<schemalist gettext-domain="@GETTEXT_PACKAGE@">
    <schema id="org.mate.control-center" path="/org/mate/control-center/">
        <child name="appearance" schema="org.mate.control-center.appearance" />
        <key name="cc-actions-list" type="as">
            <_default l10n="messages">[ 'Change Theme;gtk-theme-selector.desktop', 'Set Preferred Applications;default-applications.desktop', 'Add Printer;mate-cups-manager.desktop' ]</_default>
            <_summary>Task names and associated .desktop files</_summary>
            <_description>The task name to be displayed in the control-center followed by a ";" separator then the filename of an associated .desktop file to launch for that task.</_description>
        <key name="cc-exit-shell-on-static-action" type="b">
            <_summary>Close the control-center when a task is activated</_summary>
            <_description>if true, the control-center will close when a "Common Task" is activated.</_description>
        <key name="cc-exit-shell-on-action-start" type="b">
            <_summary>Exit shell on start action performed</_summary>
            <_description>Indicates whether to close the shell when a start action is performed.</_description>
        <key name="cc-exit-shell-on-action-help" type="b">
            <_summary>Exit shell on help action performed</_summary>
            <_description>Indicates whether to close the shell when a help action is performed.</_description>
        <key name="cc-exit-shell-on-action-add-remove" type="b">
            <_summary>Exit shell on add or remove action performed</_summary>
            <_description>Indicates whether to close the shell when an add or remove action is performed.</_description>
        <key name="cc-exit-shell-on-action-upgrade-uninstall" type="b">
            <_summary>Exit shell on upgrade or uninstall action performed</_summary>
            <_description>Indicates whether to close the shell when an upgrade or uninstall action is performed.</_description>
    <schema id="org.mate.control-center.appearance" path="/org/mate/control-center/appearance/">
        <key name="more-backgrounds-url" type="s">
            <_summary>More backgrounds URL</_summary>
            <_description>URL for where to get more desktop backgrounds.  If set to an empty string the link will not appear.</_description>
        <key name="more-themes-url" type="s">
            <_summary>More themes URL</_summary>
            <_description>URL for where to get more desktop themes.  If set to an empty string the link will not appear.</_description>