# Copyright (C) YEAR MATE Developers
# This file is distributed under the same license as the mate-desktop package.
# Translators:
# Egoitz Rodriguez <egoitzro@gmail.com>, 2018
# Asier Iturralde Sarasola <asier.iturralde@gmail.com>, 2021
# Stefano Karapetsas <stefano@karapetsas.com>, 2021
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: mate-desktop 1.25.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/mate-desktop/mate-desktop/\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-06-21 18:40+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-11 16:44+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Stefano Karapetsas <stefano@karapetsas.com>, 2021\n"
"Language-Team: Basque (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/eu/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#. Translators should localize the following string which will be
#. * displayed in the about box to give credit to the translator(s).
#: mate-about/mate-about.c:68
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr ""
"Asier Iturralde Sarasola <asier.iturralde@gmail.com>\n"
"Aritz Jorge Sánchez"

#: mate-about/mate-about.desktop.in:3
msgid "About MATE"
msgstr "MATEri buruz"

#: mate-about/mate-about.desktop.in:4
msgid "Learn more about MATE"
msgstr "Ikasi gehiago MATEri buruz"

#: mate-about/mate-about.h:29
msgid "MATE Desktop Environment"
msgstr ""

#: mate-about/mate-about.h:34
msgid ""
"Copyright © 1997-2011 GNOME developers\n"
"Copyright © 2011 Perberos\n"
"Copyright © 2012-2021 MATE developers"
msgstr ""

#: mate-about/mate-about.h:42
msgid ""
"MATE provides an intuitive and attractive desktop to Linux users using "
"traditional metaphors."
msgstr ""
"MATEk mahaigain intuitibo eta erakargarri bat eskaintzen die Linux "
"erabiltzaileei metafora tradizionalak erabiliz"

#: mate-about/mate-about.h:45
msgid ""
"MATE includes most of what you see on your computer, including the file "
"manager, document viewer, image viewer, menus, and many applications."
msgstr ""
"MATE ordenagailuan ikusten duzun ia guztia da, hala nola, fitxategi-"
"kudeatzailea, dokumentu-ikustailea, irudi-ikustailea, menuak eta hainbat "

#: mate-about/mate-about.h:48
msgid ""
"MATE is a Free, usable, stable, accessible desktop environment for the Unix-"
"like family of operating systems."
msgstr ""
"MATE Unix-moduko sistema-eragile familiarentzako mahaigain-ingurune libre, "
"erabilgarri eta egonkorra da."

#: mate-about/mate-about.h:51
msgid ""
"MATE is the continuation of GNOME 2. Hundreds of people have contributed "
"code to GNOME since it was started in 1997; many more have contributed in "
"other important ways, including translations, documentation, and quality "
msgstr ""
"MATE GNOME 2ren jarraipena da. Ehunka pertsonak parte hartu dute GNOMEren "
"kodean 1997tik hona; beste hainbat pertsonak ere parte hartu dute "
"itzulpenak, dokumentazioa eta kalitate-bermatzea bezalako lan garrantzitsuak"
" eginez."

#: mate-about/mate-about.h:55
msgid ""
"GNOME 2 was the most popular Linux desktop but it’s no longer available... "
"MATE is here to provide that same desktop to you!"
msgstr ""
"GNOME 2 Linux mahaigain ezagunena zen baina jada ez dago eskuragarri... "
"baina hemen dago MATE mahaigain bera eskaintzeko!"

#: mate-about/mate-about.h:58
msgid ""
"The name “MATE” comes from yerba maté, a species of holly native to "
"subtropical South America. Its leaves contain caffeine and are used to make "
"infusions and a beverage called mate."
msgstr ""
"MATE izena mate landaretik dator. Espezie honek Hego Amerika subtropikalean "
"du jatorria. Kafeina dauka eta infusioak eta mate deituriko edaria egiteko "
"erabiltzen da."

#. Translators: "Unknown" here is used to identify a monitor for which
#. * we don't know the vendor. When a vendor is known, the name of the
#. * vendor is used.
#: libmate-desktop/display-name.c:264
msgctxt "Monitor vendor"
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Ezezaguna"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorbutton.c:152
msgid "Use alpha"
msgstr "Erabili alfa"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorbutton.c:153
msgid "Whether or not to give the color an alpha value"
msgstr "Koloreari alfa balioa eman ala ez"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorbutton.c:167
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Izenburua"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorbutton.c:168
msgid "The title of the color selection dialog"
msgstr "Kolore-hautapenaren elkarrizketa-koadroaren izenburua"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorbutton.c:169
#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorbutton.c:438
msgid "Pick a Color"
msgstr "Hautatu kolorea"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorbutton.c:182 libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:284
msgid "Current Color"
msgstr "Uneko kolorea"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorbutton.c:183
msgid "The selected color"
msgstr "Hautatutako kolorea"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorbutton.c:197 libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:291
msgid "Current Alpha"
msgstr "Uneko alfa"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorbutton.c:198
msgid "The selected opacity value (0 fully transparent, 65535 fully opaque)"
msgstr "Hautatutako opakutasun balioa (0 guztiz gardena, 65535 guztiz opakua)"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorbutton.c:331
msgid "Received invalid color data\n"
msgstr "Baliogabeko kolore-datua jaso da\n"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:270
msgid "Has Opacity Control"
msgstr "Opakutasun-kontrola dauka"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:271
msgid "Whether the color selector should allow setting opacity"
msgstr ""
"Kolore-hautatzaileak opakutasuna ezartzeko aukera eman behar duen ala ez"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:277
msgid "Has palette"
msgstr "Paleta dauka"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:278
msgid "Whether a palette should be used"
msgstr "Paleta bat erabili behar den ala ez"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:285
msgid "The current color"
msgstr "Uneko kolorea"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:292
msgid "The current opacity value (0 fully transparent, 65535 fully opaque)"
msgstr "Uneko opakutasun balioa (0 guztiz gardena, 65535 guztiz opakua)"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:298
msgid "HEX String"
msgstr "HEX katea"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:299
msgid "The hexadecimal string of current color"
msgstr "Uneko kolorearen kate hamaseitarra"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:345
msgid ""
"Select the color you want from the outer ring. Select the darkness or "
"lightness of that color using the inner triangle."
msgstr ""
"Hautatu nahi duzun kolorea kanpoko eraztunetik. Hautatu kolore horren "
"iluntasun edo argitasuna barruko hirukia erabiliz."

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:369
msgid ""
"Click the eyedropper, then click a color anywhere on your screen to select "
"that color."
msgstr ""
"Klikatu tanta-kontagailua, ondoren klikatu pantailan kolore hori hautatzeko."

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:378
msgid "_Hue:"
msgstr "_Tonua:"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:379
msgid "Position on the color wheel."
msgstr "Kolore gurpileko kokapena."

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:381
msgid "_Saturation:"
msgstr "_Asetasuna:"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:382
msgid "\"Deepness\" of the color."
msgstr "Kolorearen \"sakontasuna\"."

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:383
msgid "_Value:"
msgstr "_Balioa:"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:384
msgid "Brightness of the color."
msgstr "Kolorearen distira."

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:385
msgid "_Red:"
msgstr "_Gorria:"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:386
msgid "Amount of red light in the color."
msgstr "Kolorearen argi gorri kopurua."

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:387
msgid "_Green:"
msgstr "_Berdea:"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:388
msgid "Amount of green light in the color."
msgstr "Kolorearen argi berde kopurua."

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:389
msgid "_Blue:"
msgstr "_Urdina:"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:390
msgid "Amount of blue light in the color."
msgstr "Kolorearen argi urdin kopurua."

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:393
msgid "Op_acity:"
msgstr "Op_akutasuna:"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:400 libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:410
msgid "Transparency of the color."
msgstr "Kolorearen gardentasuna."

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:417
msgid "Color _name:"
msgstr "Kolorearen ize_na:"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:431
msgid ""
"You can enter an HTML-style hexadecimal color value, or simply a color name "
"such as 'orange' in this entry."
msgstr ""
"HTML estiloko kolore balio hamaseitar bat sar dezakezu edo 'orange' "
"(laranja) bezalako ingelesezko kolore izen bat."

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:461
msgid "_Palette:"
msgstr "_Paleta:"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:491
msgid "Color Wheel"
msgstr "Kolore gurpila"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:948
msgid ""
"The previously-selected color, for comparison to the color you're selecting "
"now. You can drag this color to a palette entry, or select this color as "
"current by dragging it to the other color swatch alongside."
msgstr ""

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:951
msgid ""
"The color you've chosen. You can drag this color to a palette entry to save "
"it for use in the future."
msgstr ""

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:956
msgid ""
"The previously-selected color, for comparison to the color you're selecting "
msgstr ""

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:959
msgid "The color you've chosen."
msgstr "Hautatu duzun kolorea."

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:1366
msgid "gtk-color-sel"
msgstr ""

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:1371
msgid "_Save color here"
msgstr "_Gorde kolorea hemen"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorsel.c:1593
msgid ""
"Click this palette entry to make it the current color. To change this entry,"
" drag a color swatch here or right-click it and select \"Save color here.\""
msgstr ""

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorseldialog.c:99
#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorseldialog.c:162
msgid "Color Selection"
msgstr "Kolore-hautapena"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorseldialog.c:100
msgid "The color selection embedded in the dialog."
msgstr ""

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorseldialog.c:106
msgid "OK Button"
msgstr "Ados botoia"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorseldialog.c:107
msgid "The OK button of the dialog."
msgstr "Elkarrizketa-koadroaren Ados botoia."

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorseldialog.c:113
msgid "Cancel Button"
msgstr "Utzi botoia"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorseldialog.c:114
msgid "The cancel button of the dialog."
msgstr "Elkarrizketa-koadroaren Utzi botoia"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorseldialog.c:120
msgid "Help Button"
msgstr "Laguntza botoia"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-colorseldialog.c:121
msgid "The help button of the dialog."
msgstr "Elkarrizketa-koadroaren Laguntza botoia."

#: libmate-desktop/mate-desktop-item.c:220
#, c-format
msgid "Error reading file '%s': %s"
msgstr "Errorea gertatu da '%s' fitxategia irakurtzean: %s"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-desktop-item.c:288
#, c-format
msgid "Error rewinding file '%s': %s"
msgstr "Errorea gertatu da '%s' fitxategian atzera joatean: %s"

#. Translators: the "name" mentioned
#. * here is the name of an application or
#. * a document
#. Translators: the "name" mentioned here is the name of
#. * an application or a document
#: libmate-desktop/mate-desktop-item.c:380
#: libmate-desktop/mate-desktop-item.c:3553
msgid "No name"
msgstr "Izenik gabe"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-desktop-item.c:607
#, c-format
msgid "File '%s' is not a regular file or directory."
msgstr "'%s' fitxategia ez da fitxategi arrunta edo direktorioa."

#: libmate-desktop/mate-desktop-item.c:791
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot find file '%s'"
msgstr "Ezin da '%s' fitxategia aurkitu"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-desktop-item.c:837
msgid "No filename to save to"
msgstr "Ez dago gordetzeko fitxategi-izenik"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-desktop-item.c:1856
#, c-format
msgid "Starting %s"
msgstr "%s hasieratzen"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-desktop-item.c:2092
msgid "No URL to launch"
msgstr "Ez dago abiarazteko URLrik"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-desktop-item.c:2108
msgid "Not a launchable item"
msgstr "Ez da elementu abiarazgarria"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-desktop-item.c:2118
msgid "No command (Exec) to launch"
msgstr "Ez dago abiarazteko komandorik (Exec)"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-desktop-item.c:2131
msgid "Bad command (Exec) to launch"
msgstr "Abiarazteko komando okerra (Exec)"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-desktop-item.c:3610
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown encoding of: %s"
msgstr "Honen kodeketa ezezaguna: %s"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-desktop-utils.c:150
msgid "Cannot find a terminal, using xterm, even if it may not work"
msgstr ""
"Ezin da terminala aurkitu; xterm erabiliko da, nahiz eta agian funtzionatu "

#: libmate-desktop/mate-languages.c:746
msgid "Unspecified"
msgstr "Zehaztu gabea"

#. Translators: a CRTC is a CRT Controller (this is X terminology).
#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr.c:458
msgid "could not get the screen resources (CRTCs, outputs, modes)"
msgstr "ezin izan da pantailen baliabideak lortu (CRTCak, irteerak, moduak)"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr.c:479
msgid "unhandled X error while getting the range of screen sizes"
msgstr "kudeatu gabeko X errorea pantailen tamainen barrutia lortzean"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr.c:485
msgid "could not get the range of screen sizes"
msgstr "ezin izan da pantailen tamainen barrutia lortu"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr.c:704
msgid "RANDR extension is not present"
msgstr "RANDR hedapena ez dago"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr.c:1261
#, c-format
msgid "could not get information about output %d"
msgstr "ezin izan da %d irteerari buruzko informazioa lortu"

#. Translators: the "position", "size", and "maximum"
#. * words here are not keywords; please translate them
#. * as usual.  A CRTC is a CRT Controller (this is X terminology)
#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr.c:1743
#, c-format
msgid ""
"requested position/size for CRTC %d is outside the allowed limit: "
"position=(%d, %d), size=(%d, %d), maximum=(%d, %d)"
msgstr ""
"eskatutako %d. CRTCaren posizioa/tamaina baimendutako mugatik at dago: "
"posizioa=(%d, %d), tamaina=(%d, %d), gehienezkoa=(%d, %d)"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr.c:1778
#, c-format
msgid "could not set the configuration for CRTC %d"
msgstr "ezin izan da %d. CRTCaren konfigurazioa ezarri"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr.c:1942
#, c-format
msgid "could not get information about CRTC %d"
msgstr "ezin izan da %d. CRTCari buruzko informazioa lortu"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr-config.c:555
msgid "Laptop"
msgstr "Eramangarria"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr-config.c:713
msgid ""
"none of the saved display configurations matched the active configuration"
msgstr ""
"pantailaren gordetako konfiguraziotariko bat bera ere ez dator bat "
"konfigurazio aktiboarekin"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr-config.c:1486
#, c-format
msgid "CRTC %d cannot drive output %s"
msgstr "%d. CRTCak ezin du %s irteera gidatu"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr-config.c:1493
#, c-format
msgid "output %s does not support mode %dx%d@%dHz"
msgstr "%s irteerak ez du '%dx%d@%dHz' modua onartzen"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr-config.c:1504
#, c-format
msgid "CRTC %d does not support rotation=%s"
msgstr "%d. CRTCak ez du biraketa=%s onartzen"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr-config.c:1518
#, c-format
msgid ""
"output %s does not have the same parameters as another cloned output:\n"
"existing mode = %d, new mode = %d\n"
"existing coordinates = (%d, %d), new coordinates = (%d, %d)\n"
"existing rotation = %s, new rotation = %s"
msgstr ""
"%s irteerak ez dauka beste klonatutako irteeraren parametro berdinak:\n"
"dagoen modua = %d, modu berria = %d\n"
"dauden koordenatuak = (%d, %d), koordenatu berriak = (%d, %d)\n"
"dagoen biraketa = %s, biraketa berria = %s"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr-config.c:1533
#, c-format
msgid "cannot clone to output %s"
msgstr "ezin da %s irteerara klonatu"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr-config.c:1702
#, c-format
msgid "Trying modes for CRTC %d\n"
msgstr "%d. CRTCaren moduak saiatzen\n"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr-config.c:1726
#, c-format
msgid "CRTC %d: trying mode %dx%d@%dHz with output at %dx%d@%dHz (pass %d)\n"
msgstr ""
"%d. CRTCa: %dx%d@%dHz modua saiatzen, %dx%d@%dHz irteerarekin (%d. "

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr-config.c:1773
#, c-format
msgid ""
"could not assign CRTCs to outputs:\n"
msgstr ""
"ezin izan da CRTCak irteeretara esleitu:\n"

#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr-config.c:1777
#, c-format
msgid ""
"none of the selected modes were compatible with the possible modes:\n"
msgstr ""
"hautatutako moduetariko bat bera ere ez da bateragarria modu erabilgarriekin:\n"

#. Translators: the "requested", "minimum", and
#. * "maximum" words here are not keywords; please
#. * translate them as usual.
#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr-config.c:1859
#, c-format
msgid ""
"required virtual size does not fit available size: requested=(%d, %d), "
"minimum=(%d, %d), maximum=(%d, %d)"
msgstr ""
"eskatutako tamaina birtuala ez zaio tamaina erabilgarriari doitzen: "
"eskatutakoa=(%d, %d), gutxienekoa=(%d, %d), gehienezkoa=(%d, %d)"

#. Keep this string in sync with mate-control-center/capplets/display/xrandr-
#. capplet.c:get_display_name()
#. Translators:  this is the feature where what you see on your laptop's
#. * screen is the same as your external monitor.  Here, "Mirror" is being
#. * used as an adjective, not as a verb.  For example, the Spanish
#. * translation could be "Pantallas en Espejo", *not* "Espejar Pantallas".
#: libmate-desktop/mate-rr-labeler.c:406
msgid "Mirror Screens"
msgstr "Pantaila ispiluak"

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:25
msgid "minimum interval in milliseconds"
msgstr "gutxieneko tartea milisegundotan"

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:26
msgid "Ignore multiple presses of the _same_ key within @delay milliseconds."
msgstr ""
"Ez egin jaramonik tekla _bera_ hainbat aldiz sakatzen bada @delay "

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:36
msgid "Pixels per seconds"
msgstr "Pixelak segundoko"

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:37
msgid "How many pixels per second to move at the maximum speed."
msgstr "Gehienezko abiaduran zenbat pixel segundoko mugituko diren."

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:41
msgid "How long to accelerate in milliseconds"
msgstr "Zenbat denboraz azeleratu behar den (milisegundotan)"

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:42
msgid "How many milliseconds it takes to go from 0 to maximum speed."
msgstr ""
"0tik gehienezko abiadurara iristeko behar duen denbora (milisegundotan)."

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:46
msgid "Initial delay in milliseconds"
msgstr "Hasierako atzerapena milisegundotan"

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:47
msgid ""
"How many milliseconds to wait before mouse movement keys start to operate."
msgstr ""
"Sagua mugitzeko tresnak funtzionatzen hasi baino lehen itxaron behar den "
"denbora (milisegundotan)."

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:54
msgid "Minimum interval in milliseconds"
msgstr "Gutxieneko tartea milisegundotan"

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:55
msgid ""
"Do not accept a key as being pressed unless held for @delay milliseconds."
msgstr ""
"Ez onartu tekla bat sakatutzat @delay milisegundoz sakatuta edukitzen ez "

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:71
msgid ""
"Latch modifiers when pressed twice in a row until the same modifier is "
"pressed again."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:75
msgid "Disable if two keys are pressed at the same time."
msgstr "Desgaitu bi tekla aldi berean sakatzen direnean."

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:79
msgid "Beep when a modifier is pressed."
msgstr "Jo soinu-seinalea aldatzailea sakatutakoan."

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:86
msgid "Beep when a key is pressed while CapsLock is active."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:91
msgid "Beep count when enabling a modifier"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:92
msgid ""
"Number of beeps to emit when enabling a modifier while togglekeys are "
"enabled. Only works with the 'internal' backend."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:97
msgid "Delay between beeps when enabling a modifier"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:98
msgid ""
"Delay in milliseconds between two beeps when enabling a modifier while "
"togglekeys are enabled. Only works with the 'internal' backend."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:103
msgid "Beep count when disabling a modifier"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:104
msgid ""
"Number of beeps to emit when disabling a modifier while togglekeys are "
"enabled. Only works with the 'internal' backend."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:109
msgid "Delay between beeps when disabling a modifier"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:110
msgid ""
"Delay in milliseconds between two beeps when disabling a modifier while "
"togglekeys are enabled. Only works with the 'internal' backend."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:114
msgid "Implementation to use when togglekeys are enabled"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-keyboard.gschema.xml:115
msgid ""
"Selects the backend to use to provide the togglekeys feature. Valid values "
"include 'xkb' (the stock X implementation) and 'internal' (a MATE-specific "
"and more configurable implementation)."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-startup.gschema.xml:5
msgid "Startup Assistive Technology Applications"
msgstr "Laguntza-teknologien aplikazioen abioa"

#: schemas/org.mate.accessibility-startup.gschema.xml:6
msgid ""
"List of assistive technology applications to start when logging into the "
"MATE desktop."
msgstr ""
"MATEren mahaigainean saioa hastean abiarazi beharreko laguntza-teknologien "

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-at-mobility.gschema.xml:5
msgid "Preferred Mobility assistive technology application"
msgstr "Laguntza-teknologien aplikazio hobetsia"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-at-mobility.gschema.xml:6
msgid ""
"Preferred Mobility assistive technology application to be used for login, "
"menu, or command line."
msgstr ""
"Laguntza-teknologien aplikazio hobetsia saio-hasieran, menuan edo komando-"
"lerroan erabiltzeko."

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-at-mobility.gschema.xml:10
msgid "Start preferred Mobility assistive technology application"
msgstr "Abiarazi laguntza-teknologien aplikazio hobetsia"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-at-mobility.gschema.xml:11
msgid ""
"MATE to start preferred Mobility assistive technology application during "
msgstr ""
"MATEk abiaraziko duen laguntza-teknologien aplikazio hobetsia saio-hasieran."

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-at-visual.gschema.xml:5
msgid "Preferred Visual assistive technology application"
msgstr "Laguntza-teknologia bisualen aplikazio hobetsia"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-at-visual.gschema.xml:6
msgid ""
"Preferred Visual assistive technology application to be used for login, "
"menu, or command line."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-at-visual.gschema.xml:10
msgid "Start preferred Visual assistive technology application"
msgstr "Abiarazi laguntza-teknologia bisualen aplikazio hobetsia"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-at-visual.gschema.xml:11
msgid ""
"MATE to start preferred Visual assistive technology application during "
msgstr ""
"MATEk abiaraziko duen laguntza-teknologia bisualen aplikazio hobetsia saio-"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-browser.gschema.xml:5
msgid "Default browser"
msgstr "Arakatzaile lehenetsia"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-browser.gschema.xml:6
msgid "Default browser for all URLs."
msgstr "URL guztientzako arakatzaile lehenetsia."

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-browser.gschema.xml:10
msgid "Browser needs terminal"
msgstr "Arakatzaileak terminala behar du"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-browser.gschema.xml:11
msgid "Whether the default browser needs a terminal to run."
msgstr "Arakatzaile lehenetsiak exekutatzeko terminal bat behar duen ala ez."

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-browser.gschema.xml:15
msgid "Browser understands remote"
msgstr "Arakatzaileak urrunekoa ulertzen du"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-browser.gschema.xml:16
msgid "Whether the default browser understands netscape remote."
msgstr ""
"Arakatzaile lehenetsiak urruneko netscape ulertzen duen ala ez adierazten "

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-calculator.gschema.xml:5
msgid "Calculator application"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-calculator.gschema.xml:6
msgid "Calculator program to use when starting applications that require one."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-messenger.gschema.xml:5
msgid "Instant Messaging application"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-messenger.gschema.xml:6
msgid ""
"Instant Messaging program to use when starting applications that require "
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-office.gschema.xml:9
msgid "Default calendar"
msgstr "Egutegi lehenetsia"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-office.gschema.xml:10
msgid "Default calendar application"
msgstr "Egutegi-aplikazio lehenetsia"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-office.gschema.xml:14
msgid "Calendar needs terminal"
msgstr "Egutegiak terminala behar du"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-office.gschema.xml:15
msgid "Whether the default calendar application needs a terminal to run"
msgstr ""
"Egutegi-aplikazio lehenetsiak exekutatzeko terminal bat behar duen ala ez."

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-office.gschema.xml:21
msgid "Default tasks"
msgstr "Ataza lehenetsiak"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-office.gschema.xml:22
msgid "Default tasks application"
msgstr "Ataza-aplikazio lehenetsia"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-office.gschema.xml:26
msgid "Tasks needs terminal"
msgstr "Atazak terminala behar du"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-office.gschema.xml:27
msgid "Whether the default tasks application needs a terminal to run"
msgstr ""
"Atazen aplikazio lehenetsia exekutatzeko terminal bat behar den ala ez "
"adierazten du."

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-terminal.gschema.xml:5
msgid "Terminal application"
msgstr "Terminal-aplikazioa"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-terminal.gschema.xml:6
msgid "Terminal program to use when starting applications that require one."
msgstr ""
"Terminala behar duten aplikazioak abiaraztean erabili beharreko terminal-"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-terminal.gschema.xml:10
msgid "Exec Arguments"
msgstr "Exekutatzeko argumentuak"

#: schemas/org.mate.applications-terminal.gschema.xml:11
msgid ""
"Argument used to execute programs in the terminal defined by the 'exec' key."
msgstr ""
"'exec' teklak definitutako terminalean programak exekutatzeko erabilitako "

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:18
msgid "Draw Desktop Background"
msgstr "Marraztu mahaigainaren atzeko planoa"

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:19
msgid "Have MATE draw the desktop background."
msgstr "MATEk marraztu behar du mahaigainaren atzeko planoa."

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:23
msgid "Show Desktop Icons"
msgstr "Erakutsi mahaigaineko ikonoak"

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:24
msgid "Have MATE file manager (Caja) draw the desktop icons."
msgstr ""
"MATEren fitxategi-kudeatzaileak (Caja) marraztu behar ditu mahaigaineko "

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:28
msgid "Fade the background on change"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:29
msgid ""
"If set to true, then MATE will change the desktop background with a fading "
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:33
msgid "Picture Options"
msgstr "Irudiaren aukerak"

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:34
msgid ""
"Determines how the image set by wallpaper_filename is rendered. Possible "
"values are \"wallpaper\", \"centered\", \"scaled\", \"stretched\", \"zoom\","
" \"spanned\"."
msgstr ""
"'wallpaper_filename'-k ezarritako irudia nola errendatzen den zehazten du. "
"Balio posibleak hauek dira: \"wallpaper\", \"centered\", \"scaled\", "
"\"stretched\", \"zoom\", \"spanned\"."

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:38
msgid "Picture Filename"
msgstr "Irudiaren fitxategi-izena"

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:39
msgid "File to use for the background image."
msgstr "Atzeko planoaren irudirako erabiliko den fitxategia."

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:43
msgid "Picture Opacity"
msgstr "Irudiaren opakutasuna"

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:44
msgid "Opacity with which to draw the background picture."
msgstr "Atzeko planoaren irudia marrazteko opakutasuna."

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:48
msgid "Primary Color"
msgstr "Kolore primarioa"

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:49
msgid "Left or Top color when drawing gradients, or the solid color."
msgstr "Ezkerreko edo goiko kolorea gradienteak marraztean, edo kolore lisoa."

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:53
msgid "Secondary Color"
msgstr "Kolore sekundarioa"

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:54
msgid ""
"Right or Bottom color when drawing gradients, not used for solid color."
msgstr ""
"Eskuineko edo beheko kolorea gradienteak marraztean; ez da erabiltzen kolore"
" lisoentzat."

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:58
msgid "Color Shading Type"
msgstr "Koloreen itzaldura-mota"

#: schemas/org.mate.background.gschema.xml.in:59
msgid ""
"How to shade the background color. Possible values are \"horizontal-"
"gradient\", \"vertical-gradient\", and \"solid\"."
msgstr ""
"Nola itzaleztatu atzeko planoaren kolorea. Hauek dira balio posibleak: "
"\"horizontal-gradient\", \"vertical-gradient\", eta \"solid\"."

#: schemas/org.mate.file-views.gschema.xml:5
msgid "File Icon Theme"
msgstr "Fitxategi-ikonoen gaia"

#: schemas/org.mate.file-views.gschema.xml:6
msgid "Theme used for displaying file icons."
msgstr "Fitxategi-ikonoak bistaratzeko erabiltzen den gaia."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:5
msgid "Enable Accessibility"
msgstr "Gaitu erabilerraztasuna"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:6
msgid "Whether Applications should have accessibility support."
msgstr ""
"Aplikazioek erabilerraztasun-euskarria eduki behar duten ala ez adierazten "

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:10
msgid "Enable Animations"
msgstr "Gaitu animazioak"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:11
msgid ""
"Whether animations should be displayed. Note: This is a global key, it "
"changes the behaviour of the window manager, the panel etc."
msgstr ""
"Animazioak bistaratu behar diren ala ez adierazten du. Oharra: hau gako "
"orokorra da, leiho-kudeatzailearen, panelaren eta abarraren portaera "
"aldatzen du."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:15
msgid "Menus Have Tearoff"
msgstr "Menuak askagarriak dira"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:16
msgid "Whether menus should have a tearoff."
msgstr "Menuak askagarriak izan behar duten ala ez adierazten du."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:20
msgid "Toolbar Style"
msgstr "Tresna-barraren estiloa"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:21
msgid "Toolbar Style. Valid values are \"both\", \"both-horiz\", \"icons\", and \"text\"."
msgstr ""
"Tresna-barraren estiloa. Balio hauek onartzen dira: \"both\", \"both-"
"horiz\", \"icons\" eta \"text\"."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:25
msgid "Menus Have Icons"
msgstr "Menuek ikonoak dituzte"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:26
msgid "Whether menus may display an icon next to a menu entry."
msgstr ""
"Menuek menu-sarreren ondoan ikonoa bistaratu behar duten ala ez adierazten "

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:30
msgid "Buttons Have Icons"
msgstr "Botoiek ikonoak dituzte"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:31
msgid "Whether buttons may display an icon in addition to the button text."
msgstr ""
"Botoiek botoiaren testuaz gain ikonoa bistaratu behar duten ala ez "
"adierazten du."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:35
msgid "Menubar Detachable"
msgstr "Menu-barra askagarria"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:36
msgid "Whether the user can detach menubars and move them around."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaileak menu-barrak askatu eta lekuz alda ditzakeen ala ez adierazten"
" du."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:40
msgid "Toolbar Detachable"
msgstr "Tresna-barra askagarria"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:41
msgid "Whether the user can detach toolbars and move them around."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaileak tresna-barrak askatu eta lekuz alda ditzakeen ala ez "
"adierazten du."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:45
msgid "Toolbar Icon Size"
msgstr "Tresna-barrako ikonoen tamaina"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:46
msgid "Size of icons in toolbars, either \"small-toolbar\" or \"large-toolbar\"."
msgstr ""
"Ikonoen tamaina tresna-barretan, \"small-toolbar\" (tresna-barra txikia) edo"
" \"large-toolbar\" (tresna-barra handia) izan daiteke."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:50
msgid "Cursor Blink"
msgstr "Kurtsorearen keinua"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:51
msgid "Whether the cursor should blink."
msgstr "Kurtsoreak keinu egin behar duen ala ez adierazten du."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:55
msgid "Cursor Blink Time"
msgstr "Kurtsorearen keinuaren denbora"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:56
msgid "Length of the cursor blink cycle, in milliseconds."
msgstr "Kurtsorearen keinu egiteko zikloaren iraupena, milisegundotan."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:60
msgid "Icon Theme"
msgstr "Ikonoen gaia"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:61
msgid "Icon theme to use for the panel, Caja etc."
msgstr "Ikonoen gaia, panelean, caja-n eta beste aplikazioetan erabiltzeko."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:65
#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:70
msgid "Gtk+ Theme"
msgstr "Gtk+ gaia"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:66
#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:71
msgid "Basename of the default theme used by gtk+."
msgstr "gtk+-ek erabiltzen duen gai lehenetsiaren oinarri-izena."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:75
msgid "List of symbolic names and color equivalents"
msgstr "Izen sinboliko eta kolore baliokideen zerrenda"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:76
msgid ""
"A '\\n' separated list of \"name:color\" as defined by the 'gtk-color-"
"scheme' setting"
msgstr ""
"'\\n' bidez banaturiko \"izena:kolorea\" zerrenda bat, 'gtk-color-scheme' "
"ezarpenak definitu bezala"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:80
msgid "Default font"
msgstr "Letra-tipo lehenetsia"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:81
msgid "Name of the default font used by gtk+."
msgstr "gtk+-ek erabiltzen duen letra-tipo lehenetsiaren izena."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:85
msgid "GTK IM Preedit Style"
msgstr "GTK IMen Preedit estiloa"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:86
msgid "Name of the GTK+ input method Preedit Style used by gtk+."
msgstr ""
"Gtk+-ek erabiltzen duen GTK+-en Preedit estiloko sarrerako metodoaren izena."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:90
msgid "GTK IM Status Style"
msgstr "GTK IM egoera estiloa"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:91
msgid "Name of the GTK+ input method Status Style used by gtk+."
msgstr ""
"Gtk+-ek erabiltzen duen GTK+-en egoera-estiloko sarrerako metodoaren izena."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:95
msgid "GTK IM Module"
msgstr "GTK IM modulua"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:96
msgid "Name of the input method module used by GTK+."
msgstr "GTK+-ek erabiltzen duen sarrerako metodoaren moduluaren izena."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:100
msgid "Use GTK3 header bar"
msgstr "Erabili GTK3 goiburu-barra"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:101
msgid ""
"Whether builtin GTK+ dialogs such as the file chooser, the color chooser or "
"the font chooser will use a header bar at the top to show action widgets, or"
" an action area at the bottom. This setting does not affect custom dialogs "
"using GtkDialog directly, or message dialogs."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:105
msgid "Use GTK3 overlay scrolling"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:106
msgid ""
"Whether built-in GTK+ scrolled windows will use overlay scrolling. Overlay "
"scrolling hides and reduces the size of the scrollbar until it gets focus."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:110
msgid "Enable Gtk toolkit-wide animations"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:111
msgid "Whether to enable toolkit-wide animations."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:115
msgid "Document font"
msgstr "Dokumentuaren letra-tipoa"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:116
msgid "Name of the default font used for reading documents."
msgstr ""
"Dokumentuak irakurtzeko erabiltzen den letra-tipo lehenetsiaren izena."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:120
msgid "Monospace font"
msgstr "Tarte bakarreko letra-tipoa"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:121
msgid ""
"Name of a monospaced (fixed-width) font for use in locations like terminals."
msgstr ""
"Helbideetan, adibidez terminaletan, erabiltzeko tarte bakarreko (zabalera "
"finkoko) letra-tipoaren izena."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:125
msgid "Use Custom Font"
msgstr "Erabili letra-tipo pertsonalizatua"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:126
msgid "Whether to use a custom font in gtk+ applications."
msgstr ""
"gtk+ aplikazioetan letra-tipo lehenetsia erabiliko den ala ez adierazten du."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:130
msgid "Status Bar on Right"
msgstr "Egoera-barra eskuinean"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:131
msgid "Whether to display a status bar meter on the right."
msgstr ""
"Egoera-barraren neurgailua eskuinean bistaratu behar den ala ez adierazten "

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:135
msgid "Module for GtkFileChooser"
msgstr "GtkFileChooser-en modulua"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:136
msgid ""
"Module to use as the filesystem model for the GtkFileChooser widget. "
"Possible values are \"gio\" and \"gtk+\"."
msgstr ""
"GtkFileChooser trepetarentzat fitxategi-sistema eredu bezala erabiltzeko "
"modulua. Balio erabilgarriak \"gio\" eta \"gtk+\" dira."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:140
msgid "Menubar accelerator"
msgstr "Menu-barra lasterbidea"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:141
msgid "Keyboard shortcut to open the menu bars."
msgstr "Menu-barrak irekitzeko teklatuaren laster-tekla."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:145
msgid "Show the 'Input Methods' menu"
msgstr "Erakutsi 'Sarrera metodoak' menua"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:146
msgid ""
"Whether the context menus of entries and text views should offer to change "
"the input method."
msgstr ""
"Sarrerako eta testuen ikuspegiko testuinguruko menuek sarrerako metodoa "
"aldatzeko aukera eman behar duten ala ez."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:150
msgid "Show the 'Unicode Control Character' menu"
msgstr "Erakutsi 'Unicode karaktere-kontrola' menua"

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:151
msgid ""
"Whether the context menus of entries and text views should offer to insert "
"control characters."
msgstr ""
"Sarrerako eta testuen ikuspegiko testuinguruko menuak kontroleko karaktereak"
" txertatzea utzi behar duen edo ez."

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:155
msgid "Titlebar layout of GTK3 client-side decorated windows"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:156
msgid ""
"This setting determines which buttons should be put in the titlebar of "
"client-side decorated windows, and whether they should be placed at the left"
" of right. See "
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:160
msgid "Use a global menubar for displaying application menus"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:161
msgid ""
"This setting determines where application menu will be displayed - in a "
"window or on a panel with MenuModel protocol. See "
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:165
msgid "Use a global menubar for displaying window menubars"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:166
msgid ""
"This setting determines where window menubars will be displayed - in a "
"window or on a panel with MenuModel protocol. See "
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:170
msgid "Only show mnemonics on when the Alt key is pressed"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:171
msgid ""
"Whether mnemonics should be automatically shown and hidden when the user "
"presses the Alt key."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:176
msgid "Window Scaling Factor"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:177
msgid ""
"This controls the GTK scale factor that maps from window coordinates to the "
"actual device pixels. On traditional systems this is 1, but on very high "
"density displays (e.g. HiDPI, Retina) this can be a higher value (often 2). "
"Set to 0 to auto-detect."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:181
msgid "Scaling Factor for QT appllications"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:182
msgid ""
"This setting determines whether MATE controls the scale factor for QT "
"applications. Enable to synchronize with the GTK scale factor when "
"initializing the session, disable to control this value elsewhere. Requires "
"restarting your session."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:186
msgid "Enable the primary paste selection"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.interface.gschema.xml:187
msgid ""
"If true, gtk+ uses the primary paste selection, usually triggered by a "
"middle mouse button click."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:5
msgid "Disable command line"
msgstr "Desgaitu komando-lerroa"

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:6
msgid ""
"Prevent the user from accessing the terminal or specifying a command line to"
" be executed. For example, this would disable access to the panel's \"Run "
"Application\" dialog."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaileak terminal bat atzitzea edo komando-lerro bat exekutatzeko "
"zehaztea eragozten du. Adibidez, honek paneleko \"Exekutatu aplikazioa\" "
"elkarrizketa-koadroa desgaitzen du."

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:10
msgid "Disable saving files to disk"
msgstr "Desgaitu fitxategiak diskoan gordetzea"

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:11
msgid ""
"Prevent the user from saving files to disk. For example, this would disable "
"access to all applications' \"Save as\" dialogs."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaileak fitxategiak diskoan gordetzea eragozten du. Adibidez, honek "
"aplikazio guztietako \"Gorde honela\" elkarrizketa-koadroak irekitzea "
"desgaitzen du."

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:15
msgid "Disable printing"
msgstr "Desgaitu inprimatzea"

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:16
msgid ""
"Prevent the user from printing. For example, this would disable access to "
"all applications' \"Print\" dialogs."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaileak inprimatzea eragozten du. Adibidez, honek aplikazio "
"guztietako \"Inprimatu\" elkarrizketa-koadroa irekitzea desgaitzen du."

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:20
msgid "Disable print setup"
msgstr "Desgaitu inprimagailuaren konfigurazioa"

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:21
msgid ""
"Prevent the user from modifying print settings. For example, this would "
"disable access to all applications' \"Print Setup\" dialogs."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaileak inprimagailuaren ezarpenak aldatzea eragozten du. Adibidez, "
"honek aplikazio guztietako \"Inprimagailuaren ezarpenak\" elkarrizketa-"
"koadroak irekitzea desgaitzen du."

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:25
msgid "Disable user switching"
msgstr "Desgaitu erabiltzailez aldatzea"

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:26
msgid ""
"Prevent the user from switching to another account while his session is "
msgstr ""
"Honek erabiltzailea beste baten kontura aldatzea saihesten du saioa aktibo "
"duen bitartean."

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:30
msgid "Disable lock screen"
msgstr "Desgaitu pantaila blokeatzea"

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:31
msgid "Prevent the user from locking the screen."
msgstr "Galarazi erabiltzaileak pantaila blokeatzea."

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:35
msgid "Disable URL and MIME type handlers"
msgstr "Desgaitu URL eta MIME mota maneiatzaileak"

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:36
msgid "Prevent running any URL or MIME type handler applications."
msgstr ""
"Galarazi edozein URL edo MIME moten aplikazio-maneiatzaileak exekutatzea."

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:40
msgid "Disable theme settings"
msgstr "Desgaitu gaiaren ezarpenak"

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:41
msgid "Prevent the user from changing theme settings."
msgstr "Galarazi erabiltzaileak gaien ezarpenak aldatzea."

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:45
msgid "Disable log out"
msgstr "Desgaitu saioaren amaiera"

#: schemas/org.mate.lockdown.gschema.xml:46
msgid "Prevent the user from logging out."
msgstr "Galarazi erabiltzaileak saioa amaitzea."

#: schemas/org.mate.sound.gschema.xml:5
msgid "Default mixer device"
msgstr "Nahasgailu lehenetsia"

#: schemas/org.mate.sound.gschema.xml:6
msgid "The default mixer device used by the multimedia key bindings."
msgstr "Multimediako laster-teklek erabiltzen duten nahasgailu lehenetsia"

#: schemas/org.mate.sound.gschema.xml:10
msgid "Default mixer tracks"
msgstr "Pista-nahasgailu lehenetsia"

#: schemas/org.mate.sound.gschema.xml:11
msgid "The default mixer tracks used by the multimedia key bindings."
msgstr ""
"Multimediako laster-teklek erabiltzen dituzten nahasgailuaren pista "

#: schemas/org.mate.sound.gschema.xml:15
msgid "Enable ESD"
msgstr "Gaitu ESD"

#: schemas/org.mate.sound.gschema.xml:16
msgid "Enable sound server startup."
msgstr "Gaitu soinu-zerbitzaria abiaraztea."

#: schemas/org.mate.sound.gschema.xml:20
msgid "Sounds for events"
msgstr "Gertaeren soinuak"

#: schemas/org.mate.sound.gschema.xml:21
msgid "Whether to play sounds on user events."
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzailearen gertaeretan soinuak erreproduzitu ala ez adierazten du."

#: schemas/org.mate.sound.gschema.xml:25
msgid "Sound theme name"
msgstr "Soinu-gaiaren izena"

#: schemas/org.mate.sound.gschema.xml:26
msgid "The XDG sound theme to use for event sounds."
msgstr "XDG soinu-gaia gertaeren soinuetan erabiltzeko."

#: schemas/org.mate.sound.gschema.xml:30
msgid "Input feedback sounds"
msgstr "Sarrerako berrelikaduren soinuak"

#: schemas/org.mate.sound.gschema.xml:31
msgid "Whether to play sounds on input events."
msgstr "Sarrerako gertaeretan soinuak erreproduzitu ala ez adierazten du."

#: schemas/org.mate.thumbnail-cache.gschema.xml:6
msgid ""
"Maximum age for thumbnails in the cache, in days. Set to -1 to disable "
msgstr ""
"Cacheko koadro txikien gehienezko antzinatasuna (egunetan). Ezarri -1 balioa"
" garbitzea desgaitzeko."

#: schemas/org.mate.thumbnail-cache.gschema.xml:10
msgid ""
"Maximum size of the thumbnail cache, in megabytes. Set to -1 to disable "
msgstr ""
"Cacheko koadro txikien gehienezko tamaina (MB). Ezarri -1 balioa garbitzea "

#: schemas/org.mate.thumbnailers.gschema.xml:5
msgid "Disable all external thumbnailers"
msgstr "Desgaitu kanpoko koadro txikitzaile guztiak"

#: schemas/org.mate.thumbnailers.gschema.xml:6
msgid ""
"Set to true to disable all external thumbnailer programs, independent on "
"whether they are independently disabled/enabled."
msgstr ""
"Ezarri egia kanpoko koadro txikitzaileen programa guztiak desgaitzeko, beren"
" kabuz gaituta/desgaituta dauden kontuan hartu gabe."

#: schemas/org.mate.thumbnailers.gschema.xml:10
msgid ""
"List of mime-types for which external thumbnailer programs will be disabled"
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.thumbnailers.gschema.xml:11
msgid ""
"Thumbnails will not be created for files whose mime-type is contained in the"
" list."
msgstr ""

#: schemas/org.mate.typing-break.gschema.xml:5
msgid "Type time"
msgstr "Idazteko denbora"

#: schemas/org.mate.typing-break.gschema.xml:6
msgid "Number of minutes of typing time before break mode starts."
msgstr "Idazteko denborako minutuak atseden-modua abiarazi aurretik."

#: schemas/org.mate.typing-break.gschema.xml:10
msgid "Break time"
msgstr "Atsedenaldia"

#: schemas/org.mate.typing-break.gschema.xml:11
msgid "Number of minutes that the typing break should last."
msgstr "Idazteko atsedenaldiak iraun behar dituen minutuak."

#: schemas/org.mate.typing-break.gschema.xml:15
msgid "Allow postponing of breaks"
msgstr "Baimendu atsedenak atzeratzea"

#: schemas/org.mate.typing-break.gschema.xml:16
msgid "Whether or not the typing break screen can be postponed."
msgstr ""
"Idazteko atsedenaldiaren pantaila atzeratu daitekeen ala ez adierazten du."

#: schemas/org.mate.typing-break.gschema.xml:20
msgid "Whether or not keyboard locking is enabled"
msgstr "Teklatuaren blokeoa gaituta dagoen ala ez adierazten du"

#: schemas/org.mate.typing-break.gschema.xml:21
msgid "Whether or not keyboard locking is enabled."
msgstr "Teklatuaren blokeoa gaituta dagoen ala ez adierazten du."

#: tools/mate-color-select.c:63 tools/mate-color-select.desktop.in:3
msgid "MATE Color Selection"
msgstr "MATE kolore-hautapena"

#: tools/mate-color-select.c:70
msgid "_Copy"
msgstr "_Kopiatu"

#: tools/mate-color-select.c:76
msgid "_Close"
msgstr "_Itxi"

#: tools/mate-color-select.desktop.in:4
msgid "Color selection dialog"
msgstr "Kolore-hautapen elkarrizketa-koadroa"

#: tools/mate-color-select.desktop.in:5
msgid "Choose colors from the palette or the screen"
msgstr "Aukeratu koloreak paleta edo pantailatik"

#. Translators: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or
#. localize the semicolons! The list MUST also end with a semicolon!
#: tools/mate-color-select.desktop.in:13
msgid "MATE;color;chooser;pick;palette;screen;selection;"
msgstr ""