/* * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Robert Ancell. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html the full text of the * license. */ #include <glib-object.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <locale.h> #include "mp.h" #include "mp-private.h" static int fails = 0; static int passes = 0; /* If we're not using GNU C, elide __attribute__ */ #ifndef __GNUC__ # define __attribute__(x) /*NOTHING*/ #endif static void pass(const char *format, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))); static void fail(const char *format, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 1, 2))); static void pass(const char *format, ...) { /* va_list args; printf(" PASS: "); va_start(args, format); vprintf(format, args); va_end(args); printf("\n"); */ passes += 1; } static void fail(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; printf("*FAIL: "); va_start(args, format); vprintf(format, args); va_end(args); printf("\n"); fails++; } static void print_number(MPNumber *x) { int i, j; printf("sign=%d exponent=%d fraction=%d", x->sign, x->exponent, x->fraction[0]); for (i = 1; i < MP_SIZE; i++) { for (j = i; j < MP_SIZE && x->fraction[j] == 0; j++); if (j == MP_SIZE) { printf(",..."); break; } printf(",%d", x->fraction[i]); } } static void test_string(const char *number) { MPNumber t; mp_set_from_string(number, 10, &t); printf("MPNumber(%s) -> {", number); print_number(&t); printf("}\n"); } static void test_integer(int number) { MPNumber t; mp_set_from_integer(number, &t); printf("MPNumber(%d) -> {", number); print_number(&t); printf("}\n"); } static void test_numbers() { printf("base=%d\n", MP_BASE); test_integer(0); test_integer(1); test_integer(-1); test_integer(2); test_integer(9999); test_integer(10000); test_integer(10001); test_integer(2147483647); test_string("0"); test_string("1"); test_string("-1"); test_string("16383"); test_string("16384"); test_string("16385"); test_string("268435456"); test_string("0.1"); test_string("0.5"); test_string("0.25"); test_string("0.125"); test_string("0.0625"); test_string("0.00006103515625"); test_string("0.000030517578125"); test_string("1.00006103515625"); test_string("16384.00006103515625"); } static void try(const char *string, bool result, bool expected) { if ((result && !expected) || (!result && expected)) fail("%s -> %s, expected %s", string, expected ? "true" : "false", result ? "true" : "false"); else pass("%s -> %s", string, result ? "true" : "false"); } static void test_mp() { MPNumber zero, one, minus_one; mp_set_from_integer(0, &zero); mp_set_from_integer(1, &one); mp_set_from_integer(-1, &minus_one); try("mp_is_zero(-1)", mp_is_zero(&minus_one), false); try("mp_is_zero(0)", mp_is_zero(&zero), true); try("mp_is_zero(1)", mp_is_zero(&one), false); try("mp_is_negative(-1)", mp_is_negative(&minus_one), true); try("mp_is_negative(0)", mp_is_negative(&zero), false); try("mp_is_negative(1)", mp_is_negative(&one), false); try("mp_is_integer(-1)", mp_is_integer(&minus_one), true); try("mp_is_integer(0)", mp_is_integer(&zero), true); try("mp_is_integer(1)", mp_is_integer(&one), true); try("mp_is_positive_integer(-1)", mp_is_positive_integer(&minus_one), false); try("mp_is_positive_integer(0)", mp_is_positive_integer(&zero), true); try("mp_is_positive_integer(1)", mp_is_positive_integer(&one), true); try("mp_is_natural(-1)", mp_is_natural(&minus_one), false); try("mp_is_natural(0)", mp_is_natural(&zero), false); try("mp_is_natural(1)", mp_is_natural(&one), true); try("mp_is_complex(-1)", mp_is_complex(&minus_one), false); try("mp_is_complex(0)", mp_is_complex(&zero), false); try("mp_is_complex(1)", mp_is_complex(&one), false); try("mp_is_equal(-1, -1)", mp_is_equal(&minus_one, &minus_one), true); try("mp_is_equal(-1, 0)", mp_is_equal(&minus_one, &zero), false); try("mp_is_equal(-1, 1)", mp_is_equal(&minus_one, &one), false); try("mp_is_equal(0, -1)", mp_is_equal(&zero, &minus_one), false); try("mp_is_equal(0, 0)", mp_is_equal(&zero, &zero), true); try("mp_is_equal(0, 1)", mp_is_equal(&zero, &one), false); try("mp_is_equal(1, -1)", mp_is_equal(&one, &minus_one), false); try("mp_is_equal(1, 0)", mp_is_equal(&one, &zero), false); try("mp_is_equal(1, 1)", mp_is_equal(&one, &one), true); try("mp_is_greater_than(0, -1)", mp_is_greater_than (&zero, &minus_one), true); try("mp_is_greater_than(0, 0)", mp_is_greater_than (&zero, &zero), false); try("mp_is_greater_than(0, 1)", mp_is_greater_than (&zero, &one), false); try("mp_is_greater_than(1, -1)", mp_is_greater_than (&one, &minus_one), true); try("mp_is_greater_than(1, 0)", mp_is_greater_than (&one, &zero), true); try("mp_is_greater_than(1, 1)", mp_is_greater_than (&one, &one), false); try("mp_is_greater_than(-1, -1)", mp_is_greater_than (&minus_one, &minus_one), false); try("mp_is_greater_than(-1, 0)", mp_is_greater_than (&minus_one, &zero), false); try("mp_is_greater_than(-1, 1)", mp_is_greater_than (&minus_one, &one), false); try("mp_is_greater_equal(0, -1)", mp_is_greater_equal (&zero, &minus_one), true); try("mp_is_greater_equal(0, 0)", mp_is_greater_equal (&zero, &zero), true); try("mp_is_greater_equal(0, 1)", mp_is_greater_equal (&zero, &one), false); try("mp_is_greater_equal(1, -1)", mp_is_greater_equal (&one, &minus_one), true); try("mp_is_greater_equal(1, 0)", mp_is_greater_equal (&one, &zero), true); try("mp_is_greater_equal(1, 1)", mp_is_greater_equal (&one, &one), true); try("mp_is_greater_equal(-1, -1)", mp_is_greater_equal (&minus_one, &minus_one), true); try("mp_is_greater_equal(-1, 0)", mp_is_greater_equal (&minus_one, &zero), false); try("mp_is_greater_equal(-1, 1)", mp_is_greater_equal (&minus_one, &one), false); try("mp_is_less_than(0, -1)", mp_is_less_than (&zero, &minus_one), false); try("mp_is_less_than(0, 0)", mp_is_less_than (&zero, &zero), false); try("mp_is_less_than(0, 1)", mp_is_less_than (&zero, &one), true); try("mp_is_less_than(1, -1)", mp_is_less_than (&one, &minus_one), false); try("mp_is_less_than(1, 0)", mp_is_less_than (&one, &zero), false); try("mp_is_less_than(1, 1)", mp_is_less_than (&one, &one), false); try("mp_is_less_than(-1, -1)", mp_is_less_than (&minus_one, &minus_one), false); try("mp_is_less_than(-1, 0)", mp_is_less_than (&minus_one, &zero), true); try("mp_is_less_than(-1, 1)", mp_is_less_than (&minus_one, &one), true); try("mp_is_less_equal(0, -1)", mp_is_less_equal (&zero, &minus_one), false); try("mp_is_less_equal(0, 0)", mp_is_less_equal (&zero, &zero), true); try("mp_is_less_equal(0, 1)", mp_is_less_equal (&zero, &one), true); try("mp_is_less_equal(1, -1)", mp_is_less_equal (&one, &minus_one), false); try("mp_is_less_equal(1, 0)", mp_is_less_equal (&one, &zero), false); try("mp_is_less_equal(1, 1)", mp_is_less_equal (&one, &one), true); try("mp_is_less_equal(-1, -1)", mp_is_less_equal (&minus_one, &minus_one), true); try("mp_is_less_equal(-1, 0)", mp_is_less_equal (&minus_one, &zero), true); try("mp_is_less_equal(-1, 1)", mp_is_less_equal (&minus_one, &one), true); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); g_type_init (); test_mp(); test_numbers(); if (fails == 0) printf("Passed all %i tests\n", passes); return fails; }