# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: MATE Desktop Environment\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2018-06-14 15:15+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: Falu <info@falu.me>, 2018\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/hu/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: hu\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#. Accessible name for the factorize button
#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:2 ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:9
msgid "Factorize"
msgstr "Faktorizálás"

#. Label on the solve button (clicking this solves the displayed calculation)
#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:4 ../data/buttons-basic.ui.h:2
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:77 ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:13
msgid "="
msgstr "="

#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:5 ../data/buttons-basic.ui.h:3
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:78 ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:14
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Leürítés"

#. Accessible name for the scientific exponent button
#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:7
msgid "Scientific Exponent"
msgstr "Tudományos kitevő"

#. The label on the memory button
#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:9 ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:73
#: ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:18
msgid "x"
msgstr "x"

#. Accessible name for the memory button
#. Accessible name for the memory value button
#. Tooltip for the memory button
#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:11 ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:75
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:232
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Memória"

#. Accessible name for the exponentiation (x to the power of y) button
#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:13 ../data/buttons-basic.ui.h:6
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:100 ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:32
msgid "Exponent"
msgstr "Kitevő"

#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:14 ../data/buttons-basic.ui.h:4
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:101
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Mégse"

#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:15
msgid "asin"
msgstr "asin"

#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:16
msgid "atan"
msgstr "atan"

#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:17
msgid "acos"
msgstr "acos"

#. Accessible name for the store value button
#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:19 ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:20
msgid "Store"
msgstr "Tárolás"

#. Accessible name for the inverse button
#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:21 ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:30
msgid "Inverse"
msgstr "Invertálás"

#. Accessible name for the factorial button
#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:23 ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:28
msgid "Factorial"
msgstr "Faktoriális"

#. Accessible name for the absolute value button
#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:25 ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:11
msgid "Absolute Value"
msgstr "Abszolút érték"

#. Accessible name for the superscript mode button
#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:27 ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:16
msgid "Superscript"
msgstr "Felső index"

#. Accessible name for the subscript mode button
#: ../data/buttons-advanced.ui.h:29 ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:34
msgid "Subscript"
msgstr "Alsó index"

#. Title of Compounding Term dialog
#. Tooltip for the compounding term button
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:2 ../src/math-buttons.c:256
msgid "Compounding Term"
msgstr "Időszakok száma"

#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:3 ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:3
msgid "_Cancel"
msgstr "Mé_gse"

#. Payment Period Dialog: Button to calculate result
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:5
msgid "C_alculate"
msgstr "S_zámolás"

#. Compounding Term Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:7
msgid ""
"Calculates the number of compounding periods necessary to increase an "
"investment of present value to a future value, at a fixed interest rate per "
"compounding period."
msgstr ""
"Kiszámítja egy befektetés jelenértékének adott jövőértékre növeléséhez "
"szükséges kamatszámítási időszakok számát, rögzített kamatszámítási "
"időszakonkénti kamatláb mellett."

#. Payment Period Dialog: Label before periodic interest rate input
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:9
msgid "Periodic Interest _Rate:"
msgstr "_Időszakra vonatkozó kamatláb:"

#. Periodic Interest Rate Dialog: Label before future value input
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:11
msgid "_Future Value:"
msgstr "Jö_vőérték:"

#. Periodic Interest Rate Dialog: Label before present value input
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:13
msgid "Present _Value:"
msgstr "_Jelenérték:"

#. Title of Double-Declining Depreciation dialog
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:15
msgid "Double-Declining Depreciation"
msgstr "Progresszív értékcsökkenési leírás"

#. Double-Declining Depreciation Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:17
msgid ""
"Calculates the depreciation allowance on an asset for a specified period of "
"time, using the double-declining balance method."
msgstr ""
"Kiszámítja egy eszköz értékcsökkenési leírását egy megadott időszakra a "
"kétszeresen csökkenő egyenleg módszer használatával."

#. Sum-of-the-Years
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:19
msgid "_Life:"
msgstr "Él_ettartam:"

#. Sum-of-the-Years
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:21
msgid "_Period:"
msgstr "_Időszak:"

#. Gross Profit Margin Dialog: Label before cost input
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:23
msgid "C_ost:"
msgstr "_Költség:"

#. Title of Future Value dialog
#. Tooltip for the future value button
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:25 ../src/math-buttons.c:262
msgid "Future Value"
msgstr "Jövőérték"

#. Present Value Dialog: Label before number of periods input
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:27
msgid "_Number of Periods:"
msgstr "I_dőszakok száma:"

#. Future Value Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:29
msgid ""
"Calculates the future value of an investment based on a series of equal "
"payments at a periodic interest rate over the number of payment periods in "
"the term."
msgstr ""
"Egyenlő kifizetések sorozata alapján, az időszakra vonatkozó kamatláb "
"mellett kiszámítja egy befektetés jövőértékét a periódus fizetési időszakai "

#. Payment Period Dialog: Label before periodic payment input
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:31
msgid "_Periodic Payment:"
msgstr "_Rendszeres pénzáramlás:"

#. Title of Gross Profit Margin dialog
#. Tooltip for the gross profit margin button
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:33 ../src/math-buttons.c:283
msgid "Gross Profit Margin"
msgstr "Bruttó haszon"

#. Gross Profit Margin Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:35
msgid ""
"Calculates the resale price of a product, based on the product cost and the "
"wanted gross profit margin."
msgstr ""
"Kiszámítja egy termék viszonteladói árát a termék költsége és a kívánt "
"bruttó haszon alapján."

#. Gross Profit Margin Dialog: Label before margin input
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:37
msgid "_Margin:"
msgstr "Á_rrés"

#. Title of Periodic Payment dialog
#. Tooltip for the periodic payment button
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:39 ../src/math-buttons.c:280
msgid "Periodic Payment"
msgstr "Rendszeres pénzáramlás"

#. Periodic Payment Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:41
msgid ""
"Calculates the amount of the periodic payment of a loan, where payments are "
"made at the end of each payment period. "
msgstr ""
"Egy kölcsön rendszeres törlesztőrészletét számítja ki, ahol a törlesztések "
"az egyes fizetési időszakok végén történnek."

#. Periodic Interest Rate Dialog: Label before term input
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:43
msgid "_Term:"
msgstr "_Periódus:"

#. Periodic Payment Dialog: Label before principal input
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:45
msgid "_Principal:"
msgstr "_Tőke:"

#. Title of Present Value dialog
#. Tooltip for the present value button
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:47 ../src/math-buttons.c:277
msgid "Present Value"
msgstr "Jelenérték"

#. Present Value Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:49
msgid ""
"Calculates the present value of an investment based on a series of equal "
"payments discounted at a periodic interest rate over the number of payment "
"periods in the term. "
msgstr ""
"Az időszakra vonatkozó kamatláb mellett diszkontált egyenlő kifizetések "
"sorozata alapján kiszámítja egy befektetés jelenértékét a periódus fizetési "
"időszakai során."

#. Title of Periodic Interest Rate dialog
#. Tooltip for the periodic interest rate button
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:51 ../src/math-buttons.c:274
msgid "Periodic Interest Rate"
msgstr "Időszakra vonatkozó kamatláb"

#. Periodic Interest Rate Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:53
msgid ""
"Calculates the periodic interest necessary to increase an investment to a "
"future value, over the number of compounding periods. "
msgstr ""
"Kiszámítja egy befektetés jövőértékre növeléséhez a kamatszámítási időszakok"
" alatt szükséges időszakra vonatkozó kamatlábat."

#. Title of Straight-Line Depreciation dialog
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:55
msgid "Straight-Line Depreciation"
msgstr "Lineáris értékcsökkenési leírás"

#. Sum-of-the-Years
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:57
msgid "_Cost:"
msgstr "_Költség:"

#. Sum-of-the-Years
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:59
msgid "_Salvage:"
msgstr "Át_mentés:"

#. Straight-Line Depreciation Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:61
msgid ""
"Calculates the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period. The "
"straight-line method of depreciation divides the depreciable cost evenly "
"over the useful life of an asset. The useful life is the number of periods, "
"typically years, over which an asset is depreciated. "
msgstr ""
"Kiszámítja egy eszköz lineáris értékcsökkenését egy periódusra. A lineáris "
"értékcsökkenési leírás egyenlően osztja el az értékcsökkenési költséget az "
"eszköz hasznos élettartama alatt. A hasznos élettartam azon periódusok, "
"általában évek száma, amelyek alatt az eszköz elavul."

#. Title of Sum-of-the-Years
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:63
msgid "Sum-of-the-Years'-Digits Depreciation"
msgstr "Évek száma szerinti értékcsökkenési leírás"

#. Sum-of-the-Years
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:65
msgid ""
"Calculates the depreciation allowance on an asset for a specified period of "
"time, using the Sum-of-the-Years'-Digits method. This method of depreciation"
" accelerates the rate of depreciation, so that more depreciation expense "
"occurs in earlier periods than in later ones. The useful life is the number "
"of periods, typically years, over which an asset is depreciated. "
msgstr ""
"Kiszámítja egy eszköz értékcsökkenési leírását egy megadott időszakra az "
"évek száma módszer használatával. Ez az értékcsökkenési mód gyorsítja az "
"értékcsökkenés sebességét, így a korábbi időszakok során több "
"értékcsökkenési kiadás lép fel, mint a későbbiekben. A hasznos élettartam az"
" időszakok, jellemzően évek száma, amelyek során az eszköz értékcsökkenése "

#. Title of Payment Period dialog
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:67
msgid "Payment Period"
msgstr "Fizetési időszak"

#. Payment Period Dialog: Label before future value input
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:69
msgid "Future _Value:"
msgstr "_Jövőérték:"

#. Payment Period Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:71
msgid ""
"Calculates the number of payment periods that are necessary during the term "
"of an ordinary annuity, to accumulate a future value, at a periodic interest"
" rate."
msgstr ""
"Kiszámítja egy szokásos annuitás periódusa alatt egy jövőérték "
"összegyűjtéséhez szükséges fizetési időszakok számát, az időszakra vonatkozó"
" kamatláb mellett."

#. Calculates the number of compounding periods necessary to increase an
#. investment of present value pv to a future value of fv, at a fixed interest
#. rate of int per compounding period. See also:
#. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compound_interest
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:80
msgid "Ctrm"
msgstr "Ctrm"

#. Calculates the depreciation allowance on an asset for a specified period of
#. time, using the double-declining balance method. See also:
#. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depreciation
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:82
msgid "Ddb"
msgstr "Ddb"

#. Calculates the future value of an investment based on a series of equal
#. payments, each of amount pmt, at a periodic interest rate of int, over the
#. number of payment periods in the term. See also:
#. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_value
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:84
msgid "Fv"
msgstr "FV"

#. Calculates the number of payment periods that are necessary during the term
#. of an ordinary annuity, to accumulate a future value of fv, at a periodic
#. interest rate of int. Each payment is equal to amount pmt. See also:
#. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annuity_(finance_theory)
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:86
msgid "Term"
msgstr "Időszak"

#. Calculates the depreciation allowance on an asset for a specified period of
#. time, using the Sum-Of-The-Years
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:88
msgid "Syd"
msgstr "Syd"

#. Calculates the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period. The
#. depreciable cost is cost - salvage. The straight-line method of
#. depreciation divides the depreciable cost evenly over the useful life of an
#. asset. The useful life is the number of periods, typically years, over
#. which an asset is depreciated. See also:
#. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depreciation
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:90
msgid "Sln"
msgstr "Sln"

#. Calculates the periodic interest necessary to increase an investment of
#. present value pv to a future value of fv, over the number of compounding
#. periods in term. See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interest
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:92
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Rate"

#. Calculates the present value of an investment based on a series of equal
#. payments, each of amount pmt, discounted at a periodic interest rate of
#. int, over the number of payment periods in the term. See also:
#. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Present_value
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:94
msgid "Pv"
msgstr "PV"

#. Calculates the amount of the periodic payment of a loan, where payments are
#. made at the end of each payment period. See also:
#. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amortization_schedule
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:96
msgid "Pmt"
msgstr "Pmt"

#. Calculates the resale price of a product, based on the product cost and the
#. wanted gross profit margin. See also:
#. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gross_profit_margin
#: ../data/buttons-financial.ui.h:98
msgid "Gpm"
msgstr "Gpm"

#. Title of insert character code dialog
#. Tooltip for the insert character code button
#: ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:2 ../src/math-buttons.c:235
msgid "Insert Character Code"
msgstr "Karakterkód beszúrása"

#. Insert ASCII dialog: Button to insert selected character
#: ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:5
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Beszúrás"

#. Insert ASCII dialog: Label before character entry
#: ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:7
msgid "Ch_aracter:"
msgstr "K_arakter:"

#. Accessible name for the shift left button
#: ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:22
msgid "Shift Left"
msgstr "Balra csúsztatás"

#. Accessible name for the shift right button
#: ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:24
msgid "Shift Right"
msgstr "Jobbra csúsztatás"

#. Accessible name for the insert character button
#: ../data/buttons-programming.ui.h:26
msgid "Insert Character"
msgstr "Karakter beszúrása"

#. Word size combo: 8 bits
#: ../data/preferences.ui.h:2
msgid "8-bit"
msgstr "8 bit"

#. Word size combo: 16 bits
#: ../data/preferences.ui.h:4
msgid "16-bit"
msgstr "16 bit"

#. Word size combo: 32 bits
#: ../data/preferences.ui.h:6
msgid "32-bit"
msgstr "32 bit"

#. Word size combo: 64 bits
#: ../data/preferences.ui.h:8
msgid "64-bit"
msgstr "64 bit"

#. Title of preferences dialog
#: ../data/preferences.ui.h:9 ../src/math-preferences.c:238
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Beállítások"

#: ../data/preferences.ui.h:10
msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Bezárás"

#. Preferences dialog: Label for angle unit combo box
#: ../data/preferences.ui.h:12
msgid "_Angle units:"
msgstr "S_zög mértékegysége:"

#. Preferences dialog: Label for display format combo box
#: ../data/preferences.ui.h:14
msgid "Number _Format:"
msgstr "S_zámformátum:"

#. Preferences dialog: label for word size combo box
#: ../data/preferences.ui.h:16
msgid "Word _size:"
msgstr "Szó_hossz:"

#. Preferences dialog: label for show trailing zeroes check button
#: ../data/preferences.ui.h:18
msgid "Show trailing _zeroes"
msgstr "_Záró nullák megjelenítése"

#. Preferences dialog: label for show thousands separator check button
#: ../data/preferences.ui.h:20
msgid "Show _thousands separators"
msgstr "_Ezreselválasztók megjelenítése"

#: ../data/mate-calc.appdata.xml.in.h:1
msgid "MATE Desktop calculator"
msgstr "MATE Desktop számológép "

#: ../data/mate-calc.appdata.xml.in.h:2
msgid ""
"<p> MATE Calc is a powerful graphical calculator with financial, logical and"
" scientific modes. It uses a multiple precision package to do its arithmetic"
" to give a high degree of accuracy. </p> <p> MATE Calc is a fork of GNOME "
"Calc and part of the MATE Desktop Environment. If you would like to know "
"more about MATE and MATE Calc, please visit the project's home page. </p>"
msgstr ""
"<p> A MATE Számológép egy hatékony grafikus számológép pénzügyi, logikai és "
"tudományos üzemmódokkal. A számtanhoz egy többrétű precíziós csomagot "
"használ a nagy fokú pontosság érdekében. </p> <p> A MATE Számológép a GNOME "
"Számológép származéka és része a MATE asztali környezetnek. Ha szeretne "
"többet megtudni a MATE-ról és a MATE Számológépről, kérjük, látogasson el a "
"projekt honlapjára. </p>"

#: ../data/mate-calc.desktop.in.h:1
msgid "MATE Calculator"
msgstr "MATE számológép"

#. Title of main window
#: ../data/mate-calc.desktop.in.h:2 ../src/math-window.c:562
msgid "Calculator"
msgstr "Számológép"

#: ../data/mate-calc.desktop.in.h:3
msgid "Perform arithmetic, scientific or financial calculations"
msgstr "Aritmetikai, tudományos vagy pénzügyi számítások végrehajtása"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:30
msgid "UAE Dirham"
msgstr "UAE dirham"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:31
msgid "Australian Dollar"
msgstr "Ausztrál dollár"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:32
msgid "Bulgarian Lev"
msgstr "Bolgár leva"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:33
msgid "Bahraini Dinar"
msgstr "Bahreini dinár"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:34
msgid "Brunei Dollar"
msgstr "Brunei dollár"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:35
msgid "Brazilian Real"
msgstr "Brazil real"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:36
msgid "Botswana Pula"
msgstr "Botswanai pula"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:37
msgid "Canadian Dollar"
msgstr "Kanadai dollár"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:38
msgid "CFA Franc"
msgstr "CFA frank"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:39
msgid "Swiss Franc"
msgstr "Svájci frank"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:40
msgid "Chilean Peso"
msgstr "Chilei peso"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:41
msgid "Chinese Yuan"
msgstr "Kínai jüan"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:42
msgid "Colombian Peso"
msgstr "Kolumbiai peso"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:43
msgid "Czech Koruna"
msgstr "Cseh korona"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:44
msgid "Danish Krone"
msgstr "Dán korona"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:45
msgid "Algerian Dinar"
msgstr "Algériai dinár"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:46
msgid "Estonian Kroon"
msgstr "Észt korona"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:47
msgid "Euro"
msgstr "Euró"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:48
msgid "Pound Sterling"
msgstr "Font sterling"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:49
msgid "Hong Kong Dollar"
msgstr "Hongkongi dollár"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:50
msgid "Croatian Kuna"
msgstr "Horvát kuna"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:51
msgid "Hungarian Forint"
msgstr "Magyar forint"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:52
msgid "Indonesian Rupiah"
msgstr "Indonéz rúpia"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:53
msgid "Israeli New Shekel"
msgstr "Izraeli új sékel"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:54
msgid "Indian Rupee"
msgstr "Indiai rúpia"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:55
msgid "Iranian Rial"
msgstr "Iráni riál"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:56
msgid "Icelandic Krona"
msgstr "Izlandi korona"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:57
msgid "Japanese Yen"
msgstr "Japán jen"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:58
msgid "South Korean Won"
msgstr "Dél-koreai von"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:59
msgid "Kuwaiti Dinar"
msgstr "Kuvaiti dinár"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:60
msgid "Kazakhstani Tenge"
msgstr "Kazah tenge"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:61
msgid "Sri Lankan Rupee"
msgstr "Srí-lankai rúpia"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:62
msgid "Lithuanian Litas"
msgstr "Litván litas"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:63
msgid "Latvian Lats"
msgstr "Lett lat"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:64
msgid "Libyan Dinar"
msgstr "Líbiai dinár"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:65
msgid "Mauritian Rupee"
msgstr "Mauritániai rúpia"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:66
msgid "Mexican Peso"
msgstr "Mexikói peso"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:67
msgid "Malaysian Ringgit"
msgstr "Maláj ringgit"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:68
msgid "Norwegian Krone"
msgstr "Norvég korona"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:69
msgid "Nepalese Rupee"
msgstr "Nepáli rúpia"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:70
msgid "New Zealand Dollar"
msgstr "Új-zélandi dollár"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:71
msgid "Omani Rial"
msgstr "Ománi rial"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:72
msgid "Peruvian Nuevo Sol"
msgstr "Perui új sol"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:73
msgid "Philippine Peso"
msgstr "Fülöp-szigeteki peso"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:74
msgid "Pakistani Rupee"
msgstr "Pakisztáni rúpia"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:75
msgid "Polish Zloty"
msgstr "Lengyel zloty"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:76
msgid "Qatari Riyal"
msgstr "Katari riyál"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:77
msgid "New Romanian Leu"
msgstr "Új román lej"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:78
msgid "Russian Rouble"
msgstr "Orosz rubel"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:79
msgid "Saudi Riyal"
msgstr "Szaud-arábiai riyál"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:80
msgid "Swedish Krona"
msgstr "Svéd korona"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:81
msgid "Singapore Dollar"
msgstr "Szingapúri dollár"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:82
msgid "Thai Baht"
msgstr "Thai baht"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:83
msgid "Tunisian Dinar"
msgstr "Tunéziai dinár"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:84
msgid "New Turkish Lira"
msgstr "Új török líra"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:85
msgid "T&T Dollar (TTD)"
msgstr "T&T dollár (TTD)"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:86
msgid "US Dollar"
msgstr "USA dollár"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:87
msgid "Uruguayan Peso"
msgstr "Uruguayi peso"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:88
msgid "Venezuelan Bolívar"
msgstr "Venezuelai bolivár"

#: ../src/currency-manager.c:89
msgid "South African Rand"
msgstr "Dél-afrikai rand"

#: ../src/financial.c:70
msgid "Error: the number of periods must be positive"
msgstr "Hiba: a periódusok számának pozitívnak kell lennie"

#. Description on how to use mate-calc displayed on command-line
#: ../src/mate-calc.c:79
#, c-format
msgid ""
"  %s — Perform mathematical calculations"
msgstr ""
"  %s – Matematikai számítások végrehajtása"

#. Description on mate-calc command-line help options displayed on command-
#. line
#: ../src/mate-calc.c:87
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Help Options:\n"
"  -v, --version                   Show release version\n"
"  -h, -?, --help                  Show help options\n"
"  --help-all                      Show all help options\n"
"  --help-gtk                      Show GTK+ options"
msgstr ""
"  -v, --version                   Verziószám megjelenítése\n"
"  -h, -?, --help                  Súgólehetőségek megjelenítése\n"
"  --help-all                      Minden súgólehetőség megjelenítése\n"
"  --help-gtk                      GTK+ beállítások megjelenítése"

#. Description on mate-calc command-line GTK+ options displayed on command-
#. line
#: ../src/mate-calc.c:98
#, c-format
msgid ""
"GTK+ Options:\n"
"  --class=CLASS                   Program class as used by the window manager\n"
"  --name=NAME                     Program name as used by the window manager\n"
"  --screen=SCREEN                 X screen to use\n"
"  --sync                          Make X calls synchronous\n"
"  --gtk-module=MODULES            Load additional GTK+ modules\n"
"  --g-fatal-warnings              Make all warnings fatal"
msgstr ""
"GTK+ kapcsolók:\n"
"  --class=OSZTÁLY                 A program osztálya, ahogy az ablakkezelő használja\n"
"  --name=NÉV                      A programnév, ahogy az ablakkezelő használja\n"
"  --display=MEGJELENÍTŐ           Használandó X-megjelenítő\n"
"  --screen=KÉPERNYŐ               Használandó X-képernyő\n"
"  --sync                          Legyenek szinkron X-hívások\n"
"  --gtk-module=MODULOK            További GTK+ modulok betöltése\n"
"  --g-fatal-warnings              Minden figyelmeztetés végzetes legyen"

#. Description on mate-calc application options displayed on command-line
#: ../src/mate-calc.c:112
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Application Options:\n"
"  -s, --solve <equation>          Solve the given equation"
msgstr ""
"  -s, --solve <egyenlet>          A megadott egyenlet megoldása"

#. Error printed to stderr when user uses --solve argument without an equation
#: ../src/mate-calc.c:156
#, c-format
msgid "Argument --solve requires an equation to solve"
msgstr "A --solve kapcsolóhoz meg kell adni egy megoldandó egyenletet"

#. Error printed to stderr when user provides an unknown command-line argument
#: ../src/mate-calc.c:166
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown argument '%s'"
msgstr "Ismeretlen kapcsoló: „%s”"

#. Tooltip for the Pi button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:95
msgid "Pi [Ctrl+P]"
msgstr "Pi [Ctrl+P]"

#. Tooltip for the Euler's Number button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:98
msgid "Euler’s Number"
msgstr "Euler-szám"

#. Tooltip for the subscript button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:103
msgid "Subscript mode [Alt]"
msgstr "Alsó index mód [Alt]"

#. Tooltip for the superscript button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:106
msgid "Superscript mode [Ctrl]"
msgstr "Felső index mód [Ctrl]"

#. Tooltip for the scientific exponent button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:109
msgid "Scientific exponent [Ctrl+E]"
msgstr "Tudományos kitevő [Ctrl+E]"

#. Tooltip for the add button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:112
msgid "Add [+]"
msgstr "Összeadás [+]"

#. Tooltip for the subtract button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:115
msgid "Subtract [-]"
msgstr "Kivonás [-]"

#. Tooltip for the multiply button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:118
msgid "Multiply [*]"
msgstr "Szorzás [*]"

#. Tooltip for the divide button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:121
msgid "Divide [/]"
msgstr "Osztás [/]"

#. Tooltip for the modulus divide button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:124
msgid "Modulus divide"
msgstr "Maradékos osztás"

#. Tooltip for the additional functions button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:127
msgid "Additional Functions"
msgstr "További függvények"

#. Tooltip for the exponent button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:130
msgid "Exponent [^ or **]"
msgstr "Kitevő [^ vagy **]"

#. Tooltip for the square button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:133
msgid "Square [Ctrl+2]"
msgstr "Négyzet [Ctrl+2]"

#. Tooltip for the percentage button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:136
msgid "Percentage [%]"
msgstr "Százalék [%]"

#. Tooltip for the factorial button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:139
msgid "Factorial [!]"
msgstr "Faktoriális [!]"

#. Tooltip for the absolute value button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:142
msgid "Absolute value [|]"
msgstr "Abszolút érték [|]"

#. Tooltip for the complex argument component button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:145
msgid "Complex argument"
msgstr "Komplex argumentum"

#. Tooltip for the complex conjugate button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:148
msgid "Complex conjugate"
msgstr "Komplex konjugált"

#. Tooltip for the root button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:151
msgid "Root [Ctrl+R]"
msgstr "Gyök [Ctrl+R]"

#. Tooltip for the square root button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:154
msgid "Square root [Ctrl+R]"
msgstr "Négyzetgyök [Ctrl+R]"

#. Tooltip for the logarithm button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:157
msgid "Logarithm"
msgstr "Logaritmus"

#. Tooltip for the natural logarithm button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:160
msgid "Natural Logarithm"
msgstr "Természetes alapú logaritmus"

#. Tooltip for the sine button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:163
msgid "Sine"
msgstr "Sinus"

#. Tooltip for the cosine button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:166
msgid "Cosine"
msgstr "Cosinus"

#. Tooltip for the tangent button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:169
msgid "Tangent"
msgstr "Tangens"

#. Tooltip for the hyperbolic sine button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:172
msgid "Hyperbolic Sine"
msgstr "Hiperbolikus szinusz"

#. Tooltip for the hyperbolic cosine button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:175
msgid "Hyperbolic Cosine"
msgstr "Hiperbolikus koszinusz"

#. Tooltip for the hyperbolic tangent button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:178
msgid "Hyperbolic Tangent"
msgstr "Hiperbolikus tangens"

#. Tooltip for the inverse sine button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:181
msgid "Inverse Sine"
msgstr "Arkusz szinusz"

#. Tooltip for the inverse cosine button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:184
msgid "Inverse Cosine"
msgstr "Arkusz koszinusz"

#. Tooltip for the inverse tangent button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:187
msgid "Inverse Tangent"
msgstr "Arkusz tangens"

#. Tooltip for the inverse button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:190
msgid "Inverse [Ctrl+I]"
msgstr "Invertálás [Ctrl+I]"

#. Tooltip for the boolean AND button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:193
msgid "Boolean AND"
msgstr "Logikai ÉS"

#. Tooltip for the boolean OR button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:196
msgid "Boolean OR"
msgstr "Logikai VAGY"

#. Tooltip for the exclusive OR button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:199
msgid "Boolean Exclusive OR"
msgstr "Logikai kizáró VAGY"

#. Tooltip for the boolean NOT button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:202
msgid "Boolean NOT"
msgstr "Logikai NEM"

#. Tooltip for the integer component button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:205 ../src/math-buttons.c:992
msgid "Integer Component"
msgstr "Egészrész"

#. Tooltip for the fractional component button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:208 ../src/math-buttons.c:994
msgid "Fractional Component"
msgstr "Törtrész"

#. Tooltip for the real component button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:211
msgid "Real Component"
msgstr "Valós rész"

#. Tooltip for the imaginary component button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:214
msgid "Imaginary Component"
msgstr "Képzetes rész"

#. Tooltip for the ones' complement button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:217
msgid "Ones' Complement"
msgstr "1-es komplemens"

#. Tooltip for the two's complement button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:220
msgid "Two's Complement"
msgstr "2-es komplemens"

#. Tooltip for the truncate button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:223
msgid "Truncate"
msgstr "Csonkítás"

#. Tooltip for the start group button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:226
msgid "Start Group [(]"
msgstr "Csoport kezdete [(]"

#. Tooltip for the end group button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:229
msgid "End Group [)]"
msgstr "Csoport vége [)]"

#. Tooltip for the solve button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:238
msgid "Calculate Result"
msgstr "Számítás elvégzése"

#. Tooltip for the factor button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:241
msgid "Factorize [Ctrl+F]"
msgstr "Faktorizálás [Ctrl+F]"

#. Tooltip for the clear button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:244
msgid "Clear Display [Escape]"
msgstr "A kijelző törlése [Esc]"

#. Tooltip for the undo button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:247
msgid "Undo [Ctrl+Z]"
msgstr "Visszavonás [Ctrl+Z]"

#. Tooltip for the shift left button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:250
msgid "Shift Left [<<]"
msgstr "Eltolás balra [<<]"

#. Tooltip for the shift right button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:253
msgid "Shift Right [>>]"
msgstr "Eltolás jobbra [>>]"

#. Tooltip for the double declining depreciation button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:259
msgid "Double Declining Depreciation"
msgstr "Progresszív értékcsökkenési leírás"

#. Tooltip for the financial term button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:265
msgid "Financial Term"
msgstr "Pénzügyi év"

#. Tooltip for the sum of the years digits depreciation button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:268
msgid "Sum of the Years Digits Depreciation"
msgstr "Évek száma szerinti értékcsökkenési leírás"

#. Tooltip for the straight line depreciation button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:271
msgid "Straight Line Depreciation"
msgstr "Lineáris értékcsökkenési leírás"

#. Number display mode combo: Binary, e.g. 10011010010₂
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:624
msgid "Binary"
msgstr "Kettes (bináris)"

#. Number display mode combo: Octal, e.g. 2322₈
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:628
msgid "Octal"
msgstr "Nyolcas (oktális)"

#. Number display mode combo: Decimal, e.g. 1234
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:632
msgid "Decimal"
msgstr "Tizes (decimális)"

#. Number display mode combo: Hexadecimal, e.g. 4D2₁₆
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:636
msgid "Hexadecimal"
msgstr "Tizenhatos (hexadecimális)"

#. Left Shift Popup: Menu item to shift left by n places (n < 10)
#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by n places (n < 10)
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:903 ../src/math-buttons.c:946
#, c-format
msgid "_%d place"
msgid_plural "_%d places"
msgstr[0] "_%d jegy"
msgstr[1] "_%d jegy"

#. Left Shift Popup: Menu item to shift left by n places (n >= 10)
#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by n places (n >= 10)
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:907 ../src/math-buttons.c:950
#, c-format
msgid "%d place"
msgid_plural "%d places"
msgstr[0] "%d jegy"
msgstr[1] "%d jegy"

#. Tooltip for the round button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:996
msgid "Round"
msgstr "Kerekítés"

#. Tooltip for the floor button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:998
msgid "Floor"
msgstr "Alsó egészrész"

#. Tooltip for the ceiling button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:1000
msgid "Ceiling"
msgstr "Felső egészrész"

#. Tooltip for the ceiling button
#: ../src/math-buttons.c:1002
msgid "Sign"
msgstr "Előjel"

#. Label that is displayed between the two conversion combo boxes, e.g.
#. "[degrees] in [radians]"
#: ../src/math-converter.c:414
msgid " in "
msgstr " ebben: "

#. Tooltip for swap conversion button
#: ../src/math-converter.c:429
msgid "Switch conversion units"
msgstr "Mértékegységek cseréje"

#. Error shown when trying to undo with no undo history
#: ../src/math-equation.c:459
msgid "No undo history"
msgstr "A visszavonási műveletnek nincsenek előzményei"

#. Error shown when trying to redo with no redo history
#: ../src/math-equation.c:486
msgid "No redo history"
msgstr "A mégis műveletnek nincsenek előzményei"

#: ../src/math-equation.c:948
msgid "No sane value to store"
msgstr "Nincs tárolható ép kifejezés"

#. Error displayed to user when they perform a bitwise operation on numbers
#. greater than the current word
#: ../src/math-equation.c:1230
msgid "Overflow. Try a bigger word size"
msgstr "Túlcsordulás. Próbálja nagyobb szóhosszal."

#. Error displayed to user when they an unknown variable is entered
#: ../src/math-equation.c:1235
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown variable '%s'"
msgstr "Ismeretlen változó: „%s”"

#. Error displayed to user when an unknown function is entered
#: ../src/math-equation.c:1240
#, c-format
msgid "Function '%s' is not defined"
msgstr "A függvény („%s”) nincs meghatározva"

#. Error displayed to user when an conversion with unknown units is attempted
#: ../src/math-equation.c:1245
msgid "Unknown conversion"
msgstr "Ismeretlen konverzió"

#. Uncategorized error. Show error token to user
#: ../src/math-equation.c:1253
#, c-format
msgid "Malformed expression at token '%s'"
msgstr "Hibás kifejezés a(z) „%s” jelnél"

#. Unknown error.
#. Error displayed to user when they enter an invalid calculation
#: ../src/math-equation.c:1256 ../src/math-equation.c:1261
msgid "Malformed expression"
msgstr "Hibás kifejezés"

#: ../src/math-equation.c:1275
msgid "Calculating"
msgstr "Számítás"

#. Error displayed when trying to factorize a non-integer value
#: ../src/math-equation.c:1390
msgid "Need an integer to factorize"
msgstr "A faktorizáláshoz egész szám szükséges"

#. This message is displayed in the status bar when a bit
#. shift operation is performed and the display does not contain a number
#: ../src/math-equation.c:1462
msgid "No sane value to bitwise shift"
msgstr "Nincs értelmes érték a bitenkénti eltoláshoz"

#. Message displayed when cannot toggle bit in display
#: ../src/math-equation.c:1493
msgid "Displayed value not an integer"
msgstr "A megjelenített érték nem egész"

#. Digits localized for the given language
#: ../src/math-equation.c:1918
msgid "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F"
msgstr "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F"

#. Preferences dialog: Angle unit combo box: Use degrees for trigonometric
#. calculations
#. FIXME: Approximations of 1/(units in a circle), therefore, 360 deg != 400
#. grads
#: ../src/math-preferences.c:255 ../src/unit-manager.c:54
msgid "Degrees"
msgstr "Fok"

#. Preferences dialog: Angle unit combo box: Use radians for trigonometric
#. calculations
#: ../src/math-preferences.c:259 ../src/unit-manager.c:55
msgid "Radians"
msgstr "Radián"

#. Preferences dialog: Angle unit combo box: Use gradians for trigonometric
#. calculations
#: ../src/math-preferences.c:263 ../src/unit-manager.c:56
msgid "Gradians"
msgstr "Gradián"

#. Number display mode combo: Automatic, e.g. 1234 (or scientific for large
#. number 1.234×10^99)
#: ../src/math-preferences.c:273
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatikus"

#. Number display mode combo: Fixed, e.g. 1234
#: ../src/math-preferences.c:277
msgid "Fixed"
msgstr "Rögzített"

#. Number display mode combo: Scientific, e.g. 1.234×10^3
#: ../src/math-preferences.c:281
msgid "Scientific"
msgstr "Tudományos mód"

#. Number display mode combo: Engineering, e.g. 1.234k
#: ../src/math-preferences.c:285
msgid "Engineering"
msgstr "Műszaki"

#. Label used in preferences dialog.  The %d is replaced by a spinbutton
#: ../src/math-preferences.c:296
#, c-format
msgid "Show %d decimal _places"
msgstr "%d decimális _hely megjelenítése"

#. Translators: Error message displayed when unable to launch help browser
#: ../src/math-window.c:212
msgid "Unable to open help file"
msgstr "A súgófájl nem nyitható meg"

#. The translator credits. Please translate this with your name(s).
#: ../src/math-window.c:239
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""
"Dvornik László<dvornik at mate dot hu>\n"
"Kelemen Gábor<kelemeng at mate dot hu>\n"
"Tímár András<timar at mate dot hu>\n"
"Kalman „KAMI” Szalai<kami911 at gmail dot com>\n"
"Falu<info at falu dot me>\n"
"Rezső Páder<rezso at rezso dot net>\n"
"Zoltán Rápolthy<real_zolee at hotmail dot com>\n"
"Meskó Balázs <mesko dot balazs at fsf dot hu>"

#. The license this software is under (GPL2+)
#: ../src/math-window.c:246
msgid ""
"mate-calc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"
"the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n"
"(at your option) any later version.\n"
"mate-calc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
"GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"
"along with mate-calc; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\n"
"151 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA"
msgstr ""
"A mate-calc szabad szoftver; terjeszthető illetve módosítható a Free Software\n"
"Foundation által kiadott GNU General Public License dokumentumában leírtak;\n"
"akár a licenc 2-es, akár (tetszőleges) későbbi változata szerint.\n"
"A mate-calc abban a reményben kerül közreadásra, hogy hasznos lesz, de minden\n"
"ALKALMAZHATÓSÁGRA való származtatott garanciát is beleértve. További\n"
"részleteket a GNU General Public License tartalmaz.\n"
"A felhasználónak a programmal együtt meg kell kapnia a GNU General Public\n"
"License egy példányát; ha mégsem kapta meg, akkor ezt a Free Software\n"
"Foundationnak küldött levélben jelezze (cím: Free Software Foundation Inc.,\n"
"59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.)"

#: ../src/math-window.c:261
msgid "mate-calc"
msgstr "mate-calc"

#: ../src/math-window.c:265
msgid "Calculator with financial and scientific modes."
msgstr "Számológép pénzügyi és tudományos üzemmódokkal."

#. Calculator menu
#: ../src/math-window.c:395
msgid "_Calculator"
msgstr "_Számológép"

#. Mode menu
#: ../src/math-window.c:397
msgid "_Mode"
msgstr "_Mód"

#. Help menu label
#: ../src/math-window.c:399
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Súgó"

#. Basic menu label
#: ../src/math-window.c:401
msgid "_Basic"
msgstr "_Alap"

#. Advanced menu label
#: ../src/math-window.c:403
msgid "_Advanced"
msgstr "_Speciális"

#. Financial menu label
#: ../src/math-window.c:405
msgid "_Financial"
msgstr "_Pénzügyi"

#. Programming menu label
#: ../src/math-window.c:407
msgid "_Programming"
msgstr "_Programozói"

#. Help>Contents menu label
#: ../src/math-window.c:409
msgid "_Contents"
msgstr "_Tartalom"

#: ../src/math-window.c:412
msgid "_Copy"
msgstr "_Másolás"

#: ../src/math-window.c:414
msgid "_Paste"
msgstr "_Beillesztés"

#: ../src/math-window.c:416
msgid "_Undo"
msgstr "_Visszavonás"

#: ../src/math-window.c:418
msgid "_Redo"
msgstr "Mé_gis"

#: ../src/math-window.c:421
msgid "_Preferences"
msgstr "_Beállítások"

#: ../src/math-window.c:423
msgid "_Quit"
msgstr "_Kilépés"

#: ../src/math-window.c:440
msgid "_About"
msgstr "_Névjegy"

#. Translators: Error displayed when boolean AND attempted on non-integer
#. values
#: ../src/mp-binary.c:115
msgid "Boolean AND is only defined for positive integers"
msgstr "A logikai ÉS csak pozitív egészekre van meghatározva"

#. Translators: Error displayed when boolean OR attempted on non-integer
#. values
#: ../src/mp-binary.c:128
msgid "Boolean OR is only defined for positive integers"
msgstr "A logikai VAGY csak pozitív egészekre van meghatározva"

#. Translators: Error displayed when boolean XOR attempted on non-integer
#. values
#: ../src/mp-binary.c:141
msgid "Boolean XOR is only defined for positive integers"
msgstr "A logikai XOR csak pozitív egészekre van meghatározva"

#. Translators: Error displayed when boolean XOR attempted on non-integer
#. values
#: ../src/mp-binary.c:156
msgid "Boolean NOT is only defined for positive integers"
msgstr "A logikai NEM csak pozitív egészekre van meghatározva"

#. Translators: Error displayed when bit shift attempted on non-integer values
#: ../src/mp-binary.c:190
msgid "Shift is only possible on integer values"
msgstr "A csúsztatást csak egészekre lehet elvégezni"

#. Translators: Error display when attempting to take argument of zero
#: ../src/mp.c:148
msgid "Argument not defined for zero"
msgstr "Az argumentum nincs definiálva nullára"

#: ../src/mp.c:299
msgid "Overflow: the result couldn't be calculated"
msgstr "Túlcsordulás: az eredmény nem számolható ki"

#. Translators: Error displayed attempted to divide by zero
#: ../src/mp.c:644 ../src/mp.c:676 ../src/mp.c:1605
msgid "Division by zero is undefined"
msgstr "A nullával osztás nincs meghatározva"

#. Translators: Error displayed when attempting to take logarithm of zero
#: ../src/mp.c:1276 ../src/mp.c:1313
msgid "Logarithm of zero is undefined"
msgstr "A nulla logaritmusa nincs meghatározva"

#. Translators: Error displayed when attempted to raise 0 to a negative
#. exponent
#: ../src/mp.c:1680 ../src/mp.c:1994
msgid "The power of zero is undefined for a negative exponent"
msgstr "Nulla hatványozása nincs meghatározva negatív kitevőre"

#: ../src/mp.c:1704
msgid "Reciprocal of zero is undefined"
msgstr "A nulla reciproka nincs meghatározva"

#: ../src/mp.c:1789
msgid "Root must be non-zero"
msgstr "A gyök nem lehet nulla"

#: ../src/mp.c:1807
msgid "Negative root of zero is undefined"
msgstr "A nulla negatív gyöke nincs meghatározva"

#: ../src/mp.c:1813
msgid "nth root of negative number is undefined for even n"
msgstr "Negatív szám n. gyöke nincs meghatározva páros n-re."

#. Translators: Error displayed when attempted take the factorial of a
#. fractional number
#: ../src/mp.c:1934
msgid "Factorial is only defined for natural numbers"
msgstr "A faktoriális csak természetes számokra van meghatározva"

#. Translators: Error displayed when attemping to do a modulus division on
#. non-integer numbers
#: ../src/mp.c:1954
msgid "Modulus division is only defined for integers"
msgstr "A maradékos osztás csak egészekre van meghatározva"

#. Translators: Error displayed when tangent value is undefined
#: ../src/mp-trigonometric.c:310
msgid ""
"Tangent is undefined for angles that are multiples of π (180°) from π∕2 "
msgstr ""
"A tangens nincs meghatározva π∕2 (90°) és π (180°) közötti szögek "

#. Translators: Error displayed when inverse sine value is undefined
#: ../src/mp-trigonometric.c:355
msgid "Inverse sine is undefined for values outside [-1, 1]"
msgstr ""
"Az inverz szinusz nincs meghatározva a [-1, 1] intervallumon kívüli "

#. Translators: Error displayed when inverse cosine value is undefined
#: ../src/mp-trigonometric.c:372
msgid "Inverse cosine is undefined for values outside [-1, 1]"
msgstr ""
"Az inverz koszinusz nincs meghatározva a [-1, 1] intervallumon kívüli "

#. Translators: Error displayed when inverse hyperbolic cosine value is
#. undefined
#: ../src/mp-trigonometric.c:591
msgid "Inverse hyperbolic cosine is undefined for values less than one"
msgstr ""
"Az inverz hiperbolikus koszinusz nincs meghatározva az egynél kisebb "

#. Translators: Error displayed when inverse hyperbolic tangent value is
#. undefined
#: ../src/mp-trigonometric.c:615
msgid "Inverse hyperbolic tangent is undefined for values outside [-1, 1]"
msgstr ""
"Az inverz hiperbolikus tangens nincs meghatározva a [-1, 1] intervallumon "
"kívüli értékekre"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:54
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s degrees"
msgstr "%s fok"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:54
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "degree,degrees,deg"
msgstr "fok"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:55
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s radians"
msgstr "%s radián"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:55
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "radian,radians,rad"
msgstr "radián,radian,rad"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:56
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s gradians"
msgstr "%s gradián"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:56
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "gradian,gradians,grad"
msgstr "gradián,gradian,grad"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:57
msgid "Parsecs"
msgstr "Parszek"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:57
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s pc"
msgstr "%s pc"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:57
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "parsec,parsecs,pc"
msgstr "parszek,parsec,pc"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:58
msgid "Light Years"
msgstr "Fényév"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:58
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s ly"
msgstr "%s ly"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:58
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "lightyear,lightyears,ly"
msgstr "fényév,ly"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:59
msgid "Astronomical Units"
msgstr "Csillagászati egység"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:59
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s au"
msgstr "%s CsE"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:59
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "au"
msgstr "CsE,au"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:60
msgid "Nautical Miles"
msgstr "Tengeri mérföld"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:60
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s nmi"
msgstr "%s nmi"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:60
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "nmi"
msgstr "nmi"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:61
msgid "Miles"
msgstr "Mérföld"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:61
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s mi"
msgstr "%s mi"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:61
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "mile,miles,mi"
msgstr "mérföld,mi"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:62
msgid "Kilometers"
msgstr "Kilométer"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:62
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s km"
msgstr "%s km"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:62
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "kilometer,kilometers,km,kms"
msgstr "kilométer,km"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:63
msgid "Cables"
msgstr "Kötélhossz"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:63
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s cb"
msgstr "%s cb"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:63
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "cable,cables,cb"
msgstr "kötélhossz,cable,cb"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:64
msgid "Fathoms"
msgstr "Fathom"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:64
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s ftm"
msgstr "%s ftm"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:64
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "fathom,fathoms,ftm"
msgstr "fathom,ftm"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:65
msgid "Meters"
msgstr "Méter"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:65
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s m"
msgstr "%s m"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:65
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "meter,meters,m"
msgstr "méter,m"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:66
msgid "Yards"
msgstr "Yard"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:66
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s yd"
msgstr "%s yd"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:66
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "yard,yards,yd"
msgstr "yard,yd"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:67
msgid "Feet"
msgstr "Láb"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:67
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s ft"
msgstr "%s ft"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:67
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "foot,feet,ft"
msgstr "láb,foot,ft"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:68
msgid "Inches"
msgstr "Hüvelyk"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:68
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s in"
msgstr "%s in"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:68
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "inch,inches,in"
msgstr "hüvelyk,coll,inch,in"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:69
msgid "Centimeters"
msgstr "Centiméter"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:69
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s cm"
msgstr "%s cm"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:69
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "centimeter,centimeters,cm,cms"
msgstr "centiméter,cm"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:70
msgid "Millimeters"
msgstr "Milliméter"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:70
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s mm"
msgstr "%s mm"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:70
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "millimeter,millimeters,mm"
msgstr "milliméter,mm"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:71
msgid "Micrometers"
msgstr "Mikrométer"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:71
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s μm"
msgstr "%s μm"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:71
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "micrometer,micrometers,um"
msgstr "mikrométer,um"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:72
msgid "Nanometers"
msgstr "Nanométer"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:72
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s nm"
msgstr "%s nm"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:72
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "nanometer,nanometers,nm"
msgstr "nanométer,nm"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:73
msgid "Hectares"
msgstr "Hektár"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:73
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s ha"
msgstr "%s ha"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:73
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "hectare,hectares,ha"
msgstr "hektár,ha"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:74
msgid "Acres"
msgstr "Acre"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:74
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s acres"
msgstr "%s acre"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:74
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "acre,acres"
msgstr "acre"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:75
msgid "Square Meters"
msgstr "Négyzetméter"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:75
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s m²"
msgstr "%s m²"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:75
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "m²"
msgstr "m²"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:76
msgid "Square Centimeters"
msgstr "Négyzetcentiméter"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:76
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s cm²"
msgstr "%s cm²"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:76
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "cm²"
msgstr "cm²"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:77
msgid "Square Millimeters"
msgstr "Négyzetmilliméter"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:77
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s mm²"
msgstr "%s mm²"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:77
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "mm²"
msgstr "mm²"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:78
msgid "Cubic Meters"
msgstr "Köbméter"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:78
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s m³"
msgstr "%s m³"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:78
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "m³"
msgstr "m³"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:79
msgid "Gallons"
msgstr "Gallon"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:79
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s gal"
msgstr "%s gal"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:79
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "gallon,gallons,gal"
msgstr "gallon,gal"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:80
msgid "Litres"
msgstr "Liter"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:80
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s L"
msgstr "%s L"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:80
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "litre,litres,liter,liters,L"
msgstr "liter,L"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:81
msgid "Quarts"
msgstr "Quart"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:81
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s qt"
msgstr "%s qt"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:81
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "quart,quarts,qt"
msgstr "quart,qt"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:82
msgid "Pints"
msgstr "Pint"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:82
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s pt"
msgstr "%s pt"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:82
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "pint,pints,pt"
msgstr "pint,pt"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:83
msgid "Millilitres"
msgstr "Milliliter"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:83
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s mL"
msgstr "%s mL"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:83
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "millilitre,millilitres,milliliter,milliliters,mL,cm³"
msgstr "milliliter,mL,cm³"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:84
msgid "Microlitres"
msgstr "Mikroliter"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:84
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s μL"
msgstr "%s μL"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:84
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "mm³,μL,uL"
msgstr "mm³,μL,uL"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:85
msgid "Tonnes"
msgstr "Tonna"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:85
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s T"
msgstr "%s T"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:85
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "tonne,tonnes"
msgstr "tonna"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:86
msgid "Kilograms"
msgstr "Kilogramm"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:86
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s kg"
msgstr "%s kg"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:86
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "kilogram,kilograms,kilogramme,kilogrammes,kg,kgs"
msgstr "kilogram,kilogramm,kg"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:87
msgid "Pounds"
msgstr "Font"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:87
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s lb"
msgstr "%s lb"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:87
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "pound,pounds,lb"
msgstr "font,pound,lb"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:88
msgid "Ounces"
msgstr "Uncia"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:88
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s oz"
msgstr "%s oz"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:88
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "ounce,ounces,oz"
msgstr "uncia,ounce,oz"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:89
msgid "Grams"
msgstr "Gramm"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:89
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s g"
msgstr "%s g"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:89
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "gram,grams,gramme,grammes,g"
msgstr "gram,gramm,g"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:90
msgid "Years"
msgstr "Év"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:90
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s years"
msgstr "%s év"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:90
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "year,years"
msgstr "év"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:91
msgid "Days"
msgstr "Nap"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:91
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s days"
msgstr "%s nap"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:91
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "day,days"
msgstr "nap"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:92
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Óra"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:92
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s hours"
msgstr "%s óra"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:92
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "hour,hours"
msgstr "óra"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:93
msgid "Minutes"
msgstr "Perc"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:93
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s minutes"
msgstr "%s perc"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:93
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "minute,minutes"
msgstr "perc"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:94
msgid "Seconds"
msgstr "Másodperc"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:94
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s s"
msgstr "%s s"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:94
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "second,seconds,s"
msgstr "perc,s"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:95
msgid "Milliseconds"
msgstr "Ezredmásodperc"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:95
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s ms"
msgstr "%s ms"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:95
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "millisecond,milliseconds,ms"
msgstr "ezredmásodperc,ms"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:96
msgid "Microseconds"
msgstr "Mikromásodperc"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:96
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s μs"
msgstr "%s μs"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:96
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "microsecond,microseconds,us,μs"
msgstr "mikromásodperc,us,μs"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:97
msgid "Celsius"
msgstr "Celsius fok"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:97
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s ˚C"
msgstr "%s ˚C"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:97
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "degC,˚C"
msgstr "degC,˚C"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:98
msgid "Farenheit"
msgstr "Farenheit"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:98
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s ˚F"
msgstr "%s ˚F"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:98
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "degF,˚F"
msgstr "degF,˚F"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:99
msgid "Kelvin"
msgstr "Kelvin"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:99
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s K"
msgstr "%s K"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:99
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "K"
msgstr "K"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:100
msgid "Rankine"
msgstr "Rankine"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:100
#, c-format
msgctxt "unit-format"
msgid "%s ˚R"
msgstr "%s ˚R"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:100
msgctxt "unit-symbols"
msgid "degR,˚R,˚Ra"
msgstr "degR,˚R,˚Ra"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:109
msgid "Angle"
msgstr "Szög"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:110
msgid "Length"
msgstr "Hossz"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:111
msgid "Area"
msgstr "Terület"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:112
msgid "Volume"
msgstr "Hangerő"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:113
msgid "Weight"
msgstr "Tömeg"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:114
msgid "Duration"
msgstr "Időtartam"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:115
msgid "Temperature"
msgstr "Hőmérséklet"

#: ../src/unit-manager.c:127
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Pénznem"

#. Translators: result of currency conversion, %s is the symbol, %%s is the
#. placeholder for amount, i.e.: USD100
#: ../src/unit-manager.c:137
#, c-format
msgid "%s%%s"
msgstr "%%s %s"