/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * * Copyright (C) 2006 Christian Hammond * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2011 Perberos * Copyright (C) 2012-2021 MATE Developers * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "engines.h" #include "stack.h" #ifdef HAVE_X11 #include #include #include #include #include #endif /* HAVE_X11 */ #define NOTIFY_STACK_SPACING 2 #define WORKAREA_PADDING 6 struct _NotifyStack { NotifyDaemon* daemon; GdkScreen* screen; GdkMonitor *monitor; NotifyStackLocation location; GList* windows; guint update_id; }; GList* notify_stack_get_windows(NotifyStack *stack) { return stack->windows; } GdkMonitor* notify_stack_get_monitor(NotifyStack *stack) { return stack->monitor; } #ifdef HAVE_X11 static gboolean get_work_area (NotifyStack *stack, GdkRectangle *rect) { Atom workarea; Atom type; Window win; int format; gulong num; gulong leftovers; long max_len = 4 * 32; guchar *ret_workarea; long *workareas; int result; int disp_screen; workarea = XInternAtom(GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY(gdk_display_get_default()), "_NET_WORKAREA", True); disp_screen = GDK_SCREEN_XNUMBER (stack->screen); /* Defaults in case of error */ rect->x = 0; rect->y = 0; rect->width = WidthOfScreen (gdk_x11_screen_get_xscreen (stack->screen)); rect->height = HeightOfScreen (gdk_x11_screen_get_xscreen (stack->screen)); if (workarea == None) return FALSE; win = XRootWindow(GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY(gdk_display_get_default()), disp_screen); result = XGetWindowProperty(GDK_DISPLAY_XDISPLAY(gdk_display_get_default()), win, workarea, 0, max_len, False, AnyPropertyType, &type, &format, &num, &leftovers, &ret_workarea); if (result != Success || type == None || format == 0 || leftovers || num % 4) { return FALSE; } workareas = (long *) ret_workarea; rect->x = (int) workareas[disp_screen * 4]; rect->y = (int) workareas[disp_screen * 4 + 1]; rect->width = (int) workareas[disp_screen * 4 + 2]; rect->height = (int) workareas[disp_screen * 4 + 3]; XFree (ret_workarea); return TRUE; } #endif /* HAVE_X11 */ static void get_origin_coordinates (NotifyStackLocation stack_location, GdkRectangle *workarea, gint *x, gint *y, gint *shiftx, gint *shifty, gint width, gint height) { switch (stack_location) { case NOTIFY_STACK_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT: *x = workarea->x; *y = workarea->y; *shifty = height; break; case NOTIFY_STACK_LOCATION_TOP_RIGHT: *x = workarea->x + workarea->width - width; *y = workarea->y; *shifty = height; break; case NOTIFY_STACK_LOCATION_BOTTOM_LEFT: *x = workarea->x; *y = workarea->y + workarea->height - height; break; case NOTIFY_STACK_LOCATION_BOTTOM_RIGHT: *x = workarea->x + workarea->width - width; *y = workarea->y + workarea->height - height; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } static void translate_coordinates (NotifyStackLocation stack_location, GdkRectangle *workarea, gint *x, gint *y, gint *shiftx, gint *shifty, gint width, gint height) { switch (stack_location) { case NOTIFY_STACK_LOCATION_TOP_LEFT: *x = workarea->x; *y += *shifty; *shifty = height; break; case NOTIFY_STACK_LOCATION_TOP_RIGHT: *x = workarea->x + workarea->width - width; *y += *shifty; *shifty = height; break; case NOTIFY_STACK_LOCATION_BOTTOM_LEFT: *x = workarea->x; *y -= height; break; case NOTIFY_STACK_LOCATION_BOTTOM_RIGHT: *x = workarea->x + workarea->width - width; *y -= height; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } static int _gtk_get_monitor_num (GdkMonitor *monitor) { GdkDisplay *display; int n_monitors, i; display = gdk_monitor_get_display(monitor); n_monitors = gdk_display_get_n_monitors(display); for(i = 0; i < n_monitors; i++) { if (gdk_display_get_monitor(display, i) == monitor) return i; } return -1; } NotifyStack * notify_stack_new (NotifyDaemon *daemon, GdkScreen *screen, GdkMonitor *monitor, NotifyStackLocation location) { NotifyStack *stack; GdkDisplay *display; display = gdk_screen_get_display (screen); g_assert (daemon != NULL); g_assert (screen != NULL && GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)); g_assert ((guint)_gtk_get_monitor_num (monitor) < (guint)gdk_display_get_n_monitors (display)); g_assert (location != NOTIFY_STACK_LOCATION_UNKNOWN); stack = g_new0 (NotifyStack, 1); stack->daemon = daemon; stack->screen = screen; stack->monitor = monitor; stack->location = location; return stack; } void notify_stack_destroy (NotifyStack *stack) { GList* l; g_assert (stack != NULL); if (stack->update_id != 0) { g_source_remove (stack->update_id); } for (l = stack->windows; l != NULL; l = l->next) { GtkWindow *nw = GTK_WINDOW (l->data); g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_data(G_OBJECT(nw), stack); } g_list_free (stack->windows); g_free (stack); } void notify_stack_set_location (NotifyStack *stack, NotifyStackLocation location) { stack->location = location; } static void add_padding_to_rect (GdkRectangle *rect) { rect->x += WORKAREA_PADDING; rect->y += WORKAREA_PADDING; rect->width -= WORKAREA_PADDING * 2; rect->height -= WORKAREA_PADDING * 2; if (rect->width < 0) rect->width = 0; if (rect->height < 0) rect->height = 0; } static void notify_stack_shift_notifications (NotifyStack *stack, GtkWindow *nw, GList **nw_l, gint init_width, gint init_height, gint *nw_x, gint *nw_y) { GdkRectangle workarea; GdkRectangle monitor; GdkRectangle *positions; GList *l; gint x, y; gint shiftx = 0; gint shifty = 0; guint i; guint n_wins; gdk_monitor_get_geometry (stack->monitor, &monitor); #ifdef HAVE_X11 if (GDK_IS_X11_DISPLAY (gdk_display_get_default ())) { get_work_area (stack, &workarea); gdk_rectangle_intersect (&monitor, &workarea, &workarea); } else #endif { /* Not using X11 */ workarea = monitor; } add_padding_to_rect (&workarea); n_wins = g_list_length (stack->windows); positions = g_new0 (GdkRectangle, n_wins); get_origin_coordinates (stack->location, &workarea, &x, &y, &shiftx, &shifty, init_width, init_height); if (nw_x != NULL) *nw_x = x; if (nw_y != NULL) *nw_y = y; for (i = 0, l = stack->windows; l != NULL; i++, l = l->next) { GtkWindow *nw2 = GTK_WINDOW (l->data); GtkRequisition req; if (nw == NULL || nw2 != nw) { gtk_widget_get_preferred_size (GTK_WIDGET (nw2), NULL, &req); translate_coordinates (stack->location, &workarea, &x, &y, &shiftx, &shifty, req.width, req.height + NOTIFY_STACK_SPACING); positions[i].x = x; positions[i].y = y; } else if (nw_l != NULL) { *nw_l = l; positions[i].x = -1; positions[i].y = -1; } } /* move bubbles at the bottom of the stack first to avoid overlapping */ for (i = n_wins - 1, l = g_list_last (stack->windows); l != NULL; i--, l = l->prev) { GtkWindow *nw2 = GTK_WINDOW (l->data); if (nw == NULL || nw2 != nw) { theme_move_notification (nw2, positions[i].x, positions[i].y); } } g_free (positions); } static void update_position(NotifyStack* stack) { /* notify_stack_shift_notifications(stack, window, list pointer, init width, init height, out window x, out window y) */ notify_stack_shift_notifications (stack, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); } static gboolean update_position_idle(NotifyStack* stack) { update_position(stack); stack->update_id = 0; return FALSE; } void notify_stack_queue_update_position(NotifyStack* stack) { if (stack->update_id != 0) { return; } stack->update_id = g_idle_add((GSourceFunc) update_position_idle, stack); } void notify_stack_add_window(NotifyStack* stack, GtkWindow* nw, gboolean new_notification) { GtkRequisition req; gint x, y; gtk_widget_get_preferred_size(GTK_WIDGET(nw), NULL, &req); notify_stack_shift_notifications(stack, nw, NULL, req.width, req.height + NOTIFY_STACK_SPACING, &x, &y); theme_move_notification(nw, x, y); if (new_notification) { g_signal_connect_swapped(G_OBJECT(nw), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(notify_stack_remove_window), stack); stack->windows = g_list_prepend(stack->windows, nw); } } void notify_stack_remove_window(NotifyStack* stack, GtkWindow* nw) { GList* remove_l = NULL; notify_stack_shift_notifications(stack, nw, &remove_l, 0, 0, NULL, NULL); if (remove_l != NULL) { stack->windows = g_list_delete_link(stack->windows, remove_l); } if (gtk_widget_get_realized(GTK_WIDGET(nw))) gtk_widget_unrealize(GTK_WIDGET(nw)); }