# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
# Alan Monfort <alan.monfort@free.fr>, 2015-2016
# Denis ARNAUD <denisarnuad@hotmail.com>, 2016
# Jamy <jamybzh@free.fr>, 2009
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: MATE Desktop Environment\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2016-11-02 16:41+0300\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2016-11-02 13:43+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: monsta <monsta@inbox.ru>\n"
"Language-Team: Breton (http://www.transifex.com/mate/MATE/language/br/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: br\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n"

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:1
msgid ""
"[ 'Change Theme;mate-appearance-properties.desktop', 'Set Preferred "
"Applications;mate-default-applications-properties.desktop' ]"
msgstr ""

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:2
msgid "Task names and associated .desktop files"
msgstr "Anvioù an trevelloù ha restroù mod .desktop kevredet"

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:3
msgid ""
"The task name to be displayed in the control-center followed by a \";\" "
"separator then the filename of an associated .desktop file to launch for "
"that task."
msgstr "An anv trevell a zo da vezañ skrammet er greizenn reoliñ heuliet gant ur \";\" ha neuze an anv restr eus ur restr mod .destop kevredet da loc'hañ evit an trevell-mañ."

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:4
msgid "Close the control-center when a task is activated"
msgstr "Serriñ ar greizenn reoliñ pa vez gweredekaet un trevell"

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:5
msgid ""
"if true, the control-center will close when a \"Common Task\" is activated."
msgstr "Mar gwir e vo serret ar greizenn reoliñ pa vo gweredekaet un \"trevell boutin\"."

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:6
msgid "Exit shell on start action performed"
msgstr "Kuitaat ar c'hetal kevregat mar bez sevenet ur gwezh loc'hañ"

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:7
msgid "Indicates whether to close the shell when a start action is performed."
msgstr "Menegiñ a ra hag-eñ e vo serret ar c'hetal kevregat pa vez sevenet ur gwezh loc'hañ."

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:8
msgid "Exit shell on help action performed"
msgstr "Kuitaat ar c'hetal kevregat gant ur gwezh skoazellañ sevenet"

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:9
msgid "Indicates whether to close the shell when a help action is performed."
msgstr "Menegiñ a ra hag-eñ e vo serret ar c'hetal kevregat pa vez sevenet ur gwezh skoazellañ."

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:10
msgid "Exit shell on add or remove action performed"
msgstr "Kuitaat ar c'hetal kevregat gant ur gwezh ouzhpennañ pe zilemel sevenet"

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:11
msgid ""
"Indicates whether to close the shell when an add or remove action is "
msgstr "Menegiñ a ra hag-eñ e vo serret ar c'hetal kevregat pa vez sevenet ur gwezh ouzhpennañ pe zilemel."

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:12
msgid "Exit shell on upgrade or uninstall action performed"
msgstr "Kuitaat ar c'hetal kevregat gant ur gwezh hizivaat pe zistaliañ sevenet"

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:13
msgid ""
"Indicates whether to close the shell when an upgrade or uninstall action is "
msgstr "Menegiñ a ra hag-eñ e vo serret ar c'hetal kevregat pa vez sevenet ur gwezh hizivaat pe zistaliañ."

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:14
msgid "More backgrounds URL"
msgstr "Muioc'h a URLioù evit drekleurioù"

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:15
msgid ""
"URL for where to get more desktop backgrounds. If set to an empty string the"
" link will not appear."
msgstr "URL evit al lec'h da gaout muioc'h a zrekleurioù evit ar burev. Mard eo bet despizet un hedad goullo ne zeuy ket an ere war-wel."

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:16
msgid "More themes URL"
msgstr "Muic'h a URLioù evit an neuzioù"

#: ../org.mate.control-center.gschema.xml.in.h:17
msgid ""
"URL for where to get more desktop themes. If set to an empty string the link"
" will not appear."
msgstr "URL evit al lec'h da gaout muioc'h a neuzioù evit ar burev. Mard eo bet despizet un hedad goullo ne zeuy ket an ere war-wel."

#: ../org.mate.control-center.keybinding.gschema.xml.in.h:1
msgid "Keybinding"
msgstr "Blokad stokelloù"

#: ../org.mate.control-center.keybinding.gschema.xml.in.h:2
msgid "Keybinding associated with a custom shortcut."
msgstr "Blokad stokelloù kenereet ouzh ur verradenn glavier personelaet"

#: ../org.mate.control-center.keybinding.gschema.xml.in.h:3
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Arc'had"

#: ../org.mate.control-center.keybinding.gschema.xml.in.h:4
msgid "Command associated with a custom keybinding."
msgstr "Arc'had kenereet ouzh ur blokad stokelloù personelaet."

#: ../org.mate.control-center.keybinding.gschema.xml.in.h:5
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Anv"

#: ../org.mate.control-center.keybinding.gschema.xml.in.h:6
msgid "Description associated with a custom keybinding."
msgstr "Deskrivadur kenereet ouzh ur blokad stokelloù personelaet."

#: ../capplets/about-me/eel-alert-dialog.c:110
msgid "Image/label border"
msgstr "Riblenn ar skeudenn/skritellig"

#: ../capplets/about-me/eel-alert-dialog.c:111
msgid "Width of border around the label and image in the alert dialog"
msgstr "Ledander riblenn war-dro ur skritellig hag ur skeudenn er voestad emziviz evezhiañ"

#: ../capplets/about-me/eel-alert-dialog.c:120
msgid "Alert Type"
msgstr "Rizh Evezh"

#: ../capplets/about-me/eel-alert-dialog.c:121
msgid "The type of alert"
msgstr "Rizh an evezh"

#: ../capplets/about-me/eel-alert-dialog.c:129
msgid "Alert Buttons"
msgstr "Afelloù Evezhiañ"

#: ../capplets/about-me/eel-alert-dialog.c:130
msgid "The buttons shown in the alert dialog"
msgstr "Afelloù diskouezet war ar voestad emziviz evezhiañ"

#: ../capplets/about-me/eel-alert-dialog.c:219
msgid "Show more _details"
msgstr "Diskouez muioc'h a vunu_doù"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me.c:268
msgid "Select Image"
msgstr "Diuzan ur skeudenn"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me.c:270
msgid "No Image"
msgstr "Skeudenn ebet"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me.c:298
#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-desktop.c:692
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Skeudennoù"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me.c:302
#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:787
msgid "All Files"
msgstr "An holl restroù"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me.c:454
#, c-format
msgid "About %s"
msgstr "Diwar-benn %s"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-dialog.ui.h:1
#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "About Me"
msgstr "Diwar ma fenn"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-dialog.ui.h:2
msgid "Select your photo"
msgstr "Diuzit ho luc'hskeudenn"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-dialog.ui.h:3
msgid "Full Name"
msgstr "Anv hag anv-bihan"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-dialog.ui.h:4
msgid "User name:"
msgstr "Anv an arveriad :"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-dialog.ui.h:5
msgid "Change Passwo_rd..."
msgstr "Kemmañ ar ger-t_remen..."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-dialog.ui.h:6
msgid "Enable _Fingerprint Login..."
msgstr "Gweredekaat an anaoudegezh dre _roudoù biz..."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-dialog.ui.h:7
msgid "Disable _Fingerprint Login..."
msgstr "Diweredekaat an anaoudegezh dre _roudoù biz..."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Set your personal information"
msgstr "Lakaat ho titouroù personel"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.c:100
msgid ""
"You are not allowed to access the device. Contact your system administrator."
msgstr "N'hoc'h eus ket ar gwir da vont en drobarzhell. Kit e darempred gant hoc'h ardoer reizhiad."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.c:102
msgid "The device is already in use."
msgstr "Implijet eo dija an drobarzhell."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.c:104
msgid "An internal error occurred"
msgstr "Degouezhet ez eus bet ur fazi diabarzh"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.c:221
msgid "Delete registered fingerprints?"
msgstr "Dilemel ar roudoù biz gwaredet ?"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.c:224
msgid "_Delete Fingerprints"
msgstr "_Dilemel ar roudoù biz"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.c:231
msgid ""
"Do you want to delete your registered fingerprints so fingerprint login is "
msgstr "C'hoant hoc'h eus da zilemel ho roudoù biz gwaredet ken ma vo diweredekaat ar c'hennaskañ gant ar roudoù biz ?"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.c:359
#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:15
msgid "Done!"
msgstr "Echu !"

#. translators:
#. * The variable is the name of the device, for example:
#. * "Could you not access "Digital Persona U.are.U 4000/4000B" device
#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.c:405
#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Could not access '%s' device"
msgstr "N'eus ket tu da vonet en drobarzhell '%s'"

#. translators:
#. * The variable is the name of the device, for example:
#. * "Could you not access "Digital Persona U.are.U 4000/4000B" device
#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.c:476
#, c-format
msgid "Could not start finger capture on '%s' device"
msgstr "N'eus ket tu da lañsañ an dapadenn roudoù biz gant an drobarzhell '%s'"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.c:523
msgid "Could not access any fingerprint readers"
msgstr "N'eus ket tu da vont en ul lenner roudoù biz ebet"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.c:524
msgid "Please contact your system administrator for help."
msgstr "Mar plij ganeoc'h, kit e darempred gant hoc'h ardoer reizhiad evit skoazellañ ac'hanoc'h."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.c:554
#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:9
msgid "Enable Fingerprint Login"
msgstr "Gweredekaat an anaoudegezh dre roudoù biz"

#. translators:
#. * The variable is the name of the device, for example:
#. * "To enable fingerprint login, you need to save one of your fingerprints,
#. using the
#. * 'Digital Persona U.are.U 4000/4000B' device."
#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.c:584
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To enable fingerprint login, you need to save one of your fingerprints, "
"using the '%s' device."
msgstr "Evit gweredekaat ar c'hennaskañ dre ar roudoù biz hoc'h eus ezhomm enrollañ unan eus ho roudoù biz en ur ober gant an drobarzhell '%s'."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.c:593
msgid "Swipe finger on reader"
msgstr "Dilec'hiañ ur biz war al lennerez"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.c:595
msgid "Place finger on reader"
msgstr "Plasañ ur biz war al lennerez"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:1
msgid "Left thumb"
msgstr "Biz meud kleiz"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:2
msgid "Left middle finger"
msgstr "Biz bras kleiz"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:3
msgid "Left ring finger"
msgstr "Biz gwalenn kleiz"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:4
msgid "Left little finger"
msgstr "Biz bihan kleiz"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:5
msgid "Right thumb"
msgstr "Biz meud dehou"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:6
msgid "Right middle finger"
msgstr "Biz bras dehou"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:7
msgid "Right ring finger"
msgstr "Biz gwalenn dehou"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:8
msgid "Right little finger"
msgstr "Biz bihan dehou"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:10
msgid "Right index finger"
msgstr "Biz yod dehou"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:11
msgid "Left index finger"
msgstr "Biz yod kleiz"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:12
msgid "Other finger: "
msgstr "Biz all : "

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:13
msgid "Select finger"
msgstr "Dibab ur biz"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-fingerprint.ui.h:14
msgid ""
"Your fingerprint was successfully saved. You should now be able to log in "
"using your fingerprint reader."
msgstr "Enrollet eo bet gant berzh ho roudoù biz. Bremañ e c'hallit ho kennaskañ gant al lennerez roudoù biz."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:161
msgid "Child exited unexpectedly"
msgstr "Kuitaet en deus ar bugel hep diarbenn"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:297
#, c-format
msgid "Could not shutdown backend_stdin IO channel: %s"
msgstr "N'eus ket tu da lazhañ ar sanell  En/Ec'h backend_stdin : %s"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:310
#, c-format
msgid "Could not shutdown backend_stdout IO channel: %s"
msgstr "N'eus ket tu da lazhañ ar sanell En/Ec'h backend_stdout : %s"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:409
msgid "Authenticated!"
msgstr "Dilesaet !"

#. This is a re-auth, and it failed.
#. * The password must have been changed in the meantime!
#. * Ask the user to re-authenticate
#. Update status message and auth state
#. Authentication failure
#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:472
#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:557
msgid ""
"Your password has been changed since you initially authenticated! Please re-"
msgstr "Kemmet eo bet ho ker-tremen abaoe m'hoc'h eus kennasket evit ar wech kentañ ! Ret eo deoc'h adsevel an dilesa, mar plij ganeoc'h."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:474
msgid "That password was incorrect."
msgstr "N'eo ket mat ar ger-tremen-mañ."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:525
msgid "Your password has been changed."
msgstr "Cheñchet eo bet ho ker-tremen."

#. What does this indicate?
#. * "Authentication information cannot be recovered?" from libpam?
#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:535
#, c-format
msgid "System error: %s."
msgstr "Fazi reizhiad : %s."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:538
msgid "The password is too short."
msgstr "Re verr eo ar ger-tremen."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:542
msgid "The password is too simple."
msgstr "Re simpl eo ar ger-tremen."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:547
msgid "The old and new passwords are too similar."
msgstr "N'eo ket disheñvel a-walc'h ar ger-tremen nevez hag an hini kozh."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:549
msgid "The new password must contain numeric or special character(s)."
msgstr "Ret eo lakaat unan pe vuioc'h a arouezennoù arbennik ha niverel."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:552
msgid "The old and new passwords are the same."
msgstr "Heñvel eo ar ger-tremen nevez hag an hini kozh."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:554
msgid "The new password has already been used recently."
msgstr "Ar ger-tremen nevez zo bet graet gantañ n'eus ket pell zo."

#. translators: Unable to launch <program>: <error message>
#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:829
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to launch %s: %s"
msgstr "N'eus ket tu da lañsañ %s : %s"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:833
msgid "Unable to launch backend"
msgstr "N'eus ket tu da lañsiñ an urzhiataer kein"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:834
msgid "A system error has occurred"
msgstr "Bet ez eus bet ur fazi reizhiad"

#. Update status message
#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:854
msgid "Checking password..."
msgstr "O wiriañ ar ger-tremen..."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:938
msgid "Click <b>Change password</b> to change your password."
msgstr "Klikit war <b>Cheñch ar ger-tremen</b> evit kemmañ ar ger-tremen."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:941
msgid "Please type your password in the <b>New password</b> field."
msgstr "Skrivit ho ker-tremen er vaezienn <b>Ger-tremen nevez</b>."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:944
#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.ui.h:9
msgid ""
"Please type your password again in the <b>Retype new password</b> field."
msgstr "Adskrivit ho ker-tremen er vaezienn <b>Adskrivit ho ker-tremen</b>."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.c:947
msgid "The two passwords are not equal."
msgstr "N'eo ket heñvel an daou c'her-tremen."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.ui.h:1
msgid "Change password"
msgstr "Kemmañ ar ger-tremen"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.ui.h:2
msgid "Change your password"
msgstr "Kemmañ ho ker-tremen"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.ui.h:3
msgid ""
"To change your password, enter your current password in the field below and click <b>Authenticate</b>.\n"
"After you have authenticated, enter your new password, retype it for verification and click <b>Change password</b>."
msgstr "Evit kemmañ ho ker-tremen, skrivit ho ker-tremen bremanel er vaezienn amañ dindan ha klikit war <b> Dilesa</b>.\nWar lerc'h an oberiadur, skrivit ho ker-tremen nevez, hag adskrivit anezhañ evit gwiriañ ha klikit war <b>Kemmañ ar ger-tremen</b>."

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.ui.h:5
msgid "Current _password:"
msgstr "Ger-tremen _bremanel :"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.ui.h:6
msgid "_New password:"
msgstr "Ger-tremen _nevez :"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.ui.h:7
msgid "_Retype new password:"
msgstr "Roit ar ger-tremen nevez c'hoazh :"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.ui.h:8
msgid "_Authenticate"
msgstr "Diles_a"

#: ../capplets/about-me/mate-about-me-password.ui.h:10
msgid "Change pa_ssword"
msgstr "Kemmañ ar ger_-tremen"

#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:1
msgid "Assistive Technologies Preferences"
msgstr "Gwellvezioù ar c'halvezerezhioù ameilañ"

#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:2
#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/mate-at-properties.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "Assistive Technologies"
msgstr "Kalvezerezhioù ameilañ"

#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:3
msgid "_Preferred Applications"
msgstr "Arl_oadoù gwellañ karet"

#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:4
msgid "Jump to Preferred Applications dialog"
msgstr "Lammat betek an arloadaoù gwellañ karet"

#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:5
msgid "_Enable assistive technologies"
msgstr "_Gweredekaat ar c'halvezerezhioù ameilañ"

#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:6
msgid ""
"Changes to enable assistive technologies will not take effect until your "
"next log in."
msgstr "Ar c'hemmoù da weredekaat ar c'halvezerezhioù ameilañ ne vint ket efedus kent ma c'hennaskot en-dro."

#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:7
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Gwellvezioù"

#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:8
msgid "_Keyboard Accessibility"
msgstr "_Haezadusted ar c'hlavier"

#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:9
msgid "Jump to the Keyboard Accessibility dialog"
msgstr "Lammat betek bostad emziviz an haezadusted evit ar c'hlavier"

#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:10
msgid "_Mouse Accessibility"
msgstr "Hae_zadusted evit al logodenn"

#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:11
msgid "Jump to the Mouse Accessibility dialog"
msgstr "Lammat betek bostad emziviz an haezadusted evit al logodenn"

#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:12
msgid "Accessible Lo_gin"
msgstr "Anv kennaskañ dre haezadusted"

#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:13
msgid "Jump to the Accessible Login dialog"
msgstr "Mont d'ar voestad emziviz evit an anv kennaskañ dre haezadusted"

#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/at-enable-dialog.ui.h:14
msgid "Close and _Log Out"
msgstr "Serriñ ha dilugañ"

#: ../capplets/accessibility/at-properties/mate-at-properties.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Choose which accessibility features to enable when you log in"
msgstr "Dibabit ar c'heweriusterioù haezadusted da weredekat pa gennaskot"

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-desktop.c:661
msgid "Add Wallpaper"
msgstr "Ouzhpennañ ur paper-moger"

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-desktop.c:696
msgid "All files"
msgstr "An holl restroù"

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-main.c:61
#, c-format
msgid "Could not load user interface file: %s"
msgstr "N'hall ket kargañ ur restr evit ketal an arveriad : %s"

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-main.c:164
msgid "Specify the filename of a theme to install"
msgstr "Erspizañ anv restr an neuz da staliañ"

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-main.c:165
msgid "filename"
msgstr "anv ar restr"

#. TRANSLATORS: don't translate the terms in brackets
#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-main.c:172
msgid ""
"Specify the name of the page to show (theme|background|fonts|interface)"
msgstr "Erspizañ anv ar bajenn da ziskouez (theme|background|fonts|interface)"

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-main.c:173
#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-da-capplet.c:693
#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.c:450
msgid "page"
msgstr "pajenn"

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-main.c:180
msgid "[WALLPAPER...]"
msgstr "[PAPERMOGER...]"

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-style.c:171
#: ../capplets/common/mate-theme-info.c:494
msgid "Default Pointer"
msgstr "Biz al logodenn dre ziouer"

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-style.c:233
#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:658
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Staliañ"

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-style.c:269
#: ../capplets/common/mate-theme-info.c:1608
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme engine "
"'%s' is not installed."
msgstr "N'en do ket an neuz un arvez hetet rak n'eo ket bet staliet ar c'heflusker neuz GTK+ '%s'."

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:646
msgid "Apply Background"
msgstr "Seveniñ an drekleur"

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:650
msgid "Apply Font"
msgstr "Seveniñ an nodrezh"

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:654
msgid "Revert Font"
msgstr "Diseveniñ an nodrezh"

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:700
msgid ""
"The current theme suggests a background and a font. Also, the last applied "
"font suggestion can be reverted."
msgstr "Kinnig a ra an neuz a-vremañ un drekleur hag un nodrezh. Disevenet e c'hall bezañ an ali diwezhañ a-fet nodrezh ivez."

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:702
msgid ""
"The current theme suggests a background. Also, the last applied font "
"suggestion can be reverted."
msgstr "Kinnig a ra an neuz a-vremañ un drekleur. Disevenet e c'hall bezañ an ali diwezhañ a-fet nodrezh ivez."

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:704
msgid "The current theme suggests a background and a font."
msgstr "Kinnig a ra an neuz a-vremañ un drekleur hag un nodrezh."

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:706
msgid ""
"The current theme suggests a font. Also, the last applied font suggestion "
"can be reverted."
msgstr "Kinnig a ra an neuz a-vremañ un nodrezh. Disevenet e c'hall bezañ an ali diwezhañ a-fet nodrezh ivez."

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:708
msgid "The current theme suggests a background."
msgstr "Kinnig a ra an neuz a-vremañ un drekleur."

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:710
msgid "The last applied font suggestion can be reverted."
msgstr "Disevenet e c'hall bezañ an ali diwezhañ a-fet nodrezh ivez."

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:712
msgid "The current theme suggests a font."
msgstr "Kinnig a ra an neuz a-vremañ un nodrezh."

#: ../capplets/appearance/appearance-themes.c:1028
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Personelaet"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:1
msgid "Font Rendering Details"
msgstr "Munudoù an deouez nodrezhoù"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:2
msgid "R_esolution:"
msgstr "Diarunust_ed :"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:3
msgid "dots per inch"
msgstr "a bikoù dre veutad"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:4
msgid "Smoothing"
msgstr "Lufraat"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:5
msgid "_None"
msgstr "_Tra ebet"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:6
msgid "Gra_yscale"
msgstr "Ske_ul louedoù"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:7
msgid "Sub_pixel (LCDs)"
msgstr "Is_piksel (LCDoù)"

#. font hinting
#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:9
msgid "Hinting"
msgstr "Feurioù kengeidañ"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:10
msgid "N_one"
msgstr "T_ra ebet"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:11
msgid "_Slight"
msgstr "_Skañv"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:12
msgid "_Medium"
msgstr "_Etre"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:13
msgid "_Full"
msgstr "_Klok"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:14
msgid "Subpixel Order"
msgstr "Urzh ispiksel"

#. pixel order red, green, blue
#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:16
msgid "_RGB"
msgstr "_RGG"

#. pixel order blue, green, red
#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:18
msgid "_BGR"
msgstr "_GGR"

#. vertical hinting, pixel order red, green, blue
#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:20
msgid "_VRGB"
msgstr "_VRGG"

#. vertical hinting, pixel order blue, green, red
#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:22
msgid "VB_GR"
msgstr "VG_GR"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:23
msgid "Appearance Preferences"
msgstr "Gwellvezioù an neuz"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:24
msgid "Save _As..."
msgstr "Enrollañ _evel..."

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:25
msgid "C_ustomize..."
msgstr "P_ersonelaat..."

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:26
msgid "_Install..."
msgstr "S_taliañ..."

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:27
msgid "Get more themes online"
msgstr "Tapout muioc'h a neuzioù enlinenn"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:28
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Neuz"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:29
msgid "_Style:"
msgstr "_Stil :"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:30
msgid "C_olors:"
msgstr "Livi_où :"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:31
msgid "Open a dialog to specify the color"
msgstr "Digeriñ ur voestad emziviz da erspizañ al liv"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:32
msgid "Get more backgrounds online"
msgstr "Tapout muioc'h a _skeudennoù drekleur enlinenn"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:33
#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:17
msgid "_Add..."
msgstr "_Ouzhpennañ..."

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:34
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Drekleur"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:35
msgid "_Document font:"
msgstr "Nodrezh an _teul :"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:36
msgid "Des_ktop font:"
msgstr "Nodrezh ar _burev :"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:37
msgid "_Window title font:"
msgstr "_Nodrezh titl ar prenestr :"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:38
msgid "_Fixed width font:"
msgstr "Nodrezh e led _fest :"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:39
msgid "_Application font:"
msgstr "Nodrezh an _arload :"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:40
msgid "Rendering"
msgstr "Deouez"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:41
msgid "Sub_pixel smoothing (LCDs)"
msgstr "Lufraat an is_piksel (LCDoù)"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:42
msgid "Best co_ntrast"
msgstr "Dar_gemm gwellañ"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:43
msgid "Best _shapes"
msgstr "Lunioù _gwellañ"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:44
msgid "_Monochrome"
msgstr "_Unliv"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:45
msgid "D_etails..."
msgstr "M_unudoù..."

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:46
msgid "Fonts"
msgstr "Nodrezhoù"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:47
msgid "Menus and Toolbars"
msgstr "Lañserioù ha barrennadoù ostilhoù"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:48
msgid "Show _icons in menus"
msgstr "Diskouez an arlun_ioù war al lañserioù"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:49
msgid "_Editable menu shortcut keys"
msgstr "B_erradennoù klavier evit al lañserioù a c'hall bezañ daskemmet"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:50
msgid "Toolbar _button labels:"
msgstr "Skritelloù _afelloù ar varrennad ostilhoù :"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:51
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Alberz"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:52
msgid "_File"
msgstr "_Restr"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:53
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Embann"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:54
msgid "Interface"
msgstr "Ketal"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:55
msgid "Tile"
msgstr "Teolenn"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:56
msgid "Zoom"
msgstr "Zoum"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:57
msgid "Center"
msgstr "Kreizañ"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:58
msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Skeuliañ"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:59
msgid "Stretch"
msgstr "Astenn"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:60
msgid "Span"
msgstr "Ledanaat"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:61
msgid "Solid color"
msgstr "Liv unvan"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:62
msgid "Horizontal gradient"
msgstr "Ilrezenn a-blaen"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:63
msgid "Vertical gradient"
msgstr "Ilrezenn a-serzh"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:64
msgid "Text below items"
msgstr "Testenn dindan an elfennoù"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:65
msgid "Text beside items"
msgstr "Testenn e-kichen an elfennoù"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:66
msgid "Icons only"
msgstr "Arlunioù hepken"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:67
msgid "Text only"
msgstr "Testenn hepken"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:68
msgid "Customize Theme"
msgstr "Personelaat an neuz"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:69
msgid "Controls"
msgstr "Reolerezhioù"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:70
msgid "The current controls theme does not support color schemes."
msgstr "Ne hañval ket ar reolerezhioù bremanel skorañ al livaouegoù."

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:71
msgid "_Tooltips:"
msgstr "_Lagadenn ditouriñ :"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:72
msgid "_Selected items:"
msgstr "_Elfennoù diuzet:"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:73
msgid "_Input boxes:"
msgstr "Boe_st maezienn :"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:74
msgid "_Windows:"
msgstr "_Prenestr :"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:75
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Testenn"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:76
msgid "_Reset to Defaults"
msgstr "_Adlakaat gwerzhioù dre ziouer"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:77
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Livioù"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:78
msgid "Window Border"
msgstr "Riblennoù ar prenestr"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:79
msgid "Icons"
msgstr "Arlunioù"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:80
msgid "_Size:"
msgstr "_Ment :"

#. small threshold
#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:81
#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:21
msgid "Small"
msgstr "Bihan"

#. large threshold
#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:82
#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:24
msgid "Large"
msgstr "Bras"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:83
msgid "Pointer"
msgstr "Reti"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:84
msgid "Save Theme As..."
msgstr "Enrollañ an dodenn..."

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:85
#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.ui.h:4
msgid "_Name:"
msgstr "_Anv :"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:86
msgid "_Description:"
msgstr "_Deskrivadur :"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:87
msgid "Save _background image"
msgstr "Enrollañ ar _skeudenn drekleur"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/appearance.ui.h:88
msgid "Save _notification theme"
msgstr "Enrollañ dodenn ar _rebuziñ"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/mate-appearance-properties.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "Appearance"
msgstr "Neuz"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/mate-appearance-properties.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Customize the look of the desktop"
msgstr "Personelaat an dres ar burev"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/mate-theme-installer.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "Theme Installer"
msgstr "Staliader neuz"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/mate-theme-installer.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Installs themes packages for various parts of the desktop"
msgstr "Staliañ pakadoù neuz evit rannoù bennak ar burev"

#: ../capplets/appearance/data/mate-theme-package.xml.in.h:1
msgid "Mate Theme Package"
msgstr "Pakad neuz MATE"

#: ../capplets/appearance/mate-wp-info.c:51
msgid "No Desktop Background"
msgstr "N'eus ket drekleur burev"

#: ../capplets/appearance/mate-wp-item.c:318
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "dianav"

#: ../capplets/appearance/mate-wp-item.c:325
msgid "Slide Show"
msgstr "Kinnig luc'hvannoù"

#: ../capplets/appearance/mate-wp-item.c:327
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Skeudenn"

#: ../capplets/appearance/mate-wp-item.c:333
msgid "multiple sizes"
msgstr "liesventoù"

#. translators: x pixel(s) by y pixel(s)
#: ../capplets/appearance/mate-wp-item.c:336
#, c-format
msgid "%d %s by %d %s"
msgstr "%d %s dre %d %s"

#: ../capplets/appearance/mate-wp-item.c:338
#: ../capplets/appearance/mate-wp-item.c:340
msgid "pixel"
msgid_plural "pixels"
msgstr[0] "piksel"
msgstr[1] "a bikseloù"

#. translators: <b>wallpaper name</b>
#. * mime type, size
#. * Folder: /path/to/file
#. * Artist: wallpaper author
#: ../capplets/appearance/mate-wp-item.c:349
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s, %s\n"
"Folder: %s\n"
"Artist: %s"
msgstr "<b>%s</b>\n%s, %s\nTeuliad : %s\nArzour : %s"

#. translators: <b>wallpaper name</b>
#. * Image missing
#. * Folder: /path/to/file
#. * Artist: wallpaper author
#: ../capplets/appearance/mate-wp-item.c:364
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Folder: %s\n"
"Artist: %s"
msgstr "<b>%s</b>\n%s\nTeuliad : %s\nArzour : %s"

#: ../capplets/appearance/mate-wp-item.c:369
msgid "Image missing"
msgstr "Mankout a ra ar skeudenn"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:185
#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:241
msgid "Cannot install theme"
msgstr "N'eus ket tu da staliañ an neuz"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:187
#, c-format
msgid "The %s utility is not installed."
msgstr "N'eo ket staliet ar maveg %s."

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:243
msgid "There was a problem while extracting the theme."
msgstr "Bet eo bet ur gudenn e-pad tennadur an neuz."

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:271
msgid "There was an error installing the selected file"
msgstr "Bet eo bet ur gudenn e-pad ar staliadur restr diuzet"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:272
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" does not appear to be a valid theme."
msgstr "\"%s\" n'hañval ket bezañ un neuz talvoudek."

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:273
#, c-format
msgid ""
"\"%s\" does not appear to be a valid theme. It may be a theme engine which "
"you need to compile."
msgstr "\"%s\" n'hañval ket bezañ un neuz talvoudek. Marteze eo ul lusker neuz eo ret deoc'h kempunañ."

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:379
#, c-format
msgid "Installation for theme \"%s\" failed."
msgstr "N'eo ket bet staliet an neuz \"%s\"."

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:418
#, c-format
msgid "The theme \"%s\" has been installed."
msgstr "Staliet eo bet an neuz \"%s\"."

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:428
msgid "Would you like to apply it now, or keep your current theme?"
msgstr "C'hoant hoc'h eus da lakaat an neuz-mañ pe mirout an neuz a-vremañ?"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:431
msgid "Keep Current Theme"
msgstr "Mirout an neuz a-vremañ"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:434
msgid "Apply New Theme"
msgstr "Lakaat an neuz nevez"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:486
#, c-format
msgid "MATE Theme %s correctly installed"
msgstr "Staliet eo da vat an neuz MATE %s"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:548
msgid "Failed to create temporary directory"
msgstr "C'hwitadenn war krouiñ an teuliad padennek"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:611
msgid "New themes have been successfully installed."
msgstr "Staliet eo bet da vat an neuzoù nevez."

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:665
msgid "No theme file location specified to install"
msgstr "N'eo ket bet erspizet ul lec'hiadur restr neuz"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:689
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Insufficient permissions to install the theme in:\n"
msgstr "N'hoc'h eus ket an aotre da staliañ an neuz e :\n%s"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:769
msgid "Select Theme"
msgstr "Dibab un neuz"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-installer.c:780
msgid "Theme Packages"
msgstr "Pakadoù neuz"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-save.c:94
#, c-format
msgid "Theme name must be present"
msgstr "Ret eo merkañ an anv neuz"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-save.c:157
msgid "The theme already exists. Would you like to replace it?"
msgstr "An neuz-se a zo c'hoazh. C'hoant hoc'h eus adlakaat anezhi?"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-save.c:158
#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:466
msgid "_Overwrite"
msgstr "_Erlec'hiañ"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-util.c:73
msgid "Would you like to delete this theme?"
msgstr "C'hoant hoc'h eus dilemel an neuz-se?"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-util.c:123
msgid "Theme cannot be deleted"
msgstr "Ne c'hall ket bezañ dilemet an neuz"

#: ../capplets/appearance/theme-util.c:249
msgid "Could not install theme engine"
msgstr "N'eus ket tu da staliañ ul lusker neuz"

#: ../capplets/common/activate-settings-daemon.c:16
msgid ""
"Unable to start the settings manager 'mate-settings-daemon'.\n"
"Without the MATE settings manager running, some preferences may not take effect. This could indicate a problem with DBus, or a non-MATE (e.g. KDE) settings manager may already be active and conflicting with the MATE settings manager."
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/common/capplet-stock-icons.c:66
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to load stock icon '%s'\n"
msgstr "N'eus ket tu da gargañ an arlun generek '%s'\n"

#: ../capplets/common/capplet-util.c:88
#, c-format
msgid "There was an error displaying help: %s"
msgstr "Bet eo bet ur faiz e-pad an diskouez sikour: %s"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:98
#, c-format
msgid "Copying file: %u of %u"
msgstr "O eilañ restr : %u eus %u"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:145
#, c-format
msgid "Copying '%s'"
msgstr "O eilañ '%s'"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:185
#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:317
msgid "Copying files"
msgstr "O eilañ restroù"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:224
msgid "Parent Window"
msgstr "Prenestr tad"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:225
msgid "Parent window of the dialog"
msgstr "Prenestr tad boest kendiviz"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:231
msgid "From URI"
msgstr "Eus URI"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:232
msgid "URI currently transferring from"
msgstr "O treuzkas adalek URI"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:239
msgid "To URI"
msgstr "Da URI"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:240
msgid "URI currently transferring to"
msgstr "O treuzkas ouzh URI"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:247
msgid "Fraction completed"
msgstr "Keñver mentoù graet"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:248
msgid "Fraction of transfer currently completed"
msgstr "O treuzkas keñver mentoù"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:255
msgid "Current URI index"
msgstr "O rummad URI"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:256
msgid "Current URI index - starts from 1"
msgstr "O rummad URI - lañsañ adalek 1"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:263
msgid "Total URIs"
msgstr "Hollad URIoù"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:264
msgid "Total number of URIs"
msgstr "Niverenn hollad URIoù"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:460
#, c-format
msgid "File '%s' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
msgstr "Be z'eus dija ar restr '%s'. Ch'oant hoc'h eus flastrañ anezhañ?"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:463
msgid "_Skip"
msgstr "_Leuskell a-gostez"

#: ../capplets/common/file-transfer-dialog.c:464
msgid "Overwrite _All"
msgstr "Erlec'hiañ _an holl"

#: ../capplets/common/mate-theme-info.c:1578
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+ theme '%s' is"
" not installed."
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/common/mate-theme-info.c:1588
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This theme will not look as intended because the required window manager "
"theme '%s' is not installed."
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/common/mate-theme-info.c:1596
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This theme will not look as intended because the required icon theme '%s' is"
" not installed."
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.desktop.in.in.h:1
#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:1
msgid "Preferred Applications"
msgstr "Arloadoù gwellañ karet"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Select your default applications"
msgstr "Diuzit hoc'h arloadoù dre ziouer"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-da-capplet.c:542
msgid "Could not load the main interface"
msgstr "N'eus ket tu da gargañ ar c'hetal pennañ"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-da-capplet.c:543
msgid "Please make sure that the applet is properly installed"
msgstr "Gwirit ma z'eo staliet mat an arloadig"

#. TRANSLATORS: don't translate the terms in brackets
#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-da-capplet.c:692
msgid "Specify the name of the page to show (internet|multimedia|system|a11y)"
msgstr "Erspizit anv ar bajenn da ziskouez (internet|multimedia|system|a11y)"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-da-capplet.c:698
msgid "- MATE Default Applications"
msgstr "- Arloadoù dre ziouer MATE"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:2
msgid "Web Browser"
msgstr "Merdeer web"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:3
msgid "Mail Reader"
msgstr "Lenner posteloù"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:4
msgid "Instant Messenger"
msgstr "Postelerezh prim"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:5
msgid "Co_mmand:"
msgstr "Ar_c'had :"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:7
#, no-c-format
msgid "All %s occurrences will be replaced with actual link"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:8
msgid "Run in t_erminal"
msgstr "Lañsiñ gant an termenell"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:9
msgid "Internet"
msgstr "Kenrouedad"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:10
msgid "Image Viewer"
msgstr "Gweler skeudennoù"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:11
msgid "Multimedia Player"
msgstr "Lenner liesvedia"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:12
msgid "Video Player"
msgstr "Lenner Video"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:13
msgid "Multimedia"
msgstr "Liesvedia"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:14
msgid "Text Editor"
msgstr "Embanner testennioù"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:15
msgid "Terminal Emulator"
msgstr "Darvanerez an dermenell"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:16
msgid "File Manager"
msgstr "Ardoer restroù"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:17
msgid "System"
msgstr "Reizhiad"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:18
msgid "Document Viewer"
msgstr "Gwelerez teulioù"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:19
msgid "Word Processor"
msgstr "Kewerier testennoù"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:20
msgid "Spreadsheet Editor"
msgstr "Embanner renkelloù"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:21
msgid "Office"
msgstr "Burev"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:22
msgid "Visual"
msgstr "Gweled"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:23
msgid "_Run at start"
msgstr "_Lañsañ en digoradur an estez"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:24
msgid "Mobility"
msgstr "Heloc'hded"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:25
msgid "Run at st_art"
msgstr "Lañsañ en dig_oradur an estez"

#: ../capplets/default-applications/mate-default-applications-properties.ui.h:26
#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:45
msgid "Accessibility"
msgstr "Haezadusted"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:1
msgid "Monitor Preferences"
msgstr "Gwellvezioù ar skramm"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:2
msgid "Apply system-wide"
msgstr "Seveniñ war ar reizhiad a-bezh"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:3
msgid ""
"Applies the current configuration for other MATE users on the computer. Note"
" that this doesn't affect login screens or other desktop environments."
msgstr "Seveniñ a ra ar c'hefluniadur bremanel evit an arveriaded all eus MATE war an urzhiataer. Ne dizh ket ar skrammoù kennaskañ pe endroioù all ar burev."

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:4
msgid "Sa_me image in all monitors"
msgstr "An hevelep skeudenn war bep skra_mm"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:5
msgid "_Detect monitors"
msgstr "_Dinoiñ ar skrammoù"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:6
msgid "Panel icon"
msgstr "Arlun ar banell"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:7
msgid "_Show monitors in panel"
msgstr "Di_skouez ar skrammoù war ar banell"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:8
msgid "_Resolution:"
msgstr "Dia_runusted :"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:9
msgid "Re_fresh rate:"
msgstr "_Feur azbevaat"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:10
msgid "On"
msgstr "Gweredekaet"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:11
msgid "Off"
msgstr "Deweredekaet"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:12
#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:508
msgid "Monitor"
msgstr "Skramm"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:13
msgid "R_otation:"
msgstr "C'h_weladur :"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:14
msgid "Include _panel"
msgstr "Enlakaat ur b_anell"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:15
msgid "Set as primary"
msgstr "Lakaat da skramm kentañ"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:16
msgid "Sets the selected monitor as primary."
msgstr "Lakaat a ra ar skramm diuzet da skramm kentañ."

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:17
#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:311
#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:350
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Reizh"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:18
#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:312
#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:574
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Kleiz"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:19
#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:313
#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:573
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Tu dehoù"

#: ../capplets/display/display-capplet.ui.h:20
msgid "Upside-down"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/display/mate-display-properties.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "Displays"
msgstr "Skrammañ"

#: ../capplets/display/mate-display-properties.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Change resolution and position of monitors and projectors"
msgstr "Kemmañ diarunusted ha lec'hiadur ar skrammoù hag al luc'hvannerezed"

#: ../capplets/display/mate-display-properties-install-systemwide.c:44
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This program installs a RANDR profile for multi-monitor setups into\n"
"a systemwide location.  The resulting profile will get used when\n"
"the RANDR plug-in gets run in mate-settings-daemon.\n"
"SOURCE_FILE - a full pathname, typically /home/username/.config/monitors.xml\n"
"DEST_NAME - relative name for the installed file.  This will get put in\n"
"            the systemwide directory for RANDR configurations,\n"
"            so the result will typically be %s/DEST_NAME\n"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: only able to install RANDR profiles as root
#: ../capplets/display/mate-display-properties-install-systemwide.c:151
msgid "This program can only be used by the root user"
msgstr "Gant un arveriad gwrizhienn hepken e vez graet gant ar goulev-mañ."

#: ../capplets/display/mate-display-properties-install-systemwide.c:168
msgid "The source filename must be absolute"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: first %s is a filename; second %s is an error message
#: ../capplets/display/mate-display-properties-install-systemwide.c:179
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open %s: %s\n"
msgstr "N'hall ket digeriñ %s : %s\n"

#. Translators: first %s is a filename; second %s is an error message
#: ../capplets/display/mate-display-properties-install-systemwide.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Could not get information for %s: %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/display/mate-display-properties-install-systemwide.c:195
#, c-format
msgid "%s must be a regular file\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/display/mate-display-properties-install-systemwide.c:204
msgid "This program must only be run through pkexec(1)"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/display/mate-display-properties-install-systemwide.c:209
msgid "PKEXEC_UID must be set to an integer value"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: we are complaining that a file must be really owned by the
#. user who called this program
#: ../capplets/display/mate-display-properties-install-systemwide.c:215
#, c-format
msgid "%s must be owned by you\n"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: here we are saying that a plain filename must look like
#. "filename", not like "some_dir/filename"
#: ../capplets/display/mate-display-properties-install-systemwide.c:223
#, c-format
msgid "%s must not have any directory components\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/display/mate-display-properties-install-systemwide.c:231
#, c-format
msgid "%s must be a directory\n"
msgstr ""

#. Translators: the first %s/%s is a directory/filename; the last %s is an
#. error message
#: ../capplets/display/mate-display-properties-install-systemwide.c:242
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open %s/%s: %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/display/mate-display-properties-install-systemwide.c:262
#, c-format
msgid "Could not rename %s to %s: %s\n"
msgstr "N'hall ket adenvel %s da %s : %s\n"

#: ../capplets/display/org.mate.randr.policy.in.h:1
msgid "Install multi-monitor settings for the whole system"
msgstr "Staliañ arventennoù liesskrammoù evit ar reizhiad a-bezh"

#: ../capplets/display/org.mate.randr.policy.in.h:2
msgid ""
"Authentication is required to install multi-monitor settings for all users"
msgstr "An dilesa zo ret evit staliañ arventennoù liesskrammoù evit an holl arveriaded"

#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:314
msgid "Upside Down"
msgstr "Pebeilañ"

#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:356
#, c-format
msgid "%d Hz"
msgstr "%d Hz"

#. Translators:  this is the feature where what you see on your laptop's
#. * screen is the same as your external monitor.  Here, "Mirror" is being
#. * used as an adjective, not as a verb.  For example, the Spanish
#. * translation could be "Pantallas en Espejo", *not* "Espejar Pantallas".
#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:493
#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:1669
#, c-format
msgid "Mirror Screens"
msgstr "Efed melezouriñ war ar skrammoù"

#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:495
#, c-format
msgid "Monitor: %s"
msgstr "Skramm : %s"

#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:591
#, c-format
msgid "%d x %d"
msgstr "%d x %d"

#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:1525
msgid ""
"Select a monitor to change its properties; drag it to rearrange its "
msgstr "Diuzañ ur skramm evit kemmañ e berzhioù ; Riklañ ar skramm evit kempenn e lec'hiadur."

#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:2147
msgid "Could not save the monitor configuration"
msgstr "N'eus ket tu da enrollañ ar c'hefluniadur skramm"

#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:2169
msgid "Could not get session bus while applying display configuration"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:2188
msgid "Could not detect displays"
msgstr "N'hall ket dinoiñ skrammoù"

#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:2400
msgid "The monitor configuration has been saved"
msgstr "Enrollet eo bet kefluniadur ar skramm"

#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:2402
msgid "This configuration will be used the next time someone logs in."
msgstr "Arveret e vo ar c'hefluniadur-mañ a wech a zeu ma c'hennasko unan bennak."

#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:2411
msgid "Could not set the default configuration for monitors"
msgstr "N'hall ket despizañ ar c'hefluniadur dre ziouer evit ar skrammoù"

#: ../capplets/display/xrandr-capplet.c:2495
msgid "Could not get screen information"
msgstr "N'eus ket tu da gaout titouroù ar skramm"

#: ../capplets/keybindings/eggcellrendererkeys.c:25
msgid "New shortcut..."
msgstr "Berradenn nevez..."

#: ../capplets/keybindings/eggcellrendererkeys.c:161
#: ../capplets/keybindings/eggcellrendererkeys.c:162
msgid "Accelerator key"
msgstr "Berradenn klavier"

#: ../capplets/keybindings/eggcellrendererkeys.c:171
#: ../capplets/keybindings/eggcellrendererkeys.c:172
msgid "Accelerator modifiers"
msgstr "Kemmer berradennoù klavier"

#: ../capplets/keybindings/eggcellrendererkeys.c:180
#: ../capplets/keybindings/eggcellrendererkeys.c:181
msgid "Accelerator keycode"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keybindings/eggcellrendererkeys.c:191
msgid "Accel Mode"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keybindings/eggcellrendererkeys.c:192
msgid "The type of accelerator."
msgstr "Rizh ar berradennoù klavier.L"

#: ../capplets/keybindings/eggcellrendererkeys.c:235
#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.c:138
#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.c:363
#: ../typing-break/drwright.c:501
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Diweredekaet"

#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.c:220
msgid "<Unknown Action>"
msgstr "<Gwered Dianav>"

#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.c:1024
#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.c:1614
msgid "Custom Shortcuts"
msgstr "Berradennoù personelaet"

#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.c:1194
msgid "Error saving the new shortcut"
msgstr "Fazi e-pad enrollañ ar berradenn nevez"

#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.c:1270
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The shortcut \"%s\" cannot be used because it will become impossible to type using this key.\n"
"Please try with a key such as Control, Alt or Shift at the same time."
msgstr "Ar verradenn \"%s\" n'hall ket bezañ arveret rak ne vo ket tro ken da viziata en ur ober gant ar stokell-mañ.\nMar plij, klaskit gant ur stokell evel Ctrl, Alt pe Pennlizh war un dro."

#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.c:1302
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The shortcut \"%s\" is already used for\n"
msgstr "Arveret eo ar verradenn \"%s\" endeo evit\n\"%s\""

#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.c:1309
#, c-format
msgid "If you reassign the shortcut to \"%s\", the \"%s\" shortcut will be disabled."
msgstr "Mar bez deverket ar verradenn da \"%s\" en-dro e vo diweredekaet ar verradenn \"%s\"."

#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.c:1314
msgid "_Reassign"
msgstr "_Deverkañ en-dro"

#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.c:1569
msgid "Too many custom shortcuts"
msgstr "Re a verradennoù personelaet"

#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.c:1857
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Gwered"

#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.c:1879
msgid "Shortcut"
msgstr "Berradenn"

#. * vim: sw=2 ts=8 cindent noai bs=2
#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.ui.h:1
#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr "Berradenn klavier"

#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.ui.h:2
msgid ""
"To edit a shortcut key, click on the corresponding row and type a new key "
"combination, or press backspace to clear."
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.ui.h:3
msgid "Custom Shortcut"
msgstr "Personnalaat ar berradennoù"

#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding-properties.ui.h:5
msgid "C_ommand:"
msgstr "Ar_c'had :"

#: ../capplets/keybindings/mate-keybinding.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Assign shortcut keys to commands"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties.c:213
#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties.c:218
msgid ""
"Just apply settings and quit (compatibility only; now handled by daemon)"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties.c:223
msgid "Start the page with the typing break settings showing"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties.c:228
msgid "Start the page with the accessibility settings showing"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties.c:234
msgid "- MATE Keyboard Preferences"
msgstr "- Gwellvezioù ar c'hlavier MATE"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:1
msgid "Keyboard Accessibility Audio Feedback"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:2
#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:15
#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:30
#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:382
msgid "General"
msgstr "Hollek"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:3
msgid "Beep when _accessibility features are turned on or off"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:4
msgid "Beep when a _toggle key is pressed"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:5
msgid "Visual cues for sounds"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:6
msgid "Show _visual feedback for the alert sound"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:7
msgid "Flash _window titlebar"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:8
msgid "Flash entire _screen"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:9
#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:39
msgid "Slow Keys"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:10
msgid "Beep when a key is pr_essed"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:11
msgid "Beep when key is _accepted"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:12
msgid "Beep when key is _rejected"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:13
#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:41
msgid "Bounce Keys"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:14
msgid "Beep when a key is reje_cted"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:15
#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:36
msgid "Sticky Keys"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-a11y-notifications.ui.h:16
msgid "Beep when a _modifier key is pressed"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:1
msgid "Keyboard Preferences"
msgstr "Gwellvzeioù ar c'hlavier"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:2
msgid "Repeat Keys"
msgstr "Arren ar stokelloù"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:3
msgid "Key presses _repeat when key is held down"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:4
msgid "_Delay:"
msgstr "_Dale :"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:5
msgid "_Speed:"
msgstr "_Tizh :"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:6
#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:27
msgid "Short"
msgstr "Berr"

#. slow acceleration
#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:7
#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:11
msgid "Slow"
msgstr "Gorrek"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:8
msgid "Repeat keys speed"
msgstr "Arren tizh ar stokelloù"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:9
#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:28
msgid "Long"
msgstr "Hir"

#. fast acceleration
#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:10
#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:13
msgid "Fast"
msgstr "Trumm"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:11
msgid "Cursor Blinking"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:12
msgid "Cursor _blinks in text fields"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:13
msgid "S_peed:"
msgstr "_Tizh :"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:14
#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:22
msgid "Cursor blinks speed"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:16
msgid "List of keyboard layouts selected for usage"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:18
msgid "Select a keyboard layout to be added to the list"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:19
msgid "Remove the selected keyboard layout from the list"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:20
msgid "Move _Up"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:21
msgid "Move the selected keyboard layout up in the list"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:22
msgid "Move _Down"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:23
msgid "Move the selected keyboard layout down in the list"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:24
msgid "_Show..."
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:25
msgid "Print a diagram of the selected keyboard layout"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:26
msgid "_Separate layout for each window"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:27
msgid "New windows u_se active window's layout"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:28
msgid "Keyboard _model:"
msgstr "_Skouer ar c'hlavier :"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:29
msgid "_Options..."
msgstr "Dibarzhi_où..."

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:30
msgid "View and edit keyboard layout options"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:31
msgid "Reset to De_faults"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:32
msgid ""
"Replace the current keyboard layout settings with the\n"
"default settings"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:34
msgid "Layouts"
msgstr "Aozadurioù"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:35
msgid "_Accessibility features can be toggled with keyboard shortcuts"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:37
msgid "_Simulate simultaneous keypresses"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:38
msgid "Disa_ble sticky keys if two keys are pressed together"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:40
msgid "_Only accept long keypresses"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:42
msgid "_Ignore fast duplicate keypresses"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:43
msgid "D_elay:"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:44
msgid "Audio _Feedback..."
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:46
msgid "_Pointer can be controlled using the keypad"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:47
#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:8
msgid "_Acceleration:"
msgstr "Herrek_aat :"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:48
msgid "Mouse Keys"
msgstr "Stokelloù al logodenn"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:49
msgid "_Lock screen to enforce typing break"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:50
msgid ""
"Lock screen after a certain duration to help prevent repetitive keyboard use"
" injuries"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:51
msgid "_Work interval lasts:"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:52
msgid "_Break interval lasts:"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:53
msgid "Duration of work before forcing a break"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:54
msgid "Duration of the break when typing is disallowed"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:55
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "a vunutennoù"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:56
msgid "All_ow postponing of breaks"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:57
msgid "Check if breaks are allowed to be postponed"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:58
msgid "Typing Break"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-dialog.ui.h:59
msgid "_Type to test settings:"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-layout-chooser.ui.h:1
msgid "Choose a Layout"
msgstr "Dibab un aozadur"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-layout-chooser.ui.h:2
msgid "_Variants:"
msgstr "Ad_stummoù :"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-layout-chooser.ui.h:3
msgid "_Country:"
msgstr "_Bro :"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-layout-chooser.ui.h:4
msgid "By _country"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-layout-chooser.ui.h:5
msgid "_Language:"
msgstr "_Yezh :"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-layout-chooser.ui.h:6
msgid "By _language"
msgstr "Dre _yezh"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-layout-chooser.ui.h:7
msgid "Preview:"
msgstr "Alberz :"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-model-chooser.ui.h:1
msgid "Choose a Keyboard Model"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-model-chooser.ui.h:2
msgid "_Vendors:"
msgstr "G_werzourien :"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-model-chooser.ui.h:3
msgid "_Models:"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-options-dialog.ui.h:1
msgid "Keyboard Layout Options"
msgstr "Dibarzhioù aozadur ar c'hlavier"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-xkb.c:83
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Dianav"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-xkblt.c:240
msgid "Layout"
msgstr "Doare"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-xkbmc.c:170
msgid "Vendors"
msgstr "Gwerzourien"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-xkbmc.c:236
msgid "Models"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard-properties-xkbot.c:237
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Dre ziouer"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "Keyboard"
msgstr "Klavier"

#: ../capplets/keyboard/mate-keyboard.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Set your keyboard preferences"
msgstr "Arventenniñ gwellvezioù ho klavier"

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.c:363
msgid "Left button"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.c:363
msgid "Middle button"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.c:363
msgid "Right button"
msgstr ""

#. TRANSLATORS: don't translate the terms in brackets
#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.c:449
msgid "Specify the name of the page to show (general)"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.c:454
msgid "- MATE Mouse Preferences"
msgstr "- Gwellvezioù al logodenn MATE"

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:1
msgid "Mouse Preferences"
msgstr "Gwellvezioù al logodenn"

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:2
msgid "Mouse Orientation"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:3
msgid "_Right-handed"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:4
msgid "_Left-handed"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:5
msgid "Locate Pointer"
msgstr "Usskediñ lec'hiadur ar biz"

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:6
msgid "Sh_ow position of pointer when the Control key is pressed"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:7
msgid "Pointer Speed"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:9
msgid "_Sensitivity:"
msgstr "_Kizidigezh :"

#. low sensitivity
#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:15
msgid "Low"
msgstr "Uhel"

#. high sensitivity
#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:17
msgid "High"
msgstr "Izel"

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:18
msgid "Drag and Drop"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:19
msgid "Thr_eshold:"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:25
msgid "Double-Click Timeout"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:26
msgid "_Timeout:"
msgstr "_Diamzeret :"

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:29
msgid ""
"To test your double-click settings, try to double-click on the light bulb."
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:31
msgid "Enable _touchpad"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:32
msgid "Disable touchpad _while typing"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:33
msgid "Enable _mouse clicks with touchpad"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:34
msgid "Two-finger click emulation:"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:35
msgid "Three-finger click emulation:"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:36
msgid "Scrolling"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:37
msgid "_Vertical edge scrolling"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:38
msgid "H_orizontal edge scrolling"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:39
msgid "V_ertical two-finger scrolling"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:40
msgid "Hor_izontal two-finger scrolling"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:41
msgid "Enable n_atural scrolling"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-mouse-properties.ui.h:42
msgid "Touchpad"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-settings-mouse.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "Mouse"
msgstr "Logodenn"

#: ../capplets/mouse/mate-settings-mouse.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Set your mouse preferences"
msgstr "Lakait ho kwellvezioù al logodenn"

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "Network Proxy"
msgstr "Proksi ar rouedad"

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Set your network proxy preferences"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:1
msgid "HTTP Proxy Details"
msgstr "Munudoù proksi HTTP"

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:2
msgid "<b>_Use authentication</b>"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:3
msgid "U_sername:"
msgstr "Anv an a_rveriad :"

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:4
msgid "_Password:"
msgstr "Ge_r-tremen :"

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:5
msgid "Network Proxy Preferences"
msgstr "Gwellvezioù proksi ar rouedad"

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:6
msgid "<b>Di_rect internet connection</b>"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:7
msgid "<b>_Manual proxy configuration</b>"
msgstr "<b>Keflu_niadur ar proksi dre zorn</b>"

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:8
msgid "H_TTP proxy:"
msgstr "Proksi H_TTP :"

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:9
msgid "_Secure HTTP proxy:"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:10
msgid "_FTP proxy:"
msgstr "Proksi _FTP :"

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:11
msgid "S_ocks host:"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:12
msgid "Port:"
msgstr "Porzh :"

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:13
msgid "_Details"
msgstr "Munu_doù"

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:14
msgid "<b>_Automatic proxy configuration</b>"
msgstr "<b>Kefluniadur _emgefreek ar proksi</b>"

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:15
msgid "Autoconfiguration _URL:"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:16
msgid "Proxy Configuration"
msgstr "Kefluniad ar proksi"

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:17
msgid "Ignore Host List"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/network/mate-network-properties.ui.h:18
msgid "Ignored Hosts"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-metacity-support.c:40
msgid "Metacity Preferences"
msgstr ""

#. Compositing manager
#: ../capplets/windows/mate-metacity-support.c:55
#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:410
msgid "Compositing Manager"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-metacity-support.c:66
#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:422
msgid "Enable software _compositing window manager"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:264
msgid "The current window manager is unsupported"
msgstr ""

#. Window
#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:358
msgid "Window Preferences"
msgstr "Gwellvezioù ar prenestr"

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:391
msgid "Behaviour"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:400
msgid "Placement"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:423
msgid "Disable _thumbnails in Alt-Tab"
msgstr ""

#. Titlebar buttons
#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:431
msgid "Titlebar Buttons"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:439
msgid "Position:"
msgstr ""

#. New Windows
#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:446
msgid "New Windows"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:454
msgid "Center _new windows"
msgstr ""

#. Window Snapping
#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:459
msgid "Window Snapping"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:467
msgid "Enable side by side _tiling"
msgstr ""

#. Window Selection
#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:472
msgid "Window Selection"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:492
msgid "_Select windows when the mouse moves over them"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:495
msgid "U_nselect windows when the mouse leaves them"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:499
msgid "_Raise selected windows after an interval"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:510
msgid "_Interval before raising:"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:514
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "eilennoù"

#. Titlebar Action
#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:525
msgid "Titlebar Action"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:533
msgid "_Double-click titlebar to perform this action:"
msgstr ""

#. Movement Key
#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:541
msgid "Movement Key"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:552
msgid "To move a window, press-and-hold this key then grab the window:"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:580
#: ../libwindow-settings/marco-window-manager.c:394
msgid "Roll up"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:581
#: ../libwindow-settings/marco-window-manager.c:395
msgid "Maximize"
msgstr "Uc'hekaat"

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:582
#: ../libwindow-settings/marco-window-manager.c:396
msgid "Maximize Horizontally"
msgstr "Brasaat a-led"

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:583
#: ../libwindow-settings/marco-window-manager.c:397
msgid "Maximize Vertically"
msgstr "Brasaat a-hed"

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:584
#: ../libwindow-settings/marco-window-manager.c:398
msgid "Minimize"
msgstr "Bihanaat"

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:585
#: ../libwindow-settings/marco-window-manager.c:399
msgid "None"
msgstr "Tra ebet"

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:786
msgid "_Alt"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:792
msgid "H_yper"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:799
msgid "S_uper (or \"Windows logo\")"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.c:806
msgid "_Meta"
msgstr ""

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "Windows"
msgstr "Prenestroù"

#: ../capplets/windows/mate-window-properties.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Set your window properties"
msgstr "Lakait ho perzhioù prenestr"

#: ../libwindow-settings/mate-wm-manager.c:317
#, c-format
msgid "Window manager \"%s\" has not registered a configuration tool\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../shell/control-center.c:61
#, c-format
msgid "%s key is empty\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../shell/control-center.c:144 ../shell/control-center.c:253
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Sil"

#: ../shell/control-center.c:144 ../shell/control-center.c:253
msgid "Groups"
msgstr "Strolladoù"

#: ../shell/control-center.c:144 ../shell/control-center.c:253
msgid "Common Tasks"
msgstr ""

#: ../shell/control-center.c:152 ../shell/control-center.c:255
#: ../shell/matecc.desktop.in.in.h:1 ../shell/matecc.directory.in.h:1
msgid "Control Center"
msgstr "Kreizenn reoliñ"

#: ../shell/control-center.c:208
msgid "Hide on start (useful to preload the shell)"
msgstr ""

#: ../shell/matecc.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "The MATE configuration tool"
msgstr ""

#: ../typing-break/drw-break-window.c:203
msgid "_Postpone Break"
msgstr ""

#: ../typing-break/drw-break-window.c:277
msgid "Take a break!"
msgstr ""

#: ../typing-break/drwright.c:139
msgid "_Take a Break"
msgstr ""

#: ../typing-break/drwright.c:510
#, c-format
msgid "Take a break now (next in %dm)"
msgstr ""

#: ../typing-break/drwright.c:512
#, c-format
msgid "%d minute until the next break"
msgid_plural "%d minutes until the next break"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""

#: ../typing-break/drwright.c:518
#, c-format
msgid "Take a break now (next in less than one minute)"
msgstr ""

#: ../typing-break/drwright.c:520
#, c-format
msgid "Less than one minute until the next break"
msgstr ""

#: ../typing-break/drwright.c:610
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to bring up the typing break properties dialog with the following "
"error: %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../typing-break/drwright.c:627
msgid "Written by Richard Hult <richard@imendio.com>"
msgstr "Skrivet gant Richard Hult <richard@imendio.com>"

#: ../typing-break/drwright.c:628
msgid "Eye candy added by Anders Carlsson"
msgstr ""

#: ../typing-break/drwright.c:637
msgid "A computer break reminder."
msgstr ""

#: ../typing-break/drwright.c:639
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr "Launchpad Contributions:\n  Breizh https://launchpad.net/~jamybzh-free\n  Denis https://launchpad.net/~bibar\n  Jérémy Le Floc'h https://launchpad.net/~jeremy-lefloch\n\nLaunchpad Contributions:\n  Breizh https://launchpad.net/~jamybzh-free\n  Chris Coulson https://launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson\n  Denis https://launchpad.net/~bibar\n  Jérémy Le Floc'h https://launchpad.net/~jeremy-lefloch"

#: ../typing-break/main.c:63
msgid "Enable debugging code"
msgstr "Gweredekaat ar boneg diveugañ"

#: ../typing-break/main.c:65
msgid "Don't check whether the notification area exists"
msgstr ""

#: ../typing-break/main.c:89
msgid "Typing Monitor"
msgstr ""

#: ../typing-break/main.c:106
msgid ""
"The typing monitor uses the notification area to display information. You "
"don't seem to have a notification area on your panel. You can add it by "
"right-clicking on your panel and choosing 'Add to panel', selecting "
"'Notification area' and clicking 'Add'."
msgstr ""

#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:360 ../font-viewer/font-view.c:362
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Anv :"

#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:367 ../font-viewer/font-view.c:369
msgid "Style:"
msgstr "Stil :"

#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:383 ../font-viewer/font-view.c:385
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Rizh :"

#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:391 ../font-viewer/font-view.c:393
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Ment :"

#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:440 ../font-viewer/font-view.c:442
#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:465 ../font-viewer/font-view.c:467
msgid "Version:"
msgstr "Handelv :"

#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:448 ../font-viewer/font-view.c:450
#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:471 ../font-viewer/font-view.c:473
msgid "Copyright:"
msgstr "Copyright :"

#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:456 ../font-viewer/font-view.c:458
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Deskrivadur :"

#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:535
msgid "Installed"
msgstr "Staliet"

#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:537
msgid "Install Failed"
msgstr "C'hwitadenn war ar staliadur"

#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:613
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s fontfile\n"
msgstr ""

#: ../font-viewer/font-view.c:713
msgid "I_nstall Font"
msgstr "Staliañ a_n nodrezh"

#: ../font-viewer/mate-font-viewer.desktop.in.in.h:1
msgid "Font Viewer"
msgstr "Gweler nodrezhoù"

#: ../font-viewer/mate-font-viewer.desktop.in.in.h:2
msgid "Preview fonts"
msgstr "Alberz an nodrezhoù"

#: ../font-viewer/font-thumbnailer.c:267
msgid "Text to thumbnail (default: Aa)"
msgstr "Testenn da ziskouez (dre ziouer Aa)"

#: ../font-viewer/font-thumbnailer.c:267
msgid "TEXT"
msgstr "TESTENN"

#: ../font-viewer/font-thumbnailer.c:269
msgid "Font size (default: 64)"
msgstr "Ment an nodrezh (64 dre ziouer)"

#: ../font-viewer/font-thumbnailer.c:269
msgid "SIZE"
msgstr "MENT"

#: ../font-viewer/font-thumbnailer.c:271

#: ../libslab/app-shell.c:810
#, c-format
msgid "Your filter \"%s\" does not match any items."
msgstr ""

#: ../libslab/app-shell.c:812
msgid "No matches found."
msgstr ""

#: ../libslab/app-shell.c:912
msgid "New Applications"
msgstr "Arloadoù nevez"

#: ../libslab/app-shell.c:967
msgid "Other"
msgstr "All"

#. make start action
#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:339
#, c-format
msgid "Start %s"
msgstr "Loc'hañ %s"

#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:360
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Skoazell"

#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:636 ../libslab/document-tile.c:743
msgid "Remove from Favorites"
msgstr "Dilemel diwar ar re well"

#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:638 ../libslab/document-tile.c:745
msgid "Add to Favorites"
msgstr "Ouzhpennañ d'ar re well"

#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:723
msgid "Remove from Startup Programs"
msgstr ""

#: ../libslab/application-tile.c:725
msgid "Add to Startup Programs"
msgstr ""

#: ../libslab/bookmark-agent.c:1087
msgid "New Spreadsheet"
msgstr "Renkell nevez"

#: ../libslab/bookmark-agent.c:1091
msgid "New Document"
msgstr "Teul nevez"

#: ../libslab/bookmark-agent.c:1145
msgctxt "Home folder"
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Ma zeuliad din"

#: ../libslab/bookmark-agent.c:1152
msgid "Documents"
msgstr "Teulioù"

#: ../libslab/bookmark-agent.c:1158
msgid "Desktop"
msgstr "Burev"

#: ../libslab/bookmark-agent.c:1163
msgid "File System"
msgstr "Reizhiad restroù"

#: ../libslab/bookmark-agent.c:1166
msgid "Network Servers"
msgstr "Dafariadoù rouedad"

#: ../libslab/bookmark-agent.c:1197
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Klask"

#. make open with default action
#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:176
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Open</b>"
msgstr "<b>Digeriñ</b>"

#. make rename action
#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:195 ../libslab/document-tile.c:241
msgid "Rename..."
msgstr "Adenvel..."

#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:209 ../libslab/directory-tile.c:218
#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:255 ../libslab/document-tile.c:264
msgid "Send To..."
msgstr "Kas da..."

#. make move to trash action
#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:233 ../libslab/document-tile.c:290
msgid "Move to Trash"
msgstr "Kas d'al lastez"

#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:243 ../libslab/directory-tile.c:461
#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:300 ../libslab/document-tile.c:863
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Dilemel"

#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:538 ../libslab/document-tile.c:1026
#, c-format
msgid "Are you sure you want to permanently delete \"%s\"?"
msgstr "Ha sur oc'h e fell deoc'h dilemel \"%s\" da vat ?"

#: ../libslab/directory-tile.c:539 ../libslab/document-tile.c:1027
msgid "If you delete an item, it is permanently lost."
msgstr "Mar bez dilamet un elfenn e vo kollet da vat."

#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:200
#, c-format
msgid "Open with \"%s\""
msgstr "Digeriñ gant \"%s\""

#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:214
msgid "Open with Default Application"
msgstr "Digeriñ gant an arload dre ziouer"

#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:225
msgid "Open in File Manager"
msgstr "Digeriñ e ardoer ar restroù"

#. clean item from menu
#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:309
msgid "Remove from recent menu"
msgstr "Dilemel diwar al lañser a-nevez"

#. clean all the items from menu
#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:317
msgid "Purge all the recent items"
msgstr "Skarzhañ an holl elfennoù a-nevez"

#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:631
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"

#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:638
msgid "%l:%M %p"
msgstr "%l:%M %p"

#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:646
msgid "Today %l:%M %p"
msgstr "Hiziv %l:%M %p"

#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:656
msgid "Yesterday %l:%M %p"
msgstr "Dec'h %l:%M %p"

#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:668
msgid "%a %l:%M %p"
msgstr "%a %l:%M %p"

#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:676
msgid "%b %d %l:%M %p"
msgstr "%b %d %l:%M %p"

#: ../libslab/document-tile.c:678
msgid "%b %d %Y"
msgstr "%b %d %Y"

#: ../libslab/search-bar.c:260
msgid "Find Now"
msgstr "Kavout bremañ"

#: ../libslab/system-tile.c:132
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Open %s</b>"
msgstr "<b>Digeriñ %s</b>"

#: ../libslab/system-tile.c:145
#, c-format
msgid "Remove from System Items"
msgstr "Dilemel diwar ergorennoù ar reizhiad"