============= Version 1.9.1 ============= - Removed PulseAudio dependency ============= Version 1.9.0 ============= - Removed gst-mixer and gst-mixer-applet - mate-volume-control: Port from PulseAudio to libmatemixer - mate-volume-control: Allow selecting input and output connectors - mate-volume-control: Speaker test widget now contains a Close button - mate-volume-control: Device and stream lists are now sorted - mate-volume-control-applet: Do not show icons when on a vertical panel - mate-volume-control-applet: Allow clicking in the popup window ============= Version 1.8.0 ============= - Middle click on applet toggles mute state - mate-volume-control: Allow applications list to be scrolled ============= Version 1.5.1 ============= - Add GStreamer mixer applet (from mate-applets package) ============= Version 1.5.0 ============= - Migration to GSettings - Removed gstreamer-properties and profiles (unused)