keycode 0x25 = 0 equal keycode 0x23 = asciitilde question keycode 0x20 = apostrophe grave keycode 0x3B = BackSpace keycode 0x7A = Insert keycode 0x7B = Home keycode 0x7C = Prior keycode 0x4F = Num_Lock keycode 0x59 = KP_Equal keycode 0x53 = KP_Divide keycode 0x4B = KP_Multiply keycode 0x38 = Tab keycode 0x14 = q keycode 0x15 = w keycode 0x16 = e keycode 0x17 = r keycode 0x19 = t keycode 0x18 = z keycode 0x28 = u keycode 0x2A = i keycode 0x27 = o keycode 0x2B = p keycode 0x29 = bar backslash keycode 0x26 = plus asterisk keycode 0x2C = Return keycode 0x7D = Delete keycode 0x7F = End keycode 0x81 = Next keycode 0x61 = KP_7 keycode 0x63 = KP_8 keycode 0x64 = KP_9 keycode 0x56 = KP_Subtract keycode 0x41 = Caps_Lock keycode 0x08 = a keycode 0x09 = s keycode 0x0A = d keycode 0x0B = f keycode 0x0D = g keycode 0x0C = h keycode 0x2E = j keycode 0x30 = k keycode 0x2D = l keycode 0x31 = braceleft bracketleft keycode 0x2F = braceright bracketright keycode 0x32 = numbersign asciicircum keycode 0x5E = KP_4 keycode 0x5F = KP_5 keycode 0x60 = KP_6 keycode 0x4D = KP_Add keycode 0x40 = Shift_L keycode 0x3A = less greater keycode 0x0E = y keycode 0x0F = x keycode 0x10 = c keycode 0x11 = v keycode 0x13 = b keycode 0x35 = n keycode 0x36 = m keycode 0x33 = comma semicolon keycode 0x37 = period colon keycode 0x34 = minus underscore keycode 0x40 = Shift_L keycode 0x46 = Up keycode 0x5B = KP_1 keycode 0x5C = KP_2 keycode 0x5D = KP_3 keycode 0x54 = KP_Enter keycode 0x3E = Shift_R keycode 0x42 = Mode_switch keycode 0x3F = Meta_L keycode 0x39 = space keycode 0x3F = Meta_L keycode 0x42 = Mode_switch keycode 0x3E = Shift_R keycode 0x43 = Left keycode 0x45 = Down keycode 0x44 = Right keycode 0x5A = KP_0 keycode 0x49 = KP_Decimal clear Shift clear Lock clear Control clear Mod1 clear Mod2 clear Mod3 clear Mod4 clear Mod5 add Shift = Shift_L Shift_R Shift_R add Lock = Caps_Lock add Control = Shift_R Shift_R Control_R add Mod2 = Mode_switch add Mod4 = Num_Lock add Mod5 = Scroll_Lock