# Copyright (C) 2008 Jimmy Do # Copyright (C) 2010 Kenny Meyer # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA try: from xml.etree import ElementTree as et except: from elementtree import ElementTree as et import os from os import path import gobject import gtk import timerapplet.utils as utils from timerapplet.utils import (serialize_bool, deserialize_bool, seconds_to_hms, hms_to_seconds) from timerapplet.defs import VERSION class PersistentStore(gtk.ListStore): def __init__(self, load_func, save_func, *args): gtk.ListStore.__init__(self, *args) load_func(self) self.connect('row-deleted', lambda model, row_path: save_func(self)) self.connect('row-changed', lambda model, row_path, row_iter: save_func(self)) class PresetsStore(gobject.GObject): (_NAME_COL, _HOURS_COL, _MINUTES_COL, _SECONDS_COL, _COM_COL, _NEXT_COL, _AUTO_START_COL) = xrange(7) def __init__(self, filename): object.__init__(self) self._model = PersistentStore(lambda model: PresetsStore._load_presets(model, filename), lambda model: PresetsStore._save_presets(model, filename), gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_INT, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, ) def get_model(self): """Return GtkTreeModel. Should not rely on it being any particular subtype of GtkTreeModel. """ return self._model def get_preset(self, row_iter): return self._model.get(row_iter, PresetsStore._NAME_COL, PresetsStore._HOURS_COL, PresetsStore._MINUTES_COL, PresetsStore._SECONDS_COL, PresetsStore._COM_COL, PresetsStore._NEXT_COL, PresetsStore._AUTO_START_COL, ) def add_preset(self, name, hours, minutes, seconds, command, next_timer, auto_start): self._model.append((name, hours, minutes, seconds, command, next_timer, auto_start)) def modify_preset(self, row_iter, name, hours, minutes, seconds, command, next_timer, auto_start): self._model.set(row_iter, PresetsStore._NAME_COL, name, PresetsStore._HOURS_COL, hours, PresetsStore._MINUTES_COL, minutes, PresetsStore._SECONDS_COL, seconds, PresetsStore._COM_COL, command, PresetsStore._NEXT_COL, next_timer, PresetsStore._AUTO_START_COL, auto_start ) def remove_preset(self, row_iter): self._model.remove(row_iter) def preset_name_exists_case_insensitive(self, preset_name): preset_name = preset_name.lower() for preset in self._model: if preset_name == preset[PresetsStore._NAME_COL].lower(): return True return False def _load_presets(model, file_path): try: tree = et.parse(file_path) except: return root = tree.getroot() for node in root: name = node.get('name') (hours, minutes, seconds) = seconds_to_hms(int(node.get('duration'))) command = node.get('command') next_timer = node.get('next_timer') auto_start = node.get('auto_start') model.append((name, hours, minutes, seconds, command, next_timer, deserialize_bool(auto_start))) _load_presets = staticmethod(_load_presets) def _save_presets(model, file_path): root = et.Element('timerapplet') root.set('version', VERSION) def add_xml_node(model, path, row_iter): (name, hours, minutes, seconds, command, next_timer, auto_start) = \ model.get(row_iter, PresetsStore._NAME_COL, PresetsStore._HOURS_COL, PresetsStore._MINUTES_COL, PresetsStore._SECONDS_COL, PresetsStore._COM_COL, PresetsStore._NEXT_COL, PresetsStore._AUTO_START_COL ) node = et.SubElement(root, 'preset') node.set('name', name) node.set('duration', str(hms_to_seconds(hours, minutes, seconds))) node.set('command', command or '') node.set('next_timer', next_timer or '') node.set('auto_start', serialize_bool(auto_start)) model.foreach(add_xml_node) tree = et.ElementTree(root) file_dir = path.dirname(file_path) if not path.exists(file_dir): print 'Creating config directory: %s' % file_dir os.makedirs(file_dir, 0744) tree.write(file_path) _save_presets = staticmethod(_save_presets)