<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.1.2/docbookx.dtd" [ <!ENTITY appletversion "1.10.2"> <!ENTITY applet "Sticky Notes"> ]> <!-- (Do not remove this comment block.) Maintained by the MATE Documentation Project http://wiki.mate-desktop.org/dev-doc:doc-team-guide Template version: 2.0 beta Template last modified Mar 12, 2002 --> <article id="index" lang="en"> <!-- please do not change the id; for translations, change lang to appropriate code --> <articleinfo> <title>&applet; Manual</title> <abstract role="description"> <para>&applet; enables you to create, view, and manage sticky notes on your desktop.</para> </abstract> <copyright> <year>2015-2021</year> <holder>MATE Documentation Project</holder> </copyright> <copyright> <year>2005</year> <holder>Davyd Madeley</holder> </copyright> <copyright> <year>2004</year> <holder>Shaun McCance</holder> </copyright> <copyright> <year>2004</year> <holder>Angela Boyle</holder> </copyright> <copyright> <year>2003</year> <year>2004</year> <holder>Sun Microsystems</holder> </copyright> <copyright> <year>2003</year> <holder>Loban A Rahman</holder> </copyright> <!-- Translators: uncomment this: <copyright> <year>2002</year> <holder>ME-THE-TRANSLATOR (Latin translation)</holder> </copyright> --> <publisher role="maintainer"> <publishername>MATE Documentation Project</publishername> </publisher> <publisher> <publishername>GNOME Documentation Project</publishername> </publisher> <xi:include href="legal.xml" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"/> <authorgroup> <author> <firstname>MATE Documentation Team</firstname> <surname></surname> <affiliation> <orgname>MATE Desktop</orgname> </affiliation> </author> <author> <firstname>Shaun</firstname> <surname>McCance</surname> <affiliation> <orgname>GNOME Documentation Project</orgname> <address><email>shaunm@gnome.org</email></address> </affiliation> </author> <author> <firstname>Angela</firstname> <surname>Boyle</surname> <affiliation> <address><email>aboyle@aboyle.com</email></address> </affiliation> </author> <author> <firstname>Loban</firstname> <surname>Rahman</surname> <affiliation> <address><email>loban@earthling.net</email></address> </affiliation> </author> <author> <firstname>Davyd</firstname><surname>Madeley</surname> <affiliation> <orgname>GNOME Project</orgname> <address><email>davyd@madeley.id.au</email></address> </affiliation> </author> <!-- This is appropriate place for other contributors: translators, maintainers, etc. Commented out by default. <othercredit role="translator"> <firstname>Latin</firstname> <surname>Translator 1</surname> <affiliation> <orgname>Latin Translation Team</orgname> <address> <email>translator@gnome.org</email> </address> </affiliation> <contrib>Latin translation</contrib> </othercredit> --> </authorgroup> <releaseinfo revision="1.10.2" role="review"/> <revhistory> <revision> <revnumber>&applet; Applet Manual V2.7</revnumber> <date>July 2015</date> <revdescription> <para role="author">MATE Documentation Team</para> <para role="publisher">MATE Documentation Project</para> </revdescription> </revision> <revision> <revnumber>&applet; Applet Manual V2.6</revnumber> <date>September 2005</date> <revdescription> <para role="author">Davyd Madeley</para> </revdescription> </revision> <revision> <revnumber>&applet; Applet Manual V2.5</revnumber> <date>March 2005</date> <revdescription> <para role="author">Davyd Madeley</para> </revdescription> </revision> <revision> <revnumber>&applet; Applet Manual V2.4</revnumber> <date>September 2004</date> <revdescription> <para role="author">Angela Boyle</para> <para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para> </revdescription> </revision> <revision> <revnumber>&applet; Applet Manual V2.3</revnumber> <date>February 2004</date> <revdescription> <para role="author">Sun GNOME Documentation Team</para> <para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para> </revdescription> </revision> <revision> <revnumber>&applet; Applet Manual V2.2</revnumber> <date>November 2003</date> <revdescription> <para role="author">Sun GNOME Documentation Team</para> <para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para> </revdescription> </revision> <revision> <revnumber>&applet; Applet Manual V2.1</revnumber> <date>August 2003</date> <revdescription> <para role="author">Sun GNOME Documentation Team</para> <para role="publisher">GNOME Documentation Project</para> </revdescription> </revision> <revision> <revnumber>&applet; Applet Manual V2.0</revnumber> <date>May 2003</date> <revdescription> <para role="author">Loban A Rahman <email>loban@earthling.net</email></para> <para role="publisher"></para> </revdescription> </revision> </revhistory> <releaseinfo>This manual describes version &appletversion; of &applet;.</releaseinfo> <legalnotice> <title>Feedback</title> <para>To report a bug or make a suggestion regarding the <application>&applet;</application> application or this manual, follow the directions in the <ulink url="help:mate-user-guide/feedback" type="help">MATE Feedback Page</ulink>. </para> </legalnotice> </articleinfo> <indexterm> <primary>Sticky Notes</primary> </indexterm> <sect1 id="stickynotes-introduction"> <title>Introduction</title> <figure id="stickynotes-fig"> <title>&applet;</title> <screenshot> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="figures/stickynotes_applet.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject> <textobject><phrase>Shows Sticky Notes</phrase></textobject> </mediaobject> </screenshot> </figure> <para>The <application>&applet;</application> panel application enables you to create, view, and manage sticky notes on your desktop. You can edit the title, contents, dimensions, and style of sticky notes. When the panel is restarted, for example when you log out and log in again, all sticky notes are saved and reopened in the same position with the same dimensions and style.</para> <sect2 id="stickynotes-introduction-add"> <title>To Add &applet; to a Panel</title> <para> To add <application>&applet;</application> to a panel, perform the following steps: </para> <orderedlist> <listitem> <para> Right-click on the panel. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> Choose <guimenuitem>Add to Panel</guimenuitem>. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> Scroll down the list of items in the <guilabel>Add to Panel</guilabel> dialog, then select <guilabel>&applet;</guilabel>. </para> </listitem> <listitem> <para> Click <guibutton>Add</guibutton>. </para> </listitem> </orderedlist> <para> The layout of the <application>&applet;</application> applet varies depending on the size and type of panel in which the applet resides. </para> </sect2> </sect1> <sect1 id="stickynotes-usage"> <title>Using Sticky Notes</title> <sect2 id="stickynotes-show-hide"> <title>Showing and Hiding Sticky Notes</title> <para> To hide all your notes, either click on the desktop, or right-click the <application>&applet;</application> applet and choose <guimenuitem>Hide Notes</guimenuitem>.</para> <para>To show all your notes, click the <application>&applet;</application> applet.</para> </sect2> <sect2 id="stickynotes-create-note"> <title>Creating a Sticky Note</title> <figure id="stickynotes-using-right-new-fig"> <title>creating a new sticky note</title> <screenshot> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="figures/stickynote-right-menu-new.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject> <textobject><phrase>creating a new sticky note</phrase></textobject> </mediaobject> </screenshot> </figure> <para>You can create a sticky note by right-clicking on the sticky note icon and selecting <guilabel>New Note</guilabel>, or by double-clicking the applet.</para> <para>Creating a note causes all hidden notes to be shown.</para> </sect2> <sect2 id="stickynotes-lock-notes"> <title>Locking and Unlocking Sticky Notes</title> <para>You can lock or unlock all sticky notes at the same time, or you can lock or unlock individual sticky notes. Locking a sticky note prevents you from accidentally changing the contents of the note.</para> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term><phrase>To Lock or Unlock All Sticky Notes</phrase></term> <listitem> <figure id="stickynotes-using-right-lock-fig"> <title>Right Clicking on the Icon</title> <screenshot> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="figures/stickynote-right-menu-lock.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject> <textobject><phrase>Right Clicking on the Icon</phrase></textobject> </mediaobject> </screenshot> </figure> <para>To lock all sticky notes so that the notes cannot be edited, choose <guimenuitem>Lock Notes</guimenuitem> from the icon right-click menu so that there is a check mark next to it. To unlock all sticky notes, choose <guimenuitem>Lock Notes</guimenuitem> from the icon right-click menu again so that there is not a check mark next to it.</para> <para>Note that all panel applications have the <guimenuitem>Lock to Panel</guimenuitem> item in the right-click menu, which locks the position of the panel application on the panel. Do not confuse this with the <guimenuitem>Lock Notes</guimenuitem> item.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><phrase>To Lock or Unlock Individual Sticky Notes</phrase></term> <listitem><para>To lock an individual sticky note, right-click on the title of the note, then choose <guimenuitem>Lock Note</guimenuitem> from the popup menu. To unlock an individual note, right-click on the title of the note, then choose <guimenuitem>Unlock Note</guimenuitem> from the popup menu again. You can also toggle the lock/unlock state of a sticky note by clicking the lock button in the top left corner of the sticky note. </para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </sect2> <sect2 id="stickynotes-delete-notes"> <title>Deleting Sticky Notes</title> <para>You can delete all sticky notes at the same time, or you can delete individual sticky notes.</para> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>To Delete All Sticky Notes</term> <listitem><para>To delete all sticky notes, choose <guimenuitem>Delete Notes</guimenuitem> from the icon right-click menu. A confirmation dialog will appear; click on the <guibutton>Delete All</guibutton> button to confirm the deletion.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>To Delete Individual Sticky Notes</term> <listitem><para>To delete an individual sticky note, right-click on the title of the note, then choose <guimenuitem>Delete Note</guimenuitem> from the popup menu. You can also delete a sticky note by clicking the <guibutton>x</guibutton> in the top right corner. </para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </sect2> <sect2 id="stickynotes-keyboard"> <title>Keyboard navigation</title> <para>Basic keyboard navigation is supported.</para> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term>Creating Sticky notes with the keyboard</term> <listitem><para>Use <shortcut><keycombo><keysym>Ctrl-Alt-Tab</keysym></keycombo></shortcut> to access the MATE panel, then use <shortcut><keysym>Tab</keysym></shortcut> or the <shortcut><keycombo><keysym>Arrow</keysym></keycombo></shortcut> keys to access the Sticky notes applet. Then open its context menu through either <shortcut><keycombo><keysym>Shift-F10</keysym></keycombo></shortcut> or the <shortcut><keysym>Menu</keysym></shortcut> key, and select <guimenuitem><guilabel>New Note</guilabel></guimenuitem>.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term>Accessing Sticky notes with the keyboard</term> <listitem><para>Use <shortcut><keycombo><keysym>Ctrl-Alt-Tab</keysym></keycombo></shortcut> several times to switch between your panels and your existing sticky notes. When a sticky note is focused, you can navigate between the text area and the title bar (where the <guimenuitem><guilabel>Lock</guilabel></guimenuitem> and the <guimenuitem><guilabel>Delete</guilabel></guimenuitem> buttons are located) with the <shortcut><keysym>F6</keysym></shortcut> key.</para> <para>Once in the title bar, use <shortcut><keysym>F10</keysym></shortcut>, <shortcut><keycombo><keysym>Shift-F10</keysym></keycombo></shortcut> or the <shortcut><keysym>Menu</keysym></shortcut> key to open the context menu, which allows to access the individual note’s <guimenuitem><guilabel>Properties</guilabel></guimenuitem> dialog.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </sect2> </sect1> <sect1 id="stickynotes-advanced-settings"> <title>Preferences</title> <figure id="stickynotes-prefs-fig"> <title>&applet; Preferences</title> <screenshot> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="figures/stickynotes-prefs.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject> <textobject><phrase>Shows Sticky Notes preferences</phrase></textobject> </mediaobject> </screenshot> </figure> <sect2 id="stickynotes-size"> <title>Adjusting Size</title> <para>To configure the default size for all sticky notes, right-click on the sticky notes icon, then choose <guimenu>Preferences</guimenu> from the popup menu. The <application>Sticky Notes Preferences</application> dialog is displayed.</para> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Width</guilabel></term> <listitem><para>Use this spin box to specify the default width of new sticky notes, in pixels.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Height</guilabel></term> <listitem><para>Use this spin box to specify the default height of new sticky notes, in pixels.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </sect2> <sect2 id="stickynotes-color"> <title>Changing Color and Font</title> <para>To configure the color and font for all sticky notes, right-click on the icon, then choose <guimenu>Preferences</guimenu> from the popup menu. The <application>Sticky Notes Preferences</application> dialog is displayed.</para> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Font Color</guilabel></term> <listitem> <para> Click on the color selector button to display the color selector dialog. On the color selector dialog, use the color wheel or spin boxes to choose the default font color for stickynotes. </para> <para> If you have selected, <guilabel>Use color from the system theme</guilabel>, then the current theme colors will be used and you will not be able to select new defaults. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Note Color</guilabel></term> <listitem> <para>Click on the color selector button to display the color selector dialog. On the color selector dialog, use the color wheel or spin boxes to choose the default base color for sticky notes.</para> <para>If you have selected, <guilabel>Use color from the system theme</guilabel>, then the current theme colors will be used and you will not able to select new defaults. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Font</guilabel></term> <listitem> <para>Click on the font selector button to display the font selector dialog. On the font selector dialog, use the list boxes to choose the default font for sticky notes.</para> <para> If you have selected, <guilabel>Use font from the system theme</guilabel>, then the current Application Font set in <!-- FIXME: can I cross reference preferences? -->Font Preferences will be used and you will not be able to select new defaults. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </sect2> <sect2 id="stickynotes-behavior"> <title>Customizing Behavior</title> <para>To customize the behavior of <application>&applet;</application>, right-click on the icon, then choose <guimenu>Preferences</guimenu> from the popup menu. The <application>Sticky Notes Preferences</application> dialog is displayed.</para> <para>To specify that sticky notes are visible on all workspaces on the desktop, select <guilabel>Put notes on all workspaces</guilabel> in the <guilabel>Sticky Notes Preferences</guilabel> dialog. If you are using multiple workspaces, this will cause all sticky notes to be visible on all workspaces.</para> <para> The option, <guilabel>Force default color and font on notes</guilabel>, will force all sticky notes on your desktop to use the color and font settings specified in the <guilabel>Default Note Properties</guilabel> above (see <xref linkend="stickynotes-color"/>). </para> </sect2> </sect1> <sect1 id="stickynotes-settings-individual"> <title>Customizing Individual Notes</title> <figure id="stickynotes-note-prefs-fig"> <title>Sticky Note Preferences</title> <screenshot> <mediaobject> <imageobject> <imagedata fileref="figures/stickynotes-note-prefs.png" format="PNG"/> </imageobject> <textobject><phrase>a Sticky Note's preferences</phrase></textobject> </mediaobject> </screenshot> </figure> <para>You can customize the look of each individual sticky note. This can be useful for visually distinguishing different types of notes quickly. To configure the settings for an individual sticky note, right-click on the note's title, then choose <guimenu>Properties</guimenu> from the popup menu. The <application>Sticky Note Properties</application> dialog is displayed.</para> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Title</guilabel></term> <listitem><para>Use this text box to specify the title of the sticky note.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Use default color</guilabel></term> <listitem><para>Select this option to use the default base color for this sticky note. For information on setting the default base color, see <xref linkend="stickynotes-color"/>.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Font Color</guilabel></term> <listitem> <para>Click on the color selector button to display the color selector dialog. On the color selector dialog, use the color wheel or spin boxes to choose the font color for this sticky note.</para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Note Color</guilabel></term> <listitem><para>Click on the color selector button to display the color selector dialog. On the color selector dialog, use the color wheel or spin boxes to choose the base color for this sticky note.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Use default font</guilabel></term> <listitem><para>Select this option to use the default font for this sticky note. For information on setting the default font, see <xref linkend="stickynotes-color"/>.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><guilabel>Font</guilabel></term> <listitem><para>Click on the font selector button to display the font selector dialog. On the font selector dialog, use the list boxes to choose the font for this sticky note.</para></listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </sect1> </article>