 * Copyright (C) 2007 The GNOME Foundation
 * Written by Thomas Wood <thos@gnome.org>
 * All Rights Reserved
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

#ifndef __APPEARANCE_H__
#define __APPEARANCE_H__

#include "config.h"

#include <glib.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <gio/gio.h>
#include <libmate-desktop/mate-desktop-thumbnail.h>

#include "mate-theme-info.h"

#define APPEARANCE_SCHEMA            "org.mate.control-center.appearance"
#define FILECHOOSER_SCHEMA           "org.gtk.Settings.FileChooser"
#define MORE_THEMES_URL_KEY          "more-themes-url"
#define MORE_BACKGROUNDS_URL_KEY     "more-backgrounds-url"

#define WP_SCHEMA                    "org.mate.background"
#define WP_FILE_KEY                  "picture-filename"
#define WP_OPTIONS_KEY               "picture-options"
#define WP_SHADING_KEY               "color-shading-type"
#define WP_PCOLOR_KEY                "primary-color"
#define WP_SCOLOR_KEY                "secondary-color"

#define ACCEL_CHANGE_KEY             "can-change-accels"
#define BUTTON_ICONS_KEY             "buttons-have-icons"
#define COLOR_SCHEME_KEY             "gtk-color-scheme"
#define DOCUMENT_FONT_KEY            "document-font-name"
#define FILECHOOSER_DIR_FIRST_KEY    "sort-directories-first"
#define FILECHOOSER_HIDDEN_ITEMS_KEY "show-hidden"
#define FILECHOOSER_SIZE_COL_KEY     "show-size-column"
#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3, 24, 12)
#define FILECHOOSER_TYPE_COL_KEY     "show-type-column"
#endif /* GTK_CHECK_VERSION(3, 24, 12) */
#define GTK_FONT_DEFAULT_VALUE       "Sans 10"
#define GTK_FONT_KEY                 "font-name"
#define GTK_THEME_KEY                "gtk-theme"
#define ICON_THEME_KEY               "icon-theme"
#define INTERFACE_SCHEMA             "org.mate.interface"
#define MENU_ICONS_KEY               "menus-have-icons"
#define MONOSPACE_FONT_KEY           "monospace-font-name"
#define TOOLBAR_STYLE_KEY            "toolbar-style"

#define LOCKDOWN_SCHEMA              "org.mate.lockdown"
#define DISABLE_THEMES_SETTINGS_KEY  "disable-theme-settings"

#define CAJA_SCHEMA                  "org.mate.caja.desktop"
#define DESKTOP_FONT_KEY             "font"

#define MARCO_SCHEMA                 "org.mate.Marco.general"
#define MARCO_THEME_KEY              "theme"
#define WINDOW_TITLE_FONT_KEY        "titlebar-font"
#define WINDOW_TITLE_USES_SYSTEM_KEY "titlebar-uses-system-font"

#define NOTIFICATION_SCHEMA          "org.mate.NotificationDaemon"
#define NOTIFICATION_THEME_KEY       "theme"

#define MOUSE_SCHEMA                 "org.mate.peripherals-mouse"
#define CURSOR_THEME_KEY             "cursor-theme"
#define CURSOR_SIZE_KEY              "cursor-size"

#define FONT_RENDER_SCHEMA           "org.mate.font-rendering"
#define FONT_ANTIALIASING_KEY        "antialiasing"
#define FONT_HINTING_KEY             "hinting"
#define FONT_RGBA_ORDER_KEY          "rgba-order"
#define FONT_DPI_KEY                 "dpi"

typedef struct {
	GSettings* settings;
	GSettings* wp_settings;
	GSettings* caja_settings;
	GSettings* filechooser_settings;
	GSettings* interface_settings;
	GSettings* marco_settings;
	GSettings* mouse_settings;
	GSettings* font_settings;
	GtkBuilder* ui;
	MateDesktopThumbnailFactory* thumb_factory;
	gulong screen_size_handler;
	gulong screen_monitors_handler;

	/* desktop */
	GHashTable* wp_hash;
	GtkIconView* wp_view;
	GtkTreeModel* wp_model;
	GtkWidget* wp_scpicker;
	GtkWidget* wp_pcpicker;
	GtkWidget* wp_style_menu;
	GtkWidget* wp_color_menu;
	GtkWidget* wp_rem_button;
	GtkFileChooser* wp_filesel;
	GtkWidget* wp_image;
	GSList* wp_uris;
	gint frame;
	gint thumb_width;
	gint thumb_height;

	/* font */
	GtkWidget* font_details;
	GSList* font_groups;

	/* themes */
	GtkListStore* theme_store;
	MateThemeMetaInfo* theme_custom;
	GdkPixbuf* theme_icon;
	GtkWidget* theme_save_dialog;
	GtkWidget* theme_message_area;
	GtkWidget* theme_message_label;
	GtkWidget* apply_background_button;
	GtkWidget* revert_font_button;
	GtkWidget* apply_font_button;
	GtkWidget* install_button;
	GtkWidget* theme_info_icon;
	GtkWidget* theme_error_icon;
	gchar* revert_application_font;
	gchar* revert_documents_font;
	gchar* revert_desktop_font;
	gchar* revert_windowtitle_font;
	gchar* revert_monospace_font;

	/* style */
	GdkPixbuf* gtk_theme_icon;
	GdkPixbuf* window_theme_icon;
	GdkPixbuf* icon_theme_icon;
	GtkWidget* style_message_area;
	GtkWidget* style_message_label;
	GtkWidget* style_install_button;
} AppearanceData;

#define appearance_capplet_get_widget(x, y) (GtkWidget*) gtk_builder_get_object(x->ui, y)
#define GET_WINDOW(x) (GTK_WINDOW (gtk_builder_get_object (data->ui, (x))))

#endif /* __APPEARANCE_H__ */