/* -*- mode: c; style: linux -*- */ /* mate-keyboard-properties-xkblt.c * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Sergey V. Udaltsov * * Written by: Sergey V. Udaltsov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include "capplet-util.h" #include "mate-keyboard-properties-xkb.h" #define SEL_LAYOUT_TREE_COL_DESCRIPTION 0 #define SEL_LAYOUT_TREE_COL_ID 1 #define SEL_LAYOUT_TREE_COL_ENABLED 2 static int idx2select = -1; static int max_selected_layouts = -1; static int default_group = -1; static GtkCellRenderer *text_renderer; static gboolean disable_buttons_sensibility_update = FALSE; void clear_xkb_elements_list (GSList * list) { while (list != NULL) { GSList *p = list; list = list->next; g_free (p->data); g_slist_free_1 (p); } } static gint find_selected_layout_idx (GtkBuilder * dialog) { GtkTreeSelection *selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (WID ("xkb_layouts_selected"))); GtkTreeIter selected_iter; GtkTreeModel *model; GtkTreePath *path; gint *indices; gint rv; if (!gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, &model, &selected_iter)) return -1; path = gtk_tree_model_get_path (model, &selected_iter); if (path == NULL) return -1; indices = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path); rv = indices[0]; gtk_tree_path_free (path); return rv; } GSList * xkb_layouts_get_selected_list (void) { GSList *retval; retval = mateconf_client_get_list (xkb_mateconf_client, MATEKBD_KEYBOARD_CONFIG_KEY_LAYOUTS, MATECONF_VALUE_STRING, NULL); if (retval == NULL) { GSList *cur_layout; for (cur_layout = initial_config.layouts_variants; cur_layout != NULL; cur_layout = cur_layout->next) retval = g_slist_prepend (retval, g_strdup (cur_layout->data)); retval = g_slist_reverse (retval); } return retval; } gint xkb_get_default_group () { return mateconf_client_get_int (xkb_mateconf_client, MATEKBD_DESKTOP_CONFIG_KEY_DEFAULT_GROUP, NULL); } void xkb_save_default_group (gint default_group) { if (default_group != xkb_get_default_group ()) mateconf_client_set_int (xkb_mateconf_client, MATEKBD_DESKTOP_CONFIG_KEY_DEFAULT_GROUP, default_group, NULL); } static void xkb_layouts_enable_disable_buttons (GtkBuilder * dialog) { GtkWidget *add_layout_btn = WID ("xkb_layouts_add"); GtkWidget *show_layout_btn = WID ("xkb_layouts_show"); GtkWidget *del_layout_btn = WID ("xkb_layouts_remove"); GtkWidget *selected_layouts_tree = WID ("xkb_layouts_selected"); GtkWidget *move_up_layout_btn = WID ("xkb_layouts_move_up"); GtkWidget *move_down_layout_btn = WID ("xkb_layouts_move_down"); GtkTreeSelection *s_selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (selected_layouts_tree)); const int n_selected_selected_layouts = gtk_tree_selection_count_selected_rows (s_selection); GtkTreeModel *selected_layouts_model = gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (selected_layouts_tree)); const int n_selected_layouts = gtk_tree_model_iter_n_children (selected_layouts_model, NULL); gint sidx = find_selected_layout_idx (dialog); if (disable_buttons_sensibility_update) return; gtk_widget_set_sensitive (add_layout_btn, (n_selected_layouts < max_selected_layouts || max_selected_layouts == 0)); gtk_widget_set_sensitive (del_layout_btn, (n_selected_layouts > 1) && (n_selected_selected_layouts > 0)); gtk_widget_set_sensitive (show_layout_btn, (n_selected_selected_layouts > 0)); gtk_widget_set_sensitive (move_up_layout_btn, sidx > 0); gtk_widget_set_sensitive (move_down_layout_btn, sidx >= 0 && sidx < (n_selected_layouts - 1)); } static void xkb_layouts_dnd_data_get (GtkWidget * widget, GdkDragContext * dc, GtkSelectionData * selection_data, guint info, guint t, GtkBuilder * dialog) { /* Storing the value into selection - * while it is actually not used */ gint idx = find_selected_layout_idx (dialog); gtk_selection_data_set (selection_data, GDK_SELECTION_TYPE_INTEGER, 32, (guchar *) & idx, sizeof (idx)); } static void xkb_layouts_dnd_data_received (GtkWidget * widget, GdkDragContext * dc, gint x, gint y, GtkSelectionData * selection_data, guint info, guint t, GtkBuilder * dialog) { gint sidx = find_selected_layout_idx (dialog); GtkWidget *tree_view = WID ("xkb_layouts_selected"); GtkTreePath *path = NULL; GtkTreeViewDropPosition pos; gint didx; gchar *id; GSList *layouts_list; GSList *node2Remove; if (sidx == -1) return; layouts_list = xkb_layouts_get_selected_list (); node2Remove = g_slist_nth (layouts_list, sidx); id = (gchar *) node2Remove->data; layouts_list = g_slist_delete_link (layouts_list, node2Remove); if (!gtk_tree_view_get_dest_row_at_pos (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view), x, y, &path, &pos)) { /* Move to the very end */ layouts_list = g_slist_append (layouts_list, g_strdup (id)); xkb_layouts_set_selected_list (layouts_list); } else if (path != NULL) { gint *indices = gtk_tree_path_get_indices (path); didx = indices[0]; gtk_tree_path_free (path); /* Move to the new position */ if (sidx != didx) { layouts_list = g_slist_insert (layouts_list, g_strdup (id), didx); xkb_layouts_set_selected_list (layouts_list); } } g_free (id); clear_xkb_elements_list (layouts_list); } void xkb_layouts_prepare_selected_tree (GtkBuilder * dialog, MateConfChangeSet * changeset) { GtkListStore *list_store = gtk_list_store_new (3, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN); GtkWidget *tree_view = WID ("xkb_layouts_selected"); GtkTreeSelection *selection; GtkTargetEntry self_drag_target = { "xkb_layouts_selected", GTK_TARGET_SAME_WIDGET, 0 }; GtkTreeViewColumn *desc_column; text_renderer = GTK_CELL_RENDERER (gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ()); desc_column = gtk_tree_view_column_new_with_attributes (_("Layout"), text_renderer, "text", SEL_LAYOUT_TREE_COL_DESCRIPTION, "sensitive", SEL_LAYOUT_TREE_COL_ENABLED, NULL); selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view)); gtk_tree_view_set_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view), GTK_TREE_MODEL (list_store)); gtk_tree_view_column_set_sizing (desc_column, GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_AUTOSIZE); gtk_tree_view_column_set_resizable (desc_column, TRUE); gtk_tree_view_column_set_expand (desc_column, TRUE); gtk_tree_view_append_column (GTK_TREE_VIEW (tree_view), desc_column); g_signal_connect_swapped (G_OBJECT (selection), "changed", G_CALLBACK (xkb_layouts_enable_disable_buttons), dialog); max_selected_layouts = xkl_engine_get_max_num_groups (engine); /* Setting up DnD */ gtk_drag_source_set (tree_view, GDK_BUTTON1_MASK, &self_drag_target, 1, GDK_ACTION_MOVE); gtk_drag_source_set_icon_name (tree_view, "input-keyboard"); gtk_drag_dest_set (tree_view, GTK_DEST_DEFAULT_ALL, &self_drag_target, 1, GDK_ACTION_MOVE); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (tree_view), "drag_data_get", G_CALLBACK (xkb_layouts_dnd_data_get), dialog); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (tree_view), "drag_data_received", G_CALLBACK (xkb_layouts_dnd_data_received), dialog); } gchar * xkb_layout_description_utf8 (const gchar * visible) { char *l, *sl, *v, *sv; if (matekbd_keyboard_config_get_descriptions (config_registry, visible, &sl, &l, &sv, &v)) visible = matekbd_keyboard_config_format_full_layout (l, v); return g_strstrip (g_strdup (visible)); } void xkb_layouts_fill_selected_tree (GtkBuilder * dialog) { GSList *layouts = xkb_layouts_get_selected_list (); GSList *cur_layout; GtkListStore *list_store = GTK_LIST_STORE (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (WID ("xkb_layouts_selected")))); int counter = 0; /* temporarily disable the buttons' status update */ disable_buttons_sensibility_update = TRUE; gtk_list_store_clear (list_store); for (cur_layout = layouts; cur_layout != NULL; cur_layout = cur_layout->next, counter++) { GtkTreeIter iter; const char *visible = (char *) cur_layout->data; gchar *utf_visible = xkb_layout_description_utf8 (visible); gtk_list_store_append (list_store, &iter); gtk_list_store_set (list_store, &iter, SEL_LAYOUT_TREE_COL_DESCRIPTION, utf_visible, SEL_LAYOUT_TREE_COL_ID, cur_layout->data, SEL_LAYOUT_TREE_COL_ENABLED, counter < max_selected_layouts, -1); g_free (utf_visible); } clear_xkb_elements_list (layouts); /* enable the buttons' status update */ disable_buttons_sensibility_update = FALSE; if (idx2select != -1) { GtkTreeSelection *selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection ((GTK_TREE_VIEW (WID ("xkb_layouts_selected")))); GtkTreePath *path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices (idx2select, -1); gtk_tree_selection_select_path (selection, path); gtk_tree_path_free (path); idx2select = -1; } else { /* if there is nothing to select - just enable/disable the buttons, otherwise it would be done by the selection change */ xkb_layouts_enable_disable_buttons (dialog); } } static void add_selected_layout (GtkWidget * button, GtkBuilder * dialog) { xkb_layout_choose (dialog); } static void show_selected_layout (GtkWidget * button, GtkBuilder * dialog) { gint idx = find_selected_layout_idx (dialog); if (idx != -1) { GSList *layouts_list = xkb_layouts_get_selected_list (); const gchar *id = g_slist_nth_data (layouts_list, idx); char *descr = xkb_layout_description_utf8 (id); GtkWidget *parent = WID ("keyboard_dialog"); GtkWidget *popup = matekbd_keyboard_drawing_new_dialog (idx, descr); gtk_widget_set_parent (popup, parent); clear_xkb_elements_list (layouts_list); g_free (descr); } } static void remove_selected_layout (GtkWidget * button, GtkBuilder * dialog) { gint idx = find_selected_layout_idx (dialog); if (idx != -1) { GSList *layouts_list = xkb_layouts_get_selected_list (); char *id = NULL; GSList *node2Remove = g_slist_nth (layouts_list, idx); layouts_list = g_slist_remove_link (layouts_list, node2Remove); id = (char *) node2Remove->data; g_slist_free_1 (node2Remove); g_free (id); if (default_group > idx) xkb_save_default_group (default_group - 1); else if (default_group == idx) xkb_save_default_group (-1); xkb_layouts_set_selected_list (layouts_list); clear_xkb_elements_list (layouts_list); } } static void move_up_selected_layout (GtkWidget * button, GtkBuilder * dialog) { gint idx = find_selected_layout_idx (dialog); if (idx != -1) { GSList *layouts_list = xkb_layouts_get_selected_list (); GSList *node2Remove = g_slist_nth (layouts_list, idx); layouts_list = g_slist_remove_link (layouts_list, node2Remove); layouts_list = g_slist_insert (layouts_list, node2Remove->data, idx - 1); g_slist_free_1 (node2Remove); idx2select = idx - 1; xkb_layouts_set_selected_list (layouts_list); clear_xkb_elements_list (layouts_list); } } static void move_down_selected_layout (GtkWidget * button, GtkBuilder * dialog) { gint idx = find_selected_layout_idx (dialog); if (idx != -1) { GSList *layouts_list = xkb_layouts_get_selected_list (); GSList *node2Remove = g_slist_nth (layouts_list, idx); layouts_list = g_slist_remove_link (layouts_list, node2Remove); layouts_list = g_slist_insert (layouts_list, node2Remove->data, idx + 1); g_slist_free_1 (node2Remove); idx2select = idx + 1; xkb_layouts_set_selected_list (layouts_list); clear_xkb_elements_list (layouts_list); } } void xkb_layouts_register_buttons_handlers (GtkBuilder * dialog) { g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (WID ("xkb_layouts_add")), "clicked", G_CALLBACK (add_selected_layout), dialog); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (WID ("xkb_layouts_show")), "clicked", G_CALLBACK (show_selected_layout), dialog); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (WID ("xkb_layouts_remove")), "clicked", G_CALLBACK (remove_selected_layout), dialog); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (WID ("xkb_layouts_move_up")), "clicked", G_CALLBACK (move_up_selected_layout), dialog); g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (WID ("xkb_layouts_move_down")), "clicked", G_CALLBACK (move_down_selected_layout), dialog); } static void xkb_layouts_update_list (MateConfClient * client, guint cnxn_id, MateConfEntry * entry, GtkBuilder * dialog) { xkb_layouts_fill_selected_tree (dialog); enable_disable_restoring (dialog); } void xkb_layouts_register_mateconf_listener (GtkBuilder * dialog) { mateconf_client_notify_add (xkb_mateconf_client, MATEKBD_KEYBOARD_CONFIG_KEY_LAYOUTS, (MateConfClientNotifyFunc) xkb_layouts_update_list, dialog, NULL, NULL); }