/* Copyright (c) 1987-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Robert Ancell * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA * 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "mp.h" #include "mp-private.h" // FIXME: Re-add overflow and underflow detection char *mp_error = NULL; /* THIS ROUTINE IS CALLED WHEN AN ERROR CONDITION IS ENCOUNTERED, AND * AFTER A MESSAGE HAS BEEN WRITTEN TO STDERR. */ void mperr(const char *format, ...) { char text[1024]; va_list args; va_start(args, format); vsnprintf(text, 1024, format, args); va_end(args); if (mp_error) free(mp_error); mp_error = strdup(text); } const char * mp_get_error() { return mp_error; } void mp_clear_error() { if (mp_error) free(mp_error); mp_error = NULL; } /* ROUTINE CALLED BY MP_DIVIDE AND MP_SQRT TO ENSURE THAT * RESULTS ARE REPRESENTED EXACTLY IN T-2 DIGITS IF THEY * CAN BE. X IS AN MP NUMBER, I AND J ARE INTEGERS. */ static void mp_ext(int i, int j, MPNumber *x) { int q, s; if (mp_is_zero(x) || MP_T <= 2 || i == 0) return; /* COMPUTE MAXIMUM POSSIBLE ERROR IN THE LAST PLACE */ q = (j + 1) / i + 1; s = MP_BASE * x->fraction[MP_T - 2] + x->fraction[MP_T - 1]; /* SET LAST TWO DIGITS TO ZERO */ if (s <= q) { x->fraction[MP_T - 2] = 0; x->fraction[MP_T - 1] = 0; return; } if (s + q < MP_BASE * MP_BASE) return; /* ROUND UP HERE */ x->fraction[MP_T - 2] = MP_BASE - 1; x->fraction[MP_T - 1] = MP_BASE; /* NORMALIZE X (LAST DIGIT B IS OK IN MP_MULTIPLY_INTEGER) */ mp_multiply_integer(x, 1, x); } void mp_get_eulers(MPNumber *z) { MPNumber t; mp_set_from_integer(1, &t); mp_epowy(&t, z); } void mp_get_i(MPNumber *z) { mp_set_from_integer(0, z); z->im_sign = 1; z->im_exponent = 1; z->im_fraction[0] = 1; } void mp_abs(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { if (mp_is_complex(x)){ MPNumber x_real, x_im; mp_real_component(x, &x_real); mp_imaginary_component(x, &x_im); mp_multiply(&x_real, &x_real, &x_real); mp_multiply(&x_im, &x_im, &x_im); mp_add(&x_real, &x_im, z); mp_root(z, 2, z); } else { mp_set_from_mp(x, z); if (z->sign < 0) z->sign = -z->sign; } } void mp_arg(const MPNumber *x, MPAngleUnit unit, MPNumber *z) { MPNumber x_real, x_im, pi; if (mp_is_zero(x)) { /* Translators: Error display when attempting to take argument of zero */ mperr(_("Argument not defined for zero")); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } mp_real_component(x, &x_real); mp_imaginary_component(x, &x_im); mp_get_pi(&pi); if (mp_is_zero(&x_im)) { if (mp_is_negative(&x_real)) convert_from_radians(&pi, MP_RADIANS, z); else mp_set_from_integer(0, z); } else if (mp_is_zero(&x_real)) { mp_set_from_mp(&pi, z); if (mp_is_negative(&x_im)) mp_divide_integer(z, -2, z); else mp_divide_integer(z, 2, z); } else if (mp_is_negative(&x_real)) { mp_divide(&x_im, &x_real, z); mp_atan(z, MP_RADIANS, z); if (mp_is_negative(&x_im)) mp_subtract(z, &pi, z); else mp_add(z, &pi, z); } else { mp_divide(&x_im, &x_real, z); mp_atan(z, MP_RADIANS, z); } convert_from_radians(z, unit, z); } void mp_conjugate(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { mp_set_from_mp(x, z); z->im_sign = -z->im_sign; } void mp_real_component(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { mp_set_from_mp(x, z); /* Clear imaginary component */ z->im_sign = 0; z->im_exponent = 0; memset(z->im_fraction, 0, sizeof(int) * MP_SIZE); } void mp_imaginary_component(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { /* Copy imaginary component to real component */ z->sign = x->im_sign; z->exponent = x->im_exponent; memcpy(z->fraction, x->im_fraction, sizeof(int) * MP_SIZE); /* Clear (old) imaginary component */ z->im_sign = 0; z->im_exponent = 0; memset(z->im_fraction, 0, sizeof(int) * MP_SIZE); } static void mp_add_real(const MPNumber *x, int y_sign, const MPNumber *y, MPNumber *z) { int sign_prod, i, c; int exp_diff, med; bool x_largest = false; const int *big_fraction, *small_fraction; MPNumber x_copy, y_copy; /* 0 + y = y */ if (mp_is_zero(x)) { mp_set_from_mp(y, z); z->sign = y_sign; return; } /* x + 0 = x */ else if (mp_is_zero(y)) { mp_set_from_mp(x, z); return; } sign_prod = y_sign * x->sign; exp_diff = x->exponent - y->exponent; med = abs(exp_diff); if (exp_diff < 0) { x_largest = false; } else if (exp_diff > 0) { x_largest = true; } else { /* EXPONENTS EQUAL SO COMPARE SIGNS, THEN FRACTIONS IF NEC. */ if (sign_prod < 0) { /* Signs are not equal. find out which mantissa is larger. */ int j; for (j = 0; j < MP_T; j++) { int i = x->fraction[j] - y->fraction[j]; if (i == 0) continue; if (i < 0) x_largest = false; else if (i > 0) x_largest = true; break; } /* Both mantissas equal, so result is zero. */ if (j >= MP_T) { mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } } } mp_set_from_mp(x, &x_copy); mp_set_from_mp(y, &y_copy); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); if (x_largest) { z->sign = x_copy.sign; z->exponent = x_copy.exponent; big_fraction = x_copy.fraction; small_fraction = y_copy.fraction; } else { z->sign = y_sign; z->exponent = y_copy.exponent; big_fraction = y_copy.fraction; small_fraction = x_copy.fraction; } /* CLEAR GUARD DIGITS TO RIGHT OF X DIGITS */ for(i = 3; i >= med; i--) z->fraction[MP_T + i] = 0; if (sign_prod >= 0) { /* HERE DO ADDITION, EXPONENT(Y) >= EXPONENT(X) */ for (i = MP_T + 3; i >= MP_T; i--) z->fraction[i] = small_fraction[i - med]; c = 0; for (; i >= med; i--) { c = big_fraction[i] + small_fraction[i - med] + c; if (c < MP_BASE) { /* NO CARRY GENERATED HERE */ z->fraction[i] = c; c = 0; } else { /* CARRY GENERATED HERE */ z->fraction[i] = c - MP_BASE; c = 1; } } for (; i >= 0; i--) { c = big_fraction[i] + c; if (c < MP_BASE) { z->fraction[i] = c; i--; /* NO CARRY POSSIBLE HERE */ for (; i >= 0; i--) z->fraction[i] = big_fraction[i]; c = 0; break; } z->fraction[i] = 0; c = 1; } /* MUST SHIFT RIGHT HERE AS CARRY OFF END */ if (c != 0) { for (i = MP_T + 3; i > 0; i--) z->fraction[i] = z->fraction[i - 1]; z->fraction[0] = 1; z->exponent++; } } else { c = 0; for (i = MP_T + med - 1; i >= MP_T; i--) { /* HERE DO SUBTRACTION, ABS(Y) > ABS(X) */ z->fraction[i] = c - small_fraction[i - med]; c = 0; /* BORROW GENERATED HERE */ if (z->fraction[i] < 0) { c = -1; z->fraction[i] += MP_BASE; } } for(; i >= med; i--) { c = big_fraction[i] + c - small_fraction[i - med]; if (c >= 0) { /* NO BORROW GENERATED HERE */ z->fraction[i] = c; c = 0; } else { /* BORROW GENERATED HERE */ z->fraction[i] = c + MP_BASE; c = -1; } } for (; i >= 0; i--) { c = big_fraction[i] + c; if (c >= 0) { z->fraction[i] = c; i--; /* NO CARRY POSSIBLE HERE */ for (; i >= 0; i--) z->fraction[i] = big_fraction[i]; break; } z->fraction[i] = c + MP_BASE; c = -1; } } mp_normalize(z); } static void mp_add_with_sign(const MPNumber *x, int y_sign, const MPNumber *y, MPNumber *z) { if (mp_is_complex(x) || mp_is_complex(y)) { MPNumber real_x, real_y, im_x, im_y, real_z, im_z; mp_real_component(x, &real_x); mp_imaginary_component(x, &im_x); mp_real_component(y, &real_y); mp_imaginary_component(y, &im_y); mp_add_real(&real_x, y_sign * y->sign, &real_y, &real_z); mp_add_real(&im_x, y_sign * y->im_sign, &im_y, &im_z); mp_set_from_complex(&real_z, &im_z, z); } else mp_add_real(x, y_sign * y->sign, y, z); } void mp_add(const MPNumber *x, const MPNumber *y, MPNumber *z) { mp_add_with_sign(x, 1, y, z); } void mp_add_integer(const MPNumber *x, int64_t y, MPNumber *z) { MPNumber t; mp_set_from_integer(y, &t); mp_add(x, &t, z); } void mp_add_fraction(const MPNumber *x, int64_t i, int64_t j, MPNumber *y) { MPNumber t; mp_set_from_fraction(i, j, &t); mp_add(x, &t, y); } void mp_subtract(const MPNumber *x, const MPNumber *y, MPNumber *z) { mp_add_with_sign(x, -1, y, z); } void mp_sgn(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { if (mp_is_zero(x)) mp_set_from_integer(0, z); else if (mp_is_negative(x)) mp_set_from_integer(-1, z); else mp_set_from_integer(1, z); } void mp_integer_component(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { int i; /* Clear fraction */ mp_set_from_mp(x, z); for (i = z->exponent; i < MP_SIZE; i++) z->fraction[i] = 0; z->im_sign = 0; z->im_exponent = 0; memset(z->im_fraction, 0, sizeof(int) * MP_SIZE); } void mp_fractional_component(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { int i, shift; /* Fractional component of zero is 0 */ if (mp_is_zero(x)) { mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* All fractional */ if (x->exponent <= 0) { mp_set_from_mp(x, z); return; } /* Shift fractional component */ shift = x->exponent; for (i = shift; i < MP_SIZE && x->fraction[i] == 0; i++) shift++; z->sign = x->sign; z->exponent = x->exponent - shift; for (i = 0; i < MP_SIZE; i++) { if (i + shift >= MP_SIZE) z->fraction[i] = 0; else z->fraction[i] = x->fraction[i + shift]; } if (z->fraction[0] == 0) z->sign = 0; z->im_sign = 0; z->im_exponent = 0; memset(z->im_fraction, 0, sizeof(int) * MP_SIZE); } void mp_fractional_part(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { MPNumber f; mp_floor(x, &f); mp_subtract(x, &f, z); } void mp_floor(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { int i; bool have_fraction = false, is_negative; /* Integer component of zero = 0 */ if (mp_is_zero(x)) { mp_set_from_mp(x, z); return; } /* If all fractional then no integer component */ if (x->exponent <= 0) { mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } is_negative = mp_is_negative(x); /* Clear fraction */ mp_set_from_mp(x, z); for (i = z->exponent; i < MP_SIZE; i++) { if (z->fraction[i]) have_fraction = true; z->fraction[i] = 0; } z->im_sign = 0; z->im_exponent = 0; memset(z->im_fraction, 0, sizeof(int) * MP_SIZE); if (have_fraction && is_negative) mp_add_integer(z, -1, z); } void mp_ceiling(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { MPNumber f; mp_floor(x, z); mp_fractional_component(x, &f); if (mp_is_zero(&f)) return; mp_add_integer(z, 1, z); } void mp_round(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { MPNumber f, one; bool do_floor; do_floor = !mp_is_negative(x); mp_fractional_component(x, &f); mp_multiply_integer(&f, 2, &f); mp_abs(&f, &f); mp_set_from_integer(1, &one); if (mp_is_greater_equal(&f, &one)) do_floor = !do_floor; if (do_floor) mp_floor(x, z); else mp_ceiling(x, z); } int mp_compare_mp_to_mp(const MPNumber *x, const MPNumber *y) { int i; if (x->sign != y->sign) { if (x->sign > y->sign) return 1; else return -1; } /* x = y = 0 */ if (mp_is_zero(x)) return 0; /* See if numbers are of different magnitude */ if (x->exponent != y->exponent) { if (x->exponent > y->exponent) return x->sign; else return -x->sign; } /* Compare fractions */ for (i = 0; i < MP_SIZE; i++) { if (x->fraction[i] == y->fraction[i]) continue; if (x->fraction[i] > y->fraction[i]) return x->sign; else return -x->sign; } /* x = y */ return 0; } void mp_divide(const MPNumber *x, const MPNumber *y, MPNumber *z) { int i, ie; MPNumber t; /* x/0 */ if (mp_is_zero(y)) { /* Translators: Error displayed attempted to divide by zero */ mperr(_("Division by zero is undefined")); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* 0/y = 0 */ if (mp_is_zero(x)) { mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* z = x × y⁻¹ */ /* FIXME: Set exponent to zero to avoid overflow in mp_multiply??? */ mp_reciprocal(y, &t); ie = t.exponent; t.exponent = 0; i = t.fraction[0]; mp_multiply(x, &t, z); mp_ext(i, z->fraction[0], z); z->exponent += ie; } static void mp_divide_integer_real(const MPNumber *x, int64_t y, MPNumber *z) { int c, i, k, b2, c2, j1, j2; MPNumber x_copy; /* x/0 */ if (y == 0) { /* Translators: Error displayed attempted to divide by zero */ mperr(_("Division by zero is undefined")); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* 0/y = 0 */ if (mp_is_zero(x)) { mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* Division by -1 or 1 just changes sign */ if (y == 1 || y == -1) { if (y < 0) mp_invert_sign(x, z); else mp_set_from_mp(x, z); return; } /* Copy x as z may also refer to x */ mp_set_from_mp(x, &x_copy); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); if (y < 0) { y = -y; z->sign = -x_copy.sign; } else z->sign = x_copy.sign; z->exponent = x_copy.exponent; c = 0; i = 0; /* IF y*B NOT REPRESENTABLE AS AN INTEGER HAVE TO SIMULATE * LONG DIVISION. ASSUME AT LEAST 16-BIT WORD. */ /* Computing MAX */ b2 = max(MP_BASE << 3, 32767 / MP_BASE); if (y < b2) { int kh, r1; /* LOOK FOR FIRST NONZERO DIGIT IN QUOTIENT */ do { c = MP_BASE * c; if (i < MP_T) c += x_copy.fraction[i]; i++; r1 = c / y; if (r1 < 0) goto L210; } while (r1 == 0); /* ADJUST EXPONENT AND GET T+4 DIGITS IN QUOTIENT */ z->exponent += 1 - i; z->fraction[0] = r1; c = MP_BASE * (c - y * r1); kh = 1; if (i < MP_T) { kh = MP_T + 1 - i; for (k = 1; k < kh; k++) { c += x_copy.fraction[i]; z->fraction[k] = c / y; c = MP_BASE * (c - y * z->fraction[k]); i++; } if (c < 0) goto L210; } for (k = kh; k < MP_T + 4; k++) { z->fraction[k] = c / y; c = MP_BASE * (c - y * z->fraction[k]); } if (c < 0) goto L210; mp_normalize(z); return; } /* HERE NEED SIMULATED DOUBLE-PRECISION DIVISION */ j1 = y / MP_BASE; j2 = y - j1 * MP_BASE; /* LOOK FOR FIRST NONZERO DIGIT */ c2 = 0; do { c = MP_BASE * c + c2; c2 = i < MP_T ? x_copy.fraction[i] : 0; i++; } while (c < j1 || (c == j1 && c2 < j2)); /* COMPUTE T+4 QUOTIENT DIGITS */ z->exponent += 1 - i; i--; /* MAIN LOOP FOR LARGE ABS(y) CASE */ for (k = 1; k <= MP_T + 4; k++) { int ir, iq, iqj; /* GET APPROXIMATE QUOTIENT FIRST */ ir = c / (j1 + 1); /* NOW REDUCE SO OVERFLOW DOES NOT OCCUR */ iq = c - ir * j1; if (iq >= b2) { /* HERE IQ*B WOULD POSSIBLY OVERFLOW SO INCREASE IR */ ++ir; iq -= j1; } iq = iq * MP_BASE - ir * j2; if (iq < 0) { /* HERE IQ NEGATIVE SO IR WAS TOO LARGE */ ir--; iq += y; } if (i < MP_T) iq += x_copy.fraction[i]; i++; iqj = iq / y; /* R(K) = QUOTIENT, C = REMAINDER */ z->fraction[k - 1] = iqj + ir; c = iq - y * iqj; if (c < 0) goto L210; } mp_normalize(z); L210: /* CARRY NEGATIVE SO OVERFLOW MUST HAVE OCCURRED */ mperr("*** INTEGER OVERFLOW IN MP_DIVIDE_INTEGER, B TOO LARGE ***"); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); } void mp_divide_integer(const MPNumber *x, int64_t y, MPNumber *z) { if (mp_is_complex(x)) { MPNumber re_z, im_z; mp_real_component(x, &re_z); mp_imaginary_component(x, &im_z); mp_divide_integer_real(&re_z, y, &re_z); mp_divide_integer_real(&im_z, y, &im_z); mp_set_from_complex(&re_z, &im_z, z); } else mp_divide_integer_real(x, y, z); } bool mp_is_integer(const MPNumber *x) { MPNumber t1, t2, t3; if (mp_is_complex(x)) return false; /* This fix is required for 1/3 repiprocal not being detected as an integer */ /* Multiplication and division by 10000 is used to get around a * limitation to the "fix" for Sun bugtraq bug #4006391 in the * mp_floor() routine in mp.c, when the exponent is less than 1. */ mp_set_from_integer(10000, &t3); mp_multiply(x, &t3, &t1); mp_divide(&t1, &t3, &t1); mp_floor(&t1, &t2); return mp_is_equal(&t1, &t2); /* Correct way to check for integer */ /*int i; // Zero is an integer if (mp_is_zero(x)) return true; // Fractional if (x->exponent <= 0) return false; // Look for fractional components for (i = x->exponent; i < MP_SIZE; i++) { if (x->fraction[i] != 0) return false; } return true;*/ } bool mp_is_positive_integer(const MPNumber *x) { if (mp_is_complex(x)) return false; else return x->sign >= 0 && mp_is_integer(x); } bool mp_is_natural(const MPNumber *x) { if (mp_is_complex(x)) return false; else return x->sign > 0 && mp_is_integer(x); } bool mp_is_complex(const MPNumber *x) { return x->im_sign != 0; } bool mp_is_equal(const MPNumber *x, const MPNumber *y) { return mp_compare_mp_to_mp(x, y) == 0; } /* Return e^x for |x| < 1 USING AN O(SQRT(T).M(T)) ALGORITHM * DESCRIBED IN - R. P. BRENT, THE COMPLEXITY OF MULTIPLE- * PRECISION ARITHMETIC (IN COMPLEXITY OF COMPUTATIONAL PROBLEM * SOLVING, UNIV. OF QUEENSLAND PRESS, BRISBANE, 1976, 126-165). * ASYMPTOTICALLY FASTER METHODS EXIST, BUT ARE NOT USEFUL * UNLESS T IS VERY LARGE. SEE COMMENTS TO MP_ATAN AND MPPIGL. */ static void mp_exp(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { int i, q; float rlb; MPNumber t1, t2; /* e^0 = 1 */ if (mp_is_zero(x)) { mp_set_from_integer(1, z); return; } /* Only defined for |x| < 1 */ if (x->exponent > 0) { mperr("*** ABS(X) NOT LESS THAN 1 IN CALL TO MP_EXP ***"); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } mp_set_from_mp(x, &t1); rlb = log((float)MP_BASE); /* Compute approximately optimal q (and divide x by 2^q) */ q = (int)(sqrt((float)MP_T * 0.48f * rlb) + (float) x->exponent * 1.44f * rlb); /* HALVE Q TIMES */ if (q > 0) { int ib, ic; ib = MP_BASE << 2; ic = 1; for (i = 1; i <= q; ++i) { ic *= 2; if (ic < ib && ic != MP_BASE && i < q) continue; mp_divide_integer(&t1, ic, &t1); ic = 1; } } if (mp_is_zero(&t1)) { mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* Sum series, reducing t where possible */ mp_set_from_mp(&t1, z); mp_set_from_mp(&t1, &t2); for (i = 2; MP_T + t2.exponent - z->exponent > 0; i++) { mp_multiply(&t1, &t2, &t2); mp_divide_integer(&t2, i, &t2); mp_add(&t2, z, z); if (mp_is_zero(&t2)) break; } /* Apply (x+1)^2 - 1 = x(2 + x) for q iterations */ for (i = 1; i <= q; ++i) { mp_add_integer(z, 2, &t1); mp_multiply(&t1, z, z); } mp_add_integer(z, 1, z); } static void mp_epowy_real(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { float r__1; int i, ix, xs, tss; float rx, rz, rlb; MPNumber t1, t2; /* e^0 = 1 */ if (mp_is_zero(x)) { mp_set_from_integer(1, z); return; } /* If |x| < 1 use mp_exp */ if (x->exponent <= 0) { mp_exp(x, z); return; } /* SEE IF ABS(X) SO LARGE THAT EXP(X) WILL CERTAINLY OVERFLOW * OR UNDERFLOW. 1.01 IS TO ALLOW FOR ERRORS IN ALOG. */ rlb = log((float)MP_BASE) * 1.01f; /* NOW SAFE TO CONVERT X TO REAL */ rx = mp_cast_to_float(x); /* SAVE SIGN AND WORK WITH ABS(X) */ xs = x->sign; mp_abs(x, &t2); /* GET FRACTIONAL AND INTEGER PARTS OF ABS(X) */ ix = mp_cast_to_int(&t2); mp_fractional_component(&t2, &t2); /* ATTACH SIGN TO FRACTIONAL PART AND COMPUTE EXP OF IT */ t2.sign *= xs; mp_exp(&t2, z); /* COMPUTE E-2 OR 1/E USING TWO EXTRA DIGITS IN CASE ABS(X) LARGE * (BUT ONLY ONE EXTRA DIGIT IF T < 4) */ if (MP_T < 4) tss = MP_T + 1; else tss = MP_T + 2; /* LOOP FOR E COMPUTATION. DECREASE T IF POSSIBLE. */ /* Computing MIN */ mp_set_from_integer(xs, &t1); t2.sign = 0; for (i = 2 ; ; i++) { if (min(tss, tss + 2 + t1.exponent) <= 2) break; mp_divide_integer(&t1, i * xs, &t1); mp_add(&t2, &t1, &t2); if (mp_is_zero(&t1)) break; } /* RAISE E OR 1/E TO POWER IX */ if (xs > 0) mp_add_integer(&t2, 2, &t2); mp_xpowy_integer(&t2, ix, &t2); /* MULTIPLY EXPS OF INTEGER AND FRACTIONAL PARTS */ mp_multiply(z, &t2, z); /* CHECK THAT RELATIVE ERROR LESS THAN 0.01 UNLESS ABS(X) LARGE * (WHEN EXP MIGHT OVERFLOW OR UNDERFLOW) */ if (fabs(rx) > 10.0f) return; rz = mp_cast_to_float(z); r__1 = rz - exp(rx); if (fabs(r__1) < rz * 0.01f) return; /* THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE MAY INDICATE THAT * B**(T-1) IS TOO SMALL, OR THAT M IS TOO SMALL SO THE * RESULT UNDERFLOWED. */ mperr("*** ERROR OCCURRED IN MP_EPOWY, RESULT INCORRECT ***"); } void mp_epowy(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { /* e^0 = 1 */ if (mp_is_zero(x)) { mp_set_from_integer(1, z); return; } if (mp_is_complex(x)) { MPNumber x_real, r, theta; mp_real_component(x, &x_real); mp_imaginary_component(x, &theta); mp_epowy_real(&x_real, &r); mp_set_from_polar(&r, MP_RADIANS, &theta, z); } else mp_epowy_real(x, z); } /* RETURNS K = K/GCD AND L = L/GCD, WHERE GCD IS THE * GREATEST COMMON DIVISOR OF K AND L. * SAVE INPUT PARAMETERS IN LOCAL VARIABLES */ void mp_gcd(int64_t *k, int64_t *l) { int64_t i, j; i = abs(*k); j = abs(*l); if (j == 0) { /* IF J = 0 RETURN (1, 0) UNLESS I = 0, THEN (0, 0) */ *k = 1; *l = 0; if (i == 0) *k = 0; return; } /* EUCLIDEAN ALGORITHM LOOP */ do { i %= j; if (i == 0) { *k = *k / j; *l = *l / j; return; } j %= i; } while (j != 0); /* HERE J IS THE GCD OF K AND L */ *k = *k / i; *l = *l / i; } bool mp_is_zero(const MPNumber *x) { return x->sign == 0 && x->im_sign == 0; } bool mp_is_negative(const MPNumber *x) { return x->sign < 0; } bool mp_is_greater_equal(const MPNumber *x, const MPNumber *y) { return mp_compare_mp_to_mp(x, y) >= 0; } bool mp_is_greater_than(const MPNumber *x, const MPNumber *y) { return mp_compare_mp_to_mp(x, y) > 0; } bool mp_is_less_equal(const MPNumber *x, const MPNumber *y) { return mp_compare_mp_to_mp(x, y) <= 0; } /* RETURNS MP Y = LN(1+X) IF X IS AN MP NUMBER SATISFYING THE * CONDITION ABS(X) < 1/B, ERROR OTHERWISE. * USES NEWTONS METHOD TO SOLVE THE EQUATION * EXP1(-Y) = X, THEN REVERSES SIGN OF Y. */ static void mp_lns(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { int t, it0; MPNumber t1, t2, t3; /* ln(1+0) = 0 */ if (mp_is_zero(x)) { mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* Get starting approximation -ln(1+x) ~= -x + x^2/2 - x^3/3 + x^4/4 */ mp_set_from_mp(x, &t2); mp_divide_integer(x, 4, &t1); mp_add_fraction(&t1, -1, 3, &t1); mp_multiply(x, &t1, &t1); mp_add_fraction(&t1, 1, 2, &t1); mp_multiply(x, &t1, &t1); mp_add_integer(&t1, -1, &t1); mp_multiply(x, &t1, z); /* Solve using Newtons method */ it0 = t = 5; while(1) { int ts2, ts3; /* t3 = (e^t3 - 1) */ /* z = z - (t2 + t3 + (t2 * t3)) */ mp_epowy(z, &t3); mp_add_integer(&t3, -1, &t3); mp_multiply(&t2, &t3, &t1); mp_add(&t3, &t1, &t3); mp_add(&t2, &t3, &t3); mp_subtract(z, &t3, z); if (t >= MP_T) break; /* FOLLOWING LOOP COMPUTES NEXT VALUE OF T TO USE. * BECAUSE NEWTONS METHOD HAS 2ND ORDER CONVERGENCE, * WE CAN ALMOST DOUBLE T EACH TIME. */ ts3 = t; t = MP_T; do { ts2 = t; t = (t + it0) / 2; } while (t > ts3); t = ts2; } /* CHECK THAT NEWTON ITERATION WAS CONVERGING AS EXPECTED */ if (t3.sign != 0 && t3.exponent << 1 > it0 - MP_T) { mperr("*** ERROR OCCURRED IN MP_LNS, NEWTON ITERATION NOT CONVERGING PROPERLY ***"); } z->sign = -z->sign; } static void mp_ln_real(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { int e, k; float rx, rlx; MPNumber t1, t2; /* LOOP TO GET APPROXIMATE LN(X) USING SINGLE-PRECISION */ mp_set_from_mp(x, &t1); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); for(k = 0; k < 10; k++) { /* COMPUTE FINAL CORRECTION ACCURATELY USING MP_LNS */ mp_add_integer(&t1, -1, &t2); if (mp_is_zero(&t2) || t2.exponent + 1 <= 0) { mp_lns(&t2, &t2); mp_add(z, &t2, z); return; } /* REMOVE EXPONENT TO AVOID FLOATING-POINT OVERFLOW */ e = t1.exponent; t1.exponent = 0; rx = mp_cast_to_float(&t1); t1.exponent = e; rlx = log(rx) + (float)e * log((float)MP_BASE); mp_set_from_float(-(double)rlx, &t2); /* UPDATE Z AND COMPUTE ACCURATE EXP OF APPROXIMATE LOG */ mp_subtract(z, &t2, z); mp_epowy(&t2, &t2); /* COMPUTE RESIDUAL WHOSE LOG IS STILL TO BE FOUND */ mp_multiply(&t1, &t2, &t1); } mperr("*** ERROR IN MP_LN, ITERATION NOT CONVERGING ***"); } void mp_ln(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { /* ln(0) undefined */ if (mp_is_zero(x)) { /* Translators: Error displayed when attempting to take logarithm of zero */ mperr(_("Logarithm of zero is undefined")); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* ln(-x) complex */ /* FIXME: Make complex numbers optional */ /*if (mp_is_negative(x)) { // Translators: Error displayed attempted to take logarithm of negative value mperr(_("Logarithm of negative values is undefined")); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; }*/ if (mp_is_complex(x) || mp_is_negative(x)) { MPNumber r, theta, z_real; /* ln(re^iθ) = e^(ln(r)+iθ) */ mp_abs(x, &r); mp_arg(x, MP_RADIANS, &theta); mp_ln_real(&r, &z_real); mp_set_from_complex(&z_real, &theta, z); } else mp_ln_real(x, z); } void mp_logarithm(int64_t n, const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { MPNumber t1, t2; /* log(0) undefined */ if (mp_is_zero(x)) { /* Translators: Error displayed when attempting to take logarithm of zero */ mperr(_("Logarithm of zero is undefined")); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* logn(x) = ln(x) / ln(n) */ mp_set_from_integer(n, &t1); mp_ln(&t1, &t1); mp_ln(x, &t2); mp_divide(&t2, &t1, z); } bool mp_is_less_than(const MPNumber *x, const MPNumber *y) { return mp_compare_mp_to_mp(x, y) < 0; } static void mp_multiply_real(const MPNumber *x, const MPNumber *y, MPNumber *z) { int c, i, xi; MPNumber r; /* x*0 = 0*y = 0 */ if (x->sign == 0 || y->sign == 0) { mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } z->sign = x->sign * y->sign; z->exponent = x->exponent + y->exponent; memset(&r, 0, sizeof(MPNumber)); /* PERFORM MULTIPLICATION */ c = 8; for (i = 0; i < MP_T; i++) { int j; xi = x->fraction[i]; /* FOR SPEED, PUT THE NUMBER WITH MANY ZEROS FIRST */ if (xi == 0) continue; /* Computing MIN */ for (j = 0; j < min(MP_T, MP_T + 3 - i); j++) r.fraction[i+j+1] += xi * y->fraction[j]; c--; if (c > 0) continue; /* CHECK FOR LEGAL BASE B DIGIT */ if (xi < 0 || xi >= MP_BASE) { mperr("*** ILLEGAL BASE B DIGIT IN CALL TO MP_MULTIPLY, POSSIBLE OVERWRITING PROBLEM ***"); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* PROPAGATE CARRIES AT END AND EVERY EIGHTH TIME, * FASTER THAN DOING IT EVERY TIME. */ for (j = MP_T + 3; j >= 0; j--) { int ri = r.fraction[j] + c; if (ri < 0) { mperr("*** INTEGER OVERFLOW IN MP_MULTIPLY, B TOO LARGE ***"); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } c = ri / MP_BASE; r.fraction[j] = ri - MP_BASE * c; } if (c != 0) { mperr("*** ILLEGAL BASE B DIGIT IN CALL TO MP_MULTIPLY, POSSIBLE OVERWRITING PROBLEM ***"); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } c = 8; } if (c != 8) { if (xi < 0 || xi >= MP_BASE) { mperr("*** ILLEGAL BASE B DIGIT IN CALL TO MP_MULTIPLY, POSSIBLE OVERWRITING PROBLEM ***"); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } c = 0; for (i = MP_T + 3; i >= 0; i--) { int ri = r.fraction[i] + c; if (ri < 0) { mperr("*** INTEGER OVERFLOW IN MP_MULTIPLY, B TOO LARGE ***"); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } c = ri / MP_BASE; r.fraction[i] = ri - MP_BASE * c; } if (c != 0) { mperr("*** ILLEGAL BASE B DIGIT IN CALL TO MP_MULTIPLY, POSSIBLE OVERWRITING PROBLEM ***"); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } } /* Clear complex part */ z->im_sign = 0; z->im_exponent = 0; memset(z->im_fraction, 0, sizeof(int) * MP_SIZE); /* NORMALIZE AND ROUND RESULT */ // FIXME: Use stack variable because of mp_normalize brokeness for (i = 0; i < MP_SIZE; i++) z->fraction[i] = r.fraction[i]; mp_normalize(z); } void mp_multiply(const MPNumber *x, const MPNumber *y, MPNumber *z) { /* x*0 = 0*y = 0 */ if (mp_is_zero(x) || mp_is_zero(y)) { mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* (a+bi)(c+di) = (ac-bd)+(ad+bc)i */ if (mp_is_complex(x) || mp_is_complex(y)) { MPNumber real_x, real_y, im_x, im_y, t1, t2, real_z, im_z; mp_real_component(x, &real_x); mp_imaginary_component(x, &im_x); mp_real_component(y, &real_y); mp_imaginary_component(y, &im_y); mp_multiply_real(&real_x, &real_y, &t1); mp_multiply_real(&im_x, &im_y, &t2); mp_subtract(&t1, &t2, &real_z); mp_multiply_real(&real_x, &im_y, &t1); mp_multiply_real(&im_x, &real_y, &t2); mp_add(&t1, &t2, &im_z); mp_set_from_complex(&real_z, &im_z, z); } else { mp_multiply_real(x, y, z); } } static void mp_multiply_integer_real(const MPNumber *x, int64_t y, MPNumber *z) { int c, i; MPNumber x_copy; /* x*0 = 0*y = 0 */ if (mp_is_zero(x) || y == 0) { mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* x*1 = x, x*-1 = -x */ // FIXME: Why is this not working? mp_ext is using this function to do a normalization /*if (y == 1 || y == -1) { if (y < 0) mp_invert_sign(x, z); else mp_set_from_mp(x, z); return; }*/ /* Copy x as z may also refer to x */ mp_set_from_mp(x, &x_copy); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); if (y < 0) { y = -y; z->sign = -x_copy.sign; } else z->sign = x_copy.sign; z->exponent = x_copy.exponent + 4; /* FORM PRODUCT IN ACCUMULATOR */ c = 0; /* IF y*B NOT REPRESENTABLE AS AN INTEGER WE HAVE TO SIMULATE * DOUBLE-PRECISION MULTIPLICATION. */ /* Computing MAX */ if (y >= max(MP_BASE << 3, 32767 / MP_BASE)) { int64_t j1, j2; /* HERE J IS TOO LARGE FOR SINGLE-PRECISION MULTIPLICATION */ j1 = y / MP_BASE; j2 = y - j1 * MP_BASE; /* FORM PRODUCT */ for (i = MP_T + 3; i >= 0; i--) { int64_t c1, c2, is, ix, t; c1 = c / MP_BASE; c2 = c - MP_BASE * c1; ix = 0; if (i > 3) ix = x_copy.fraction[i - 4]; t = j2 * ix + c2; is = t / MP_BASE; c = j1 * ix + c1 + is; z->fraction[i] = t - MP_BASE * is; } } else { int64_t ri = 0; for (i = MP_T + 3; i >= 4; i--) { ri = y * x_copy.fraction[i - 4] + c; c = ri / MP_BASE; z->fraction[i] = ri - MP_BASE * c; } /* CHECK FOR INTEGER OVERFLOW */ if (ri < 0) { mperr("*** INTEGER OVERFLOW IN mp_multiply_integer, B TOO LARGE ***"); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* HAVE TO TREAT FIRST FOUR WORDS OF R SEPARATELY */ for (i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { int t; t = c; c = t / MP_BASE; z->fraction[i] = t - MP_BASE * c; } } /* HAVE TO SHIFT RIGHT HERE AS CARRY OFF END */ while (c != 0) { int64_t t; for (i = MP_T + 3; i >= 1; i--) z->fraction[i] = z->fraction[i - 1]; t = c; c = t / MP_BASE; z->fraction[0] = t - MP_BASE * c; z->exponent++; } if (c < 0) { mperr("*** INTEGER OVERFLOW IN mp_multiply_integer, B TOO LARGE ***"); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } z->im_sign = 0; z->im_exponent = 0; memset(z->im_fraction, 0, sizeof(int) * MP_SIZE); mp_normalize(z); } void mp_multiply_integer(const MPNumber *x, int64_t y, MPNumber *z) { if (mp_is_complex(x)) { MPNumber re_z, im_z; mp_real_component(x, &re_z); mp_imaginary_component(x, &im_z); mp_multiply_integer_real(&re_z, y, &re_z); mp_multiply_integer_real(&im_z, y, &im_z); mp_set_from_complex(&re_z, &im_z, z); } else mp_multiply_integer_real(x, y, z); } void mp_multiply_fraction(const MPNumber *x, int64_t numerator, int64_t denominator, MPNumber *z) { if (denominator == 0) { mperr(_("Division by zero is undefined")); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } if (numerator == 0) { mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* Reduce to lowest terms */ mp_gcd(&numerator, &denominator); mp_divide_integer(x, denominator, z); mp_multiply_integer(z, numerator, z); } void mp_invert_sign(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { mp_set_from_mp(x, z); z->sign = -z->sign; z->im_sign = -z->im_sign; } // FIXME: Is r->fraction large enough? It seems to be in practise but it may be MP_T+4 instead of MP_T // FIXME: There is some sort of stack corruption/use of unitialised variables here. Some functions are // using stack variables as x otherwise there are corruption errors. e.g. "Cos(45) - 1/Sqrt(2) = -0" // (try in scientific mode) void mp_normalize(MPNumber *x) { int start_index; /* Find first non-zero digit */ for (start_index = 0; start_index < MP_SIZE && x->fraction[start_index] == 0; start_index++); /* Mark as zero */ if (start_index >= MP_SIZE) { x->sign = 0; x->exponent = 0; return; } /* Shift left so first digit is non-zero */ if (start_index > 0) { int i; x->exponent -= start_index; for (i = 0; (i + start_index) < MP_SIZE; i++) x->fraction[i] = x->fraction[i + start_index]; for (; i < MP_SIZE; i++) x->fraction[i] = 0; } } static void mp_pwr(const MPNumber *x, const MPNumber *y, MPNumber *z) { MPNumber t; /* (-x)^y imaginary */ /* FIXME: Make complex numbers optional */ /*if (x->sign < 0) { mperr(_("The power of negative numbers is only defined for integer exponents")); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; }*/ /* 0^-y illegal */ if (mp_is_zero(x) && y->sign < 0) { mperr(_("The power of zero is undefined for a negative exponent")); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* x^0 = 1 */ if (mp_is_zero(y)) { mp_set_from_integer(1, z); return; } mp_ln(x, &t); mp_multiply(y, &t, z); mp_epowy(z, z); } static void mp_reciprocal_real(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { MPNumber t1, t2; int it0, t; /* 1/0 invalid */ if (mp_is_zero(x)) { mperr(_("Reciprocal of zero is undefined")); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* Start by approximating value using floating point */ mp_set_from_mp(x, &t1); t1.exponent = 0; mp_set_from_float(1.0f / mp_cast_to_float(&t1), &t1); t1.exponent -= x->exponent; it0 = t = 3; while(1) { int ts2, ts3; /* t1 = t1 - (t1 * ((x * t1) - 1)) (2*t1 - t1^2*x) */ mp_multiply(x, &t1, &t2); mp_add_integer(&t2, -1, &t2); mp_multiply(&t1, &t2, &t2); mp_subtract(&t1, &t2, &t1); if (t >= MP_T) break; /* FOLLOWING LOOP ALMOST DOUBLES T (POSSIBLE * BECAUSE NEWTONS METHOD HAS 2ND ORDER CONVERGENCE). */ ts3 = t; t = MP_T; do { ts2 = t; t = (t + it0) / 2; } while (t > ts3); t = min(ts2, MP_T); } /* RETURN IF NEWTON ITERATION WAS CONVERGING */ if (t2.sign != 0 && (t1.exponent - t2.exponent) << 1 < MP_T - it0) { /* THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE MAY INDICATE THAT B**(T-1) IS TOO SMALL, * OR THAT THE STARTING APPROXIMATION IS NOT ACCURATE ENOUGH. */ mperr("*** ERROR OCCURRED IN MP_RECIPROCAL, NEWTON ITERATION NOT CONVERGING PROPERLY ***"); } mp_set_from_mp(&t1, z); } void mp_reciprocal(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { if (mp_is_complex(x)) { MPNumber t1, t2; MPNumber real_x, im_x; mp_real_component(x, &real_x); mp_imaginary_component(x, &im_x); /* 1/(a+bi) = (a-bi)/(a+bi)(a-bi) = (a-bi)/(a²+b²) */ mp_multiply(&real_x, &real_x, &t1); mp_multiply(&im_x, &im_x, &t2); mp_add(&t1, &t2, &t1); mp_reciprocal_real(&t1, z); mp_conjugate(x, &t1); mp_multiply(&t1, z, z); } else mp_reciprocal_real(x, z); } static void mp_root_real(const MPNumber *x, int64_t n, MPNumber *z) { float approximation; int ex, np, it0, t; MPNumber t1, t2; /* x^(1/1) = x */ if (n == 1) { mp_set_from_mp(x, z); return; } /* x^(1/0) invalid */ if (n == 0) { mperr(_("Root must be non-zero")); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } np = abs(n); /* LOSS OF ACCURACY IF NP LARGE, SO ONLY ALLOW NP <= MAX (B, 64) */ if (np > max(MP_BASE, 64)) { mperr("*** ABS(N) TOO LARGE IN CALL TO MP_ROOT ***"); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* 0^(1/n) = 0 for positive n */ if (mp_is_zero(x)) { mp_set_from_integer(0, z); if (n <= 0) mperr(_("Negative root of zero is undefined")); return; } // FIXME: Imaginary root if (x->sign < 0 && np % 2 == 0) { mperr(_("nth root of negative number is undefined for even n")); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* DIVIDE EXPONENT BY NP */ ex = x->exponent / np; /* Get initial approximation */ mp_set_from_mp(x, &t1); t1.exponent = 0; approximation = exp(((float)(np * ex - x->exponent) * log((float)MP_BASE) - log((fabs(mp_cast_to_float(&t1))))) / (float)np); mp_set_from_float(approximation, &t1); t1.sign = x->sign; t1.exponent -= ex; /* MAIN ITERATION LOOP */ it0 = t = 3; while(1) { int ts2, ts3; /* t1 = t1 - ((t1 * ((x * t1^np) - 1)) / np) */ mp_xpowy_integer(&t1, np, &t2); mp_multiply(x, &t2, &t2); mp_add_integer(&t2, -1, &t2); mp_multiply(&t1, &t2, &t2); mp_divide_integer(&t2, np, &t2); mp_subtract(&t1, &t2, &t1); /* FOLLOWING LOOP ALMOST DOUBLES T (POSSIBLE BECAUSE * NEWTONS METHOD HAS 2ND ORDER CONVERGENCE). */ if (t >= MP_T) break; ts3 = t; t = MP_T; do { ts2 = t; t = (t + it0) / 2; } while (t > ts3); t = min(ts2, MP_T); } /* NOW R(I2) IS X**(-1/NP) * CHECK THAT NEWTON ITERATION WAS CONVERGING */ if (t2.sign != 0 && (t1.exponent - t2.exponent) << 1 < MP_T - it0) { /* THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE MAY INDICATE THAT B**(T-1) IS TOO SMALL, * OR THAT THE INITIAL APPROXIMATION OBTAINED USING ALOG AND EXP * IS NOT ACCURATE ENOUGH. */ mperr("*** ERROR OCCURRED IN MP_ROOT, NEWTON ITERATION NOT CONVERGING PROPERLY ***"); } if (n >= 0) { mp_xpowy_integer(&t1, n - 1, &t1); mp_multiply(x, &t1, z); return; } mp_set_from_mp(&t1, z); } void mp_root(const MPNumber *x, int64_t n, MPNumber *z) { if (!mp_is_complex(x) && mp_is_negative(x) && n % 2 == 1) { mp_abs(x, z); mp_root_real(z, n, z); mp_invert_sign(z, z); } else if (mp_is_complex(x) || mp_is_negative(x)) { MPNumber r, theta; mp_abs(x, &r); mp_arg(x, MP_RADIANS, &theta); mp_root_real(&r, n, &r); mp_divide_integer(&theta, n, &theta); mp_set_from_polar(&r, MP_RADIANS, &theta, z); } else mp_root_real(x, n, z); } void mp_sqrt(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { if (mp_is_zero(x)) mp_set_from_integer(0, z); /* FIXME: Make complex numbers optional */ /*else if (x->sign < 0) { mperr(_("Square root is undefined for negative values")); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); }*/ else { MPNumber t; mp_root(x, -2, &t); mp_multiply(x, &t, z); mp_ext(t.fraction[0], z->fraction[0], z); } } void mp_factorial(const MPNumber *x, MPNumber *z) { int i, value; /* 0! == 1 */ if (mp_is_zero(x)) { mp_set_from_integer(1, z); return; } if (!mp_is_natural(x)) { /* Translators: Error displayed when attempted take the factorial of a fractional number */ mperr(_("Factorial is only defined for natural numbers")); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* Convert to integer - if couldn't be converted then the factorial would be too big anyway */ value = mp_cast_to_int(x); mp_set_from_mp(x, z); for (i = 2; i < value; i++) mp_multiply_integer(z, i, z); } void mp_modulus_divide(const MPNumber *x, const MPNumber *y, MPNumber *z) { MPNumber t1, t2; if (!mp_is_integer(x) || !mp_is_integer(y)) { /* Translators: Error displayed when attemping to do a modulus division on non-integer numbers */ mperr(_("Modulus division is only defined for integers")); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); } mp_divide(x, y, &t1); mp_floor(&t1, &t1); mp_multiply(&t1, y, &t2); mp_subtract(x, &t2, z); mp_set_from_integer(0, &t1); if ((mp_is_less_than(y, &t1) && mp_is_greater_than(z, &t1)) || mp_is_less_than(z, &t1)) mp_add(z, y, z); } void mp_xpowy(const MPNumber *x, const MPNumber *y, MPNumber *z) { if (mp_is_integer(y)) { mp_xpowy_integer(x, mp_cast_to_int(y), z); } else { MPNumber reciprocal; mp_reciprocal(y, &reciprocal); if (mp_is_integer(&reciprocal)) mp_root(x, mp_cast_to_int(&reciprocal), z); else mp_pwr(x, y, z); } } void mp_xpowy_integer(const MPNumber *x, int64_t n, MPNumber *z) { int i; MPNumber t; /* 0^-n invalid */ if (mp_is_zero(x) && n < 0) { /* Translators: Error displayed when attempted to raise 0 to a negative exponent */ mperr(_("The power of zero is undefined for a negative exponent")); mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* x^0 = 1 */ if (n == 0) { mp_set_from_integer(1, z); return; } /* 0^n = 0 */ if (mp_is_zero(x)) { mp_set_from_integer(0, z); return; } /* x^1 = x */ if (n == 1) { mp_set_from_mp(x, z); return; } if (n < 0) { mp_reciprocal(x, &t); n = -n; } else mp_set_from_mp(x, &t); /* Multply x n times */ // FIXME: Can do mp_multiply(z, z, z) until close to answer (each call doubles number of multiples) */ mp_set_from_integer(1, z); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) mp_multiply(z, &t, z); } GList* mp_factorize(const MPNumber *x) { GList *list = NULL; MPNumber *factor = g_slice_alloc0(sizeof(MPNumber)); MPNumber value, tmp, divisor, root; mp_abs(x, &value); if (mp_is_zero(&value)) { mp_set_from_mp(&value, factor); list = g_list_append(list, factor); return list; } mp_set_from_integer(1, &tmp); if (mp_is_equal(&value, &tmp)) { mp_set_from_mp(x, factor); list = g_list_append(list, factor); return list; } mp_set_from_integer(2, &divisor); while (TRUE) { mp_divide(&value, &divisor, &tmp); if (mp_is_integer(&tmp)) { value = tmp; mp_set_from_mp(&divisor, factor); list = g_list_append(list, factor); factor = g_slice_alloc0(sizeof(MPNumber)); } else { break; } } mp_set_from_integer(3, &divisor); mp_sqrt(&value, &root); while (mp_is_less_equal(&divisor, &root)) { mp_divide(&value, &divisor, &tmp); if (mp_is_integer(&tmp)) { value = tmp; mp_sqrt(&value, &root); mp_set_from_mp(&divisor, factor); list = g_list_append(list, factor); factor = g_slice_alloc0(sizeof(MPNumber)); } else { mp_add_integer(&divisor, 2, &tmp); divisor = tmp; } } mp_set_from_integer(1, &tmp); if (mp_is_greater_than(&value, &tmp)) { mp_set_from_mp(&value, factor); list = g_list_append(list, factor); } else { g_slice_free(MPNumber, factor); } if (mp_is_negative(x)) { mp_invert_sign(list->data, list->data); } return list; }