 * clock.c
 * A GTK+ widget that implements a clock face
 * (c) 2007, Peter Teichman
 * (c) 2005-2006, Davyd Madeley
 * Authors:
 *   Davyd Madeley  <davyd@madeley.id.au>
 *   Peter Teichman <peter@novell.com>

#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <librsvg/rsvg.h>

#include "clock-face.h"
#include "clock-location.h"

static GHashTable *pixbuf_cache = NULL;


G_DEFINE_TYPE (ClockFace, clock_face, GTK_TYPE_WIDGET)

static void clock_face_finalize (GObject *);
#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0)
static gboolean clock_face_draw (GtkWidget *clock, cairo_t *cr);
static void clock_face_get_preferred_width (GtkWidget *widget, gint *minimum_width, gint *natural_width);
static void clock_face_get_preferred_height (GtkWidget *widget, gint *minimum_height, gint *natural_height);
static gboolean clock_face_expose (GtkWidget *clock, GdkEventExpose *event);
static void clock_face_size_request (GtkWidget *clock,
				     GtkRequisition *requisition);
static void clock_face_size_allocate (GtkWidget     *clock,
				      GtkAllocation *allocation);

static void update_time_and_face (ClockFace *this,
                                  gboolean   force_face_loading);
static void clock_face_load_face (ClockFace *this,
				  gint width, gint height);

typedef struct _ClockFacePrivate ClockFacePrivate;

typedef enum {
} ClockFaceTimeOfDay;

struct _ClockFacePrivate
        struct tm time; /* the time on the clock face */
        int minute_offset; /* the offset of the minutes hand */

        ClockFaceSize size;
	ClockFaceTimeOfDay timeofday;
        ClockLocation *location;
        GdkPixbuf *face_pixbuf;
        GtkWidget *size_widget;

static void
clock_face_class_init (ClockFaceClass *class)
        GObjectClass *obj_class;
        GtkWidgetClass *widget_class;

        obj_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class);
        widget_class = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (class);

        /* GtkWidget signals */
#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0)
        widget_class->draw = clock_face_draw;
        widget_class->get_preferred_width  = clock_face_get_preferred_width;
        widget_class->get_preferred_height = clock_face_get_preferred_height;
        widget_class->size_request = clock_face_size_request;
        widget_class->expose_event = clock_face_expose;
        widget_class->size_allocate = clock_face_size_allocate;

        /* GObject signals */
        obj_class->finalize = clock_face_finalize;

        g_type_class_add_private (obj_class, sizeof (ClockFacePrivate));

static void
clock_face_init (ClockFace *this)
        ClockFacePrivate *priv = CLOCK_FACE_GET_PRIVATE (this);

        priv->size = CLOCK_FACE_SMALL;
        priv->timeofday = CLOCK_FACE_INVALID;
        priv->location = NULL;
        priv->size_widget = NULL;

        gtk_widget_set_has_window (GTK_WIDGET (this), FALSE);

#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0)
static gboolean
clock_face_draw (GtkWidget *this, cairo_t *cr)
static void
draw (GtkWidget *this, cairo_t *cr)
        ClockFacePrivate *priv;
#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0)
        int width, height;
        GtkAllocation allocation;
        double x, y;
        double radius;
        int hours, minutes, seconds;

        /* Hand lengths as a multiple of the clock radius */
        double hour_length, min_length, sec_length;

        priv = CLOCK_FACE_GET_PRIVATE (this);

#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0)
        if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (clock_face_parent_class)->draw)
            GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (clock_face_parent_class)->draw (this, cr);

        if (priv->size == CLOCK_FACE_LARGE) {
                hour_length = 0.45;
                min_length = 0.6;
                sec_length = 0.65;
        } else {
                hour_length = 0.5;
                min_length = 0.7;
                sec_length = 0.8;   /* not drawn currently */

#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0)
        width = gtk_widget_get_allocated_width (this);
        height = gtk_widget_get_allocated_width (this);
        x = width / 2;
        y = height / 2;
        radius = MIN (width / 2, height / 2) - 5;

        /* clock back */
        if (priv->face_pixbuf) {
                cairo_save (cr);
                gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (cr, priv->face_pixbuf, 0, 0);
                cairo_paint (cr);
                cairo_restore (cr);
        gtk_widget_get_allocation (this, &allocation);

        x = allocation.x + allocation.width / 2;
        y = allocation.y + allocation.height / 2;
        radius = MIN (allocation.width / 2,
                      allocation.height / 2) - 5;

        cairo_save (cr);
        cairo_translate (cr, allocation.x, allocation.y);

        /* clock back */
        if (priv->face_pixbuf) {
                GdkWindow *window = gtk_widget_get_window (this);
		gdk_draw_pixbuf (GDK_DRAWABLE (window),
				 0, 0,
				 GDK_RGB_DITHER_NONE, 0, 0);

        cairo_restore (cr);

        /* clock hands */
        hours = priv->time.tm_hour;
        minutes = priv->time.tm_min + priv->minute_offset;
        seconds = priv->time.tm_sec;

        cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1);

        /* hour hand:
         * the hour hand is rotated 30 degrees (pi/6 r) per hour +
         * 1/2 a degree (pi/360 r) per minute
        cairo_save (cr);
        cairo_move_to (cr, x, y);
        cairo_line_to (cr, x + radius * hour_length * sin (M_PI / 6 * hours +
                                                           M_PI / 360 * minutes),
                           y + radius * hour_length * -cos (M_PI / 6 * hours +
                                                            M_PI / 360 * minutes));
        cairo_stroke (cr);
        cairo_restore (cr);
        /* minute hand:
         * the minute hand is rotated 6 degrees (pi/30 r) per minute
        cairo_move_to (cr, x, y);
        cairo_line_to (cr, x + radius * min_length * sin (M_PI / 30 * minutes),
                           y + radius * min_length * -cos (M_PI / 30 * minutes));
        cairo_stroke (cr);

        /* seconds hand:
         * operates identically to the minute hand
        if (priv->size == CLOCK_FACE_LARGE) {
                cairo_save (cr);
                cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.937, 0.161, 0.161); /* tango red */
                cairo_move_to (cr, x, y);
                cairo_line_to (cr, x + radius * sec_length * sin (M_PI / 30 * seconds),
                               y + radius * sec_length * -cos (M_PI / 30 * seconds));
                cairo_stroke (cr);
                cairo_restore (cr);
#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0)
        return FALSE;

#if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0)
static gboolean
clock_face_expose (GtkWidget *this, GdkEventExpose *event)
        cairo_t *cr;

        /* get a cairo_t */
        cr = gdk_cairo_create (gtk_widget_get_window (this));

        cairo_rectangle (cr,
			 event->area.x, event->area.y,
			 event->area.width, event->area.height);
        cairo_clip (cr);

        draw (this, cr);

        cairo_destroy (cr);

        return FALSE;

static void
clock_face_redraw_canvas (ClockFace *this)
        gtk_widget_queue_draw (GTK_WIDGET (this));

static void
clock_face_size_request (GtkWidget *this,
			 GtkRequisition *requisition)
        ClockFacePrivate *priv = CLOCK_FACE_GET_PRIVATE (this);

        if (priv->size_widget != NULL) {
                GtkRequisition req;

                /* Tie our size to the height of the size_widget */
#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0)
                gtk_widget_get_preferred_size (GTK_WIDGET (priv->size_widget), &req, NULL);
                gtk_widget_size_request (GTK_WIDGET (priv->size_widget), &req);

                /* Pad out our height by a little bit - this improves
                   the balance */
                requisition->width = req.height + req.height / 8;
                requisition->height = req.height + req.height / 8;
        } else if (priv->face_pixbuf != NULL) {
                int w, h;

                /* Use the size of the current pixbuf */
                w = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (GDK_PIXBUF (priv->face_pixbuf));
                h = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (GDK_PIXBUF (priv->face_pixbuf));

                requisition->width = w;
                requisition->height = h;
        } else {
                /* we don't know anything, so use known dimensions for the svg
                 * files */
                if (priv->size == CLOCK_FACE_LARGE) {
                        requisition->width = 50;
                        requisition->height = 50;
                } else {
                        requisition->width = 36;
                        requisition->height = 36;

#if GTK_CHECK_VERSION (3, 0, 0)
static void
clock_face_get_preferred_width (GtkWidget *widget,
                                gint *minimum_width,
                                gint *natural_width)
        GtkRequisition req;
        clock_face_size_request (widget, &req);
        *minimum_width = *natural_width = req.width;

static void
clock_face_get_preferred_height (GtkWidget *widget,
                                 gint *minimum_height,
                                 gint *natural_height)
        GtkRequisition req;
        clock_face_size_request (widget, &req);
        *minimum_height = *natural_height = req.height;

static void
clock_face_size_allocate (GtkWidget     *this,
                          GtkAllocation *allocation)
        GtkAllocation this_allocation;
        GtkAllocation old_allocation;

        gtk_widget_get_allocation (this, &this_allocation);

        old_allocation.width = this_allocation.width;
        old_allocation.height = this_allocation.height;

        if (GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (clock_face_parent_class)->size_allocate)
                GTK_WIDGET_CLASS (clock_face_parent_class)->size_allocate (this, allocation);

        if (old_allocation.width  == allocation->width &&
            old_allocation.height == allocation->height)

        /* Reload the face for the new size */
        update_time_and_face (CLOCK_FACE (this), TRUE);

static void
update_time_and_face (ClockFace *this,
                      gboolean   force_face_loading)
        ClockFacePrivate *priv;
	ClockFaceTimeOfDay timeofday;

        priv = CLOCK_FACE_GET_PRIVATE (this);

        /* update the time */
        if (priv->location) {
                clock_location_localtime (priv->location, &priv->time);
        } else {
                time_t timet;
                time (&timet);
                localtime_r (&timet, &priv->time);

	/* FIXME  this should be a pref in gsetting
         * Or we could use some code from clock-sun.c?
         * currently we hardcode
         * morning 7-9
         * day 9-17
         * evening 17-22
         * night 22-7
	if (priv->time.tm_hour < 7)
		timeofday = CLOCK_FACE_NIGHT;
	else if (priv->time.tm_hour < 9)
		timeofday = CLOCK_FACE_MORNING;
	else if (priv->time.tm_hour < 17)
		timeofday = CLOCK_FACE_DAY;
	else if (priv->time.tm_hour < 22)
		timeofday = CLOCK_FACE_EVENING;
		timeofday = CLOCK_FACE_NIGHT;

	if (priv->timeofday != timeofday || force_face_loading) {
                GtkAllocation allocation;
		gint width, height;

		priv->timeofday = timeofday;

                gtk_widget_get_allocation (GTK_WIDGET (this), &allocation);

		width = allocation.width;
		height = allocation.height;

                /* Only load the pixbuf if we have some space allocated.
                 * Note that 1x1 is not really some space... */
		if (width > 1 && height > 1)
                        clock_face_load_face (this, width, height);

clock_face_refresh (ClockFace *this)
	update_time_and_face (this, FALSE);
        clock_face_redraw_canvas (this);

        return TRUE; /* keep running this event */

GtkWidget *
clock_face_new (ClockFaceSize size)
        GObject *obj = g_object_new (INTL_TYPE_CLOCK_FACE, NULL);
        ClockFacePrivate *priv = CLOCK_FACE_GET_PRIVATE (obj);

        priv->size = size;

        return GTK_WIDGET (obj);

GtkWidget *
clock_face_new_with_location (ClockFaceSize size,
			      ClockLocation *loc,
			      GtkWidget *size_widget)
        GObject *obj = g_object_new (INTL_TYPE_CLOCK_FACE, NULL);
        ClockFacePrivate *priv = CLOCK_FACE_GET_PRIVATE (obj);

        priv->size = size;
        priv->location = g_object_ref (loc);
        priv->size_widget = g_object_ref (size_widget);

        return GTK_WIDGET (obj);

static void
clock_face_finalize (GObject *obj)
        ClockFacePrivate *priv = CLOCK_FACE_GET_PRIVATE (obj);

        if (priv->location) {
                g_object_unref (priv->location);
                priv->location = NULL;

        if (priv->face_pixbuf) {
                g_object_unref (priv->face_pixbuf);
                priv->face_pixbuf = NULL;

        if (priv->size_widget) {
                g_object_unref (priv->size_widget);
                priv->size_widget = NULL;

        G_OBJECT_CLASS (clock_face_parent_class)->finalize (obj);

        if (pixbuf_cache && g_hash_table_size (pixbuf_cache) == 0) {
                g_hash_table_destroy (pixbuf_cache);
                pixbuf_cache = NULL;

/* The pixbuf is being disposed, so remove it from the cache */
static void
remove_pixbuf_from_cache (const char *key,
                          GObject    *pixbuf)
        g_hash_table_remove (pixbuf_cache, key);

static void
clock_face_load_face (ClockFace *this, gint width, gint height)
        ClockFacePrivate *priv = CLOCK_FACE_GET_PRIVATE (this);
	const gchar *size_string[2] = { "small", "large" };
        const gchar *daytime_string[4] = { "morning", "day", "evening", "night" };
	gchar *cache_name;
	gchar *name;

        if (!pixbuf_cache)
                pixbuf_cache = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal,
                                                      g_free, NULL);

        if (priv->face_pixbuf != NULL) {
                /* This might empty the cache, but it's useless to destroy
                 * it since this object is still alive and might add another
                 * pixbuf in the cache later (eg, a few lines below) */
                g_object_unref (priv->face_pixbuf);
                priv->face_pixbuf = NULL;

        /* Look for the pixbuf in the process-wide cache first */
        cache_name = g_strdup_printf ("%d-%d-%d-%d",
                                      priv->size, priv->timeofday,
                                      width, height);

        priv->face_pixbuf = g_hash_table_lookup (pixbuf_cache, cache_name);
        if (priv->face_pixbuf) {
                g_object_ref (priv->face_pixbuf);

        /* The pixbuf is not cached, let's load it */
	name = g_strconcat (ICONDIR, "/clock-face-", size_string[priv->size],
                            "-", daytime_string[priv->timeofday], ".svg",
	priv->face_pixbuf = rsvg_pixbuf_from_file_at_size (name,
                                                           width, height,
	g_free (name);

	if (!priv->face_pixbuf) {
                name = g_strconcat (ICONDIR, "/clock-face-",
                                    size_string[priv->size], ".svg", NULL);
                priv->face_pixbuf = rsvg_pixbuf_from_file_at_size (name,
                g_free (name);

        /* Save the found pixbuf in the cache */
        if (priv->face_pixbuf) {
                g_hash_table_replace (pixbuf_cache,
                                      cache_name, priv->face_pixbuf);
                /* This will handle automatic removal from the cache when
                 * the pixbuf isn't needed anymore */
                g_object_weak_ref (G_OBJECT (priv->face_pixbuf),
                                   (GWeakNotify) remove_pixbuf_from_cache,
        } else
                g_free (cache_name);