[ Things prefaced with GSD need to be fixed in the mate-settings daemon and not the dialog ] ACCESSIBILITY: * UI love * Figure out Keyboard/peripherals integration BACKGROUND: * Seth love * Get actual MATE backgrounds DEFAULT APPLICATIONS PROPERTIES: * Merge in Window Manager selection FILE TYPES: * Stability issues * UI Love FONT AND THEME: * merge them MATE SETTINGS DAEMON: * disk monitor KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS: * Not sure I like the name. * Needs icon * Add a way to add new ones KEYBOARD PROPERTIES: * GSD: support keyboard bell * Remove awful jrb-art and replace with actual blinking cursor MOUSE PROPERTIES: * GSD: Add support for devices other than CoreInput. KEYBINDINGS: * Marco keyboard merging. See what hp plans to do PANEL: * UI love * port mateconf-peditor functionality SAWFISH???? SOUND: * Unknown * Buggy as heck SCREENSAVER: * See what Jacob wants to do * xscreensaver release UI-PROPERTIES: * Seems to be okay GENERAL: * Where we have keys, add a restore to defaults context menu button. * Kill 'advanced' * Control center itself seems to be fine * Change buttons to use whatever the UI team comes up with * Make sure we handle 'locked down' keys * Make sure we handle all broken keys! GOING FORWARD: Hardware Integration - hwbrowser??? Kde has one; should we? - peripherals (RH only?) - gphoto/sane/cd burning?? Userland hw. Caja: - Move caja settings - Desktop should be a separate dialog Background: - Merge caja pane and bg capplet; - possibly even popup a caja window of bg's for DnD - Integrate better w/ caja - per Workspace? Workspace/Tasks - Set number and name of workspaces - Maybe something else? Identification Capplet - MDM screen - Mail capplet Password Capplet? - ssh/smb Themes and Appearance: - blah Sound: - blah Bugzilla - Start using it better