from os.path import join, getmtime from mate_invest.defs import GTK_API_VERSION import gi gi.require_version("Gtk", GTK_API_VERSION) from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GdkPixbuf from gi.repository import GObject from gettext import gettext as _ import csv import locale from urllib import urlopen import datetime from threading import Thread import mate_invest, mate_invest.about, mate_invest.chart import currencies CHUNK_SIZE = 512*1024 # 512 kB AUTOREFRESH_TIMEOUT = 15*60*1000 # 15 minutes QUOTES_URL="" # Sample (09/2/2010): "UCG.MI","UNICREDIT","EUR","UCG.MI",1.9410,"2/9/2010","6:10am",+0.0210,1.9080,1.9810,1.8920,166691232 QUOTES_CSV_FIELDS=["ticker", "label", "currency", ("trade", float), "date", "time", ("variation", float), ("open", float), ("high", float), ("low", float), ("volume", int)] # based on class _IdleObject(GObject.GObject): """ Override GObject.GObject to always emit signals in the main thread by emmitting on an idle handler """ def __init__(self): GObject.GObject.__init__(self) def emit(self, *args): GObject.idle_add(GObject.GObject.emit,self,*args) class QuotesRetriever(Thread, _IdleObject): """ Thread which uses gobject signals to return information to the GUI. """ __gsignals__ = { "completed": ( GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, []), # FIXME: We don't monitor progress, yet ... #"progress": ( # GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, None, [ # GObject.TYPE_FLOAT]) #percent complete } def __init__(self, tickers): Thread.__init__(self) _IdleObject.__init__(self) self.tickers = tickers self.retrieved = False = [] self.currencies = [] invest.debug("QuotesRetriever created"); def run(self): invest.debug("QuotesRetriever started"); quotes_url = QUOTES_URL % {"s": self.tickers} try: quotes_file = urlopen(quotes_url, proxies = mate_invest.PROXY) = () quotes_file.close () except Exception, msg: mate_invest.debug("Error while retrieving quotes data (url = %s): %s" % (quotes_url, msg)) else: self.retrieved = True self.emit("completed") class QuoteUpdater(Gtk.ListStore): updated = False last_updated = None quotes_valid = False timeout_id = None SYMBOL, LABEL, CURRENCY, TICKER_ONLY, BALANCE, BALANCE_PCT, VALUE, VARIATION_PCT, PB = range(9) def __init__ (self, change_icon_callback, set_tooltip_callback): Gtk.ListStore.__init__ (self, GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_STRING, bool, float, float, float, float, GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf) self.set_update_interval(AUTOREFRESH_TIMEOUT) self.change_icon_callback = change_icon_callback self.set_tooltip_callback = set_tooltip_callback self.set_sort_column_id(1, Gtk.SortType.ASCENDING) self.load() # read the last cached quotes file self.refresh() # download a new quotes file, this may fail if disconnected # tell the network manager to notify me when network status changes mate_invest.nm.set_statechange_callback(self.nm_state_changed) # loads the cached csv file and its last-modification-time as self.last_updated def load(self): invest.debug("Loading quotes"); try: f = open(invest.QUOTES_FILE, 'r') data = f.readlines() f.close() self.populate(self.parse_yahoo_csv(csv.reader(data))) self.updated = True self.last_updated = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(getmtime(invest.QUOTES_FILE)) self.update_tooltip() except Exception, msg: invest.error("Could not load the cached quotes file %s: %s" % (invest.QUOTES_FILE, msg) ) # stores the csv content on disk so it can be used on next start up def save(self, data): invest.debug("Storing quotes") try: f = open(invest.QUOTES_FILE, 'w') f.write(data) f.close() except Exception, msg: invest.error("Could not save the retrieved quotes file to %s: %s" % (invest.QUOTES_FILE, msg) ) def set_update_interval(self, interval): if self.timeout_id != None: mate_invest.debug("Canceling refresh timer") GObject.source_remove(self.timeout_id) self.timeout_id = None if interval > 0: mate_invest.debug("Setting refresh timer to %s:%02d.%03d" % ( interval / 60000, interval % 60000 / 1000, interval % 1000) ) self.timeout_id = GObject.timeout_add(interval, self.refresh) def nm_state_changed(self): # when nm is online but we do not have an update timer, create it and refresh if if self.timeout_id == None: self.set_update_interval(AUTOREFRESH_TIMEOUT) self.refresh() def refresh(self): mate_invest.debug("Refreshing") # when nm tells me I am offline, stop the update interval if mate_invest.nm.offline(): mate_invest.debug("We are offline, stopping update timer") self.set_update_interval(0) return False if len(mate_invest.STOCKS) == 0: invest.debug("No stocks configured") return True tickers = '+'.join(mate_invest.STOCKS.keys()) invest.debug("creating QuotesRetriever") quotes_retriever = QuotesRetriever(tickers) quotes_retriever.connect("completed", self.on_retriever_completed) invest.debug("starting QuotesRetriever") quotes_retriever.start() invest.debug("started QuotesRetriever") return True # locale-aware formatting of the percent float (decimal point, thousand grouping point) with 2 decimal digits def format_percent(self, value): return locale.format("%+.2f", value, True) + "%" # locale-aware formatting of the float value (decimal point, thousand grouping point) with sign and 2 decimal digits def format_difference(self, value): return locale.format("%+.2f", value, True, True) def on_retriever_completed(self, retriever): if retriever.retrieved == False: invest.debug("QuotesRetriever failed"); self.update_tooltip(_('Invest could not connect to Yahoo! Finance')) else: invest.debug("QuotesRetriever completed"); # cache the retrieved csv file # load the cache and parse it self.load() def on_currency_retriever_completed(self, retriever): if retriever.retrieved == False: mate_invest.error("Failed to retrieve currency rates!") else: self.convert_currencies(self.parse_yahoo_csv(csv.reader( self.update_tooltip() def update_tooltip(self, msg = None): tooltip = [] if self.quotes_count > 0: # Translators: This is share-market jargon. It is the average percentage change of all stock prices. The %s gets replaced with the string value of the change (localized), including the percent sign. tooltip.append(_('Average change: %s') % self.format_percent(self.avg_quotes_change)) for currency, stats in self.statistics.items(): # get the statsitics balance = stats["balance"] paid = stats["paid"] change = self.format_percent(balance / paid * 100) balance = self.format_difference(balance) # Translators: This is share-market jargon. It refers to the total difference between the current price and purchase price for all the shares put together for a particular currency. i.e. How much money would be earned if they were sold right now. The first string is the change value, the second the currency, and the third value is the percentage of the change, formatted using user's locale. tooltip.append(_('Positions balance: %s %s (%s)') % (balance, currency, change)) if self.last_updated != None: tooltip.append(_('Updated at %s') % self.last_updated.strftime("%H:%M")) if msg != None: tooltip.append(msg) self.set_tooltip_callback('\n'.join(tooltip)) def parse_yahoo_csv(self, csvreader): result = {} for fields in csvreader: if len(fields) == 0: continue result[fields[0]] = {} for i, field in enumerate(QUOTES_CSV_FIELDS): if type(field) == tuple: try: result[fields[0]][field[0]] = field[1](fields[i]) except: result[fields[0]][field[0]] = 0 else: result[fields[0]][field] = fields[i] # calculated fields try: result[fields[0]]['variation_pct'] = result[fields[0]]['variation'] / float(result[fields[0]]['trade'] - result[fields[0]]['variation']) * 100 except ZeroDivisionError: result[fields[0]]['variation_pct'] = 0 return result # Computes the balance of the given purchases using a certain current value # and optionally a current exchange rate. def balance(self, purchases, value, currentrate=None): current = 0 paid = 0 for purchase in purchases: if purchase["amount"] != 0: buyrate = purchase["exchange"] # if the buy rate is invalid, use 1.0 if buyrate <= 0: buyrate = 1.0 # if no current rate is given, ignore buy rate if currentrate == None: buyrate = 1.0 rate = 1.0 else: # otherwise, take use buy rate and current rate to compute the balance rate = currentrate # current value is the current rate * amount * value current += rate * purchase["amount"] * value # paid is buy rate * ( amount * price + commission ) paid += buyrate * (purchase["amount"] * purchase["bought"] + purchase["comission"]) balance = current - paid if paid != 0: change = 100*balance/paid else: change = 100 # Not technically correct, but it will look more intuitive than the real result of infinity. return (balance, change) def populate(self, quotes): if (len(quotes) == 0): return self.clear() self.currencies = [] try: quote_items = quotes.items () quote_items.sort () quotes_change = 0 self.quotes_count = 0 self.statistics = {} for ticker, val in quote_items: pb = None # get the label of this stock for later reuse label = mate_invest.STOCKS[ticker]["label"] if len(label) == 0: if len(val["label"]) != 0: label = val["label"] else: label = ticker # make sure the currency field is upper case val["currency"] = val["currency"].upper(); # the currency of currency conversion rates like EURUSD=X is wrong in csv # this can be fixed easily by reusing the latter currency in the symbol if len(ticker) == 8 and ticker.endswith("=X"): val["currency"] = ticker[3:6] # indices should not have a currency, though yahoo says so if ticker.startswith("^"): val["currency"] = "" # sometimes, funny currencies are returned (special characters), only consider known currencies if len(val["currency"]) > 0 and val["currency"] not in currencies.Currencies.currencies: mate_invest.debug("Currency '%s' is not known, dropping" % val["currency"]) val["currency"] = "" # if this is a currency not yet seen and different from the target currency, memorize it if val["currency"] not in self.currencies and len(val["currency"]) > 0: self.currencies.append(val["currency"]) # Check whether the symbol is a simple quote, or a portfolio value is_simple_quote = True for purchase in mate_invest.STOCKS[ticker]["purchases"]: if purchase["amount"] != 0: is_simple_quote = False break if is_simple_quote: row = self.insert(0, [ticker, label, val["currency"], True, 0.0, 0.0, val["trade"], val["variation_pct"], pb]) else: (balance, change) = self.balance(mate_invest.STOCKS[ticker]["purchases"], val["trade"]) row = self.insert(0, [ticker, label, val["currency"], False, float(balance), float(change), val["trade"], val["variation_pct"], pb]) self.add_balance_change(balance, change, val["currency"]) if len(ticker.split('.')) == 2: url = '' % ticker else: url = '' % ticker image_retriever = mate_invest.chart.ImageRetriever(url) image_retriever.connect("completed", self.set_pb_callback, row) image_retriever.start() quotes_change += val['variation_pct'] self.quotes_count += 1 # we can only compute an avg quote if there are quotes if self.quotes_count > 0: self.avg_quotes_change = quotes_change / float(self.quotes_count) # change icon quotes_change_sign = 0 if self.avg_quotes_change != 0: quotes_change_sign = self.avg_quotes_change / abs(self.avg_quotes_change) self.change_icon_callback(quotes_change_sign) else: self.avg_quotes_change = 0 # mark quotes to finally be valid self.quotes_valid = True except Exception, msg: mate_invest.debug("Failed to populate quotes: %s" % msg) mate_invest.debug(quotes) self.quotes_valid = False # start retrieving currency conversion rates if mate_invest.CONFIG.has_key("currency"): target_currency = mate_invest.CONFIG["currency"] symbols = [] mate_invest.debug("These currencies occur: %s" % self.currencies) for currency in self.currencies: if currency == target_currency: continue mate_invest.debug("%s will be converted to %s" % ( currency, target_currency )) symbol = currency + target_currency + "=X" symbols.append(symbol) if len(symbols) > 0: tickers = '+'.join(symbols) quotes_retriever = QuotesRetriever(tickers) quotes_retriever.connect("completed", self.on_currency_retriever_completed) quotes_retriever.start() def convert_currencies(self, quotes): # if there is no target currency, this method should never have been called if not mate_invest.CONFIG.has_key("currency"): return # reset the overall balance self.statistics = {} # collect the rates for the currencies rates = {} for symbol, data in quotes.items(): currency = symbol[0:3] rate = data["trade"] rates[currency] = rate # convert all non target currencies target_currency = mate_invest.CONFIG["currency"] iter = self.get_iter_first() while iter != None: currency = self.get_value(iter, self.CURRENCY) symbol = self.get_value(iter, self.SYMBOL) # ignore stocks that are currency conversions # and only convert stocks that are not in the target currency # and if we have a conversion rate if not ( len(symbol) == 8 and symbol[6:8] == "=X" ) and \ currency != target_currency and rates.has_key(currency): # first convert the balance, it needs the original value if not self.get_value(iter, self.TICKER_ONLY): ticker = self.get_value(iter, self.SYMBOL) value = self.get_value(iter, self.VALUE) (balance, change) = self.balance(mate_invest.STOCKS[ticker]["purchases"], value, rates[currency]) self.set_value(iter, self.BALANCE, balance) self.set_value(iter, self.BALANCE_PCT, change) self.add_balance_change(balance, change, target_currency) # now, convert the value value = self.get_value(iter, self.VALUE) value *= rates[currency] self.set_value(iter, self.VALUE, value) self.set_value(iter, self.CURRENCY, target_currency) else: # consider non-converted stocks here balance = self.get_value(iter, self.BALANCE) change = self.get_value(iter, self.BALANCE_PCT) self.add_balance_change(balance, change, currency) iter = self.iter_next(iter) def add_balance_change(self, balance, change, currency): if balance == 0 and change == 0: return if self.statistics.has_key(currency): self.statistics[currency]["balance"] += balance self.statistics[currency]["paid"] += balance/change*100 else: self.statistics[currency] = { "balance" : balance, "paid" : balance/change*100 } def set_pb_callback(self, retriever, row): self.set_value(row, self.PB, retriever.image.get_pixbuf()) # check if we have only simple quotes def simple_quotes_only(self): res = True for entry, data in mate_invest.STOCKS.iteritems(): purchases = data["purchases"] for purchase in purchases: if purchase["amount"] != 0: res = False break return res #if Gtk.pygtk_version < (2,8,0): # GObject.type_register(QuoteUpdater)