# Latvian translation for mate-calc.
# Copyright (C) 2012 Viesturs Ružāns, Rūdolfs Mazurs
# This file is distributed under the same license as the mate-calc package.
# Viesturs Ružāns <viesty@exs.lv>, 2012.
# Rūdolfs Mazurs <rudolfs.mazurs@gmail.com>, 2012.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: mate-calc master\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-09-25 11:37+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-15 19:39+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Rūdolfs Mazurs <rudolfs.mazurs@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Latvian <lata-l10n@googlegroups.com>\n"
"Language: lv\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : "
"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.5\n"

#. Put one translator per line, in the form NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
msgctxt "_"
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr "Viesturs Ružāns; viesty@exs.lv; December, 2011."

#: C/index.page:7(credit/name)
msgid "Robert Ancell"
msgstr "Robert Ancell"

#: C/index.page:13(page/title)
msgid "GCalctool Help"
msgstr "GCalctool palīdzība"

#: C/index.page:16(section/title)
msgid "User Interface"
msgstr "Lietotāja saskarne"

#: C/index.page:20(section/title)
msgid "Equations"
msgstr "Vienādojumi"

#: C/index.page:24(section/title)
msgid "Numbers"
msgstr "Skaitļi"

#: C/index.page:28(section/title)
msgid "Conversions"
msgstr "Konversijas"

#: C/index.page:32(section/title)
msgid "Financial Calculations"
msgstr "Finanšu aprēķini"

#: C/absolute.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Absolute Values"
msgstr "Absolūtās vērtības"

#: C/absolute.page:11(page/p)
msgid ""
"Absolute values are calculated using the | symbol or abs <link xref="
msgstr ""
"Absolūto vērtību var aprēķināt, izmantojot | simbolu vai abs <link xref="

#: C/absolute.page:15(example/p)
msgid "|−1|"
msgstr "|−1|"

#: C/absolute.page:18(example/p)
msgid "abs (−1)"
msgstr "abs (−1)"

#: C/base.page:9(page/title) C/conv-base.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Number Bases"
msgstr "Skaitļu bāzes"

#: C/base.page:11(page/p)
msgid ""
"To enter numbers in a particular number base use <link xref=\"superscript"
"\">subscript numbers</link>. The following numbers are equivalent."
msgstr ""
"Lai ievadītu skaitļus noteiktā skaitļu bāzē, izmanto <link xref=\"superscript"
"\">apakšraksta skaitļus</link>. Sekojošie skaitļi ir vienādi."

#: C/base.page:16(example/p)
msgid "1001011₂"
msgstr "1001011₂"

#: C/base.page:19(example/p)
msgid "113₈"
msgstr "113₈"

#: C/base.page:22(example/p)
msgid "75"
msgstr "75"

#: C/base.page:25(example/p)
msgid "4B₁₆"
msgstr "4B₁₆"

#: C/base.page:29(page/p)
msgid ""
"When in <link xref=\"mouse\">programming mode</link> there are buttons for "
"binary (<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>B</key></keyseq>), octal "
"(<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>O</key></keyseq>) and hexadecimal "
msgstr ""
"<link xref=\"mouse\">Programmēšanas režīmā</link>ir pogas binārajam "
"(<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>B</key></keyseq>), oktālajam "
"(<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>O</key></keyseq>) un heksadecimālajam "
"(<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>H</key></keyseq>) režīmam."

#: C/base.page:32(page/p)
msgid ""
"To set the base that results are shown in change the <link xref=\"number-"
"display\">result format</link>."
msgstr ""
"Lai iestatītu bāzi, kādā tiek attēloti rezultāti, pamaini <link xref="
"\"number-display\">rezultātu formātu</link>."

#: C/base.page:35(page/p)
msgid ""
"To change the base of the current result use a base button or "
"<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>D</key></keyseq> to show in decimal form."
msgstr ""
"Lai mainītu bāzi, kurā rezultāts tiek attēlots, izmanto attiecīgo pogu vai "
"<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>D</key></keyseq>, lai rezultātu parādītu "
"decimālā formātā."

#: C/boolean.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Boolean Algebra"
msgstr "Loģiskā algebra"

#: C/boolean.page:11(page/p)
msgid "Boolean algebra can be calculated using the AND, OR and XOR operators."
msgstr ""
"Loģiskajā algebrā aprēķinus veic, izmantojot AND, OR un XOR operatorus."

#: C/boolean.page:15(example/p)
msgid "010011₂ AND 110101₂"
msgstr "010011₂ AND 110101₂"

#: C/boolean.page:19(page/p)
msgid ""
"Buttons for these symbols are available in <link xref=\"mouse\">programming "
msgstr ""
"Šo simbolu pogas ir pieejamas <link xref=\"mouse\">programmēšanas režīmā</"

#: C/boolean.page:22(page/p)
msgid ""
"The NOT <link xref=\"function\">function</link> inverts the bits in a "
"number. The word size is set from the <guiseq><gui>Calculator</"
"gui><gui>Preferences</gui></guiseq> menu."
msgstr ""
"NOT <link xref=\"function\">funkcija</link> apgriež bitus skaitļos. Vārda "
"izmērs var tikt iestatīts <guiseq><gui>Kalkulators</gui><gui>Iestatījumi</"
"gui></guiseq> izvēlnē."

#: C/boolean.page:27(example/p)
msgid "NOT 010011₂"
msgstr "NOT 010011₂"

#: C/complex.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Complex Numbers"
msgstr "Kompleksie skaitļi"

#: C/complex.page:11(page/p)
msgid "Complex numbers are not supported in <app>GCalctool</app>."
msgstr "<app>GCalctool</app> neatbalsta kompleksos skaitļus."

#: C/conv-base.page:11(page/p)
msgid ""
"To convert between number bases enter a number (or solve an equation) and "
"change the <link xref=\"number-display\">result format</link> from the "
"<guiseq><gui>Calculator</gui><gui>Preferences</gui></guiseq> menu."
msgstr ""
"Lai konvertētu skaitļus starp bāzēm, ievadi skaitli (vai atrisini izteiksi) "
"un pamaini <link xref=\"number-display\">rezultāta formātu</link> no "
"<guiseq><gui>Kalkulators</gui><gui>Iestatījumi</gui></guiseq> izvēlnes."

#: C/conv-character.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Character Codes"
msgstr "Rakstzīmju kodi"

#: C/conv-character.page:11(page/p)
msgid ""
"When in <link xref=\"mouse\">programming mode</link> the <gui>á</gui> button "
"opens a dialog to convert characters to character codes."
msgstr ""
"Atrodoties <link xref=\"mouse\">programmēšanas režīmā</link>, <gui>á</gui> "
"poga atvērs logu, lai konvertētu rakstzīmes uz zīmju kodiem."

#: C/conv-character.page:15(note/p)
msgid "Characters cannot be converted using the keyboard."
msgstr "Rakstzīmes nevar konvertēt, izmantojot tastatūru."

#: C/conv-currency.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Valūta"

#: C/conv-currency.page:11(page/p)
msgid ""
"To convert currencies, enter the <link xref=\"financial\">financial mode</"
"link>, and use the currency controls."
msgstr ""
"Lai konvertētu valūtas, izvēlies <link xref=\"financial\">finanšu režīmu</"
"link> un izmanto valūtu vadīklas."

#: C/conv-currency.page:14(page/p)
msgid ""
"You can also convert currencies using the keyboard and the <em>in</em> "
msgstr ""
"Valūtas var arī konvertēt, izmantojot tastatūru un <em>in</em> operatoru."

#: C/conv-currency.page:18(example/p)
msgid "13.65 USD in GBP"
msgstr "13.65 USD in GBP"

#: C/conv-currency.page:23(note/p)
msgid ""
"Currency information is approximate and should not be used for making "
"financial decisions."
msgstr ""
"Valūtu informācija ir aptuvena un to nevajadzētu izmantot finanšu lēmumu "

#: C/conv-length.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Length/Area/Volume"
msgstr "Garums/laukums/tilpums"

#: C/conv-length.page:11(page/p)
msgid ""
"To convert between length, area and volume units use the <em>in</em> "
msgstr ""
"Lai konvertētu garuma, laukuma un tilpuma vienības, izmanto <em>in</em> "

#: C/conv-length.page:15(example/p)
msgid "6 meters in inches"
msgstr "6 meters in inches"

#: C/conv-length.page:18(example/p)
msgid "1 acre in cm²"
msgstr "1 acre in cm²"

#: C/conv-length.page:21(example/p)
msgid "1 pint in mL"
msgstr "1 pint in mL"

#: C/conv-length.page:26(note/p)
msgid "Length/Area/Volume conversions must be performed using the keyboard."
msgstr "Garuma/laukuma/tilpuma konvertēšanu var izpildīt tikai ar tastatūru."

#: C/conv-time.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Laiks"

#: C/conv-time.page:11(page/p)
msgid "To convert between time use the <em>in</em> operator."
msgstr "Lai konvertētu laika vienības, izmanto <em>in</em> operatoru."

#: C/conv-time.page:15(example/p)
msgid "3 years in hours"
msgstr "3 gadi stundās"

#: C/conv-time.page:20(note/p)
msgid "Time conversions must be performed using the keyboard."
msgstr "Laika konvertēšanu jāveic, izmantojot tastatūru."

#: C/conv-weight.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Mass"
msgstr "Masa"

#: C/conv-weight.page:11(page/p)
msgid "To convert between mass use the <em>in</em> operator."
msgstr "Lai konvertētu masas, izmanto <em>in</em> operatoru."

#: C/conv-weight.page:15(example/p)
msgid "1kg in pounds"
msgstr "1kg mārciņās"

#: C/conv-weight.page:20(note/p)
msgid "Mass conversions must be performed using the keyboard."
msgstr "Masas konvertēšanu jāveic, izmantojot tastatūru."

#: C/equation.page:7(info/title)
msgctxt "sort"
msgid "0"
msgstr "0"

#: C/equation.page:11(page/title)
msgid "Basic Equations"
msgstr "Pamata izteiksmes"

#: C/equation.page:13(page/p)
msgid ""
"Equations are entered in standard mathematical form. For example to add 7 "
"and 2 enter the following:"
msgstr ""
"Izteiksmes tiek ievadītas pamata matemātiskā formā, piemēram, lai pie 7 "
"pievienotu 2, ieraksti sekojošo:"

#: C/equation.page:18(example/p)
msgid "7+2"
msgstr "7+2"

#: C/equation.page:22(page/p)
msgid ""
"To solve, press the <gui>=</gui> button with your mouse or the <key>Enter</"
"key> key on your keyboard."
msgstr ""
"Lai atrisinātu, nospied <gui>=</gui> pogu ar savu peli, vai nospied "
"<key>Enter</key> uz tastatūras."

#: C/equation.page:25(page/p)
msgid ""
"Calculations are performed in mathematical order - multiplication and "
"division are performed before addition and subtraction. The following "
"equation solves to 1 (3×2 = 6, 7−6 = 1)."
msgstr ""
"Aprēķini tiek veikti matemātiskā secībā - reizināšana un dalīšana notiek "
"pirms saskaitīšanas un atņemšanas. Sekojošās darbības rezultāts ir 1 (3×2 = "
"6, 7−6 = 1)."

#: C/equation.page:30(example/p)
msgid "7−3×2"
msgstr "7−3×2"

#: C/equation.page:34(page/p)
msgid ""
"To change the order of calculation use parenthesis. The following equation "
"solves to 8 (7−3 = 4, 4×2 = 8)."
msgstr ""
"Lai mainītu rēķināšanas kartību, izmanto iekavas. Sekojošās darbības "
"atrisinājums ir 8 (7−3 = 4, 4×2 = 8)."

#: C/equation.page:39(example/p)
msgid "(7−3)×2"
msgstr "(7−3)×2"

#: C/equation.page:43(page/p)
msgid ""
"To clear the display press the <gui>Clr</gui> button or <key>Escape</key>."
msgstr ""
"Lai notīrītu ekrānu, spied <gui>Clr</gui> pogu vai nospied <key>Escape</key>."

#: C/factorial.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Factorials"
msgstr "Faktoriāļi"

#: C/factorial.page:11(page/p)
msgid ""
"Factorials are entered using the ! symbol. To calculate the factorial of 6 "
"enter the following."
msgstr ""
"Faktoriāļi ievada, izmantojot ! simbolu. Lai aprēķinātu skaitļa 6 "
"faktoriāli, ieraksti sekojošo."

#: C/factorial.page:16(example/p)
msgid "6!"
msgstr "6!"

#: C/factorize.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Factorization"
msgstr "Dalīšana reizinātājos"

#: C/factorize.page:11(page/p)
msgid ""
"You can factorize the number currently displayed by pressing the <gui>fact</"
"gui> button. This button is visible in <link xref=\"mouse\">programming "
msgstr ""
"Skaitli var sadalīt reizinātājos, nospiežot <gui>fact</gui> pogu. Šī poga ir "
"redzama <link xref=\"mouse\">programmēšanas režīmā</link>."

#: C/financial.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Financial Functions"
msgstr "Finanšu funkcijas"

#: C/financial.page:10(page/p)
msgid "When in financial mode the following buttons are available."
msgstr "Atrodoties finanšu režīmā, ir pieejamas sekojošās pogas."

#: C/financial.page:15(td/p)
msgid "Ctrm"
msgstr "Ctrm"

#: C/financial.page:16(td/p)
msgid ""
"Calculate the number of compounding periods necessary to increase an "
"investment of present value to a future value, at a fixed interest rate per "
"compounding period."
msgstr ""
"Aprēķina nepieciešamo salikto periodu skaitu, lai palielinātu pašreizējās "
"vērtībās ieguldījumu līdz nākotnes vērtībai, ar fiksēto procentu "
"likmimaisījuma periodā."

#: C/financial.page:19(td/p)
msgid "Ddb"
msgstr "Ddb"

#: C/financial.page:20(td/p)
msgid ""
"Calculate the depreciation allowance on an asset for a specified period of "
"time, using the double-declining balance method."
msgstr ""
"Aprēķina nolietojuma pabalstu aktīvam noteikta laika periodā, izmantojot "
"paātrināto norakstīšanas metodi."

#: C/financial.page:23(td/p)
msgid "Fv"
msgstr "Fv"

#: C/financial.page:24(td/p)
msgid ""
"Calculate the future value of an investment based on a series of equal "
"payments at a periodic interest rate over the number of payment periods in "
"the term."
msgstr ""
"Aprēķina nākotnes vērtību ieguldījumam, pamatojoties uz vairāku "
"vienādumaksājumu sēriju ar periodisku procentu likmi vairākos periodos "

#: C/financial.page:27(td/p)
msgid "Gpm"
msgstr "Gpm"

#: C/financial.page:28(td/p)
msgid ""
"Calculate the resale price of a product, based on the product cost and the "
"wanted gross profit margin."
msgstr ""
"Aprēķina tālākpārdošanas produkta cenu, pamatojoties uz ražošanas izmaksām "
"un vēlamo bruto peļņas normu."

#: C/financial.page:31(td/p)
msgid "Pmt"
msgstr "Pmt"

#: C/financial.page:32(td/p)
msgid ""
"Calculate the amount of the periodic payment of a loan, where payments are "
"made at the end of each payment period."
msgstr ""
"Aprēķina aizņēmuma periodiskās apmaksas apjomu, kur maksājumi tiek veikti "
"katra maksājumu perioda beigās."

#: C/financial.page:35(td/p)
msgid "Pv"
msgstr "Pv"

#: C/financial.page:36(td/p)
msgid ""
"Calculate the present value of an investment based on a series of equal "
"payments discounted at a periodic interest rate over the number of payment "
"periods in the term."
msgstr ""
"Aprēķina tagadnes vērtību ieguldījumam, pamatojoties uz vairāku "
"vienādudiskontēto maksājumu sēriju ar periodisku procentu likmi vairākos "
"periodos termiņā."

#: C/financial.page:39(td/p)
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Tarifs"

#: C/financial.page:40(td/p)
msgid ""
"Calculate the periodic interest necessary to increase an investment to a "
"future value, over the number of compounding periods."
msgstr ""
"Aprēķina periodisku procentu, kas vajadzīgs, lai palielinātu ieguldījumus "
"nākotnes vērtībai, vairāku salikto periodu laikā."

#: C/financial.page:43(td/p)
msgid "Sln"
msgstr "Sln"

#: C/financial.page:44(td/p)
msgid ""
"Calculate the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period. The "
"straight-line method of depreciation divides the depreciable cost evenly "
"over the useful life of an asset. The useful life is the number of periods, "
"typically years, over which an asset is depreciated."
msgstr ""
"Aprēķini lineāro aktīvu amortizāciju vienā periodā. Lineāro metode sadala "
"nolietojama izmaksas vienmērīgi aktīva lietderīgās lietošanas laikā. "
"Lietderīgās lietošanas laiks ir periodu skaits, parasti gadi, pa kuru aktīvi "
"tiek amortizēti."

#: C/financial.page:47(td/p)
msgid "Syd"
msgstr "Syd"

#: C/financial.page:48(td/p)
msgid ""
"Calculate the depreciation allowance on an asset for a specified period of "
"time, using the Sum-of-the-Years'-Digits method. This method of depreciation "
"accelerates the rate of depreciation, so that more depreciation expense "
"occurs in earlier periods than in later ones. The useful life is the number "
"of periods, typically years, over which an asset is depreciated."
msgstr ""
"Aprēķina nolietojuma pabalstu aktīvam noteikta laika periodā, izmantojot "
"gada dienu skaita metodi. Šī amortizācijas metode paātrina vērtības "
"samazinājuma koeficientu, lai vairāk nolietojuma izmaksas notiktu agrākos "
"periodos, nekā vēlākos. Lietderīgās lietošanas laiks ir vairāki periodi, "
"parasti gadi, pa kuru aktīvi tiek amortizēti."

#: C/financial.page:51(td/p)
msgid "Term"
msgstr "Termiņš"

#: C/financial.page:52(td/p)
msgid ""
"Calculate the number of payment periods that are necessary during the term "
"of an ordinary annuity, to accumulate a future value, at a periodic interest "
msgstr ""
"Aprēķini maksājumu periodu skaitu, kas ir nepieciešami parastas rentes "
"darbības laikā, lai uzkrātu nākotnes vērtību ar periodisku procentu likmi."

#: C/financial.page:56(note/p)
msgid "Financial functions cannot be performed using the keyboard."
msgstr "Finanšu funkcijas nevar veikt, izmantojot tastatūru."

#: C/functions.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Functions"
msgstr "Funkcijas"

#: C/functions.page:11(page/p)
msgid ""
"Functions can be used by inserting the name of the function followed by the "
"function argument. If the argument is not a number or <link xref=\"variable"
"\">variable</link> then use parenthesis around the argument."
msgstr ""
"Funkcijas var tikt izmantotas, ievadot funkcijas nosaukumu, tam sekojot "
"funkcijas argumentam. Ja arguments nav skaitlis vai <link xref=\"variable"
"\">mainīgais</link>, izmanto iekavas ap argumentu."

#: C/functions.page:16(example/p)
msgid "sin 30"
msgstr "sin 30"

#: C/functions.page:19(example/p)
msgid "abs (5−9)"
msgstr "abs (5−9)"

#: C/functions.page:23(page/p)
msgid "The following functions are defined."
msgstr "Sekojošās funkcijas ir noteiktas."

#: C/functions.page:28(td/p)
msgid "abs"
msgstr "abs"

#: C/functions.page:29(td/p)
msgid "<link xref=\"absolute\">Absolute Value</link>"
msgstr "<link xref=\"absolute\">Absolūtā vērtība</link>"

#: C/functions.page:32(td/p)
msgid "cos"
msgstr "cos"

#: C/functions.page:33(td/p)
msgid "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Cosine</link>"
msgstr "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Kosinuss</link>"

#: C/functions.page:36(td/p)
msgid "cosh"
msgstr "cosh"

#: C/functions.page:37(td/p)
msgid "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Hyperbolic Cosine</link>"
msgstr "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Hiperboliskais kosinuss</link>"

#: C/functions.page:40(td/p)
msgid "frac"
msgstr "frac"

#: C/functions.page:41(td/p)
msgid "Fractional Component"
msgstr "Daļveida daļa"

#: C/functions.page:44(td/p)
msgid "int"
msgstr "int"

#: C/functions.page:45(td/p)
msgid "Integer Component"
msgstr "Veselā daļa"

#: C/functions.page:48(td/p)
msgid "ln"
msgstr "ln"

#: C/functions.page:49(td/p)
msgid "<link xref=\"logarithm\">Natural Logarithm</link>"
msgstr "<link xref=\"logarithm\">Naturālais logaritms</link>"

#: C/functions.page:52(td/p)
msgid "log"
msgstr "log"

#: C/functions.page:53(td/p)
msgid "<link xref=\"logarithm\">Logarithm</link>"
msgstr "<link xref=\"logarithm\">Logaritms</link>"

#: C/functions.page:56(td/p)
msgid "not"
msgstr "not"

#: C/functions.page:57(td/p)
msgid "<link xref=\"boolean\">Boolean NOT</link>"
msgstr "<link xref=\"boolean\">Loģiskais NE</link>"

#: C/functions.page:60(td/p)
msgid "ones"
msgstr "ones"

#: C/functions.page:61(td/p)
msgid "Ones complement"
msgstr "Vieninieku papildkods"

#: C/functions.page:64(td/p)
msgid "sin"
msgstr "sin"

#: C/functions.page:65(td/p)
msgid "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Sine</link>"
msgstr "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Sinuss</link>"

#: C/functions.page:68(td/p)
msgid "sinh"
msgstr "sinh"

#: C/functions.page:69(td/p)
msgid "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Hyperbolic Sine</link>"
msgstr "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Hiperboliskais sinuss</link>"

#: C/functions.page:72(td/p)
msgid "sqrt"
msgstr "sqrt"

#: C/functions.page:73(td/p)
msgid "<link xref=\"power\">Square Root</link>"
msgstr "<link xref=\"power\">Kvadrātsakne</link>"

#: C/functions.page:76(td/p)
msgid "tan"
msgstr "tan"

#: C/functions.page:77(td/p)
msgid "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Tangent</link>"
msgstr "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Tangenss</link>"

#: C/functions.page:80(td/p)
msgid "tanh"
msgstr "tanh"

#: C/functions.page:81(td/p)
msgid "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Hyperbolic Tangent</link>"
msgstr "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Hiperboliskais tangenss</link>"

#: C/functions.page:84(td/p)
msgid "twos"
msgstr "twos"

#: C/functions.page:85(td/p)
msgid "Twos complement"
msgstr "Divnieku papildkods"

#: C/functions.page:88(page/p)
msgid "<app>GCalctool</app> does not support user-defined functions."
msgstr "<app>GCalctool</app> neatbalsta lietotāja definētas funkcijas."

#: C/keyboard.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Using the Keyboard"
msgstr "Tastatūras izmantošana"

#: C/keyboard.page:11(page/p)
msgid "All mathematical equations can be entered using the keyboard."
msgstr "Visas matemātiskās vienādības var ievadīt, izmantojot tastatūru."

#: C/keyboard.page:14(page/p)
msgid ""
"The following key combinations can be used to enter keys that may not be "
"available on your keyboard."
msgstr ""
"Sekojošās kombinācijas var tikt izmantotas, lai ievadītu zīmes, kuras var "
"būt nepieejamas uz tastatūras."

#: C/keyboard.page:19(td/p)
msgid "×"
msgstr "×"

#: C/keyboard.page:20(td/p)
msgid "<key>*</key>"
msgstr "<key>*</key>"

#: C/keyboard.page:23(td/p)
msgid "÷"
msgstr "÷"

#: C/keyboard.page:24(td/p)
msgid "<key>/</key>"
msgstr "<key>/</key>"

#: C/keyboard.page:27(td/p)
msgid "^"
msgstr "^"

#: C/keyboard.page:28(td/p)
msgid "<key>*</key> twice"
msgstr "<key>*</key> divreiz"

#: C/keyboard.page:31(td/p)
msgid "√"
msgstr "√"

#: C/keyboard.page:32(td/p)
msgid "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>R</key></keyseq>"
msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>R</key></keyseq>"

#: C/keyboard.page:35(td/p) C/variables.page:48(td/p)
msgid "π"
msgstr "π"

#: C/keyboard.page:36(td/p)
msgid "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>P</key></keyseq>"
msgstr "<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>P</key></keyseq>"

#: C/keyboard.page:39(page/p)
msgid ""
"To enter <link xref=\"superscript\">superscript numbers</link> use "
"<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key>number</keyseq>, for subscript use <keyseq><key>Alt</"
msgstr ""
"Lai ievadītu <link xref=\"superscript\">augšraksta skaitļus</link>, izmanto "
"<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key>skaitlis</keyseq>, apakšrakstam izmanto "

#: C/legal.xml:4(p/link)
msgid "Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License"
msgstr "Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 neportētā licence"

#: C/legal.xml:3(license/p)
msgid "This work is licensed under a <_:link-1/>."
msgstr "Šis darbs ir licencēts zem <_:link-1/>."

#: C/legal.xml:6(license/p)
msgid ""
"As a special exception, the copyright holders give you permission to copy, "
"modify, and distribute the example code contained in this document under the "
"terms of your choosing, without restriction."
msgstr ""
"Kā īpašs izņēmums, autortiesību turētāji var dot jums atļauju kopēt, "
"modificēt un izplatīt parauga kodu, kas ir šajā dokumentā, ar jums vēlamiem "
"nosacījumiem, bez ierobežojumiem."

#: C/logarithm.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Logarithms"
msgstr "Logaritmi"

#: C/logarithm.page:11(page/p)
msgid ""
"Logarithms can be calculated using the log <link xref=\"function\">function</"
msgstr ""
"Logaritmus var aprēķināt, izmantojot log <link xref=\"function\">funkciju</"

#: C/logarithm.page:15(example/p)
msgid "log 100"
msgstr "log 100"

#: C/logarithm.page:19(page/p)
msgid ""
"To calculate a logarithm in a different base use a <link xref=\"superscript"
"\">subscript number</link> after the function."
msgstr ""
"Lai aprēķināti logaritmu citā bāzē, izmanto <link xref=\"superscript"
"\">apakšraksta skaitli</link> pēc funkcijas."

#: C/logarithm.page:23(example/p)
msgid "log₂ 32"
msgstr "log₂ 32"

#: C/logarithm.page:27(page/p)
msgid "To calculate a natural logarithm use the ln function."
msgstr "Lai aprēķinātu naturālo logaritmu, izmanto ln funkciju."

#: C/logarithm.page:31(example/p)
msgid "ln 1.32"
msgstr "ln 1,32"

#: C/logarithm.page:35(page/p)
msgid ""
"Euler's number can be entered by using the <link xref=\"variable\">variable</"
"link> e."
msgstr ""
"Eilera skaitli var ievadīt, izmantojot <link xref=\"variable\">mainīgo</"
"link> e."

#: C/logarithm.page:39(example/p)
msgid "e^1.32"
msgstr "e^1,32"

#: C/modulus.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Modulus Division"
msgstr "Moduļu dalīšana"

#: C/modulus.page:11(page/p)
msgid "Modulus division is performed using the mod operator."
msgstr "Moduļu dalīšanu veic, izmantojot mod operatoru."

#: C/modulus.page:15(example/p)
msgid "9 mod 5"
msgstr "9 mod 5"

#: C/mouse.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Using the Mouse"
msgstr "Peles izmantošana"

#: C/mouse.page:11(page/p)
msgid ""
"All equations can be entered using the mouse. To access all buttons there "
"are a number of modes that can be selected from the <gui>Mode</gui> menu."
msgstr ""
"Visas vienādības var tikt ievadītas, izmantojot peli. Lai piekļūtu visām "
"pogām, ir vairāki režīmi, kuri var tikt izvēlēti no <gui>Režīms</gui> "

#: C/mouse.page:17(td/p)
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Vienkāršais"

#: C/mouse.page:18(td/p)
msgid ""
"Provides buttons suitable for <link xref=\"equation\">basic equations</link>"
msgstr ""
"Dod pogas, piemērotas <link xref=\"equation\">vienkāršiem vienādojumiem</"

#: C/mouse.page:21(td/p)
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Paplašinātais"

#: C/mouse.page:22(td/p)
#| msgid "Provides buttons suitable for advanced mathematics"
msgid ""
"Provides buttons suitable for advanced mathematics such as <link xref="
msgstr ""
"Dod pogas, piemērotas augstākai matemātikai, piemēram, <link xref="

#: C/mouse.page:25(td/p)
msgid "Financial"
msgstr "Finanšu"

#: C/mouse.page:26(td/p)
msgid ""
"Provides buttons suitable for <link xref=\"financial\">financial equations</"
msgstr ""
"Dod pogas, piemērotas <link xref=\"financial\">finanšu vienādojumiem</link>"

#: C/mouse.page:29(td/p)
msgid "Programming"
msgstr "Programmēšanas"

#: C/mouse.page:30(td/p)
msgid "Provides buttons suitable for computer programmers"
msgstr "Dod pogas, kas ir piemērotas programmētājiem"

#: C/number-display.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Result Format"
msgstr "Rezultāta formāts"

#: C/number-display.page:11(page/p)
msgid ""
"The format used to display results can be changed from the "
"<guiseq><gui>Calculator</gui><gui>Preferences</gui></guiseq> menu."
msgstr ""
"Formātu, kurš tiek izmantots rezultātu attēlošanai, var nomainīt "
"<guiseq><gui>Kalkulators</gui><gui>Iestatījumi</gui></guiseq> izvēlnē."

#: C/number-display.page:16(td/p)
msgid "Decimal"
msgstr "Decimāls"

#: C/number-display.page:17(td/p)
msgid "Results are displayed as decimal numbers"
msgstr "Rezultāti tiek attēloti kā decimālskaitļi"

#: C/number-display.page:20(td/p)
msgid "Scientific"
msgstr "Zinātnisks"

#: C/number-display.page:21(td/p)
msgid ""
"Results are displayed in <link xref=\"scientific\">scientific notation</link>"
msgstr ""
"Rezultāti tiek attēloti <link xref=\"scientific\">zinātniskā notācijā</link>"

#: C/number-display.page:24(td/p)
msgid "Engineering"
msgstr "Inženierijas"

#: C/number-display.page:25(td/p)
msgid ""
"Results are displayed in scientific notation except the exponent is always a "
"multiple of three"
msgstr ""
"Rezultāts tiek attēlots zinātniskā apzīmējumā, izņemot to, ka eksponente "
"vienmēr ir skaitlis, kas dalās ar 3"

#: C/number-display.page:28(td/p)
msgid "Binary"
msgstr "Binārs"

#: C/number-display.page:29(td/p)
msgid "Results are displayed as <link xref=\"base\">binary numbers</link>"
msgstr "Rezultāti tiek attēloti kā <link xref=\"base\">binārie skaitļi</link>"

#: C/number-display.page:32(td/p)
msgid "Octal"
msgstr "Oktāls"

#: C/number-display.page:33(td/p)
msgid "Results are displayed as <link xref=\"base\">octal numbers</link>"
msgstr "Rezultāti tiek attēloti kā <link xref=\"base\">oktāli skaitļi</link>"

#: C/number-display.page:36(td/p)
msgid "Hexadecimal"
msgstr "Heksadecimāls"

#: C/number-display.page:37(td/p)
msgid "Results are displayed as <link xref=\"base\">hexadecimal numbers</link>"
msgstr ""
"Rezultāti tiek attēloti kā <link xref=\"base\">heksadecimāli skaitļi</link>"

#: C/number-display.page:40(page/p)
msgid ""
"The number of decimal places, if trailing zeroes and if thousands separators "
"are shown can also be configured."
msgstr ""
"Var konfigurēt arī zīmes aiz komata, ja tiek rādīti tūkstošu atdalītāji un "
"beigu nulles."

#: C/percentage.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Percentages"
msgstr "Procenti"

#: C/percentage.page:11(page/p)
msgid "Percentages are calculated using the % symbol."
msgstr "Procentus aprēķina, izmantojot % simbolu."

#: C/percentage.page:14(page/p)
msgid ""
"When added or subtracted the percentage symbol resolves to one percent of "
"the value being added or subtracted from. The following equation calculates "
"the price of a $140 item with 15% tax (140 + (15÷100)×140)."
msgstr ""
"Kad tiek pievienota vai atņemta, procentu zīme kļūst par vienu procentu no "
"vērtības, no kuras tā tiek atņemta vai pieskaitīta. Sekojošā vienādība "
"aprēķina 140 latus vērtu preci ar 15% nodokli (140 + (15÷100)×140)."

#: C/percentage.page:19(example/p)
msgid "140+15%"
msgstr "140+15%"

#: C/percentage.page:23(page/p)
msgid ""
"In all other cases the percentage symbol resolves to a fraction out of 100. "
"The following equation calculates one quarter of 80 apples ((25÷100)×80)."
msgstr ""
"Jebkurā citā gadījumā, procentu zīme atbilst daļai no 100. Sekojošā darbība "
"atrisina vienu ceturto daļu no 80 āboliem ((25÷100)×80)."

#: C/percentage.page:28(example/p)
msgid "25%×80"
msgstr "25%×80"

#: C/power.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Powers and Roots"
msgstr "Pakāpes un kvadrātsaknes"

#: C/power.page:11(page/p)
msgid ""
"Powers are entered by putting a <link xref=\"superscript\">superscript "
"number</link> after the value."
msgstr ""
"Pakāpes var pievienot, pēc vērtības ievadot <link xref=\"superscript"
"\">augšraksta skaitli</link>."

#: C/power.page:15(example/p)
msgid "5²"
msgstr "5²"

#: C/power.page:19(page/p)
msgid ""
"The inverse of a number can be entered using the inverse symbol ⁻¹ "
msgstr ""
"Apgrieztais skaitlis var tikt iegūts, izmantojot apgriezto simbolu ⁻¹ "

#: C/power.page:23(example/p)
msgid "3⁻¹"
msgstr "3⁻¹"

#: C/power.page:27(page/p)
msgid ""
"Powers can also be calculated using the ^ symbol. This allows the power to "
"be an equation."
msgstr ""
"Pakāpes arī var aprēķināt, izmantojot ^ simbolu. Tas ļauj pakāpei būt kā "

#: C/power.page:32(example/p)
msgid "5^(6−2)"
msgstr "5^(6−2)"

#: C/power.page:36(page/p)
msgid ""
"If your keyboard does not have a <key>^</key> key you can use <key>*</key> "
msgstr ""
"Ja tavai tastatūrai nav <key>^</key> taustiņa, vari izmantot <key>*</key> "
"divas reizes."

#: C/power.page:39(page/p)
msgid ""
"Square roots can be calculated using the symbol (<keyseq><key>Ctrl</"
msgstr ""
"Kvadrātsaknes var tikt aprēķinātas, izmantojot atbilstošo simbolu "

#: C/power.page:43(example/p)
msgid "√2"
msgstr "√2"

#: C/power.page:47(page/p)
msgid ""
"n-th roots can be calculated by putting a <link xref=\"superscript"
"\">subscript number</link> before the root sign."
msgstr ""
"n-tās kvadrātsaknes var tikt aprēķinātas, ievietojot <link xref=\"superscript"
"\">apakšraksta skaitli</link> pirms kvadrātsaknes zīmes."

#: C/power.page:51(example/p)
msgid "₃√2"
msgstr "₃√2"

#: C/scientific.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Scientific Notation"
msgstr "Zinātniskā notācija"

#: C/scientific.page:11(page/p)
msgid ""
"To enter numbers in scientific format use the <gui>×10x</gui> button "
"(<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>E</key></keyseq>). The <link xref=\"superscript"
"\">number mode</link> automatically changes to superscript. To enter "
"2×10¹⁰⁰, start by entering the mantissa (2):"
msgstr ""
"Lai ierakstītu skaitļus zinātniskā notācijā, izmanto <gui>×10x</gui> pogu "
"(<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>E</key></keyseq>). <link xref=\"superscript"
"\">Skaitļu režīms</link> automātiski nomainīsies uz augšrakstu. Lai ievadītu "
"2×10¹⁰⁰, sāc, ierakstot mantisu (2):"

#: C/scientific.page:17(example/p)
msgid "2"
msgstr "2"

#: C/scientific.page:21(page/p)
msgid ""
"Then press the scientific notation button (or press <keyseq><key>Ctrl</"
msgstr ""
"Tad nospied zinātniskās notācijas pogu (vai nospied <keyseq><key>Ctrl</"

#: C/scientific.page:25(example/p)
msgid "2×10"
msgstr "2×10"

#: C/scientific.page:29(page/p)
msgid "Then enter the exponent (100):"
msgstr "Tad ieraksti eksponenti (100):"

#: C/scientific.page:33(example/p)
msgid "2×10¹⁰⁰"
msgstr "2×10¹⁰⁰"

#: C/scientific.page:37(page/p)
msgid ""
"To show results in scientific form change the <link xref=\"number-display"
"\">result format</link>."
msgstr ""
"Lai rezultātus parādītu zinātniskā notācijā, pamaini <link xref=\"number-"
"display\">rezultāta formātu</link>."

#: C/superscript.page:7(info/title)
msgctxt "sort"
msgid "_"
msgstr "_"

#: C/superscript.page:11(page/title)
msgid "Superscript and Subscript"
msgstr "Augšraksts un apakšraksts"

#: C/superscript.page:13(page/p)
msgid ""
"Some equations may require numbers to be entered in superscript or subscript "
"form. e.g."
msgstr ""
"Dažas vienādības var pieprasīt skaitļu ierakstīšanu augšrakstā vai "
"apakšrakstā, piemēram,"

#: C/superscript.page:17(example/p)
msgid "x³+2x²−5"
msgstr "x³+2x²−5"

#: C/superscript.page:21(page/p)
msgid ""
"To enter superscript numbers with the mouse select the number mode using the "
"the <gui>↑n</gui> and <gui>↓n</gui> buttons. When one of these modes is "
"active clicking the number buttons will enter numbers in superscript or "
"subscript. To return to normal number mode click the active button."
msgstr ""
"Lai ievadītu skaitļus augšrakstā, ar peli izvēlies skaitļu režīmu, "
"izmantojot  <gui>↑n</gui> and <gui>↓n</gui> pogas. Kad viens no šiem "
"režīmiem būs aktīvs, skaitļu pogu spiešanas ierakstīs tos augšrakstā vai "
"apakšrakstā. Lai atgrieztos uz normālu skaitļu rakstīšanu, spied uz aktīvās "

#: C/superscript.page:26(page/p)
msgid ""
"To enter superscript numbers with the keyboard hold down <key>Ctrl</key> "
"while entering the number. Hold <key>Alt</key> for subscript."
msgstr ""
"Lai ievadītu augšraksta skaitļus ar tastatūru, turi nospiestu <key>Ctrl</"
"key> taustiņu, ierakstot skaitli. Turi <key>Alt</key>, lai ievadītu "

#: C/superscript.page:30(page/p)
msgid ""
"The number mode returns to normal when entering the next non-number "
"character (e.g. +)."
msgstr ""
"Skaitļu ievades režīms atgriežas uz parastu, ierakstot zīmi, kas nav "
"skaitlis (piemēram, +)."

#: C/trigonometry.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Trigonometry"
msgstr "Trigonometrija"

#: C/trigonometry.page:11(page/p)
msgid ""
"Trigonometry can be performed using the sin, cos, and tan <link xref="
msgstr ""
"Trigonometrija var tikt pielietota, izmantojot sin, cos un tan <link xref="

#: C/trigonometry.page:15(example/p)
msgid "sin 45"
msgstr "sin 45"

#: C/trigonometry.page:19(page/p)
#| msgid ""
#| "The angle units used can be changed from the <guiseq><gui>Calculator</"
#| "gui><gui>Preferences</gui></guiseq> menu. Trigonometry buttons are "
#| "visible when in <link xref=\"mouse\">scientific mode</link>."
msgid ""
"The angle units used can be changed from the <guiseq><gui>Calculator</"
"gui><gui>Preferences</gui></guiseq> menu. Trigonometry buttons are visible "
"when in <link xref=\"mouse\">Advanced mode</link>."
msgstr ""
"Grādu mērvienības var tikt mainītas no <guiseq><gui>Kalkulators</"
"gui><gui>Iestatījumi</gui></guiseq> izvēlnes. Trigonometrijas pogas ir "
"pieejamas <link xref=\"mouse\">paplašinātajā režīmā</link>."

#: C/trigonometry.page:23(page/p)
msgid ""
"Hyperbolic functions are available by adding \"h\" to the end of a function."
msgstr ""
"Hiperboliskās funkcijas ir pieejamas, funkcijas beigās pievienojot \"h\"."

#: C/trigonometry.page:27(example/p)
msgid "sinh 0.34"
msgstr "sinh 0,34"

#: C/trigonometry.page:31(page/p)
msgid ""
"Inverse functions are entered either using the inverse symbol ⁻¹ "
"(<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>I</key></keyseq>) or the \"a\" form of the "
"function. The following two equations are equivalent."
msgstr ""
"Apgrieztās funkcijas ir pievienotas vai nu izmantojot apgriešanas simbolu "
"⁻¹  (<keyseq><key>Ctrl</key><key>I</key></keyseq>) vai \"a\" funkcijas "
"formu. Sekojošās divas izteiksmes ir vienlīdzīgas."

#: C/trigonometry.page:36(example/p)
msgid "sin⁻¹ 0.5"
msgstr "sin⁻¹ 0,5"

#: C/trigonometry.page:39(example/p)
msgid "asin 0.5"
msgstr "asin 0,5"

#: C/trigonometry.page:43(page/p)
msgid ""
"To enter <link xref=\"variable\">π</link> with the keyboard use "
msgstr ""
"Lai ievadītu <link xref=\"variable\">π</link> ar tastatūru, spied "

#: C/variables.page:9(page/title)
msgid "Variables"
msgstr "Mainīgie"

#: C/variables.page:11(page/p)
msgid ""
"To assign a value to a variable use the = symbol or choose the variable to "
"assign to with the <gui>x</gui> button in <link xref=\"mouse\">advanced "
"mode</link>. A variable name must only contain upper or lower characters."
msgstr ""
"Lai mainīgajam piešķirtu vērtību, izmanto = simbolu vai izvēlies mainīgo, "
"kuram piešķirt vērtību ar <gui>x</gui> pogu <link xref=\"mouse"
"\">paplašinātajā režīmā </link>. Mainīgā nosaukumam jāsatur tikai lielie vai "
"mazie burti."

#: C/variables.page:16(example/p)
msgid "x=5"
msgstr "x=5"

#: C/variables.page:19(example/p)
msgid "value=82"
msgstr "value=82"

#: C/variables.page:23(page/p)
msgid ""
"Variables can be used in any equation and are substituted for their assigned "
"value. Variables can be inserted using the <gui>x</gui> button."
msgstr ""
"Mainīgie var tikt izmantoti jebkurā darbībā un tiek aizvietoti ar tiem "
"piešķirtajām vērtībām. Mainīgie var tikt pievienoti, izmantojot <gui>x</gui> "

#: C/variables.page:28(example/p)
msgid "6x+3"
msgstr "6x+3"

#: C/variables.page:31(example/p)
msgid "xy−3x+7y−21"
msgstr "xy−3x+7y−21"

#: C/variables.page:35(page/p)
msgid "The following variables are always defined."
msgstr "Sekojošie mainīgie ir vienmēr definēti."

#: C/variables.page:40(td/p)
msgid "ans"
msgstr "ans"

#: C/variables.page:41(td/p)
msgid "Result of previous calculation"
msgstr "Iepriekšējā aprēķina rezultāts"

#: C/variables.page:44(td/p)
msgid "e"
msgstr "e"

#: C/variables.page:45(td/p)
msgid "<link xref=\"logarithm\">Euler's Number</link>"
msgstr "<link xref=\"logarithm\">Eilera skaitlis</link>"

#: C/variables.page:49(td/p)
msgid "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Pi</link>"
msgstr "<link xref=\"trigonometry\">Pī</link>"

#: C/variables.page:52(td/p)
msgid "rand"
msgstr "rand"

#: C/variables.page:53(td/p)
msgid "Random value in the range [0,1] (changes on each read)"
msgstr "Nejauša vērtība starp [0,1] (mainās pēc katra lasījuma)"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Provides buttons suitable for <link xref=\"trigonometry\">trigonometry</"
#~ "link>"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dod pogas, piemērotas <link xref=\"trigonometry\">trigonometrijai</link>"