# translation of mate-calc Turkish
# Baris Cicek <baris@teamforce.name.tr>, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: mate-calc\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-08-30 04:35+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-08-29 22:34+0300\n"
"Last-Translator: Baris Cicek <baris@teamforce.name.tr>\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish <mate-turk@gnome.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms:  nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"

#. Payment Period Dialog: Button to calculate result
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:2
msgid "C_alculate"
msgstr "_Hesapla"

#. Gross Profit Margin Dialog: Label before cost input
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:4
msgid "C_ost:"
msgstr "_Maliyet:"

#. Periodic Payment Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:6
msgid ""
"Calculates the amount of the periodic payment of a loan, where payments are "
"made at the end of each payment period. "
msgstr ""
"Burada ödemeler her ödeme dönemi sonunda yapılan kredinin periyodik ödeme "
"miktarını hesaplar."

#. Sum-Of-The-Years'-Digits Depreciation Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:8
msgid ""
"Calculates the depreciation allowance on an asset for a specified period of "
"time, using the Sum-Of-The-Years'-Digits method. This method of depreciation "
"accelerates the rate of depreciation, so that more depreciation expense "
"occurs in earlier periods than in later ones. The useful life is the number "
"of periods, typically years, over which an asset is depreciated. "
msgstr ""
"Belli bir süre için bir varlık üzerinde,Yılların-Toplamı yöntemi kullanarak "
"amortisman miktarını hesaplar. Bu yöntemli amortismanda amortisman oranı "
"hızlandırılır, böylece sonra olanlardan daha fazla amortisman gideri daha "
"önceki dönemlerde oluşur. Yararlı yaşam süresi genellikle yıl üzerinden "
"varlığın amortisman edileceği süreyi belirtir."

#. Double-Declining Depreciation Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:10
msgid ""
"Calculates the depreciation allowance on an asset for a specified period of "
"time, using the double-declining balance method."
msgstr ""
"Belli bir süre için bir varlık üzerinde, çift azalan bakiye yöntemini "
"kullanarak amortisman parası hesaplar."

#. Future Value Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:12
msgid ""
"Calculates the future value of an investment based on a series of equal "
"payments at a periodic interest rate over the number of payment periods in "
"the term."
msgstr ""
"Bir yatırımın gelecekteki değerini bir dizi eşit ödeme vadesinde ödeme "
"dönemlerinin sayısı üzerinden dönemsel faiz oranı tabanında hesaplar."

#. Compounding Term Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:14
msgid ""
"Calculates the number of compounding periods necessary to increase an "
"investment of present value to a future value, at a fixed interest rate per "
"compounding period."
msgstr ""
"Bir yatırımın bugünkü değerini bir gelecek değere, bileşik dönem başına "
"sabit bir faiz oranı ile artırmak için gerekli bileşik dönem sayısını "

#. Payment Period Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:16
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Calculates the number of payment periods that are necessary during the term "
"of an ordinary annuity, to accumulate a future value, at a periodic interest "
msgstr ""
"Dönemsel faiz gelecekteki değer, Bileşik Periyot sayısı üzerinde bir yatırım "
"artışı için gerekli hesaplar."

#. Periodic Interest Rate Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:18
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Calculates the periodic interest necessary to increase an investment to a "
"future value, over the number of compounding periods. "
msgstr ""
"Dönemsel faiz gelecekteki değer, bileşik periyot sayısı üzerinde bir yatırım "
"artışı için gerekli hesaplar."

#. Present Value Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:20
msgid ""
"Calculates the present value of an investment based on a series of equal "
"payments discounted at a periodic interest rate over the number of payment "
"periods in the term. "
msgstr ""
"Bir yatırımın mevcut değerini vadesi içerisinde ödeme dönemleri üzerinden "
"dönemsel faiz oranı düşürüleren eşit ödemelere göre hesaplar."

#. Gross Profit Margin Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:22
msgid ""
"Calculates the resale price of a product, based on the product cost and the "
"wanted gross profit margin."
msgstr ""
"Bir ürünün ürün maliyetine dayalı satış fiyatı ve istenen brüt kar marjını "

#. Straight-Line Depreciation Dialog: Description of calculation
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:24
msgid ""
"Calculates the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period. The "
"straight-line method of depreciation divides the depreciable cost evenly "
"over the useful life of an asset. The useful life is the number of periods, "
"typically years, over which an asset is depreciated. "
msgstr ""
"Bir dönem için bir varlığın doğrusal amortismanını hesaplar. Doğrusal "
"yöntemli amortisman  bir varlığın faydalı ömrü üzerinden amortisman "
"maliyetini eşit olarak böler. Yararlı yaşam süresi genellikle yıl olarak bir "
"varlığın amortisman uygulanacağı süreyi belirtir."

#. Title of Compounding Term dialog
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:26
msgid "Compounding Term"
msgstr ""
"Bir dönem için bir varlığın doğrusal amortisman hesaplar. Amortisman "
"doğrusal yöntem bir varlığın faydalı ömrü üzerinden eşit depreciable maliyet "
"böler. Yararlı yaşam süreleri olan üzerinde bir varlıktır numarası, "
"genellikle yıl, bir değer kaybetmiştir."

#. Title of Double-Declining Depreciation dialog
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:28
msgid "Double-Declining Depreciation"
msgstr "Çift Azalan Amortisman"

#. Title of Future Value dialog
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:30
msgid "Future Value"
msgstr "Gelecek Değer"

#. Payment Period Dialog: Label before future value input
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:32
msgid "Future _Value:"
msgstr "_Gelecek Değer:"

#. Title of Gross Profit Margin dialog
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:34 ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:209
msgid "Gross Profit Margin"
msgstr "Brüt Kar Marjı"

#. Title of Payment Period dialog
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:36
msgid "Payment Period"
msgstr "Ödeme Dönemi"

#. Title of Periodic Interest Rate dialog
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:38
msgid "Periodic Interest Rate"
msgstr "Dönemsel Faiz Oranı"

#. Payment Period Dialog: Label before periodic interest rate input
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:40
msgid "Periodic Interest _Rate:"
msgstr "Dönemsel Faiz _Oranı:"

#. Title of Periodic Payment dialog
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:42
msgid "Periodic Payment"
msgstr "Dönemsel Ödeme"

#. Title of Present Value dialog
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:44
msgid "Present Value"
msgstr "Bugünki Değer"

#. Periodic Interest Rate Dialog: Label before present value input
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:46
msgid "Present _Value:"
msgstr "Bugünki _Değer:"

#. Title of Straight-Line Depreciation dialog
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:48
msgid "Straight-Line Depreciation"
msgstr "Doğrusal Amortisman"

#. Title of Sum-Of-The-Years'-Digits Depreciation dialog
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:50
msgid "Sum-Of-The-Years'-Digits Depreciation"
msgstr "Yılların-Toplamı Amortisman"

#. Sum-Of-The-Years'-Digits Depreciation Dialog: Label before cost input
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:52
msgid "_Cost:"
msgstr "_Maliyet:"

#. Periodic Interest Rate Dialog: Label before future value input
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:54
msgid "_Future Value:"
msgstr "_Gelecek Değer:"

#. Sum-Of-The-Years'-Digits Depreciation Dialog: Label before life input
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:56
msgid "_Life:"
msgstr "_Yaşam:"

#. Gross Profit Margin Dialog: Label before margin input
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:58
msgid "_Margin:"
msgstr "_Marj:"

#. Present Value Dialog: Label before number of periods input
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:60
msgid "_Number Of Periods:"
msgstr "_Dönem Sayısı:"

#. Sum-Of-The-Years'-Digits Depreciation Dialog: Label before period input
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:62
msgid "_Period:"
msgstr "_Dönem:"

#. Payment Period Dialog: Label before periodic payment input
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:64
msgid "_Periodic Payment:"
msgstr "Dö_nemsel Özdeme:"

#. Periodic Payment Dialog: Label before principal input
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:66
msgid "_Principal:"
msgstr "_Temel:"

#. Sum-Of-The-Years'-Digits Depreciation Dialog: Label before salvage input
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:68
msgid "_Salvage:"
msgstr "_Hurda:"

#. Periodic Interest Rate Dialog: Label before term input
#: ../data/financial.ui.h:70
msgid "_Term:"
msgstr "_Vade:"

#. The percentage button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:3
#, no-c-format
msgid "%"
msgstr "%"

#. Subtraction button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:5
msgid "&#x2212;"
msgstr "&#x2212;"

#. Square root button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:7
msgid "&#x221A;"
msgstr "&#x221A;"

#. Change sign button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:9
msgid "&#xB1;"
msgstr "&#xB1;"

#. Multiplication button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:11
msgid "&#xD7;"
msgstr "&#xD7;"

#. Division button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:13
msgid "&#xF7;"
msgstr "&#xF7;"

#. Start calculation group button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:15
msgid "("
msgstr "("

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:16
msgid "(Ln)"
msgstr "(Ln)"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:17
msgid "(Set accuracy from 0 to N numeric places [A])"
msgstr "(Doğruluğu 0 ve N arası sayısal yerlerden atayın [A])"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:18
msgid "(X^Y)"
msgstr "(X^Y)"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:19
msgid "(cos)"
msgstr "(cos)"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:20
msgid "(log)"
msgstr "(log)"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:21
msgid "(log2)"
msgstr "(log2)"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:22
msgid "(sin)"
msgstr "(sin)"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:23
msgid "(tan)"
msgstr "(tan)"

#. Right bracket
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:25
msgid ")"
msgstr ")"

#. Addition button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:27
msgid "+"
msgstr "+"

#. Numeric 0 button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:29
msgid "0"
msgstr "0"

#. Numeric 1 button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:31
msgid "1"
msgstr "1"

#. 1's complement
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:33
msgid "1's"
msgstr "1'in"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:34
msgid "1's complement [z]"
msgstr "1'in tamamlayıcısı [z]"

#. Reciprocal button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:36
msgid "1/<i>x</i>"
msgstr "1/<i>x</i>"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:37
msgid "1/x"
msgstr "1/x"

#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by 10 bits
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:39
msgid "10 places"
msgstr "10 sayı"

#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by 11 bits
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:41
msgid "11 places"
msgstr "11 sayı"

#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by 12 bits
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:43
msgid "12 places"
msgstr "12 sayı"

#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by 13 bits
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:45
msgid "13 places"
msgstr "13 sayı"

#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by 14 bits
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:47
msgid "14 places"
msgstr "14 sayı"

#. Label for bit 15 on the bit editor
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:49
msgid "15"
msgstr "15"

#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by 15 bits
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:51
msgid "15 places"
msgstr "15 sayı"

#. Numeric 2 button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:53
msgid "2"
msgstr "2"

#. 2's complement
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:55
msgid "2's"
msgstr "2'nin"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:56
msgid "2's complement [Z]"
msgstr "2'nin tamamlayıcısı [Z]"

#. Numeric 3 button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:58
msgid "3"
msgstr "3"

#. Label for bit 31 on the bit editor
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:60
msgid "31"
msgstr "31"

#. Label for bit 32 on the bit editor
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:62
msgid "32"
msgstr "32"

#. Numeric 4 button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:64
msgid "4"
msgstr "4"

#. Label for bit 47 on the bit editor
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:66
msgid "47"
msgstr "47"

#. Numeric 5 button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:68
msgid "5"
msgstr "5"

#. Numeric 6 button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:70
msgid "6"
msgstr "6"

#. Label for the most significant bit (bit 63) on the bit editor
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:72
msgid "63"
msgstr "63"

#. Numeric 7 button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:74
msgid "7"
msgstr "7"

#. Numeric 8 button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:76
msgid "8"
msgstr "8"

#. Numeric 9 button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:78
msgid "9"
msgstr "9"

#. Shift left button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:80
msgid "<"
msgstr "<"

#. Factorial
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:82
msgid "<i>x</i>!"
msgstr "<i>x</i>!"

#. x to the power of 2 button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:84
msgid "<i>x</i><sup>2</sup>"
msgstr "<i>x</i><sup>2</sup>"

#. Edit Function Dialog: Note about what base numbers will be entered as
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:86
msgid ""
"<small><i><b>Note:</b> All constant values are specified in the decimal "
"numeric base.</i></small>"
msgstr ""
"<small><i><b>Not:</b> Bütün sabitler ondalık tabanda belirtilir.</i></small>"

#. "R0" is the abbreviation for "Register 0", used in the memory register dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:88
msgid "<span weight=\"bold\">R0</span>"
msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\">R0</span>"

#. "R1" is the abbreviation for "Register 1", used in the memory register dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:90
msgid "<span weight=\"bold\">R1</span>"
msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\">R1</span>"

#. "R2" is the abbreviation for "Register 2", used in the memory register dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:92
msgid "<span weight=\"bold\">R2</span>"
msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\">R2</span>"

#. "R3" is the abbreviation for "Register 3", used in the memory register dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:94
msgid "<span weight=\"bold\">R3</span>"
msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\">R3</span>"

#. "R4" is the abbreviation for "Register 4", used in the memory register dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:96
msgid "<span weight=\"bold\">R4</span>"
msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\">R4</span>"

#. "R5" is the abbreviation for "Register 5", used in the memory register dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:98
msgid "<span weight=\"bold\">R5</span>"
msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\">R5</span>"

#. "R6" is the abbreviation for "Register 6", used in the memory register dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:100
msgid "<span weight=\"bold\">R6</span>"
msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\">R6</span>"

#. "R7" is the abbreviation for "Register 7", used in the memory register dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:102
msgid "<span weight=\"bold\">R7</span>"
msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\">R7</span>"

#. "R8" is the abbreviation for "Register 8", used in the memory register dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:104
msgid "<span weight=\"bold\">R8</span>"
msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\">R8</span>"

#. "R9" is the abbreviation for "Register 9", used in the memory register dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:106
msgid "<span weight=\"bold\">R9</span>"
msgstr "<span weight=\"bold\">R9</span>"

#. Solve button (clicking this solves the displayed calculation)
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:108
msgid "="
msgstr "="

#. Shift right button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:110
msgid ">"
msgstr ">"

#. Hexadecimal digit A button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:112
msgid "A"
msgstr "A"

#. Boolean AND button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:114
msgid "AND"
msgstr "VE"

#. Absolute value button. Abs is short for Absolute
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:116
msgid "Abs"
msgstr "Abs"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:117
msgid "Absolute value"
msgstr "Mutlak değer"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:118
msgid "Absolute value [u]"
msgstr "Mutlak değer [u]"

#. Accuracy button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:120
msgid "Acc"
msgstr "Acc"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:121
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Topla"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:122
msgid "Add [+]"
msgstr "Topla [+]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:123
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Gelişmiş"

#. Hexadecimal digit B button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:125
msgid "B"
msgstr "B"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:126
msgid "Backspace"
msgstr "Backspace "

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:127
msgid "Basic"
msgstr "Temel"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:128
msgid "Bitwise AND [&]"
msgstr "Bitsel AND [&]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:129
msgid "Bitwise NOT [~]"
msgstr "Bitsel NOT [~]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:130
msgid "Bitwise OR [|]"
msgstr "Bitsel OR [|]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:131
msgid "Bitwise XNOR [{]"
msgstr "Bitsel XNOR[{]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:132
msgid "Bitwise XOR [x]"
msgstr "Bitsel XOR [x]"

#. Bksp is short for Backspace
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:134
msgid "Bksp"
msgstr "Bksp"

#. Hexadecimal digit C button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:136 ../src/gtk.c:1700
msgid "C"
msgstr "C"

#. Clear displayed value button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:138
msgid "CE"
msgstr "CE"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:139
msgid "Calculate result"
msgstr "Eşittir"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:140
msgid "Calculate result [=]"
msgstr "Sonucu hesapla [=]"

#. Insert ASCII dialog: Label before character entry
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:142
msgid "Ch_aracter:"
msgstr "Ka_rakter:"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:143
msgid "Change Sign [C]"
msgstr "İşaret Değiştir [C]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:144
msgid "Change sign"
msgstr "İşaret değiştir"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:145
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Sil"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:146
msgid "Clear displayed value [Escape]"
msgstr "Ekrandaki değeri sil [Esc]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:147
msgid "Clear displayed value and any partial calculation [Shift Delete]"
msgstr "Ekrandaki değeri ve parçası olan hesaplamaları sil [Shift Delete]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:148
msgid "Clear entry"
msgstr "Girişi sil"

#. Edit Functions Dialog: Instructions in dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:150
msgid "Click a _value or description to edit it:"
msgstr "Değiştirmek için _değere veya tanımlamaya tıklayın:"

#. Clear display button. Clr is short for Clear
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:152
msgid "Clr"
msgstr "Clr"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:153
msgid "Compounding term"
msgstr "Birleşen terim"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:154
msgid "Compounding term [m]"
msgstr "Birleşen terim [m]"

#. Constants button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:156
msgid "Con"
msgstr "Con"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:157
msgid "Constants [#]"
msgstr "Sabitler [#]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:158
msgid "Copy selection"
msgstr "Seçimi kopyala"

#. Calculates the number of compounding periods necessary to increase an investment of present value pv to a future value of fv, at a fixed interest rate of int per compounding period. See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compound_interest
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:160
msgid "Ctrm"
msgstr "Ctrm"

#. Hexadecimal digit D button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:162
msgid "D"
msgstr "D"

#. Calculates the depreciation allowance on an asset for a specified period of time, using the double-declining balance method. See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depreciation
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:164
msgid "Ddb"
msgstr "Ddb"

#. Degrees radio button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:166
msgid "De_grees"
msgstr "_Derece"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:167
msgid "Divide"
msgstr "Böl"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:168
msgid "Divide [/]"
msgstr "Böl [/]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:169
msgid "Double-declining depreciation"
msgstr "Çift azalan amortisman"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:170
msgid "Double-declining depreciation [D]"
msgstr "Çift azalan amortisman [D]"

#. Hexadecimal digit E button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:172
msgid "E"
msgstr "E"

#. Engineering display radio button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:174
msgid "E_ng"
msgstr "İ_ng"

#. Title of edit constants dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:176
msgid "Edit Constants"
msgstr "Sabitleri Düzenle"

#. Menu item in the constants menu to show the Edit Constants dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:178
msgid "Edit Constants..."
msgstr "Sabitleri Düzenle..."

#. Title of edit functions dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:180
msgid "Edit Functions"
msgstr "Fonksiyonları Düzenle"

#. Menu item in the constants menu to show the Edit Functions dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:182
msgid "Edit Functions..."
msgstr "Fonksiyonları Düzenle..."

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:183
msgid "End group of calculations [)]"
msgstr "Grup hesapların bitişi [)]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:184
msgid "Enter an exponential number [E]"
msgstr "Üstel bir sayı giriniz [E]"

#. Memory exchange button. Exch is short for Exchange
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:186
msgid "Exch"
msgstr "Exch "

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:187
msgid "Exchange displayed value with memory register [X]"
msgstr "Ekrandaki değeri bellek yazmacındaki değerle değiştir [X]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:188
msgid "Exchange with register"
msgstr "Bellekle değiştir"

#. Exponential
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:190
msgid "Exp"
msgstr "Exp"

#. Hexadecimal digit F button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:192 ../src/gtk.c:1723
msgid "F"
msgstr "F"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:193
msgid "Factorial of displayed value [!]"
msgstr "Ekrandaki değerin faktoriyeli [!]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:194
msgid "Financial"
msgstr "Ekonomi"

#. Fractional portion button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:196
msgid "Frac"
msgstr "Frac"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:197
msgid "Fractional portion"
msgstr "Kesirli kısım"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:198
msgid "Fractional portion of displayed value [:]"
msgstr "Ekrandaki değerin kesirli kısmı [:]"

#. Functions button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:200
msgid "Fun"
msgstr "Fun"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:201
msgid "Future value"
msgstr "Gelecekteki değer"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:202
msgid "Future value [v]"
msgstr "Gelecekteki değer [v]"

#. Calculates the future value of an investment based on a series of equal payments, each of amount pmt, at a periodic interest rate of int, over the number of payment periods in the term. See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Future_value
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:204
msgid "Fv"
msgstr "Fv"

#. Calculates the resale price of a product, based on the product cost and the wanted gross profit margin. See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gross_profit_margin
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:206
msgid "Gpm"
msgstr "Gpm"

#. Gradians radio button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:208
msgid "Gr_adians"
msgstr "Gr_adyan"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:210
msgid "Gross Profit Margin [I]"
msgstr "Brüt Kar Marjı [[I]]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:211
msgid "Gross Profit Margin [g]"
msgstr "Brüt Kar Marjı [g]"

#. Hyperbolic check box
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:213
msgid "H_yp"
msgstr "H_yp"

#. Base 16 radio button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:215
msgid "He_x"
msgstr "He_x"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:216
msgid "Hexadecimal digit A [a]"
msgstr "Onaltılık A basamağı [a]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:217
msgid "Hexadecimal digit B [b]"
msgstr "Onaltılık B basamağı [b]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:218
msgid "Hexadecimal digit C [c]"
msgstr "Onaltılık C basamağı [c]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:219
msgid "Hexadecimal digit D [d]"
msgstr "Onaltılık D basamağı [d]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:220
msgid "Hexadecimal digit E [e]"
msgstr "Onaltılık E basamağı [e]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:221
msgid "Hexadecimal digit F [f]"
msgstr "Onaltılık F basamağı [f]"

#. Title of insert ASCII dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:223
msgid "Insert ASCII Value"
msgstr "Araya ASCII değeri ekle"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:224
msgid "Insert ASCII value"
msgstr "Araya ASCII değeri ekle"

#. Integer portion button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:226
msgid "Int"
msgstr "Int"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:227
msgid "Integer portion"
msgstr "Tamsayı kısmı"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:228
msgid "Integer portion of displayed value [i]"
msgstr "Ekrandaki değerin tamsayı kısmı [i]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:229
msgid "Left bracket"
msgstr "Sol parantez"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:230
msgid "Makes the bitwise functions use 16 bit mode"
msgstr "Bitsel fonksiyonları 32 bit kipi kullanır yapar"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:231
msgid "Makes the bitwise functions use 32 bit mode"
msgstr "Bitsel fonksiyonları 32 bit kipi kullanır yapar"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:232
msgid "Makes the bitwise functions use 64 bit mode"
msgstr "Bitsel fonksiyonları 64 bit kipi kullanır yapar"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:233
msgid "Memory Registers"
msgstr "Bellek Yazmaçları"

#. Modulus division button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:235
msgid "Mod"
msgstr "Mod"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:236
msgid "Modulus Division [M]"
msgstr "Modülüs Bölümü [M]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:237
msgid "Multiply"
msgstr "Çarp"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:238
msgid "Multiply [*]"
msgstr "Çarp [*]"

#. Boolean NOT button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:240
msgid "NOT"
msgstr "NOT"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:241
msgid "Numeric 0"
msgstr "Sayısal 0"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:242
msgid "Numeric 1"
msgstr "Sayısal 1"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:243
msgid "Numeric 2"
msgstr "Sayısal 2"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:244
msgid "Numeric 3"
msgstr "Sayısal 3"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:245
msgid "Numeric 4"
msgstr "Sayısal 4"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:246
msgid "Numeric 5"
msgstr "Sayısal 5"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:247
msgid "Numeric 6"
msgstr "Sayısal 6"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:248
msgid "Numeric 7"
msgstr "Sayısal 7"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:249
msgid "Numeric 8"
msgstr "Sayısal 8"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:250
msgid "Numeric 9"
msgstr "Sayısal 9"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:251
msgid "Numeric point"
msgstr "Sayısal virgül"

#. Boolean OR button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:253
msgid "OR"
msgstr "OR"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:254
msgid "Paste selection"
msgstr "Seçimi yapıştır"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:255
msgid "Payment period"
msgstr "Ödeme dönemi"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:256
msgid "Payment period [t]"
msgstr "Ödeme dönemi [t]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:257
msgid "Percentage"
msgstr "Yüzde"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:259
#, no-c-format
msgid "Percentage [%]"
msgstr "Yüzde [%]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:260
msgid "Periodic interest rate"
msgstr "Periyodik faiz oranı"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:261
msgid "Periodic interest rate [T]"
msgstr "Periyodik faiz oranı [T]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:262
msgid "Periodic payment"
msgstr "Periyodik ödeme"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:263
msgid "Periodic payment [P]"
msgstr "Periyodik ödeme [P]"

#. Calculates the amount of the periodic payment of a loan, where payments are made at the end of each payment period. See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amortization_schedule
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:265
msgid "Pmt"
msgstr "Pmt"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:266
msgid "Present value"
msgstr "Şimdiki değer"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:267
msgid "Present value [p]"
msgstr "Şimdiki değer [p]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:268
msgid "Programming"
msgstr "Programlama"

#. Calculates the present value of an investment based on a series of equal payments, each of amount pmt, discounted at a periodic interest rate of int, over the number of payment periods in the term. See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Present_value
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:270
msgid "Pv"
msgstr "Pv"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:271
msgid "Quit the calculator"
msgstr "Hesap makinesinden çık"

#. Random number
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:273
msgid "Rand"
msgstr "Rand"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:274
msgid "Random number in the range 0.0 to 1.0 [?]"
msgstr "Aralığı 0,0'dan 1,0'a olan rasgele sayılar [?]"

#. Calculates the periodic interest necessary to increase an investment of present value pv to a future value of fv, over the number of compounding periods in term. See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interest
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:276
msgid "Rate"
msgstr "Oran"

#. Memory recall button. Rcl is short for Recall
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:278
msgid "Rcl"
msgstr "Rcl"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:279
msgid "Reciprocal"
msgstr "Tersi"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:280
msgid "Reciprocal [r]"
msgstr "Tersi [r]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:281
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Yeniden yap"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:282
msgid "Remove rightmost character from displayed value [Backspace]"
msgstr "En sağdaki karakteri ekrandaki değerden çıkar [Backspace]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:283
msgid "Result Region"
msgstr "Sonuç Alanı"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:284
msgid "Retrieve from register"
msgstr "Yazmaçtan getir"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:285
msgid "Retrieve memory register to display [R]"
msgstr "Bellek yazmacından ekrana getir [R]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:286
msgid "Right bracket"
msgstr "Sağ parantez"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:287
msgid "Scientific"
msgstr "Bilim"

#. Title of set precision dialog
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:289
msgid "Set Precision"
msgstr "Hassasiyeti Ayarla"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:290
msgid "Set display type to engineering format"
msgstr "Ekran çeşidini mühendislik formatına ayarla"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:291
msgid "Set display type to fixed-point format"
msgstr "Ekran çeşidini belirli nokta formatına ayarla"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:292
msgid "Set display type to scientific format"
msgstr "Ekran çeşidini bilim formatına ayarla"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:293
msgid "Set hyperbolic option for trigonometric functions"
msgstr "Hiperbolik trigonometrik fonksiyon seçeneğini uygula"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:294
msgid "Set inverse option for trigonometric functions"
msgstr "Ters trigonometrik fonksiyon seçeneğini uygula "

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:295
msgid "Set numeric base to binary (base 2)"
msgstr "Sayısal tabanı ikilik (taban 2) yap"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:296
msgid "Set numeric base to decimal (base 10)"
msgstr "Sayısal tabanı ondalık (taban 10) yap"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:297
msgid "Set numeric base to hexadecimal (base 16)"
msgstr "Sayısal tabanı onaltılık (taban 16) yap"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:298
msgid "Set numeric base to octal (base 8)"
msgstr "Sayısal tabanı sekizlik (taban 8) yap"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:299
msgid "Set trigonometric type to degrees"
msgstr "Trigonometrik türünü derece yap"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:300
msgid "Set trigonometric type to gradians"
msgstr "Trigonometrik türünü radyan yap"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:301
msgid "Set trigonometric type to radians"
msgstr "Trigonometrik türünü radyan yap"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:302
msgid "Shift displayed value 1-15 places to the left [<]"
msgstr "Ekrandaki değeri 1-15 basamak sola kaydır [<]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:303
msgid "Shift displayed value 1-15 places to the right [>]"
msgstr "Ekrandaki değeri 1-15 basamak sağa kaydır [>]"

#. View|Show Thousands Separator menu item
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:305
msgid "Show T_housands Separator"
msgstr "_Binler Basamağı Ayracını Göster"

#. Accuracy Popup: Check menu item to enable trailing zeroes
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:307
msgid "Show _Trailing Zeroes"
msgstr "S_ondaki Sıfırları Göster"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:308
msgid "Show help contents"
msgstr "Yardım içindekileri göster"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:309
msgid "Show memory registers"
msgstr "Bellek yazmaçlarını göster"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:310
msgid "Show the About Gcalctool dialog"
msgstr "Gcalctool Hakkında penceresini göster"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:311
msgid "Show thousands separator"
msgstr "Binler basamağı ayracını göster"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:312
msgid "Show trailing zeroes"
msgstr "Sondaki sıfırları göster"

#. Set Precision Dialog: Label before the significant places spin button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:314
msgid "Significant _places:"
msgstr "Anlamlı _basamak:"

#. Calculates the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period. The depreciable cost is cost - salvage. The straight-line method of depreciation divides the depreciable cost evenly over the useful life of an asset. The useful life is the number of periods, typically years, over which an asset is depreciated. See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depreciation
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:316
msgid "Sln"
msgstr "Sln"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:317
msgid "Square"
msgstr "Karesi"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:318
msgid "Square [@]"
msgstr "Karesi [@]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:319
msgid "Square root"
msgstr "Karekök"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:320
msgid "Square root [s]"
msgstr "Karekök [s]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:321
msgid "Start group of calculations [(]"
msgstr "Grup hesapların başlangıcı [(]"

#. Memory store button. Sto is short for Store
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:323
msgid "Sto"
msgstr "Sto"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:324
msgid "Store displayed value in memory register [S]"
msgstr "Ekrandaki değeri hafıza bellek yazmacında sakla [S]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:325
msgid "Store to register"
msgstr "Yazmaca yazdır"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:326
msgid "Straight-line depreciation"
msgstr "Basit amortisman"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:327
msgid "Straight-line depreciation [l]"
msgstr "Basit amortisman [l]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:328
msgid "Subtract"
msgstr "Çıkart"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:329
msgid "Subtract [-]"
msgstr "Çıkart [-]"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:330
msgid "Sum-of-the years'-digits depreciation"
msgstr "Toplam yılların -rakamları amortismanı"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:331
msgid "Sum-of-the years'-digits depreciation [Y]"
msgstr "Programlama"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:332
msgid "Sum-of-the years'-digits depreciation [y]"
msgstr "Toplam yılların -rakamları amortismanı [y]"

#. Calculates the depreciation allowance on an asset for a specified period of time, using the Sum-Of-The-Years'-Digits method. This method of depreciation accelerates the rate of depreciation, so that more depreciation expense occurs in earlier periods than in later ones. The depreciable cost is cost - salvage. The useful life is the number of periods, typically years, over which an asset is depreciated. See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depreciation
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:334
msgid "Syd"
msgstr "Syd"

#. Calculates the number of payment periods that are necessary during the term of an ordinary annuity, to accumulate a future value of fv, at a periodic interest rate of int. Each payment is equal to amount pmt. See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annuity_(finance_theory)
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:336
msgid "Term"
msgstr "Term"

#. Truncate displayed value
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:338
msgid "Trunc"
msgstr "Trunc"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:339
msgid "Truncate displayed value to the chosen word size ([)"
msgstr "Sum-years' basamaklı amortisman [Y] tarafından"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:340
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Geri al"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:341
msgid "User-defined functions [F]"
msgstr "Kullanıcı tanımlı işlevler [F]"

#. Boolean exclusive NOR button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:343
msgid "XNOR"
msgstr "XNOR"

#. Boolean exlcusive OR button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:345
msgid "XOR"
msgstr "XOR"

#. Accuracy Popup: Menu item to set accuracy to 0 significant places
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:347
msgid "_0 significant places"
msgstr "_0 anlamlı basamak"

#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by 1 bit
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:349
msgid "_1 place"
msgstr "_1 sayı"

#. Accuracy Popup: Menu item to set accuracy to 1 significant place
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:351
msgid "_1 significant place"
msgstr "_1 anlamlı basamak"

#. 16 bit radio button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:353
msgid "_16 bit"
msgstr "_16 bit"

#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by 2 bits
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:355
msgid "_2 places"
msgstr "_2 sayı"

#. Accuracy Popup: Menu item to set accuracy to 2 significant places
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:357
msgid "_2 significant places"
msgstr "_2 anlamlı basamak"

#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by 3 bits
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:359
msgid "_3 places"
msgstr "_3 sayı"

#. Accuracy Popup: Menu item to set accuracy to 3 significant places
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:361
msgid "_3 significant places"
msgstr "_3 anlamlı basamak"

#. 32 bit radio button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:363
msgid "_32 bit"
msgstr "_32 bit"

#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by 4 bits
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:365
msgid "_4 places"
msgstr "_4 sayı"

#. Accuracy Popup: Menu item to set accuracy to 4 significant places
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:367
msgid "_4 significant places"
msgstr "_4 anlamlı basamak"

#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by 5 bits
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:369
msgid "_5 places"
msgstr "_5 sayı"

#. Accuracy Popup: Menu item to set accuracy to 5 significant places
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:371
msgid "_5 significant places"
msgstr "_5 anlamlı basamak"

#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by 6 bits
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:373
msgid "_6 places"
msgstr "_6 sayı"

#. Accuracy Popup: Menu item to set accuracy to 6 significant places
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:375
msgid "_6 significant places"
msgstr "_6 anlamlı basamak"

#. 64 bit radio button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:377
msgid "_64 bit"
msgstr "_64 bit"

#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by 7 bits
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:379
msgid "_7 places"
msgstr "_7 sayı"

#. Accuracy Popup: Menu item to set accuracy to 7 significant places
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:381
msgid "_7 significant places"
msgstr "_7 anlamlı basamak"

#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by 8 bits
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:383
msgid "_8 places"
msgstr "_8 sayı"

#. Accuracy Popup: Menu item to set accuracy to 8 significant places
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:385
msgid "_8 significant places"
msgstr "_8 anlamlı basamak"

#. Right Shift Popup: Menu item to shift right by 9 bits
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:387
msgid "_9 places"
msgstr "_9 sayı"

#. Accuracy Popup: Menu item to set accuracy to 9 significant places
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:389
msgid "_9 significant places"
msgstr "_9 anlamlı basamak"

#. View|Advanced menu item
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:391
msgid "_Advanced"
msgstr "_Gelişmiş"

#. View|Basic menu item
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:393
msgid "_Basic"
msgstr "_Temel"

#. Base 2 radio button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:395
msgid "_Bin"
msgstr "_Bin"

#. Calculator menu
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:397
msgid "_Calculator"
msgstr "H_esap Makinesi"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:398
msgid "_Contents"
msgstr "İçi_ndekiler"

#. Base 10 radio button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:400
msgid "_Dec"
msgstr "_Dec"

#. Edit menu
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:402
msgid "_Edit"
msgstr "_Düzenle"

#. View|Financial menu item
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:404
msgid "_Financial"
msgstr "_Ekonomi"

#. Fixed-point display radio button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:406
msgid "_Fix"
msgstr "_Fix"

#. Help menu
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:408
msgid "_Help"
msgstr "_Yardım"

#. Insert ASCII dialog: Button to insert selected character
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:410
msgid "_Insert"
msgstr "_Ekle"

#. Edit|Insert ASCII value menu item
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:412
msgid "_Insert ASCII value..."
msgstr "_ASCII Değeri Ekle..."

#. Inverse check box
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:414
msgid "_Inv"
msgstr "_Inv"

#. View|Memory Registers menu item
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:416
msgid "_Memory Registers"
msgstr "_Bellek Yazmaçları"

#. Base 8 radio button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:418
msgid "_Oct"
msgstr "_Oct"

#. View|Programming menu item
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:420
msgid "_Programming"
msgstr "_Programlama"

#. Radian radio button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:422
msgid "_Radians"
msgstr "_Radyan"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:423
msgid "_Redo"
msgstr "_Yeniden yap"

#. Scientific display radio button
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:425
msgid "_Sci"
msgstr "_Sci"

#. View|Scientific menu item
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:427
msgid "_Scientific"
msgstr "_Bilim"

#. Set Precision Dialog: Button to apply settings
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:429
msgid "_Set"
msgstr "_Ayarla"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:430
msgid "_Undo"
msgstr "_Geri al"

#. View menu
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:432
msgid "_View"
msgstr "_Görünüm"

#. This is accessible name for memory register 0.  It is spoken by screen readers such as Orca, to help people who are blind or have low vision.
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:434
msgid "register 0"
msgstr "yazmaç 0"

#. This is accessible name for memory register 1.  It is spoken by screen readers such as Orca, to help people who are blind or have low vision.
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:436
msgid "register 1"
msgstr "yazmaç 1"

#. This is accessible name for memory register 2.  It is spoken by screen readers such as Orca, to help people who are blind or have low vision.
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:438
msgid "register 2"
msgstr "yazmaç 2"

#. This is accessible name for memory register 3.  It is spoken by screen readers such as Orca, to help people who are blind or have low vision.
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:440
msgid "register 3"
msgstr "yazmaç 3"

#. This is accessible name for memory register 4.  It is spoken by screen readers such as Orca, to help people who are blind or have low vision.
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:442
msgid "register 4"
msgstr "yazmaç 4"

#. This is accessible name for memory register 5.  It is spoken by screen readers such as Orca, to help people who are blind or have low vision.
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:444
msgid "register 5"
msgstr "yazmaç 5"

#. This is accessible name for memory register 6.  It is spoken by screen readers such as Orca, to help people who are blind or have low vision.
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:446
msgid "register 6"
msgstr "yazmaç 6"

#. This is accessible name for memory register 7.  It is spoken by screen readers such as Orca, to help people who are blind or have low vision.
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:448
msgid "register 7"
msgstr "yazmaç 7"

#. This is accessible name for memory register 8.  It is spoken by screen readers such as Orca, to help people who are blind or have low vision.
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:450
msgid "register 8"
msgstr "yazmaç 8"

#. This is accessible name for memory register 9.  It is spoken by screen readers such as Orca, to help people who are blind or have low vision.
#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:452
msgid "register 9"
msgstr "yazmaç 9"

#: ../data/mate-calc.ui.h:453
msgid "x2"
msgstr "x2"

#. Translators: The window title when in basic mode
#: ../data/mate-calc.desktop.in.h:1 ../src/gtk.c:62
msgid "Calculator"
msgstr "Hesap Makinesi"

#: ../data/mate-calc.desktop.in.h:2
msgid "Perform arithmetic, scientific or financial calculations"
msgstr "Aritmetik, bilimsel ve finansal hesaplamalar gerçekleştirir"

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:1
msgid "Accuracy value"
msgstr "Doğruluk değeri"

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:2
msgid "Display Mode"
msgstr "Programlama"

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:3
msgid ""
"Indicates whether any trailing zeroes after the number point should be shown "
"in the display value."
msgstr ""
"Gösterilen değerde sayı noktasından sonra var takip eden sıfırların "
"gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini belirtir."

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:4
msgid "Indicates whether the memory register window is initially displayed."
msgstr ""
"Bellek yazmacı penceresinin açılışta gösterilip gösterilmeyeceğini belirtir."

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:5
msgid "Indicates whether thousands separators are shown in large numbers."
msgstr ""
"Gösterir Herhangi bir iz sonra sıfır noktası sayısı değeri ekranda görünmesi "

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:6
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Kip"

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:7
msgid "Numeric Base"
msgstr "Sayı Tabanı"

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:8
msgid "Show Registers"
msgstr "Yazmaçları Göster"

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:9
msgid "Show Thousands Separator"
msgstr "Binler Ayracı Göster"

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:10
msgid "Show Trailing Zeroes"
msgstr "Takip Eden Sıfırları Göster"

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:11
msgid ""
"The initial calculator mode. Valid values are \"BASIC\", \"FINANCIAL\", "
msgstr ""
"Başlangıç hesap makinesi kipi. Geçerli değerler \"BASIC\", \"FINANCIAL\", "

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:12
msgid ""
"The initial display mode. Valid values are \"ENG\" (engineering), \"FIX"
"\" (fixed-point) and \"SCI\" (scientific)"
msgstr ""
"Başlangıç ekran modu. Geçerli değerler \"ENG\" (mühendislik), \"FIX\" (sabit "
"noktası) ve \"SCI\" (bilimsel)"

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:13
msgid ""
"The initial trigonometric type. Valid values are \"DEG\" (degrees), \"GRAD"
"\" (gradians) and \"RAD\" (radians)."
msgstr ""
"Başlangıç trigonometrik türü. Geçerli değerler \"DEG\" (derece), \"GRAD"
"\" (gradyan) ve \"RAD\" (radyan)."

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:14
msgid "The initial x-coordinate for the window"
msgstr "Pencere için başlangıç x-koordinatı"

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:15
msgid "The initial y-coordinate for the window"
msgstr "Pencere için başlangıç y-koordinatı"

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:16
msgid ""
"The number of digits displayed after the numeric point. This value must be "
"in the range 0 to 9."
msgstr ""
"Sayısal noktadan sonra görüntülenen basamak sayısı. Bu değer 0 ila 9 "
"aralığında olmalıdır."

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:17
msgid "The number of pixels to place the window from the left of the screen."
msgstr "Ekranın solunda pencere yerleştirmek için piksel sayısı."

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:18
msgid "The number of pixels to place the window from the top of the screen."
msgstr "Ekranın üstünde pencere yerleştirmek için piksel sayısı."

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:19
msgid "The numeric base for input and display."
msgstr "Giriş ve ekran için sayısal taban."

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:20
msgid ""
"The size of the words used in bitwise operations. Valid values are 16, 32 "
"and 64."
msgstr ""
"Bitsel işlemlerde kullanılacak word değerlerinin boyutu. Geçerli değerler "
"16, 32 ve 64."

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:21
msgid "Trigonometric type"
msgstr "Trigonometrik tipi"

#: ../data/mate-calc.schemas.in.h:22
msgid "Word size"
msgstr "Word boyutu"

#: ../src/calctool.c:82
#, c-format
msgid ""
"  %s - Perform mathematical calculations"
msgstr ""
"Kullanım: \n"
"  %s - Matematiksel hesaplamalar gerçekleştirir"

#: ../src/calctool.c:90
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Help Options:\n"
"  -v, --version                   Show release version\n"
"  -h, -?, --help                  Show help options\n"
"  --help-all                      Show all help options\n"
"  --help-gtk                      Show GTK+ options"
msgstr ""
"Yardım Seçenekleri: \n"
"  -v, --version                   Sürümü gösterir\n"
"  -h -?, --help                  Yardım seçeneklerini gösterir\n"
"  --help-all                      Tüm yardım seçeneklerini gösterir\n"
"  --help-gtk                      GTK+ seçeneklerini gösterir"

#: ../src/calctool.c:101
#, c-format
msgid ""
"GTK+ Options:\n"
"  --class=CLASS                   Program class as used by the window "
"  --name=NAME                     Program name as used by the window "
"  --screen=SCREEN                 X screen to use\n"
"  --sync                          Make X calls synchronous\n"
"  --gtk-module=MODULES            Load additional GTK+ modules\n"
"  --g-fatal-warnings              Make all warnings fatal"
msgstr ""
"GTK+ Seçenekleri: \n"
"  --class=SINIF                   Pencere yöneticisi tarafından kullanılan "
"program sınıfı\n"
"  --name=İSİM                     Pencere yöneticisi tarafından kullanılacak "
"program ismi\n"
" --screen=EKRAN                  Kullanılacak X ekranı\n"
"  --sync                          X çağrılarını eş zamanlı yapar\n"
" --gtk-module=MODULLER          Tüm ek GTK+ modullerini yükler\n"
"  --g-fatal-warnings              Tüm uyarıları ölümcül yapar"

#: ../src/calctool.c:114
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Application Options:\n"
"  -u, --unittest                  Perform unittests\n"
"  -s, --solve <equation>          Solve the given equation"
msgstr ""
"Uygulama Seçenekleri:\n"
"  -u, --unittest                  Unit testleri gerçekleştirir\n"
"  -s, --solve <denklem>           Verilen denklemi çözer"

#. Translators: Error printed to stderr when user uses --solve argument without an equation
#: ../src/calctool.c:150
#, c-format
msgid "Argument --solve requires an equation to solve"
msgstr "Argüman --solve çözmek için bir denklem gerektirir"

#. Translators: Error printed to stderr when user provides an unknown command-line argument
#: ../src/calctool.c:163
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown argument '%s'"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen argüman '%s'"

#. Translators: A log message displayed when an invalid accuracy
#. is read from the configuration
#: ../src/calctool.c:191
#, c-format
msgid "%s: accuracy should be in the range 0-%d\n"
msgstr "%s: hassasiyet 0-%d arasında olmalı\n"

#: ../src/display.c:417
msgid "No undo history"
msgstr "Geri al geçmişi yok"

#: ../src/display.c:432
msgid "No redo steps"
msgstr "Tekrar yap adımları yok"

#. Translators: This message is displayed in the status bar when an
#. invalid user-defined function is executed
#: ../src/functions.c:235
msgid "Malformed function"
msgstr "Hatalı kurulan fonksiyon"

#. Translators: This message is displayed in the status bar when a bit
#. shift operation is performed and the display does not contain a number
#: ../src/functions.c:322
msgid "No sane value to do bitwise shift"
msgstr "Bit kaydırma için mantıklı bir değer yok"

#: ../src/functions.c:343 ../src/functions.c:398
msgid "No sane value to convert"
msgstr "Dönüştürelecek mantıklı bir değer yok"

#: ../src/functions.c:366 ../src/functions.c:418
msgid "No sane value to store"
msgstr "Saklanacak mantıklı bir değer yok"

#: ../src/functions.c:583
msgid "Invalid number for the current base"
msgstr "Mevcut taban için geçersiz sayı"

#. Translators: Error displayed to user when they
#. * perform an invalid bitwise operation, e.g.
#. * 1 XOR -1
#: ../src/functions.c:590
msgid "Invalid bitwise operation"
msgstr "Geçersiz bit seviyesinde işlem"

#. Translators: Error displayed to user when they
#. * perform an invalid modulus operation, e.g.
#. * 6 MOD 1.2
#: ../src/functions.c:597
msgid "Invalid modulus operation"
msgstr "Geçersiz modulus işlemi"

#. Translators; Error displayd to user when they
#. * perform a bitwise operation on numbers greater
#. * than the current word
#: ../src/functions.c:604
msgid "Overflow. Try a bigger word size"
msgstr "Taşma. Daha büyük bir word boyutu deneyin"

#. Translators; Error displayd to user when they
#. * an unknown variable is entered
#: ../src/functions.c:610
msgid "Unknown variable"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen değişken"

#. Translators; Error displayd to user when they
#. * an unknown function is entered
#: ../src/functions.c:616
msgid "Unknown function"
msgstr "Bilinmeyen fonksiyon"

#. Translators: Error displayed to user when they
#. * enter an invalid calculation
#: ../src/functions.c:626
msgid "Malformed expression"
msgstr "Hatalı kurulan ifade"

#. Translators: The window title when in advanced mode
#: ../src/gtk.c:64
msgid "Calculator - Advanced"
msgstr "Hesap Makinesi - Gelişmiş"

#. Translators: The window title when in financial mode
#: ../src/gtk.c:66
msgid "Calculator - Financial"
msgstr "Hesap Makinesi - Finansal"

#. Translators: The window title when in scientific mode
#: ../src/gtk.c:68
msgid "Calculator - Scientific"
msgstr "Hesap Makinesi - Bilimsel"

#. Translators: The window title when in programming mode
#: ../src/gtk.c:70
msgid "Calculator - Programming"
msgstr "Hesap Makinesi - Programlama"

#. Translators: The window title when in basic mode. %s is replaced with the hostname.
#: ../src/gtk.c:76
#, c-format
msgid "Calculator [%s]"
msgstr "Hesap Makinesi [%s]"

#. Translators: The window title when in advanced mode. %s is replaced with the hostname.
#: ../src/gtk.c:78
#, c-format
msgid "Calculator [%s] - Advanced"
msgstr "Hesap Makinesi [%s] - Gelişmiş"

#. Translators: The window title when in financial mode. %s is replaced with the hostname.
#: ../src/gtk.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "Calculator [%s] - Financial"
msgstr "Hesap Makinesi [%s] - Finansal"

#. Translators: The window title when in scientific mode. %s is replaced with the hostname.
#: ../src/gtk.c:82
#, c-format
msgid "Calculator [%s] - Scientific"
msgstr "Hesap Makinesi [%s] - Bilimsel"

#. Translators: The window title when in programming mode. %s is replaced with the hostname.
#: ../src/gtk.c:84
#, c-format
msgid "Calculator [%s] - Programming"
msgstr "Hesap Makinesi [%s] - Programlama"

#. Translators: Title of the error dialog when unable to load the UI files
#: ../src/gtk.c:572
msgid "Error loading user interface"
msgstr "Kullanıcı arayüzü yüklenirken hatakUL"

#. Translators: Description in UI error dialog when unable to load the UI files. %s is replaced with the error message provided by GTK+
#: ../src/gtk.c:575
#, c-format
msgid ""
"A required file is missing or damaged, please check your installation.\n"
msgstr ""
"Gereken bir dosya eksik veya bozuk, lütfen kurulumu kontrol edin.\n"

#. Translators: Accuracy Popup: Menu item to show the accuracy dialog. %d is replaced with the current accuracy.
#: ../src/gtk.c:672
#, c-format
msgid "_Other (%d) ..."
msgstr "_Diğer (%d) ..."

#. Translators: Tooltip for accuracy button
#: ../src/gtk.c:678
#, c-format
msgid "Set accuracy from 0 to %d numeric place. [A]"
msgid_plural "Set accuracy from 0 to %d numeric places. [A]"
msgstr[0] "0 dan %d sayısal yere arasında doğruluk ayarlayın. [A]"

#. Translators: The sine button
#: ../src/gtk.c:703
msgid "sin"
msgstr "sin"

#. Translators: The inverse sine button
#: ../src/gtk.c:705
msgid "sin<sup>−1</sup>"
msgstr "sin<sup>−1</sup>"

#. Translators: The hyperbolic sine button
#: ../src/gtk.c:707
msgid "sinh"
msgstr "sinh"

#. Translators: The inverse hyperbolic sine button
#: ../src/gtk.c:709
msgid "sinh<sup>−1</sup>"
msgstr "sinh<sup>−1</sup>"

#. Translators: The sine tooltip
#: ../src/gtk.c:712
msgid "Sine [k]"
msgstr "Sinüs [k]"

#. Translators: The inverse sine tooltip
#: ../src/gtk.c:714
msgid "Inverse Sine [K]"
msgstr "Ters Sinüs [K]"

#. Translators: The hyperbolic sine tooltip
#: ../src/gtk.c:716
msgid "Hyperbolic Sine [k]"
msgstr "Hiperbolik Sinüs [k]"

#. Translators: The hyperbolic inverse sine tooltip
#: ../src/gtk.c:718
msgid "Hyperbolic Inverse Sine [K]"
msgstr "Ters Hiperbolik Sinüs [K]"

#. Translators: The cosine button
#: ../src/gtk.c:722
msgid "cos"
msgstr "cos"

#. Translators: The inverse cosine button
#: ../src/gtk.c:724
msgid "cos<sup>−1</sup>"
msgstr "cos<sup>−1</sup>"

#. Translators: The hyperbolic cosine button
#: ../src/gtk.c:726
msgid "cosh"
msgstr "cosh"

#. Translators: The inverse hyperbolic cosine button
#: ../src/gtk.c:728
msgid "cosh<sup>−1</sup>"
msgstr "cosh<sup>−1</sup>"

#. Translators: The cosine tooltip
#: ../src/gtk.c:731
msgid "Cosine [j]"
msgstr "Kosinüs [j]"

#. Translators: The inverse cosine tooltip
#: ../src/gtk.c:733
msgid "Inverse Cosine [J]"
msgstr "Ters Kosinüs [J]"

#. Translators: The hyperbolic cosine tooltip
#: ../src/gtk.c:735
msgid "Hyperbolic Cosine [j]"
msgstr "Hiperbolik Kosinüs [j]"

#. Translators: The hyperbolic inverse cosine tooltip
#: ../src/gtk.c:737
msgid "Hyperbolic Inverse Cosine [J]"
msgstr "Ters Hiperbolik Kosinüs [J]"

#. Translators: The tangent button
#: ../src/gtk.c:741
msgid "tan"
msgstr "tan"

#. Translators: The inverse tangent button
#: ../src/gtk.c:743
msgid "tan<sup>−1</sup>"
msgstr "tan<sup>−1</sup>"

#. Translators: The hyperbolic tangent button
#: ../src/gtk.c:745
msgid "tanh"
msgstr "tanh"

#. Translators: The inverse hyperbolic tangent button
#: ../src/gtk.c:747
msgid "tanh<sup>−1</sup>"
msgstr "tanh<sup>−1</sup>"

#. Translators: The tangent tooltip
#: ../src/gtk.c:750
msgid "Tangent [w]"
msgstr "Tanjant [w]"

#. Translators: The inverse tangent tooltip
#: ../src/gtk.c:752
msgid "Inverse Tangent [W]"
msgstr "Ters Tanjant [W]"

#. Translators: The hyperbolic tangent tooltip
#: ../src/gtk.c:754
msgid "Hyperbolic Tangent [w]"
msgstr "Hiperbolik Tanjant [w]"

#. Translators: The hyperbolic inverse tangent tooltip
#: ../src/gtk.c:756
msgid "Hyperbolic Inverse Tangent [W]"
msgstr "Ters Hiperbolik Tanjant [W]"

#. Translators: The natural logaritm button
#: ../src/gtk.c:761
msgid "ln"
msgstr "ln"

#. Translators: The e to the power of x button
#: ../src/gtk.c:763
msgid "e<sup><i>x</i></sup>"
msgstr "e<sup><i>x</i></sup>"

#. Translators: Tooltip for the natural log button
#: ../src/gtk.c:766
msgid "Natural logarithm [n]"
msgstr "Doğal logaritma [n]"

#. Translators: Tooltip for the e to the power of x button
#: ../src/gtk.c:768
msgid "e to the power of the displayed value [N]"
msgstr "e'nin görüntülenen değer güçü [N]"

#. Translators: The 10-based logaritm button
#: ../src/gtk.c:773
msgid "log"
msgstr "log"

#. Translators: The 10 to the power of x button
#: ../src/gtk.c:775
msgid "10<sup><i>x</i></sup>"
msgstr "10<sup><i>x</i></sup>"

#. Translators: Tooltip for the log base 10 button
#: ../src/gtk.c:778
msgid "Base 10 logarithm [g]"
msgstr "Taban 10 logaritma [g]"

#. Translators: Tooltip for the 10 to the power of x button
#: ../src/gtk.c:780
msgid "10 to the power of displayed value [G]"
msgstr "10'un görüntülenen değer gücü [G]"

#. Translators: The 2-based logaritm button
#: ../src/gtk.c:785
msgid "log<sub>2</sub>"
msgstr "log<sub>2</sub>"

#. Translators: The 2 to the power of x button
#: ../src/gtk.c:787
msgid "2<sup><i>x</i></sup>"
msgstr "2<sup><i>x</i></sup>"

#. Translators: Tooltip for the log base 2 button
#: ../src/gtk.c:790
msgid "Base 2 logarithm [h]"
msgstr "Taban 2 logaritma [H]"

#. Translators: Tooltip for the 2 to the power of x button
#: ../src/gtk.c:792
msgid "2 to the power of the displayed value [H]"
msgstr "2'nin görüntülenen değer gücü [H]"

#. Translators: The x to the power of y button
#: ../src/gtk.c:797
msgid "x<sup><i>y</i></sup>"
msgstr "x<sup><i>y</i></sup>"

#. Translators: The x to the power of reciprocal y button
#: ../src/gtk.c:799
msgid "x<sup>1/<i>y</i></sup>"
msgstr "x<sup>1/<i>y</i></sup>"

#. Translators: Tooltip for the x to the power of y button
#: ../src/gtk.c:802
msgid "Raise displayed value to the power of y [o]"
msgstr "Gösterilen değeri y gücü kadar arttır [o]"

#. Translators: Tooltip for the x to the power of reciprocal y button
#: ../src/gtk.c:804
msgid "Raise displayed value to the power of reciprocal y [O]"
msgstr "Gösterilen değeri 1/y gücü kadar arttır [o]"

#. Translators: The translator credits. Please translate this with your name(s).
#: ../src/gtk.c:1365
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""
"Barış Çiçek <baris@teamforce.name.tr>\n"
"Burçin Dönmez <bdonmez@cisunix.unh.edu>"

#: ../src/gtk.c:1369
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Gcalctool is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"
"the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\n"
"(at your option) any later version.\n"
"Gcalctool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
"GNU General Public License for more details.\n"
"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"
"along with Gcalctool; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,\n"
"51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA"
msgstr ""
"Gcalctool is free software; siz dağıtabilir ve / veya değiştirmek  GNU Genel "
"Kamu Lisansı gibi tarafından yayınlanan açısından \n"
" Free Software Foundation altında nit; Lisans veya iki sürüm 2  herhangi bir "
"seçeneği () daha sonrasında n version. \n"
" \n"
"Gcalctool umuduyla de çok faydalı olacaktır, dağıtılan  HERHANGİ BİR GARANTİ "
"OLMAKSIZIN nbut; \n"
"MERCHANTABILITY ya da BİR AMACA UYGUNLUĞU için dahi zımni garanti olmadan. "
"Daha fazla bilgi için \n"
"GNU General Public License.  N \n"
"Bu GNU Genel Kamu Lisansının bir kopyasını  Gcalctool ile nalong almış "
"olmalısınız; değilse, Free Software Foundation, write to \n"
"51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, ABD"

#. Translators: Program name in the about dialog
#: ../src/gtk.c:1385
msgid "Gcalctool"
msgstr "Gcalctool"

#. Translators: Copyright notice in the about dialog
#: ../src/gtk.c:1388
msgid "© 1986-2008 The Gcalctool authors"
msgstr "© 1986-2008 Gcalctool geliştiricileri"

#. Translators: Short description in the about dialog
#: ../src/gtk.c:1391
msgid "Calculator with financial and scientific modes."
msgstr "Ekonomi ve bilim kipli hesap makinesi."

#: ../src/gtk.c:1549
msgid "Unable to open help file"
msgstr "Yardım dosyası açılamıyor"

#. Translators: R is the short form of register used inter alia in popup menus
#: ../src/gtk.c:1956
msgid "R"
msgstr "R"

#: ../src/gtk.c:2319
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Yapıştır"

#. Translators: Edit Constants Dialog: Constant number column title
#. Translators: Edit Functions Dialog: Function number column title
#: ../src/gtk.c:2679 ../src/gtk.c:2696
msgid "No."
msgstr "Hayır."

#. Translators: Edit Constants Dialog: Constant value column title
#. Translators: Edit Functions Dialog: Function value column title
#: ../src/gtk.c:2681 ../src/gtk.c:2699
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Değer"

#. Translators: Edit Constants Dialog: Constant description column title
#. Translators: Edit Functions Dialog: Function description column title
#: ../src/gtk.c:2683 ../src/gtk.c:2702
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Tanım"

#. Set default accuracy menu item
#. Translators: Accuracy Popup: Menu item to reset the accuracy to the default value. %d is replaced with the default value.
#: ../src/gtk.c:2826
#, c-format
msgid "Reset to _Default (%d)"
msgstr "Ö_ntanımlıya Sıfırla (%d)"

#: ../src/mp.c:1469
msgid "Negative X and non-integer Y not supported"
msgstr "Sıfırdan küçük X ve doğal sayı olmayan Y desteklenmiyor"

#. Translators: Error displayed when tangent value is undefined
#: ../src/mp-trigonometric.c:281
msgid "Tangent is infinite"
msgstr "Tanjant sonsuzdur"

#. Translators: This is the label for the default constant, the number of miles in one kilometer (0.621)
#: ../src/register.c:40
msgid "Kilometer-to-mile conversion factor"
msgstr "Kilometreden mile çevirme faktörü"

#. Translators: This is the label for the default constant, the square root of 2 (1.41421)
#: ../src/register.c:42
msgid "square root of 2"
msgstr "2'nin karekökü"

#. Translators: This is the label for the default constant, Euler's number (2.71828)
#: ../src/register.c:44
msgid "Euler's Number (e)"
msgstr "Euler Sayısı (e)"

#. Translators: This is the label for the default constant, π (3.14159)
#: ../src/register.c:46
msgid "π"
msgstr "π"

#. Translators: This is the label for the default constant, the number of inches in a centimeter (0.39370)
#: ../src/register.c:48
msgid "Centimeter-to-inch conversion factor"
msgstr "Santimetreden inçe çevirme faktörü"

#. Translators: This is the label for the default constant, the number of degrees in a radian (57.2958)
#: ../src/register.c:50
msgid "degrees in a radian"
msgstr "bir radyandaki dereceler"

#. Translators: This is the label for the default constant, 2 to the power of 20 (1048576)
#: ../src/register.c:52
msgid "2 ^ 20"
msgstr "2 ^ 20"

#. Translators: This is the label for the default constant, the number of ounces in one gram (0.0353)
#: ../src/register.c:54
msgid "Gram-to-ounce conversion factor"
msgstr "Gramdan onza çevirme faktörü"

#. Translators: This is the label for the default constant, the number of British Thermal Units in one Kilojoule (0.948)
#: ../src/register.c:56
msgid "Kilojoule-to-British-thermal-unit conversion factor"
msgstr "Kilojul veya İngiliz ısı birimi çevirme faktörü"

#. Translators: This is the label for the default constant, the number of cubic inches in one cubic centimeter (0.0610)
#: ../src/register.c:58
msgid "Cubic-centimeter-to-cubic-inch conversion factor"
msgstr "Santimetreküp veya inçküp çevirme faktörü"