%{ /* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Sami Pietila * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Robert Ancell * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <errno.h> #include <assert.h> #include "mp-equation-private.h" #include "mp-equation-parser.h" #include "mp-equation-lexer.h" // fixme support x log x // treat exp NAME exp as a function always and pass both arguments, i.e. // can do mod using both and all others use $1 * NAME($3) static void set_error(yyscan_t yyscanner, int error, const char *token) { _mp_equation_get_extra(yyscanner)->error = error; if (token) _mp_equation_get_extra(yyscanner)->error_token = strdup(token); } static void set_result(yyscan_t yyscanner, const MPNumber *x) { mp_set_from_mp(x, &(_mp_equation_get_extra(yyscanner))->ret); } static char * utf8_next_char (const char *c) { c++; while ((*c & 0xC0) == 0x80) c++; return (char *)c; } static int get_variable(yyscan_t yyscanner, const char *name, int power, MPNumber *z) { int result = 0; /* If defined, then get the variable */ if (_mp_equation_get_extra(yyscanner)->get_variable(_mp_equation_get_extra(yyscanner), name, z)) { mp_xpowy_integer(z, power, z); return 1; } /* If has more than one character then assume a multiplication of variables */ if (utf8_next_char(name)[0] != '\0') { const char *c, *next; char *buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(name)); MPNumber value; result = 1; mp_set_from_integer(1, &value); for (c = name; *c != '\0'; c = next) { MPNumber t; next = utf8_next_char(c); snprintf(buffer, next - c + 1, "%s", c); if (!_mp_equation_get_extra(yyscanner)->get_variable(_mp_equation_get_extra(yyscanner), buffer, &t)) { result = 0; break; } /* If last term do power */ if (*next == '\0') mp_xpowy_integer(&t, power, &t); mp_multiply(&value, &t, &value); } free(buffer); if (result) mp_set_from_mp(&value, z); } if (!result) set_error(yyscanner, PARSER_ERR_UNKNOWN_VARIABLE, name); return result; } static void set_variable(yyscan_t yyscanner, const char *name, MPNumber *x) { _mp_equation_get_extra(yyscanner)->set_variable(_mp_equation_get_extra(yyscanner), name, x); } static int get_function(yyscan_t yyscanner, const char *name, const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { if (!_mp_equation_get_extra(yyscanner)->get_function(_mp_equation_get_extra(yyscanner), name, x, z)) { set_error(yyscanner, PARSER_ERR_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION, name); return 0; } return 1; } static int get_inverse_function(yyscan_t yyscanner, const char *name, const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { char *inv_name; int result; inv_name = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(name) + strlen("⁻¹") + 1)); strcpy(inv_name, name); strcat(inv_name, "⁻¹"); result = get_function(yyscanner, inv_name, x, z); free(inv_name); return result; } static void do_not(yyscan_t yyscanner, const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { if (!mp_is_overflow(x, _mp_equation_get_extra(yyscanner)->options->wordlen)) { set_error(yyscanner, PARSER_ERR_OVERFLOW, NULL); } mp_not(x, _mp_equation_get_extra(yyscanner)->options->wordlen, z); } static char *make_unit(const char *name, int power) { char *name2; // FIXME: Hacky if (power == 2) { name2 = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(name) + strlen("²") + 1)); sprintf(name2, "%s²", name); } else if (power == 3) { name2 = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(name) + strlen("³") + 1)); sprintf(name2, "%s³", name); } else { name2 = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(name) + strlen("?") + 1)); sprintf(name2, "%s?", name); } return name2; } static void do_conversion(yyscan_t yyscanner, const MPNumber *x, const char *x_units, const char *z_units, MPNumber *z) { if (!_mp_equation_get_extra(yyscanner)->convert(_mp_equation_get_extra(yyscanner), x, x_units, z_units, z)) set_error(yyscanner, PARSER_ERR_UNKNOWN_CONVERSION, NULL); } %} %pure-parser %name-prefix="_mp_equation_" %locations %parse-param {yyscan_t yyscanner} %lex-param {yyscan_t yyscanner} %union { MPNumber int_t; int integer; char *name; } %left <int_t> tNUMBER %left tLFLOOR tRFLOOR tLCEILING tRCEILING %left UNARY_PLUS %left tADD tSUBTRACT %left tAND tOR tXOR tXNOR %left tLSHIFT tRSHIFT %left tMULTIPLY tDIVIDE tMOD MULTIPLICATION %left tNOT %left tROOT tROOT3 tROOT4 %left <name> tVARIABLE tFUNCTION %right <integer> tSUBNUM tSUPNUM tNSUPNUM %left BOOLEAN_OPERATOR %left PERCENTAGE %left UNARY_MINUS %right '^' '!' '|' %left tIN %type <int_t> exp variable term %type <name> unit %start statement %% statement: exp { set_result(yyscanner, &$1); } | exp '=' { set_result(yyscanner, &$1); } | tVARIABLE '=' exp {set_variable(yyscanner, $1, &$3); set_result(yyscanner, &$3); } | tNUMBER unit tIN unit { MPNumber t; do_conversion(yyscanner, &$1, $2, $4, &t); set_result(yyscanner, &t); free($2); free($4); } | unit tIN unit { MPNumber x, t; mp_set_from_integer(1, &x); do_conversion(yyscanner, &x, $1, $3, &t); set_result(yyscanner, &t); free($1); free($3); } ; unit: tVARIABLE {$$ = $1;} | tVARIABLE tSUPNUM {$$ = make_unit($1, $2); free($1);} /* |x| gets confused and thinks = |x|(...||) */ exp: '(' exp ')' {mp_set_from_mp(&$2, &$$);} | exp '(' exp ')' {mp_multiply(&$1, &$3, &$$);} | tLFLOOR exp tRFLOOR {mp_floor(&$2, &$$);} | tLCEILING exp tRCEILING {mp_ceiling(&$2, &$$);} | '[' exp ']' {mp_round(&$2, &$$);} | '{' exp '}' {mp_fractional_part(&$2, &$$);} | '|' exp '|' {mp_abs(&$2, &$$);} | exp '^' exp {mp_xpowy(&$1, &$3, &$$);} | exp tSUPNUM {mp_xpowy_integer(&$1, $2, &$$);} | exp tNSUPNUM {mp_xpowy_integer(&$1, $2, &$$);} | exp '!' {mp_factorial(&$1, &$$);} | variable {mp_set_from_mp(&$1, &$$);} | tNUMBER variable %prec MULTIPLICATION {mp_multiply(&$1, &$2, &$$);} | tSUBTRACT exp %prec UNARY_MINUS {mp_invert_sign(&$2, &$$);} | tADD tNUMBER %prec UNARY_PLUS {mp_set_from_mp(&$2, &$$);} | exp tDIVIDE exp {mp_divide(&$1, &$3, &$$);} | exp tMOD exp {mp_modulus_divide(&$1, &$3, &$$);} | exp tMULTIPLY exp {mp_multiply(&$1, &$3, &$$);} | exp tADD exp '%' %prec PERCENTAGE {mp_add_integer(&$3, 100, &$3); mp_divide_integer(&$3, 100, &$3); mp_multiply(&$1, &$3, &$$);} | exp tSUBTRACT exp '%' %prec PERCENTAGE {mp_add_integer(&$3, -100, &$3); mp_divide_integer(&$3, -100, &$3); mp_multiply(&$1, &$3, &$$);} | exp tADD exp {mp_add(&$1, &$3, &$$);} | exp tSUBTRACT exp {mp_subtract(&$1, &$3, &$$);} | exp '%' {mp_divide_integer(&$1, 100, &$$);} | tNOT exp {do_not(yyscanner, &$2, &$$);} | exp tAND exp %prec BOOLEAN_OPERATOR {mp_and(&$1, &$3, &$$);} | exp tOR exp %prec BOOLEAN_OPERATOR {mp_or(&$1, &$3, &$$);} | exp tXOR exp %prec BOOLEAN_OPERATOR {mp_xor(&$1, &$3, &$$);} | tNUMBER {mp_set_from_mp(&$1, &$$);} | exp tLSHIFT exp {mp_shift(&$1, mp_cast_to_int(&$3), &$$);} | exp tRSHIFT exp {mp_shift(&$1, -mp_cast_to_int(&$3), &$$);} ; variable: term {mp_set_from_mp(&$1, &$$);} | tFUNCTION exp {if (!get_function(yyscanner, $1, &$2, &$$)) YYABORT; free($1);} | tFUNCTION tSUPNUM exp {if (!get_function(yyscanner, $1, &$3, &$$)) YYABORT; mp_xpowy_integer(&$$, $2, &$$); free($1);} | tFUNCTION tNSUPNUM exp {if (!get_inverse_function(yyscanner, $1, &$3, &$$)) YYABORT; mp_xpowy_integer(&$$, -$2, &$$); free($1);} | tVARIABLE tSUPNUM exp {set_error(yyscanner, PARSER_ERR_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION, $1); free($1); YYABORT;} | tSUBNUM tROOT exp {mp_root(&$3, $1, &$$);} | tROOT exp {mp_sqrt(&$2, &$$);} | tROOT3 exp {mp_root(&$2, 3, &$$);} | tROOT4 exp {mp_root(&$2, 4, &$$);} ; term: tVARIABLE {if (!get_variable(yyscanner, $1, 1, &$$)) YYABORT; free($1);} | tVARIABLE tSUPNUM {if (!get_variable(yyscanner, $1, $2, &$$)) YYABORT; free($1);} | term term {mp_multiply(&$1, &$2, &$$);} ; %%