#!/usr/bin/env python # import gobject import gtk, mateapplet import getopt, sys from os.path import * # Allow to use uninstalled def _check(path): return exists(path) and isdir(path) and isfile(path+"/Makefile.am") name = join(dirname(__file__), '..') if _check(name): print 'Running uninstalled invest, modifying PYTHONPATH' sys.path.insert(0, abspath(name)) else: sys.path.insert(0, abspath("@PYTHONDIR@")) # Now the path is set, import our applet import mate-invest, mate-invest.applet, mate-invest.defs, mate-invest.help # Prepare i18n import gettext, locale gettext.bindtextdomain(mate-invest.defs.GETTEXT_PACKAGE, mate-invest.defs.MATELOCALEDIR) gettext.textdomain(mate-invest.defs.GETTEXT_PACKAGE) locale.bindtextdomain(mate-invest.defs.GETTEXT_PACKAGE, mate-invest.defs.MATELOCALEDIR) locale.textdomain(mate-invest.defs.GETTEXT_PACKAGE) from gettext import gettext as _ def applet_factory(applet, iid): mate-invest.debug('Starting invest instance: %s %s'% ( applet, iid )) mate-invest.applet.InvestApplet(applet) return True # Return a standalone window that holds the applet def build_window(): app = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL) app.set_title(_("Invest Applet")) app.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit) app.set_property('resizable', False) applet = mateapplet.Applet() applet_factory(applet, None) applet.reparent(app) app.show_all() return app def usage(): print """=== Invest applet: Usage $ invest-applet [OPTIONS] OPTIONS: -h, --help Print this help notice. -d, --debug Enable debug output (default=off). -w, --window Launch the applet in a standalone window for test purposes (default=no). """ sys.exit() if __name__ == "__main__": standalone = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hdw", ["help", "debug", "window"]) except getopt.GetoptError: # Unknown args were passed, we fallback to bahave as if # no options were passed opts = [] args = sys.argv[1:] for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): usage() elif o in ("-d", "--debug"): mate-invest.DEBUGGING = True mate-invest.debug("Debugging enabled") # these messages cannot be turned by mate-invest.DEBUGGING at their originating location, # because that variable was set here to be True mate-invest.debug("Data Dir: %s" % mate-invest.SHARED_DATA_DIR) mate-invest.debug("Detected PROXY: %s" % mate-invest.PROXY) elif o in ("-w", "--window"): standalone = True if standalone: build_window() gtk.main() else: mateapplet.matecomponent_factory( "OAFIID:Invest_Applet_Factory", mateapplet.Applet.__gtype__, mate-invest.defs.PACKAGE, mate-invest.defs.VERSION, applet_factory)