<schemalist gettext-domain="@GETTEXT_PACKAGE@"> <schema id="org.mate.panel.object"> <key name="object-type" enum="org.mate.panel.PanelObjectType"> <default>'launcher'</default> <_summary>Panel object type</_summary> <_description>The type of this panel object.</_description> </key> <key name="toplevel-id" type="s"> <default>''</default> <_summary>Toplevel panel containing object</_summary> <_description>The identifier of the toplevel panel which contains this object.</_description> </key> <key name="position" type="i"> <default>0</default> <_summary>Object's position on the panel</_summary> <_description>The position of this panel object. The position is specified by the number of pixels from the left (or top if vertical) panel edge.</_description> </key> <key name="panel-right-stick" type="b"> <default>false</default> <_summary>Interpret position relative to bottom/right edge</_summary> <_description>If true, the position of the object is interpreted relative to the right (or bottom if vertical) edge of the panel.</_description> </key> <key name="locked" type="b"> <default>false</default> <_summary>Lock the object to the panel</_summary> <_description>If true, the user may not move the applet without first unlocking the object using the "Unlock" menuitem.</_description> </key> <key name="applet-iid" type="s"> <default>''</default> <_summary>Applet IID</_summary> <_description>The implementation ID of the applet - e.g. "ClockAppletFactory::ClockApplet". This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "external-applet" (or the deprecated "matecomponent-applet").</_description> </key> <key name="attached-toplevel-id" type="s"> <default>''</default> <_summary>Panel attached to drawer</_summary> <_description>The identifier of the panel attached to this drawer. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "drawer-object".</_description> </key> <key name="tooltip" type="s"> <default>''</default> <_summary>Tooltip displayed for drawer or menu</_summary> <_description>The text to display in a tooltip for this drawer or this menu. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "drawer-object" or "menu-object".</_description> </key> <key name="use-custom-icon" type="b"> <default>false</default> <_summary>Use custom icon for object's button</_summary> <_description>If true, the custom_icon key is used as a custom icon for the button. If false, the custom_icon key is ignored. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "menu-object" or "drawer-object".</_description> </key> <key name="custom-icon" type="s"> <default>''</default> <_summary>Icon used for object's button</_summary> <_description>The location of the image file used as the icon for the object's button. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "drawer-object" or "menu-object" and the use_custom_icon key is true.</_description> </key> <key name="use-menu-path" type="b"> <default>false</default> <_summary>Use custom path for menu contents</_summary> <_description>If true, the menu_path key is used as the path from which the menu contents should be constructed. If false, the menu_path key is ignored. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "menu-object".</_description> </key> <key name="menu-path" type="s"> <default>'applications:/'</default> <_summary>Menu content path</_summary> <_description>The path from which the menu contents is contructed. This key is only relevant if the use_menu_path key is true and the object_type key is "menu-object".</_description> </key> <key name="has-arrow" type="b"> <default>true</default> <_summary>Draw arrow in menu button</_summary> <_description>If true, an arrow is drawn over the menu button icon. If false, menu button has only the icon.</_description> </key> <key name="launcher-location" type="s"> <default>''</default> <_summary>Launcher location</_summary> <_description>The location of the .desktop file describing the launcher. This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "launcher-object".</_description> </key> <key name="action-type" enum="org.mate.panel.PanelActionButtonType"> <default>'none'</default> <_summary>Action button type</_summary> <_description>The action type this button represents. Possible values are "lock", "logout", "run", "search" and "screenshot". This key is only relevant if the object_type key is "action-applet".</_description> </key> </schema> </schemalist>